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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. The site that will continue to fuel the rumor of the release date of 07/07/07 (hehe its funny that my kid will be turning 10 on this day. That would be awesome!!!!) [URL=http://www.hpana.com/news.19200.html]Commentary: Harry Potter Book Seven[/URL] Seventh book also rumored to be named (according to J.K. Rowling Site) 'Harry Potter and the Pyramids of Furmat' Little note taken from the site as well... [I]The Pyramids of Furmat lie a few miles east of the famous Fortress of Shadows, not far from the magnificent Pillar of Storge. Many tourist prefer to view these ancient monuments at night, when they are illuminated by the Gree Flame Torch.[/I] Another rumored name is 'Harry Potter and the Fortress of Shadow' Other rumors can be found here...[url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter_7[/url]
  2. Name: Yessie Colón Age: 32 Gender: Female Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/hinata82/images.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Sweet and loving but with a brash demenour and not a push over. Always able to handle herself around a man and will either make fun of him when he disrespects her or punch him a few times. May even burn his food for the heck of it. Information: Born in Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic, she grew up around fishermen and around boats. Learned to cool at an early age especially after a hard days work for her father and his crazy friends who came over and drank or talked about the day for hours on end. She soon grew so accustomed to it and the men that she grew around that when the men got too drunk she was able to menhandle them. Having the reputation that she did in Santo Domingo and the cooking skills to boot she was brought on a transport boat as a cook and crew, learning more about the workings of a boat. More so the transport were around the island but sometimes she even went to port in Puerto Rico. As she continued in the businees she was able to meet people going on longer trips throughout the Caribbean and began to meet people of different languages. After turning 28 she moved to Puerto Rico and worked with a certain group of people. Always known to be reliable and hardworking and can liven up any crew. Especially when a little celebration is in order.
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: So'ranji Lopez Age: 25 Gender: Female Place of Origin: Miami, Florida by way of the Dominican Republic Known History: Born on the small island in the Caribbean her family moved to the states where her parents joined the U.S. military after only 3 years of being in the states. Seeking peace from their many disadvantaged, one of them financial, in the Dominican Republic her family settled from base to base when one or both parents were free. Little did they know Sor'anji was isolated by the moves and never really got along with anyone. To help her keep a sort of balance her mother left the military after 6 years, Sor'anji 11 at the time, her mother decided to leave and settled their family in Jacksonville where her father was stationed. There Sor'anji not only learned disciple from Karate but also was able to meet people and had a small group of friends. This continued for many years until her father was called away to fight in the War. Although still keeping her discipline from Karate the seperation killed her slowly. When she got the news that her father had died Sor'anji tried her hardest not to show it. She drowned herself in fighting, her only way to get the anger out of her and solitude on the computer trying to understand all that was happening in the world around her. But even that did not keep her from her tru calling. She continued to train and by the time she finished High School she was a well known fighting exhibitionist. Jer obsession kept hidden within her Sor'anji went to school in Jacksonville before transfering to the University of Miami to finish a degree in International Studies with a minor in Journalism. She was slowly able to start traveling and that when things really heat up in her life. Personality: Fairly tempered, will be calm and social if those around her exhibit the same behaviors. If she is challenged or pissed off she will immediately turn on those around her, even the ones she trusts just so she doesn't get hurt in the process. Has been even known to lash our those in command in her if the wrong words were spoken against her. A loner and it shows most of the time. Stays to herself knowing how her she can react. Appearance: Stands at about 5'6 with athletic body. The pupil in her eyes are slitted and she has yellow-green iris. Her hair is a dark red with some streaks of platinum blond. Her skin is nice and brown where the sun hits, but slightly lighter and patched with pale striations under her clothes. Animal Genes:Tokay gecko(Gekko gecko) Hybrid Abilities: Climbing abilty, adopted the abilty to climb many sufaces. One known surface that the tiny hairs in hands and feet can not grip is Teflon. Has always loved climbing trees due to the species' nature. Agressive nature: When things in her life or when she is threatened her agressiveness kicks in and she immediately goes into overdive. She not only goes on the defensive but can get very agressive as well. Once she grabs an opponent in what she percieves to be a winning move she will not let go until the opponent is dead, admits defeat or is passed out. Attempts to draw blood in every battle. Night vision: Her eyes are better suited to seeing at night. [/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] [I] Damn him![/I] Her temper was flaring as she held the humans hand tightly almost draining it of blood as she ran from the building. The tension within those walls building up quickly as she managed to break away from the powerful forces built up by those two. The human barely keeping up, but she was managing to hold her own in these circumtances. As they stood on the outskirts of the building she felt the clash in power between Beezelbub and Kraven. Kraven's power gaining on Beezlebubs but the Duke may have held more in store for his lesser half. [B]"LET GO OF ME!"[/B] Amber grabbed her hand away from Sartael and began to approach the building. [B]"Stop where you are or you will die.[/B] Sartael said, some concern escaping from her voice for the mortal. An experiece she rarely showed to anyone, and most definetly not a human. [B]Kraven is in danger and Reoan will be here soon. I must go in and do what I....[/B] Before she could get out another word Sartael hit her behind the neck causing the girl to pass out quickly. She scooped the mortal up and took her along with her to find Adiol. [B]Sorry little one. You're collateral now. Besides that is Kraven's fight. You'd only get in his way. [/B] She flew off into the sky with the mortal Amber in her hands. Reoan's any many others power slowly getting closer to the spot she just left. She needed someway of getting Adiol back and quickly. Things needed to be settled. And it seemed the hell pit beginning to materialise was going to be where things really gotheated, figuratively and literally speaking. Amber may be just the pawn needed to draw Adiol out. The time for him to confrotn Reoan was soon. She felt it in her the possibilities numerous as she soared away from the battle site. [I]Adiol.