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Everything posted by Hinata
Okay for just a moment here I wish yo quote Inuyasha Fan [QUOTE]YOU CAN'T JUST HATE A SHOW BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THE ART OR THE DESIGN TO WHOEVER SAID THAT. LOOK AT THE ART AND THE DESIGN OF LUPIN III, IT ISN'T THAT GREAT, BUT THE SHOW IS OKAY. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] Okie dokie.. I just want to show you the error in your ways real quick Inuyasha fan...oh yeah and Welcome to OB... But there is one major difference between Inuysha and Lupin III. You say that Lupin's art and design aren't good. Well I think that anime is a bit old deary, don't you. I mean comparing a 70's anime like Lupin to a anime that was recently produced is a big stretch. It's like my trying to compare Scooby Doo to Dexter's Lab in terms or design. Those are different eras you're talking about and should not be able to cross them together. If you wish to make a true comparison, I would say use an anime like Princess Mononoke. Which is a visual masterpiece by the way and try to compare it to Inuyasha. Please don't take my opinion as bashing, just take it as my opinion. Okay now I turn you over to your normally posting newbie loving sweetreyes. But I love Inuyasha, yes the art work could be better, but I don't mind it I think the storyline although a bit overused, is good and I love to follow it, I cant wait to see the rest of it actually....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Aww I've been left behind. Thats okay...now I get to make a slight entrance. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] She had came into the kithen a bit too late. He was already down. She saw Lorn going into Ryin's minds and felt an uneasy feeling about it but played off her thoughts, not knowing that her had also delved into CR's thoughts earliier that day too. Damnit, she cursed herself for not having left the room earlier and knew that she needed to stop ignoring her feelings, her powers. She had done it too may times in the past years. She figured that everything would be okay if she just ignored her feelings. Somethings did, some didn't and it was hard for her to tell which would lead to the worst outcome. Seeing into the future was not something Elektra asked to be blesses with. She figured that she was somehow cursed and left the future to the individual who had chosen his path. A few months ago, while living with Lorn and the others she had managed to meet one person outside the group. An elderly lady who Elektra came to call granny. The lady was sweet and always looked forward to Elektra's visit. It was a Saturday afternoon and Elektra decided to go and visit granny. Upon arrival to her house she noted saw something a vision of granny falling down a few steps. She shook the thought off and rung the door bell. She heard a few footsteps and and then a loud thud followed by a quick succesion of noises. Elektra popped open the door and saw granny lying on the floor. She quickly scrambled to the phone and back to the elderly woman. "Granny, granny, are you okay?" The old lady seemed to be bruised bady, she held her side and spoke quietly. "I'm fine deary." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I rung the doorbell I should've just came around back like I always do. I saw you, I saw you fall." The older lady looked up at Elektra and smiled," Sweety there is nothing you could have done, besides that was probably just a bad dream you had last night." The older lady face became pale as she spoke. Elektra shook her head," Now I saw it just now, right before I came to the door." Granny smiled up at Elektra a bit, " A..a little physic huh," she tried to laugh but couldn't, " Much responsiblity, that it...use it carefully." The ambulance had arrived and took Granny to the hospital. The next day she was pronounced dead due to internal bleeding. Elektra snapped out of her day dream and ran to the living room. She saw CR besides Lorn. He was now stuck inside with Lorn. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Trini turned and walked out of the room. She didn't too much say many words but threw her shirt on, leaving it unbuttoned as they left the building. [I] The concord,[/I] she tried to reason things just bit bit but soon threw the idead out of her head, she didn't too much wanna think on why they wanted to capture this lady so much. Soon the thought of flying got to her head a bit. She hadn't flown on a plane in a few years. She was a bit skirmish about the whole deal. She shivered a bit as she stepped closer to her car. Satell obviously noticed her body language. "You okay there," Trini nodded her head quickly, trying to calm herself a bit. "Just had a chill run up my bad thats all." She stood next to the door unlocking the others for Satell and Gen. That's if he chose to ride with them. [/SIZE][/COLOR] Couldnt say too much. But I had to see this thread flourish well at least just a bit longer.
