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[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Well I have come across many themes that I absolutely love... but since I can't write them all down I will just write down the ones that come into my mind right now... 1) The Real Folk Blues- an all time favorite. Its just so cool and laid back, but has a deeper meaning too. 2) Fukai Mori, My Will, and other Inuyasha themes- they are fast paced, but also seem to hold a bit of sadness and pain. (too bad I can't fully understand them yet that way I can know if Im right or wrong) 3 Hiru No Tsuki- Outlaw Star, very harmonious and ochestrated.. I love it. 4) Heart of Sword-Rurouni Kenshin, great upbeat song. Love the guitar. 5)Driver's High- GTO- anothr upbeat song that I cant get out of my head.... Well thats all I can think of for now..if more come to my attention I will be back... *BYEEES!!!*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini sat by Sam's door for a little while, trying to get over the bit of lonileness that filled her while she was on the ship. Although she knew the Event Horizon possessed some form of danger, those aboard had each other, a group to belong to. Here, she was some what a babysitter, keeping the crazy guy in line. Or at least trying to. Ever since Tex walked away Sam was mostly quiet, only a few hyena-like laughs escaped the small opening in his door. No otehr words were exchanded. As she sat on, she began to fiddle with her knife. slowly twirlings and spinning it in her hand. She stopped twirling the knife and looked at her watch. [I]Ten minutes...its only been ten minutes...[/I] She stood up and walked to her room, only a few doors down, hoping something good to read would be present.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Oh shoot, a little something I can get into. Posting now..... Name: Trini "sweet" Reyes Age: 21 Description: stand's about 5' 10". Is not the perfect looking girl on the block. Slightly overweight by 20 lbs. Is still healthy and can keep up with the crowd. Has tan colored skin, lond dark hair and hazel eyes. Doesn't wear make up. Is all natural. Bio: Born to a small family, Trini has always been pushed to be the best person she can be. Doesn't have a lot of friends but still survives through communication through a tight knit group of people she loves. At this point in her life she is a struggling college student, going for her bachelor's degree in Chemistry. And she hopes one day to become a Forensics Scientist. She is not an extreme athlete but does like to swim and play various sports, when free time comes along. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini saw Tex and Satell pass Sam's room, and she heard the comment he made to Sam. But what surprised her most was the reaction Satell flung back to the young man. She stepped towards them both bring a chair with her to sit near Sam's door when she felt the need. The two women heard her coming up dragging the chair behind her. "What the-," Tex said turning around sharply. "I'm sorry," Trini said, seeing she scared the shit out of the two women. She lef the chair go and walked to the women. "I'm luckly I found you before you left," she handed the women one of her good luck charms. Each recieved an earring with a cross on it. The same pair she wore throughout her abuse. "They helped me in a tough situation, maybe they'll do the same." Satell and Tex looked at the small trinket she handed them. Thay both were ready to return them. "You may need these yourself, especially with that one in there," Satell replied coldly. Before Tex could repl to the stiuation Trini pulled out a 9 mm gun Van handed her before she left and a small knife, she kept for her own protection. "I have everything I'll need," she said putting the weapons back in safe spots on her person. "Besides I know how to survive, he comes after me, he'll wish he never made that mistake." "What do you mean by that?" Tex asked curiously. Trini held her head down gaining her composure for a minute," I've killed before and I will do it again if it means my survival." She didn't wish to tell more. " I think you two need to hurry to the loading dock, everyone's waiting for you. Now go, I'll be fine, and keep the earring." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] For the first time in a long time, Tr'shiel felt free. Uninhibited by her fathers rule and constant overlooking. She had escaped the family truobles, and social power. "Are you okay Tr'shiel?" A young short( in Tr'shiel's eyes) blonde elven figure stood beside her. The girl had sparkling blue eyes and was wearing a bright violet garmant, showing her royalty. " I am fine, Elysar." She answered back to her. Wiping the recent memories of her past out of her head. " And how are you doing this finde day. I can't believe you're out by yourself, your mom's so protective of you." Elysar was somewhat like Tr'shiel when she was younger. Not wanting to be the light of her parents eye. Wishing to make somethig of herself without their help and constant butting in. "Well I told her I was coming to see you in the workshop and she had no problem." She laughed briefly and looked to the table to see which herbs Tr'shiel was working with today. "Any new potions?" Tr'shiel remember the few herbs she was working with. Luckily she had a great many organized in cabinets since the Elves had a great many to work with. "Well I'm using Grassroot and Willow moss to make a sort of salve but I don't have the exact measurements yet, plus I need to add another ingredient to give it a bit of fragrence. You know to calm the body." Elysar loved to be around Tr'shiel and hang around her, but another adventure would soon tear the two away.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Name: Serena Fenrir Age: 19 Description: About 5'8" athletic built. Long dark hair and blue eyes. Wears usual armor covering her chest and upper legs. Hair is either free flowing of pack in a ponytail. Bio: Born to a small group of humans, who later became dragoons. Serena did not wish to force herself to become a dragoon. She has had a dragon sidekich since the age of 4 and has loved him as much as a brother. His name, a gorgoes red dragon named Ragnarok. Although he is about 20 years older thanher, she has been the first human, in her family, that he has allowed to come so close to him. The two share a bond so strong that they are able to speak with one another. Since she reufed to kill Ragnarok, when she got of age to become a dragoon, she was banished from her family's side. She now wanders the area with Ragnarok by her side until the news of her family's destruction reaches her ears. Element: Water Side:Dragon/Human[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini began to stich up Sam's face. He mostly held the lady in his eyes, but made no morve to attck her. Yet anysways. Occasiaonally a dry smile would come on his face, which just made Trini shiver even more. " You okay, Sam," I'm making dure these stithes don't cause too much pain." She spoke to him calmly as she kept working, ignoring the fact that he could go psycho any moment. "I'm fine," he said quickly, and nothing more moved from his lips. Trini was a bit stunned by the sides to Sam she had seen, and in less than a month they had changed drastically. The simple care-free guy was now, jealous and hell bent on getting what he wanted. She finished as quickly as possible and went out in to the medical bay to see Van and Ruben in the other room. "Is everything alright?" Before an answer came up she heard the announcement over the .A system... " Ok everyone. It's time. You all know what I'm talking about... These are the people I want with me. I want Satell. Ruben. Van. Tex. Brooke. And Arthur. All of you will meet me in he airlock in exactly twenty minutes. Kenneth will stay behind to keep this ship safe. Trini will take care of Sam..."You have nineteen minutes. I suggest you bring a cross..." Allen sounded a bit worried and worn, but that was the least of her worries. She was now responsible for Sam. One erson whom she may not be able to control.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] [I] "I can't sleep without worrying if I'm going to see his face, I don't want to see it, it ...it makes me think of all the stuff I went through. The stuff that happened befroe I even thought about getting on this ship and joining this crew. The bullshit life I had."[/I] Trini had later realised the vagueness of her conversation with Tex. And how much Tex could assume. She needed to explain herself without letting out all of her info. Trini paced in her room ad she though about all that wa said between the two. The more she thought about the conversation the more both Vincent and [B] HIS[/B] faced popped into her head. Vincent reminded Trini of him, the one who put her in the inrtoverted state she was now in. The man whom she loved with her heart and soul. The one who broke her down to nothing, and almost killed her. The same man she turned around and shot the night he got to violent. The night quickly rewound tself and fast-forwarded into her head. As he began beating her, the memory slowed down showing how she reached for the gun he put on a desk, she fought her way to it, dodging his ounches and kicks. She didn't know what she was really doing, but she knew she couldn't die. She faced her ex. "What are you going to do with that but make me more angry." He stepped to her and then, Click. Trini was abrubtly shaken from her memory when she heard Tex's scream. She stepped out into the hallway and saw Allen running towards the yell as well. It came from the bathroom and hoping that Tex was okay, Trini followed suit. She arrived seeing Tes get dressed and Allen standng over a bloodied Sam. "Are you okay Tex," Trini asked, seeing her still a bit shaken even as she dressed. "I'm fine," she said quickly. Allen soon stepped from out of the stalls . "Help me carry him to the Medical Bay," he said to Trini. "Stitch him up an lock 'em up. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Hearing that the arrival at the Event Horizon was imminent, Trini left the Medical Bay and heaed to the showers. She heard a few other peple moving arond as well, but didn't run into anyone just yet. She went to the showers, got ready, and left. As she came out the doors to the female showers, she saw Tex enter. "How you doing," Tex asked casually. Obviously still a bit worn out physically and mentally. "I'm fine, Trini replied," but there is something I don't like about this mission." "What do you mean by that?" Tex asked, removing some new clothes for her to wear from a bag she brought with her.\ Trini realised what she may be saying quickly changed the angle of her story. "Well its not the mission itself, but rather where this mission is headed." Sensing that Tex knew how she was feeling, she opened up a bit more. " I mean since we woke up, we have had some weird stuff happen." "Did you see something," the dective nature in Tex showed its face, and with full force. Trini knowing that she could have spoken up earlier nodded her head. "What did you see?" "I saw Vincent, too. Only his face, but tht was enough to keep me up. I can't sleep without worrying if I'm going to see his face, I don't want to see it, it ...it makes me think of all the stuff I went through. The stuff that happened befroe I even thought about getting on this ship and joining this crew. The bullshit life I had." Trini knew how deep she had taken her conversation with Tex, and left it at that. She didn't want to bring him up again. The one she had put out of her life and mind for over 2 years now, she wanted to leave it that way. Trini got up and gathered her clothes together. "I'm sorry if my little dramatic detail of my life bored you." She turned from Tex, heading to the door. "I'll see ya later. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Alone once more, Trini thought t herself as she stayed in her room for a moment, trying to calm herself from the events of that day. Not that being alone was part of her life, it just seemed that's the way she came out. After cleaning the Medical Bay after making it such a disater, she decided she need to rest, as well as remove the coffee-stained pants she had been sporting all day. As she thought about that she remebered she forgot to clean up her mess from earlier tosay, and began to walk to the hall, then make a quick stop to the Medical Bay. She saw the hall was clean, obviously someone saw the mess and cleaned it, but she didn't question it. Wit many of the other crew in other part of the ship, she saw fit for herself to be where she belonged. She looked around the hall for a moment and began to head towards the Medical Bay.She stepped inside and noticed Satell and Van talking but didn't interupt the two. She just looked passed them and wen to the other side of the Medical Bay looking for things to do. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] "What's going on here," Tr'shiel looked around as many strange lookingmen began to appear in front of her. Some who seemed alot like Belial in nature. Belial looked around and sort of grinned at the upcoming situation but soon new that things would be very dark, for both him and everyone else. Crazy laughs were heard throughout the tavern. And a literal darkenin of light came across them. The demons seemed to grow in number and surround the small band that was fighting them back. Tr'shiel was for the first time scared at what was going on. For the first time she felp her hope leave her body, as if these people being present drained her. She felt gloom and death as if her journey was in vain. she only looked around and looked down at this , but Iris, stood out. She became a star amoung the dark. Iris was keeping the light shining for Tr'shiel.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Raiha I tried my best with this post on how we handled Van's heart attack. If you think it needs more detail or less let me know. I think I covered everything though, but I'd like a second opinion....(THANK GOODNESS FOR NURSING SCHOOL) Another note.. I had to edit the post . Kept the previous excitement in but had to make it in line with what you wrote Raiha....sorry!!!! [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] The coffe stain sat on Trini's clothes as the alarm startled her from her talk with Tex and Rueben. 