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Everything posted by Dhampir

  1. Hello everyone! My name is Crys, and I'm from Virginia (No, I am not a hick) . I am 17 years old, and I'm really just your average, everyday gamer otaku with a serious lack of social life, lol. As far as anime, some of my favorites are Tsubasa: Chronicle, Negima, Love Hina, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, and Card Captor Sakura. And as far as games, I like Halo, Halo 2, Fatal Frame II, The Dead or Alive series, The Sims, and Fable. :animesmil
  2. Name: Midorino Nyoko (Green Gem) Creature: Red Fox Age: 16 Description: [URL=http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/l0_Dhampir_0l/Sakuya.jpg]Click here[/URL]
  3. Ah, I would definitly have Sakura and Shaoran from Tsubasa: Chronicle. I'm just like Sakura, so it would make alot of sense. Besides, thery love eachother so much, that they would be amazing parents. :love2:
  4. Ah, the fangirl. I myself was one once, although I got over that phase pretty quick, lol. One of my best friends is head-over-heels over Shaoran from Tsubasa: Chronicle. She actually asked me if I would draw an icchi of her and him so that I could, and I quote, "Put my greatest fantasy to life, in the hope that someday it will come true." :animeangr I promtly declined.
  5. oh, wrong pic. It's a bit big, so here is a link -------> [URL=http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/l0_Dhampir_0l/Vampire-Bloodlines_art.jpg]Me![/URL]
  6. Name: Crystal Age: 22 Gender:Female Appearance:[IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d160/l0_Dhampir_0l/1771anime01-thumb.gif[/IMG] Personality: constantly craving sex, and rather clingy Short Biography: I grew up in seattle, living in a nice home with a nice family. That is, untill my Bi-polarity kicked in. Mutiple scuicide atempts, loss of virginity at 16, and was in her first porn on her 18'th birthday. I have my tounge peirced and am adorned with 5 tattoos; most in hidden places, and I tend to listen to my rock music abnormaly loud. Doesn't Get Along With: Prissy, spoild, preppy, conformist bitches. Why Don't You Get Along: They have no life, and act all high and mighty about it. They buy the most expensive clothes and the most expensive cars and what not, yet they compalin about EVERYTHING. :love2:
  7. I've always wanted to be a vampire, since I started watching Buffy when I was little. Now, either a rock star or a high school teacher, although vampire is still worthy choice, lol. :devil:
  8. There are two. Card Captor Sakura, because the dub was so terrible, and that is what people think i'm refering to, and Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, for it's lack of plot and many pedophile jokes. -^^- :love2:
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