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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. Name: Sylian Day Age: 27 Race: Human Occupation: Bounty Hunter/ Parts Trader Weapons: Blaster pistol and other small items she comes along. Ship: In the process of being built. Her group, however, has a guardian class system patrol craft they use to go on missions. Bio: Sylian was born to a family of traders who lived on a planet, Fondor. From them she learned from them of the best parts to make ship and of weapons that many people looked for. At an early age she began to help her father build ships as well. After so many encounters with not so polite businessmen she decided to find a way to defend her family as well as get their money back. Many of the more skilful traders showed her how to fight as well as which weapons are more useful in battles. With these skills she picked fights with the young neighborhood boys till she was able to finally fight the men who decided not to pay for her families business use. Being able to do such a good job, other small traders also enlisted her services and soon she went out on missions with a small group of bounty hunters from her planet. Not the most skillful she is still learning and takes her wins with her losses, but always walks away from each mission with a new found ability. Description: She stands about 5?10 with a very boyish figure. In order to appear as a man she cut her hair. It normally grows no longer than her ears. She also wears very rugged clothing and her sex usually isn?t distinguished until she speaks. But by that time she has shown her skill and people bypass the fact she?s a female. She has light brown eyes and doesn?t wear much armor at all. Personality: Stays quiet, doesn?t show her true personality until she?s gotten to know you. Only speaks when spoken to and if she can will only use body motions to talk, (nodding or shrugging of shoulders that sort of thing.) When she can trust you her personality is still kind of cryptic and you only see the mean side of her. She thinks in order to be respected, she has to stay ?hard?.
  2. [COLOR=darkred] After a restless night and a hot so great morning Serena thought it best to just kick back and enjoy the rest of her day without any worries. As she sat and watched the outside world go by she just thought of last nights events. The thoughts made her hungry but she was way to tired to hunt so she went down to one of the blood bars that was around the block from where she was now at. She laughed at the though of their really being blood bars now. It seemes that people were hating what they were made into. But as she thought no she had to remember what she was made into, too. She hadn't given permission and now she was a daywalker. But sooner or later she would die and the counsel could just 'make' another one. She felt angered by the thought but just left it alone after a while for she knew there was nothing that she could do. She walked down the stepd into the bar and knocked on the door. After a few minutes of waiting she was let in. She caught a few eyes but went up to the bartender and got her drink. "Long night young lady?" He asked as he handed her the drink. "You have no idea, and its just the beginning." "So why don't you tell me about it." She heard a voice come up behind her. The hair on her back stood up as she knew who it was. She turned quickly but stood there frozen. "Are you following me now? You trying to prove a point or something or is it that you liked being roughed up by women." Alex stood there and laughed at her. It was the first time she ever saw him so low key and yet still as cocky as usual. "Actually I own this place. So you're the one who's technically following me." "Well in that case I guess I'll be leaving, the company doesn't suit the place so well." She quickly stood up and placed her money on the bar. As she turned and walked past Alex he grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Well you did want answers last night, didn't you? I think it'll be okay if we talked here unless you changed your mind." She snatched her arm from his hold and stepped up to him. " I heard enough last night, don't you think, or are there more pathetic things you must tell me?" She glared for only a second and then turned around. "Bye," she snareld and left the building.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=teal] Serena looked at Hiei, he had gotten up slowly from her arms and stood over her. She didn't realize if this was a dream of if it was real, but whatever it was she took it. "So, will you help me?" Hiei looked down at her and held out his hand for her to take. She looked up and reached her hand out anf took him. "Of course I will?" She looked on as Xaru slowly recovered more and more from his attack. "So what shall we do Hiei?" He looked at her and then back to Xaru. "We just have to buy time, nothing fancy or anything, we just need to fight him and give it our all. I know you can, I saw you fighting him and you need to give that effort again, can you do it?" She nodded and remebered the orb in her pocket. She hadnt yet absorbed the dragoon spirit and wanted to save it for the right time. "Do you think this will help?" She pulled the blue orb out of her pocket and showed it to him. He loohed into her face knowing that they had to pull out all stops to keep Xaru occuppied. She knew that it may be time to use this, but wanted to be confident and have her friends behind her as well.