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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Belmonda_Achard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Frederic_Achard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"] Natalia saw Deacon move into the opening of the object head first, her curiosity, more so than courage, driving her inside the ship behind him, though she hoped nothing would spring up on them. [B] ?Deacon, wait![/B] She caught up with him easily seeing the inside of the ship, but she was surprised by the size. On the outside, the machine seemed more stream-lined, but inside, she was able to gain an understanding about how bulky it truly was. There were now windows in the room she stood looking at and she saw Deacon about 15 feet away meddling with some of the smooth paneling, knocking here and there to see if any of them gave way. To her left and right the room opened up to be no more than 20-25 feet on each side but she was happy to see that the room was going to be big enough to herd the chimaera into, that is if they were able to get this contraption off the ground. She looked up. The ceiling was covered in small block like panels that had many signs etched into them that lined up perfectly with the ones surrounding it. But it was only out of hands reach, having a height more or less than 10 feet. She saw other pieces of metal, in the concern that went from floor to ceiling and although she couldn?t explain it it seemed this pieces were giving off a glow. The room being dimly lit, but Deacon?s light overpowered them showing the true appearance of the room. [B] ?It?s clean.?[/B] She said, eager at being the one to say it first, making her feel as if she discovered something truly important. [B] ?What?!?[/B] Deacon stopped his inspection of a panel and turned to look back at Natalia. [B] ?No dust..?[/B] She started, as she walked a few steps in. She bent over and ran her fingers along the floor of the hold, and stopped, she listened for a moment thinking she heard the humming of the machine change but soon stood up again and looked towards Deacon again showing him her fingers were clean. [B] ?There?s nothing in here but this. [/B] She held her hands out to emphasize the point. [B] ?I mean where are the spiders, or bugs?? [/B] She rambled off, remembering the old photos she had seen of discovered treasures that were covered in a fine layer of dust or grime, depending on where they were found. [B] ?Maybe its only been here a short time??[/B] Deacon responded soon turning his attention back to another panel his search ongoing. Natalia wasn?t happy with that answer, but before she could respond further she heard Bella and Frederic yelling their names. [B] ?Go get them.? [/B] He signaled towards the entrance with his head turning his work, mumbling even as he did so. Ticked that he was ignoring her answer she thought her cousins may be better suited to answering her questions. Better yet, they may have the same observations. She moved back to the entrance of the machine, the humming ongoing but more subdued as the chimaera lay close to the entrance bundled together and looking cozy next to the behemoth. She heard a few cooes in response to the humming and knew there was some kind of communication happening between them and she was even more so wished she could understand. She heard her name again. The noise made the chimaera look up momentarily the humming from the ship also changing. She saw the chimaera snuggle back together as Bella and Frederic approached, the ships tone changing and even subsiding more. Probably to a pitch out of her frequency. They were a small distance away from the ship, barely visible from the opening but she heard them speak clearly. [B] ?What is that??[/B] She heard one of them say unable to make out the voice as they were speaking low. [B] ? Bella! Frederic! Come in!? [/B] She stepped away from the ship and waved them towards the entrance. [B] ?Deacon says it?s a ship. We may have a way out of here. ? [/B] She moved back to the entrance and waited for them. She heard their steps and whispers As a series of hums and cooes started up again. But her listening in to the conversation was short lived as she re-entered the ship. Frederic approached Deacon, even as he took in the new surroundings. [B] ?Anything interesting??[/B] He asked. [B] ?Nothing at this time that would be helpful.?[/B] He kept moving around the ship tapping on various panels, hoping that one would open and they could better explore the ship. Bella though was a lot slower to respond her eyes wide. [B] ?We need to be careful in here.[/B] She stated even as she began to look over the machine more carefully this time. [B] ?We do need to get out of this cave.?[/B] Deacon returned his thoughts but was still banging, a bit more pressured this time. [B] ?We don?t know what this is.? [/B] Bella responded curtly. [B] ?And if we do something wrong in here, we may be stuck in this cave longer than we think.?[/B] Natalia moved into a corner. Her back to the wall of the room as she saw her cousin state her case in the middle of the room. But even as she moved to relax against a seeming solid panel, it gave away making her give a small yell as her butt hit the floor. She heard everyone move quickly to the opening that revealed a hall about 10 feet long that led to a seemingly dead end. Natalia laughed nervously as she stood up, and looked around her. The walls feeling cool o her touch as she braced herself on them to stand. And as soon as she did Frederic moved in front of her taking the lead to explore more of the hall. [B]?There?s a stairwell here.?[/B] He moved up and out of sight. [B] ?Go!?[/B] She felt a small push from behind by Bella, but Deacon stayed down stairs. She heard him knocking on panels close to them trying to detect if their were any other passages to be discovered. The halls and stairway were easy to manuever, luckily for Natalia, She just hoped she wouldn?t fall again, feeling embarrassed as is, having been found on the floor twice in about 2 days. [B] ?Its safe.[/B] She heard Frederic state right before she got to the top of the stairs and there before her seemed to be a control room of sorts, only a few seats scattered about close to the wall but a cylindrical tube was seen in the middle, maybe something to house equipment, but it was green, the same green that the lifeless eyes of the ship held. [B] ?Are these Xear markings?? [/B] She asked curiously as she stepped close to the cylinder. She traced the markings there as Bella turned from one of the control tables to also inspect it. Even Frederic came to get a closer look. [B] ?Those are..?[/B] She heard one state. Natalia?s fingers just continued to trace. The markings. Curious that only two lines, so it seemed existed on this piece in the room. As she kept her hands on it she felt a small bit of vibrations from it. [B] ?Bella. Touch it.?[/B] She sounded like a child, She even closed her eyes and and placed her face against the column. The vibration turning into a low hum, just like the one heard when they first approached the ship. [B] ?You sure you felt something?? [/B] Bella said touching the piece as well. [B] ?Yes.? [/B] Natalia replied simply as she continued to listen to its humming. The pitch of it changing as she continued to listen. The sounds becoming faster and more frequent, even the pitch of it changing more. The sounds lulled her, as they became louder in her head. Even as her cousins spoke. She could not hear them. She felt her eyes close and the sounds became more cluttered in her head, but even though that a low voice rang clearly through her head. [B][I] A?mu?.net.[/B][/I] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]Great posts everyone. I think people are really hitting their stride right now, and every new post seems to add something new to the story. For the Anovans I believe Hinata is going to post next, (although don't quote me on that.) From there everyone is free to do whatever they want. [/size][/QUOTE] I am typing it now Shy but I do work the next two days as well.. so my post may not be up until Wednesday sometime. 2 12-hour night shifts in a row, they make things tough OFFICIALY EDITED! 4/11/09.... Posted, Anything a little well out of order in your eyes. Let me know!
