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[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Its just funny on how peopl want CN to change...But hey its a network that is getting its viewers regardless. And yes I do happen to agree with you they need to go ahead and change things a bit and start differnt series.. For one the can start DBGT..or Inuyahsa again during the day...or shoot hey lets get Trigun n there. But the fact is that anime is still a broad genre that alot of people haven't tapped into here in the US and therefor they are trying to break the nation in slowly. Once it gets its broader audience we may have a 24 hrs Anime channel... Now wouldn' that just be the greatest thing ever!!!!! :eek: :excited: :drool: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue] Name: Ann "art" Dominion Callsign: Switch Age: 25 Gender: Male/ female...whatever you see me as... I can go incognito. Alliance: Adam's Angels Biography: Born in the N. Korea.( And yes she changed her name) Ann was the only girl born into her parents family. Not allowed to do anything and seen as the weaker one, by parents. In their eyes she was always disobedient( due to leaning martial arts from her brothers as well as not being submissive) and never really respected the families traditition. By 12 she had a choice. Stay and be good or leave. Well guess what... She left Being as tough and if I may be passe' tom-boyish, she joined a local street gang. She was one of the youngest to join and only 1 outta 5 girls allowed in. Although not too witty(as they said it) she had a strong body and a large enough stature to detour many of the boys who wanted to pick on her (Now contrary to what you think she wasn't fat...but tall and kinda boyish looking in nature.) As she grew older, stronger and a bit more witty, she gained the name Switch due to the fact that she could look like a man if she really tried. By the time she was 19 many of her companions left Korea for Japan, job opprotunities with a local 'mob'. Not wanting to be left behind she followed them. Finally big city living came her way, as well as many jobs in which she had to take out not only men but a few women along they way. So she changed her tactics learning to use her body as an advantage. And although she may not be the best "fuck" around...She does have a body for ya and can defiently seduce a man and womans socks off. ( Yes yes she is bi- okay!) After many sucessful assignments she was approached by another group to kill a man named Adam. Well her attempt failed and she lost to him. But her defeat came to be her downfall. She was exiled from her old associates but sought after Adam for a job. Luckily she gained one and became an Angel. And known to her, she isn't trusted by Adam fully or much of her group. But hey( she needed a job.) ue to this little tidbit, she rarely sees him now but is rather called on to stop those who try to kill Adam. Personality: A loner, by nature and by life. She works well with the other angels but rarely speaks to them outside of work. Her social life is her won ans their social life belongs to them. Doesn't like to know info about those around her. Thy only thing she trust now...is her self and her weapons. Once people break throught the tough exterior, her true personality will shock them. Weapons: Look out below!! Photo: Same as above!!![/COLOR]
RPG Land Of Swords-Crule horizons,( join any time!)
Hinata replied to DragonBlood's topic in Theater
[COLOR=sienna] Sar'ia entered her family's house and set up for dinner before either of her parents got home for the evening. Luckily she knew their favorite dinner and made sure to prepare it just right so that she may et on their good side. As the fire burned slowly and the stew boiled down she looked outside their window looking at the horizon. She couldn't wait to see what was out there. What adventures lay in store for her. But she had to getr outside the borders of her country first, which was not as easy as it seemed. Being a female centuar and going unattended was asking to be hurt but she knew of many people along the way who would help her out if needed as well.. She knew to caryy nothig of any value with her. But she did pack up a few potions in a sling and made her weapons ready for the trip. Her dad was the sirst to come home followed by her mom. They both greeted her warmly and commented at the delicious smells roaming around the house. Soon they were joined by her youngest brother. She loved being around him and it showed when they picked on each other. Sartha: So you call yourself cooking again huh...I better make sure you didnt add one of your potions in order to kill us. Sar'ia popped him on the head. And whined to their mother. Mom: Now you two quit. Sar'ia: Well you know how I take offense to that. Besided he knows that if I really wanted him dead.... It would ave been so many years ago. Both of her parents gave an awkard look to her but she smiled and shrugged the comment off. Sar'ia: Well are we going to eat soon. I