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Gothic InuYasha

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Everything posted by Gothic InuYasha

  1. [QUOTE=Rhym][font=Times New Roman][color=darkslategray]Wow! This is phenomenal! Someone on OtakuBoards who likes In Flames, an actual metal band, for their [i]good[/i] stuff and not STYE! Normally we only get the sort of people who are like "OH EMM GEE I LUVV N' FLAMEZZ SNOUDTARCK 2 UR EXKAPE IZ LIEK TEH BEST ALBUM EVAR NOT LIEK THERE URLY STUFF W/ TEH FAST PLAYING THAT HURST MY EARS!!1!! N' FLAMEZZ 4-EVARR!!!" Amazing! Someone with intelligence when it comes to music! No offence, NĂ¼-metalers. ... Well, okay, maybe a little bit of offence.[/color][/font][/QUOTE]Wow! Thanks dude! I appreciate your... appreciation of good music. See, I knew there would be a [u]few[/u] people in this world with some taste.:animesmil Honestly the only people on this entire site with taste are Jakehammeran, Boy Hox, you and me... Damn... we're all alone. Everyone else pretty much sucks. lol. I'm joking. Please don't get on my back mr.moderator (omnipotent jerks). Anyway, Yeah. This is all coming together smoothly. Our little congragation is begining to grow. I'm glad. Here's a list of other great bands: Dimmu Borgir < a big one Old Mans Child < a really big one Mayhem
  2. Isn't that an online shop. I think you need a credit card number to do something like that.
  3. I can't find the damn Lunar Strain/ Subterrain album anywere. I had to buy the Lunar Strain album, now I have to wait to get Subterrain and then i'll be set. I also have to get Colony and Whoracle. Why is it so damn hard to get good music. I had to travel 40 miles to the nearest fye just to get some decent music. I was eyeballing this Obituary CD and i'm debating on weather or not to get it. I'm also trying to find a certain Dimmu Borgir album. It has this one song i really like. It's called 'A Sucubus In Rapture'. Does anybody know what album it is?
  4. I think the fact that the man has done all of the Old Man's Child's stuff by himself is enough to say that it is better than Dimmu Borgir. Except for the drums. He had someone do the drums for him.
  5. Galder is a genius. Dimmu Borgir is a great band but I love his solo stuff. Old Man's Child is an excellent display of black metal. Probably the best i've seen yet. What is your opinion?
  6. Decent instrumentals but other than that... mindless yelling. Also, it's a Cannibal Corpse spin-off. Why did George Fisher start another band that sounds [u]exactly the same?[/u] [u]THE MAN HAS NO DIVERSITY![/u] Doesn't he also sing for "Corosion of Comformity"? I dont know. Yeah, well. I'm not saying Six Feet Under is bad, it's just the same as Cannibal Corpse. I don't know about the lyrics, but the instrumental aspect of it is the same.
  7. I never listened to "Golden Era". Though i'm a big In Flames fan I don't know everything about them. How many albums do they have? Wich ones are the best?
  8. I listened to "Take This Life" just a few nights ago. It was so-so. Not the greatest, not the worst. I was hoping for a phenominal album. Just listening to "Take This Life" and "Come Clairity" so far i'd have to say I think this album is going to be decent (though I expect more than that). *sigh* dissapointment.
  9. A bunch of snowboarder lookin guys who think they can play music and really it's just a load of stupid screaming, hitting your guitar, and pounding on drums as fast as you can with little to no sense of direction. On the other hand we've got good death metal too like Morbid Angel, Facecage, and Meshuggah.[/QUOTE] Thank you!!! Someone agrees. I must say though, The Black Dhalia Murder does have good guitarists and the drummer is really good.