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred] Serena looked as sunrise came unto the city. She couldnt get much slep that higt due to the battle and also no eating, but hunting was not on her agends today. She didn't want to. She didn't care She lay in her bed just staring at the ceiling wonderign what she needed to do that day. [I]This would be the best time to find Clyde, but he still may be tired, so I'll look for hi tonight. He should have pleny of rest by then. [/I] She got up and cleaned herself off. With a towel wrapped around her body, she looked at the few cuts on her body. The fight last night took its toll, but the scars dwarfed in comparison to the one above her right bosom. It wasn't very big, but it was enough to have her down for almost two weeks. She removed the towel and looked at the scar. She rubbed her finger along the edge, and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Remembering the night she had met him. She was on her way to a vamp who had betrayed the counsel and those two ran into each other. Knowing who he was she had been ordered to take him out if she ever came across him. That wouls soon be a night she wouldn't regret. But as she loked on she wondered why she was now so mad at him. Was is becasue she truyl wanted revenge or was there some other deeply hidden reason for her hatred. Not wanting to think about it she quickly letf the bathroom and got dressed. She wanted to be comfortable today and yet had to be ready for anything.[/COLOR]
  5. OOC: This little part here gets kinda on the mushy side....SO Just be warned!! Also this is happening while the above scene is taking place! [COLOR=teal] Serena stood back awestruck by the power she just saw. She looke d on at the power Hie cast out but still hadn't seen the true toll it had cast on his body. As the dragon went back into the earth she searched the area for Hie. He laid face down on the ground and no movement came from his body... [I]Just let this be my last and final attack..... For the sacrifice of my life you will be in pain for all eternity... Even if you live...[/I] She looked on for a few more moents hoping that what he said was not ture. He didn't rise, he didn't turn over, nothing Hie juat lay there. "NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!" Serena quickly ran over to Hiei and turned him over. He just laid ther no movemtn, no life, he looked to be gone. "No, no Hiei, you stubborn fool. You can go like this." She picked his body up and placed him on her. He was too heavy for her to move so she stayed there with him. Hiei didn't respond. "Why did you have to do that, you saw I was able to be trusted and you come in to finish him up. Thats just like you, always flaunting your power. Always showing off, now who's gonna do that Hiei, huh?" She awaited and answer hoping that somehow he'd respond but he hadn't and so she continued ranting, hoping that somehow she would get through to im. " I guees you had to show that emotional side,huh. Funny how emotions get the best of you isn't it? Just like they have me, now I cn finally express how I feel, but you're not here to reciprocate. Just great.(scoffs) Well I might as welll say it, won't hurt nothing will it..... Hiei, I... Before she could finish she felt a presence around her and Hiei and flet it enter his body.She was completely unaware of the offer between Tooya dn Hoshi, but was somehow greatful that is had happened. It seemed at last her wish was coming true. But would Hie be able to fully regain his power after such a use of energy. She could only look on. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred] "You wish to see no one suffer," Michelle lifted her sword an quickly put it away. "Well too bad, you've failed that mission in life." She turned her back on Alex and began to walk away. As he turned around he could see the disgust in Michelle body language. "What do you want from me, a sorry?" She looked back at Alex who was now standing, no weapons in hand just him. "What I want you can't give! Now I must leave I have a commrade to find." Whispers traveled between Isiona and Paul. Michelle looked at those two and knew that would be trouble. She looked at them as she walked out of the club and into the streets. As she exited she saw Andrew kneeling in pain. She was surprised to see the great slyaer almost done for, but she didn't have a need to look on, she left, disgusted with everything, even a bit with herself. Sensing that she was being watched she decided no to go to Clyde just yet. She went back home and rested, the day came quickly, she couldn't rest but was too tired to move, so she lay there in her room, just existing. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue] Well lets see. Which character do I like the most. I think it'll have to be Yuna. She was basically a girl and yet the world weighed down on her, she had to be so responsible and had to do so much just to prove herself. She kinda reminds me of what Im going through. It hard being the one who people rely in and hae to depend on but yet it's good to have friends to rely on. FFX had tht story line going on with it. So I think I liked that Final Fantasy the most. Just the overall story line and character development got me into it period, but Yuna is my favorite by far!![/COLOR]