can't wait to tell you of my day. The four of them sat down to eat and while she spoke of her day Sar'ia blurted in about how she wished to leave the village for a while in order to travel. Sartha: Cool sis, can I join ya'. Mom: Absolutely not, you are both too young to go anywhere. Dad: Now dear, Sar'ia is grown and has yet to marry besides seeing Borin may help bring a mate to her. She may finally settle down with someone after seeing that there is nothing else for her to do. Her mom still interjected and she agreed with everything her father said. Not telling them that whe wished to go beyond Borin's borders. She knew that it was better off not being said but just being done. Soon her mom agreed to let her go and she explained how long she wished to be gone, garunting that she wil visit from time to time. After dinner she cleaned and finished packing. Tomorrow her journey began. [/COLOR] -
I recently got a chance to see the movie over again after a nice while of not hearing about it. But it was very morbid and gorey in a way from how is body began to take over the characteristics of the fly. YOu saw how the animal that was within him began to change his thoughts as well as the physical changes... Id have to say the thing that did gross me out the worse was the very end when he steps out os the transport pod and.....Oh well I guess you people will have to see that for yourself now wont you. But it does really get you to thinking and I really wonder how it would effect a person to be combined with kitten DNA...and Im sorry I'm not counting that stupid movie....THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREUT...or however its spelled!!!!
Linkin Park...one of the best bands out there in thid day ang age. I mean they are just creative geniuses. They're mixes of hip hop and rock and their influence from different cultures as well. They just blend everything well. I personally am a dear fan and I wish that I had their underground CD....and thanx for the heads up about Xero.. I gotta look that up. But I must say that it is a must if you are just looking for something to hit home but isnt too harcore or too soft!!!
Now SA is the type of person who thinks the way I do here... I mean if you like Rush Hour/Rush Hour 2 as well as Sanghie Noon/Knights then what is there not to like about the Rundown.. I mean it has the same kind of precept as the movies and is very very awesome with the action. Although the Rock is still coming out of his "skin" as an actor I thnk that he did much better in this movie than he did in the Scorpion King. It just shows that his acting skills are beginning to grow and he's feeling his roles a lot more.... As for Sean, he did his thing as the typical trouble making smart antic "sidekick" But he is more into his career than the Rock and is a natural for what he's doing. So to Hells Fire...Please please try to be a little more discriptive when critiqing a movie that way I can truly understand your reasoning...Or go back and esit the post PLEASE... I wanna know exactly WHY you did not like this movie?
[COLOR=crimson] Maluspuer: Sar'ia come forth and read my future. A beautiful dark haired maiden dressed in a long royal blue gown lined with Saphire's and Emerald's stepped out of the shadow and in front of the man who called her. She bowed low in front of him then sat on the floor in front of his legs. Sar'ia: What do you wish to see my lord? Malaspuer: Please stop with the formalities my dear lady and please tell me what you see in your deck for me. She happily obliged and shuffled the deck of card she had in her robe pocket. She looked deeply into his eyes as she shuffled rooting out his deepest desires and what he wished to ask. His eyes shined brilliantly in the flames that flicked around him in the dimly lit throne room that he had built. The thrown he sat on was made of ebony colored wood and was tall and sturdy. The room itself was fairly decored in a few weapons he mananged to come by as well as a few paintings of himself. A huge fire place roared behind Sar'ia as she continued to suffle the cards not blinking for one moment as she stayed looking into Maluspuers eyes. As she finished suffling she laid the cards in front of him. Letting him choose the future meant for him. she lifted quickly from his seat and kneeled in front of the cards. He looked back into Sar'ia's eyes as he slowly picked the ten card out of the pack and pulled them lightly in front of the others never turnig them over to see which ones he picked. Sar'ia moved the cards in front of her to her side and the ten left out she left ther in the oder he picked as he went back to his seat. Not for one moment lifting his eyes from hers. Sar'ia reached for the cards. Maluspuer: AH AH AH! No peaking. Just speak and let us see if your vision comes out to be true..... [/COLOR] OOC: Erinzyger you choose what you want your future to look like in this round. I do not wish to impose the characters outcome on you so you decide how this first round shall start please....