  10. In Flames is a great band. You'll like them alot. I still haven't goten sick of them.
  11. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Another great Death Metal band is the Black Dhalia Murder. I heard them for the first time not too long ago, and I must say it was great. I'd really like to look into buying their albums. If you haven't heard them, take a listen. For some reason, I thought they were a hardcore band or something like that, but I was extremely, extremely wrong. They play very awesome Death Metal. Hooray.[/quote] Eh... Black Dhalia Murder is okay. I don't like the vocals too much. It's almost like a Heavy Metal stereotype... really loud screaming. Sure, it's good sometimes, but it [U]is[/U] pretty cliche. The instruments are kick *** though.
  12. [i]"It's a violin/guitar medley."[/i] Nevermind.That's not the song i'm thinking of then. Though that is a great song. The song I'm thinking of is all guitars & drums. No violins. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SONG!!! *beats his head* DAMN IT!!! I'm never going to know. Oh yeah! I was listening to Music Choice last night and I came across the song "Come Clarity" and it was f'in sweet as hell man. Not quite the standards of Lunar Strain/Subterrain but pretty close. I must say I think I might enjoy this new album. You said if I didn't like 'Soundtrack to your escape' I probably wouldn't like this... I don't know. It sounds like a good deal. Maybe if I visit their site I can get a preview of the new album. It didn't live up to your standards but maybe i'll like it. Who knows?
  13. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]I think the instrumental you're talking about is Hargalaten. And yes, it's pretty sweet. While the really old-school In Flames owns completely, I like Jester Race, Whoracle, Colony, and Clayman the best. Their mid-era sound was the most powerful, developed style they've ever had. Every note of those albums just plain rules. The way they crafted that dual-guitar sound... beautiful. Sadly, those days are gone. :bawl:[/QUOTE] Clayman is definitly *** kicking, Whoreacle is good too. Colony... eh.... not so high on my list. It's not bad, just not as good as their other albums. Soundtrack to your escape was horrible (in my opinion). Hopefuly they regain their old charm again. That song.. Hargalaten.. I think that's it. I really don't know. They have a few instrumental songs. I'm not quite sure if that's it. Do you know of any sites where I can get song clips. Perhaps I can take a listen and see if that's the song i'm thinking of.
  14. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Kataklysm, anyone? Or Necrophagist? Perhaps Nile? (not vocals, I mean their actual music)[/QUOTE] Nile has the most complex music I have ever heard. I love 'Sacrafice Unto Sebek' and 'Sarcophogus'. Great songs from a great band.
  15. WOW! You pretty much analyzed In Flames right down to the last detail. Do you take notes? lol. im joking of course Honestly I like just about everything they have done [U]except[/U] for soundtrack to your escape. My favorite album is Lunar Strain/Subterrain because it has that European sound and that... how should I say... mysterious and paranormal feeling to it. Dreamscape is a perfect example of that 'mysterious and paranormal' feeling. Why you ask... im not sure. Maybe because they're smooth flow of rhythm and power combines and creates an 'out of this world' sound that is relaxing & energizing at the same time. You can trip out to that song man :hippy: The songs 'In Flames' and 'Biosphere' are perfect examples of the european sound they have. God I love those songs. There's this one song they have... I forget what it's called.. *thinking* It's an instrumental song... the title is some wierd Sweedish word I can't even pronounce... and I believe it's on their Lunar Strain/ Subterrain album...bah! damn! I have no idea. You probably know what i'm talking about. I love that song (whatever the hell it's called)
  16. [QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen]Whenever I listen to Death Metal, I'm left with the impression that if they just stopped screaming into the mic they could pass it off as decent music. I really like a lot of the instrumentals and I wish they could just take out the screaming and leave it as an Instrumental-only genre... 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] The screaming and growling gives the listener a feeling of power. Kinda like when my teacher screams at me at the top of his lungs, but when my teachers yell at me I just laugh.
  17. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Alright. *handshake* It's all good. :animesmil[/QUOTE] Thank you. oh, and by the way 0ber0n the Neko: [I]"The OLDER In Flames totally kicks ***."[/I] [SIZE=4]YES!!! THANK YOU!!![/SIZE] We have another In Flames fan here. WOOT WOOT! :animesmil ...and I do believe they still rule the world... but that's my opinion.