  3. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Frederic_Achard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"] Natalia head lay on the book on her father's desk. Facing away from the sun as its rays streaked into the room and down onto the desk. Her arm giving her neck the leverage it needed for her to be comfortable enough to stay sleep. She makes a few sighs in her sleep as she begins to stir but is too relaxed to open her eyes just yet, and wanting to revel in the darkness behind her eye lids. An unexpected knock at the door jarred her and sent the book and a few other trinkets flying of the desk. She forgets the knocking for a minute not caring her hair is a mess or heck even the fact that her face may be a mess from her nap and she yawns as she reaches for the papers. The knocking at the study door continuing. [B]"Damnit all to he-"[/B] The knocking comes once again. [B]"COME IN!"[/B] She yells and returns her face to the floor making sure all the items are at least off the carpet and placed on the desk. Her back to the door as she straightens it up. Calling over her shoulder assuming the guest is her father. [B]"I'm sorry I messed up your desk. I promise to get it fixed up before I go."[/B] Her back stays turned as she here's a laugh under her breath. She joins along at little before speaking once again, setting the pins back in their container. [B]" I must admit, I've been in this book so long that I don't realize when I was truly reading or dreaming of reading."[/B] She continues to giggle amusing herself as she reads back some of the information she learned. [B]"Father, did you know the Xear have been associated with the region around Mt. Vosper. Although I have not been to the region the breed of chimaera in that region are more lightweight but still very much muscled as well as furred. The extreme climate allowed the breeders there to build an animal that not only suited the altitude but also give their handlers some protection, if needed, from the elements. Those who dared venture to the peaks of the mountain. Though few and far between have even ventured to make chimaera that fly. FLY?! Can you believe that?!"[/B] A smile stretched over her face as she leaned over the desk, glancing once again the book, turning it towards her and tracing her fingers over the map and even a picture of one of the flying breed of chimaera. [B]"I would love to see them, not bred, outside of their enviroment, or shown of in front of men, but in their home, the lands they know best."[/B] [B]"Now THAT is the best news of the day."[/B] Natalia spun around quickly to notice not her father standing in front of the closed door but her cousin Frederic. [B]"Wh-what are you doing here?" She moved away from the door and felt a twinge of embarrassment hit her face. "And why didn't you say something.[/B]? He laughed a little the smile lightening the features of his face, before he entered the room and looked at the book in front of Natalia, she shifted to the side as he read over the brief pages and captions and looked at his face as it changed back to the serious form she's sure has been placed there one too many times lately. [B]"Are you serious?"[/B] His change in voice stunned her a little making her forget her thoughts.[B] "Excuse me? What?"[/B] [B]"Are.. you...serious? Would you like to work with these animals? Natalia, I hear how you are when you speak for them and I know you would be a perfect choice."[/B] [B]"You mean you're actually going to Mt. Vosper?"[/B] Frederic nodded at her question and saw her face light up. [B]"Yes I want to go. When do we leave."[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________[/CENTER] The little trip down memory lane, soon faded as the distant gaze in Bella's eyes stirred. The now familiar dullness taking over the glow that used to fill Bella?s eyes and the seemingly permanent mask of hatred that was hiding much of the pain that crept in after Vincent?s death. Natalia just had to smile a little as she turned around, she had to keep telling herself she was here to not only learn more about the world but become more involved with the cousins she loved and missed so much in the past years. Hopefully she could brighten up something in Bella?s eyes. She moved slowly away from the cabin, knowing the landing may be less than superb but as she moved quickly down the stairs she was not expecting the lurch in the shift, making her grasp the rail. She made it down the last few steps and looked up in the general direction of the bridge muttering about Jack?s landing skills [B]?I wish he?d just stop being a-? [/B] Another jump in the airship made Natalia slip against the wall, her head hitting it and making her stand dazed in the hallway she was traveling down. She could only attempt to keep her balance as the ship dipped again throwing her once again into the wall. Something wasn?t right and she soon learned it was true when she heard the engine. Although not an airship operator she knew the sound was different and feeling the ships current movements she inched herself closer to a door, thinking to use it as a brace as the ship went down, but the thud in her head and her vision blurring made her advancement worse even as slumped against the wall waiting for the ship?s decent to finish. She curled into the fetal position as she sat against the wall her head still hurting, but she tried to keep herself awake. Her hands on either side trying to keep her upright against the wall, but before anything else occurred she saw nothing but darkness. [CENTER]___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]?-Talia! NATALIA!? [/B] The voice grew harsh and even though she was awake, she could not make the face. It sounded like Frederic but she was not sure. She could only try to ignore the thumping as she slowly sat up, dizziness and nausea coming over her as she moved. She paused for a moent as the voice continued to hum into her ear, softer than the ringing in her ear but still making an impact. [B] ?Wake up Natalia. Look at me.?[/B] As the nausea subsided she was able to respond. [B]?You aren?t helping me anymore then the ringing in my ear, so please hush.?[/B] She managed to look at the person. And saw Frederic squatting next to her as she forced herself to sit up and lean back against the wall. She felt dizzy once again but she kept still and looked at her cousin. His face grimacing a moment before he stood up and just looked down at her. [B]?Have we landed??[/B] She asked unintentionally harsh sounding as she tasted bile, the taste making her almost gag but her body forcing the taste away. [B]?Yes. Bella was worried.?[/B] Natalia only looked on in silence her vision clearing as she saw Frederic look on beside her before she replied. [B]?I?m fine. Just help me up.?[/B] Frederic only nodded his bent to help steady Natalia as she rose. She worked with him, her back against the wall and she hoped she wouldn?t fall. [B]?Is Bella alright??[/B] He nodded once more as she stood there a moment keeping her balance and happy that the dizziness was clearing between the brief moments of conversation. [B]?That?s good to hear, and you, no broken bones right??[/B] [B]"Everyone is present and accounted for." [/B] [B]?How about the animals??[/B] [B]?I have not been there yet, I came for you first then we would survey for any damage??[/B] [B]?I've got to get there then I am sure I can make it from here. I need to go check on them. We may need them in the long run and knowing the bunch we have on our ship they are getting pretty anxious right now.?[/B] Natalia hugged the wall as Frederic walked behind her her steps faltering now and then but she didn?t fall. [B]?I am going with you Natalia. Sorry but I am not going to have Bella see you in this condition and yell at me for leaving you.?[/B] [B]?She wouldn't yell anymore. Not about me. I can assure you of that.? [/B] Natalia wanted to be funny but she knew the personality in her cousin had changed, and she was tired of hiding it. [B]?I miss the old Bella.?[/B] Natalia frowned at that statement and Frederic kept moving with her. The silence surrounding them for moment as they moved along. The calls of the trapped animals being heard as they moved closer. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"] Natalia hated that the rest of her time on the ship was spent in the company of her mother. Although her brief and somewhat relaxing time on the deck had been enjoyed. The moments soon following had caused not only a buzz of excitement within the passengers on board but also her. [I]Xear...[/I] She didn't seem to remember much about it growing up but she had heard it at least once or twice and her brain burned thinking about the word so much. Now back home with her parents, Natalia stayed with her father, hoping from a repreive no matter how brief from her mother who was already having a new slip gown touched up for the both of them for the fashion show tonight. As soon as the [I]Alaina[/I] landed her mother began buzzing in her ear about the show and how she hoped there were not only exquisitely fabulous gowns to purchase but the large amount of young males looking for eligible young women wanting to be in their company. Natalia was sure to shoot down her mother's offer of introducing a young man to accompany Natalia to the show. [B]"If you want me there I will only go with you or father?"