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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Elektra was stunned by the question a bit wondering exactly what Jackel was going on about. " Do you hear me in there... are you human, andriod or cyborg?" He asked again gettig a littl impatient with her. She turned her back on him and then looked down. She didn't really know the answer to the question and had to figure out exactly how to express it. All she knew was that some how her genes and the genes of an animal were mixed together in one body. Now how that body was made and what it was made of was beyond her understanding. She looked back at Jackel and began to pace a bit. " Why are you asking me this question?" She said trying to get hie reasons for this question and the possiblities of follow-ups. "Just asking, if you don't mind?" Jackel answered back hoping that some how he could calm her down a bit. He noted how his question began to annoy her and in some way get her a bit upset. "Well I don't really know what I am?" She said again turning away. "Um, what do you mean you don't know!? You must know!" He answered. "Well I know this, I bleed when I am cut, I feel pain, anger happiness, sadness, humilitation, despair and I eat, I drink I sleep, I use the bathroom, and a few other things, but...it there more to being human...." she stared beginning once again to use her body language again. " I mean are cyborgs and androiuds doing this also. Cause if so, then I wouldn't know." Jackel laughed a little bit at the comment she just made. But wasn't kept in that mood for long. " Well," he started," Why don't you know about cybogrs or androids?" He asked, once again prying for more infromation than Eletra wanted to give. "From what i though I have only been around hmans, and i don't know the functions or such of androids or cyborgs. Why though are you one?" Elektra was now the one turning the tables on Jackel. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini didn't really want to leave Arik behind but knew that this job would secure her for a bit. So she continued to look for the best palce to stash the flying hover cart that she just rented. Luckily it had a cloaking deivce that lasted for 2 hrs. So when she did do her job she would be able to go to an incospicuos spot and fly away and load her ship. Not to far from the Ld, and only 3 blocks from the 'site' she found a tall empy building still recivieg construction. She knew this was the best chance and didn't pass it up. She got out of the cab and surveyed the area. So far only 10 stories were up and it was roofless. She looked around checking on the traffic senario. There was a lot present, but not enough to hinder her and she no longer worried. She also noticed the work crew wrapping up. It was only 4'o clock, so at 5 was when the job suited her best. [I]Now, onto the site.[/I] She walked the three blocks to a warehouse where the item was still located. Not knowing what exctly it was she knew her best chance to get this package, was to lie, she came up with the papers of being an agent and was to repossess the item. Luckily one of her old associates worked for the same ageny ans would cover her story. Supposedly the original owner, had it removed from his possession unfairly and now wanted it back. He only told her to refer it as, his prize. She didn't care, she just needed to get it. But she also found out that the 'prize' was also illegal on her bosses planet and had to sneak it in. She soon left tomorrow's plan in the back of her mindand started the trek to her ship. She looked at the time and saw she had about and hour left. And fished her phone out hoping he would call. No sign yet. But she didn't despair too long. She returned the phone and continued walking. [I] Sooner or later...sooner or later.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Elektra parked the car and slowly began to walk back around o the front of the hotel. But something she sensed made her very uncomfortable. It was a feeling she had a few times before. When her very life was threatened. She had yet to know what is was yet. And didn't like the feeling. Soon it disapated and she continued to walk towards the front of the hotel. Standing there she saw JAckel with his weapons, looking around for something or someone. "You okay," she said stopping a few feet away from him. " Yeah 'm fine," e said shaking off his latest encounter. " But where is the car, I thought you took patrol of the city." " Naw, I just parked the car around back. Don't have time to patrol when I have people to protect. Besides I'm just making sure we have and alternate way to escape. Remember, there are bathrooms for you to jump out of the rooms if the time arises." Jackel seemed to here the words but they went right back out. Inintentionaly ignoring Elektra. "Jackel!" She upped the tone of her voice, snapping him once againback to reality. "Uh, what?" " Go to sleep man, you down here zoning out. Besides you should be close to Charlotte, she may be worried." Elektra said going by the stairs, sitting down and starting her watch.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. OOC: I know that Im a girl but I can do the psycho teaher so well. And do I have to be a male..can I be a female teahcer enfatuated with you...HHHMMMM!!!! EDIT: WHOO- HOO I get to be a female...Awesome!!! But either way people, I claim the psysho teacher!!! Name: Tommi (F) Winters Age: 26 Occupation: Teacher Appearance: Long dark hai that reaches her hips. Mostly wears it in a ponytail when at school teaching. She is about 5'10 and looks more so like a gothic type chick outside school. In school she's laid back and dresses very casual, to hide the side of her that many people do not know about. Personality: Perverted, smart and cool at times, but can be very demented in thoughts. She likes guys and girls but at thiis particular point has her sights set out on one little teenage student. Goes atfer whatever I want, including people. Misc: Graduated with Honos from college and has been a great assent t this school. Love females period. Anything else