RPG Land Of Swords-Crule horizons,( join any time!)
Hinata replied to DragonBlood's topic in Theater
[COLOR=sienna] Borin, Borin, Borin! And boy was it borin', (sorry for the sorry pun). La'Crosse was at her small outdoor shop, as usual, selling many supplies to her own kind. Mostly the only type present in the region about this time. She Waited most of the day and hoped that word of great news or something would come along. But it never did. For over 10 years she trained and waited. Hoping that one day she would be accepted to figth or even just come as an errand runner for her people. But she never was chosen. Since she had been a young Centaur, she fought along side her brothers, gaining skill not only in making her healing herbs but also as a archer. She loved her bow and her medicines and never wanted to do anything else with her life. At the age of 25, she stood over 7 feet tall. Her hair was black and her skin tan. Her coat was a brillant reddish brown color. She was definetly one of the better looking centaur women, but that must have been her downfall. Although she prouded herself as a warrior, the others around her saw her as too dainty and never took her skills seriously. Many a times had she been approached by a suitor and each time they were turned away. She wanted to go out on an Adventure, like the other women in her family before settling down. As she put her supplies on her cart and closed the store down, she decided to start her adventure as soon as possible. Her store had been slowing down in sells and she knew it would be the best time to go. Now she just has to tell her parents![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=sienna] Name: La'crosse Race:Centaur Age: 35 Alliance:Borin Trade: Healer Weapons: Bow and two daggers Shield: Small Other Armor: Leather[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red] I've seen the first two episodes to it but I like it so far. It is a little slow to start but hopefully as I get more involved the plot will be easier to see. But I must say that both ladies do kick some serious butt and I was blown away by some of the action visuals. Now to be impressed by everything else in the story!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue] Lets see... I think I have a few fav anime pets....now these are written in no particular order but hey they are all faitful in my eye... 1. Einstein from Cowboy Bepop 2. Artemis from Sailor Moon 3. Tamachan(MYUH!) from Love Hina.. I mean he is just so cute....LOL 4. Ryo'oki from Tenchi Muyo. 5. Turtle from Dragonball Z. 6. Yuske's soul-counterpart...(cant remember name) from Yu Yu Hakasho. 7. Hamtaro...that kinda speaks for itsself And I think thats it I may remember a few more later so just check out the list as it grows longer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson] Name: Sar'ia Age:18 Gender: Female Race: Human/Panther Mix Deck: None of importance...Only a regular Tarot Deck. Weapon: Kitanas and other weapons she can find(human/mid form) Claws and tail(panther/mix form) Description: Stands about 5'10". Very muscluar looking with long black hair. Eyes are yellowish/green with slits. Looks more like and Amazon when in war gear. But she is usually covered up in long glittery robes. Can transform to a panther as well as a mix form in which she is humaniod in nature but is covered from head to to in midnight black hair. (Godd for spying at night.) Bio: Born to a family that reproduced regularly with a panther/ human clan. Sar'ia was born 5th in line out of 12 children. As the first female born, she was forced to become a fortune teller after psyhic powers were discovered when she was 5. Since then she has also trained her body in different martial arts to protect herself from those who tried to use her of even kidnap her. At the age of 17 she was lured away by a handsome young man, she has served him faithfully since leaving her village,becoming infatuated with him. His name, Maluspuer. Knowing his true motives she helped him in finding out about the five Decks of Fortune and now helps him in claiming them as his own.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue] Well I must say that VHD was just great. Both of them actually kicked butt. Vampire Hunter D and VHD bloodlust. I recommend people watching them both as the are extermely well drawn. The story line though is a bit boring at times but I think that is well worht the watch...as for Hellsing I'll be watching my first episode tonight so I'll come back and edit this with my opinion.!!![/COLOR]
Well Ceres I am a serious fan of... and if you haven't seen it floating around the adventure lounge I have a Ceres RPG there as well but its way different from the story line of the manga.. But so far I have read the first 4 volumes of the manga and I ablsolutely love it. It has a good stoory line and is kinda involved but all round great. I dont wish to give details but it is a must read... when I get a chance to see the anime I'll get back at ya wit more info!