[/B] Her mother fumed briefly but once Natalia told her about how she may like to purchase one of those gowns Maria beamed. A chance to spend money on top fashion was a good enough reason to be present. But now her thoughts went to more pressing matters. She looked over the books in her father's study and had picked out one in particular. Its papers bound in brown leather with silver writing on the spine with the large "X" drawing her attention. SHe traced the letter with her finger time and again at the bookshelf her father's question snapping her back to reality. [B]"So what do you think, Natalia?"[/B] [B]"Huh? What?!"[/B] Her father paused for a moment and came to stans by the young girl. He knew her mind was preoccupied and once seeing her fingers over the "X" And according to what Maria had told him about last night he had a clue as to what was going through his daughter's mind. [B]"Natalia?"[/B] He took her free hand and led her to the small couch in his room, sitting next to her. Her arms draping shyly over the book. [B]"Why are you still here? I know that you are not really into fashion, so please do not use that as a lie. And do not try to say you are here to satisfy your mother. It would be the first time in 5 years that you have done so."[/B] Natalia sighed seeing that her father read her so well. She looked away for a moment and then seeing that the doors to the study were opened, placed the book onto the small table beside her and moved to the doors and closed them. Her mother was not around and probably still upstairs with the seamstress, giving Natalia enough time to tell her father without mom's interference. She came back and looked directly into her father's eye. He smiled seeing the confidence in his daughter's eyes and knowing the truth was going to be told. [B]"Father, I want to go. I know mom told you about what has possibly been found. And although I do not particularly remember much about the Xear, they may need to use Chimaera. Though not 100% sure if they could use me. And I know some of my cousins will be involved and I want to use the time to be around them. [/B] She paused for a moment before taking his hand and holding it between her two. [B]"Mother does not know my wishes and I want it to stay that way. She is so focused on me becoming this great lady of society that she does not see how truly happy I am living my life not bound up behind closed doors and gossiping."[/B] He smiled but thoughts in his eyes were different, but Natalia did not press any further on his thoughts. [B]"I will ask about it tonight, and although I am not sure when we will leave. I will be with them."[/B] He smiled and stood her up. [B]"Natalia your wishes and your desires are your own. Go if you wish, but you are going to be the one to tell your mother, not me."[/B] With that he picked up the book that was lain on the table by Natalia and handed it back to her. [B]"I guess you better catch up on your history."[/B] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"]ACK! Yeah I was planning on posting my thoughts on the expedition yesterday but night shift and no computer access makes me a dull girl. So therefore I will edit my previous thoughts for a post to reflect what it is that Id like to do. hehe! But yeah I will approach someone with my thoughts. Im just happy I read this thread instead of posted in the main one first! TY for the heads up![/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/gustave_achard-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"]Natalia sat through the ceremony her mother close at hand whispering about the attendees and even the participants of the luxurious event. Although Natalia drowned out much of the petty conversation she did happen to note who some of them were. Though their alliance or mistrust towards her family was never really known, nor cared about. She just stood when the bride came down the aisle and watched her slow walk and admired thee dress she wore. Maybe even envious, to a point, of her dress, but it always was that way at these festivities. The ceremony and fanfare of the event circling around the bride, and many an whisper were murmured about the lovely gown Beatrice happened to wear. But many of the female attendees tried their best to overthrow the bride's reign, to their bitter disappointment, allowing Natalia to smile to herself, happy that her simple gown was not over-flamboyant, making her look like a stuffed peacock just as Mrs. Dermont did. The same lady Natalia was being re-introduced to right now, after the ceremony. [B]"My dear girl how lovely to see you again. And after so many years you have managed to develop into such a lovely young girl...."[/B] The conversation seemed to go on forever as she told Natalia of her husband who happened to die in an unfortunate accident, and even her ridiculous looking looking royal-blue and emerald gown that seemed to be layered many a times but was actually do to the healthy nature of its wearer. Natalia could only smile and nod her response and look away many a time before moving away her head held down and shaking as almost stumbled into a family member. [B]"Still not watching where you're going are you Little Talia.?[/B] Although she did not know the voice, once she saw the face she could only smile and nod. Maybe a little too kid-like for her nature but she was just happy to see someone closer to her age, and even someone who held the same interest. [B]"Well as I remember you were shorter than me for a few years, Gustave."[/B] A quick smile showed on his face, before he replied. [B]"You must mean when your father was carrying you in his arms. Other than that. I have always been bigger."[/B] She gave him a brief hug then looked him over. [B]"How long has it been since I have seen you? Goodness it must have been years. I think you were racing and I had just started working at the Junction"[/B] [B]"That is where you are now? I hadn't known...[/B] Before Gustave could catch up with him further. Natalia's mother joined the two of them. [B]"Well hello Gustave. I must say this airship is quite lovely... But if you do not mind I need to steal my daughter away for a few moments."[/B] [B]"As always dear Maria,"[/B] Gustave stepped over and kissed his older cousin on the cheek.[B] "As always a pleasure to see you both here, but I didn't know Natalia was working with Chimaera."[/B]He paused turning from Maria then to Nataila. [B]"Can't wait to find out more."[/B] Natalia held her emotions in check for a moment and plastered a fake smile on her face while turning her attention back to Gustave. [B]"Yes we must. Good to see you again Gustave."[/B] [B]"Now Natalia,"[/B] Maria started moving her away from where her family was sitting and back into the group of older women. [B]" I want you to meet Mrs. Edenburr. I hear in particular she has a grandson who may be seeking a bride."[/B] Although it was the last person in the world she wished to converse with, Natalia knew that upon seeing Mrs. Edenburr in her yellow dress, with her thin frame that she would have a time not trying to laugh at her. And if it gave her memories to laugh at once she returned to the Junction she would take it. Who knew maybe even the chimaera may think her stories funny. Her mind not knowing that more interesting things may begin to transpire.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Yeah, the Obamessiah phenomenon is certainly not exclusive to the United States. Almost the whole world has gone all gooey and puppy dog-eyed. [/font][/QUOTE] Well at least some of the people in other countries have sold his merchandise and given themselves their own stimulus package off of selling shirts for about five to ten times the amount that the person bought them for. If only I had been smart enough and gone to do the same in a few Caribbean countries. I think I'd have a decent down-payment for a house that's about to be auctioned right about now.
