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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Ok So I checked and watched and My new standings are: Son Gokou Vegeta-sama Son Gohan Chibi Trunks
  2. shibatku


    unless Epoc(mischieflink) has a good reason hes dead. Post your reason on the board if you want to continue.
  3. Vigetto is not the best hes just pretty good. Not the best.
  4. I dont think they hate you well maybe some of them but some just guess at the voting.
  5. shibatku


    * shibatku energizes to to 3/4 full power and sends a energy ball right through him* If he doesnt reply in 10 minutes he is totally dead not just severly injured*
  6. Thanks now I know what it means for sure. :p
  7. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku powers up to half power and appears beside ssj gotenks to help*
  8. shibatku


    Kasuke I didnt kick you I kicked Epoc* Shiba Tku shots a energy ball at Epoc and it hits the dirt in front of him blinding him.*
  9. *then the kids get locked up by the cops*
  10. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku appears behind Epoc as he kicks Kasuke and kicks him in the back sending him to the ground*
  11. shibatku


    no really I have to go * shiba Tku appears and says," You r pretty good But well see your true potenial and punches epoc in the face and says ill be back tommorrow.*
  12. shibatku


    Ill se you later ssj gotenks pm me gotta go k* Shiba Tku apperars for a short moment and appears behinf Epoc and shots a Kamehameha Wave right throgh him and disapears* c-ya
  13. shibatku


    * then ssj gotenks leaves and Shiba Ttku says,"I'll be back tommorrow count on it", and teleports away* Ill see you later i have to get off bye
  14. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku teleports to ssj gotenks and heals him fully and they both attack Epoc*
  15. shibatku


    *then Shib Tku gets up and teleports behind Epoc and fires a Kamehameha Wave through his back then telports to the ground and hit the blast back sending it throgh him again and into space.*
  16. shibatku


    *then he redirects it at Epoc*
  17. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku jumps and begins to destroy the land they are on wth a huge ball of fire and fires it directly at ssj gotenks*
  18. *The guy picks up all the kids telepathically and telepoerts to the nearst daycare.(no clue where)*
  19. shibatku


    well I have some time so lets continue.* Shiba Tku appears behind ssj4 gotenks and fires a Kame ha Me ha wave at him*
  20. shibatku


    hey ill be back tommorrow but until then can you not continue on this is you do its fine but ill be back* Shiba Tku looks at SSj Gotenks and jmps high in the air and says "C-ya , I'll be back count on it, and he disappears.*
  21. shibatku


    shibatku takes him and twirls him and drops him to the ground. :p
  22. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku moves away and throws a smoke bomb at ssj chic and appears behind her and throws a net over her and jumps to a tree limb*
  23. *There is a man is the forest training and while he trains there is someone wathcing him from above* taht should be easy to add on to. :p
  24. shibatku


    *Shiba Tku takes a marble and throws it and knocks ssj chic flat.*
  25. Its close between Warlock and DragonballZman, who voted against sephiroth hes cool.
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