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Everything posted by Hinata
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini awoke to the sound of her alamr clock. Although far away from her, the clock seemed to blast itself in her ear. She held her forehead and went to shut the clock off. On she went, tripping and stumbling, feeling the true effects of a night partying and drinking. The clock soon was right next to her and it rung so loud that her head felt its own marching band lived there. "Damn, damn damn..." she said cussing at the machine turning it off. " I'm up." As she stood there in her room, now very grogy she slowly inched herself to the kitchen. There she made a smothie and took planty of Advil to slear up the headache. As she drank she looked at the time. Only 6 hours to go and Planet New York would soon be out of her eyesight. The her mind went immedialty to Arik. "Where are you?" she said hoping that wherever he was, he would here her.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Elektra heard Kalipso's question...she though about how to explain it but no answer left her mouth. Soon it was too late to expalin for she and Cr left the room. Elektra stayed seated in front of her computer she didn't wish to write anything different so she browsed a few sites lookig for people to chit chat with or hopeullf learn a few secrets. She did anyhting to keep her mind off those surrounding her. As she went on searching, she was happy that she couldn't read minds, but her powers didn't make things easier for her. The many things she was in the future. was she supposed to say what she saw or keep it in her. And she didn't truly know if she could ever tell anyone their future. He conscious began to tear at her as she sat there. Replaying the gus death in her mind. She actually saw it, she could have cnaged it, but she wasn't not sure it if would've made a difference. She turned off her comuter and sat on her bed. She soon snuggled up with a pillow as the gang leaders death repeated itself, over and over. How was she to handle his. She didn't know, and could anyone help her. Remembering all the problems evryone else had she suddenly felt alone. Alone and for the first time afraid.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] Seeing Avenue's body writh around made Tommi a bit uneasy. 'The things we do,' She stood up and left the club ahead of Gen and the others not wanting to see anymore. As she finaly stepped out the crowd was very thigk and she beagn to walk through it. She kept her shades on and moved as easily as possible. Many men seemed to black her way though, Some asking for a number, many just wanting a feel. One guy actually even reached for her vagina, a bit appauled by the manuveur whe took his hand and quickly wrapped i behind his back at the same time hitting the back of his knees with her legs. The man fell to his knees and stayed there for a minute as Tommi applied and released the pressure to his arm. [/I] "Now are you gonna be a good boy?"[I] She still played with the man's arm and soon put her knee upon his back lowering his face to the ground. The man said nothing but Tommi thought he had the point. She quickly released him and walked away, many of the men seeing the slight display she put on stepped back as she passed. Tommi only smiled to herself and walked away from the group. [/I] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: KOTR.. I hope you dont mind if I introduce our characters...If this is a problem I will edit my post....THANK YOU [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Tr'shiels voice continued its melody for hours, and the sun around her began to sink slowly. As she sat by a tree the animals of the night began to stir and she lowered her voice as to not affect them. She knew how useful it could be, but the dngers in her voice were to many to name. As the stars began to come into view, a full moon rose out of the east. She stood knowing that now was the time to continue her journey on. Westwasr she went trying to find a village to rest, but it would probably be after dawn when she found it. She brushed off her robes and covered herself with a navy blue cloak. The cloak was heavy enough to keep her thin body warm and she was greatful for it. She began once again to walk through the forest. Not too far along she came upon a small road. It went through the cneter of the forest and had a clear view of the night sky above her. She took the road hoping her rest area would lie beyond the boundaries. She took only a few steps before she felt as though she was being watched. The light of the moon refelcted many eyes that night but one pair seemd fixed on her as she walked, her paced quickened a bit and she listened. The eyes stayed on her tiny frame as she picked up the speed. Soon a cat-like shadow jumped in front of her. The eyes were bright yello and perfect slits, were seen looking directly at her. As she frew out her small weapon it seemd that the creature had no intention of backing down. The determination in its eyes would not fade. She only stood there watching and hoping, but her mind soon went blank and none of her teachings became available for her to use. The creature began to circle her. Looking her up and down as if reading her. As the creaute began to