[/I] She flew off and called his name hoping that she could reach him someway somehow and soon. She needed not be late. Beezelbubs chances would dwindle once Reoan and the other gathered, and she needed him for this plan to work out. She smiled to herself as she thought of it. [I]An angel needing a demon. My my my. How ironic[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] Sartael saw the girl move away quickly and remove a phone from her pocket. Sartael ran over to the human and flung her whip at her. [B]"Reoan? Help! its Kraven! He's..."[/B] Silence. The phone lay shattered on the floor between Sartael and the human called Amber. Amber glared at Sartael but was surprised when the whip was drawn back into Sartael's body. Sartael turned her attention from Amber and back to the fight between Kraven and Beezlebub. [B]" Why did you not kill me?"[/B] Amber continued to stare at Sartael. Sartael's eyes were still glued on the two opponents. Her conclusion about the fight overwhelmingly leaning to Beezlebub. [B]"ANSWER ME!"[/B] Sartael turned and looked at the woman and begn to move in closer. Her hands at her sides, but the site of blood still evident on her face. A smirk going across it as she looked the human up and down. [B]"I have no reason to kill you."[/B] Amber only stared as Sartael stopped only a few feet away from her and turned back to the fight. [B]"No matter how you see it...Amber. My job here is to kill Reoan, or make sure she is dead before I go. Besides you did not threaten me. You're killing would be miniscule and unneeded. Nothing would be gained or lost if you died. So why waste my energy?"[/B] Sartael turned to the fight between Beezlebub and Kraven and looked on as the minor demon held his won for a good moment before being overpowered by Beezelbub. [I]Stop toying with him Beezelbub.[/I] She looked on. Amber remained still as she could do nothing but watch. [B]"I suggest you leave this place."[/B] Sartael said breaking the silence. Ambers eyes focusing on her face and wild flying hair as the angel spoke. [B]"Although I won't kill you, it might not stop Beezelbub from doing it."[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] [I]Damn them. Damn them all.[/I] She had just finished off three of them and now more had come after not only here but Beezlebub as well. Although he was on the other side her understandings were more in tuned with his. He was of course more torturous than she was but that was another story. She stood on the other side of the door as he growled his hate to the awaiting Guardians. She saw him move out quickly as a another spear moved his way. His speed aiding him as he sent the weapon back at its owner.[I] One.[/I] Within a few moments a female was falling flat on her back.[I] Two.[/I] His timing precise his moves flawless. She knew her battle with him would be enjoyable. As he went for his third victim. The res of them swooped upon him. They completing forgetting about her. [I]Amatuers...[/I] She stepped out of the house her sais in her hands and she aimed them both at her two closest opponents. One went down as the weapon impaled itself in his head[I]Three.[/I] The other hitting the Guardian in the arm. He focused in on her and she rushed him immediately jumping and delivering a kick to the chest. The man stumbled back and removed the sai as he charged at her. She twirled quickly and launched her whip around his neck wrapping it tightly around him and crushing his wind pipe. His body falling to the ground. [I]Four[/I] Beezlebub's opponents were a little longer lasting. Their skills with their swords impressive but he was beginning to drive them back slowly. As only four were left one who was taking advantage of distance began to fire a load of arrows at her. Only one reaching its mark. Her leg. She Moved quickly to the opponent grapping hima dnt throwing him in the way of Beezlebubs sword the Guardian cut down before he could truly stand.[I]Five[/I] Her sais were left in the two other men. As she went up and began to attack the others. One focusing again on her. She flung her whip at the cloaked figure and he dodged. Moving quickly into her perimeter and slasking at her with the sword. She moved back in time and moved again as the weapon made its way to her chest. A slice was felt across her ribs but she quickly over took the Guardian and broke his arm and leg Dropping him to his other knee and then breaking his neck quickly[I] Six[/I] As she finished Beezlebub disposed of the other two [I]Seven and Eight.[/I] As she began to retraive her weapons. He stood ther breathing hard as the Guardians blood dripped off the edge of his sword. [B]"You sense any more?"[/B] She bent down and removed the sai from a Female Guardians head. He smiled as he turned to her. He knew she didn't give the fight her all, but neither did he. He toyed with the Guardians for a moment as he sensed his true prize coming his way. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]No more of these..[/B][/COLOR]He started his smile widening as he cleaned his weapon and retrieved his axe. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Something wicked...this way comes...[/B][/COLOR] A hearty laugh escaped his throat as he felt Kraven's energy getting stronger little by little. Her eyes widening in shock as she began to feel the demons aura as well understanding his vague talk from the cabin. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Very well, Though I do have other matters I'd rather attend to...[/I][/COLOR] [B]"Kraven?You wait for [U]HIM[/U]" [/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Unfinished business Sartael. You know how it is. [/B][/COLOR] She growled as she paced over to the other corpse removing her other sai from the mans arm. Her mind blazing through the possiblities of want this means. [B]"They know don't they? They know we are both here?[/B] Beezlebub did not reply. His aura increasing as he healed himself. She rushed to him a huge smirk on his face as stared down at her. Her temper getting the best of her as she punched at him. His hand blocked the punch and he pushed her arm down. With a some difficulty involved. Her aura increasing as she stared him in the eye. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Now now. Lets not waste energy on each other. Who knows what comes our way?"[/B][/COLOR] [B]"But you knew he ws coming regardless. You should have told me."[/B] He continued to hold her arm down. As he stared at her. She broke away quickly and calmed herself. Also Trying to heal herself. He was right. Whatever may come her way she needed to be ready. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: Hope I didnt step on anyones toes. P.S. Its great to be back! YAY!!!!
