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Everything posted by Dhampir
Um, I think that this goes here, lol. This is one of my first AMVs. I'll post some others once I can find a good video uploader. Tell me what you think: [B]WILL CONTAIN BREIF ALMOST NUDITY, AND PLENTY OF BLOOD. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART...[/B] [URL=http://www.its-a-trap.com/files/GoDokuroGoGo.wmv]Go Dokuro go![/URL]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Name: Selene (Also called Mene) Age: 2579 Gender: Female Race: Titan Goddess of the Moon Appearance: Pale in palor, with knee-legnth pitch black hair, always tied in a braid. She has big, bright silver eyes, and two small horns on the top of her head, often mistaken for a cresent shaped crown. Usually wearing a short, black peplos and bright silver sandals. Rides sidesadle on a winged horse bringing the moon accross the sky. (This is a good pic, minus the wings of course: [URL=http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g62/Chii_Flowright/CG/jpeg1124592488.jpg]Selene[/URL] Personality: Often quiet, she is seen as a dreamer, eyes usually half-lidded and thinking of something romantic. When she does talk though, it is usually either a witty or sarcastic remark, or something unmentionably wise. Also, she has a habit of enjoying the... pleasures of the night, leading to many children (as you will see in the Bio) Bio: She was born of Thea and Hyperion with a sister and a brother. Helios the Sun,and Eos the (insignificant in Selene's opinion) Dawn. She was raised to run in circles after her brother, bathing in the sea before her departure. In her many years, she birthed numerous children, including Pandeia the dew, The four seasons, the fifty Menai or lunar months, and fifty white oxen from the demigod, Pan. Her true love Endymion, who sleeps eternally in Mt. Latmos and gave her her favorite children, the Menai, still lives fully in her mind. She has even cursed her eternal life because it kept her from her love. After the modernization of the earth, the goddess Artimes quickly took her place as goddess of the moon in the humans minds. Selene wasn't even mentioned in modern myth, and this angered her to no end. How could she, the MOON be so overlooked. This anger has festered for some time, but because of the fact that Artimes could slay her with one quick arrow, she held back any action. Alliance: Neutral If you would like any more, just PM[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Anime What anime character resembles you most?
Dhampir replied to PaganAngel's topic in Otaku Central
Since there are two main sides to my personalities (Eh, I'm Bi-polar...) I'll name two: First, Sakura from TRC (Don't get that confused with the CCS Sakura. Slight personality differences) I hate it when someone does something for me and I can do nothing. I'm really determined when I want to get something done, yet I'm horrible at everything. (except sex and musical talent of course...) Also, Dokuro from Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan. I have a habit of seriously wounding my friends when they annoy me. Ex, a male friend was staring at my breasts as I was running in gym, and afterwards I slapped him so hard that he was red for two days, lol. Also, I am rather bubbly and hyper at times. And, of course, Dokuro's (what's the word...) um... not fear of talking sexually in public. So... um.... yeah. -^^- -
-^^- Ah, I love this question. It seems to pop up in every forum I'm in... Only three people for me: (In order of how I like them) 3. Yukito (CCS/TRC)- Not only is he tall, skinny, and super super kind, He has an appitite just like mine, so I wouldn't be embarassed on a date if I eat too much. Plus, I love the fact that he wears glasses. Geeky guys are my favorite. 2. Fai D. Flowright (TRC)- Again, tall, skinny (actually, almost anorexic) and so funny! He is so adorable, the way he teases Kuro-chan. He seems like the one that you could talk with for hours about nothing. 1. Shaoran (CCS/TRC) XD Fan girls of the world, unite! your god is here!!! It is just adorable how much he loves Sakura. Again, tall, skinny, and the Amber eyes are just a plus. But, the main reason that he is my favorite, is how often he blushes. I absolutely melt for guys who blush.