[COLOR=teal] [SIZE=1] Aya laid on the bed trying her best to clear thoughts of Aki but knew that it wouldn't last for long. She looked at the ceiling but just got more frustrated. She didn't want to be cofined. Not at a moment like this anyway and right now the air inside the house seemed so suffocating. She grapped her sweater and sandal and left the house. She went as quietly as possible hoping that neither Nariko or Kensuke(she doesn't know he left) would stop her. She quickly exited the door. Not looking back as she ran to the end of the road. Being out at night was just a relief. A relief that she and Aki would celebrate. They would go to kareoke rooms and just sing and laugh the nights away. But as she thought of Aki, she also thought of her other friends as well. Miako, and Mutsumi. She wanted to see them too but didn't want to put them in danger. She looked around her and remember ths side of town very well. She found one of her favorite spots to break away from stress. Although this lake was very close to her familys mansion. She knew if she could be with Aki, she could at least be close. She found a small bench and sat down looking at the sky. The pure air and the clear sky seemed to alleviate some of the pain. But she wished to walk closer to her brother and just yell at the house. As her desire to see her brother flooded her heart tears began to stream down her eyes. Hearing a few footstep come her way she quickly dried her eyes. She didn't want to attact attention. As she looked up she saw a familiar face and then quickly held her head down hoping that he would just pass her by. "Well, well, well, Ms. Aya, we meet again....2 times in one day. I must say that I am a lucky man." "Oh its you, what are you ding here?" Her face wnt from sadness to a half-hinted rage. "Now, now, don't you know, your family's house isn't that far from here besides. I do have the right to walk about this town don't I?" "I don't know... I didn't know A dog could be left to wander the streets alone without his master." Ryu smirked at Aya as she stared dead into his eyes He soon saw the dried up tears on her face and took her hand once again... "Come with me...now" Before she had time to react he took her hand and walked quickly around the park. "WILL YOU LET GO OF ME!" "Shhhh, or you'll never have this opprotunity again." "What are you talking about, where are you taking me?" "DO YOU WANNA SEE YOUR BROTHER OR NOT?!" Aya looked stunned for a moment but then no longer fought Ryu. She went along with hm. Not thinking of whatever consequenses this could have. All she knew was that she had to see Aki.[/COLOR] OOC: She's at the same lake as Kensuke....so KOTR...you know what to do. [COLOR=purple] Aki layed in his bed tossing and turning. The quick events in his mind playing over and over again. But this time something was different. As everything styaed black in his head he heard the voices around him. [I] You no longer have any right to be near him. [/I] Grandpa...is that you...Aki still dreamed on as he heard the voices continmue in his head... [I] Why have you taken Aki away from me. He's my brother.[/I] Aya....Aya... I haven't gone anywhere I'm still here...the voices now seemed to fade away, but here still her the loud voices in the room. [I] Not any longer Aya.........Your brother is the only heir to this family now. And you...must...die....[/I] "NOoooooooo.....AYA!" Aki startled himself out of the dream and sat up in the bed. Although his wound still hurt. the dream seemed so real and his body was drenced in sweat. He pulled his body back to the headboard and began to cry. His bedroom door swung open and there is dad stood. "Son are you okay?" Aki looked athis dad and began to cry, his father took a few steps closer to him and then Aki looked at him with fury in his eyes. "YOU....KILLED...HER! You helped them kill her...My sister..you did din't you. I don't want you or the rest of the family near me ever agin. Now get outta here. "But son...she.." " I SAID GO...NOW!" His dad turned and left the room. About to say a few words but Aki turned away from him. "She isn't dead...but I'm sorry we ha to take her from you...Good Night Son!" Aki settled back in his bed, but the new of Aya being kicked out of the family got him even more upset...Soon another person came into the door way. "Hey Aki, I got something to show you...C'mon besides I think you need to get out of this house for a few minutes." Unable to defy Ryu, Aki got up with his help and was put into a wheelchair. They went downstairs and outside the complex. On the way out they were stopped buy a few guards but was alloed to proceed. "What do you want to show me Ryu? I have nothing that I wish to see!" "Hmmm, you mean ..Not Even Her!" Aki looked up to see Aya standing only a few feet away from him. She quickly ran over to her brother and gave him a great big hug. But she heard his pain and let go of him quickly. She looed over his body and wondered how he was healing up. As she stood there in front of him something in her body wished to be free again. It was the same feeling from the night of the party. "Aya, what's wrong?" She saw his sister's body flow with energy and and invisble wind began to twirl around her body. "Ryu, get him away from me please." "No, Aya, Not like this I'm just seeing you again I dont wanna go." "Please, Aki, stay away." As Ryu began to back Aki away, he began to turn and saw a few men come up behind her. "Quick grab her!" "AYA, RUN, they're coming for you." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] As she wandered about the city, she remembered one reason why she became and archealogist, the traveling. Although many parts of the city were a little unkept she enjoyed its ruggedness and how busy it was. Men mostly, some calmly discussing matter of importance. Others yelling and bickering. Or at least from what she could tell. She didn't know the language but just guessed from their body language. Many booths filled with food, clothes, jewelry lined the streets but she couldn't stay there and look on. She be too tempted to by meaningless things so went straight for the good stuff. Mostly nonperishable items from a groceir that sold...Modern-like foods. [I]I hope they remember what I'm doing for them. Using me as their errand-girl[/I] She mumbled to herself as she filled continued on her quest through the town. Picking up small parts and other "special" items that a few members of the team needed. But luckily tomorrow they would be going. Back to her old stompng ground. Well at least thats what she called it. As she thought about what her team could be doing, she soon wandered about the professor. How would she reckon out in the desert?[/COLOR]
Anime The Utter Confusion (Boy or girl?) Inuyasha related.
Hinata replied to Cocomi Myojin's topic in Otaku Central
Well just like maladjusted said. Many people period can't really tell the difference between male and female anime characters. If I may... Take for example animes/manga like Fushigi Yugi and Ceres. The men are drewn as beautiful as the women and since the pictures can't show off the voice well you can quess that. Many of the men look like women. And believe you me Sailor Moon even had some men who look like girls.. And there are pleny of more of them like that out ther... I'll show ya pic of a few The examples are from Fushigi Yugi...Tell me sho you think is the woman and whos the man.... Well just answer this how many men and how many woman are in this pic? [B]...and those who read FY..Dont ANSWER THIS[/B] -
[COLOR=teal] Serena looked on in surprise as the large crature grew bigger. She never saw one first hand but was only told tales of their destruction. The creature flew on. The flapping of it wings were heard all around as if the air around it was as somehow magnifying its sound. THe others also seemed tense about the whole situation. It seems for the first time Serena was truly terrified. But not only for herself. But for Ragnarok. Was it after him. She coudn't tell and with her and the other moving away quickly she wouldn't be able to find out. As they flew on othe creature only shreiked into the sky still showing that it was present. As if it was sent to follow them. Ryden: We need a place to get away. Hiei: How can we, its too fast and soon it would've caught up with us. They all continued to look over the landscape and hoped that things would sppn change. Then Serena remember a little about her past and spoke up. Serna: Ryden, I'm not sure if I'm correct, but from choldhood tales there is a way to defeat on of these creatues. Is there not. ?If there isn't then my townfolk have gotten it all wrong. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal] Saria noticed her walk into the hotel and right on time luckily. She had to get back to the site quick. Who knew wht Robert, James, Sam and Meg were up to. But all she knew was that she didn't want to be left out for long. Who knows they may have discoverd something big and she was left out. Those were the only hought that ran through her mind for the past two days as she came into Cairo. She took out the piece of paper and walked over to the woamn studying the photgraph and the lady as she heade to the front desk. She called out to her. Saria: Professor Megelani, I presume? Shrai"i: Yes, and you are? Saria: Oh, I'm sorry. The names Saria, I'm here to escort you to the site. Shrai'i: Well as you can see I just got in. Do we have a few hours of rest that I can get. Saria kind of startled by her bluntness looked at her for a few minutes. She didn't want to stay in Cairo long, but she knew she would need rest as well. Saria: Okay we'll be leaving in the morning. Be ready by 5 am. We need to get back as soon as possivle. Besides who knows who may be around. Something of such importance shouldn't be-- Saria for a moment stopped speaking and then corrected herself. Saria: I'm sorry if I come off rude or anything but being how I am, I find it easier and more homly being at work out in the field ya know? Shrai'i: Yeah, I think I get ya. Shrai'i quickly turned around and got her room key. She went to the elevators leaving Saria in the lobby. As Saria noticed her walk away, she stewed for a few minutes wondering what Shrai'i was thinking about her. She hoped that her comment didn't spark any harsh feelings, especially since she just met the lady. Saria: Oh well. I may as well explore the city. -----------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] OOC: Raiha, If you dont like how I present your character please let me know or if you didnt wish to meet this way I can always change things. So let me know.... SEE YA!!
