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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. OOC: I hope Im not too late.....*winks* Couldnt stand to be left behind! [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1] Name: Tr'shiel Ro'trougho Age: 67 (Human face looks about 25) Race: Centar Weapons: Bow and a quiver of arrows, long staff Skills: Healer, carries and makes different potions and brews depending on the region she it traveling to. The effects can vary and must be used differently for each race. Appearance:Stand over 7 feet tall, her huamly part is very muscular, her shin tone is tan in nature. Her hair is black and falls to her waist, eyes are sky blue, but may look grey if cloudy outside. Keeps her top half covered with a small top.( Only over breats). Hair is either left freeflowing or in a poytail. Horse part is a honey caramel color with a black tail. Personality: Very quiet and inquisitive. At her age is still considered a child, centar live for over 300 years. Can learn things easily and get along with those she meets if they allow her the chance. Short Bio: She was born on the brightest day of the year and became her fathers pride and joy. He lavished her, but she was meek and humble with his givings occasionally refusing them. At an early age she became interseted in nature and the effects that flowers and pkants had on her peopls. Her father saw her talent and hoped that allowing her to learn this would win his affections. She went of to a special school and stayed there till she was of the age 50. There she learned the right plants and mixtures to cure illness, weakness, and what could premote healing and rest, as well as a few other things. Upon returning her father introduced her to a young Centar man, and learned he was to be her husband. Immediately offended she objected the wedding and went off one evening after adding a sleep potion to her fathers meal. The world around her opend her up to many scenarios and she went on amoung other races learning a few of their techniques for healing. She now finds herself amoung the elves, hoping to learn their ways as well......[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tommi had sat there too long and she knew that she wouldn't be happy there. The night started off very good but then things got boring as it progressed. Although she did learn now goor a fighter Gen was, this still didn't tweak her interest. She went on and stood up. She tugged her skirt a bit and began to walk home. The night was warm for her and her house want too far away. About 2 miles, so she hicked it. As she remembered she did have a small hangdun in on a high garter under her skirt so she didn't believe anyone would mess with her. She kepet speed walking, but soon became bored and started to jogg. The quiet breeze ran acroos her body and soon the air cooled her down a bit. Small beads of sweat formed on her forhead and arms, but she kept jogging. One thing she figure about leaving her dates behind was that it allowed her to exercise. She kept moving the street lights fading in and out as she moved. Before she knew it, she reached her apartment complex. She slowed down her jog and walked from the complex opening to her apartment The cool down was just what she needed. She came to her door and unlocked it quickly, she stepped inside and threw on a few lights. She headed strraight for the bathroom and cleaned off. She ignored the clock when she came in but decided to look at the time. It was 2:30. She sat on the sofa and turned the television on. As she flipped the channel she hoped sleep would soon overcome her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=sienna] She was finally off. Through the streets of her town she wnet. her small cart behind her. Mostly it was filled with food and a few of her potions, but it was definetly enough for her to get started. The nearest town was about 4 hours away, soshe decided not to rush. She moved only slowly at first, but the farther aay from town she got the more she wanted to keep going. It was about noon when she reached the closest town. Many of her kind were now standing outside. Shopping and such. The road she came down had no parresbyers so her day went by quietly. She came to a stand where an older centaur stood. Old lady: How may I help you? Sar'ia: Hello, yes, Um I was wondering is there a place for me to get a good meal from. Or should I say a place that I mat rest for a moment. Old lady: Yes dear, go to the end of thie road and you'll find a man there , he sells the best food and I think he may have a few rooms available for you to rest. Sar'ia: Thank you! Sar'ia turned from the lady and went down to the small road. She found a lagre home there, some what like an inn. She stepped inside and hoped her questions could be answered.[/COLOR]
  4. OOC: KOTR I already PMed you as to if I am able to join....but here is my sign-up just in case you do say yes... *gets on knees* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SAY YES! [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Name: Trini Angelos Age: 30 Gender: Female Assignment: Medical Assitant Personality: Laid back and inquistive. Will look for things to get into at times, but is very serious and focused when it comes to work. Can be stubborn and competitive when some one tries to outdue her at her own work. Appearance: 5'8", has dark brown hair which is worn in a ponytail of bun. Eyes are hazel. Thin and yet atlethic looking. Not overly muscular. Caramel colored skin. Mosly wears bigger pants, to move around in and not show off her figure, and long sleeved tops. Short Bio: Was born to a middle income family in Southeast America. Grew up and joined the Space Medical School. She became a medical assistant at 25 and has since been working on a few national and international stations. While off at Med School, she was in a bad relationship, this caused her to cover herself up more, but her personality was never truly effected. Now works to keep herself from opening up to many men. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Hinata


    I have a few manga/ animes that I reall like but I want to know something as well...you're drwing them for your friends, but are you looking for boys to draw or girls or either or? But anywho heres my list... Fushigi Yugi Ceres Love Hina Great Techer Onizuka Inuyasha..Ha ha I had to say it... G Gundam Gundam Wing Planet Ladder Do you need anymore... and if you do just PM me... See ya!!