  5. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini was enjoying her time with Arik but soon knew that she had to get started on her job again. She looked at her watch again groaning as she looked at the time. And she began to wrap the conversation up. She got straight to the point," What are you doing later tonight?" "Well I was probably gonna go and pass out from drinking so much, you?" "Well, Im hoping I can sawy you out of passing out and meet me somewhere a about 2 hours?" "So what do you have in mind?" She sipped again from her glass and turned his way grabbing his hand. "Well we can grab a few more drinks and then you can pass out or...." She put his hand on her hip and began to move them upwards towards her breats but she stopped. "You feel me, figuratively speaking of course?" Arik laughed again and replied," Yeah I feel you, figuratvely and [I][B]literaterly[/B][/I] speaking!" "Well I hope so," she said mving his hand back and placing in it a card. " Call me in an hour and we'll meet somewhere. Your terms, and if not this time, well I hope the next." She said standing up keeping her eyes on him and her hands on hers." " I will definetly think about that." " Do that," she replied bending forward, kissing him on the lips. She kept them there for about 5 seconds and stepped back whispering again,"Do that," She from him and began to walk away, heading towards the entrance. Jeeing her back to him, not looking back to see him. She once again, found herself outside and on her gaol.. She waved down a hover cab and began to study her best route of escape s well as tossing in her mind, the gouhts of just what may happen tonight, [I]if he calls[/I].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] As the others went to the rooms, Elektra noticed that Charlie still remained outside. She walked over to the lady and bent down retying her boots. She stood up and closed and tied her coat. " He got you that upset," she said as she leaned back against the car. Charlies looked over at Elektra harsly and soon answered with a voice that could kill. " You don't know shit about me. So don't try to understand or pry." Elektra stepped back a bit and then replied. " Excuse me for trying to make casual conversation. I'm not rying to pry. As a far as not knowing shit about you... I don't but I know how you feel right about now. Cuz no matter how you may look at it. We are somewhat the same." " I beg to differ." Charlie said turning her head away from Elektra. " Do you?" Elektra stared, : Well I happen to disagree, besides a cat knows another cat when she smells one, no matter how big little or whatever may be. And sweety you are cat, I smell it and my nose doesnt lie. But if you choose not to talk about it, don't." Charlie didn't reply and Elektra really didn't give her time to if she was. And started to speak again. " But outside of our genes, we have another thing in commom. To know the truth. To find more answers, and to protect the one who can lead us there." Charlie still didn't reply. "Here," Elektra said tossing a key towards Charlie. Take th room downstairs, it looks like you need it....And get off the car please. I gotta take it around back. Keep an eye out till I get back round here, please." Elektra got in tha car and took it around the building leaving Charlie alone for a few moments.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Well Im sorry I don't know who Yuki is? But I had to sa that I was much empressed by the movie and I din laugh alot especially when Uma Thurman is battling all the poepl by herself. It was a great luagh throughout...and [QUOTE]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl You know how the blood squirted like that? For some odd reason it reminded me of the Black Knight in"Monty Python and the Holy Grail". I kept expecting someone to say "it's just a flese wound".[/QUOTE] I can't believe you brought that up cause that is exactly what I see it as now... Man that was good. But terra, I didn't mind the fact that they only spent 20 minutes on Copperhead( Vivica's chracter). I mean she was a mom who was very easy to track down. She had no guards or anything and so there for she was the least prepared as well as easiest to kill. Cuz if you think about it. When you are trying to kill those who betrayed you. Do you go after the head hancho first and get exposed, or do you work your way up getting the easiest and least likely to squeal person first. Its always good to surprise your enemies, if you can.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=crimson] Trini smiled to herself as Arik, lifted his glass to her. She had to admit he was kinda cute, but she knew that things would lead to trouble. [I]What the hell, I like trouble![/I] She ordered another drink, but had it sent t=down closer to Arik. She soon got up and walked his way. Tapping him on the shoulder, as she got near him. "Don't mind if I sit here do you?" Trini said. "Nah, help yourself." He started besides, "I like to enjoy a womans company from time to time." Trini smiled a bit and sat down next to him. She took a sip of her drink and then glanced back over at him. " So why don't you tell me about yorself?" Arik laughed a bit at the comment. "Naw you start, Trini!" Trini not too shocked by him knowing her name, looked at him more casually and then started up a more easy conversation. "Wow, a man like Arik Nemesco knows me? I'm kinda happy about that!" "Well besides the fact that the