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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Goku can beat anybody hes the best and for my option he always will be.
  2. Hel probaly wont because you can tell that the mystic ability once he got it he wont transform anymore.
  3. He'll be defeated by Goku or his son Because the Goku Legacy Rocks. All of Ggoku family is very strong( except Chi-Chi). Majin Boo will die and the Z fighters will rule over all.
  4. The vidoes are sweet and they should make a lot more of them. :flaming:
  5. Red shows power strength and all that its the best for the higher power levels.:flaming:
  6. Saiyans dont need glasses ora haircut or to shave or to do anything thay are what they are perfect. Except Vegeta hes to confident He'll always win.
  7. Dragonball Z is the best because they all turn super saiyan and Gokus the best out of both and dont forget that.:flaming:
  8. :flaming: Goku is the best face it Vegetas to overthought he's not the best and never will be.
  9. :flaming: I think Goku would win and Gohan second, Trunks third, and Vegeta last. They're all cool but Goku was the best he could be again someday. Namek Dragonballs?
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