  6. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] "Okay Logos, where are we off to next?" [I]Our next destination is Planet California, New Los Angeles, then we have...[/I] "Thats all I need to know for now, the last 2 destinations will be seen in a few more hours," she replied to the computer, She sat at the helm counting her money. It was what she neede to buy a few extra parts and get the ship looked at but it would still be a bit before she couls do that, thanks to her him. She still remembered that conversation. She was almost home free and then he asked But she still had no clue at to who this pirate was. She had yet recieved the package and it had been a day. She wondered how long it would take him to send the info. She wanted to throw the money away but couldnt do it. The ship still had about another 3 hours befroe the reached Planet California. She just got up and placed the money in her room safe. She returned to the helm and sat down for a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I] We are 10 mintues away from the landing Trini[/I] Trini fell asleep at the helm, she was awaken bt the ship andshe quickly rubbed her eyes and awoke. "Good she said, contact the New L.A. Landing Station(NLALS) and I'll call our customer, she'll be very happy we're here." [I] Both contacts have been made, The NLALS is seneding a ship to guide us in and she will be meeting you in 2 hrs at the usual place.[/I] Trini sat back in her seat listening with interset to the ship. "Anything else happened?" [I] The information on your next job has ben sent. You can pull it up whenever you're ready.[/I] "Okay, I'll check it out after this drop-off." She got up and went to her room to change. " Anmd have the ship ready in three hours to depart, we have to keep going. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] As the group pulled away from the lake, Tr'shiel caught up with Iris and Johanas, who were now talking to each other. She stayed with them mostly for she knew not how to break the ice with the other three. In her eyes Aidian, Ruben and Belial seemed to be loners, they really didn't like to speak with others but when the time cme they could. For now she held this thought in her mind, and hopefully ad their travels continued she hoped that she would be able to converse with them as well. He r mind once again come back to Iris and Johanas how were wrapping up their conversation about Ryn. Johanas was very happy to meet another with whom he could talk to, and Iris was also as relieved to have a group of companions with whom she could also speak. Soon Tr'shiel began to speak to Iris. "It seems we are after the same goals." "How do you mean?" Iris looked at her, as well as Johanas. "We are both trying to find a loved one." Tr'shiel said slowly not trying to open up too much in the first conversation. "Yes, and I have not seen him for some time now, I cannot wait to see him once more." "And I agree with you." She put her head down for a moment, then looked back at Tr'sheil. "You remind me so much of my people, the hairs a bit dark, but the face and skin, could be a perfect match." "Well who knows, our races may have once been very close in the past." Iris said smiling at Tr'shiel. "Yes, you are right, that is a thought to fancy." [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Lorn passed Elektra and went into the kitchen. Leaving her alone for a moment to think. Whatever she was thinking,lckily had been swept from her mind and she followed in behind him. He was still there for a moment drinking his coffee. She went to the fridge and grabbed an apple. She held one up to Lorn. "NO thanks," he said still sipping on his drink. " I'll eat a bit later." She took the apple and sat down to the table looking at him for a moment. Then she finally spoke up. "Now was your run?" She took a bite from the apple waiting for answer. "As good as any run could be..." he said not really wanting to talk to much. "Looks like a good job was done to close up that hole then.....Seems you didn't have too much trouble with it this morning." In between her talks she took an small bit from the apple, not once keeping the conversation too drawn out. "Yeah, I didn't think of it too much," he downed the last of his coffee and waved to Elektra, "be down later, gotta get cleaned up." She watched him leave and leaned back in the chari. Trying to relax.