bartender said your name so loud, I couldn't help but overhear it, you know?" He ordered himself another drink and began to take it down with ease. Pacing himself while he spoke. "But your reputation does proceed you a bit, I've heard of you before, and I must say its a great pleasure in meeting you." "Naw, its all mine," she said smiling a she began to drink again. " Its you who's the famous one around here. I'm just a smuggler, nothing more, nothing less you know." "Well I'm just a pirate lady, nothing more....nothing less." With that comment, Trini turned to face him. Looking directly into his eyes ( although one was covered up.) She cautiously began to reach for over to him. "Do you mind for a moment, if I remove the eyepatch. I alredy know your other eye's okay, I've seen pictures of you plenty of times to know you rotate it." Arik laughed again, but lowered Trini's hand lifteing the patch himself. Trini almost stunned by how good his eyes looked was almost locked ino a gaze with him but then slowly looked away. Arik returned the patch. "So what was that for?" He said beginning to sip on his drink again. " Just had to see if you were as cute as I fantasized you to be." Arik smiled as he gulped the rest of his drink down. "If I didn't know better I'd say you were flirting?" " About time you caught on-" Trini said awaiting the next words to come out of his mouth. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Elektra just looked out the windo of the hotel office, seeing Kilo and Charlie argue. But the information they shared seemed to greatly enrage Charlie, but she hoped that Charlie wouldn't hurt him. Well then and again, she did, she liked to see people play fight. She smiled to herself and returned outside with a few room keys. There were 4 in her hands but she didn't hand em out to every person not just yet. She looked again at the numbers and thought of the best place for them to be if they needed a quick escape. She stepped to the group that had joined together once they saw her coming and talked to them first. " I got 4 keys in my hand," she started. " Whoa, she must be rich," Kilo mumbled under his breathe. " No I'm just a thief," she said back Kilo looked around knowing that Elektra had heard what he just said. But she once again started talking. " Two of the rooms are here on the first level but they are far split further apart. While the other two are up stairs and right next door to one another." "And what's the real point of this, we'll just split the two bottom rooms," Max said. " But it would be more time consuming for the one who's on gaurd to warn us of a possible threat plus make us more vularable," Charlie finished Elektra's sentence, as if sensing the danger they would be in if seperated. Charlotte nodded her head agreeing with Charlie. " But if it is okay with you we'll take the two tops ones for now. And if we come across any trouble we can use the bathroom windows to escape." Everyone looked around for another ones comment. But no one answered Elektra's idea and so she gave up the two keys and returned the others, speaking as she left. " Now I hope ya'll sleep well. I'll take the first watch." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Tommi satyed out side for a bit as Zarian and Satell helped Brant into the med center. Although her leg hurt like hell, she didn't want to go in there yet. She decided to wait outside and think for a minute but soo let all her toughts go as the pain in her leg got worse. She hobbled inside and to the elevator, going to the place told to her by Satell. The blood from her leg was still oozing out slowly but she was already able to tell it was going to ge infected soon if she didn't get antibiotics. Getiing ready to get off the elevator she heard a scream that sounded like pain. But she didn't want to rush off and impose herself in others business. So stepping off she called out to see if everything was okay. She began to walk down towards the medical bay and saw Satell standing there with Zarian. Tommi knew it was Satell who screamed and she kinda felt for the lady. She paused for only a moment putting her hand on Satell's shoulder. "Thank you!" Tommi started. Satell looked at the female with a weird expression on her face. Not answering she looked away again somewhat ignoring the words that were coming from Tommi. Tommi removed her hand from Satell's shoulder and began to walk away a bit but then turned around. "You risked your life first, for everyone elses including mine, and you don't know shit about me! For that, I thank ya. Accept it or not, you did what you could, and if its Brant you're worr'd 'bout. DONT BE-! He gonna be a-ight." Tommi using didn't use her street slang when around other co-workers but she knew this time was differnt. She had to do her best to make Satell feel better. And turned back toward the medical bay door and went in. Leaving Satell and Zarian to themselves once again. Inside the doors, Tommi could see Brant sitting on the exam table recieving IV fluids and antibiotics. She turned away hopeing the arm could be saved. But only time would be able to tell. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Not yet seeing the spot she wished for Trini decided to tale a small drink break at the one place that seemed lik home to her in the area. The [I]LD[/I] she called it and didn't mind stepping in there from time to time. But hopefully she didn't want to see any annoying people or stay there to long to relive annoying memories. She walked in quietly, ignoring many of the people around her and went straight to the bar. She plopped down a few seats away from a man she had only seen on many channels and have heard of before,Arik was his name if she remember right. But didn't keep her eyes focused on him too long. "What'll you have, la-" the bartender started but then realised who he was talking to." Well, well ,well! What brings you ack to these neck of the wood Trini, the usual?" She nodded her head while the guy promptly made her drink. "Well you know me, Gio( short for Giovanni, his last name.) I'm always on the go and you know I gotta come and see you everytime I come to New York." He promptly handed her drink over and she gave him his money. "And each time you come I a;ways enjoy seeing you. now you enjoy that and call me if you want another." He said walking away to attend to other customers. She turned away from the bar now, drink in hand and quickly devoured it. Although her Apple Martini didn't provide much punch she still enjoyed it as her opener for the night. She placed the glass on the counter behind her and surveyed the room for more poeple like herself. Pirates she mostly saw, and a few who she had done business with. She acknowledged them with a wave or nod of the head smiling at each of them. Although the place was home, she never trusted its inhabitants and her pocket full of daggers made sure she could get out of there whole.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=red] All four of the work companions were finally on board. As the ship took off heading back to the base. Tommi looked around a it trying to keep her mind off the pain that she was experiencing. Again seeing Brant in his condition she asked him how he was. "Although I'm not in the best of help... I think I'll live." "Well I would hope so, besides I think we have a few more heads to bust soon." He let out a small laugh then sat back in the seat again, relaxing. Everyone remained silent for a while as the began to approach the town again. Although on the outskirts of the Outpost Zarian was able to see many people lined up in the streets and called everyon else attention to it. "Looks like we got a little bit of trouble down there." He started. "I wondered what happened." The ships captain quickly spoke up. "They said a bank robbery occured, and wih that I knew I had to find you." but then left it at that, while a raspy unaudible voice spoke to her again. Tommi rolled her eyes as the ship came in for a landing. [I] And this is just the first day.[/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Hinata

    X-Men: Hunted

    Name: "Azaria" Watanabe Codename: None yet! Age: Unknown Powers: Wolverine, can heal herself after every wound is inficted in her. but was also give a little gift. Origin: Okinawa Known Family: None known to her. Affiliation: Neual for now! Bio: Born to a good family, "Azaria" what she know calls herself. Was the only girl. Growning up in her family she excelled at schoolwork from a young age, but was little for her size. So to keep her from being picked on. Not only from her brothers but from other she, like her siblings, was enlisted in a martial arts class. From the get go she loved it and soon not only did her mind growbut so did her body and she was soon able to stand up for herself. But kept a cool demeanour. She never showed off her skill like other kids and never fought. She used her martial arts for their true reason. To defend herself. Still keeping up her grades and her study she soon also began to incorporate weapons and loved working with Samuria swords the most. Although her kendo stick was with her all the time. She never too much practiced with her brothers, but kept it one on one with her instructor who taught he much. But when she reached 15 she noticed that every cut she sutstained began to heal quickly leaving no scars. And even many of her classmates noticed the samee thing. Especially if she did a weird stunt in which they know she got hurt. Soon people began seperating from her. And she soon was seen as a freak, but never picked on in front of others. They knew how serious she was about fighting and hey knew they didn't stand a chance confronting her so they left her alone. Soon aftr gradutaing she left to join the Armed Forces where she became and Intelligence Agent. There she was revered and respected, but most of all no one knew about her powers until one day a freak accident happened leaving her shot in the right arm. As people looked over her they saw her wound heal right in front of them and noticed her gt up. Wiping the blood off as if it wasn't hers. Her secret was up and she was captured. For years, decaed it seemed she was trapped. They did countless experiments on her body seeing to what extent she could heal herself. Soon they made her out to become a secret weapon for their use. Her skeletal system was grafted with an undestructible alloy. She didn't realize what they had done till she woke up, a few days after the operation. She could feel the metal under her kin and after moving her hand a certain way. Five thin pieces of the metal shown themselves from her nails. Growing to be 14 inches long. She laid ther hurt and waiting. Waiting to get revenge. She soon got it, and single-handedly escaped the facility. She soon found the quickest way out of Japan and left for America. Not really knowing her past from before being locked up she searched but nothing turned up for her. Her identity had been erased from her and her family no where to be found. So to keep others from finding her she changed her name and now wonder America. Living as a teacher. Hoping that here she would be safe. But that doesnt not last and she's on the go again. Hoping that one way or another life would deal her a good hand. Personality: Cool and calm, doesnt open up to many people but when she does she knows she can trust you. On a bad day...you dont wanna know. Description: About 5'8" Long dark straight hair. Dark eyes. Of course she is Asian looking.... and she has an atlethic body. But is still very attractive.
