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Everything posted by Dhampir

  1. Since I was about 13, people have always thought that I was around the 17-18 range. I have already outgrown the "My Parents SUCK" phase, the "I'm emo and I am going to cut myself then show all of my friends to get attention" phase, and even the "clique" phase, most of which people my age are still stuck in. A pity that my parents are so strict and wont let me talk to anyone older then me...
  2. Alright, I guess that I gave ya'll enough time. Here are the winners: Honorable Mention: [quote name='KatanaViolet']"Dude, I'm SO sending this light back to IKEA, I can't sleep like this!"[/quote]This made me giggle since Chii[i] is[/i] somewhat of an appliance until you get to know her. Second place: [quote name='BKstyles']"You applaud your girlfriend for wanting to try out new positions, but you should remind her that this one may be a bit difficult for you since your a ceiling virgin."[/quote]Sadly I think that we all are ceiling virgins... First Place: [quote name='Lord Dante']"Chii! damn it! when I said 'light switch', I didn't mean for you to switch places with the light!"[/quote]Because I could seriously see Chii doing this. Good luck Dante.
  3. Has anyone here actually benifited from one of these advertisements? Any stories concerning them? Are they all fake? How can you tell which ones are real? My brother actually went through one of these proceses and got himself a DS Lite, and my friend got an Xbox 360. So, if anyone has anything interesting to say about these advertisements, go ahead and tell your story or how you feel about it. Oh, and be sure to check out my signature...
  4. [QUOTE=Dhampir]Hello everyone! My name is Crys, and I'm from Virginia (No, I am not a hick) . I am 17 years old, and I'm really just your average, everyday gamer otaku with a serious lack of social life, lol. As far as anime, some of my favorites are Tsubasa: Chronicle, Negima, Love Hina, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, and Card Captor Sakura. And as far as games, I like Halo, Halo 2, Fatal Frame II, The Dead or Alive series, The Sims, and Fable. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/sdsmiley.gif[/img][/QUOTE]Heh, that doesn't tell you much, does it? I don't even remember posting here, but I will try to make it more meaningful this time. This is going to be in two parts, quick summary and extensive analysis. [u][b]Quick Summary:[/b][/u] My name is Crys and I am currently living in Virginia and have been for eight years. I moved here from Seattle, which is my favorite city in the US so far. I like both anime and video games a lot, so I guess I qualify for 'nerd' status. I am pretty ranged with my personality. I have been told that I can be both the nicest most giving girl you could ever know and the biggest ***** in JTown; both extremly intellegent and excessively stupid; both hypersexual and prude... you get the idea. I try to run from it, but drama seems to follow me everywhere, whether it is my fault or not. [b]Now, be warned, unless you actually want to get to know me don't read further.[/b] [u][b]Extensive Analysis:[/b][/u] [u][b]My Name(s):[/b][/u] My name is Crystal Rae Mulrine, but IRL I like to be called Crys. My online names are either Dhampir which means half-vampire, and Nyoko which means gem in japanese, and relates to my RL name. I usually use those, because they are not common and I get to use a name without numbers or such in most of the forums that I post in. If both are already used, I put them together. [u][b]Favorites (Yay!):[/b][/u] [u][b]Bands:[/b][/u] Green Day, Evanescence, System of a Down, The Dresden Dolls, Seether, Weezer, My Chemical Romance, No doubt, Kittie, She Wants Revenge, MSI, The Cranberries, Utada Hikaru.... and I think that is it. I have a lot more, but not very prominent ones. [u][b]TV Shows (including anime):[/b][/u] Tsubasa Chronicle, xxxHolic, Chobits, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro chan, Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Invader Zim, Wife Swap, and Super Nanny. (The last two because I love to see other dysfuntional families) [u][b]Foods:[/b][/u] (Yes, I'm am trying desperatly to find things to include here) Hot Pockets, egg rolls, egg drop soup, sushi, nukuman, pizza, cheesecake, donuts, almost everything at McDonalds, Burgerking, Wendys, Sonic, Hardees, Arbys, and Rallys. Also, most everything with crab in it, espically crab cakes. [u][b]Games:[/b][/u] Fable, Razes Hell, Dead or Alive 3, the whole Tomb Raider series, super Smash Brothers Melee (even though I am very newbish since I don't own the game and can only play it one or twice a week), the Sims, Guild Wars, American McGee's Alice (very demented, very good), NeverWinter nights... Can't think of much else right now... [u][b]Movies:[/b][/u] Both of the 'Pirates of the Carribbean' movies, Empire Records, Dogma, Titanic, Both of the 'Ring' movies, Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights [u][b]Other Things:[/b][/u] [u][b]Pet Peeves:[/b][/u] Bad Grammer, people who use "Ebonics" (best way I know how to describe it) and claim that they can not talk any better, people who give up, people who don't do anything productive, purple food and online sexual predators. [u][b]Future Plans:[/b][/u] I plan to go to a college in Richmond, VA, major in secondary education and Japanese, then after graduating move to Japan and teach English to highschool japanese kids, make loads of money and live a good life with plenty of [spoiler] good sex [/spoiler] included. That is about it. If you want to know anything else IM me or send me a message via MySpace ([url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=42497642"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=42497642[/url])
  5. Well, since we gave three days to both the winner and the runner-up, I guess it is my turn to post. [img]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/PDVD_060.jpg[/img] I can't think of anything for it right now, but I will probably post one later....