Nyoko waited backstage and sighed deeply. she hasn't seen much of anyone all day, and no one knew of her preformance. She looked in the mirror at her black silk kimono with a blood red sash. Blushing, she wondered if Kazuma would think her pretty, but shruged away the thought. "As long as his attention is on Jun as well, I can't start thinking about a realationship." She shook her head then heard her name being called from the stage. She rushed out, almost missing her que. She smiled as she heard the applause of the crowd as she approched the microphone. Nyoko's annual preformance. The music started behind her and a sort of high came over her. In a sweet, yet hollow voice she started to sing. The words of the epic ballad flowed through her. A tale of love and loss. Story of her life really. As she let out the last angelic note, the crowd around her erupted. She gave a kind bow and left the stage. Suddenly, she collapsed, and was in a dark abys. "Your friends have all won the first round as well..." "No.... not again... don't make me kill again..... AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Nyoko's body shuddered as she rememmbered the night she approched the old tea house. Being launched into this arena to battle, and no choice to do otherwise. She remembers blacking out, then waking up having won this round of combatants, blood dripping from her mouth. Suddenly she was back stage, Kazuma's hands holding her face, and a look of fear in his eyes. ((OOC: Gomen-nasai-gozaimasu everyone for not posting for so long. My overclocked computer blew up again, but I have a new one now and I can get back into the habit of posting. Again, sorry.))
As I finished my breakfeast, I quickly went upstairs to get dressed, but remembered that I left my clothes at Jun's house. I quickly looked around Kazume's room and found a rather baggy shirt. "This should be enough for now..." I tied my hair in a messy bun and met Kazume at the door. "Ready?" "Yeah." "How are we going to get there?" Kazume smlied and led me to the garage, where he showed me his motercycle. "Wow! I've never riden one before..." Again he grinned and put on his helmet, then patted a space behind him. I smiled, sat in the bike and wraped my arms around his waist.
I'm woken up by a sudden loss of warmth and groan softly, wanting to sleep a bit longer. As I slip out from under the covers and strecth I notice several sctarches, bite marks, and bruises adroning my body. I blush slightly as the thoughts of last night came rushing back, then I remember how I can get sometimes. I run downstairs to see if I hurt Kazume badly at all and I reach him as he hangs up the phone. Streching again I ask "Who was that now?" I move my long messy hair to one shoulder and sit in one of the dinging room chairs, further examing myself for serious wounds. ~I have to learn how to control myself...~ "Jun wants us to meet hera t the park for a picnic." "How fantastic!" Then I thought about it again. "Kazu-sama... did I hurt you at all last night?"
I woke up as I heard a door close nearby. Wearing only a blanket I walked downstairs to get some milk, and found Kazume and Kenshin alone together, then an idea popped into her head. "hey Kenshin, I haven't givin you anything for tonights preformance have I?" A devlish grin sliped onto my face as I walked up to the couch, droping my blanket, and straddled him, slipping my tounge into his mouth and pressing his hand unto my breast. I gave Kazume a quick signal to get behind me and continued to play with Kenshin's mouth, and raked my nails across his chest. Suddenly My back arched and a loud moan escaped my lips as Kazume came into me. Then I told Kenshin in a lusty voice-"There is still room you know..."
As Kazume opens the door I look at him through hollow eyes. My face is pale and my body is shaken. I walk, spechless to the couch and when I sit down, I hug my legs to my chest and whimper a bit, tears staining my face. Kazume-sama looks at me and asks what is wrong, but all that slips through my lips is "Tea house...."
I smile as I take my place behind Kazume and get lost in the beat of the music. I let my hair out of it's messy bun, and unbutton the top three buttons on my shirt. I hold on to Kazume's his as I grind behind him, then slip my hands under his shirt, digging my nails into his skin. I give him one last scracth as I turn around, my back to his and continue to grind against him. I see Kaze sitting alone on the couch and motion to him, inviting him to dance with me.