OOC: YaY we're back in business.....But I must say a good job to bot Knight and Chichiri's Girl Im grateful and happy...Hope you enjoy my addition to the story ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Hearing the plate break Aya quickly left the kitchen and ran into the living room. There she found Kensuke and Nariko standing there. Both of them looked dumbfounded and Kensuke stood there with the towel in his hand. At his feet was the broken plate. Nariko stood next to an open door, Aya assuming that Daisuke had already left for the night. Seeing that no one said a word she stepped forward and bent to the ground. "Um, what's going on here you two?" Niehter of them answered and she began to pick up the piece of the broken plate. "You two do realize that there is a broken plate here?" "Oh, yeah," Kensuke said and bent down to help pick up the remaining pieces. " I'm sorry if that scared you, here I'll get the rest of this." "Thanks," Aya said and she stood up with a few broken plate pieces. She began to turn away but looked at Nariko for a moment. Nariko stood by the door and was facing out as if looking for someone to return. "Nariko," "NARIKO!" "Oh, yes Aya, I'm sorry what is it?" "I asked what's going on, who are you looking for?" "Um no one Aya, I'm sorry about that my mind just went somewhere for a moment." "To someone." Kensuke said under his breath. Only Nariko catching the mumble of words. She stared at him for a moment and then closed the door and passed by him and Aya. "C'mon," she said grabbing Aya's arm." Lets go put this away before you cut yourself." Aya not realizing what all happened followed Nariko's orders. [/COLOR][COLOR=indigo] "Dad, where's my sister, what happened." Aki asked looking at his father's expressionless face look down to the floor. "Son, it all happened too quick to say and I can't really-" "Now don't you give me the silent treatment too. I cant stand you or moms lies. If you cant tell m the truth then leave now, and dont return until you wish to tell the TRUTH!!" Aki turned his head and heard his father proceed to leave the room.As he father opend the door he turned around hoping that Aki would turn to see him leave. But Aki continued to ignore him "Soon son, this will all be over." Mr. Mikage headed downstairs and ran into Ryu. He stopped the young man and confronted him. "Where is Aya?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Anime If you could have three things from any anime, what would they be?