  14. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Trini waited in traffic for a while. Knowing why she hated this planet so much. Looking at herself in the mirror she began to speak to herself. 'Remind me to never come here again,' she spoke uietly then shut the lid of her compact. The cabby just continued to look forward as traffic stood still then crept along slowly again. He looked back to Trini then faced forward again. " So we here for a long time?" He said trying to pass the time by with conversation. " Naw, just business and then hopefully a nice little break on planet Toyko." " Now that is one place I must go to one day," his voice brightened anf his tone changed. " Wanna take me?" Trini luahged and then looked out the window. " I don't think Im the right person to go with." The cab driver kinda stumped by her comment tried to reply but she handed him the fare and got out of the car. " Thanks," she said and walked to the closest sidewalk, about 100 feet away.. Many of the pedestrians were moving quickly but she surveyed the area. Chacking where she was before going on. The city to her hadn't changed to much but it did continue to grow. Up that it and she knew finding the right building would be the toughest part for her. But on she walked. Looking at her watch knowing she only had 2 more days to be finished with this job. And she never loved to disappoint a paying customer.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1]Looking at the ship that come down. Tommi quickly searched for satell who got out the way and was now looking back on the situation. Not waiting another moment. She yelled towards Zarian. "Get him on the ship now. And get outta here?" " What are you thinking about," Zarian replied as she attached a metal claw to her hand and quickly reploaded her gun. " JUST GO-" Not giving Zarian or Brant a reply she jumped on one horse and shooed the other out of the mansion. She winked at Zarian as he helped Brant up and started walking him to the door. She stood mounted right behind them and gave them cover fire. Shooting whatever four-legged creature would come their way. Having her claw ready would be used for later but she wanted to assure that Brant and Zarian were safe first. Although the few minutes there felt overwhelming she was relieved to see them both on board wwith the loading dowck closed. But she no longer had anyone to protect her back. And the hell dogs were coming. She quickly got the horse moving and went out to meet Satell. Who was no providing a littlle cover fire to subdue the few in front and also around here. Turning around to see what was behin her she was shocked to see 6 at her heels with plenty mor ecoming. She soon gave herself back fire as she went on. The horse moved swiftly but was still no quick enough to outlast the dogs when one jumped from behind digging its claws into Tommi's leg He didn't let go and Tommi felt the pain running up her leg. Relinquising her gun to one hand. She used her saber claw and cut the dogs leg off letting the remainder of the carcass roll to the gound. But soon it was up again rinning afer her. Finally she met up with Satell and both lady's cleared room for each other. Working as if they were reading each other's mind picking off the other's main threat. Also the ship had there back now, shooting off the fleet of dogs following behind them. As they further and further away from the mansion they persuers tapered off and ran back into the wilderness from which they came. When the last had gone they rode for just a bit longer before they stopped. Tommi still seeing the treasure stuck in her leg took it out and placed it in her bag. "Um, may I ask why exactly you're taking that with you?" Satell asked. " I wanna know what and the hell this thing was, so I needed the evidence." She said trying to ignore the pain in her leg. She ripped a piece of her shirt and placed it on her leg. Satell turned bac to the mansion wondering what voice it was she heard. "We'll get it later don't worry." Tommi said interupting Satell' thoughts. Satell nodded he head but continued to look off. As the ship landed close to them. [/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: If anyone does not like how Iportray their character please let me know....
  16. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Backing up Zarian at first Tommi took her rifle and also began to pick off the creatures. Soon leaving none behind. But the human figure still walked closer and it seemd that more were coming their way. "Um could you guys hurry," Zarian started but truly realized the magnitude of the situaon seeing boody pour from Brant's arm. Looking around for cloth Tommi noticed the dusty but intac curtains and rippped em into shreds with her claw. Satell knowing what Tommi was doing bent down to Brant and applied pressure above the wound. "About how much longer do we have until they get here Zarian," Satell asked. He looked out as Tommi tied the make-shift tournequet around his arm. "Not alot of time." He started. " And the group seems a bit larger." "What do you call a bit?" Tommi said, as she looked up at him reading the expressions from his face. Satell and Tommi helped Brant up and they all walked to the door. Peaking out Tommi guessed there were about 25 more of those beasts coming up. The man was still slowly coming towards them but not at great speed. Satell stared angrily out at him. Brant looked her way. "What's wrong?" Before she could answer, the beasts were about 20 feet away from the house and their master only a few feet behind them. "You have one more chance to leave one behind or we'll take all four of you." Satell moving around the others went right outside the door and yelled. "Wasn't it you who spoke to me? You tell me what you wanted and we'll think about leaving someone behind." He answered back looking a bit stunned by her request. "I never said anything to you. I didn't call for you. So it looks that you must still give someone up. "Not if we can help it." Tommi stepped out first rifle cocked. And Zarian did also, as well as Brant, although his arm hurt badly. He still had one good arm left. Pointing the gun straight at the man As he stepped out. The evil man laughed. Looking at the group of resilient humans. he laughed at them as stepped forward. Brant fired at him. Hitting one of the demon dogs and splattering the blood all over the mans body. "Next time I won't miss." The other dogs around it began to bark loudly and growled at the group. Seeing a few step closer both Zarian and Tommi fired at them hitting them square in the skulls. More and more grew ever impatient and Tommi, and Zarian kept shooting them down. Soon clearing the whole group leaving just the man to stand there. "So what will it be now. You're the only one left standing." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Battosai [/i] [B]Personally, I don't think that [spoiler]Neo is dead[/spoiler], because, as it was previously posted, Oracle and the Architect expect to see him again. Also, when we see Neo being transported by the machine platform, we see it in what I'll call [spoiler]"Blind Neo-Vision".[/spoiler] And, if you've seen the movie, you know that he sees [spoiler]people as bright light figures (well, lighter than the rest of the area).[/spoiler] When he was sitting on the platform in [spoiler]"Blind Neo-Vision",[/spoiler] he is glowing. This, to me, signifies that Neo [spoiler]lives.[/spoiler] Which is good. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree that [spoiler] Neo isn't dead. It's because he is a part of the system. He is in a way a machine program that grew up in a human bosy who faced huma immotion and if I must say agreeing with another erson is like Jesus. He was their salvation for peace. Yes in the real world Neo is dead, but the machine program that resides withi him still lives nd therfore he will go ack into the Matrix and wait to be assimilated into another human form. He is an annomaly and must come back at one point in time. No matter what. And the architect and Oracle know that. [/spoiler] Another thing. [spoiler] I think the oracles changing of body represented a new age coming one. the end of revolutions started the eight age of the system. The oracle couldn't be the same. She neede to lose a part of herself in order to continue, in order to Begin the cycle again.[/spoiler] As in real life the matrix is a cycle and it continues its born then dies then it goes through it again. In order to facilitate that cycle change is necessary even if in the end things are repeated. Although I just saw the movie last night Im beginning to understand it more and more. But to me it was the best and most logical ending
  18. Name: Trini Call sign: Domino Faction: Smuggler Age:25 Appearance:Look below. Bio: Born in a family of merchants. She decided to break away. She didn't like how they only sold to certain groups. She served ereryone for the right price. Pirates, merchants Aliens, whoever but they had to pay big. Ship ~~~~~~~~~ Ship name: The Logos Ship type: Heavy Fighter, Weaponry: 4 laser cannons and 2 gun cannons. The 4 work best for inflight and in space. While two are good for shooitng people on the ground, if ever needed. Appearance: Just imagine one of the ships from the matrix. Minus all the engine pads and bigger langing gear. 4 weapons on the front and two on the back. Special Qualites: Wap drive for long distance travel. Stronger shields that can be activated when the time proceeds. They last for 30 minute before they need to be rechagered. Dropping he ship back down to its original shield power.
  19. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] tommi heard the horse neigh loudly and as Satell sheathed her weapon Tommi and the others stepped outside. "What's going on out here?" Brant asked. Stepping closer to Satell. "Shhh," Satell answered back. "Somethings talking to me." "What," answered Zarian plannly as he looked around. "Something in the wind." She answered waiting for the voices to continue. They all became silent hoping that they could here what Satell was hearing. Tommi stepped out a bit further and looked at the dead creature not too far from the mansions door. As she looked at it the wind began to grow louder. As if something was coming there way. She began to look around trying to cath the sounds direction slowly backing up towards, Satell and Brant. "Umm do yo guys here that." She said as she got closer to them still looking aorund for the noise. Zarian stepped out to meet them looking behind them. Brant's eyes searched everywhere but the rumbling just got louder. Tommi ready her Saber claw as Brant and Zarian got there weapons ready as well. " Put em away you guys." Satell said. "Thats'll just make things worse. and put the horses in the house. They'll go after them first." Zarian and Tommi let the horse enter the mansion by the front doors and Brant and Satell also backed up to the front door. Soon a rumbling underground was heard in every direction. Brant and Satell stood on the first steps and one by one they began to pop up. They looked like overgrown dogs but their eyes and they way they moved seemed alot different. Evil was lost in their eyes and reddish saliva dripped from their jaws. The slumped over and they legs were very stubby. But soon they turned back as a figure appeared from behind them. Still about 500 feet away "I think we found our demons." Zarian said as looked around. Seeing no way of leaving the mansion now. "But who's that." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] Tommi went back to the office hoping tat some news would have been broughten back ther but wasn't schocked when she found nothing. She began to eat her sandwich and decided to head ack to the hotel. She left her thinging and forgot her saber claws and rife. She needed to have them on her especially while she was on duty. As she walked into he door she was waved over to the desk. " I have a message for you...it just came." He quickly handed her the note and she went upstairs to grab her things. She read the note as she rode the elevator up and bolted to her room as soon as it stopped on her floor. She quickly grabbed the phone and Brant. " Hello!" "Yeah Brant I just got the message, do you want me to inform anyone else." "You don't worry about that, I've already called, they'll be here in a while but we need you out here now. We need to get this place locked down." "Well what the hell is going on." " I'll explain when you get here. Now get here." He hung up the phone and she quickly slammmed down the reciever and grabbed her weapons and pack. She kept it filled always with a few extra things in case she needed it. mostly rope and other miscellanous items. She went downstairsa and grapped the hover bike. Knowing that getting a horse ready would take to long. It was luckily still pretty full and she bolted outta the Outpost. She arrived at the mansion quickly and dismounted the hover bike. She looked around outside and saw the three horses not too far from the front door. Everthing else though was too quiet. She began to approach the door when Brant and two others stepped outside. She remembered the other guy from the flight over but assumed that the lady was Satell. She waved at them all real quick as Brant introduced them to her quickly. They all stepped back inside and Satell passed the diary to her. "Read this, it'll give you a better overview of what's goin on." she said and Tommi opened the book up to the specified page and began to read. " What else have we got?" Tommi shifted her mind from the freaky thoughts in her mind and went on to be shown the skeleton lying around. As she looked around the roodered where it could have been. " Where's the guys body?" Tommi asked looking at the others. "Haven't found it yet." Satell said. "We just need to secure this place till the Investigation team gets here," Brant said. "Okay." Tommi agreed to the term but deep inside the info seemed fishy as well. As the other left the room she stayed bhind for a few more moments looking around. Her brain cooked up things ans wouldn't be put to rest until the guy's body was found as well. "Hey there, stop thinking too much you'll lose more brein cells that way." Zarian came up beside her while she was standing in the room. And tried his best to lighten things up a bit knowing that something too wierd was happeing. " It's not tha Zarian, I feel the same thing, but Im not certain about my feelings. I just wana make sure that he's around here to. For all I now he could have kiled his wife and he's long gone." "That's true," he said, "but we need to go get this place closed off." She followed him out the room and helped setthe place up hoping that her feelings weren't wrong. She really didn't feel like dealing with nasty creatures at this time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] "Shit late again." It seems that this just wasn't her time as she strolled into the office. Again behind n he times. But she shrugged her shoulders and fillped through the miminal paperwork stacked upon the desk. She picked each paper up and then flipped them over to the side weeing much of the stuff was junk. As she looked around for me clues nothing quite caught her attention. So she thought the best thing to do was just stick around the office. So finding the nearest computer she began looking through the serurity database, checking up o he most recent cases and skirmishes that had broken out in town. For a while it seemed that things were quiet in this Outpost but more recently people have been getting rowdy. Most of the crimes were robber of fighting. But also a few murders were committed, but no one had been charged yet. Since she knew nothing of all the folks around here, she didn't want to go digging up dirt just yet So she exitted from the files and left the computer alone. Tommi quickly got up and left the office, making sure to leave a little note in case the others returned. Outside the office she saw only a few people walking the streets and asid hello to them all. She then went to a few places and introduced herself to the owners as well as some of the workers there. She didn't feel to comfortable just flat out imposing herself ut she had to get to know people or she would seperate herself from everyone. As the sun began to rise more in the sky she looked down at her watch and remembered she hadn't had breakfast. [I]Oh well I can grab a quick sandwich.[/I] Walking to the local dinner. bar, as she kinda saw it she ordered her sandwich and sat as she waited for it. As she looked arond the room she saw only one other person there. A woman sitting by herself at the end of the bar staring out the windows. "Beautiful day isn't it?" Tommi started, getting the lady's attention. "Yeah its alright," she replied. "Oh I'm sorry if I disturbered you or anything," Tommi replied quickly as there was a slight irration in the lady' voice. " It okay," she replied quickly and returned to her own matters. Tommi no longer spoke to the lady ans soon her sandwich came up. She paid the attendant and left the dinner, stopping by the lady. " Um again I'm sorry to have disturbed you and by the way," she extended out her hand," the name's Tommi, nice to meet you..." "Name's Alexandra, nice to meet you too." She returned the gesture and quickly releases Tommi's hand. " Well I hope you have a good day then...." said Tommi turning away. "Bye" She left the dinner and didn't wait for a reply knowing that she may have just ticked to lady off. [I] Oh great what's going to happen now [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. Let's see there id Big O, Big Duo, Big Fau and lastly....[SPOILER] BIG VENUS[/SPOILER] Okay let's see this is my question... In GTO, Great Teacher Onizuka, what is the name of the vice principle at Holy Forest Academy? And what type of car does he have that keeps getting damaged by freak accidents?