  8. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Blue"] This is Valentine's Day number two with my boyfriend, and he's not into all the commercial gift buying of flowers or roses n such so knowing how he is and how I am I will possibly do the following. Buy my mom a book, just cause she loves to read and because its the easiest freaking gift in the world to buy along with a card that I will creatively add a piece of my own flare to because heck its jut entertaining to add something to silly to a semi-serious card. HEHE! SHE LOVES IT! She'll actually get this on the 12th of February ALONG WITH travel for two hours after I work 12 hours overnight to go and have some fun with my boyfriend and his friends or sleep part of the day away in his arms. I think I may buy him a Strawberry cheesecake. See how much he really likes it. Plus he will want a poem. GAH! Its been too long since I wrote one. There is absolutely no creativity flowing right now. This will take place on the 13th and 14th. AFTERWARDS I will drive two hours back home to tickle my daughter and maybe spend a little time in church (gotta pray for the sinning I did on Valentine's Day) and tickle the kid before going to sleep to spend another 12 hours working overnight. Happening on the 15th. SO from what it seems I have a plan for the whole few days surrounding this holiday. But what is it I expect in return, just a fun time no matter who I will be with. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]We can change it so Natalia and Gustave are not brother and sister. I'll edit the tree right now so that nobody has to change their posts. I'm very diplomatic like that. :catgirl: -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]Thanks for that Shy!:animesmil You're great... I saw the family tree but didn't think to ask about it since nothing was mentioned in the Auditions thread, but again thanks for no changes, but if in the near future something does not align correctly let me know. And I will make the necessary changes so that we can make things as smooth as need be. Besides I'm happy to not have messed up Collette's history, but to let you know yeah, Maria is a little uptight and anal about where a woman's place should be in the family, especially that of her oldest daughter. Maria secretly hopes to marry Natalia to some rich business man, I think. Not too much development into reasonings just yet. HEHE we will have to see. [/COLOR]
  10. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest%202/Natalia_Lockmere.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Blue"] [I]Why must I be here again?[/I] Natalia didn't know her thoughts had been voiced, but her mother recognized Natalia's disgust at being here. Maria Achard-Lockmere, who insisted on keeping her maiden name after marrying, seemingly ignored her oldest daughter's angst and made herself comfortable as she exited the steamcar to approach the [I]Alaina. [/I] [B]"Well we are here now so you may as well enjoy it. Besides there may be an upstanding man for you to meet." [/B] Natalia scoffed at the idea. [B]"I was busy, you know,"[/B] she started her voice taking on a child-like quality as she continued her statement. [B]"Working at the Junction and then a letter comes stating 'of the utmost urgency' that I return home. I honestly thought something happened with you or father. Yet, it was just a ploy of yours to have me come to this wedding.And now you're here talking of me meeting an upstanding man. I must say I am quite jealous of father, he didn't have to be dragged along".[/B] Maria turned to look at her. Those around would know they were mother and daughter. Maria had a much more refined look to her pale, but healthy tone and dark eyes, with a face that was beginning to show signs of aging. Natalia echoed her mother in height, built and facial structure but her outdoor lifestyle led to an even tan that had yet to leather the young girl's skin, and blue eyes that captured the color of the noon sky. Maria moved close to her daughter. [B]"Now listen here Natalia Christine Achard- Lockmere. I have put up with this silly nonsense of you working with those vile beasts for long enough, and you will be reintroduced to society starting today. You are an Achard, and the lifestyle you live is unacceptable. Your father may not think so, but I am abhorred with your choice to live in such squallor."[/B] Natalia looked deep into her mother's eyes and saw disdain and it only made her fight harder against her mothers wishes. This same argument had occurred many times over the last 5 years, and as always Nataila stood before her mother not staring into the eyes glaring at her. [B]"Just because I am an Achard, does not mean that I am not a Lockmere. My father praises my choices and is glad that I am living to fulfill my own happiness."[/B] [B]"How can you call yourself happy when you do nothing to make yourself look dignified, and you choose to be around those foul animals and men? You make a mockery of yourself and your family name."[/B] Natalia's temper rose sharply and she pushed past her mother as she left the steamcar. She stopped a few feet away, her eyes searching the skies above the airship, seemingly taking in the beauty around her but it was a way to quell the fire that was beginning to boil in her. She stared for a bit longer and she heard her mothers footfalls. Maria seeming thinking the argument was done for now, thinking her daughter would know better than to continue in public, but Nataila began to speak her voice cool and far above a whisper making a few heads turn in their direction. [B]"I broke down to come to this wedding because both you and father wished it, but if you continue to attack my choices in life, I will leave immediately after this ceremony and you don't have to worry about hearing about Natalia Lockmere, ever again." [/B] Nataila purposely left Achard off, a signal to her mother that she had no problem, not being considered an Achard. She barely saw her family distant family and she even wondered if they would recognize 'Little Talia', as her older cousins called her when she was a child. With a glimpse back to her mother, she continued her way to the ramp to board the [I]Alaina.[/I] Though deep inside she wanted to cry, she held a sense of pride and stubborness, and kept her head up. She would bare with the festivities and support the Achard's for as long as it was needed, then she could once again return home. A home among the animals she cared for and helped raised, ones she felt loved her unconditionally. [B]"Welcome aboard the [I]Alaina[/I].[/B] The voice snapped Natalia's attention back to reality for a moment, and looked behind seeing her mother's brow wrinkled. She knew the end of this argument was far from over,but Natalia gave the welcoming attendant a smile and continued into the ship, just hoping she could survive this and if even better, away from her mother.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="Blue"][B]Name: Natalia "Talia" Lockmere[/B] [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Connection to the Almagest family:[/B] A cousin of Olivier Achard. [B]Portrait:[/B][IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q9/cklilster24/anime/girls/2cf912f950c1a420.jpg[/IMG] [B]Occupation/Location:[/B] Residing among the rolling lush green hills of the southwest region of Anova, Talia, enjoys the freedom and beauty of the countryside, but even more the blood sweat and tears she has put into the hard work of helping to breed and train Chimaera. Barely dealing with the human riders she is mostly seen out with a young Chimeara. [B] Story:[/B] Natalia is the first born daughter of Maria Achard- Lockmere( 1st cousin to Olivier Achard) and Nicolas Lockmere. Their love of art and nature was embedded in their daughter at an early age, though the outdoors and nature proved to pique Nataila's curiosity more than the beatiful plays and lovely artwork that their family had been privy to see and or help create in the years Natalia remembers. But one of her most vivid memories were seeing the Chimaera races and how lovely those animals looked and moved during the competition. The amount of determination in their eyes to be the best and the pure joy that they seemed to thrive off when they were let loose to run. That beauty alone led Natalia to the study Chimaera breeding and her first trip to "The Junction" left her heart decided on what she wished to aspire to. Much of her attention fell away from her, to her mother's dismay, but her father was proud his daughter found her calling. She has since spent much of her time, under the demand of her overseer at the Junction with the young Chimaera making sure to feed them the correct nutrients and also testing out their nature's individually. To the dismay of most of the men, who also attempt to catch her eye. Natalia is a little naive of her beauty and prefers the attention to not be on her. She only gathers pleasure from seeing the creatures she has helped train become more magnificent animals than she could have imagined and prefers to leave many of her human co-workers and even family to themselves. [/COLOR][/FONT] If this is a little too dry or in conflict with the 1st RP.. which I am attempting to read please let me know. I'll tweak it as need be.
  12. Seeing your answer Omega. Does that mean that we would definitely have to be on one side or another,throughout this RP, I see that you say a Bounty Hunter is one that is most likely to be aligned with anti-feeding, but it can be both ways I will guess? Just gotta put the finishing edits on my sign-up and I will be hopping on board as well. So I wish to make sure that I'm within my limits.
  13. Cut the YouTube idea.. I tried to see it there and it was a no go. All you have to do is hear it on their MySpace page. The whole song is there and I must tell you although its softer for Linkin Park it is still their sound. This song reminds me of 'My December' where there was no yelling and yet still so powerful. I loved the song and I can't wait for the album to come out! I hope to hear more songs too as the album draws closer together.