  7. This shall prove interesting.... [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Dwynwyn [B]Age:[/B] Looks to be about her mid thirties. Barely middle age in fairy years. [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Appearance:[/B]See attachment below. But she has blond hair and blue eyes. [B]Biography/Armament/Sample Post:[/B] [I] It seems like forever has passed since this 'New Truth' was discovered. This magic that I learn more and more about as the days pass. This kingdom...My kingdom...My Dead Kingdom...Its unbearable at times, dismal, and dreary. Twenty years have passed and it still grows. My people, the Faye hate this place of the dead, and I am left alone to monitor not only it but the semi- allianced Faye surrondng me. So much has changed and I dearly long for things to retyrn. The Queen, the Princess, the dullness and yet unfamious position I was in. I wonder how those 3rd class faires look at me now. I think they all fear me deep inside, yet they do not know, I fear this too. This 'New Truth'. I still remember his face from our visions. For whaterever reason he and I lay entertwined in the dance of life. We learned the 'Truth' together but even in all these years I have yet to understand him. I only know what he shows me. And those items help me. They help me to uncover more truths and more ideals to pass on to the young Faye here. But this truth is still wierd to me. I am able to control many objects around me. I can feel its energy beckoning to mingle with mine. Or or even the slightest thought of an action and bring it into being. But I still learn more skills everyday it seems. Bt I am scared each time I use it. What if the truth I gain is beyond my control and it overwhelms me. What am I to do then? [/I] She closes the book overcome in fear as she realizes yet another 'New Truth'. She feels him reading the pages of the book her life opening up to him as he continues to turn the pages. She felt him before. But did not understand, she only thought him another piece of the dream, but her world is opened to her. Her dimension among the fairies, even the dimension of the human whom she shares visions with, but he doesn not understand her actions indicate it. She has to find the reasoning behind it. Hoping that the enlightenment will be worth the cost. She is just happy that 'he' is more so concentrated on the adventures of her pupils now. Her chance to encounter him only in her hands. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] [B]"Cut the crap, Beezlebub."[/B] She said walking towards her closet. [B]"There isn't a chivalrous bone in your body."[/B] She took the cloak off and threw it back to him, leaving him alone by the fireplace for a moment as she went into the room. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Your words sting me Sartael."[/B][/COLOR] He started turning back to the fireplace and listening to Sartael move about her room. He rouched his neck for a moment. Her hand prints leaving a slight sensation around his throat still. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Damn her...[/I][/COLOR] He growled a little bit. He had forgotten how cunning she could be. Thoughts going through his head of fighting her one day. Maybe killing her if this war didn't. [B]"Not if I kill you first."[/B] He looked up to see her standing in the doorway of her room. Her eyes still raging, but her demenour more relaxed. [B]"Besides you may die before I do."[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"It's not nice to read others thoughts without their permission."[/B] [/COLOR] [B]"It's a curse and a gift. You know that. Besides you do the same yourself from time to time."[/B] He nodded in agreement, and continued to look over at her. Her eyes again hypnotised by the flame. They stood in silence for a moment before she broke the silence. [B]"You know I was ablout to risk my life for this war...Before I was attacked i should say."[/B] She continued to look at the fire.[B]"I saw two Zodiac members, bothe in Greece, I think they all are there. I was going to sacrifice myself and plea that they kill Reaon. Only thing is Is I have the blood of their own on my hands, not that I regret it. He was a great fighter."[/B] She thought back to that moment before she stared at him. His eyes directly on hers. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"The point?"[/B][/COLOR] She laughed and leaned back against the wall. [B]"The point is. If I live to see the end of this. And you indeed do too. I'd love nothing more than to engage you in battle. Till then I guess we're stuck with three clues."[/B] She moved closer to him. [B]" Do you believe this is a plot by Adiol?"[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Why don't you find out?"[/B][/COLOR] He countered quickly. She shook her head. [B]"It'd be more polite if both of us did."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] She walked the streets alone now. She probably looked crazed but she needed to find him. Whoever it was. Her first thought was Beezlebub and she went with it but for some time now he wouldn't answer her call. [I]WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU BEELZEBUB?![/I] She screamed out of her mind and hopefully into his. Hoping that it caused him even the most minimal discomfort. Luckily that earlier run in with those humans, hadn't hurt her too bad. The wounds had healed and her weapons lay where they were intended to be hidden on her being. She looked at her clothes though and knew she needed to change. Maybe a change in appearance would give her some help from another run on with them. Luckily she maintained her own place in a secluded place. She was happy she was in the area so she could stop there. She arrived at the door to her home and phased through the door. It was quiet and dark. The house had no furniture. But it was well maintained, thanks to a housekeeper who visited once a week. She moved quickly through the house. Started a fire and burned the clothes she was wearing. They were of no use to her now that they were damaged. The house had a chill in it but her skin was boiling hot. She stared into the fire. Its flame mimicking the heat inside her. She stood looking at it. The flame hypnotising her as it licked the walls of the fireplace. She barely sensed him as he came into the house Her body giving off no responses to his presence. [B]"Now you should know that when you invite company over you should be dressed Sartael."[/B] He spoke mockingly at her as he stared at her nude body her wings suddenly appearing and covering her backside. She looked pale, and innocent as she continued to stare at the fire. He had almost let his guard down when she flicked a sai from her wrist and directly at his head he caught it in time. She growled at him as her hair hid her breasts. Her eyes flamed brightly. [B]"You betrayed me!" [/B]She started. [B]"I did no such thing." [/B]She growled and lunged at him her hands gripping around his neck. She dropped him to the ground and prowled over him. [B]"THEN EXPLAIN THIS!"[/B] She withdrew the note and showed him. He only smiled and forced his body weight on pushed her off him. She fell on the ground and stared over at him. His face smiling as he brushed himself off[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: Tag beezlebub!