move in for an attack, loud footsteps could be heard breking the now silent night. Both Tr'shiel and the animal turned toward s them. A figure moaved amoung the shadows of the night. He stopped not too far from Tr'shiel and the creature. The man repostioned his weapon. He ran toward them scaring the animal away. Seeing the animal now gone he came up to Tr'shiel. "Are you okay?" he asked," Please let us go on before it comes back." They both moved along the road. Tr'shiel spoke nothing. He also remained quiet. Tr'shiel soon looked towards the male who rescued her. Holding her head down she finally spoke to him..."Thank You." [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Yes FirePhoenix... I helped you undress and I didnt think anything sexual as I typed that I mind you.... [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Elektra nodded bac at Ryin and went right back to her computer desk. Although not quite sure what was going through her head, she hoped netting would prove some what profitable to her. She sat at her desk, and became as comfortable as she could. The blood spilled around her mixed with the blood of her friends didn't truly sit well. But she neede to claer her mind. She hoped for a vaction, /yeah as f one would come around' she though and soon turned her head bacl to the screen. As she continued to type she didn't hear or see anything for a while. No worries no complaints, her nads still moving. As she came to one of her popular sites Kalipso stepped into the room for a momant. "Back on that thing again?" Kalipso said joking around a bit. Elektra laughed as well and then like before turne her head back to the screen, waiting, hoping for a sign.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] With many of the people now outsied and her dates gone to heal their wounded bodies and pride, Tommi sat in tha far corneer of the club waiting foe the crowd to disprse. She was ready yo go home now, but had to wait. As her eyes scanned to the thinning club and saw Gen and Avenue at it once again. Avenue was once again for a short while the loser, but her whole demenure changed as she popped something in her mouth. It seemed her body just went lax. But yet Avenue was more ready and determined to win. Tommi wanting to see the effects of this drug walked clser to the fight but id not get too close for fear of not only getting entangled in it, but also getting caught. She had her suspicious that someone would pcik her out but she didn't want everyone there to know that it was definitely her there. She soon stood about 20 feet from the two, now circling waiting for one to come in for the kill.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Yui soon awoke to a familiar world. Although she awoke a bt forgetful, she soon remembered the forest. The sun still peaked through the hig canopy of leaves and she still felt the moist ferns around her. Oooh how she yearned for home. But she realised the scent of water was frsh in her mind and she was able to pick it up a lot better thatn before. She allowed the sun once more to touch her face and then she stood. The forest around her, once considered dark and formidable now seemed peaceful and light. She began walking, by pure instict in one direction allowing alll the doubts in her mind to slip away. The scent of her home soon became stronger as she walked in that direction. "Water," she said softly and soon her pace quickened. She kept goingo no longer lookin back, and in the distance, maybe a mile or so she thought, she saw a bright opening in the tress. " The end, the end of the forest I have found it she said, and soon blasted off in a full run towards it. The entranced inched closer and closer towards her. And feeling her freedom even more her fears became gradualy lighter and soon were completely gone. She finally reached the end, and befre hr stood a vast clear lake. With no othe thought in mind she jumped in. The water was cool, calm and relaxing, she swam around mostly stying inder the water to soak in every bit that she had missed since her adventure began. Shen she rose up out of the water she saw that she was very far from her original spot. She didn't leave the water just yet but began to look around. 500 feet from her present location she saw a group of strangers. Wanting to find a way home, she begn to swim close to them. But soon they spotted her as well. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] The tall thin blonde- haired woman looked out at the wilderness around her. Although the scenery was beautiful, nothing quite compared to the water-side. Although the moisture on the ground gave her a taste of home, it was not quite able to suffice. It didn't give her all that she was looking for. The air was too quiet for her, and soon memories of the Siren's song filled her head. With her training to become the next leader she had to be able to pick out the best singers in their tribe. The five present singers were in her great, but as the aged thier voices became tired, and she could hear it. But with thier ae also came wisdom. They knew how to harmonize fluidly hiding any blemishes that one may carry. Her thoughts of home began to depress her, the thoughts of her love made her cry. Tr'shiel, a siren, was crying for her mate. The one she had loved for over 50 years. Now gone, sent away in order for her to keep in line with her family traditions. Her thinking of what they had done soon angered her. Yet she could not scream, for although a Sirens song was hypnotising, their scream was filled with death.She did not wish to unleash that power upon the innocent creatures that surrounded her. To try and keep her pain away she began to hum. It was a childhood song that she loved to hear her mom sing. One that she heard other young Sirens like herself practice. A song filled with sadness, but yet joy. Soon her hums became words. Her words not too audible, but yet able to comfort her. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] Tommi clapped queitly as Gen went inside. She now looked at the two boys who were laying unconsious in front of her. wanting to chill outside for a bit she remained seated on the ledge and soon stared up at the stars. They were amazingly clear, especially being in the city with so many lihts surrounding them. As she continued to look up she soon allowed her mind to leave for a moment. She didn't want to return and enjoyed being free. Back on earth she heard the groans of both Eric and Aaron and she son returned to her empty shell. She got up and walked over towards the boys and helped them to stand up. She looked them over noting where every bruise was located. She was impressed with the slight indentations that the Kali stick left. As each stood they put their hands on the back of thei necks. she began to touch them once again but they soon backed away from her.[/I] "That crazy friend of yours...." [I]Eric began.[/I] " I cant mess with you..." [I] He began to stagger away and was soon followed by Aaron. With a shrug of her shoulders she went back into the club. She knew she'd be lonely tonight but that didn't bug her at all.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini had enough drinks to suffice her for years and found herself going back to hr ship. As she entered it she went srt8 to her living area, Luckily the ship locked itself up after her entering for she forgot to lock it herself. She went straight to the couch unbuttoned her jacket and fell down on it. As she began to doze off. As she went into dreamland, sh began to see one man's face. the first true love she had who ran out on her 5 years ago. He kept popping into her mind as she became more and more limp and drowsy. He didn't want to stay out of her head. "Shit," she thought,"Now why are you here?" The man never seemed to answer her but he began to laugh at her. His laughs haunted her. and like all her other nightmares she couldn't wake up. She lay here. In her own sweat, tossing and turning. Hoping soon to wake up.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Elektra wasn't as sorry for the leader as the others had seemed to be. All she knew was that he wronged her friends and now he had payed for it. she looked over his body turn from a rosy color to going all pale and bluish tint. As she saw the way the body shut down she became more scared of death than ever. She knew death before but had never seen it so up close. She soon stepped away from him. Leaving him to rott there for the night. "We bury them tomorrow," she said to both Lorn and Michelle who also reminded behind her. She walked into the house seeing CR on the couch, she walked next to him and saw him still in his weakened state. "Let's get you cared for, you need some rest sweety." She stood him up and led him to one of the back rooms she helped him udress to his boxer. Looked after his wounds and got him set up in bed. She left him behind in the room remembring Lorn also got shot. she went to him to see how he was doing. Lorn sat in the front room. The wound he had sustained was still slightly bleeding. "Need help getting that bullet out?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Tag KOTR...you're it!!!
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] Tommi sat back wide-eyed at the boy standingi front of her. Although she knew in her head with certainty that gen was a good fighter, she didn't know how quick he was. She began to back up and look at the figth. It didn't satisfy her too much though that her dates were gonna get the crap kicked out of them but she did love to look at a fighter's moves. As the two seniors attacked Gen simulatneously , he dicked both punches from the boys and turned around them quickly striking the back of the backs with his Kali stick. *CRACK, CRACK* Damn, Tommi thought as she heard the sound of the stick against their flesh. But Gen soon backed up toying with his opponents. The two boys began began to rise, their backs still a bit arched from the pain that was just inflicted on them. But they didn't stop their attack. Once again the boys attacked together, as Gen began to slip between the two they seem to seperate and Eric turned around quickly hitting Gen dead in his back. The hit only momentarily stunned gen who quickly slapped Eric with the stick, and then he turned to meet Aaron with the same force hitting Aaron in the ribs. With Eric's face now showing signs of bruising and Aaron rubbing his ribs, Gen stepped back again letting them recover once more. He turned to Tommi. A smile was on her face. He looked crazed for a moment wondering exactly what was goin through this lady's head. Tommi saw the look he gave her and continued to smile. She didn't care what Gen thought, she was enjoyig this fight totally anf loved being its only viewer. she soon found her self ready to clap for Gen, but they both were ready for more action before she coud... Round two....