  14. I know the Island, Mushroom Kingdom and Racoon City fairly well. Any of those three will be a good starting for me. I want to be included because the narration that will have to be involved. I love to describe and I try my best to do so especially when I can't get it across in the conversations throughout the RP. I think its awesome to not have to personify someone but just tell it in general. Two excerpts from Sengoku. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The music started slow and solemn as the courtyard darkened. Only the lamps hanging at the four corners of the stage were lit as the young ladies stepped out on the stage and danced in formation. The plays and dances at the Izumo temple were well knwon and loved by much of the local populace. But this did not stop the frequent visitors from partaking in a show. Nor did it stop them from giving the temple money, keeping the grounds as luxurious as they were. The fountains in the background stood out from the melody in the music, but added to the serenity and peace felt throughout the crowd. The ladies on stage moving in slow solemn movements. Soon the music quickened its pace and the ladies spread out and one in the center began to move more irratically to the music. The ladies on the outside soon rushing past her as the movements added to the confusion in the music. The crowd watched excited, a few whispers and points to the stage noted in the crowd but the music ended drastically leaving a silence in the crowd as the ladies stood up on stage encircling the one lady in the center. As the music slowed, the lady in the center moved from in between the ladies, seemingly blessing each woman around her and watching the ladies walk off stage one behind another, before coming to the center of the stage and sinking to the stage floor. The lamps around the stage were put out and the music ended. The clapping started as the lamps around the stage and courtyard were relit. Allowing the crowds and the dancers to see one another as the ladies came back to the stage and threw out tokens of appreciation to each visitor as they walked by. If any visitor wished they were also allowed fortune readings after the show and sokme did stay. Others stayed by the stage wishing to personally talk with the center of attention. Okuni bowed repeatedly to her guests and thanked them for their kindness and support of the temple, before ushering them to other parts of the temple. But one small group was very persistant. They let the other visitors fill out in front of them. One approached as Okuni was about to leave the stage. [B]"Good evening, Okuni-san." [/B]He bowed in front of her and she bowed in return. [B]"If you do not mind I would like to speak with you about issues that concern my family."[/B] Okuni remembered the particular gentleman. He had approached her only a few days ago about her services. One's that she have denied time and time again. She grew weary of his persistance, but decided to speak with the gentleman once more. [B]"Ah yes,"[/B] She pretended to remember. [B]"You are from the Fujiwa family. How can we at the temple help?"[/B] She stepped off the stage with his help and began to lead him on a tour of the grounds. A few of his minions trying to follow him but he waved them off. [I] Maybe he's beginning to believe what I say.[/I] Their conversation was held to a low tone as the proceeded along the grounds, their walk bringing her in contact with many fans whom she blushed and bowed at. He continued to speak taking breaks in between if their conversation was interrupted. [B]"As you may recall, the leader of the Fujiwa family would like for you to have a private performance for him in only a few nights."[/B] [B]"As I have told you before my duty is to the-" "-to the temple first. Yes, I remember Okuni-san, and believe me, performing for him will be very lucrative to the temple. We are ready to compensate you greatly for your services. So please reconsider it."[/B] Okuni stopped at one of the fountains and stared into the water. The ripples caused by the movement distorted the moon's reflection as she looked into the water. [B]"When would you require my services again?"[/B] She continued to look into the water as he stepped closer to her. [B]"In three nights, Yoshi Fujiwa will be celebrating his 50th birthday then and will be ever so greatful to see a miko perform to the god's content. He feels it will bring him great favor for the year."[/B] Okuni smiled at this thought as she continued to stare into the water before turning to the man and bowing low to him. [B]"I will be there."[/B] She stood up.[B] "Now if you don't mind I must leave and attend to the grounds."[/B] [B]"Thank you again Okuni-san."[/B] He said grinning as well. [B]"Part of the money will be paid tomorrow and the other half after the performance. Please do well our leader."[/B] He bowed as well and then walked away. Her emotions going wild on the inside as she kept calm while the man left. [B]"Okuni!"[/B] She was startled by the male's voice and she turned to see the temple's priest. [B]"Another job I see, Okuni."[/B] She smiled when she saw his expression and stepped closer to him. [B]"Yes Misako- san. He wishes for me to perform for the leader of the Fujiwa clan."[/B] [B]"Ah yes,"[/B] He answered moving in closer. [B]"Well than please do your best."[/B] He turned and moved away from her, leaving her there to continue her thoughts on what she needed to do in three days. [/COLOR] __________________________________________________________ [COLOR=RoyalBlue] As promised, the money from the Fujiwa clan was delievered in the morning. And Okuni was there to receive it, along with the information on how to get to the house. Okuni was used to going to other areas for performances. Her looks and her concentration on the skill of dance making her a touch above the rest, but everything she did she gave back to the temple. She moved away from the entrance of the temple as the young man smiled and bowed before her and then ran away. She could onl smile at the young male child, surprised that he would be smitten with a lady like her. But she quickly moved into the temple giving the total amount of the money to Misako for use for the temple. But she did not stay there to discuss her plans but went further into the temple. The grounds of the temple were just as serene and as calm as ever. Although it was busy with visitors from far and wide. No one stopping Okuni as she moved through the crowds. At this time in the day they were not there to see her but to pray for their gods. That was one thing that the Izumo temple did not due was reject people of other beilefs. They respected all people who came in peace and quietly disposed of those that came with cruel intentions. She even moved with the populace into the temple to pray before moving on to other duties. More so practicing for her event in two days. She stepped into a large room and grabbed a few props from the wall. One a fan, another an umbrella. She stepped into the center of the room and placed the items at her feet. She knelt on the floor and at first grabbed the fan. Keeping it closed she picked it up with her right hand, her left hand holding her right sleeve tight as she lifted the fan up. She flipped her wrist opening the fan. She did an intricate manuever with the fan before dropping it down on the ground. Then she grabbed the umbrella and while kneeling on the ground opened it up and she went in a circle bending back as it went over and behind her then sitting up as she brought it back in front of her. Her body moving fluidly as she sat back up. She stood up slowly with the umbrella and held it over her as if it was protection from the rains and moved slowly back and forth in an undetermined patter across the floor. Soon her dance became a litte more irratic as it continued, but soon she slowed down and became more comforting more seductive, her eyes being shown as the umbrella twirls in front of her face. She withdrew backwards and held the umbrella open as she knelt down and covered herself with it ending the dance. She was startled when she heard clapping in the background and a slight giggle. A younger miko had been watching Okuni's performance and when she was spotted she ran off. Okuni only smiled as she remembered her first time doing the same thing. But the smile quickly wore off as she got back to her concentration on the mission ahead. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1] Latrice held her head down as the others began to speak with Roos. Her ears atuned to the conversation but her face and consciousness seemingly out of the loop. Her only thought was to get as close to the center of the city as possible but avoid the radiation that was surrounding many of the core buildings that vital infomation may be held. She opened her eyes and pulled out her mini laptop glanced at the city schematic looking at the center of labs and even various building groups that may have at one point of another accessed the central labs. Although she waa known for her hacking skills of bioware one small but of infor always seemed to stick with her. Location, location, location. [B]"Roos?"[/B] She called out shooting her eyes up to his and then glancing at Tyler for a moment. [B]"What is it now?"[/B] She could see that she broke his concentration but only rolled her eyes at the guy before going on with her explaination. [B]"Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the labs are centralized in this city. Correct?" [/B]Her nerves as well as attitude began to boil together in her throat making. Clearing it as she waited for a reply. [B] "That's what the schematic says."[/B] [B]"If that's the case there's no reason for us to even head there. The radiation levels are dangerously high. We can't get within 5 miles of that place without some adverse reactions. [/B] Both Tyler and Corey scanned at the schematic and the projected radiation levels in the area and its surroundings. [B]" We got the equipment Latrice to get in far enough, so what is it you're trying to suggest."[/B] [B]"I don't think all the labs were centralized. Well with the exception of some. But if Latigo is the anal fucker you say he is, he has a back up lab somewhere. Maybe even one that connects to the central labs." [/B] Tyler seemed to concur as he continued to look at the schematic as well. A suggestion popping in his head as well[B]"It may be one of the buildings left out of the 'supposed' updated schematic."[/B] [B]I was thinking that too Tyler, but do we have any sewer or underground schematics of this city. It may help us figure things out better.[/B] Tyler pulled up the schematics and matched them over the city schematics seeing slight variations, that made him wonder. [B]"Latrice look at grid 18.3."[/B] It was the innermost of the three buildings. One that was a lot taller than Latigo had said. she glanced at a series of pipways. Many closed off supposed;y for constuction. Latrice nodded escpially eying a pipeline that led to the main labs. [B]"That building may be our best bet for the time being."[/B] Noticing Roos view the schematics over Tylers shoulders. [B]"Don't you agree?"[/B] With that she gave him a little grin and then folded up her comp and placed it back in her bag. [/SIZE][/COLOR] P.S. Hope I didn't go to overboard or anything, if so let me know and i can make the appropriate changes.