  6. I think I posted one of them before, but I thought that I'd make a continous thread So here are the AMVs I've done. I used to have loads more, but my computer broke down and now I don't remember where to get all of my subs... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwy78s5Kouo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwy78s5Kouo[/url] ^Warning: This AMV contains lots of blood and some ecchi [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-cdaOD8O6E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-cdaOD8O6E[/url] ^Warning: This AMV contains spoilers to the xxxHolic series Comments and sudgestions are very welcome. I am aware that the AMVs are a little pixelated, but that is because of the uploader I use. I'm currently looking for a new one.
  7. It is a very close call. Both have their good and bad points, but I'd have to say Pirate. First, a girl pirate is very sexy. At least they can look sexy as opposed to dressing in all black as to not be seen. I like to be in the spotlight. Also, I don't have the patience to be a ninja. All that 'waiting in the shadows' stuff would kill me. Lastly, ninjas don't get laid. They don't have the time, and can't because they have to be so secritive. So yeah.... Pirate definitly.
  8. Sorry, but I think this should go here since it is a request....? Ok, I love this Avatar: [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/tsubasa_382.gif"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/tsubasa_382.gif[/url] And I want to put it as my LJ pic. BUT, it says that it is over 100x100 and that I can't use it. could someone please resize this to 99x99 without hurting the Avatar? I tried and it diddn't work, so mabye one of ya'll can help. Sorry if this is in the wrong place...
  9. I'd have to say either DigDug II or Joust for NES. So simple, yet so hard to beat! See, I have a modded x-box, that has NES, SNES, N64, GBA, Genisis, Atari and arcade emulators, so I can play these games without the systems. -^^-
  10. First, I thought that I was schizophrenic because I could talk to myself in my head Also, I thought that I had special powers because... well... you know how if you are looking at something and one eye is blocked somehow, you can see through it because your other eye sees past it, so it seems like you are seeing through it? Yeah, I thought I had x-ray vision. Yeah, thats all I got, lol...
  11. Asuka: How dare you let that perverted bird walk in on our private strip twister game! Every time I try to let you in you screw it up! Yes, I'm a perv... so sue me...
  12. Yes, of course, I have to mention Sakura and Shaoran from Tsubasa. Especially when In the most recent episode [spoiler]Sakura kisses Shaorans cheek. that whole physical memory theory just tickles me...[/spoiler] [quote name='musical_kitten']Sakura and Li (or the same couple) in CardCaptors was pretty cute too... Like when they tried to capture the sword card and Li saves Sakura? How sweet do you get? I mean, she was his rival and he saved her... *sigh* "To live an anime life", as I always say...[/quote]I have to disagree about the CCS pairing though. I really don't like Shaorans personaliy or attitude towards the relationship in CCS. Mabye I just cant get over the fact that they are only 10... That part really annoys me since they act more like they are in middle school... Now this next paring isn't official yet, but they are somewhat of a team, so I think that I can sneak it in... Kurogane and Fai from TRC. Now, I really don't like yaoi parings at all, but I seem to sigh a bit when I think of them together. I love the scene when [spoiler] they are on the Clover bar and Fai is telling Koru how he relates to the song...[/spoiler] you know, the whole procter and the wants-to-be-protected (don't know a better way to say that, submissive mabye) It just seems... perfect. Another would be Sakura and Dokuro from Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. I really diddn't see them being together untill the last two episodes. [spoiler] It's so sweet how he would go gay for her...'Hard Gay!!!' And how when she is gone, how he just doesn't seem right.[/spoiler] Somehow, it will work.