I sat on one of the many couches against the wall. I'm not really one for dancing alone, so I might as well rest a while. It has been a long day after all. I quickly fell asleep, seeing as nothing was happening. Suddenly Kazume woke me up and offered me his hand. I blushed bright red, smiled and started to dance with him to a fast paced song. The dance got pretty heated as Kazu-sama danced behind me, a slight mirror of the heat of the day. Just as he wraped his arms around my waist and put a hand under my skirt, Jun and Haraku walked in to the club.
I laugh lustily as I feel her tounge inside of me. I put one hand at the back of her head, wanting her to go deeper inside of me, then takes my other hand and rubs my clit. I bite my lip as my body spasms with pleasure. I lower my self down to jun and kiss her deeply then start to bite and suck at her neck violently. I lean over to the pile of clothes and take my vibrator out of my purse; then leaning over, I rub it around her clit, as Kazume still thrusts into her. I grow even more wet as Jun moans into my ear and gasps at my sharp teeth. Kazume then eases out of June and pushes me against the wall of the shower room. I grin and throw the vibrator to Jun, then I moan loudly as Kazume thrusts into me.
I smirk as I notice the same and get an idea. I take Kazume's place in front of Jun, leans her down on the table, and slowly eases m ywhole fist inside of her. Kazume then grabs me by the waist, bends me over, then thrusts into me. I moan loudly as my body shudders with a quick orgasm. As Kazume continues to thrust into me herder and harder, I do the same with my hand, deeper and deeper into Jun. I put her hands to my breasts, and start to nibble on hers, still pumping my hand vigiorusly into her and hearing her moan under me. I thrust it into herhard as I can as Kazume cums inside of me. In a shakey voice, I lean into Jun's ear, "Would you like this to a more... cleanly place?"
Feeling Juns hand at my thigh, I kiss her more pasionately, massaging her tounge with my own. I put one hand through her hair, and the other digging into Kazume's chest. I moaned into Juns mouth as she sliped her fingers into my already sore cunt. I arc my back against Kazume's back, leaning into the thrusting of Juns fingers, and offering a taut nipple to juns lips. My hand lowers from Kazume's stomach to where his member meets Jun, and I slip my fingers in along with his full rod. I dig my fingers as far as I can, then start pumping them in and out, along Kazume's member pleasuring both of them. Feeling Jun's fingers between my legs gets me even more wet and brings me to a deep, throaty moan.
As the many people walked out of the gym after the game, I held back. Intrested in where Jun went to, I looked around a bit. I diddn't have to look far, for the door into the cafetiera was adjar. It looked as if it had been foolishly locked when it wasn't closed. laughing and shedding my coat as I walked in, I viewed Jun and Kazume with a lusty look in my eyes. Slowly I unbuttoned my shirt , but left my skirt on as I leaned against the wall, staring at them. Giving a sinister, lusty smirk, I say "Continue amongst yourselvs, don't mind me..."
In 2006, I just plan too keep out of all the highschool DRAMA. Last year was terrible, and I think I should have learned my lesson by now.
I gasped, startled out of my extacy by Jun and Hakaru leaving in such a hury. " Oh yeah, the game..." I niped Kazume's lip as I eased off of his member, my body sore from the afternoons excrusions. "We will finish this later" I kissed his lips softly, and went to the living room to pick up my clothes and quickly tie my hair in it's usual pigatils. I go into the bathroom and apply some dark eyeliner and deep red lipstick, as I laugh to myself. "Never know what's going to happen..." I gave my reflection a quick wink and left for the school auditorium. As soon as I walk in, I find a rather empty part of the stands and start cheering as Kenshin makes another basket.
Alright, this guy and I have been best friends for over a year now. When I first met him, I was crushing a little, but by now it has grown into real feelings. Before I let him know about this, we were very affectionate, but still as just friends. He would talk to me about anything and always make sure I got a good hug before he left for home. Then, I told him of my feelings and he told me: "It's not likely to happen, but there is still a chance." I really diddn't want to take that as a good answer, so I persisted. I kept telling him of how well it would work out and that if it looks like it won't work we can stop right then. As I was doing this, he talked to me less and less and showed me a lot less attention. Finally I told him "I give up", and all of a sudden, things are back to normal, and he is showing me even more affection than was usual. The purpose of that life story is to ask you all, exactly what is he trying to put across? I'm lost here, and I really need some advice...
