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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. shibatku

    Tekken 4!

    I haven't played it but I want to it sounds cool.
  2. They should add deffrent colors to it Im with Sephiroth I voted for the red I should have voted for silver.
  3. I agree with James it will probaly not come out on PSX ionly on the systems that James mentoned.
  4. Well I have to buy a translater card for the imports games I will soon and then I'll get that game it sounds sweet.
  5. I've played the game and I made it to the last level but I had to take it back. What level are you on if your on the one where you have to deaal with the Bombs being dropped you should try the level with a hyper hammer.
  6. I know their trying to make it perfect and great graphics and their getting to a point that it is to graphical.
  7. Well you can always get the right answers here on the boards by someone.
  8. They dont cancel each other out Goku is better, but it doesn't matter if they cancel each other out because it will always be opinionated.
  9. Well Im with Shyguy I think cartoon fasination(spelling) is bad but she looked better with the long hair.
  10. I agree with Transic Nerve on this one you are a little to much into DBZ if you ask something like that. Anyway the kid would be unaturally powerful. The kid would be the most powerfulest person in the universe with training or not.
  11. Yeah I saw the cell one but I didn't get to see the Raditz one, I saw the movie(The Tree of Might) but not the episode.
  12. The crowd doesn't get attacked, doesn't get near there during the tournament Mr. Satan(Hercule) wins and he pays Android 18 off for twice the prize money.
  13. I dont really need info since Ii either see what I need ever so often n this board I really dont need info. But when I do I would usually get it from Lady Macaidoth(Spelling) or Sephiroth, and Altron Gundam
  14. Well I think that the suit is stupid also. Well at least he got rid of that helmet.
  15. Oh I'm not that far in the episodes yet but thanks.... Herman Nation please stick to the topic
  16. Goku is the best not Vegita Goku wil always be the best.
  17. I also have thats called: Saiyan Warrior Strike and Inner Beam Punch
  18. Oh k. Well I guess thats how it happened.
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