  13. Well, the perfect first date for me would be just going to the arcade after dinner or lunch. It would help if the guy helped with the quarters of course... I would say a mid-afternoon trip to a cafe, or like Pagan Angel said, a carnival or amusment park. Talking to her helps if you don't know her very well. Don't just asume that she will like a certian thing just because she is (insert stereotype here). If you have to think to hard about it, ask her. For example: Dont assume that she likes to go to cemetarys just because she listens to 'Him' and wears mostly black clothing. God, that was a terrible date...
  14. [quote name='GTK']The images no longer appear to work ^^; so if you want anyone else to help you, you'd need to fix the links[/quote]Ah, gomen. I'll fix those right quick. also if anyone decides to do this, mabye an OB sized avatar also... Edit: Here are the new links [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/dokuro2.jpg"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/dokuro2.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/4840234213.jpg"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/4840234213.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_c0.jpg"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_c0.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/01.jpg"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/01.jpg[/url] [url="http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_03.png"]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_03.png[/url]
  15. Dhampir

    Wierd things

    [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=1]Your thread was merged, man. It became part of the first thread, like reverse cell division.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] Hmm.... I wonder what they would call that... Cell Fusion? Anyway, one of the posters said that he merged the threads in the other forum.
  16. God, I hate that term, lol. Anyway, my sixteenth birthday is coming up, and I was wondering if ya'll have any good ideas (preferably cheap ideas, but any will do) of what I could do. Also any funny/weird stories of things that happened on your sixteenth.
  17. Dhampir

    Halo 3

    One thing that I'd like to add, is that there is an interview with Bungie and some clues as to whats going to happen in this months Official Xbox Magizene. I liked the article a lot, dunno if ya'll would though. As for my veiws about it? I think that it was already mentioned, but the main thing that I diddn't like about the Halos, was that there wasn't much stratigy. Basicly, all you do is run around, kill and try not to be killed. I mean, they were good games, but they needed more depth.
  18. Yes, I am a bookworm as well and proud, but I advise you to turn this into something that people can actually discuss before a mod closes the topic.
  19. Hey everyone. I am posting this thread on a mission. There is a small forum out there which used to be filled with life and posts, but alas, it has died a tearful death. It is our job to revive it! Ok seriously, the forum Otakubox is a pretty good forum, but doesn't have many active posters. There arn't many threads, but mabye ya'll can change that. I'll give you the link, and you can post. Now, I did read the rules, but I saw nothing against site pimping and if you want to get tecnical about it, it isn't even my site. Just trying to give it another shot. Here is the link: [url="http://otakubox.9.forumer.com/index.php?"]http://otakubox.9.forumer.com/index.php?[/url]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Wendy Darling [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Sexuality:[/B] straight[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Appearance: [/B] Wendy has long, black hair with green highlights, which is usually just down around her shoulders. Her eyes are a jade green, and usually clouded and distant. Her skin is pale and the only makeup she wears is thin black eyeliner. She has decent, C cup breasts and a small waist. The day she entered Neverland, she wore a blood red corset which ties in front, a plain black hoodie over it, and a knee-length black skirt with Mary Jane shoes that her mother bought her as somewhat of a bribe to go to neverland with her. She has a tattoo of demon wings on her back, but no one really sees it. Pics: [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/amy_lee.jpg]Her face and corset;[/URL] [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/blackrufflegothskirt.jpg]Her skirt[/URL] ;[URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/shoe2.jpg]and her shoes.[/URL] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B]Personality: [/B] Wendy is very quiet and keeps to herself. She learned from her parents that whenever she gives out her own opinion she gets beaten, therefore she usually keeps her mouth shut. When you get to know her, and prove to her that you wont hurt her, she is the sweetest girl you could ever know, but no one has had the patience to get that far with her. She will do anything to help out her brothers, no mater what kind of trouble they are in. Their parents didn?t care, so she takes care of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Biography: [/B] The first two years of Wendy?s life were just as a normal kids lives would be. She was the first child of newlyweds George and Mary Darling, the pregnancy was planned and they couldn?t be happier. The spoiled their first born, buying her a sheep dog puppy , named Nana and pretty much everything else she wanted. That is, until her mother got pregnant again. Before the second pregnancy, Mary quit her job to take care of Wendy full-time. Now, they didn?t have enough money to pay for their next child. They sold most of their nice possessions and moved into a much smaller house in a sort of? ?ghetto? if you will. Then came John. Although Wendy was a quiet baby, John wouldn?t stop crying. George started to pop about four pain killers each time John cried, but after he