'Shit, what's going on now.' She trotted off to the medical bay hoping that the situation was light and that Van was handling it on his own. The coffee was just being annoying and had began to stick to her body. She tried to ignore it best she can, but when she stepped through the door she saw Satell leaning over Van. He had came to for a moment apparently hearing Satell's scream. He was talking a bit but was still holding his chest as if the pain had not gone away completely. "Let's get him some nitro," Satell said to Trini. Hoping this would dull the attack. As she got the med ready Van's chect pain escalated once more sending his pulse skyrocketing once again and his breathes hyperdrive. Before either of them knew it Van lost consciousness. "Van wake up," Sateel cried," Damn it wake up. Shit, Trini call for help he's going into arrest." She cussed to herself and ran over to the com. "Some one get to the medical bay immediately, I need assistance." She rushed to Satell's side to try to hold Van up. Van's body was getting cool and his nail bed and lips began to turn blue. "What's going on in here," Allen blurted through Satell's sentence, obviously happy that she wasn't the in trouble. "We need to move Van' to the table, he's having a heart attack and has seemingly lost consciousness." She replied quickly. With Allen's help they quickly put Van on the table. Satell grabbed the defribrilator as well as ambu bag so that they could help him breathe. Even with her one hand she upkept her skill as a nurse. Her body seemingly enjoyed the adrenaline rush being given to her. Trini enjoyed it a bit too, but Van was one person they could not lose right now. As Satell charged the defib machine, Trini performed CPR as Allen helped with the Ambu bag, delivering breathes to Van when needed. They finally got the defibrilator ready and sent one shock into Van's chest. 'NO Response.' Trini went back to doing chest compressions as Satell git a small vile of the medicines Trini asked for. She was able to bring the meds over and Trini got the needles ready as the defib machine deliver another shock to Van. "We got a pulse," Satell said quickly," Allen keep giving him breathes until we get him set up." Trini knowing the worst was over drew blood on Van to see what may have caused this heart attack. She also, with Satell's help set up IV liquids, and gave him meds that would help open his arteries so that he won't have another attack anytime soon. Allen was able to leave Van alone, we still didn't wake up but he was now breathing on his own, having an oxygen mask on him. Not being able to get the details of how this started, Allen and Trini stepped out the small room for a moment, gethering whatever possible details from Satell. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Note: Part of my post starts before Van goes to sleep and has his dream, so it may be a little confusing okay... Outcast if you see any true conflict please tell me...thank you!!! [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] She continued to sit there. On an empty bed in the medical bay, just holding herself. Rocking slowly as if the dream meant nothing to here. She tried her best to block it out, but his face, his face just kept showing. She barely knew him, yet his spirit envaded her dreams. The stared at the clock for a moment checking to see if everyone else was up. 6 am, no one had yet really stirred, but Van was till waiting for Satell to return at 6:30. She decided she needed some alone time and went tell him real quick. "I'll be back around 7. Just wanna go and relax for a minute." "Do that," he said. "Besides we have a long day, we get to do physicals." "Yay," she replied, soundly unsatisfied with the procject. She left the medical bay and went into the hall. No one was there yet, but she prefered it that way. She started brewing coffee and sat as she waited for it to finish. As she sat there she looked around, and saw Satell walking back from Allen's room, looking as joyous as ever. The coffee finished and she drank it quietly until a loud yell was heard. The scream startled her and she dropped the coofee cup, breaking the cup and spilling the hot contents all over her clothes. Feeling the liquid on her detered her mind from the yell. She left the hall and went to her room, leaving bith the broken cup and the rest of the liqiud on the table. [I] Clean it later![/I] As she headed towards her room, she saw both Tex and Rueben by the shower. As she came closer she saw that they were both upset about something and they explained the stiutation to her. Knowing that she should speak of her dream, she decided to keep it a secret until the right time. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Here I come again... Let's get this party started. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Name: Trini aka Switch Age: 25 Gender: Female Group: The Enforcers Appearance: 5'8" appr. 140 lbs. Very well built. Tan skin, long brown hair with blue eyes. (White, hispanic mix) Usually wears dresses and girly clothes to throw people off of her dangerous interior. Looks younger than 25, but thats just the way she was raised. Weapons: 2 9mm firearms, pair of sais if things get messy. Bio: Born by one of the Number's mistress, she was taken in by his organization and trained to be their body guard when she reached the right age. She never knew either of her parents and has no clue to who her father really is. It can be either of the three. So they have trained her and used her, knowing the truth. At 20 she became a part of their oganization, becoming an assasin as well as paid killer. Which brings us here. To a new number, number four, the one the others want dead. The one Trini must kill. She works along side Satell to bring this man down. (If you don't mind Raiha.) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Seeing everyone around her fight and do their part. Tr'shiel coud only help out in a minimal way for now. With her staff she fought as best she could, and Used a bit of magic when she could. Iris's tune did give Tr'shiel and idea but it would also handicap her party as well and thought it too dangerous for an area like this. She stood around and waited for an attack. But when most men came at her she blocked their attacks and softly sung a tune that was muffled to the others around her. The men upon hearing this tune turned away from her and soon began to attack their own group. She kept using this to her advantage, against the few men who did attack. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Seeing the car come up made Elektra feel better, and she knew this would be a better situation. Not only for herself, but also for Charlotte, who know had her friend back once again. As she sat in the back seat, she couldn't help but think of what had happened earlier that evening. Her brother. Jackel knew him, the only one who could truly turn her against her. The only one who truly struck fear ito her heart. She didn't know what couls be done or how things could be helped so she sat there. Thinking and hoping for a way to truly confront Malrodo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini had finally made it back to her bed. Hoping for just a few hours of sleep. Since she was left alone for a bit in the hall she saw nothing else more important to do. And she thought it was better to leave Van alone. Seeing his personality she knew he'd like some down time. Trini slowly fell asleep but wasn't asleep for long. It seemed that an hour had passed before she found herself waking up again. Staring up at the ceiling, she soon decided to wake up and try to go and excerise. Not putting on all her long clothes she decided to wear a pair of short and a short sleeve shirt. Showing off her atletically toned body. The ship was kinda cool, but soon her body adjusted to the temp and she headed off to the make way gym the ship had. THe ship was quiet, and hearing no one stir she assumed that she was the only one up. But it all seemed so spooky to her. The ship wasn't all that big but still something about it got to her, especially after what happened just a few days ago. She passed by an empty hall and quiet medical bay, finally reaching an empty room. The light automatically luminated as she entered the room. She dropped her towel and began to strecth out. Her hair, as always, was held back in a ponytail and moved to her body postion going over her shoulder and across her back. Sitting there for a moment as she strecthed, Trini began to here footsteps as if some one was coming to join her, but soon ignored them. The steps quieted seeming asif they were continueing down the hall. Soon a chil ran down her back as if eyes were watching her, unknown eyes. She turned around and saw no one present. She turned back and ignored the feeling, and continued to strecth. Once again footsteps were heard but they seemed to stop right next to the door of the room. The door still didn't open but the same feeling came over her. Thinking that somone was playing a joke she got up and went to the door, opening it quickly to yell at whoever it was. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU W-" she started but was startled by a bloody face stating back at her. Startled out of her sleep Trini found herself breathing hard as she looked around her room. Only wearing her undergarments she quickly went to the door and looked out into the hall. No one was there, no one was heard, only a bit of music seemed to float from somewhere. She turned back into her room and quickly got dressed, seeing his face she had to make sure her dream was incorrect. He had to be dead. She had to see it, she had to make sure. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Something told me I should've been here earlier....and man... ya'll gotta learn a little bit about IV placement, but we'll talk about that later. PM me if you wanna know what Im talking about!!! ;) [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Awesome... For some reason that was the only word Trini was able to use in the last few weeks. She was shocked by the severity of the situation butshe handled it. Her head was now being placed firmly back on her shoulders, and out of cloud nine, where it had been for the last few days. She was in the mess hall when she saw Allen pass, apparently going to see Satell. She smiled seeing how he stood by her. She began sipping on her coffe when only a few moment later Van stepped in the mess hall. "How ya liking the assignment so far?" She smiled a moment, seeing how to the point Van was. " It's been an adventure so far..." He grapped a seat next to her, filling an extra cup with the coffee placed near Trini. "Kinda thought you'd say that." He poured the coffee and grabbed some cream and sugar to add to it. "Reminded me of when I started." Trini stopped sipping for a moment, and began to listen to Van. Although much more distinguished and wise, Van had a cool demeanor when it came to his work. Trini admired that about Van and enjoyed listening to his story. She smiled from time to time, when he brought up stituations in which he had acted almost like Trini, such as providing the basic care for a patient. They talked for sometime before Allen passed by them. "How is she?" Trini asked. "She's asleep now..." he stated slowly." I'm going to check on Sam as well, tell Satell I'll be back later." Both Van and Trini nodded as Allen turned and began to walk away from them. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "Damn, do you hear that?" Trini said hereing the yell of a voice through the static. Van nodded his head and the two of them ran for the cockpit. Luckily they had both heard the call and ran there immediately. As they ran they passed a few minor holes, each filled as they went along, and luckily none were out of their reach. Not wanting to leave them in need of medical personel. Trini urged the doctor to go on. "You sure you'll be fine?" He asked again throwing her his caulking gun as well. "You'll do better than me at assessing that situation up there. go help him please, I'll be right behind you." She was getting a bit winded as well as feeling the effect the small holes had on her oxygen supply. Van also feeling it had a better tolerance due to the years his body has been in space. He began to go on ahead of Trini, she straggled behind him, but didn't stop. Only breaking to fill a hole from time to time. She finally reached the cockpit. Van was already there, but the vacuum of space was still wistling behind them. She quickly sealed the hole, threw the guns to the side and began to help Van. "What's the damage...?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini's whole tone to this mission changed in a matter of minutes, froming hearing how the ship was a device of Satan to red lights whirling. The only thing she could do was as the captain said. She and the others started for headed to the maintainance dock. She herself was more so worried about the medical dock. Before leaving Allen she talked to him breifly. "I'm going back to the medical bay, after I get the repair kits. If this shower does cause damage we'll need to save as many of the med supplies as well." Although shy at the introductions Trini's attitude changed rapidly. "Sure go ahead, take the doctor with you as well. Satell will meet up with you both later." She nodded and ran to the maintainance dock, catching up with the doctor. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] The going-ons at the monastery had yet to effect the small group that had almost reached the town. The sunlight was dwindling and the surroungin lights in houses, bars, shops, inns, etc. Were beginning to fade in. Making themselves known to the travelers as they slowly made their entrance. Many persons, mostly elves, were seen in the streets. Tr'shiel tried to see familiarities between them and Iris, but only the ears showed up as the same. It seems this group had become adept to living amoung other beings and became more cultured than those who still remained in amoung nature. Not that is was a downfall. Many were very polite and smiled as the group passed by. But when Belial was seen many whispers were heard around the group, but they were ignored. The group still tekked its way to the closest inn, near the towns center. The group moved quickly into the building, but outsde, music and laughing could be heard as if a festival was in full swing. Tr'shiel wished to see, but knew it was better to remain with the others.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] As Trini took her seat she eyed the older man coming through the door and hoped her assumptions were correct. Luckily they were and she no longer had to hold her breath. She got nervous for a while looking around for te doctor and hoped he would be coming around soon. She just didn't want to be resposible for serious problems, yet. As she sat down and waited for everyone else to finish talking she began to think about how many years she had left. But soon that thought left her mind. This missions was what her mind really went to. This was the furthest she'd been away from home, and hoped that it would be adventurous, yet quick. Not that she was afriad of the dark recesses of space, but the smalll company, wandering weeks from another living being, that got to her. Her thoughts were cut off by a clearing of a voice. Silence filled the room for a moment. Before the Captain spoke up. "Is that it for introductions?" He said looking aorund making sure he didn't miss another person. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] "Shit, shit, shit," she cussed out loud to herself for a moment, as trhe name kept tossing in her head, even the trade on Planet Hawaii didn't keep her head calm. The money she recieved from the trade she just tossed in the safe and didn't counting it. She set her destination on the last drop off which was on planet Alaska, although she was already on a mew assignment. She needed to drop off her last item before the next day, and to planet Alaska it was a 10 hour jump. She set up her com, radioing for information from Planet Texas to see if anyone had leads on Arik, and went on to bed. As she slept the events from a few days ago popped up in her head once more. Trini now called it, "The Day with Arik," to amuse herself, but now it began to haunt her dreams, she didn't want to relive that day and so woke up remembering the kiss they shared. She went back to the deck and sat down to see what other informaton she could gather. From the file it seemed her customer had been keeping tabs on Arik for over six months now. How she didn't now or care, but the majority of the visits were to Planet Russia, Planet New York, Planet Florida, and Planet France. Seeig how she was over a days journey from each of these planets she went ahead and decide to go for Planet Russia. "Loggs, how long till we reach Planet Alsaske," she got up and went to the small fridge near her seat. [I] We have about another 4 hours to go.[/I] "Okay here are our next destinations, Planet Russia and Planet Germany. The others will discuss after we search those two." Like always the ship inputed the info while Trini reached for her Music Chips. She hoped something there would help her to go back to sleep and keep Arik off her mind. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] The drop-off was brief and as Trini planned, shewas back on board the Logos in 3 hours. She preparedfor take off and sat down casually counting her money. As she stood she went over a breif agenda, crossing off the third drop-off and noting the next one was on Planet Hawaii, New Honolulu. She sat for a moment as the ship blasted out of the planets atmosphere and was on it way to another 5 hour ride to Hawaii. She came back to the deck adn sat down. "What's new," she asked the ship, kicking herlegs up. [I] The new mission file has been completely downloaded and is ready for you to read.[/I] She sat up and opened the file on the monitor in front of her. It looked like a simple mission, but it also pissed her off. The guy basically wanted her to go on a Treasure Hunt. "Who the fuck does he think I am," she said hitting her armrest on her seat. She cooled down for a moment, and then scrolled to the mane of the person who would lead her to it. At first she thought she was imagining things but her eyes soon refoced clearly and the name was still there. 'ARIK NEMSCO, last seen Planet Texas 3 Days Ago.' [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
OOC: I'm a late arrival everyone...Hope we have fun....HOLLA! [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Everyone was stading in the debriefing room when she arrived. Lookig cool, calm and collected she stood in the background hearing some of the people introduc themselves. She saw many of the people and noted Satell's face. This would be one she was working with and thought it necessary to meet her coworkers, especially the medical ones. As she continued to look around Allen noticed her face. "Good of you to finally show up lil' lady..." Everyone turned to her and a small note of embarrasment enter her. She held her head down briefly before donning a smile. "Well Captain, Im sure you'll excuse me for this minor lapse in time, I was just checking out the medical quarters, making sure everything was in order." "Well good to see you're on task for something," Allen replied a bit codly," Well then go ahaed and introduce yourself." "No problem at all," she cleared her voice a bit," Well hello, she started slowly. The name's Trini Angelos, and I'm the medical assistant. Its a pleasure to meet you all, and I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to work with all of you." She stepped back from the intro and allowed the next person to go on. Before moving around, she made sure to speak with Satell, the doctor at this point couldn't be found, and so she knew Satell would be the next best person to help.[/SIZE][/COLOR]