  23. [COLOR=blue] 1. Eikichi Onizuka :luv: , Great Teacher Onizuka himself. Oooooh he is too cute and he's naughty and also a virgin. Oh the smell of fresh meat. :tasty: 2.Tamahome, Hotohori Tasuki :love2: ...Well damnit just about every good looking man in Fushigi Yuugi.....AWWW the book of my dreams. If only I COULD BE MIAKA OR YUI I mean to be so close to all those gorgeous looking mean :drool: Ooops sorry bout that... :blush:!!!!! But also Yui and Toya from Ceres would fall in this category as well.... 3. Most of the guys from Inuyasha, good or bad, I gotta put in ther some where. 4. And many many more that I would love to bore you with but it may just bore you so I'll be nice and end it like this!!!![/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple] [I] Miss Android,[/I] Elektra sat in the bask seat of the speeding car looing out the window. The comment Charlie made her, that side of her personality figured out. As she continued to look out she knew that the next few days would be the hardest, and she wouldn't not only have to move carefully around theses people but also find a way to quit zoning out. The car kept going and soon Max broke the silence. "Where should we go?" "I don't know" Charlotte said, "but we definetly need a place to keep quiet for the night." "There's a hotel a few blocks way, we can head there," Kilo said. "Don't you think people will be a bit suspicious of us," Elektra added. Breaking off any chance of someone eles input. "What do you mean by that?" Kilo said sitting forward around Max to take a better look at Elektra. "She glanced his way and answered promptly. " Well those cops had a few T.V crews with them as well, well up in the helicopter anyways. I think they had a few view of your faces." She turned to look back ut the window. "They're probably posted all over the news by now." Everyone else was a little stunned by the comment. "Damnit," Charlotte said. Hitting her hand on the dash board. "It looks like that plans out the window." "Not really-" Elektra intervened. "They don't know my face. I wasn't with you then, and there have been no other camera crews since you left. That little scene detracted em a bit. Kept them around." "I'll get you a few rooms and stand guard for the night for any trouble." she continued not moving her eyes from the building bassing her by. "Besides, the night helps me to relax a little" [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=red][SIZE=1] The long awaited day was taking its time at coming as Tommi laid in the bed with nothing to look at. It seemed more so that she longed for the noisiness of the city, than the quietness this town offered her. In fact she almost went crazy. It was already 1:30 and she still couldn't go to sleep. She needed something. Noise, water drips, dish throwing, whatever could make her stop thinking of the boredom she was experiencing here, in order to calm her down and go to sleep. [I]I got it music![/I] She popped up outta the bed immediately and grapped her headphones. But it wasn't enough. She was probably to wriled up and needed to burn off some energy. She threw on a pair of swearpants and a tight short sleeved-shirt and her jogging shoes. Since she couldn't fall asleep, she thought a lil run may make her tired enough to fall to the bed and conk out. She grappeed the MP3 player and headed out the door of her room. Grabbing her keys. [I]No weapons this time, besides if it was a fight someone wanted, they can by all means have it. [/I] She closed the door and bolted down 3 stories. On the way out she waved to the attendant and guard. "See ya in a bit fellas," she said without pause heading out the front door and went to her left. [I] A thirty minute run should do it. [I] She warmed up a bit and then set her MP3 player for 30 minutes of music. Off she went into the night hoping that energy would soon drain from her body. As she ran she began to repeat the word in her head, and thoughts of home soon rushed over her. She wondered how her brothers were. And her mom. [I] Shit ,I forgot to call them and let them know I'm settled in okay.[/I] She stopped her run for a moment and turned around. [I]Oh well there goes the rest of my night. But then again....[/I] She passed by the hotel but then passes by it. [I] What pain could another thirty minutes cause.[/I] She kept running and finished off her early morning jog and went back to the hotel. She ran upstairs and immediately went tothe phone to call her mom. Although it took a few minutes to tranfer a call to Earth. She was happy when all she got was the voicemail. She left a brief message and took off her shoes and pants. She didn't care for another shower. Luckily the run she had did the thrick and she eventually snuggled in for a rest but the phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey Tommi?" "Yes?" "Why didn't you call us sooner. We've been waiting for you call for over 10 hrs now...you on another planet and you got me worried sick." Tommi sat up in the bed and knew she was in for an earful. [I]A grown woman still getting cussed out by her mom.[/I]But even throughout her thoughts her mom kept talking. "Oh, mom c'mon now......"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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