  10. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] [B]"He told you to leave."[/B] She face was unfamiliar. Sartael could only stare her down as the other three came to her on all sides. Her anger frowing but it was kept subdued as she surveyed the scene. [B] "I told your conrade I would not abandon my position. Too bad you weren't smart enough to leave me alone."[/B] The one on her left attacked first and she sent her whip flying at him. It wrapped around his neck and she broke it quickly. [B]"Leave."[/B] She released the whip from around the dead man's neck as he allies stood around Sartael her whip dissolving back into her hair ans her aura beginning to glow darker. The humans around her began to also reach into their souls and bring out their own hidden power. [I]Guardians.[/I] The one to her front drew her sword and charged. She dodged the attack only to be attacked at the side. She flipped over the male on her left and landed crotching looking at the three left to reposition themselves. She only smiled. It had been a few years since she had such a challenge but she knew she could not take this situation lightly. Immediately senseing that Sartael was ready two attacked from either side. Their weapons going for her torso. She blocked them with both arms as they came in their power combined jolting her for a moment but she lost no momentum. Trying to take advantage of the opening the lady came at Sartael face first the sword pointing at her torso. Sartael grabbed each mans arm quickly and threw on in front of the lady knocking them both off balance for a moment while she held the other man to throwing him in the other direction. Her flesh was cut slightly from the sword attacks but luckily the wounds healed quickly. She stared at the man and lady who were once again coming at her. She moved her hand through her hair quickly withdrawing the whip and cathing one opponent on the leg. She yanked quickly. The man fell and she attacked the woman head-on punching her directly in the face. The ladies weapon cut her arm. The other mans blade went through Sartael's hair her head moving quick enough only to leave a small cut on her right cheeck. Her hair and whip wrapped around the sword removing it from her opponent hands and she grabbed the mans arm throwing him to the ground and choked him with one hand. The other man quickly jumped up seeing Sartael suffocate his ally and he came at her. The man was only a few feet away when a sai was ejected from Sartael's arm hitting the guy between the arms his corpse falling to the ground and his blood spilling out of the wound. The lady also began to attack but Sartael withdrew the sword from her hair and also threw it at her. Hitting the lady in the abdomen. She finally snapped the mans neck and got up going over to the lady who remained alive. [B]" I hope this is what you wanted?"[/B] The lady smiled then laughed at Sartael. [B]"A fallen angel?! Showing compassion?!"[/B] She continued to laugh and she began to cough up blood. Her eyes sson glassing over as her last breathe escaped her. Sartael laughed as well as she looked over the lady's body. [I]Maybe I am...[/I][B]"Maybe I Am...."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] She stared at the letter in disbelief. The deliverer covered in a black robe, the voice obviously feminine but the human being still gave off a unfamiliar aura. She glanced over the note and held the words in her mind as she handed it back to the young woman and began to walk away. She glanced into the greying sky that surrounded her the lady smiling an waiting. Hoping that Sartael was scared to flee. [B]"What answer do you give?"[/B] The ladies patience beginning to wane as she stood over looking the angel. [I]You no longer have your back covered...[/I] [B]"What is it that I can say?"[/B] Sartael asked at first her posture relaxed. The lady still standing only a few feet from her. Sartael's back still to the woman. [I]...all your plans...all your deceptions, manipulations and grievances upon this war will be punished.[/I] [B]"Either I have been betrayed or I am too stupid to see what has been obvious all along."[/B] Her mind flashed back to the words. [I]...you're being watched...[/I] She snickered as she crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't show any signs of being upset, but everything inside was chaotic. [I]Who could know everything?[/I] [B]"Your answer Sartael!"[/B] The mortal woman demanded. [B]"NO!"[/B] Sartael answered turning back to the woman her eyes gleaming at the hooded figure. [B]"Are you sure?"[/B] She asked curiously her head tilting slightly. Sartael laughed. [B]"Very sure! I've come too far, I've been around too long to back off. I fight for my domain and I will do so out in the open. A person concealing themselves... and sending a messanger either has something to hide.... Or something to fear. Tell whoever sent you that Thanks...but no thanks. Since he knows all he'll know where to find me."[/B] With thtat both Sartael and the lady disappeared. Sartael went into the darkness knowing she needed to meet with Adiol first but she needed to clear her mind. But felt more turmoil as she lay in her comfort zone. Maybe it was Adiol who is showing his true colors. Or even Beezlebub? She hovered in the darkness, her aura glowing brightly as she tried to think this through. She kept thinking but nothing was made clear. Before she could truly react she phased back to the physical plane and screamed. She moved her hand to her hair and brought out a long whip. Something was going to happen soon and she knew she had to be ready. Anyone could attack her and she wasn't going to give up her domain on Earth without a fight. [I]Sartael...you're being watched. You no longer have your back covered...all your plans...all your deceptions, manipulations and grievances upon this war will be punished. I warn you...leave this place and wage your war elsewhere...all will be done...but we dont need you[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] She remained quiet throughout breakfast. Her head plotting the many things she needed to make sure she had. As they settled down around the table with a basic plan in mind she interjected with a question. [B]"I just want to make this claer for myself. We will be taking a boat onto the lake righ?"[/B] She probably sounded like an amatuer to them all, but her head was thinking in to many directions. Leo spoke up to adreess her question. [B]"Yes, its not a very large boat, for the lake we are going on is not all that big."[/B] [B]"What kind of boat-"[/B] [B]"How big is it and what equipment is on it?"[/B] Both of them asked their questions but Leanna finished hers. When she started to think she couldn't stop and she hoped that dive equipment was available. She had been waiting for more under water experiences this may be the shot she gets. Leo looked a little puzzled by the question[B]" Nothing sate of the art. Its about 30 feet long with a lower deck with a few laptop computers-"[/B] [B]"Sorry,"[/B] She was impatient and a little rude to Leo as he tried to explain but she hoped her sorry would be enough.[B] I meant to ask is their any duve equipment? It may be neseccary to find some clues under the water. [/B] [B]"That's what you're here for, and yes all the equipent has been put on."[/B] She knew he was reaching an impatient point and after having another cup of coffee she a;;pwed the others to ask their questions. Many of them prompting Leanna to temporairly forget her train of thought. But wehen they all departed from breakfast she ran back to her room and grabbed various dig tools and books. Today was going to long and she needed to be prepared. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial][size=1][color=darkred][b]"If we could some how manage to deliver Adiol to Reoan, this whole process might end up being far less damaging and complicated............you don't have to decide right away, but if you see Reoan let her know what I would have us do.......When you know for sure, just say my name I'll find you"[/b][/color][/size] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]That tactic. That option. Sartael had never truly dreamed of seeing that happening. To think she was about to sacrifice herself to the Zodiacs, for God, for Adiol. She scoffed to herself as she paced in the darkened area. She needed to clear her head. She did not need these thoughts or the others to be delved into by anyone else. [I]Betray him![/I] She laughed to herself. Her hair still moving although there was no breeze to move it along. Her aura exciting it. Inside burned a part of her that seemed to burn out over two years ago. She stopped her laugh quickly looking at Beezlebub as he began to leave. [B]"Wait!"