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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. 1.Cell never comes back to life, he's dead and he'll stay that way. 2. Yes they argue alot. Duh all siblings argue its just a fact of life. 3.I haven't seen GT, I have no clue about the arguements. I know things about GT, but I don't focus on those two's arguements.
  2. Basically the reason he was seeing GOku was because of the symbol. I remember Vegeta saying something about stop trying to play mind tricks with me wizard and then he broke out of the hallucinaton. Well thats basicaly it or something like it.
  3. Yeah I'l stick to the Japenese subs. It's easier to understand it. Plus why would you watch a chow you can't even read, thats just stupid. At least in ***. sub you can read the subtitles. NO offense to anyone by the above comment.
  4. Yes you do need alot of energy to transform. Heck SSJ4 Gogeta could only hold it for 10 minutes. Which means Goku and Vegeta can basically hold it for 5 minutes. I'm not sure that the last one is true, but it is true that Gogeta can only hold SSJ4 for 10 minutes. Yes you need the tail to transform, it is impossible without it. They can go SSJ4 again if they grow the tail back again. That is basically the story o.k. all the facts I just gave are true. No lies. There you have it, SSJ4 questions solved.
  5. I wish they would put the Tenchi in Tokyo back on it sucks its off. I hope it comes back soon because I am bored and why did they replace it with Tuunder Cats. Heck I personally don't care about it anymore. I saw like one and didn't care ever since. I think they should bring Tenchi in Tokyo back and get rid of that lame Thunder Cats.
  6. I personally like the console itself. It also has great games. The overall system is the best characteristic to me, graphics included.
  7. Yeah, well graphics are better than the X-Box. If anyone disagrees until you actually compare graphics with two tv's side by side and prove me wrong you don't know. When compared with two games somewhat alike the graphics on the X-Box wer totally worse than Gamecube. If you ever have to choose between the two consoles, get the Gamecube. It has great grpahics, quick loading, and totally cool games. Its one of the best consoles out. Oh and yes it's 200 america.(No clue how much anywhere else.)
  8. Well I guess the American Censorship Bureau is a little to picky when it comes to anime. I just go to blockbuster and rent the movies so I don't have to watch edited crap. Well theres not any OLS, but I still see good ones and if I want OLS I'll just go to Suncoast.
  9. Well hse's annoying because she just waltz's in and gets Tenchi. Thats not fair to the other girls.
  10. Thnaks James its very nice. The bigger size is very much appreciated.
  11. O.k. time to end this. The answers are: 1.Goku had gone Oozaru and killed him. 2.Because she thinks he is with the Red Ribbon Army girl and he's actually defending himself from her attack. 3.Goku uses his power to blast the wall. 4.He wants water for his village. 5.At the Ox King's Castle. 6.Fighting. ________________ Bonus 1.Its the symbol for the androids 2.He grows his tail back. 3.General Blue The winnner was------>Aries Congrats! You won. This thread will be closed, so don't post.
  12. Okay heres a quiz about DB so here goes: 1. What is the reason Gohan(the original) is dead at the beginning of db? 2. At the dreamland park in the sky why does Bulma get mad at Yamcha for? 3. What causes Biran, at the World Martial Arts Tournament, to give up? 4. What is Nam's purpose for fighting in The WMAT?(the tournament) 5. When does Goku first use the Kamehameha technique? 6. What is Goku's impression of a perfect date? EXTRA__________________________ 1. In DB the Red Ribbon army has the red ribbon with two R's in it, where else does this symbol appear? It may be in DBZ! 2. At the tournament what happens to Goku's body? No its not get beaten up! 3. What is the name of the general, in the Red Ribbon army, who is the first general to get punches in the stomach? I'll post the answers in a couple of days!
  13. Yeah, Pan fights, but not Bra. She's just like Bulma at her age. Well not exactly, but you get the point. Pan fights and Bra doesn't.
  14. Well you know they should get some poeple who look like them. A while ago on the boards someone posted a pic of a guy that was trying to look like Goku. If you saw it you'd like it. But I could never see asians playing Dbz characters.
  15. I like Tenchi in Tokyo. I wish they didn't take it away, but they'll probaly bring it back sooner or later. HTey stopped a while ago and then started again. So maybe they're doing the same thing again.
  16. Well just make your own rules. If they are a little bad just have someone help you like Angelus_Necare or me. Its really not to hard. Just use your imagination and you'll get whatever you need.
  17. Well I'll have to go to Suncoast. My mom and dad don't care about stuff like that. I can go out and buy one that say WARNING:Lots of nudity. Well my mom might have a prob., but I could get past that. My dad would buy it for me. Anyway I can finally see the only ep I havn't seen yet. YES!!!! Thanks!!
  18. Yes and no. Namek can bring back people more than once and the earth can only bring them back once. Thats what happens at the end of the Cell Saga. Anyway to your question at the top. Remember Goku didn't kill Frieza. Frieza killed himself. He threw that discus and Goku moved behind him and Frieza was cut in half. Then when they wished back everyone who died by Frieza, he was brought back.
  19. Well they do, but only on the internet. You can find a few at diffrent places, but other than that just the internet.
  20. That would be nice. I'm still waiting for the cord to come out in stores. Its online, but not in stores. Zelda's a great game and any version is nice. So what if it looks weird. Zelda's Zelda and that the truth.
  21. Your just now seeing the Babidi eps. I have seen them over and over and over again on Toonami. But I guess it just takes a little time for them to release it there. Well anyway were stuck at Final Atonement. Its pretty bad when the stores have eps that the tv versions don't.
  22. Well yeah basically what they said. They probaly just didn't care about it that much. So they just ignored them and didn't even think about the kids.
  23. Yeah it is definitly May. If some other source says otherwise they're wrong.
  24. Well I don't have the international channel on Sat. I have yet to get it. But I hope I can.
  25. I tried playing it I can't play. But on the game I can play the simsons theme song. I am learning some new ones.
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