Hinata replied to instantramen14's topic in Otaku Central
Lets see.... 3 things that I could choose from in an anime! I'd have to say: 1.The Millenium necklace from Yu Gi OH. I men hey whats better than reading the future. 2. Either, Naru's( Love Hina), Motoko( Love Hina), Kigome's( Inuyasha, Cyborg 003 (Cyborg 009), Miaka's (FY), Aya's( Ceres) Body and figure....See I want the combination of being thin but als voluptous at the same time and I dont know which one has both so if you women or men know give me you're opinion!!!LOL 3. Goku's spirit and power. I mean he's strong, nice, and good willed but a very strong fighter..Thats what type of people we need this day and age!!! -
[COLOR=crimson] Name: Saria Imani Lopez Age: 27 Gender: Female Specailty: Minute Excavation Description: Tall slender, young lady who looks to be about 20 years old. Has long black hair, which she always keeps up, due to job, and no real figure to keep her standing out. She has dark brown eyes, and light brown-skin. Has a pretty face, when cleaned up. But gets no true magnatisim from the opposite sex. Bio: Growing up in small towns in the Spanish countryside. Saria has always had a heart for the outdoors. She was the oldest of 3 girls and was seen as the brighest and most adventurous of the three, which explained the rugged nature tha she soon took on. As a young girl she was a tough as many of the other boys around her and had a knack for hands on experience. She would build things with her dad and also loved digging around the countyside, looking for bones or treasure. As she matured, she still kept her rugged nature but also began to expand her studies to ancient civilations and became greatly interested in archealogy. She studied ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. In college she would follow her professors on many of their digs to small excavation sites and also learned how to work with a few explosives, which aren;t used that much on the small jobs she did do. She was a stickler for care and detail and so showed that with her work on the digs. She carefully unearthed a few mummys as well as bones of servants, peasants and a few vases, or other ancient trinkets that where uncovered on the digs. Her nature to this day is the same and her looks show it. Many men don't talk to her because of her personality and looks and have not chased them. She waits to find the perfect one and hopes that it may be soon. She mostly stays quiet abut will occassionaly converse with those whom she work with or know. [/COLOR] OOC: Thatsk KOTR for telling me that so I can change it....Well hear it goes.
[COLOR=blue] Mrs. M continued to sit in her office as the noises outside dwindled for a bit and then raised again to a familiar level. It seems many of the teams were practicing before their fight tonite and a few were having disagreements. She didn't care. She just stayed in her office and cleared her mind the best way possible. She needed to do that in order to be fair-minded at the tournament that night. So inside her office she turned off the lights, closed the blinds and turned on her hidden radio. Playing was trance music, not only did it get her calm but it got her syked. She had to be both and this was the only was, besides driving. She turned it to a ver loud level and it almost drowaned out the noises from outside her offices. But she could ignore them now. She sat ack in her chair and got an ice cold soda from a fridge behind her desk. As she sat there she kicked her feet up and began to sing a few of the sons out loud. Trying harder to drown out the people outside. The minutes seemed to slow down in her mind and she no longer sung she just listened. But before she got completely relaxed she remembered one more thing. She had to meet with Aiko before the tournament started and decided to go ahead and get ready so that she may meet Aiko at the Arene. " So mich for total peace," she said to herself as she rose from her chair and grabbed the referee uniform from behind the door. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]No, it doesn't have Greek gods in it at all. There are characters who have to do with Norse mythology, which is the most interesting of them all. If you're not into that stuff, then don't buy it. But it's a REALLY good series.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Just to clarify what QA said.. It's along the lines of the mythology of Odin, the Valkaryies and many characters of that nature if you know about them. But I have all the volumes up to date and I just absolutely love it. Its just taking to much time to come out with them. But also a few of the other characters that make the story good are Fenris Fenrir and Sara Irine..You find out about them in the 1st volume. But is is a must buy if you like that type of lore. SO GO BUY IT!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duorocks17 [/i] [B]There are so many good mechs that it's hard to chose just one! I'm going to go with the Gundams because no matter what series of Gundam you watch, the gundams far exceed any other mechs. They have superior fighting abilities, and superior weapons. Even the pilots aren't normal humans. They've all grown up with war and know what it is and how to face it. And not any can pilot a gundam., unlike some mechs. So there you have it. I chose the Gundams. [/B][/QUOTE] Okay I have to agree with you about the Gundams being some of the best mechs but that new Gundam series they have out now is plain riduculous and boring.. I mean it doesnt grasp my attention cause theres no human emotion in it like the others. But another mech show I'd have to say I loved was the old school....VOLTRON!!! Yeah I went back! But I like my Zoids and Bubblegum Crisis Toyko 2040. Thats an excellent one too. Reminds me I need to go and buy those. But there is another one you can't forget. Neo Genesis Evangelion!!!