[/B] The word echoeing around them both. He stopped and faced her. His grinned as though he knew the question and she needed it answered. [B]"Why did you not present this idea to Reoan first? Did you not have some contact with her earlier?"[/B] [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Well I was tempted to see her."[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo]He started to speak he walked closer to her and circled her as he spoke. [/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed][B]" I actually approached Rubedo. He was quiet popular today you know?[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo] His mannerisms his speech making her feel like a piece of meat. Not that she minded it. She loved being being tested. [B]"Yes, Adiol did not have a pleasant experience with him from what I gathered. To be well put he was pissed."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I see. Well I visited him also and he was very put off by us trying to lure him. But Reoan did succeed in getting Rubedo to side with her. For whatever purpose.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo] He moved nearer. His face being rubbed by the tips of her hair. His aura colliding with hers. She was excited as his face came within inches of hers as he continued to speak. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"I see it as an advantage to have those two together. They finish Adiol off and Rubedo finishes off Reoan."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B]"How can you be sure that Rubedo will do it?"[/B] She backed off a little bit looked away then cocked her head to side some. [B]"Are you sure he's not crazy enough to finish the job, or will that one kill excite his blood lust and make him come after us?[/B] She touched his arm. And moved behind him his head trailing her. [B]"I am all for restoring the balance, but I would so love to stay and continue my occupation."[/B] Beezlebub smirked.[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed][B]"That will be worked out in its own time Sartael. Let us not get too far ahead of ourselves."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]She stepped back and sighed. Her expression a little pouty. [B]"I like to be prepared. Besides I need to know all possibilities if I am to go through with this."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Any thing is possible my daer Sartael. Anything."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]With that he began to move away from her back the darkness slowly fading around them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"I will await your answer.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]The ancient ruins materialized around her and the thoughts that were there only a few moments earlier were replaced with false memories. She needed to think to Examine things clearly then act. But she still needed to meet with the Zodiacs. [I]I take it things went well?[/I] He didn't let up on her one bit. Beezlebub only feet away as his voice began to interfere. [I]All went as expected. [/I] She moved into the shadows allowing herself time to totally absorb all going on.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: Hope no boundaries are crossed with the post. PM me if any changes need to be made.
  14. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Sleep came quick and hard for Leanna that night. No interruptions and she awoke around 5am for her morning walk. The air felt cool when she opened her window and the stars still shone bright. She still remembered how dark she thought it was before the sun rose. The saying still held its validity she sighed and walked over to the skin. She knew it was going to be a long day and she needed this moment to refresh herself. She quickly dressed and left the room. The quiet air surrounding her and the night noises beginning to settle. The noises around her didn't worr her and she continued to move along the road, time passing slowly to her as she moved along the small road away from the hotel. A few people in the are began to stir as well but they were not taking in the serenity as she was. They were possibly bakers. The smell from their work areas filling the night sky. Other homes near and in the distance began to have thier windows fill with lights. She whistled to herself and walked deeper into the town and more man made sounds began to fill the air. Cars started, people whispered. She felt that serenity she seeked intruded upon and she turned around and headed back. _________________________________________________________ She came downstaris after her shower and waved to everyone. They were in the middle of their conversation so she decided not to intrude on it. [B]"Good morning, I hope you all slept well,"[/B] she said the sun beginning to rise around the four of them as she went to the table and grabbed available cup pouring into it coffee milk and sugar, while they replied to her. Bits of their conversation went on. Parts of it a little muttled to her as she tried to grab various pieces of it. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1] [I]Beezlebub, Sartael... What is it that you are thinking?[/I] No sooner than she had stepped out of her comfort zone he came butting in. She hated the prying but it was something she had dealt with for many years and the situations weren't going to allow her a chance to escape his ever watchful gaze. She sighed and escaped into her shell, her being. A haze hung around her as she spoke to him. Her body still in the dead of night on the physical plane. [I]ANSWER ME![/I] The voice commanded. [I]I'm not sure what is going on but whatever it may be, it may be helpful.[/I] Sartael answered truthfully. He eyes moving around as the voice boomed in the haze of her subconscious. [I]Beezlebub is not the kind of help we need. Adiol will be informed of this and you will not meet-[/I] He interjected. [I]WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE?![/I]She felt her temper begin to peak. The haze begining to stir. A sign that turmoil was beginning. [I] I said I was going to meet with him. And I will do so matter what you or Adiol have to say about it. Not only do you but he and I do want this situation to end as well. And whoever it is-[/I] [I]I FORBID IT! You will meet with Adiol as I have said.[/I] [I]You may have powers over your flock, but I haven't been in it for many a year my dear Lord and God.[/I] Sartael glared into the haze. Her eyes glowing as the clouds of her subconcious began to stir quicker. [I] I was not jealous of the love you gave to the humans but you so saw it fit that I be kicked down from the Heavens like Lucifer and Beezlebub and many others because I did not follow your word every single time. You gave me a task and I did it. And now you want me to fight for your gates... Fight to get my way back into your graces, only to have you pull a possible ally from under my feet.[/I] [I]He does not fight for me-[/I] [I]Well neither do I truly. I fight for peace, for things to be the same whether I am Fallen or not. You have given me a choice my Lord and I decline to follow the path you set for me.[/I] She moved back into her physical body and withdraws back to the shadows. His words unable to pentrate to her. But she knew He was upset. Adiol would summon her soon and she need Beezlebub to meet with her before then.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. I may have taken an absence from OB but I am still around if you still wish to include me in the RPG. If I am to account for any of the confusion made I make that known now! Gomen! Not only to you James but to those who participated deligently in this RPG. I would like ths chance to prove myself again as well as since there are no hurricanes now to stop me.. I think I will be more diligent in my posting.
