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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] The small explanation was good enough for Tr'shiel before they went off to bed that evening. She began to feel no longer lonely. Line was a very nice and easy to talk to person, Tr'shiel was enjoying it, she began to smile something she hadn't done since she left home. She began to sleep when the thoughts of home flooded her mind. Asfter seeing she was so much different from everyone, she knew she was different, wishing and seeking answers. Later that evening Tr' shiel awoken hearing a bit of commotion in the hall. She ignored the commotion and fell back to sleep. The next morning the group awoken to a royal treat. Breakfast with the king. BUt at the loss of their companions. The king though did feed them well. She ate heartfuly and was feeling sleepy soon after. The king stood up afterward and began to reveal thier assignment Opening up the conversation slowly.. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] The base was huge in her eyes and much of the technology around her stunned her, but she was excited. Givin the chance to get rid of the creatures and get her revenge. But not only that she was getting the chance to find great artifacts as well as learn about their culture. Her mind went back to the day she came home. After about 10 years she was home, going to be able to laugh and speak with her parents not worrry when she was going to see them again. She was appreciative for their sacrifice but she looks back wondering if it was too great. She arrived at their home, many of the townspeople laughing and getting together, happily outside their homes during the day.She remembered all the local landmarks smiling a bit. Her house though gave out a different persona it was quiet, lonle sad..she stepped to the door feeling something wrong..... "Excuse me, excuse me miss," a voice came from behind. "Oh I'm sorry," she spoke shaking her hand to snap from her memories. "Seem a bit distracted," he spoke, cutting to the chase. "Naw just a bit shocked by all the things here," she said looking up at him, "nice to meet you I'm Anna." He returns favor," the name's Ethan." they shake quickly and he lets go of her hand, "You work here?" "I do now." She spoke nonchalantly, " I'm a Artifact-Merc. And you?" "The same, looks like we're going to be working together." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] As Sam and Allen talked amoung themselves before the Event Horizon exploded she heard something from the P.A. system only a bit away from here. "..aren't free.......on...Bladerunner...Loading..." 3... 2... 1... She braced herself against Van's stasis pod as the ship shook from the force of the explosion. coming from the Event Horizon. She looked around the area she was in seeing Van's pos shake for a moment and then begin to settle down. Making sure that Van's program wasn't changed after that she went on to the bridge checking on Sam and Allen. "We're clear sir, we just need to make sure all of our systems are checked and running smoothly." Sam said confidently pressing a few more buttons and taking control of the ship. "Very well then you check the main systems, I'll send someone to help you out." Allen spoke beginning to turn around. Trini stood there looking for the monitors, before she could get a good look a voice began to speak to her. She stepped towards Allen holding her temple. "What's wrong, is everything with Van okay?" Alle spoke. She could here the question but a pain began to manifest itself in her head. She nodded as she kept looking at the screens. She saw Satell at first, to her surprise Tex just arrived at the bridge right behind her. Tex spoke but her words were inaudible to Trini. Trini stepped closer to look for Ruben in the medical bay but found him in the Loading Area. "Told.....you.....this...is... new...home....." Trini looked at the screen once more turning back to Satell and saw her stand up. [I] You can hear it too, can't you, Satell.[/I] Satell's head moved in slight agreement. [I] Is it the Event Horizon.[/I] Satell didn't send a response she just left the view of the camera and began walking down the hall. Trini turned back to Ruben, his facing grimacing slightly as she looked at the screen. "Ruben," she turned around quickly, the pain worsened. She bent over for a bit but still moved. "Trini, Trini, what is wrong with you?" Allen asked standing behind her. Trini couldn't hear his words. The sounds in her head grew louder. "......this is our home now..." the words echoing. "Loading Bay...Ruben...we...aren't....free." She fell to her knees and held her head down trying not to cry as the voice began to repeat itself.