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] "Here's your package sir...and.." Trini said speaking softly in a small cafe in New Manhattan. "Great, great," the man said placing his cigar in the ashtray while he grabbed his newly acquired item. He slowly unwrapped it but not within veiw of those around him. His eyes glistened with happiness and greed as a small smile showed up on his face. He slowly leaned beside him a grapped a small bag. He took out an enevlope and handed it to Trini. "Thank you," she said quickly opening it and checking the contents. "It looks to be the right amount so I'll trust you." "After all you've done for me you still don't trust me." He siad puffing on his cigar once more. Before she could answer the waiter came with the check. The man paid the tab and the waiter went on his way. "You know me, I barely trust myself." He laughed a bit and then stood up. Trini went along with him. They both left the cafe together and parted outside, he still caring and puffing his cigar. "Well this is where we part." A black hover car came to pick the man up. "He began to climb in," Oh, I shall soon have another job for you." "Give me about 2 weeks and I'll be open." "I don't think it can take two weeks, I need you immediately, a certain man stole a piece of me and I want it back." "Who is this man," she asked stepping closer to him. "He's a pirate, and I know where he know is,, when will you be available?" "I have about 3 days then I'll be open." "Good you'll have the info then, I'll send them to you ship. BYE." Before more could be said, the guy left and Trin slowly waled back to here ship. [/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: Dmitri...I hope you don't mind but I set my character up to track you.. You still have a few days before I come after you though so enjoy.
  10. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tr'shiel didn't speak to much to the group although she did note hor goreous Iris was. So much did Iris remind Tr'shiel of her mother that she had to keep turnig away. But there was a note to me seen,the ears. She giggled slightly to herself before she stepped forward. "Sorry if I seem so distant," she started. "I do not mean to offend in anyway but have been deep in thought for a while now, and I am growing very weary." " I believe we are all that way," Ruben said. " But please tell us more about you....." tr'shiel did not wish to tell her whole story just yet for she didnt know who to and who not to trust. So she skipped many of the details. " I'm on my way to find one of my people," she held her head down and her voice lowered only a bit. "One whom I dearly care for." The other saw she didn't really want to go into much more detail by ho she shrunk away a bit, sitting now on the gound, resting her now tired limbs. Everyone else stilll remained silent until she broke the ice... "Who wishes to go next?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Elektra stayed on her bed rocking slowly holding herself. As she looked around her room she noticed everything in place and began to head to her computer, hoping that being on it will make her feel better. She rose to her feet and began to head over but her feet brushed by someting. She looked down and noticed a small book on the floor. No words written on it, and she was about to open the cover...when a strange feeling came upon her. Open it and her her feeling, or leave it closed and hurt her feeling either way you lose. She immediately knew who it belonged to and went into the front room. Kalipso and the other wer in there as Kalipso stood up, she saw Elektra coming out of her room, holding the book. "My diary," she said quickly taking the book away from her." Where was it?" "On my room floor, I just found it," Elektra turned her back and walked back to her room....waiting for the question to pop up into Kalipso's mind. She clocked it.. ***** **** *** ** * "You read it didn't you?" Kalipso asked, Elektra slowly tured around knowing the situation, would probably be getting ugly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tr'shiel and Johanas had made it to the lake. She didn't look around her first before drinking from the water but Johanas stood there alert and aware of the people about 100 feet away. He reached down for her making her stand. "It looks like other travelres have set up before us." He stared in their direction, Tr'shiel eyes soon looked over there as well. She was a bit surprised to see three people there, but made no big deal out of it. But she didn't go down for more water just yet. She wished to know their motives and if they would attack if she was not on guard. "Go ahead and drink Tr'shiel. I'll keep a look out." Johanas said. "Uh-uh, let's make sure we're not tresspassing first." She began to walk forward speaking to the small group. "Hello, I hope we're not intruding but do you mind if we...." She was within 50 feet and could see the figrues well. The draconian was the first to speak up interupting her speech. "Stay where you are and state your business." "Well personally sir, my business is mine own as yours is yours. But I wish to know if we may gather water from this lake." The draconian, realized the lady meant no harm as she drew no weapon to defend herself. "This lake is for everyone's use, go ahead." Johanas still by her side handed her the water container, she quickly filled it ans stood back up. "Do either of you know how far the town is from here..." "You're looking for the town as well," the thin figure from behind now spoke up after Johanas' comment. "Yes we are," Tr'shiel said upon seeing the fourth figure. " We are heading there now, hopefully we'll reach it soon. The others all looked at each other, wondering what kinda of group they had happened to stumble upon.