  17. This sounds awesome... Im down for it! [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] [B]Name:[/B] Liliana Martinez [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Country:[/B] USA [B]Appearance:[/B]Will edit! [B]Personality:[/B] Usually an easy going girl but can bevome mean at the drop of the dime. Hates ignorant people and has very few friends. Is very loyal once you break through the tough exterior. [B]Programme:[/B] Is already a smart young lady. Has been studying chemisty with a minor in Biological Science. But not also smart she can be very dangerous with a gun or knife in hand to hand combat. Has been sent out on sniper missions before but about 5 years ago began to reject the chip. Has since become a Defector [B]Feelings Toward Project Soul:[/B] Learned about project SOUL only a few years ago and has been striving since then to get in anyways involved in the Project. Feels that it will have better use in the military or those who voluntarily wish to be control. Wishes that it would change. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] [I]Diary Entry #250 I can't belive its been this many times. This is the 250th time I've felt the SOUL chip trying to control me, I have only felt this over the past 5 years, so who knows how many other times I have actually been controlled by it. I hate this feeling. As of now I sit in the room and stare at the streets of my small town. Luckily I am able to fight it and luckily I have my roommate hiding the keys from me till the morning. I just hope it passes by then. I was able to convince her Im too drunk to go out tonight. I can't belive she fell for it. Well in actuallity thats how it feels when I fight this chip. I don't remember when I got it but all I know is that since then Ive had periods of blackouts, and I remember nothing that happens. I wake up in strange places, but funny thing when I get home no one questioned me. They assumed I was with family or friends and asked no question. They may have realized it early or do they have the same episodes and think it to be some medical issue they can ignore. Ahh well, I'm just happy my parents are gone. They wouldn't want to hear what I have to say. Its just a shame the way they died. THe details are still sketchy according to the authorities, but I have an idea of what may have happened. This is why I've dedicated my time to finding out more about the SOUL chip. I have to become involved in this project. I need to find out what happened to my parents. I need to stop it or put it to better use. I just hope I can find more out there like me who can help. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Leanna glances up at the night sky the similarities between it and Massachuttes' sky remind her of being home. Those were boring times for her and her parents couldn't see why she was the one, level headed, independent, go getter that couldn't stay on and handle the family business. She remembered that day, over 5 years ago. She walked out of her parents house with a moving truck full of boxes of her own things. All the things purchased with their money stayed. Even the car they purchased for her High School graduation stayed parked in the front yard the keys to it on the floor in the meeting room of their house. For years she had told them 'no' to Law School but they thought it a phase and when the night came they found out her planned Major they were furious. Yelling and promises to withdraw her from Harvard where her tuition was paid. But luckily she had an ace of her sleeve. She had turned 18 over her senior year and signed up for plenty of universities without her parents knowing. The letters never even came to their mailbox. Both of her parents were shocked. [I]"Fuck you both, and your money! And that damned tuition you paid for me to go to Harvard." She slammed the acceptance letter to Yale on the table in front of them. Their mouths dropped to the floor when they saw the letterhead at the top of the page. "And before you ask, I have a fully paid academic scholarship too. So I won't be asking ya'll for nothing again."[/I] Looking back always makes her smile too bad for her parents they haven't talked to her since she left. Her only correspondence to them is thru letters on their birthdays. Looking around the outside of the building, Leanna yawns and steps back inside. Over looking all the Cambridge students and teachers that came for the exploration. A few wer missing but she already knew that too much drink had circulated and they were passed out in bed. [B]"Ahh I guess the wind blew you in our direction Ms. Rolle,"[/B] said the professor. [B]"Well, I must say at least the air outside is clearer than in here, Professor, um Professor..."[/B] [B]"Professor Arcaine,"[/B] said the young lady speaking with them. [B]"That's right,"[/B] said Leanna. [B]"Well lets hope that the wind can clear this brain of mine up to take notice to remember your name Professor Arcaine."[/B] He glared at her for a moment. She stepped back and threw her hands up smiling as she replied back. [B]"If you can't take the sarcasm. Don't give it, Professor Arcaine, besides I think that you all were in a conversation before I came in. Please don't let my entrance intrude upon it. Have a good one."[/B] She walked away from the three of them and approached Ashlyn's table. [B] "I wasn't too tough on him was I?"[/B] Leanna asked as she stood beside her and Alex for a moment. They both shrugged their shoulders. [B]"Ah well, you win some you lose some."[/B] She breathed out deeply as she began to move away from the table, asking as she left.[B]" We wake early right?"[/B] Ashlyn nodded. she turned and threw her hand up as she left. [B]"See ya then."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] P.M me if I tread upon anyones toes. Hehe
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1] [RIGHT][I]"Sartael!" "Sartael!"[/I][/RIGHT] She shook her head for a moment trying to wipe that memory from her mind. She thought she could forget it. She thought she could forget him. She had but the events that day kept playin out in her head from time to time wondering what went wrong. The few days after that time kept coming to her. Fedding her anger but she kept surpressing them. She kept her eye on the true goal. Restoring the balance and ending it there, hoping that she could go back into the shadows and keep monitoring all that went on in the land of the living. [RIGHT][I]"Sartael!.... what are you thinking...attacking the Zodiac....its madness.[/I][/RIGHT] Those words forever played in her dreams. If only he was around now to learn the truth. BUt he had to stop him from prying. Ne didn't understand the goal of that mission or who had really sent her to do that. Maybe he'd be on her side and alive to share in a common fate had she not killed him. [I]No way, just get over it.