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Kietaro raced awy from the bath, the girl well in tow. "Prevert, someone call the police." The two wer still in the bathhouse he was running in cirles not sure of where he could go. "I'm sorry" he tried to explain to the young woman, but her words were lost as she yelled and continue to chase him. The young lady was keeping close to him and found some items on the side of the bath. She began throwing them at him. Lucky for Kietaro they all missed. He finnaly after getting through with running around the baths left the area quickly, only a towel covered his waist. "PERVERT," she yelled once more still chasing behind him. He made his way to the front area passng his luggage. Still unaware of the people beginning to move about the house. "Get down here now you guys there's a peepng tom here." He looked frightened his eyes got big and he headed straight down the hall. For one not so fit. Kietaro kept his running up throughout the house. He turnd the corners quickly and even went upstairs briefly then ran back down. Running through the dining room. The girl still chasing him and yelling. There was a person he saw sitting there and he yelled," HELP ME!!!" His words muffled by the young lady's scream.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1][font=century]You know, looking at it objectivly, without our vision being clouded by nostalgia...Today's Saturday morning cartoons are better than those of yesteryear. Most of them have higher production values and more complex storylines. Even those that are supposed to push a product are more advanced and sophisticated than the product-pushers of the '80's and '90's. There are exceptions, of course, but on the whole, I think today's kids definatly have it better than we did in terms of toonage. Cartoons I enjoyed: [list][*]Ninja Turtles [*]Garfield and Friends [*]Eek! the Cat [*]X-Men [*]Spider-Man (Sigh...it turned to crap after the first season...)[/list] That's all I can remember, for some reason...Sweetreyes listed several others. ....You used MC Hammer to prove a point? Dude, that show sucked...[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Whoa you went back with Eek the Cat man. I mean how could I have forgotten that one. That show was just, crazy. It kinda makes me think of pre-Ren and Stimpy type stuff. Cuase that was another awesome show from the earliy nineties. Aww the smell of cartoons with a few adult themes. Isn't it just great. But I have to agree with this one here kripples master. Hammer man did suck!!!!
  6. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] Everyone was escorted to thier rooms. Tr'shiel was absolutely amazed byt the place. She looked around in the King's great hall and all the colors present within. Everyone else seemed less impressed but were more so struck by the news of Riv being among them. Tr'shiel really wasn't but kinda wondered about it and tried her best to overhear the conversation. She wondered what was his explanation for keeping that vital piece of info a secret. Riv stood apart from the rest and tried his best to calm them down. "I will explain all of it to you later. Now please go to your rooms I'll see you all again at dinner." The group went their way, Tr'shiel walked Line. "Uh, Line" she asked. Line looked at her. "Um can you tell me of Riv, who is he?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Des, Des Des I cease to be amazed. Both articles have *hold hands up touching three finger together on each as if a mobster* ...such phazazz, such great details, so many unexpected curves,*looks over and realizes she talking about the tall blonde with great bust and hips in the corner* Oh I'm sorry man, *sits down proper and crosses arm* But for real both articles are wonderful. Can't wait to the next edition.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1] I absoluetly positively am happy some one brought this thread up. Not that Im saying I dont love the Saturday morning cartoon that are out now. I love those too. But this...is all about...the Old Skool cartoons. Lets see if I can list all of the ones that I loved to watch... [list] [*]X-men [*]Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles [*]Spiderman [*]Master of the Universe [*]She-Ra [*]Jem [*]Gumby..can that be considered a cartoon.... [*]Fat Albert [*]Thundecats [*]Voltron [*]Transformers [*]GI Joe [*]A Pup Named Scooby Doo [*]Rainbow Brite [*]Care Bears [*]My Lil Pony Tales [*]Pound Puppies [*]Alvin and the Chipmunks (just classic isn't it) [*]Babar (such a sweet elephant..and he learned how to stand up on his hind legs) [*]The Flintstone Kids (yabba dabba doo) [*]Chip and Dales Rescue Rangers( Now how could you forget about that Piro) [*]Count Duckula..LOL [*]Gummi Bears (Loved that show..and you forgot this one too Piro) [*]Fantastic Max [*]Garfield and Friends [*]Heathcliff...*sings Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should...* [*]Inspector Gadget *makes angry cat noises* [*]Monchichi's [*]Muppet Babies [*]Rude Dog and the Dweebs.. I had to look that one up and find it..that shoiw was crazy.... [*]Smurfs [*]Snorks( cant forget about them...) [/list] I think thats enough of my fav sat. morning,or weekday or whatever day cartoons from when I was young.. I did come across a few shows that I didn't like but I don't remember them so I can name em..Sorry!!! But no matter if you liked only old cartoons the newer ones will be coming and going as well....But those that you remembered as a child you will always remember them so just look at it that way.... And don't hate on the anime...[/SIZE][/COLOR] P.S. Piro Im not singling you out when I call your name.. Im just shocked that you could forget the other great Disney cartoons that were out at that time also... If you are offended I will happily delte your name...Thanks