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] "Logos, is everything ready," She sat up front, and began to check out the controls. "All systems are functional and the ship is ready." "Good," she sat down and fastened herself in, taking off was allways the roughest part of the flight. "Radio to the tower were ready to leave." The ship signaled the tower while she flipped through her CD chip book looking for music from the 21st Century. She was a fan of their dance music and she loved the classics. She found Darude and popped it in. The chip played low until she received confirmation from the tower. "Logos, your cleared to leave, Follow the lights to your departure point." She quickly took the controls and lifted off. The ship was a pice of work but she enjoyed her piece of freedom. The shipped moved slowly and she looked around seeing many other ships..Some coming in other waiting to go out. Some she remembered some she didn't. As the ship began to move on she noted her first destination before her vacation. "Ship when we leave the port, our destination is New Manhattan," the Logos made the computations and was complete with the route as soon and they left. Trirn sighed a bit and turned up her music happy to be almost free.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tommi stood there in the crowd now. Many whisperes were surrounding her now, about Tex being shot another about a kid beating a man to hell, and a bunsh of other shit. She didn't want to get to overwhelmed about the news of her student getting shot. But she also wished she could be there for her. Tommi just stood there though, no intention of moving, she tried to concentrate on what was going on around her but couldn't. She just began to walk away and headed to where the crowd was thinning out. She found a small area, a stoop of shorts and wanted to sit down, but remembered the short ass shirt she had on. She couldn't do it. She just kept pacing around the party. Wishing now she had company, no matter who it was.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. OOC: Deedlit, Domon, Baron and doukeshi.. I hope that you dont mind me coming into your story.. I'll probaly be meeting you all in the next post. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Johanas had spoken a good bit about his culture. Enough to keep Tr'shiel up anyways. The dark night had been a wonderful one depite the attack from a creature which she had never seen before. She let her mind wander from that and bgan to hear a few more stories from Johanas. The places he had been the people he converted. She was happy for him, his cause and goals seemed to have been reached and yet he was going on for more. Then she began to think of her own goals. And how they had not been so good. She remembered the disappointment in her mother's eyes when ash found out about him. The only one for her. Her lover, her mate, the only one she wanted to please. "Please stop looking so down." Johanas had seen the change in her. Starteled back from daydreaming... she looked up and glanced at the stars. "Do you think I'll ever meet him again?" Johanas thought for a moment, not wanting to be too quick with his comment. " I think anything is possible?" She smiled once more her heart a little lighter now. Soon the two of them saw light reflecting off a lake, in the distance. "I see water, we should refill out bottles here. And lookingat you, I'd say you haven't had a drink in a while." Tr'shiel giggled a bit and nodded her head. "You're right about that," she said smiling a bit. "Lets stop there and get a bit to drink.... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Hinata


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pinball_Wizard [/i] [B]Do these weapons have to exist/must you enter tne macine with them (don't worry, I'm not going to have a superweapon of any sort, just somethimg that looks cool). [/B][/QUOTE] These weapons are assigned by the programers... they exist because they make them...and they only allow for you to have two weapons in this scenario.... So choose wisely which weapons you want and sorry no over dramatic cun or anything they have to be a weapon that exists from this time period.