[/I] She had been following Raven and Kariz for a while now. Luckily she had no reason to use the plane, and arrived in London ahead of them both. She only kept an eye out for them at this point in time. She looked casual in the airport head in the paper and for a moment she thought they had passed her by. She lowered the paper and glanced at a clock. Then went back to reading. Time passed slowly for her as she read and many of the words in the paper stuck out to her. It all came flooding back to her at once. [RIGHT][I]"Damn it!" She cursed. "You lied to me.." She paced around the assigned meeting place. Blood was on her skin clothes an hair. She left it that way purposefullly, wanting him to know she was pissed off. "You said I'd have to not worry, the Zodiacs wouldn't be around, just deliver this to the Yakuza and all will be fine. All will be forgiven and you can go on life as usual. BAH!" He only glared at her as she ranted on. Her anger getting the best of her. His face playing over and over again as she broke away from the fighting. "I had to kill him, I had to... a Zodiac." He had had enough of her ranting and quickly intervened throwing her against a wall and pinning her there. "It's all a part of the plan. We needed to do this and it has now happened. Nothing can change it now." He dropped her and moved away. He had no reason to explain himself to this lowly angel. She had no idea who he was. Her eyes were set upon him as he walked away. She spoke chillingly as she rose from the ground her hazel eyes sparkling madly as she stepped towards him. "Never...touch me like that again." She flung her hair back the blood immediately flinging to many parts in the room. "This is only a temporary partnership...."[/I][/RIGHT] Her surroundings came back to her in time. The two young ladies were in the airport terminal and she noted them quickly. Raven's inner power exhuming the same force as it had earlier. She moved to towards them quickly and was able to catch a glimpse of the hotel's name. And overheard a brief bit of conversation. [I]I will make contact then. See you then.[/I] She moved out of the airport terminal and into the fading shadows buying her time. She knew Adiol would not be pleased with her plans and decided to keep them to herself for a bit longer. [CENTER][I]Many hours later.....[/I][/CENTER] Sartael waded in the darkness about her taking everything in and restoring herself for the upcoming meeting with the Zodiacs. She felt it best to wait a day before initiating contact with them. She needed all of them to be present when she spoke to them. Everything around her allowed her peace for a moment. as she submerged herself in her thoughts. And for one moment she gained inner peace. No Adiol or Him to interfere with her thoughts. [B]"Sartael....[/B] She opened her eyes as she heard her name. [B]"Sartael....I know you hear me....meet with me..."[/B] She came out of the shadows and onto an empty road in the middle of nowhere. She let the voice play over in her mind as she began to walk. Her eyes glowing as she found the prospect of meeting him to be too ironic. She sent a message back telepathically. A smile crossing her face. [B]"Tell me where. And it will happen."[/B] She kept moving in the darkness as a breeze caught her hair and moved it out of her face. [I] I wonder what you have in mind....Beezlebub.[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Right alinged texts are flashbacks.
  20. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Leanna is a Grad Student at Oxford University, works loosely with Oxford and Cambridge professors due to past digs. Decided to study in England for the sake of being able to add archeological experience from this area as well. Has dug before in China and also Egypt but wishes to expand her horizons. Moved to England before the disappearances began but became deeply interested in this event, hoping to discover something new about the past of the British Isles.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] [B]Name:[/B]Leanna Rolle [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Reincarnate:[/B] none [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] Leanna stands at 5'8 and is a slightly chubby figure. But is no where near being 'fat'. Keeps her hair long usually in a ponytail and has light brown skin with glasses. Dark hair and dark eyes. [B]Personality:[/B] Free-spirited personality. Thinks more so for herself and often gets wrapped up in the things she does at times ignoring those around her but when completed with a task her talkative side can show or she is on the run. Does not like to stay still when thier is nothing to do but prefers nature when she is on the go. Will from time to time get together with associates to have fun, but can be a little reserved. [B]Basic bio:[/B] Born in Salem, Massachutes to a wealthy family, Leanna took it upon herself to strive for the things she wanted in life. Money or no money. She was the least spoiled out of her siblings and the most independent as well. From an early ae she engrossed herself in not only the mystery that surrounds her community but into many of the stories, fables and unexplanable mysteries that have been surround all walks of life. She became very adventurous, camping and hiking was a must for her, and her love of the past led her to the study or archeology as well various languages. As she graduated from college she went on many digs with ex-professors and was allowed to see many ancient cultures and she furthered her studies, but decided to settle in England. She is now trying to obtain her Masters in Archeological Sciences. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] Basic hand to hand combat and self defense skills. Little arms training but always willing to learn. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. Name: Tyra'e 'Ty' Age: 26 Sex: Female Appearance: Look at picture below. Clothing is different. As well as the weapon. Bio: Tyra grew up in a small community that relied on nature to show them how to survive. Her families (parents families) each held a different part in society. Her fathers family were healers and they showed her how to cure various poisons and as well how to use plants and herbs to heal the body no matter what is was that ailled them. Her mother's family were hunters and some even hired guns for the little man that was unable to help themselves. They did have guns at their disposal but they also learned how to fight with less modern weapons. Tyra being the oldest of her immediate family chose the option to learn how to fight as well as heal. Which proved her very useful in hunting parties which she often went on.She was also in charge of her other siblings and protected them fiercely from neighboring bullies and the various wild animals that surrounds her area. Personality: Calm and peaceful and nurturing, but like a mother lion protecting her cubs can turn on those trying to harm her or those she cares for. Is not easy to trust other people, but when she does is very reliable and loyal. Weapons: 26 inch kitana blade with a 4 inch hilt. The hilt is hollowed out and contains the poison that, when released, can go onto the kitana's blade and be used to poison an adversary. Subweapon- Bow and poisoned or non poison tipped arrows. Abilities: Heal, Detoxify, Poison Arrow Poison Stab Post Quality Example: Check your inbox. Final Questions: 1. Are you actually interested or just joining to join something? Very interested. Im curious as to see where this will go. Sounds like it will be an awesome and twist turning adventure. 2. Did you find this sign-up difficult? If so, why? I did not find it difficult. I found it interesting, especially not knowing what part my character will play when. I just sign up and hope the best.