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][font=century][size=1][color=indigo]Therein lies the interesting thing about [i]Tenchi Muyo![/i]; namely, Tenchi is as interesting as watching grass grow. He's bland, boring, and ocassionally annoying. They never really explained how, once he piqued a girl's interest, he managed to hold it. Really, you'd think Ryoko wouldn't go for Tenchi at all, because they're simply too different. You'd think Ayeka wouldn't because he has little ambition. Yet they do, mostly because the series would'nt work without that condition. But, seriously, he should have choosen a girl a while ago. Until [i]Tenchi in Tokyo[/i], I thought he might be gay. I mean, really, not to ever show interest in one of the girl at this point really stretches things. I always thought Tenchi needed a foil character, like maybe another cousin, who would react how an actual guy would react; he'd be nervous or intimidated, sure, but he would actually develope a crush on one of the girls, and pursue it. I'd like to see that, particularly how said girl would react to another "average guy's" advances.[/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Thats bad, but I have to agree with you on that. and I feel ashamed of not thinking about that myself...Just kidding But I think I have an answer for you about Tenchi and the weird love thing he's going through. I serious feel that these ladies are going after Tenshi doto the fact that they can't have em. You know like going for a girl who's out of your league, trying to impress her and sway her. Or trying to go after your best friends man or girl because he/she has him/her (sorry that was confusing wasn't it.) I think thats what they are going through. They just want him because they can't have em. Hopefully one day they'll learn...Oh thay wasnt for the character that was for the people who actually do that.... CYA [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Live action Sailor Moon, I must be really out of the loop for not have heard of that one. Oh well I'll survive. I guess it just shows me how out of the loop I actually am.... But as for the cartoon, which I did love and which I watched happily in my first years as an anime fan. I thought it kicked butt. I mean a girl changing into a short skirt and wearing a crown. Who wouldn't like that. Shoot if I was a man I'd let her kick my butt just for the heck of it..so that I cn catch a peek..Heh heh. I think I need to stop acting like a perv. Sorry if I offended anyone. At this point in time. Sailor Moon is still good to me. But I dont watch it as much and Im not as excited by it as I used to be. I guess its from me getting older I dunno. But I still must say if it was between a Sailor Moon marathon and a Vin Diesel marathon..(I love Vin Diesel) I'd look at Sailor Moon..I think its cause I dont have any of her eps and I have most of his movies...he he[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] After hearing no response back from Allen she decided to just sit there with Ruben. Somehow she could sense a great distress happening but just ignored the feeling. 'It may still just be the effects from Satell's healing,' she thought for a moment. She walked to a mirror and quickly examined the spot she had been cut. Only a small scar remained as if surgey had been done on her many years ago. Bringing her mind back to the event at hand she felt a sharp pain in her mind, a voice a familiar voice spoke to her. But it was intense as if trying to kill her, struggling to get through to whoever, but hurting her in the process. "Alle.... lp.... sti... re..." She kneeled to the ground closing her eyes as it passed through her head. When the words left so did the pain. She lay breathing hard and crying on the floor for a few minutes. Still recovering from it. She slowly sat up and looked around. Her eyes widened as she relaized the voice. It was Van. She ran down the hall to the bay to see Allen walk through the door with the man. He looked very weary and beaten. She walked over to them both, "Allen, is he okay?" She took Van's arm and put it over her shoulder. "Help me get him to the statis pod Trini, he seems fine but he needs to rest." They slowly made their way to the pods. None of the really speaking. She looked Van over a few times happy to see him still around. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet]Not much to say in this topic except- I was watching Mr.Deeds on HBOc last night and it got me thinking-does anyone besides me watch the movies and does anyone have a favorite Adam SAndler movie? Little Nicky is pretty cool for me. The whole Good is more powerful than evil message was nice. but the best scene was the beginning when [spoiler]the devil is shoving a large pineapple up Adolf Hitler's behind and Hitler is dressed in a French Maid Costume[/spoiler] Of course, I'm a sick twisted individual so that more or less fits my mind set. Anyone else?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] Haha that part in Little Nicky was the greatest. But Adam Sandler I think is coming up. Yeah he is starting off with his SNL roots but I believe that he will develop into a better actor getting more roles suited to him. Well that if he wants them. Even if he does go the way of Eddie Murphy Adam Sandler has already hit some good things. Well he did star "Bulletproof Man" with Damon Wayne. It wasn't the funniest of Sandler's movies but hey it showed him being in an action/ comedy flick. Now I havent seen Punch Drunk Love yet so I can't comment on it at this point in time. But I must say that as a comedian Sandler does the right thing. Although his humor may seen a bit crued( if that is the right word) It will give you a smile. And I'm happy that someone out there is doing that sort of comedy again. Jim carrey used to do it. Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence hit on it everyonce in a while. But I don't think Adam S. will really stray away from his brand of cemedy.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] Tr'shiel saw the gropu run towards the city. She could only shake her head and slowly kept walking, staying her distance from the people about 200 yards in front of her. She saw what the city had did and she couldn't wait to right it down, but before she could do that she had to find an open place to do research. She hoped that one would be avaliable and since she had never been to the city she began to get nervous. She continued to move on crossing the flat plain in front of the city entrance. It didn't take her too long to reache its entrance and not only did the number of travelres entering and exit the city look at her many just flat out stared at her. As she entered a guard stopped her and looked the young lady up and down. "May I ask your business?" He looked at her probably never seeing a person of her color. "Yes sir I'm here trying to find a place that I may read some books and do a bit of research on legends. Can you direct me?" He seemed a bit stunned by her manners and quick speaking. Seeing that she was meaning no trouble he directed her on her way before giving her a word of advice. He pulled her to the side and spoke softly. "You are a stranger to these parts young miss, keep yourself covered and no harm will come to you. I must say you are the first dark-skinned person I've seen grace these parts and people will kill for a rarity like that." His serious words made Tr'shiel nervous she quickly looked around seeing all the people glancing at her. As his request she donned her hood and moved quickly up the street lowering her head as she got further into the city. A few tears began to well in her eyes as she moved on. Trying to dry her eyes and keep her head slightly lowered she didn't see the person in front of her and knocked into the figure, falling back revealing her face. The person looked down and held out a hand. "I'm sorry there here, c'mon get up." Shaking, she took the hand and began to look around at the group before her. She looked at their gear and immediately recognizing the clothing they wore. " I saw you all on the road not too long ago." "Huh," they all replied simultaneously. "Yes you all, I was a few miles from the city when I saw your group standing on the road. I guess some conversation got started and you all began to run here. Not that I was following you. I was actually just trying to get here for myself." "And may 'we ask your name," the young lady said. "Oh yes I'm Tr'shiel," she said, beginning to calm down just a bit. "And where are you from," she asked again. "Um, the small town of Linore, about 100 miles away. Going towards the coast. I came here to learn about stuff." "Well I'm Line, nice to meet you," she said smiling lightly at the girl. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Noëlle [/i] [B][i][color=lightpink]I have the biggest question in the world and it does have to contain to this type of music in general. Well. Is it true that fads go west to east? I have been told this and been called "A woman before my time". It's odd but I want to know if it does happen or not.[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree with you Noelle..cause if you think of it Hip hop and rap became grounded in America(which is of course in the Western Hemishere) Butit became a very popular brand of music still holding on strongly in American culture today. But if you expand to the Eastern Hemishere you see how there are many European and Asian rappers..Now That is one thing that I have noticed moved from West to East. But there are many fads in the east that have moved over to the west. Anime being one of them. Many American artists have been picking up Japan's 'art' stye. Not that its really a fad but hey its something that surely influences our culture....