got used to the medication he took alcohol with it. The mix of Vodka and asprin turned him violent against his unwanted child. Wendy tried to protect them, but then both of them would get a beating. She learned to keep to her self in this abusive household, and winced whenever she heard her brothers shrieks of terror, knowing she could do nothing about it. Life carried on like this, even after her youngest brothers birth. Michael, they named him. Yet, they ignored this baby, often just shoving him in Wendy?s hands and making her care for him, as they continued to beat John. Wendy was only six at the time, but she was all that baby Michael had, and she did the best she could. After a while, George turned on the whole family, not just John. Mary, through this whole ideal, just watched, crying from the sidelines, unable to stop her husband. Now, he beat her too, along with Wendy and Michael, no matter what they did. All of them found that it was best to stay out of the house until their father was sleeping, or even not come home for days at a time. They started this when Wendy was 10, John was 8, and Michael was 4, because before then, they wouldn?t have been able to take care of themselves. They would spend all day, and most of the night in the local park. Wendy would look after her brothers, and they would play together, like brothers do. John seemed so relieved to be out of the house and out of his fathers hands, which made Wendy smile for the first time in a long time. This went on for about four years, although they still got beat every once and a while. After John was old enough to look after Michael, Wendy would walk around the neighborhood singing to herself. At those times, she met many boys her age who told her how pretty she was and that they loved her. Each time she believed them, not really having known love in the wicked household she grew up in. Of, course all of the local boys found out how gullible she was, and took their turns with her. Sex is what Wendy considered love, and she was damn good at loving people. She?d get so many compliments on her skills that she got suggested once to get paid for such skills. She did such, and used all of the money either on condoms, or toys for her brothers to keep them happy. One day, She was looking after Michael, when she saw Her mother and father fighting again. Tears weld up in her eyes, and she shook her head, and walked out of the house to John who was playing across the street. Suddenly, there was a big boom that cam e from the house behind him, and the walls started to waver. A look of terror flashed in her eyes as she put Michael down and tried to get John out before he got hurt. Right as she saw the wall fall on her little brother, bits and pieces of brick fell on her head, and she was knocked out until the ambulance arrived. When they were undressing and treating John in the ambulance, she was shouting at them, asking of he was going to be okay, begging them to save his life. Wendy and Michael stayed by his bed the whole three days that he was unconscious, breaking only for meals. When he finally woke up, they weren?t there to see him, but the social services woman was, and was probably telling him the same that she told them. ?You are not going to live with your parents anymore, but everything will be okay?? They bounced from house to house, because no one really wants children as ****** up as they were. Either John or Michael were making trouble. Once, Wendy ****** her foster brother and another time her new father? Presently, they are living with one of thise innocent, wide-eyed couples, who know for sure that ?Once you find Jesus, everything will stop hurting?? Jesus didn?t help them then. Jesus cant heal their scars, and erase their memories?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]Vices: [/B] Her main weakness is men. Again, to her, sex is love and she has a real desire for love. Another pet peeve is bad grammar. [B]Useful Items:[/B] A switch blade she stole from one of her customers, and a pair of handcuffs that she wears attached to her skirt. [B] Notes: [/B] She is just a bit bi-polar and can get dangerously jealous. This wasn't put into the personality section, because she hadn't needed to be jealous yet in her life, and doesnt really know what it feels like. Also, she is definitly a masochist[/COLOR] ------------- If you would like anything else, you can just PM. OH, and this one isn't as ****** up as it could be, just because I tought we needed someone who hasn't been through SUCH a hell, lol.
  21. Great, I finally get it now.... That just doesn't make sense to me, but oh well. If a guy is turned on by literaly '******* the ****' out of a girl, thats his own thing. Another hentai related question: Does anyone know of a good free hentai in which there isn't rape. Ive been having some trouble finding any...
  22. Alright, I have been watching a lot of hentai lately, and I was wondering what is the point of filling a womans anus with water. I have been seeing it a lot, and I dont get it. They fill her with water and her stomache gets big.... it that somewhat arousing to men? Could someone explain this to me please?
  23. thanks for the advice, but it is for another forum.
  24. Ah, gomen. I was actually looking for some good pics to edit into the post. Here, any of these, but focus on the blue haired girl... Thanks... [url]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/4840234213.jpg[/url] [url]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/4840234213.jpg[/url] [url]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_c0.jpg[/url] [url]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/Bokusatsu_Tenshi_Dokuro-chan_v01_03.png[/url]
  25. -^^- I would like a Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan avi/siggy set please. 100x100 avi, and can you put Dhampir on either the sig, or the avi (not both please, unless it is more subtle in one) Thanks in advance!
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