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini stood above Ruben at this point making sure that the drugs were working correctly on him. She didn't want to go too far from here nor had she the strength just yet to move too quickly. Her body although fully healed was still recovering from the emotional trauma that it had experienced. She looked at her watch they didn't have very long before the ship would explode yet there was something just not right on the Black Horizon. She couldn't stay still. She didn't want to stay still. She got up and looked at Ruben and headed directly towards the com. "Capt Chubbs," she said and waited for a reply from him. "What is it Trini is everything alright with Ruben?" She glanced in his direction and saw him resting comfortably. "Yes he's fine sir," she said. "Then what is it." He was being rushed for time and sounded a bit annoyed. " What can I do to help? I can't sit her watching him, he's fine. I want to help.." She waited a littel bit for a response, hearing a few taps of keys while she waited....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] General Awards Overall Member of the Year:Raiha Honorable Mention: Male Otaku of the Year: Charles Honorable Mention: Knight of the Rose Female Otaku of the Year:Annie Honorable Mention: Staff Member of the Year: Queen Asuka Honorable Mention: Syk3 Funniest Member: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Most Opinionated Otaku: Honorable Mention: Member most likely to be here in two years: Raiha Honorable Mention: Squall Best Newbie:Radagast Honorable Mention: Best Oldie:Transtic Nerve Honorable Mention: Most likely to become a Staff Member: Annie Honorable Mention: Metatron Favorite Banned Member: Honorable Mention: Most improved Member of the Year: Arika Honorable Mention: Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Silliest Thread of the Year: Honorable Mention: Random Awards Avatar Award: Semjaza Azazel Honorable Mention: Raiha Signature Award: Raiha Honorable Mention: Best Location: Honorable Mention: Best Otaku Couple:Queen Asuka and PiroMunkie Honorable Mention:Charles and Japan_86 Best looking Otaku: Honorable Mention: Otaku clique of the Year: cATTITUDE Honorable Mention: Obscenely Cool People Best MyOtaku: Honorable Mention: Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Honorable Mention: Drix D' Zanth Writer of the Year: The Harlequin Honorable Mention: Raiha Orginal Story of the Year: Honorable Mention: Role-Player of the Year: Knight Of The Rose Honorable Mention: Annie Brawler of the Year (sparring): Raiha Honorable Mention: Role-Playing Game of the Year: Legend of the Dragoon (part one) by Squall Honorable Mention: Black Horizon by KOTR (still goin strong) Social Otakus Otaku Social member of the year: Honorable Mention: Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Honorable Mention: Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: (Best Anime member overall) Honorable Mention: .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: DragonBall Guru: Honorable Mention: Digipeep of the Year: Honorable Mention: Gundam Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Honorable Mention: Otaku Gamers Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Nintendo "Mario" Award: Honorable Mention: The Sony Award: Honorable Mention: Xbox Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: PC Gamer of the Year: Honorable Mention: Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Honorable Mention: Best Spriter: Honorable Mention: Series Otakus Series Otaku Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: Square/Enix Member of the Year: Honorable Mention: PokéPlaque (Pokemon): Honorable Mention: The Triforce Award (Zelda): Honorable Mention: There is just soo much to fill out that I have to come back a few times just to finish need a break will put more on tonight!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC:Baron thanks for that.. Got a little wild with that.... Edited appropriately [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini watched the pirate as he walked away. And yelled out a quick smart remark. "Dantes" he turned around quickly acknowledgeing her" If you're trying to flirt...you need to do better." She turned back to the bar and heard a scoff escape from the pirates chest as he left the room. Although she knew that he wasn't flirting. She had to make a remark or wonder the effect of it later on. He left the room still stumbling as he did before. She kept facing the bar finishing off her drink slowly. She didn't see many others come in the bar. And saw a picture in the corner that seemded to eye her suspciously. She felt a little uncomfortable tried to ignore the picture. She sipped from her drink once more and placed it on the table. She scooped the gun up placing it on her side. Going back to her drink. She turned to look around the room and saw a large window to sit next to. She got up and moved to it sitting and looking out, waiting for more people to make their presence known. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Man, finally a break from the parents, well not really a break seeing that they kicked me out after flunking the entrance exams to get into Tokyo U. Flunking them twice that is. *wipes forehead* Well at least I can come visit Grandma at Hinata House. I love this place. It in fact, it's the very place I made my promose to get into Tokyo U, but that was so long ago. *sighs holds head down* Oh well, *looks around trying to find the spot* Aw there it is grandma's hotel. He stands in front of a three story hotel a place of memories a place of fun. Now in charge of running the hotel. His chance to make things right his chance to put aside all the problems of the past and finally get into Tokyo U. He gets ready to cross the threshold but has no idea of the changes that have taken place has Hinata House. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] Okay everyone this is where you get a chance to make your mark your cance to make Hinata House your fun pad your new life your crazy adventure. Who am I looking for, Any and everyone.. 1.)Following the manga, Keitaro is the only man living at Hinata house. Other men may be his friends or teacher. 2.)The ladies of Hinata House are all under the age of 20 with the exception of Aunt Haraku Yes, she has to be present. 3.) Time is not something you can control. I will be in charge so get your posts in quick. If you wish to fast forward a bit in the RPG please PM me and I'll consider it. 4.) HAVE FUN!!!!! Your info..... Name: Age: Gender: Occupation: Personality: Short Bio: You may chosse ppl from the series or make up your own name. Only a few weapons will be allowed, so I will let you know if I feel you don't need one. I will add my sign up later!!! TY! HAVE FUN and WELCOME TO HINATA HOUSE!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini a bit perturbed by the vote had no choice but to help her new friend pack. It didn't take too long before he was packed and out the door. As she walked back up the stairwell she kept her gun in hand and looked at Damario as he slowly staggered down the stairs. She slightly shook her head at his conduct but wondered why she wasn't having any fun at this point in time either. [I] Forget it,[/I] she said to herself. Walking back downstairs heading to the bar for a drink. She sat to the bar and looked at all the alchohol behind the bar. Remembering there was no one around to make a drink she quickly got up and mixed herself a drink. She quickly returned to a seat at the bar, taking her time to savor the flavor of her drink. Plus not wanting to loose her composure around people she didn't know. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1]Trini opened her eyes, her chest rising, inhaling deeply. She looked in the room around her wondering what had happened to her slowly remember peiceing things back togehter. She sat up quickly looking at Sam. He held her in place hoping she wouldn't overstain herself. "Calm down Trini, lay back relax, you're okay." She looked at him, her vision still slightly blurry her color slowly returning to her. "Wh-where is Tex?" She said feeling slightly dizzy and resting back on the table. She heard Sam's answer but they seemed to really make no impact with her. Instead she looke towards Satell who stood not too far away from her washing her hands. For a moment she could sense Satell inside of her body, Satells's trouble... her anger.... her loves.... her fears... her joys. Trini smiled to herself looking at the woman. A tear fell from her eyes at the same time the words Thank you inaudibly escaped her lips. "You're welcome," the words rang clearly in her mind. Trini now realized that Satell is now a part of her, they now share a small piece of each other. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Seeing both Allen and Tex by her side did help Trini a bit but the pain still throbbed. She held her abdomen feeling the blood slowly pour over her hands. Her lips began to turn a blue slightly and she beagn to feel her extremities go numb. "She's going into shock," Satell yelled,"We need to get her to the med bay now." With no other word needing to be said Sam came up and scooped Trini in his arms. Allen looked questioningly at Sam. "Get her there now.." Allen said no quiver was in his voice. Sam nodded in agreement following Satell down the corridor to the med bay. Allen and Tex followed Sam. Making sure he wouldn't break his word. Trinis vision became slightly blurred, but she could see Satell in fron of