  15. I know some may think we need more people to start this RPG and so I will leave the Sign-Ups open... But if you wish to post in the RPG you may do so for I have it up nw waiting for you. Also if you wish to do more thatn one character feel free to edit your post and add that character. We still need Aunt Haruka, as well as a few more roomates who may cause trouble along the way.
  16. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Man, finally a break from the parents, well not really a break seeing that they kicked me out after flunking the entrance exams to get into Tokyo U. Flunking them twice that is. *wipes forehead* Well at least I can come visit Grandma at Hinata House. I love this place. It in fact, it's the very place I made my primose to get into Tokyo U, but that was so long ago. *sighs holds head down* Oh well, *looks around trying to find the spot* Aw there it is grandma's hotel. He stands in front of a three story hotel a place of memories a place of fun. Now in charge of running the hotel. His chance to make things right, his chance to put aside all the problems of the past and finally get into Tokyo U. He heads towards the door carrying a large piece of luggage and his backpack. The building looking the same as ever, only the painting changed. It still had a homely feel and the cherry blossoms outside let off a pleasant smell. As he stepped through the door he was hoping to see someone in the living area but was chocked when no one walked up to the desk. "Hello," he called seeting the baggage down next to the desk. "Grandma, Auntie Haruka, anyone." He looked around once more but no one showed but. They place seemed to be empty but items were around to suggest that someone was staying at the hotel. He walked over to the small lobby and sat in the chair. 'Maybe they're on an errand,' he thought to himself flipping through a magazine close by. A few minutes later he threw it down and decided to explore the place once more, trying to relive the parts of his past that he spent here. As he walked down the hall no one was seen or heard. He had left his baggage at the front and decided to leave it there. He didn't care about that. But he did care about the hot spring bath. He rushed to the bath and undressed wrapping himself in a towel around his waist. He stepped in the tub and sat down feeling the warmth seep up and relaxing him from head to toe. "This is where things get better." He laid back and closed his eyes not seeing the other person who also was coming into the bath.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] The young maiden walked along the road heading to Arrav. She wasn't to aware of the other travelers who passed her by or those she spotted on the road. She was lonely and bored but knew that it was the best thing for her to do. She had to try to live by herself. But not only that she wanted to find out about herself, who she was and where she had came from. Many told her as she was growing up that she reminded them of the people who lived over the seas. Others said that she was the color of myths. SHe wondered what they had meant until one day she heard the story. Centuries ago there it was rumored that bronze colored people dwelt within the ocean. They lived they stayed they swam and never left. They had mysterious powers. And were rumored to have also disappeared a long time ago. All that is left for her to go by is a tattoo on her inner thigh and a few pieces of strange clothing that she wore as a child. Nothing else was left for her. She continued to walk down the road, seeing only a strecth of road and the sun blazing in the distance. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Name: Anna Rodriquez Age: 23 Gender: Female Specialty: Swords Weapon(s): Kitana, blade that is three feet long with a 9 inch hilt. The hilt is wrapped in red leather and the sheath of the sword is red with black markings with the creators name. The sword is very sharp and is a double sided blade with which she must be carful with for it may cut her as well. Appearance: [IMG]http://img.actressarchives.com/micheller/tn_mr250.jpg[/IMG] Stands at about 5'7 inches. Bio: Born in Post War America to a hispanic family, she grew up in cautious times. Her family wished for her to be well skilled and strong and so had her trained in martial arts where she picked up the skill of using the kitana. But since majority of the population was scattered they had her mpved to a city where she would be well cared for, well trained and safe from the creatures that were close to her hometown. At the age of 19 she left the place that she was sent and headed back home. To her dsmay her father who had been an 'Artifact' hunter had been killed by one of the creatures. Wanting revenge and wanting to take her father place, she decided to also become a artifact hunter. For three years she has been successful in her hunts and has had her own team to lead for the last year. She is ruthless when it comes to these creatures and is a well sought after hunter. She recently heard the works of Dr. Kurt Krowe and decided to join.