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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Ii beleive twice. Maybe more but I think its twice.
  2. shibatku


    O.K. now its clear.
  3. When did Freiza kill Vegeta?
  4. Yeah right Vegeta:therock: ha dont make me laugh.
  5. Thats wierd I would think that if your on there you could at least show up.
  6. Well Vegita looks cool, But I prefer Gouku better.
  7. yeah I saw it to, they should try to not block out all the gory parts but kids watch it.
  8. Vegita trys to hard to be the best, Goku looks cool and Vedita does to but Goku to my OPINION is the best.
  9. The PS2 has good graphics and can play dvd's but it should have some more add-ons like The Mp3 idea or stuff like that you can use a mouse on the PS2 for designing on Armored Core 2.
  10. You could do the same or add a little excitment to it. Of course whatever you choose will be great but that's my thoughts.
  11. Goku is the best and will be triumphant and thats my thought.
  12. I've seen the whole Frieza Saga and the thinking was taking just to long I adnmit the thinking is o.k. for a while to much is boring.
  13. Why would the thinking be good its okay for a limit but it is so boring after a while, the battle is the best part and how does this help Gohan he learns in the Hyperbolic time chamber and it may help but not much he does it with his fathers help.
  14. I just read that he kills Shenron and absords the db's.(Dragonballs)
  15. I saw the episode today and the person I thought would win actually wins(Whos seen it that didn't know before today)
  16. Goku is the best and I'll comment no further on this subect becase the cuteness doesn't matter you can swoon over the pix but you need a reality check.
  17. I've heard good thing about it and I've seen things about it but I self-teach myself because you can't have a trainer if you want to be your best you must become your best and then you can borrow moves.:mrt: :mrt: :mrt: :mrt:
  18. Yeah right Goku die even if he did he would just come back again somehow, I haven't seen it but Goku probaly doesnt die Goku is the best.
  19. The fighting is cool of course the to musch thinking is not good but the fight shoould last as long as possible within certain limits.
  20. The price almost everywhere is still $299.95 hopefully it will be lower soon I want one for myself, well I have one it just not mine right now.(brother)
  21. My favorite PS2 games are Armored Core 2, GT3, Onimusha, and Armored Core 2: Another Age.
  22. I know they are all so confident they'll win, but they end up losing.
  23. I wonder why every one doesnt like DragonballZman? Heck I dont dislike any of them.
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