[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] Seeing the tension in Gen's eyes, Tommi tried her best to ignore him. She kept talking to her senior friends but everyone once in a while found Gen's eyes glancing back at her. she didn't know why but it just irritated her to death. she couldn't stand it anymore. She reaced over to Eric and gave him a kiss on the cheek. And then stood up went behind the two of them and also kissed Aaron. In the process of bending over she felt a guy touch her ass. She turned around quickly and punched him in the arm. The two seniors saw this and stood up ready to defend Tommi, she quickly put her hands up and stepped up to the guy. she whispered a few words in his ear and then walked away. Leaving him both stunned and dumbfounded. She walked up to Gen's table, but didn't stay there for too long. she bent down and whispered into his ear [/I] "Follow me now",[I]and then walked on. Gen seeming a little more irritated with her followed her. They stepped outside the back door of the club next to a ledge. She sat and waited for him to show up. He was only a few steps behind her. He leaned on the door and put his hands in his trench coat.[/I] "Leave your hands in you damn coat,"[I] she said.[/I] I'm not picking a fight." "Then what in the hell do you want."[I] he said stepping a few steps towards her, seemingly expessing some anger.[/I] "I wanna know why the fuck you staring at me like you got a problem with me. I came here to have a bit of fun and it seems you want to ruin it......Is that it....is that what you wanna do?" [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: Tag Metatron your it!!!
[COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] [I] The forset was too dark forher liking. Plus without any water around to calm her, she was becoming stressed out and mor nervous than ever. She looked everyway, hoping that her senses wouldhelp her to get out but to no avail. She soon came to a tree and sat down. The ground was cool there, and a bit moist. Feeling the small ferns growing amoung the tree roots, with dew drops allowed her a moment to escape the vaste, dryness of the forest. The sun sparkled in onwly a bit at a time. The criss-crossing leaves, allowed no more that a few trickles to beam down on her face. The bit of warmth she received allowed her to relax from the cold and dark raft surrounding her in the forest. she soon began to relax a bit more and sleep came uopn her. Although she was weary she needed it to rest her nerves. Soon the noises and danger surrounding her became nothing more than a figment of her imagination [/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][/I] Tommi continued to much enjoy her date with the two young men she picked up. But did wish to speak with some of the ones speaking to her. She saw a few older men about who seemed to recognize her, but ignore her at the same time. She didn't care though, she was having fun and enjoying herself to the fullest. This eemed to be the best time to be free, and she was definetly enjoying it. She more so either danced with Aaron or Eric and just about pratically ignored the others around her. Every once in a while she would glance over Tex's way but Tommi's attention seemed more divided tonight. She was also looking towards Gen who, at the moment had gotten up and left the table for a moment. Although Tommi wasn't too attracted to him, it was just something in his personality that seemed to stun her a bit. She shook the thoght from her head, not wanting to go there. Gen had arrived back to the table when Tommi happened to glance towards the door. Speak of the devil, she said to herself, the person she ust mentioned a few minutes ago just walked in. [/I] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Elektra was surprised how quickly they disposed of the group. Although many of them were pretty weak she stiil thought they would put up more of a fight. And actually with two of them now left CR came sturrling outside. Complaining of not being able to get his shot in. Lukcily Kalipso saved him one of her left-overs and she quickly obliged him the chance to kick some butt. Although still wounded her did pretty damn good for his ability and didn't take too much time in letting his pray suffer. With CR. finishing the one off, Michelle, Lorn and Elektra surrounded the leader of the group, who know sat wounded not too far from them. "So what was that you were saying again?" Michelle asked squatting down to meet him face to face. He didn't answer but lloked more so scared then anything. Elektra laughed as Kalipso and CR now approached him as well. "Is this the one who hurt you?" Kalipso asked CR. The leader continued to look around hoping for a way out. But in his conditon if they stood there a bit longer he wouldn't be able to escape. His death was imminent if he didn't get help soon. CR stood over him. Looking the poor figure over and over. He soon shook his head and wlked back towards the house to rest. Nothing came from his mouth until he reaced the door, and yet the words were inaudible. He stepped in side, leaving the other four out there to look over the dying man. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Endless Void [R15+ for adult language, some adult content and violence]