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] Name: Aureka'an Age: 20 (by their standard) Gender: Female Ability: In tune to nature. Mostly speaking to animals of the sea and air. Nationality: To many's disbelief, Atlantis Occupation: Heiress Weapon: Hand to hand or a staff. Appearance: See below.... Location: Presently located in Greece, the city of Athens. Bio: She was born in a city that was thought to have been desolate and lost from the human eye for hundred of thousands of year. But not to their knowing the city did survie as did many of its inhabitants. They are still human but they have a few things different about them as well. They can swim for hours unend underwater without having to breathe. Luckily the algae that grows around their encaved, but underwater home, provides them with the oxygen they breathe when about the city. The are as technological advanced as the humans above but do not rely on fossil fuels. They rely on the water around them and the sunlight which they have filter thought solar cells on reef beds and the sea floor close to the city. They are very active and many of the inhabitants travel the world over. With no need of money, they survive off the sea barter for the treasures of the human world. Aureka'an was born over 200 years ago but in the eyes of her people is seen as being young. They age relatively slower that humans, a cycle of a year is equivalent 10 human years. As a teen she heard many stories of the League. And even read manuscrpits about them. She saw the city that almost fell and heard stories of Dr. Jekyll as well as the others. This time word comes to her about the box being founf once more and knows that sooner or later the contents coul effect her world as well. As the heir ot the throne of Atlantis she contacts the league when she here's of the trouble and runs off to join* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. I'll try this out....Sounds kinda cool... [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Name: Tr'shiel Reyes Age: 12 Gender: Female Nationality: Colombia (half hispanic half black) Ability: Telepathy, can move small objects with her mind, nothing else has presented itself to her. Appearance: About 5'0" Kinda tall for her age in the eyes of her family. Has hazel eyes and long dark hair. Skin is caramel colored. Personality: Shy in nature but all all around laid back kinda girl when you get to know her. Will not just go out and start talking to people. At other times she seems to be taken real serious because she doesn't smile and act happy all the time. Bio: Born in America, she moved to Colombia when she was just a year old. Her father was from there and decided to move closer to his family. Her mother also from America supported his move due to no close family members near her. Growing up in Colombia was good and she always had someone to play with, her close family consisted of two other sibling. She's in the middle of the group. Her friends have stayed the same and she never had to worry about fitting in, she was always happy. When she turned 11 she began to see that whenever she wanted something for some reason it would come towards her. Mostly it was smaller objects such as a pencil, a small ball or paper, for a while she blamed it on the wind or something else that may have an effect on the objects movement. On her 12th birthday she found out something much different. She was waking up that morning and needed her slippers, to her dismay they were by the closet. She sat up about to walk to them when she thought to herself about them being right there next to her. Before she knew it the slippers rised lightly off the ground and made there way to the bed. She was looking at them the whole time and tried it with another abject. She looked at the book closest to her bed and saw that it also came to her. As the book was midway her mother just stared at her seeing what the young girl was doing. After that day many people began to her of what the girl could do and her parents knew she was no longer safe there. To their joy a school representative came and visited the young girl. Taking her back with them. This is her first year and she must start all over. She is a bit scared and nervous, but tries her hardest to hide it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I hope you don't mind if I also sign up for this... If you do please let me know and I will graciously delete my post and go and whine to my mommy. Thank you..but here is my sign-up. Ummm I forgot before I post are all the people here human or can they be of a different race. But in case its human here's my sign up if not it will change a bit. So please let me know. Name: Tr'shiel Age: Thought to be around 17.. not