  16. [COLOR=Purple]Sitting back as she heard Corey and that other guy speak. She only decided to keep her mouth shut. She had to be ready for whatever they found and was pissed that this is the reason she had come along. She could have been at home with her child. That boundless ball of energy that had somehow slowly become reattached to Latrice. She sighed a deep breath as she remembered the face of her child and also the disapproving face of her mother. Now Sylvia was a different story. She stormed after Latrice learning that she would once again be pulled away from the, and most of all be left with the burden of bearing with Tay, her granddaughter. Latrice knew inside that Sylvia didn't mind but she had to complain about it. The only thing she could do to get away from the screams of her mother were grab Tay and take a drive to the beach. [I]The warm sun beat down on their faces and Tay ran in the water, running away from the waves and running back to pounce Latrice in the sands. Latrice smiled as she remembered that day and also the question that escaped Tay's mouth as she lay on top of her mom. "Are you going away again to protect me and Grandma?" Tay's innocence also spoke of experience. Knowing full well that the jobs that Latrice ran often involved some shady people. "This time Tay," she was honest with the girl. "I'm not 100% sure what is happening will effect you, but I know it will help a bunch of other people who need it. That's something I try hard at doing everyday." "Will it be dangerous?" The little girl's big brown eyes stared directly into her mom's face. Latrice smiled at her baby but could not lie to the child, Tay was far to smart to accept it. "That it may be, and so I am going with people who will also help to protect me too. But remember I was a soldier of this country." "Yeah I remember Grandma telling me about you going off to other places and she said that you had a gun too." Latrice laughed as her kid said the last of the her face brightening. The kid always bragged about her mom having fired guns and she even had her old military pictures to show off to her friends. "Yes I had a gun. And I will have a gun again as well as other people to help me if things should get really dangerous." The child was left content with that last line and the two of them continued to enjoy their afternoon. Latrice could only smile and hold back tears as she tried not to picture what her kid was doing.[/I] Her thoughts were cleared though as Roos, the command in this operation called out an order to the rest of them. Her thoughts rushing back to the present and focusing on what was at hand. She put her Nav Com visor down and saw the numbers flash in her eye. [B]"Be ready for anything."[/B] He again called out and she got her weapon in hand. Her heart beat thumping wildly in her chest. He jumped out first and she, along with the rest of the group, followed quickly. She focused on getting through the make shift entrance that burned at the edge,s her gun in both hands and her equipment jostling about her body. Roos had stopped immediately and held a closed fist up. She stopped and looked briefly behind her seeing that the entrance had closed behind them. [I] DAMMMMMNNNN![/I] Was all she could think before turning back to him and awaiting the next command. Her gun was still in both hands but held to her side. Her heart slowing down as she inspected the surroundings. But the fog in her face clouding her vision some. She only wondered what had caused all this. At first she thought of the radiation that had been said to be coming from a certain area but when scanning the surrounding area it seemed to be diminished with the exception at the core of the city. She also began to wonder if it may have also affect the bioware. The key units that she was assigned to work on. She felt right away that this wasn't going to be as easy as she hoped. In her ear she heard Roos' voice once again call out as he and another guy spoke quickly. She remembered his last command clearly as she moved with a few other members of the team, toward the diner. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Purple]Name: Latrice Williamson Age: 27 Gender: Female Specialty: Hacking- bioware History: Being to mysel,f as I got older I just got into computer use. Don't know how it really happened but it did. Even after the birth of my child I found it as a way to get away from life around me. That was about 10 years ago I had her, but we never really bonded that well. My mom took over with her. As I grew older I decided to go into the armed services. There I learned about the new advances in technology as well as bioware. Something that I knew little about before the military. But I took to it quick and after a few years of working on various systems and even hacking into the systems that others had made I became someone wanted int many areas of the national goverment. I hated all the hypocrisy and other crap that happened and left the military and tried to disappear. Well especially after being threatened to death regarding all the stuff I knew. I pissed me off to a point but I eventually was sought out by those willing to pay alot more for my intelligence on bioware than my own country. My kid sees me more often now and I don't feel so useless to my mom either. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Lime] Tinkerbell couldn't stand sitting at the table. Just wasn't her place but she held there for a little while and kept her gaze more son on this Wendy chick. [RIGHT][I]Well now a chick[/RIGHT][/I] Tinkerbell giggled to herself obviously overheard by Peter in spite of all the other Punks being around. [B]"So Peter,"[/B] Tinkerbell started eating a few overripe fruits that she found a few days back. [B]" What do you think of this new bunch?"[/B] She looked his way and noticed him looking around the table alot probably wishing he was locked away again. She could only finish eating her fruit and wait for him to come back around. He looked around momentarily before understanding he had baeen addressed. [B]"What was that Tinkerbell?"[/B] He said looking her way. She leaned in front of him her breast intentionally touching his hand as she reached for another piece of fruit her eyes on him the whole time as she talked. [B]" I said that I was thinking about having a private brunch with you. A little fruit a little drink. All us... All alone."[/B] She continued to look directly at him but then after getting an orange she leaned up quickly and pushed back from the table. [B]"But then again you have more pressing matters to get to and besides. You wouldn't be able to handle it."[/B] Peter glared at her momentarily as she giggled. [B]" I'm kidding Peter."[/B] She placed a hand on his shoulder and began to move away but not before leaning beside him and whispering something in his ear.[B]"I'ts good to have you in here with us. You need to do this more often."[/B] Peter was about to interrupt her statement but she interjected before he could. [B]"Besides if this Wendy chick helps to do that. I got no qualms with her or her bros. But you need to show them the ropes quick."[/B] He looked Tinkerbell squarely in the eyes.[B] "Or I could order you to do it."[/B] [B]" You have to find me first."[/B] With that Tinkerbell left the dining hall saying goodbye and giving Miss Wendy a few good bye glares for effect. Wendy met Tinkerbell back match for match. Allowing Tinkerbell to smirk for a moment before turning her back to the whole group and leaving the room. As she found her room she went in and began to tinker a bit more on traps and such and even began to eat her orange. She only wondered what kind of mischief she could set up for the newcomers. [/COLOR]
  19. Hinata

    Sengoku [M-VLS]

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue] As promised, the money from the Fujiwa clan was delievered in the morning. And Okuni was there to receive it, along with the information on how to get to the house. Okuni was used to going to other areas for performances. Her looks and her concentration on the skill of dance making her a touch above the rest, but everything she did she gave back to the temple. She moved away from the entrance of the temple as the young man smiled and bowed before her and then ran away. She could onl smile at the young male child, surprised that he would be smitten with a lady like her. But she quickly moved into the temple giving the total amount of the money to Misako for use for the temple. But she did not stay there to discuss her plans but went further into the temple. The grounds of the temple were just as serene and as calm as ever. Although it was busy with visitors from far and wide. No one stopping Okuni as she moved through the crowds. At this time in the day they were not there to see her but to pray for their gods. That was one thing that the Izumo temple did not due was reject people of other beilefs. They respected all people who came in peace and quietly disposed of those that came with cruel intentions. She even moved with the populace into the temple to pray before moving on to other duties. More so practicing for her event in two days. She stepped into a large room and grabbed a few props from the wall. One a fan, another an umbrella. She stepped into the center of the room and placed the items at her feet. She knelt on the floor and at first grabbed the fan. Keeping it closed she picked it up with her right hand, her left hand holding her right sleeve tight as she lifted the fan up. She flipped her wrist opening the fan. She did an intricate manuever with the fan before dropping it down on the ground. Then she grabbed the umbrella and while kneeling on the ground opened it up and she went in a circle bending back as it went over and behind her then sitting up as she brought it back in front of her. Her body moving fluidly as she sat back up. She stood up slowly with the umbrella and held it over her as if it was protection from the rains and moved slowly back and forth in an undetermined patter across the floor. Soon her dance became a litte more irratic as it continued, but soon she slowed down and became more comforting more seductive, her eyes being shown as the umbrella twirls in front of her face. She withdrew backwards and held the umbrella open as she knelt down and covered herself with it ending the dance. She was startled when she heard clapping in the background and a slight giggle. A younger miko had been watching Okuni's performance and when she was spotted she ran off. Okuni only smiled as she remembered her first time doing the same thing. But the smile quickly wore off as she got back to her concentration on the mission ahead. [/COLOR]
  20. Hey Blayze. I'm not sure how the main treehouse is situated. Or if it is really set up in a certain way. I posted in the Arena already and if you think I should change the set up a little bit let me know.