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini sat on the bed. A bit disappointed but then and again not. She sat there and repeated in her mind what Arik had said to her. And knew that at this time things would not work out as she hoped. She really did like him alot but knew she had to open him up slowly. She knew she couldn rush things. Especially if she wanted to make him, hers. She slowly walked out of the hotel room and down the stairs, she didn't want to take an elevator, the heat within it was proably still circulating and she couldn't stand to think about that right now. When she got to the lobby, she looked around real quick hoping to spot him there. There was no sign of him, and she knew she may not see him again for a while. She walked outside the hotel and buttoned her jacket down. She didn't want to attract much more male attention as she had already done that night.She hailed for a cab and decided to go hit up the Ld again for one more drink before her job tomorrow. She arrived there and went straight to the bar. She didn't look around for anybody. Gio was there again tonight, she looked at him. "Sup Gio, give me a shot of tequila and the strongest Long Island Ice Teas you got... I need something to hit me hard." Gio seeing the looke in her eyes knew not to ask any questions. He mixed the drink immediatly and gave her the shot with a slice of lime. She drank it quickly and began to sip on her L.I.T. it didn't take her too long to finish and soon she got another drink. She didin't want to rememer the night so she tried to drown the memories, but knew one way or another she would get Arik. Slowly yet surely..... [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][I] Tommi luckily enough to have seen both fights laughed at both Staci and Kristen. She thought to herself knowing that was one thing she wwas going to be writing on the blackboard when they get to class tomorrow. With Eric not leaving her side, she was sure to stay close beside him the whole night. Besides he really didn't want to let her go. She didn't mind to much. She just walked around the club mostly noticing who all was there and then grabbed a few drinks. She didn't too much care about getting tipsy, besides that would be somthing for her students to laugh at. Their teacher with a hell of a hangover. But as she thought of that she knew there was something she neede to say to both Cassandra and Tex. She walked past the two girls and went behind them. She didnt wish to get too close for fear they would recognize her. But luckily she remembered some light tinted shades she had in her pocket and put them on. [/I] "Hey girls," [I]she said talking to both of them at once.[/I]" I just wanted to say awesome ass kicking. That was tight." "Thanks," [I]the both of them said simultaneously.[/I] "No problem,"[I] she soon walked away Eric and Aaron in tow. She went back to dancing up a storm, no inhibitions to stop her. She was able to blend in good with those around her and just had fun. As she continued to dance and look around she saw one person who she had not expected to see. GEN, and in all black. He looked cute, but she knew to hold her distance. With Anenue probably ready to show up soon. Another brawl would soon break out. [/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] As Charlotte stood next to the woman, they stayed hugging each other but soon something caught Elektra's attention as sh stood there. Not too far from their present location sirens could be heard. As she stood there longer she yelled down to Charlotte. A bit upset about breaking up their reunion. "We have to go, tell your friend to come, its the police." Elektra spoke slowly, feeling the pain that the two were sharing. Charlotte stepped away from her friend and grabbed her hand. Elektra stepped out of their view and headed back to the hotel. She didn't walk too quickly but they soon came behind her, catching up to her. It took them about 5 minutes to make it to the hotel and she pointed them in the direction of the car. She continued going upstaris to find Jackel, Kilo and Max. Only Jackel was there. She went into the room quickly and ushered him out back. "Go to the car start driving around, but be careful there are cops everywhere. Try to find everyone and bring them back here.It looks like we have to leave tonight!!"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] [I]Tommi got ready slowly of course looking for just the right clothes to show off her body. The boys had yet to shown up but they called saying they were on their way. She searched in her closet angrily not yet finding the right clothes to suit her.