positive. Ability: A healer. Doesn't need herds to help she just uses a touch and her heart. Unsure of the overall effect it has on her or the one she heals so save this power for only when desperately needed. Description: Look at attachment Bio: Most of her life is unknown, according to her guardians she was found on the side of the road at a very young age crying. Not sure of how old she was when they found her they believed her to be around 2-5 years of age but have placed her with a certain group of childern who seemed to be at her level. Those children were about 3 years old and they placed her at that age. Being a happy child and playful the guardinans always noticed that after a fall or a srcape she would never be hurt, or the sore would go away overnight. Wanting to test a theory the man had a wound on his arm. Upon seeing the wound she touched it and cried beacuse the man she thought of as dad was hurt. He felt a strange sensation radiated from the wound and quickly unwrapped it. His cut gone. From then on the Kept a ver tight lid on her abilities But grew up becoming shunned by those she played around with for being different. Not due to her abilility but her color, and her looks. At the age of 14 she found a friend in dire straights, The young lady used her power to heal her friend, Since then people have been seeking her and coming to her whenever they need healing. One by one she and her guardians turned them away. At 16 she became tired and left her town wanting to explore and find out, who she truly is. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] seeing that I am still relatively new to the Jpop/ J rock scene I can only name a few people that I am truly beginning to like.... Ayumi Hamasaki is pretty darn good. Do As Infinity is good too, I heard a few clips off their most recent album and I know that I have to find it, I many not understand a word but hey I'll still blast it in my car. Now Transtic Nerve is also good, but I'm still trying to get into them. I haven't heard much of their music but I hope to become a die hard fan. Now there are a few other groups and or people out there that I am loving but I wish to here more of their music hopefully so I will be able to do so and just savor everything about them. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Tigervx... I should hit you for allowing your character to move into Hinata House but one this one and only one time. I will allow it. You and Keitare are male residents of hinata house. You will be staying next door to Keitaro that way he can make sure you don't cause truoble with the female residents HE HE! Well as I said I would post my character for this play and here it comes...... Name: Keitaro Urashima Age: 18 Gender: Male Occupation: Future student of Tokyo U. Landlord of Hinata House Personality: Very silly and mixed up young man. Can be sweet and good meaning but his intentions somehow get misconscrewed turning everything into nothing but chaos for him. Is still a virgin and so occassionally thinks about females. But he does not believe himself a pervert. Short Bio: Keitaro has only had two loves in his life. A little girl whom he met over 15 years ago, promising one another to go to Tokyo U together and Photobooth picture collecting. And all the photos are of him alone. He's tried twice to make it into Tokyo U. but still fails to get in, his parents, enfuriated kick him out of the house and so he runs to his grandma's hotel hoping for help from her. What he finds there is more than he bargained for.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini looks up at the man and smiles nicely to him. Although she didn't expect to keep too much company today she still appreciated some. [I]At least he isn't drunk. [/I] She extendeds a hand for him to shake, smiling softly at the man. "The name is Trini," she said in a nice manner not wanting to run him away. "And you are?" "I didn't introduce myself earlier," he asked. "I think you did but I proably wasn't really paying attention, you were talking to that other girl, Mi-miyuki." She strained for a moment trying to remember her name finally letting it out. You were talking to her." "Oh yeah thats right, well I'm very sorry that it took me so long to introduce myself to you personally," Michael said being sincere with his comment. "No problem," Trini said. She looked away from him for a moment then asked," Would you like a drink?I can make it for you."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] I just got a chance to here clips from their albums Gates of Heaven. Not that I can understand them yet. It still sounds pretty hot. I'm wondering if anyone here is a big fan and if possible hit me off to some of the other Japanese groups that have the same kind of energy and feel. And there's no need to ask I've already heard one of Transitc Nerve's and they sound hot too.. Must go find albums to purchase....See ya[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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