her. She called out softly to her, "Satell what happened to you? Where did.." Satell turned around to Trini and put a finger to her lip. "Save you're energy, I'll explin after I stop this bleeding." Her tone was solemn and they quickly kept moving. The group moved down the corridor quickly and entered the medical bay. Sam laid Trini on the table and Satell went to the mini blood bank getting ready to infuse it into her system. "Someone's coming," Trini whispers. Sam was still next to her and heard here. "Shhh, you need to relax and stay quiet." he said helping to apply slightly pressure to the wound. "I hear them, please...go look." She closed her mouth and eyes, still alert but looked as if she had passed. "Trini wake up." "I'm here Sam," she said softly. Opening her eyes once again. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] OOC: Yes I know, I'M LATE, I'M LATE, I'M LATE!!! I'm sorry very sorry Squall, I have been extremely busy and I know that I have not been posting. So you know what things are gonna change right here right now.. and I'm gonna post...RIGHT NOW!!! IC: "Serena, Serena...." the voice trails off every slighty as the young lady rushes away from those who are calling her. Tears flood her eyes, she can barely see what's in front of her, but she doestn care. She has to get away and get away fast. She has to go and stop her family's suffering. "Serena.....Don't do it not this way...." The voice is lost in the wind moving every so quickly past her head. She didn't know to whom she was running, but the rumbling in the distance gave her some clue. [I] Are you sure that's where you want to go[/I] His voice came through calmly, a voice that have gone from scared to cute and fritndly on to very deep and calm. He was someone she could always trust, one whom she had watched grow quickly and become more wise than she could have ever imagined. "Yes, I'm sure," She laid her head on his back and began to cry softly. His body was warm from the sun, but still held a coolness to it. He moved into the direction of the war and kept her eyes close hoping her leaving was the best thing for her to do. She didn't wish to stay behind and do nothing she had to go. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "I know, I know.." Trini looked on. Happy for the two of them being able to put the evilness of the path behind them. A good ending, a show of faith, the renewal of friendship. She was greatly appreciative of seeing this moment. She lowered her gun, seeing the tears form in Sam's eyes, and seeing his earnest emotion. He never did want to hurt Tex. She relaxed and saw herself almost as ready to cry, but that show of emotion was unapproriate at the time. She held it in. She just stood there watching the two seeing their emothions unravel in front of them. For a moment, she felt a surge of lust come from Sam, but knew he wouldn't react to that feeling, well at least not just yet. Sam held his eyes closed as he faced Trini. Tex's face was yet to be seen. Trini knew that only joy would be present in Tex's eyes. She began to turn away, just for a moment to brush her eyes clean. She moved quickly and held her head down unable to see who was in front of her. Only a sharp thrust was felt. A thrust into her abdomen. She dropped her hands from her eyes and saw his face once more. Only to be replaced by Kenneth's face. "I told you Trini," Keith's voice now replaceing Kenneth's." We would be together once more." She once again saw Keith's face. Horror though was no longer in her mind, only hate and anger. She held her stomach as she back from the blade in Kenneth's hand. (NOTE: Sam and Tes see Kenneth, Trini sees Keith[her ex whom she had killed]) "TRINI," she heard a faint voice, bt only raised the gun pointing at Kenneth. "I killed you once Keith," she said seeing his hideous smaile," I'll kill you again." One bullet sounded from her gun, hitting Kenneth in his shoulder.... [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Trini kept riding around trying to collect any clues possible on the whereabouts of the final assassin. Satell was still speaking very little, so Trini kept the music flowing to stimulate her mind the least. She decided to head back to 'The numbers' office. "Where are we off to know," Satell asked a bit codly, Getting bored with sitting and just riding. "Well seeing that this isn't getting us anywhere, I gotta do something to get this shit in order." Trini was getting little pissed off not at anyone in particular, ut the anger was beginning to show on her face and in her eyes. As they waiting momentarily at a stoplight, she quickly unbuttoned and removed her shoes, throwing them in tha back seat. "Getting undressed in a car with a person present, a bit risky aren't you." Satell seemed to enjoy Trini's bit of frustration. The light had turned green again and Trini