[/I] "Damn it,"[I] she yelled pissed that none of her clothes looked 'youthfull' enough, but as she searched deeper she soon saw a red mini skirt and a white top with a red stripe on one side. the top was sleeveless and was a mid-drift. [/I] "Perfect." [I]She quickly suited up, she decided to wear her hair down and had it covering one of her eyes and the other side tucked behind her ear. She put on ust enough makeup but didn't want to be too seductive for the many teens who would be around. Hopefully a few guys around her age would also be present for her to flirt with. The door bell rang, she looked at the time, 8:10. she was surprised to see the boys right on time. She threw on some low, white K Swiss with red trim, and ankle socks that looked as if she was going without the socks. She opened the door and saw Eric standing there.[/I] "You ready," [I]he asked looking Tommi up and down once more. He moved closer to her wrappind his arm around her. [/I] "Hold your horses stallion, after the party." [I]she said touching his chest slighty and pushing him out the door. She grapped her keys and locked up.[/I] "You mean to tell me we can't be a little late to this party."[I] He was standing right behind her, his now erect tool touching her butt. She stood there at the door wishig to let him in once more but knew it would be just as good after the party. [/I] "Thats exactly what Im saying,"[I] she said turning around now pinned between him and the door.[/I] "Besides,"[I] she touched his chest lightly and began to move her hands lower soon gripping a most sensitive part of his body[/I] "...when we get back, it'll be just as good." [I]She moved out of his way and walked towards his car. He opened the door letting her in. She saw Aaron in the back seat, and leaned back there to give him a kiss. Soon only a few more minutes and she would once again be reliving High School.[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Seeing Lorn stand up again. Elektra knew that nothing she said would stop him from going out. She had to get in his way though, going out there alone would be next to suciside for him. Although she had not seen anything pop into her mind she knew no matter what that she was not going to let him leave. Not alone anyways. "Promise me," she said standing next to him. "What," he said knife ready and seriuos about going back out the door. "Give me one minute to return, a full 60 seconds. Allow me to go grab my other weapon." Lorn looked at Elektra, she was seious, and one thins he knew was to never cross her when she got serious. " Go, you got 60 seconds starting now." At the sound of 60 in her mind Elektra rushed to her computer stand. [I] Shyt, its not here/[/I] she searched above it and below it, nothing, she rushed back into the main roomand saw the blad poking from underneath the sofa. Not caring that she grabbed the blade, she cut her hand as she reach for it and the sheath, dangling only a few inches from the tip. She immediately rushed back to his location with only 10 seconds to spare. "Good timing," he said sarcastically. "Yeah I'm known for my quickies... when it comes to rushing...." she looked at him. His face talking for him. "Well are you ready." He changed his mood and looked out the window. Before he exited another stream of bullets entered the house. He and Elektra stood beside the door. One man came from out of the shawdows, telling his men to stop fire. He stepped forward a few more steps, and began to yell. " Come out, all of you. This can be real easy if you allow it to." Michelle beside them stepped next to Lorn. Now ready for the fight. "How shall we proceed," Michelle asked. All three of them now ignoring the treats of the leader.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Well if everyone really looks at all the differences between anime women and they hair..as well as the men.... they hair kinda shows their personality as well as helps you tell the difference between so many characters out there. As well as the clors, they help out to. I'm serious would you really be able to tell the difference between characters if they looked as Native women(and that goes for eveyr society) I mean if all Asians, Blacks, Whites, Indians, etc, had the same hair style amoung them would you really be able to say "oh that's (whoever) and thats (whatyoucallit)... Cause I know I can't plus thats how women are. they change their hair or looks to be different at times... and in anime I thin its a life saver. But no matter I do love the differnt styles of hair out there..and I have seen plenty!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Just to let everyone know there may be a few spoilers in this post..Just to get rid of some of the tasteless tacky sex stuff...If you dont want to read it. Read the spiolers at your own will. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] [I] The two young men helped Tommi into her apartmwnt, which they were stupid enough to belive was her cousins and she got right to business. Her groceries were sat on the kithchen counter while the tow young men sat on the sofa. Already beginning to get undressed. She sized them both up as they took off thier clothes. They bodies weren't to bad to be teenagers, in fact they were tight in all the right places. One of the boys, named Aaron was about 6'2" and was blonde. He had teo tattoes, one on his right pec of a lion with another around his left arm. One of the armbands. The other was a black, his name, Eric, he hair was braided back and his eyes were hazel...Ooh just looking into his eyes made Tommi more horny than ever. He was about 6'0 and was more built than the other, but Tommi didn't care. Strolling into the living room, she undid her