  18. In Flames is probably my most favorite European Metal band. Who else likes them?
  19. [quote name='Jakehammaren']I sure hope you're not taking this as directed at you. I started this post quite a while ago, before you'd even interacted with the other Metal post.[/quote] Oh... sorry. My fault. I get hot-headed very easily (as you can probably tell). [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] [quote name='Revolut1on][color=darkred']I don't really like most Death Metal, mainly because I can't tell what they're saying. Most songs just sound like a bunch of growling to me. However, I do kind of like Lamb of God, I find their songs are a little easier to understand.[/color][/quote] I (and many other people) listen to death metal for the actual music more than just the lyrics, but of course if you're the literate or poetic type, sure, I can see were you're coming from. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed. Please use the edit button if you would like to add more to your post.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  20. Hey. I'm perfectly calm man. I never wanted to argue in the first place, but I felt that I had to. And that 'black metal' comment i made wasn't ignorant, I just didn't word it correctly. My bad. Okay. How about we just drop it all now. I'm done fighting. Let's talk about music in a peacful & calm manner. Agreed? P.S. None of those posts were directed to Amorphous so don't start hating me.
  21. I hate Hardcore. I don't like the idea of constant bellowing throughout a song. If you make music you need to put a little harmony in it. Yeah, sure. There is alot of screaming in death metal, but at least they tone it down a little. Actually, alot of the death metal i listen to, it's more growling than it is screaming. ... and i'm still very confused why Cradle of Filth cannot be considered 'death metal'. They have the 'death metal' sound. Come on! ... and yes. Children of Bodom is pretty good. Though i'm not too fond with their new album as I am with their old stuff, but that's just me. P.S. [I]"Or if you want to know what Death Metal even is (because many people have huge misconceptions about it)"[/I] ...very funny Jake.
  22. Gothic InuYasha

    The Crow

    I just got done reading the origional 'crow' comic book. two words: holy.........crap! It was freakin' awesome. Pure genius. So deep. So dark. So violent. :D I'm actually ashamed to say i've never read it earlier.
  23. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]Besides the fact that Cradle of Filth is DEFINATELY NOT a Death Metal band, those are some great choices! My favorite of all the ones you listed is Amon Amarth, hands down. I love their oceanic, rolling guitar riffs and passionate Viking themes. Absolutely amazing band, and even better live. Nile and Arch Enemy are my second favorites up there. I like Arch Enemy because they sneak in some great melodies and solos. I tend to prefer their older stuff, though... it seems like they're losing what made them so awesome before. I love Nile because their music is inspiringly technical and the Egyptian motif creates a very unique sound. They're incredible musicians. I'm actually surprised you didn't mention Bloodbath. Their new album (Nightmares Made Flesh) is pure, absolute Death Metal gold. It's brutal yet melodic at times and never gets boring. Every song is solid from beginning to end. I highly recommend this album![/QUOTE] DON'T CORRECT ME!!! I consider Cradle of Filth as death metal. And I know you'll say it, "Behemoth isn't death metal, It's black metal" . Dimmu Borgir is Black Metal my friend. Anything satanic is Black Metal to me :animeangr AND SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE THINK AS WELL. ERRR! (TWEAK) FRUSTRUATION!! :mad: WHY AM I YELLING! Am I off topic? ...Sorry. I appologize for my rudeness. Forgive me :shifty: I'm not trying to be impolite. BTW. Bloodbath isn't really my cup of tea. I don't really know why. Although, I do like their one song "Outnumbering the Day".
  24. yes :animecry: [color=navy][size=1]Please start adding more detail to your replies. As is clearly stated in our rules, one-word posts are spam. Future one-word posts will be deleted without warning. Thanks for taking this into consideration. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  25. 'Heavy Metal Vocals' you say? I don't know what kind of heavy metal you're listening to but it sure is weird.... Sorry for being rude. :( Please forgive me.
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