kept along with the flow of traffic. "Well if you think that was impressive just wait till the next light. Shit better yet..... wait till we park." As promised, another light came and stopped their car. Trini unzipped her shirt revealing a black lacy push up bra holding her chest in place. Taking the shirt of she tossed it as well in the back seat and reced behind the passenger seat for a new shirt. Trini placed the shirt on, but didn';t have time to straighten it out just yet. Trafiic was moving on. She was only a few blocks to the office building when her cell phone rang. "Hello," Trini answered. Pausing as the caller gave her the brief message. "Okay thanks," she hung the phone up placed it between her legs and changed their route. "Who the hell was that." "We found em, let's hurry." He's present at the company mansion and they have a bit more info on Brody."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini was still a few steps ahead of Magiku, when he heard his comment. 'A magician huh...now that would be cool.." She stayed at the step she was now on waiting for Magiku to come back near her. "So you study magic huh?" "Yes I do, have done so for years," Magiku said solemnly keeping a pace with the young lady. The two although from totally different worlds seemed to connect, after the explanation of the handgun that is. "So how about you and I kinda partner up..you know have some sort of truce." Trini suggested. "Why would I do that?" "Sweety for a million bucks, ppl wpuld do anything. ANYTHING including kill other," Trini had become nonchalant with the gentleman and had set her basg down on the stairwell. "Now I personally dont want to kill or be killed, but you better believe if someone attacks me, and tries to strick me down, I'm sorry to say it but I'd kill them first." Magiku was the first one to see trini's true personality. She didn't reveal her true thoughts to most people. But this situation made her change her way of thinking. "I'm not sure." Trini picked up her bags and turned to continue up the stairwell. "Well think about it, whatever you decide let me know, although you may not need me, I think I'll need you. Come to my room and knock three times. That way I'll know its you." The two continued to thier rooms, [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Although Miyuki was definetly wanting the spotlight, Trini did nothing to interject or remove attention from the girl. 'Let he have it,' Trini said to herself, again turning around and cleaning off her jeans. The dirt was still trapped in her blue jeans, luckily the holes on her knees did make room for much dirt to get on her skin so she didn't have to clean her knees...too much with her own saliva and a paper toewel stuffed in her back pocket. The comment from Muyuki made its way into Trini's ears, but she waited for someone else to make the move. It seemed the others were just as cautious with their selection as well and they continued to stand around. She turned back to everyone, making her comment before anyone else could say a word. "Are we waiting for our host or someone?I'm sick of waiting... she said stuffing the tissue back into her pocket and moving to the staircase to sit down. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini stayed in front of Tex the whole time while they were marching to the cockpit. She had her gun pointed in front of her, while Tex covered their back, and also occasionally looked forward to back up Trini. They slowly made it to the door, and Trini, shook her head, hearing voices pop up from her past. "Are you okay," Tex asked. "I'll be fine, its just this ship, I gotta ignore it." Tex nodded in agreement to the statement. "You've held up pretty long so far haven't you." [I] I wish, [/I] she said in her head, looking down quickly. "You have no idea," she told Tex as they reached the door. They stood outside for a moment each on one side of the door. "Cover me Tex," Trini said beginning to go in first. "Wait," Tex interjected. "I think I should go in first." "And what if he attacks you again." Trini said holding a hand on Tex's shoulder. "That bastard's bound to have some trick up his sleeve." "That's why you're here," Tex said putting moving her hand to her shoulder, grabbing Trini's hand. She looked into Trini's eyes, filled with the confidence she had in the woman, giving Trini a wink and a smile. "Now cover me." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini moved quickly around the ship and entered the Event Horizon. The ship as serene as it seemed still held Trini in its grasp. She stood terried hoping that whatever made its way to her was someone she could see and feel and hopefully stay with till she met up with the others. She stepped slowly through the corridors, hereing the ships engines slowly power up. 