My heart hammered against my chest violently. After that last orgasm, my body had found a strange strength. Normally I would be exausted by now, but just as I lied back down, I lounged at him again, my mouth spilling over his, my nails digging into his back, and my hips grinding at his at a vigorus pace. I once again seeped my teeth into his neck , sucking as if I could take the life right out of him. My body was shivering, and my cunt thirsting for more. I lifted my lips to his ear and whispered shakily, "Make me believe you want me more than her..." My lips then returned to his mouth, savouring his taste, and moaning into his mouth as I continue grinding against him.
My head feel back and a powerful moan escaped my lips as Kazuma licked and niped at my clit. My body spasmed and shook with pleasure, and I dug my nails deep into Kazume's shoulders. As Jun was cleaning up his orgasm I leaned over him, a nipple brushing over his lips, and started biting and sucking on one of his taut nipples, my body begging ot serve him. I gave no notice to Haraku entering the room, knowing that for now, Jun would keep her happy. I wanted all of my attention on this magnificient beauty, as I raked my nails across his groin, navel, and chest, urging for him to take me again.
Nyoko clenched her legs tightly around Kazume's waist, pushing him farther inside me. She puts one hand on Kazume's head, pressing it harder into her large, firm breasts, begging for more. Suddenly, she brings her mouth to his, massaging his tounge with hers. She bites his lip hard as she pulls away and then leans in to Jun, gentally pressing her lips to herown. As Kazume continues to thrust into Nyoko, she digs her nails firmly into his chest, moaning into Jun's mouth. Startled by Sakura's exclimation, my face blushes bright red, and she hesitates for a breif second.
Nyoko gives a devilish grin as she slips her shirt off, comes behind Kazume and bites his neck, sucking on it gentaly as her hands grab his dick. She clenches her hand around it and starts to rub it's full extent, usuing her nails as she quickens her pace and bites his neck even harder, then she whispers into his ear- "Take me Kazuma-senpai". She nips his ear and presses her breasts against him; then, grabs Juns head and presses her mouth against his dick.
Not too long after Kazuma and Jun dissapeared, Nyoko excused herself into the bathroom. She bit her lip and sighed, cursing her watching all of those Bible Black episodes before she got here. She went into her purse and took out a small compatable vibrator. Lifting her skirt up, she started to massage her clit, sending shivers up her body. She lets out a soft moan as her body spasms. She starts to slide it inside and back out in a rythmic pattern, bitting her lip harder as she supresses another, louder moan. She starts to move faster with it, arcing her back and clenching her fists as she gets closer to orgasm. She gasps as she hears loud moaning from the adjacent room. She ponders wether or not she should join them, but then hears the moans die off. She hurredly finishes up, and cleans up the streaks of cum roling down her leggs. She looks into the mirrior at her flushed face and unbuttoned shirt as she hears the front door close. "Oh my, everyone is leaving..." She rushes out of the room and notices Kazume and Jun on the couch.
Nyoko stood at the door of Jun-chan's house carrying a tray of her specialty, choclate turtles. Her dirty blonde hair swayed a little in the light June breeze. She wore a black leather collar, a white, short sleeved button-up shirt, an adorable red plaid mini-skirt, and knee-high marron leather boots. She had bought this outfit just for this occasion. Her violet eyes shimmerd as she remembered that Kazuma-senpai might be coming. Smiling, she rang the doorbell and waited patiently, smothing out her skirt, and wisteling quietly to herself. She looked up as the door opened. "Gomen kuda-" Nyoko's face turned bright red, and she almost droped her tray. "Ano... ano... June-chan, is everything alright?" She looked over her good friend , as all she saw was pale skin and wet hair.