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Everything posted by shibatku

  1. Well I'll have to visit Suncoast and see. I've been there before, but I had to leave quick cause my brother was in a hurry. It sucked just as I found the good anime section. I'll have to have go there on my own sometime. I'll agree they have it all.
  2. Well thats because that was a special Tenchi. It always takes an hour for that part even when it was on regular programing. But OLS will be on next saturday though.
  3. Well yeah you may have told the secret, but still I want to see it. Its funny Tenchi thinks Sakuya wants to be a photographer. Well he's sorta right. A picture takes a person's soul. Mwhahahaha!!!
  4. Well actually in Outlaw Star its good tons of digtal bathing suits on Melfina. She is always nude. Ayways its on Adult Swim and I don't know why they don't show the unedited of DBZ. Heck I'd rather read the truth than hear the false. But its not going to happen so why complain.
  5. They are scheduled to realease in may. They have ones for the PS2, GC, PC, and GBA.
  6. Well I'm glad that Sega and Nintendo have joined. Theres games for Sega systems I would like to play on GC and soon I'll be able to thanks to the merge.
  7. I really can't wait to see it. But I'll buy it after I buy the Zelda game for GC. But F-Zero wasn't to bad, I liked it.
  8. Wow so thats were they got the flower power from. Always wondered that. Thanks for the info.
  9. Well I guess that makes sense, but still. Shadow is the best. Sonic is second in line to Shadow so thats why the earth gets destroyed. Or if you play the hero story Sonic stops him, but the Dark story is the real story.Mwhahahahaha........Just kidding. Anyways Shadow isn't evil hes just missunderstood.
  10. shibatku

    Sonic 2

    Well you have to get past both storys and if that doesn't work just get past the kart parts of each story. I think its the first one though.
  11. Who here watchs the show? And if you do whats your favorite Medabot? Mines Belzelga!!!! The one and only.......The best.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] 1) Merchant Goku?????? wtf 2) Kaioshin gave him his tail back[ grew it for him] [/B][/QUOTE] I was directing my answer toward the person The Merchant. Thanks PiroMunkie that info helps.
  13. Well duh there dead. Could you imagine the Saiyans still alive. Well Goku is defenitly going to be alive forever. I have never even seen the kid. I haven't seen the final ep:bawl:.I hope to someday.... Ha Goku is the best and always will be.
  14. shibatku


    Well Tien and Chiotsu come back later in DBZ. They are really just there and thats all. They don't do anything. In fact don't they die?
  15. Actually on the ep Returning to Otherworld The big guy who lets you in or out said that Dabura got in because he said Dabura would have to much fun being in the underworld.Well duh! He is the Demon King. Anyways that should answer the Dabura part.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Cooler - Movie 5 and 6. Brolly - Movies 8, 10, and 11. Answer your question? [/B][/QUOTE] Cooler appears more than once? (Off the topic.....what is the Bardock Goku's Father video about please pm me with info)
  17. Umm what exactly is OVA. What does it stand for. I'm guessing you mean when they make another series of Tenchi. Well who knows if they will.
  18. (Last Double Post) Maryland won!!!! I.U. lost. Well this topic is over. Thanks for being part of it. I would appriciate if no-one posted here until its closed.
  19. I'd have to agree with all of you because I just can't tell it I thought it was a J name, heck at first I thought it was Boba himself. I guess I was wrong. Thanks for the information.
  20. I can't wait until it comes out it looks totally awsome. I will watch it when it comes out. Can't wait.
  21. I hope they show it I really want to see it all un-edited. I guess I'll just have to download it on a comp. I don;'t even own. I'll probaly get in trouble. Could someone get an un-edited tape and sell it to me please I really want to see it. I you have the un-edited ep and you're willing to sell it pm me I really want to see it. The red hair is weird, but personally I like it. Thanks for the review at theOtaku shyguy.
  22. Were can you get the Movie's not the series movies the movie's like Daughter of Darkness. I would like to know.
  23. Well it does clear up the confusion I had. Welll 've yet to see the second movie I've only seen the Muyo movie. Welll thanks for the info.
  24. You mean Earth is totally destroyed i thought it was just really, really cratered. Well Yes if your not Super Saiyan then who really cares. Sure they need the ones for comic relief and to make Goku mad when they die, but still.
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