  17. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tommi continues to scan the crowds. No one she recognises is their, but she does see Eric and Aaron once again. She passes through them mosre so ignoring them than anything. Eric seeing her pass them by grabs her arm. " Where are you going, I though we had something to do tonight.?" He said looking at her smiling, although his face was still slithgly bruised. Tommi backed away from Eric grip and stood a fe feet in front of him. She crossed her arms looked him up and down then put her hand in his face. "Remember, this is the last thing you wanted to see from me, my hand saying buh bye..and you know what that's what you're gonna get right now." She waved bye and began to walk away from the two. Aaron a it out of the loop of the whole situation follows Tommi leaving Eric behind. "Um what was that about?" He asked trying to play dumb. " Well you do know that you were beat up tonight right?" She stopped and looked him direclty in his eyes. "Yeah I remember, and..." he said shrugging his shoulders. "Nevermind..." she finally walked away giving up on the two of them...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] [I] Elektra, why didn't you warn me.... She saw a clouded face approach her in a dark room. Who are you? What do you want? The figure didn't answer her back. He just kept walking He remained silent but then he turn3ed away from her. As he turned around, she noticed the figure had double. Why didn't you tell us, you knew what was going to happen and you did nothing to warn us... Soon the two figures mutiplied once more. Asking the same question over and over, never cnaing the pace, the sound the pitch. Soon the figures were every where, surronding her, still speaking. Growing in nuber growing in force. Elektra's head became troubled, she put her hands over her ears and yelled.... STOP IT, SHUT UP, LEAVE ME ALONE....[/I] She sat straight up and looked around, she was in her room again her forehead and chest drenched with sweat. She sat there for a moment regaining her composure and holding her chest. Her hear beated rapidly. Too rapid for her to count. She held her hand there for a moment and began to breathe deeply trying to subside the feelings within her, and its physical effects. Soon she sat there, and tears began to form, she sat there, both hands to her face. She cried, softly but yet the feeling hurt her deeply. She sat there alone, hurt no one yet there to comfort her.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini looked at her clock once again. 2.5 hrs. and then I will be able to go away from this crazy places. She walked into the storage facilit, the security gaurd stepped out. She walked up to him handing him a bogus stack of papers, wonderfully and creatively put together by the NY Agent. " I'm here to pick up the items from storage unit number...."she shuffled through the papers making sure she had the right storage number. " Sotrage number X22-55FR6..brought in on the 12th of Sept, two years ago." "And for what purpose are they being picked up?" He asked retreiving the papers from her and looking through them. She soon looked back up at her. She was dressed in a black suit, with a white shirt underneath. Her hair was in a bun and she wore glasses. "Sir I don't have clearance to give you all the information. She said, but here is my identification, my name is Trini Bardon, Agent # 255XDAS... I have been ordered to get this package for and investigation...thats all you need to know. If you dont believe me call my supervisor...David Marsen... here's the number." She handed the guard a card. Also done by David, her friend from the agency. He turned into the office and picked up the phone. She got the operator and he was directed to Davids desk. Things went smoothly and soon the gaurd got off the phone. He turned to her and went to retrieve the package. "Be out in about 5 minutes." He turned and went into the facility. --------------------------------------------------------------- He soon returned with a small package in his hands. And he set it down in front of him. "Okay please sign these papers...and you may go." "Thank you sir," she quickly signed the paper. And picked up the package. She turned to walk away but then remembered. "Oh yes, I need a copy of that paerwork please, before I go." He copied all the papers, she got the facsimiles while he kept the original. "Thank you again." She left the building quickly and walked a ways back to the still cloaked hover car. She got back in and began to fly off. [I]Less than 2 hours and I'll be gone.....YES!" [/I] She found an alley and re-enter the traffic. Destination, the rental factory, and then her ship and home. She had an hour before departure and she was already back at her ship. She dropped the package in the cargo hold and changed clothes. The suit was now dripping with sweat that she had accumulated in the sun. She put on some shorts and and a shirt, " Prepare for take-off." The ship prepared all systems... "Planet Tokyo, here I come." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini shook Arik from her head and began her day. Knowing tha shehad to focus on her job and go on vactation kept her very excited. 5 hours left...and the planet ould be behind her.... She soon got dressed and stepped out into the city once more. It was about 12 noon when she stepped out and the city was still busy for a weekend. At least I'm not the only one working she said. She hailed a hover car. "To the hover car factory please.." the driver oulled off the curb and drove there quickly. that diecrion of town was usual quiet, but getting back in would be a bit more difficult. The driver made small talk." Looking to buy a hover car or rent one?" "Just renting one for a day... I sish to see much of the city without paying these outlandish fees to do so..." A smallsmile came upon her face as the driver looked at her in the rear view mirror. "I know... tell me about it, plenty of the driver will just rip you off in an instance." His comment was very slock and right on time, making her laugh. His hefty voice also cracked a small laugh and the rest of the journey was very easy going. 4 hours left... The factory rented her the car she needed. but at a heft price, she spared it and went back into the center of the city. he building she needed was easily accessible but traffic was not as easy to let her back into the place. She grew increasingly upset. She as well as many other drivers became upset with the wait. Seeing that her time woulb be coming close, she cut thorugh a smaller alley way. There she cloacked the ship temporarily and increased the ground clearance, allowing her to now fly over the other cars... 3 hours left. She landed at the building, now empty and relieved the cloak for only a while. She got geared up and left the ship. She finally made it to her destination.. She went insie and began her job. 2.5 hrs remaining....and everything would be smotth sailing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] The two walked along to the village in silence. As Tr'shiel continued to look at him, she bean to think of her man. But soon the thought left her head. She didn't want to start thaose thoughts up again and then cause.... "Is everything okay inside of you Tr'shiel," Johanas asked looking down at her. Um, inside of me, what do you mean by that?" She asked. "You seem very troubled, is there something that you wish to talk to me about?" His eyes looked solemn and clear, she wished to tell her tale to thre young man, but everything would be revealed in due time. "Well its just that you are the first man I have seen in years," he loooked at her strangely but she continued to talk. "Well as you may have guessed I am a Siren." "Yes I did guess that..." he started nodding his head. "But what does that have to do with being the first man you've seen. I know the male of your species are around, so you must see them..." She held her hed down, "Not me, I cannot see a male of my kind until I finish my training, but even when that day comes I will not want to see them." Johanas listened to her as she spoke but he still admired the enviroment around him. "I fell in love, which in my species is forbidden..and wit that I was locked up never to see a man until I had been cured..." "I see," he replied, "But that is not a reason to run away. You fight to change people, even if they do not agree, running away is never an answer." "Running," she looked at him squarely, " ... the only running Im doing is running back to him. With him at my side will I be stronger to make a change." Johanas sisnt wish to reply just yet...but the phrase now seemed to burn in her heart as well as his...."but what if I dont find him...." she said it under her breathe but Johanas still heard her. The two continued walking, now turning their conversation to his teachings. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Well what can I say about this show.. Although the characters are cliched and the artship isn't all that great...I personally like the show...Its one of those things where you wondr whats going to happen next.. and I think it sucks that I hae missed so many episodes.. Bt at times it can be boring but I hear the lastest episodes released have been good. So I persoanlly can't wait to see them. So you all can continue to complain but I'll put up with it till the end of the show![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Personally, I don't really care for all the extras. I buy a movie on DVD to watch the movie, not to spend vast amounts of time wading through the special features. The Fight Club DVD is a real pain in the butt because one time I got it stuck on audio commentary, so as the movie was playing, it was voiced over by Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. ANNOYING! So I'm glad that there isn't really a whole lot to wade through on anime DVDs. The fun picture galleries are good enough for me. ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] I have to agree with you personally on that. Now to look at the anime series that are on DVD the extras dont really make it for me they just arent that important. Besides I get to see the different pictures they have in the galleries. As forwad as Anime movies... then a few extras would be good. Its more so due to the fact of getting behind the scenes footage. Which is something I defientely love on DVD's so to have the same on an Anime DVD would be a bit enriching. You know seeing the voice actors and such or everny seeing the inspiration for a certain movie. If the DVD's dont have the extras it doesnt kill me......[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. Name: Wish bear Color:A dark Bluish-green color... Symbol:A shooting star Stereotype: A listener and a doer. will do whataver I can to make your wishes come true. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/yt2/keepdacarebearspirit/WishBear.jpg[/IMG]
  25. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] [I]"Am I sleep? Is this real.... A young girl stands in a clrae filed with only grass and a few bushes surounding her. Her hair is long and dark her body barely clothed. As she looks around nothing can be heard or seen, only the surrounding environment. She begins to walk and sees the wind blow the grass, but doesn't feel it against her skin. She touches her skin an d feels her hand, but the wind has no effect. Her clothes and hair remain still as the grass keeps moving. Seemingly unaffected by anything. She continues her journey and soon figures can be seen a ways off. She runs to them. Their backs remain to her. She stops, catchng her breathe. "Hello...can you....tell me....where I am? The two figures remain forward, not moving just standing. "Hello..." She walks in front of them but no faces can be seen. A fog covers their face as if blocked out by some force. Their body their skin, their hair visible but no face. Soon one points, and they turn away from her once again and disappear. Before her everything begins to fade out. Only darkness surrounds her. "What is going on here....What the hell is happening?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you think this is going to work I mean sending other people to look at anothers dream?" A man in long white lab coats pace outsides the door of a room. "How long has she been asleep again?" Another man takes s puff from his cigarette and leaning agains a wall. "It's been over a week now, her family assumes she's dead" "Well then what have we got to lose," he takes another drag of the cigarette, the end glows briefly. "Will we be able to start tonight, where is the group you picked? Besides her brain may be a mess." "That's one chance Im willing to take." "But the machine, it has-" "The machine is fine," the guy smoking straighens up quickly and throws his cigarette down and straightens up his coat. "Now go and get it ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Now I have chosen you to do this simutation for me. In this simulation you will be going into VR. There you will be tested on how you react to the ever changing enviorment. One moment it may be complety dark, as if your body's suppened in a void, others you may feel as if your flying, shit you may even be able to breathe underwater. But you must remember it is fake." A guy stands in front of a small group of people. He continues to speak of their mission and tells them what to expect. "Now if you survive this you will go on to the real thing, you will be going into someone's dream. Not only will you be the first person to explore anothers dream, but through you we hope to bring this young lady out of a coma....." [/I][COLOR=red] Now this is what I need from you...do you wish to participate.... NAME: GENDER: REAL WORLD OCCUPATION: ( Scientist, Psychiatrist, Survival Expert, etc.) APPEARANCE: WEAPONS: (Only two may be carried into the dream world. The subject can produce more than two and may pass on some of them to you.) BIO: (Go into how you were picked for this mission.) I will be the subject and I shall also rule what is happening in the lab....I wil post later... Are you ready to get this started....[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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