  23. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] She looked over his body. Minutes, maybe hours passed as she saw how totally peaceful he was. Peaceful in the sense that he had no worries on the outside. Everything was attacking him from within and she felt for him. She brushed back a strand of his hair and got a better look at his face. She bent down as though she was going to kiss him on the forehead but just put his forehead to hers. [I]When you are ready Lucifer... Find me.... I will be waiting for you....Hopefully things can be done to restore you to your formal glory.[/I] She broke away the chaos within unable to be delved into. She just tossed her thoughts in with the others hoping that one day he would recognize it and come back. She stepped back into the shawdows and moved to a location seen many times by her but she did not care. She needed a trump card. But she wasn't sure as how to do that now. The clear plans in her head now muttled. She needed to clear her head. [I]Sartael what are you planning?[/I] He was interfering again. [I]You're all knowing you tell me...[/I] With that she ended the conversation and moved on looking for one to talk to. She thought about what she really wanted from the battle with Reoan. She actually didnt care for either side and she hated being lumped in with Adiol at times. She was no longer one he cared about. She did not inhabit the same realm as him. Although she is an angel she lives to look after many of the things here on Earth. [I]Why didn't I stick with being neutral?[/I] She growled to herself. But she wanted.. NO needed things to end with Reoan. She wanted things to be the same, but Reoan had to be stopped or the balance would be off and her domain totally f*cked up. Many people were walking past her. Many of their thoughts poping into her head. She just pushed them out as they walked by. Before she knew it she felt a strange power coming up. But she did not let it faze her. She ignored it, for there were many demons and angels alike walking among the normal humans. She kept her head down and kept walking the laden power becoming more intense as she got closer to the being. She looked up as she passed the source. It was neither angel or demon. It was a young lady. [I]Zodiac...[/I] Sartael quickly lowered her head as the young lady looked around. She may have noticed Sartael's power as well. But Sartael calmly walked passed the girl and down the street. She had no need to interact with a mere mortal. Sartael kept going as the thoughts replayed in her head. The young lady's face flashing once again in her mind. It struck her quickly. She stopped in the walking crowd and laughed to herself. [I]I found my answer.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] OOC: The Zodiac chara Im refering too is Raven before she gets all gun ho and breaks in the window.... Do not add my chara to your post if you plan on to meet Reiku's character. Reiku if you wish to post about us meeting you may more than do so but only a brief intorduction between us. No fighting please. Sorry for any confusion. PM me if you still are confused...
  24. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Riana ate as much of the animal as she could. She swallowed down another gulp of wine to force down the dry meat and pushed the plate aside. She couldn't stomach another bite. As the servants came around to pick up the dishes she made sure to stop the individual who picked up her plate. She whispered gently in his ear and she had another glass of wine poured in her cup. The red liquid went smoothly down her throat. She sat back in the chair, closed her eyes and cleared her mind of the small animal that she cared for for the past 24 hours. When she opened her eyes, things around her were in full swing. She thought things couldn't get more hectic, but Sakura's dance only turned her on, and James' show of emotion made her feel slightly for the man, but she heard worse in her lifetime and knew it was only a matter of time before Jacqueline and James were buddy buddy again. They were in the same boat and she knew it as well as they did. [I]It's better to have someone with you...[/I] Riana's mom said that often after seeing her baby do so many things alone. Riana relived the memory even throughout all the dramatics going on in front of her. [/COLOR][COLOR=Indigo] [I] Mi nina. Why you all alone? Go have fun. Stop waiting for things to come to you go out and get it yourself. Easier said than done mama. You remind me alot of Abuela. She was just like you but you will realize just like she did that this is not what life is about. She was very alone after abuelo died and she felt there was nothing else left in this world but do die. But you know what. She met someone and they are very happy now. Its always better to have someone with you, to enjoy each others company to experience new things together. To have each others back. You'll see one day. Listen to your mama. You'll see...[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Riana smiled to herself and opened her eyes to see what other festivities lay before her. She decided not to let the trouble of being alone get to her now. She had dealt with it before and she could deal with it again. After a few moments of silence Riana cleared her throat and spoke up. [B]"Sakura, I have to say that your dance was a good one. "[/B] She winked before continuing. [B]"But just a touch bit off tempo for me."[/B] She sipped from the wine glass once more. [B] Are there any other festivities you have planned for us tonight Master? If not I'd like to retire for the night.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] " Ay que linda mami!" Triana pours the drink into a tall glass. A smile covers her face as she looks back at the man. She twirls the bottle and places it back in its hold then walks back to the bar top, grabs the soda spout and pours coke over the mixed concotation. "Long Island Iced Tea, Manny. 5 dollars." She hands the drink over to the man while he whips out a small stack of money. "Thanks sexy!" He holds the bills out for her to grab but doesn't let go as she takes it in her hands. "What time do you get out of here tonight?" He spoke up over the loud club music his friends around and smiling at her as well. Some with scattily clad woman some alone but trying hard to pull the ladies in the club. "You should already know the answer." She keeps a hold of the money getting closer to the man. "Yeah, but I always hope you are going to say something different." He lets go of the money and he smiles pushing away from the bar. A smile still on her face, but her attention on another customer. It has been 6 months since she left her home town and luckily being in Miami has not caused any problems. She just hated that instead of being in school she was now a bartender at this loud disco. She exhales as she mixes the other drink, the dark circles of fatique, slowly disappearing. She got only a few hours of sleep but being here always woke her up. She turns back and hands the customer his drink as well. She keeps smiling at him his eyes scanning her body as she takes the money, thanks him, then goes on. It had been a somewhat easy six months. She immediately found this job when she came to Miami and she loved it. The busy people. The town that passed her by, no one ever had time to really investigate her and that was the true reason for her being here. She needed anonimity. Miami gave it to her. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "You looked bushed Triana!" Cystal came over as Triana stood by the bathroom walls. She had been on her feet for 6 hours and made a killing. Almost 300 dollars in her pocket. "I've had better, Crystal" Her heavy Central American accent really shining through. "You need a ride home?" "Nah I'l be fine amiga." Triana pushed off the walls and headed to the door. "See you later tonight." The bouncers' who were the last to leave the club, walked Triana out to her car. Since she had been here. Getting off work this late could mean trouble and she took advantage of the safety. She jumped in the vehicle and started the car quickly. Then pulled out of the parking lot as the bouncers moved back inside. She kept her eye on the road moving through the still active city although her clock read 5am. She didn't notice the car behind her until she got to the next light. He pulled up beside her, and rolled the window down. It was Manny. She rolled her window down and he began to talk. "I finally know what time you get off." He laughed. She smirked back and replied. "You've known that for 3 weeks now Manny. So what do you want?" "Breakfast with you and a glance at the sunrise." He smiled again and pulled away as the light turned green. She followed his car to the normal spot and the spent the early morning together. Comfortable as friends. Triana smiled outside but turmoil built within. What if he was to find out the truth. She kept laughing as pieces of her died.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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