shirt and and pants. Leaving one a pair of black thongs and a black lacey bra. More so attracted to Eric, she went over to him first, sat over him and began to kiss him. [SPOILER]Soon her worked his way down to her breasts, taunting them ever so slightly making Tommi moan out. Little did Tommi know, Eric had joined them and was kissing her down her back while undoing her bra at the same time. The three soon became entangled into one another and they began to go at it full swing. No holds barred. [/SPOILER] Pleasure like this had only Tommi had once before with her then boyfriend and his friend, but these two young men were full of something more, wether it be vigor or charisma, Tommi let go of all her inhabitions ans enjoyed this experience to the highest. The time was now 6:45. The three had begun their little escaped at 5:30. The expericne left Tommi a little winded but ready for more. They two boys. They were on the couch tired from the amount of energy they had just expended. She walked into the ktichen grabbing a few drinks and went back into the living room. She passed them the drinks and they all sat there. Tommi still waitng for more, but knew she had to get ready. [/I] "So what time do we leave?" [I] They sat there for a moment recouperating still from the experience. Aaron was the first to answer. [/I] "Be ready by 8:15. It starts at *..but we like to be fashionably late." "Very well," [I]Tommi said standing up.[/I] And you know what, after the party, if you can handle it, we can go for round two.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] [I] Tommi sat in the house pissed, but very much well confident of her talk with Gen. She knew deep inside that he wasn't going to help. But luckily she had ways of doing things her own way. As usual left the apartment, and headed down to the store. As she passed down the aisles she heard a few kids from her school talk about some type of party. Tommi smiled as she heard about it and lingered close beside them for just another moment. [/I] "So you goin or what?"[I] One male studnet said kinda coaxing his counterpart into going.[/I] " Yeah I might go, I'm not sure yet." [I] The two of them continued to grab snacks as she walked up closer to them. Luckily looking nothing like she did when she worked, she walked up to the two and began to talk to them.[/I] " So where's this party at?" "What's it to you,"[I] they looked Tommi up and down not sure if she was new around town or not.[/I] "Well I just came to these parts to visit a cousin of mine and I wanna know where the party is, maybe she and I can go." [I] Tommis younger act was luckily working so far, but she still didn't have the guys full attantion into telling her where the party was.[/I] "Well.. I don't know if we should tell, besides how do I know you won't tell anyone else." [I] Tommis head raced with thoughts but then she found out one thing that would settle these two young mens head.[/I] "I'll fuck the both of you if you take me to the party.... Is that settled." [I] The two young men, about 18 years old were of Tommi's taste, and she knew that they'd proably never see her like this again. They soon started at each other and then back at her. Looking her up and down.[/I] " How old are you,"[I] One asked looking at her coldy.[/I] " I'm 20.. is there something wrong with that. or are you scared of sleeping with a college woman." [I] She walked away from the two leaving them there to wonder if she truly meant that she was going to slep with them. She bought her groceries and walked out to her car. As she entered her car, she saw the two men approach her.[/I] "Let's go for it then!" "Great," [I] she replied smiling back at them[/I], "Follow me, my cusin wont be home for a while so we'll have the place to ourselves." [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic] Seeing the people run behind Michelle didn't send good vibes through Elektra's head. In stessfull situations her visions had been know to pop up now and agin distracting her momentaryily from the fight. "Shit," she said shaking her head. "Not now, I have to concentrate." Lorn seeing the distress coming over Elektra's face, knew that her powers were going haywire, and that he needed to snap her back to reality. There was only one sure way that he could do so. Before she realized it, Elektra felt a sharp pain coming from her arm. She looked down and saw a small cut right below her elbow. It wasn't too deep but lckily it was enough to snap out of her visions. She looked over to Lorn who has quickly reseathed the blade and was looking out again, now rising to meet Michelle. "C'mon now, we must go and help her." Elektra was now able to figth without distractions and she ran after Lorn cathing up with him quickly, only about 50 feet from Michelle. A few men were at Michelle's heels. Not wanting the men to catch her, Elektra withdrew a dagger and threw it. The dagger missed Michelles head and landed in the center of the first man's chest. The man still ran for another moment not noticing the dagger in his chest, and soon fell face down on the ground. The other men looked back as they saw their comrade fall and her momentarily sidetracked. Luckily Michelle keep running and was soon side by side with Lorn and Elektra.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]