'Where are you guys,' she siad slowly, placing one foot in front of the other looking cautiously as she stepped. As she moved on she heard footsteps come behind her/ They were moving quickly as if running from something horrible, but still she hid as best she could. She held her body close against the body of the ship hearing the footsteps come closer. As they came within a few feet of her they slowed down as if whoever it was sensed her presence. 'Shit, what now,' she thought as the person, thing or whatever it was came closer to her position. Click... 'That's a gun,' she thought as she listened to closer. "Anyone there..." a voice rang softly, as the footsteps moved closer. "Don't shoot," Trini stepped out into the pathway to see a worn and bleeding Tex in front of her. She held a gun up towards Tex, as Tew did her. Tex wasn't so ready to believe that it was Trini now in her presence. But Trini refused to drop her gun "What are you doing here?" Tex asked quickly, "Where's Satell, you're supposed to be caring for her.." "She disappeared..." "What do you mean she disappeared," Tex said angrily still pointing the gun at Trini. "Just like I said she disappeared..." Trini tried her hardest to remain calm, seeing the delerious state Tex was now trapped in. "First Sam escapes and tries to kill me...AGAIN, and now you lose Satell. What the hell is going on with you?" "You think I meant to let Sam out..." Trini said startled looking petrified at the woman standing in front of her. "If the shoe fits," Tex said tossing her head to the side a bit. The two women were in a deadlocked stare and pacing around each others in circles. They both kept their guns locked on one another neither of them wavering. "If I wanted you dead, I think I'd do it myself, Tex." "I bet you would, but you probably used Sam as a distraction to keep me off your true plan." "Aw FUCK that," Trini said, beginning to turn the tables on Tex. "How don't I know you weren't in on the whole deal with Sam. Shit you could be trying to tale control and kill all of us, with Sam by your side. A sarcastic laugh escaped from Tex mouth. "Don't try to change the subject....." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "Seems like I'm straggling behind again." Trini said as she stopped. Although the gentleman in the Ford had mised her. The dust it kicked up surely didn't. She was now covered from head to tow with dust and she had to place her backpack next to her luggage to clean off. Luckily she wore a pair of old jeans and a "I don't give a damn" shirt. The shirt as always came kinda clean, but the jeans retained most of the dust. She didn't care too much though, they gave her more so of a grunge look. Her face and hair though. Well she'll talk about that later.... She grabbed her back pack, and tugged at her suitcase continuing her ascent to the mansion. As she looked up towards it she could see a small group of people standing outside the door. She knew she had to hurry, but the sweat combinging witht the total labor f carrying her bags was slowing her down a bit. 'I knew I shoulda went on that diet two months ago.' she mumbled to herself as she kept walking towards the house. Happily, as well as tired she made it there. And just in time for introductions it seems. The guy in the Ford started first as she heard his voice from about 10 feet away. "The name's Ruben. Who're you guys?" he said looking around. No one had answred by the time she got near them so she started first not even really looking around and saying hi to the others. "Hi Ruben," she said extending her hand for a handshake," The name's Trini," she looked down at her hand and remembered something, withdrawing her hand before he could shake it. "What was I thinking, giving you a dirty hand to shake." She said and wiped her hands on her pants. She looked dwon at her hands and spoke out loud again. "I'm sorry, it seems there more dirt on my hands now, you know, I bet its from that Ford that threw up all that dust as it sped up here. But again it's nice meeting you Ruben." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "Satell..." Trini's hand slipped right through Satell's as she saw the once present woman, disappear. "Satell...Satell," her han waved back and forth hoping that her mind was playing a trick on her and theat she would once again feel Satell's flesh. "No, you can't be gone." Trini turned in a circle as if she had somehow gone blind and franctially moved her hands about. Hoping to for a feel for a finger a hair a shirt, something watever was available. "Damnit, where are you?" Trini yelled, and remembered the last words Satell yelled out. 'I'm coming!! Not for you but for Him!' She already there.... before she finished her thought she ran for the Event Horizon. Hoping that somewhere on that ship she would run into Satell. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "Take me back," Satell was kicking with a new vigor. And not wanting to be left out of thie either she grabbed the small gun Kenneth had handed back to her a wile ago. "What you do think you are doing?" Satell asked, Trini kept digging for another clip to put in the gun, "Shit I gotta go to my room," she said out loud still ignoring Satell's question. "I asked you what are you doing." "Trini turned around facing Satell, it wasn't fear that was now in her heart, it was anger. "What does it look like."She said grabbing Satell's arm and leaving the medical bay quickly. "It looks like you're walking into death.... I said take me back, you're not staying...." Trini put a little smile on her face, seeing how brave Satell was, once remembering how she had that same bravery with in her. "Now what would, Allen, Van, Tex and Rueben think of that," Trini looked stoutly at Satell, using her condition against her. The walk they had been on was brisk and the sidelined to Trini's room before heading to the dock. "Allen told me to take care of you and look after you." She searched in her dresser and found another clip, as Satell looked on in the room for a minute. "Ready," Trini said finding the clip and turning back to Satell. "Let's go...." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Although Satell was masking her real motives for working. Trini didn't real seem to interested in those particulars at this moment. And kept the talk simple as they made their way down the city sidewalk. "So who is this person we're after," Satell asked, obviously moving the conversation off of her. "To tell you the truth," Trini started, fiddling around in her purse for her car keys, " I dont know the particulars. GOT EM." She snatched the keys out and tossed them in her hand. " All I know is that she somehow got on the numbers bad side, and she's a number too." She found her car a block down from Satell's boss' office and unlocked the doors for her and Satell. "So where's this third person at," Satell asked jumping into the passengers seat of Trinis car. "Not too far....."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] The young lady in the dress walked into his office, looking for Satell. She came to the Secretary's desk and politely asked if he and she were in. "Yes, ma'am Satell is visiting him right now," she began to buzz her employers office. "May I ask who you are?" She took off her sunglasses and placed them in her purse," Tell him Trini is here, He'll know who I am." The secretary reached down and buzzed her boss. While she waited Trini scoped out the building he was working in. Supposedly he was a high rank underworld official, but his front was the owner and operator of small store throughout the city. The building his office was set in was gorgeous, high vaulted ceiling with a very classical decour. 'He knows his stuff.' She said to herself. "Ma'am," Trini came back to reality, realising the lady was talking to her, "He'll see you now." She walked through the doors and saw Satell sitting in a seat in front of his desk. "Aww, Ms. Trini, how can I help you?" He said standing up to great the lady," I think you know Satell Megalani right." Trini looked over at Satell who casually looked back with a slight look of relief in her eyes. "I sure do," Trini replied stopping by Satell and shaking her hand. "It's been a long time Satell." Satell didn't repliy to quickly, she only gave a nod. "So what can I do you for," the guy said sitting down. "The numbers got wind of you trying to find Brody also, they've also been looking for her for a while now." She sat down as she began to talk. " They wish to join forces with you. Assigning me another person, and whomever you have chosen, to bring her in." The man reached into his cabinet nd pulled ot a cigarette, steadlity smoking as Trini continued to talk. "The only stipulation is they get her first, and she comes in alive." He leaned back in the chair and blew out a large puff off smoke as she finished her sentence. "Hmmm," he started, "I think we maybe, able to work that out. But if the numbers and I can get her together at one time, I think that'll be even sweeter." "May I," she said standing up and reaching for the phone. He nodded his head in agreement and dialed the number for her employers, she relayed the message to them and soon hung up. "They agree to the change, looks like you've got a temporary partnership." She said sitting down once more crossing her legs. "And whom will I be working with?" She asked. "You'll be with me..." Satell spoke up before her boss could reply. Trini looked at the woman and smiled, seeing how lovely Satell was looking. Although Trini had always had her eyes on woman before, Satell was one of the few who could really make her turn to that life, but she'd never expressed the feeling to Satell, nor would she ever. she would keep thing as professional. "Well that's a relief," Trini said, smiling at her reply, "You're one of the best he's got." "Yes, I know." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "How are they doing over there," Trini started, speaking to Kenneth, on ther way to the deck. Seeing that Sam was well confined with his room, they decided to leave him alone for just a little while. And with how Trini freaked out Kenneth didn't want to leave her alone. " I'm not sure yet," he started, ' havent received anything from either of them yet. Hopefully things are going smooth, if they weren't I'd think they would have returned by now." Trini listened to him speak, and was happy to have a decent conversation with some one normal. Sam was just too crazed to hold any real conversation. As they kept walking she thought she heard his voice again, and she turned around, nothing but the corridor. "Something the matter," Kenneth asked. "No, I'm fine,"she started turning forward again, then it pooped in her head," I'm sorry about earlier, about almost shoting you." "It's fine," he said quickly and kept walking. No words were exchanged for a few minutes. He stopped in the hallway in front of the deck and turned towards he handing her the gun, "Just next time be a bit more careful." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] It didn't take long for Trini to find herself a good book, nor her pack of cigarettes that she had hidden amoung a few articles of clothing. Although there was supposed to be no smoking, she thought that one couldn't hurt anything and took them along with her. As she walked a few doors down to Sam's door she could feel the emptiness of the ship. But for some reason she felt as if someone was present as well. She shook her head of the thought and kept walking towards his room. Inside Sam was talking, either to himself or to however heard him, but the conversation was laced with delirium. "I'll have you..... all to myself. Soon the rest will be dead..and you....you will be with me..." Trini sat down listening to his conversation, when she heard footsteps coming towards them. She had to go through her head to remember who was on the ship with her. "Kenneth, it that you." As soon as she spoke, she heard a slight laugh from Sam's room. "It truly starts...." he said it loudly and he bagan to luahg again, this time cackling. The footsteps she heard still came towards them, ad she looked down the hallway she saw a figure step into view. It was someone she didn't recognize. "You stop right there, state your name and business now," she stood up quickly and drew the pistol she had in her pocket. She intended to use it on Sam if need be. She fiddle around for the communitcator, still holding the gun with one hand."Kenneth get down here now, we have a stranger on board and I need you pronto." No reply was heard back from Kenneth. "Shit," The figure still came closer. "I said stop." As she looked on the figures face became clear, and he kept moving towards her. Trini's eyes widened with shock as she saw his eyes, looking back at her, with the same love that she saw when they had first met. "Keith, is that you," The figure held its hand out as he came closer to her, "No, no stay back, you're dead I shot you, 3 years ago, I... I shot you....I saw you buried.. I saw you die....." "I'm here Trini," he said softly to her as a clear smile came on his face and he came ever closer. " I'm here to take you back with me." "I said stay away," Sam's laughter had now quieted, and Trini began to step back from the man in front of her. But he kept moving closer. "Don't make me do this again," she yelled, don't make me kill you." As she stepped back once more she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned, shooing towards the floor, both Trini and the man behind her jumped. As she looked up to his face she saw it was Kenneth. "Give me this," he said snatching the gun away from her. "Now what's going on here." Trini realised who it was and caught her composure, she remembered who was on board and turned around quickly, speaking before she had looked behind her. "I heard footsteps, and there was some...one....here." to her shock Keith had disappeared. "Well there's no one here now," he said. Trii turned her head to and fro trying to see if she could spot him again. Nothing, the only thing to hear was Sam's hideous laugh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Hey everyone. I know you're wondering why you're seeing this name pop up, but this is the appropriate place. I just started really listening to this group and music like theirs but I don't really know of other bands that play this type of amibent music. If you could hit me on to more groups of the same nature or ever more songe lo look for from Enya it would be awesome... Thank You Much!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]