  21. [COLOR=Lime]Tinkerbell, so dubbed, Tink by the Lost Punks, stood at the door for a moment letting out a deep sigh and shaking off the aroused feelings sweeping up her body. Seeing Peter half naked always turned her on and he knew it. She smirked to herself before glancing back at the door. She moved down the cluttered steps, picking up random things, more so of value to her. She could only think of Peter?s body. [RIGHT][I] Remember he?s off limits Tink.[/I] [/RIGHT] She reminded herself as she gathered a few more things and moved to her room. She dropped the various objects at her desk and sorted them for her use. [RIGHT][I]To think, Tinkerbell, one of the most hellish in the group is a closet neat freak.[/I][/RIGHT] She laughed to herself for a moment. She laughed at the moment she met all of the Lost Punks. Tied and upside down in a tree. It sucked to have been caught like that and she knew she had to stat around them. They were a crafy group although their traps had be obsolete when she first met them. From then on she knew she had to able to outsmart them, and if staying organized was the way she didn?t mind it. She felt it was the only way to have a one-up on everyone else in the group. She now laid the best traps, in and out the tree house and everyone knew it. She even managed to catch Peter on his not so good days. She laughed at seeing him drunk. He was always more relaxed then, but the burden of something within him always seemed to loomed. [B] ?Hey Tink!?[/B] She stopped her daydream and went to the door. [B] "Bout time you look better than crap."[/B] She looked him up and down in his black shirt and ran over head, shaking her head pitifully at him. [B] ?You need to bathe.?[/B] [B] ?Whatever Tink. [/B] He rolled his eyes at her and noticed the empty treehouse. [B] ?Instead of telling me about myself, why don?t you clean up this treehouse for the newcomers??[/B] [B] ?Now that you can throw away with the rest of the shit that litters your floor Peter.?[/B] She moved towards him her finger in his face and cursed at him in Japanese. Something she only did when she was hot. [B] ?Besides, you are the leader of this group. Get your ass out of your room and you tell the others what they should do.?[/B] [B] ?Tink don?t start that shit again.? [/B] Tinkerbell knowing that she was about to hit a hot spot with Peter backed down for a moment. She tried hard to bite her tongue and balled her fists at her side and glared at him. She could not hold it any longer. [B] ?Fuck that!?[/B] She hollered loudly. [B] ?You want it to change you change it. I?m damn tired of holding my peace around you. You get your ass out there and tell them what you want-?[/B] [B] ?Well right now I want you to do is shut the hell up.? [/B] Tinkerbell smirked at Peter and turned her back on him. [B] "Bout time you gave an order,"[/B] She walked to the corner and grabbed some ropes and traps, also a knife which she slipped into a holder that she threw over her shoulder. It hanged between her breasts which seemed to stand out in the black sleeveless shirt she wore. [B] "Where the hell do you think you are going?" [/B] Peter asked obviously upset with Tinkerbell for getting fired up at her. [B] "Food!" [/B] She threw the rope over her shoulder as well. [B]" I want you to stay here and be ready to welcome the new people." [/B] [B] "Ahhhh! And for a minute I thought you were concerned for my well being.[/B] She moved closer to Peter sautering in his face and licking her lips once more. [B] "Besides I won't be gone too long."[/B] She stopped only inches away from his face and puckered her lips as if to kiss him but quickly turned to the side and climbing up a rope ladder, taking her to one of the upper exits in the treehouse. She disappeared into the the foliage but then stuck her head back into the opening over 20 feet above Peter. [B] "Hurry up and get out there. They're waiting."[/B] With that she left Peter to stand in the tree house, obviously pissed at her. She cleared her head of his angered face and attitude. And began to find various fruits. She also checked various traps around the tree house seeing if any animals had been caught. But so far she was coming up empty. [RIGHT][I] Damnit![/I][/RIGHT] She moved through the other branches and lowered herself to the ground searching those traps as well. Only small mammals were found in a few traps. Soon giving up she returned to the tree house, luckily still empty. She placed the food in the table and went to the large room where the lost punks usually gathered. She waited for the arrivals of the newcomers. Not moving a finger to clean the area up. [/COLOR]
  22. Hinata

    Sengoku [M-VLS]

    [COLOR=RoyalBlue] The music started slow and solemn as the courtyard darkened. Only the lamps hanging at the four corners of the stage were lit as the young ladies stepped out on the stage and danced in formation. The plays and dances at the Izumo temple were well knwon and loved by much of the local populace. But this did not stop the frequent visitors from partaking in a show. Nor did it stop them from giving the temple money, keeping the grounds as luxurious as they were. The fountains in the background stood out from the melody in the music, but added to the serenity and peace felt throughout the crowd. The ladies on stage moving in slow solemn movements. Soon the music quickened its pace and the ladies spread out and one in the center began to move more irratically to the music. The ladies on the outside soon rushing past her as the movements added to the confusion in the music. The crowd watched excited, a few whispers and points to the stage noted in the crowd but the music ended drastically leaving a silence in the crowd as the ladies stood up on stage encircling the one lady in the center. As the music slowed, the lady in the center moved from in between the ladies, seemingly blessing each woman around her and watching the ladies walk off stage one behind another, before coming to the center of the stage and sinking to the stage floor. The lamps around the stage were put out and the music ended. The clapping started as the lamps around the stage and courtyard were relit. Allowing the crowds and the dancers to see one another as the ladies came back to the stage and threw out tokens of appreciation to each visitor as they walked by. If any visitor wished they were also allowed fortune readings after the show and sokme did stay. Others stayed by the stage wishing to personally talk with the center of attention. Okuni bowed repeatedly to her guests and thanked them for their kindness and support of the temple, before ushering them to other parts of the temple. But one small group was very persistant. They let the other visitors fill out in front of them. One approached as Okuni was about to leave the stage. [B]"Good evening, Okuni-san." [/B]He bowed in front of her and she bowed in return. [B]"If you do not mind I would like to speak with you about issues that concern my family."[/B] Okuni remembered the particular gentleman. He had approached her only a few days ago about her services. One's that she have denied time and time again. She grew weary of his persistance, but decided to speak with the gentleman once more. [B]"Ah yes,"[/B] She pretended to remember. [B]"You are from the Fujiwa family. How can we at the temple help?"[/B] She stepped off the stage with his help and began to lead him on a tour of the grounds. A few of his minions trying to follow him but he waved them off. [I] Maybe he's beginning to believe what I say.[/I] Their conversation was held to a low tone as the proceeded along the grounds, their walk bringing her in contact with many fans whom she blushed and bowed at. He continued to speak taking breaks in between if their conversation was interrupted. [B]"As you may recall, the leader of the Fujiwa family would like for you to have a private performance for him in only a few nights."[/B] [B]"As I have told you before my duty is to the-" "-to the temple first. Yes, I remember Okuni-san, and believe me, performing for him will be very lucrative to the temple. We are ready to compensate you greatly for your services. So please reconsider it."[/B] Okuni stopped at one of the fountains and stared into the water. The ripples caused by the movement distorted the moon's reflection as she looked into the water. [B]"When would you require my services again?"[/B] She continued to look into the water as he stepped closer to her. [B]"In three nights, Yoshi Fujiwa will be celebrating his 50th birthday then and will be ever so greatful to see a miko perform to the god's content. He feels it will bring him great favor for the year."[/B] Okuni smiled at this thought as she continued to stare into the water before turning to the man and bowing low to him. [B]"I will be there."[/B] She stood up.[B] "Now if you don't mind I must leave and attend to the grounds."