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Everything posted by Morgan-Chan

  1. I'm currently keeping up with "Black Butler".... Sebastian.... :animeblus
  2. Well, I'm volunteering at my church right now, putting items in the bulletins for each Sunday. It's not much...but I get out of the house...AND I do get to interact with my church family, who come to the office for business related things and my preacher, which is a GOOFBALL to be around.... :animesmil
  3. So, does anyone know if Vic and Aaron are up for Ed and Al again?
  4. One of my favorite quotes from Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer: Rainbow Brite: Starlite, quick! Starlite: I will [I][B]not[/B][/I] wear booties!! On-X: Better than falling down. Starlite: [I][neighs in annoyance][/I] Ooh, my poor dignity.
  5. I still can't stop laughing at this.... [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcTAruLgE_I[/url] Phoenix's girly scream...WIN!!! :p
  6. I'm going back to CaramellDansen...it never gets old. :animesmil
  7. *blink* *blink* Why in the name of the green green grass on the earth would anyone do that!? :animeangr Somehow I'd thought I'd seen it all until I saw this post. And to answer your question, I would NEVER put a video of myself online looking for a date. That's just silly and wrong in my opinion.
  8. You wanna talk embarrassing? I run into doors, walls and whatnot and say: "Where did that door/window/wall come from!?" Or that time I fell down the stairs going to my mom's car in the garage when she was taking me to middle school one day. Note to self...watch that first step...it's a doozy... :animesigh
  9. One of my favorite Monty Python quotes: "GO AWAY OR I SHALL TAUNT YOU AGAIN!!" XD
  10. Don't I know that. If Vic isn't Ed (Which, IMO, he makes the role PERFECT), I will be one sad little geek. Somehow I have a feeling if 4Kids had anything to do with it, and I know it's licensed to FUNi, they would slay the script and make it "suitable" for kids. :animesigh
  11. "Life is too short to let the bad things get you down. Unless you have a lightsaber at your side to fight off the bad side, you're down and out 2-0." ---Me
  12. One has to wonder though....if Vic and Aaron do Al and Ed again, will Alphonse still be the little boy spirit trapped in a suit of armor that we all know and love or will he be....diffrent? :p
  13. What about Witch Hunter Robin? Have you seen that yet?
  14. Ah, yes. Summer job hunt time. Needless to say my Knuckles muse and I've been searching for a good job and, sadly, this economy is just terrible for job hunters like myself. :animedepr
  15. I'm way late on greeting all of you, but welcome welcome one and all! :animesmil
  16. Well....I live by many quotes (one being the muse and me used in my sig below..... *laughs*)...and here is one of my favorites.... King Arthur: NI. Sir Bedevere: NOU. King Arthur: No, NI. Sir Bedevere: NOU. King Arthur: No No, NI... NI. Sir Bedevere: No, No, No, No... NI. :animesmil :p :laugh:
  17. Let's see....let's see....what musicals do I choose? First and foremost: [B]PHANTOM OF THE OPERA[/B]: For me, I love the musical and the movie was "ehh" for me, but if Michael Crawford is not playing the tortured soul Erik...then I am not interested....plain and simple. ;) [B]SOUND OF MUSIC[/B]: Hello! If anyone loves this musical, it's me! ^_^ *hums "Lonely Goatheard"* :animesmil [B]CATS[/B]: Ahh, my SECOND Favorite one. So much so that I've created a fan fic character, write fictions with her in it, moderate my forum that's dedicated to this musical (and if you are a fan PM me! :catgirl: ), and I IM RP with a good friend of mine every night about it. Me obsessed? NOOO..... :p :smirk: :laugh:
  18. Well, I have a couple of dreams.... One is to go work with my best friend, who is an AWESOME Anime Artist, at TokyoPop Magazine as the storyboard writer to her drawings that she does. You should see some of the stuff we do over AIM! :catgirl: Nya! And of course, my other dream is to be a VOA for any type of Anime. Doesn't really matter which one, just as long as I'm in one....
  19. I'm going to MTAC in april! [url]http://www.mtac.net/[/url]
  20. I love "Avatar"!!!! My favorite has to be Prince Zuko! *sees the looks* WHAT??!! Can I help it if I'm a Dante Basco fangirl!?? :animeblus :D :p
  21. Meryl: It's so nice to sit on a bench...all alone...in the park.... :eek: Milly: Meryl, you're scaring me! Lunch, what do I have for lunch?!? *peeks inside bag* Eh? Oh, great....I picked up Wolfwood's lunch again!!! :animeangr Meryl: *peeks in her bag* Donuts...yep...I got Vash's lunch. :animesigh :animeangr
  22. Well, for me it was always the fact that when I was younger my closet never really closed all the way...it always came off the track and whatnot...and there was always this sort of crack that made it look like someone was trying to peek out of it! What a weird thing, eh? :animeswea :animesmil
  23. Sorry, but I have to agree here. It's the same thing over and over again. For once, do something diffrent! :animeangr
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