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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. shibatku


    Broly is awesome. The movie was great. I still can't believe that energy transfer worked. Broly was so winning. I can't wait for Taiketsu to come out. That game will be awesome. You get to play as Broly.
  2. -you try to use the kamehameha on bad guys -you make a aol disc into a destructo disc -you attempt to use a tons of paperballs to try to destroy your teacher
  3. Definatly Crim he would win by far. Well then again Sora's good to, but it would be a good fight if they went head on an used there full strength.
  4. I like the fact that you can be like its on the internet and not be on, but they should make it internet accessable so you can get on if you wanted to. Its a pretty good game so far can't wait till pt.3 comes out.
  5. Well there are more DBZ movies. I don't know why your crying about that their isn't anymore because they came out with 13 recently and there is more on the way. If you want them that bad just go on e-bay and you can find the *** version subs. The real live one Beckett did a little thing on the movie if it came out. No one knows when or if it will actually come out.
  6. Yeah I am waiting for the last eps to come out. I'll be glad when they do come out. I also can't wait till gt comes out.
  7. Shibatku Night Mage Level 6 ATK:3100 DEF:2600 Effect:When this card is attcked, flip a coin and call it. I f you call it right then you this monster dies. If you call it wrong, then your opponents monster can't attack this monster the next turn.
  8. My favorite card to use is Man-eater bug! Its a great card. I also like Red Eyes Black Dragon and metal morph. Harpies Pet dragons cool too.
  9. Well now that they have come out with the ep that kid Buu dies. I am waiting for the last eps of the saga. They are probaly going to make like a special one for the last eps. The Price of Victory is out and I wonder what will be next?
  10. Why would it be a mockery of Akira's work? I mean the series is great. Akira's work was used on the thing so how really can it be a mockery of it unless he himself meant it to be. I really haven't seen the series to much, but what I have seen I liked. Especially SSJ4, who could not saw that SSJ4 is cool. Thats not a mockery of Akira. So I agree with S@bretooth that it was Akira's work.
  11. Vegeta wondered how Goku did it and he tried to learn by himself. He learned to do it, cut he couldn't do it very well because he hadn't been taught. He learned the very basics of it and eventually got the hang of it and got better, but he wondered how Goku did it and then he wanted to do it.
  12. God bless us one and all.......O.k. so that was a little corny, but still MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! They should have a christmas ep of Yu-gi-oh that when they continue the series after that ep it doesn't effect the current fights between people. Make the thing were they all are like basically friends, but still have there attitudes and have them use special christmas cards.(Now that one was funny.....come on.....no.....laughing.....awl to bad)
  13. I can't wait to get it. I won't be getting a PS2 until christmas, but then again that didn't stop me from buying FFX. I might just have to get it and then just wait until I get my PS2, but it looks good.
  14. I thought it was funny that Vegeta's suiside didn't even kill Buu. Vegeta's an idiot. If he can't be killed by blasting a hole through him then why could he just pull himself back together after being blown up. Goku would at least fought and figured a better way to do that without killing himself(I know he was dead, but thats not the point) Goku didn't even get the chance to fight him first. At least Goku could have used SSJ3 and done some damage before the others just made Buu mad. Then Buu went on the killing spree. To bad they didn't have the earrings before he went to super Buu, then Buu would have died right there, but then were would the story be.
  15. He could have just done what Cell did. Cell just needed to see the attack and he could use it. Like he used the Kamehameha several time and he didn't even learn it he just saw then use it on him and he learned it. So thats probaly why he was able to use it.
  16. Yeah Dr. Gero got screwed everytime. He didn't really succeed because he kept getting killed by people. That would suck, you almost succeed and then someone kills you and you come back again and you get killed again and so forth. Sorta feel sorry for him.......HHHHHAAAAAA..NOT.......
  17. Who all here plays it. And if you do how much do you have and does anybody know whats up with the Promos from Cell Games Saga. The ones of the puppets of the chatacters in the movies. The World games saga is out and how many got into it and liked it. Its o.k., but you can find much better cards in the others sets. Now its better to combine the sets to make a good deck.
  18. Well thats sux I mean if it was a game how exactly did they turn it into a movie. A furthermore how did they get it overseas to others people. Was it that hot that it multiplied and a lot of people bought it and shipped it to america? Anyway it's probaly hard to get.
  19. Trunks has Purple because his mom has Blue and his dad has black So the Blue just got a little darker. So thats probaly why he has the hair like it is. It may just be a color that just came out of the Blue(No pun intended). When he goes into his SSJ forms he has yellow hair just like the rest of them. So once he's SSJ there is only yellow no purple.
  20. When Dubura acted all lovy that was the weirdest thing I have ever seen in DBZ. I mean Debura......What happened to him I thought he turned good not pansy. Now he's all into the love and crap like that. It really isn't suiting to a King of Demons.
  21. I would have never guessed Vegeta would be such a wuss talking to what even it was they were. Vegeta freaked out alot while in Buu. I can't wait till the Kid Buu ep's. I'm getting them uncut on tape so I can see the parts that I normally couldn't because of Toonami. So I have to wait just a little longer and I can see what really happens and not the cut stuff Toonami has.
  22. The fighting candy was funny. Buu couldn't even get him. Buu couldn't even handle a fighting piece of candy. To bad Vegito got cocky and got swallowed. Even if he meant to rescue all the others wouldn't it have been easier to just wish them back instead of going into his stomach to get them. I thought that was a good ep, though.
  23. shibatku

    goku ????

    Goku is the strongest of the Z fighters. He is the one who usually is the first to do all the stuff. He is awsome and he is basically the backbone of all the DB+DBZ+GT series. Without hime the series would crash same goes for all charactors, but Goku's the main one. So bluntly put he looks in his normal form Endymion said and in my opinion is the best character.
  24. Well the new ones are on. There was one today and there will be another one tommorrow till the Buu and Fusion series are finished.
  25. I think that G-Gundam(God Gundam) is awsome. I liked it. I started to record it. Sai-Sai She Dragon Gundam is my fav.
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