[/B] [B]"Thank you again Okuni-san."[/B] He said grinning as well. [B]"Part of the money will be paid tomorrow and the other half after the performance. Please do well our leader."[/B] He bowed as well and then walked away. Her emotions going wild on the inside as she kept calm while the man left. [B]"Okuni!"[/B] She was startled by the male's voice and she turned to see the temple's priest. [B]"Another job I see, Okuni."[/B] She smiled when she saw his expression and stepped closer to him. [B]"Yes Misako- san. He wishes for me to perform for the leader of the Fujiwa clan."[/B] [B]"Ah yes,"[/B] He answered moving in closer. [B]"Well than please do your best."[/B] He turned and moved away from her, leaving her there to continue her thoughts on what she needed to do in three days. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Name: Izumo no Okuni Nickname: Betsushikime or Kuro Miko (reports have not been confirmed) Gender: Female Age: 20 Half/ Full: Full Blood Appearance: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Samurai_Warriors_Izumo_no_Okuni.png]Click here to see her[/URL] Weapon of Choice: The [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Tanto-eventail-p1000703.jpg]tanto[/URL] hidden inside a fan shaped mounting. Primarily used for her defense especially when in a crowded area and not wanting to use her more long range weapon. Rei, the [I]yumi[/I], longbow. Uses this weapon whenever ridging on horseback or to kill an attacker who is a long distance away. Exercises great precision and control when using this weapon. As so it was named spirit, Rei. Feels that this weapon is most accurate when she herself is in a calming and focused spirit. And Will not work properly when she is troubled. Fighting Style: Rarely does hand to hand combat due to preference for using a long ranged weapon, but will defend herself if necessary to escape her attacker with little to no damage to herself and him. Has also been rumored to be able to use Black Magic, so dubbed by her secondary alias Kuro Miko. Personality: Growing up as a daughter to a blacksmith, Okuni became excited to become a [I]miko[/I] for the Izumo temple. She learned rapidly and became well known for her dances and acting.This lays in stark contrast to her shyness when met in person but she is also of a flirty nature. This is where she also learned how to use the tanto and yumi that she have at her disposal when she needs them. This though is where stories conflict. As the wars continued even in her area, Okuni's performances were seen as outlets to the young ones wanting relief from the fighting. Her dances and beaty are said to be what is helping the Izumo shrine. But some say these performances that Izumo create are also death trap to more important higher ups in the wars. She is often said to lure her victims and have them killed by the opposite side and therefore gets paid for her part in the charade. They say the shyness camoflages the cunning and lies this woman truly possess. [/COLOR] If this post is in any contrast to what you were looking for in this character!
  24. I have not actually read the Dune book itself. Since I saw the movie I thought it better to go back and read the pre-Dune books. Such as House Atreides, House Harkonnen and House Corino, also I have had the Butlerian Jihad and part of the Machine Crusade. All that have I read I have absolutely loved. In House Atriedes you hear about Leto Atreides, his life, about how Paul came about and a few other things that will help you understand how certain characters came into being for Dune. These three books were mind blowing and I could barely put them down when I started. I blazed thru all three books in less than 2 months. On top of that I had a few other Sci Fi books. But back to the Pre-Dune!!! I also was able to read The Butlerian Jihad, which talks about how man came to move from earth and why robots are forbidden in the new age of man. You see the beginnings of Arrakis, and the Spice. The other books following that I have yet to read but when I do I know I will have fun fun fun. I love DUNE period and I can't wait to read the original Dune book as well Dune Messaih. Plus I hear there are newer books coming or out one!!!
  25. [COLOR=Lime][B]Name:[/B]Tinkerbell [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Sexuality:[/B]Bisexual [B]Biography:[/B]"Tinkerbell! Tinkerbell!" She felt the person move her around as she slept. Her body not wanting to respond until the person slapped the hell out of her. "Wake the **** up girl!" Tinkerbells eyes opened big and she sat up. Before she could think she slapped the person next to her. Obviously the one that slapped her awake. The girl, Haru, Tink's cousin pounced her and the two began to roll on the floor in Haru's room. One would think that this is the last thing Haru would do seeing the kind of room she held. The walls around them nice and light only a few posters of rock bands around the room without chaos. Only the blur of those two rolling on the floor until Tinkerbell ended out on top of Haru, and Haru no longer stuggling under Tinkerbell's thin form. Tinkerbell kissed Haru hard, her hands run along Haru's form. But a knock at the door stops them. "Haru, Tinkerbell! Don't be late for school." The two girls immediately stopped their play and got dressed, Tinkebell glancing at Haru. Her body wanting to be back on top of Haru and taking advantage of her. Tinkerbell envied Haru, a popular older teen girl who she was now staying with, but was also Tinkerbell's cousin. Tinkerbell's mother died over two years ago sending Tinkerbell to her aunt who stayed in Tokyo. There things slowly changed with Tinkerbell's personality. On the outside she was respectful of her aunts wishes but she began to stay out late and was heavily active in another life when she left her aunt's house. She no longer attended school and began to seduce older men. Not without help from her boyfriend, Taku, who was 20 and in a gang. Only with him was she able to suceed and if she ever stepped out of line he'd make her not only realize it verbally but sexually. Often tying her up and letting the men or ladies around him take advantage. The abuse he showed soon becoming things she loved and her outward appearance changed to show it. Her aunt thinking it only a stage allowed Tinkerbell to do these things, not knowing the change Tinkerbell was having on her child. Haru became withdrawn but also a lesbian, which her mother did not know until later. Knowing all that Tinkerbell had went through in the last two years, when the new park opened up she decided to take Tinkerbell and Haru to it. Her aunt wished to celebrate Tinkerbell's 15th birthday and thought of no better place to do it. It was called Neverland, and although Tinkerbell thought it stupid at first, she's rather be tied up and sexed by Taku, she soon gave in and went with her aunt and Haru. Inside the park Tinkerbell seperated from Haru who went immediately back to the front gate. Tinkerbell never saw her aunt of cousin after that but became entralled in the life of Neverland, her manipulation of the teen guys too apparent. She moved in on her targets quickly and left quicker, until a small band of boys outsmarted her. These boys of various ages and backgrounds took Tinkerbell in one day after seeing her wandering around the area. But instead of falling for her games they tricked her and took whatever she was worth, which at this time was nothing. But Tinkerbell when let go decided to stay around seeing that being around these guys would in fact be fun, for they reminded her of her life in Tokyo with Taku, and the main man, Peter, was in fact handsome but never took on to Tinkerbell's seduction which made her back off and go off to conquer other small fries, helping to support the other punks, in her group. [B]Personality:[/B]Manipulative and cunning to those that she doesn't know. Spoiled and jealous at times. Once you gain her trust she treats you differently but that does not make you exempt from her hijinx. After getting into Neverlnd and getting together with the lost punks her traps got better and she oter managed to ensnare members of her own team with new traps some of them deviations of previously made snares. [B]Usual Items:[/B] Ropes or vines. And other small items that can help her set up traps. Usually carries a sharpened knife with her to also help with it. [B]Vices:[/B] Intelligent people. Someone who is able to not only support her but outsmart her. Sexual people, those that may share fantasies or show any sign of sexual prowess towards Tinkerbell. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/hinata82/SpikedBlonde_Kneeling.jpg[/IMG] Stands at 5'6". Has a small yet atlethic frame. Very gothic looking and not afraid of getting dirty. Tomboyish at times due to being around the lost punks. [/COLOR]
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