  8. Charlie Levoy, I think you're talking about Hiru No Tsuki from Outlaw Star.. I just love that song. Here are the Japanese Lyrics.. If you want the english version I can give it to you. But I downloaded the full Japanese version and it is so serene but yet so sad and most of the time it makes me want to cry. I guess I am just too sentmental!! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Oto no nai mahiru Kaze wa tada akarui Sukoshi nemutasou ni Hanabira ga yureta Nani ge nai kono omoi Nee, hito wa donna kotoba de Yondeiru no Shiroi suna no tsuki Toji kometa hanashi o Hikari furasu you ni Kikasete ne sotto Itsuka shiru toki ga kuru no? Mune no itami o Soshite ima yori yasashiku Naru no ne Atatakai kono omoi Nee, hito wa donna namae de Yondeiru no Shiroi suna no tsuki Mabushikute mienai Tooi mirai no koto Kikasete ne sotto
  9. [COLOR=royalblue]FLCL....HHMMMM...what can I say about it!:idea: well apart from the fact that I fell asleep on it two nights in a row should say much.. Thats I understand no more than the rest of you. Actually I know less. I mean I go to sleep and then 10 minutes later I see a robot sprot out of a kids head. Then the second night I see the same thing. Then the kid gets beaten up, eaten and Sh%^ed out in one episode I mean dang, what else can happen to the poor guy. Needless to say I'll be looking at it again tonight!!![/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Geeze, a bit picky, aren't we? Sorry if I'm going off of the [i]original[/i] game, but I don't know the new names except for changing the Black Belt to the Monk. :cross: Maybe for my question (whenever I get to ask it, if you won't accept my answer) I should only accept the class names from the SNES FFII and not the PSX FFIV, since that's what I've played, and only with the correct abbreviations. :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] K-dark knight D-dragoon C-caller S-sage P-paladin T-karate man B-bard Z-black wizard E-engineer N-ninja L-lunarian W-white wizard Des I hope these were the classes you're talking about!!! Now my question.... There is an item that you need to refine the ultamite weapons in FFX what is this item? And what item was it origanlly before it was changed?
  11. [COLOR=darkred] Holding her stomach from that kick Alex gave her Michelle looked at Alex angrily.Somehow this match was too evenly paired for her to comprehend but still she couldn't give up. Still holding her stomach Alex thought that Michelle would't dare attack so he chagred ready to cut her with the sword. Michelle seeing his stance open for an attack quickly kicked him in the sotmach and moved out of the way. Alex's force sent him a few steps behind her but he soon bent over in pain as well. Michelle stood up behind him. Michelle: Now how do you like that sucker kick? But you let yourself open for that. Alex didn't reply. He quickly turned around and slasked his sword trying to cut Michelle. Just jumped back but not quick enough for he had cut her across the abdomen. Alex: So she bleeds.. Michelle anger grew as a small blood seems to flow from the wound. Her memories went back to the night she just slept almost dead in on the docks. Michelle: Such a smart ***** old man, huh. YOu took alot more than that remember. Michelle's tone was matter of fact and she stood not ready to attack him just yet, she wanted answers, deserved answers. Michelle: Why did you leave me there to suffer. Did you want me to come back after you, or were you hoping that I suffer my last moments here on earth. Well this time I'm going to show you how it feels. With the last word, Michelle charged at Alex. The two of them now seemed to move in sync. Movement for movement, step for step. This battle wasn't to show off fancy techniques, but this was to prove who is the best.[/COLOR]
  12. I'm gonna joi9n another on here Tsukas...hope you don't mind. [B]Dragon Rider[/B] Name: Kaede Kyumoro Gender: Female Age:23 Description: Tall and atletic. Short red hair and green eyes. Loves to wear all read to go along with her hair. Has red armor and everything. Weapon: Bow and arrows. [B]Dragon [/B] Name: Ragnarok Gender:Male Age: 100 Description: Very big and heafty. Is blue in color and he has green eyes as well. Element: Ice Spells: Comet, SubZero, Freeze Ray
  13. Name: Mitoko Narusegawa Year: N/A Team: None Label: Tournamant Referee/Principle Description:Inside the school she's a easy going kind of lady but don't think that she will kill you will kindness. When you cross her and are definetly in the wrong she will mek you pay for it. Sh'e a no nonesense kind of person but will give you a break only once. Inside the ring she's unbiased and will give the outcome due to a persons skill and skill alone. She hates cheaters and will disqualify you if you are cheating. So be careflu she will watch you very caefully.
  14. OOC: Sorry haven't posted in a bit. Had writers block. In a way I still do. -------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=teal] Serena saw that Zo was no longer able to keep her focus on the fight jumped in. Zo: Serena, what do you think you are doing? You will get kil- Serena: Well so be it, so far I see only a few people who may be able to finish off Xaru, and I am not one of them. If I die then I die, I will be in a better place and I will have given them time to heal completely. You help Ryden, get him well and if I am gone. Tell him I'm sorry. Serena walked over to Xaru seeing the human girl come and face him. Xaru: You're not even dragoon and you try to fight. I woudln't even waste my time with you. Serena: Well let see how pitiful I am then. Xaru: Wll if you wish to die so badly, I can help you with that. Serena: Well seeing that I'm such a lady. I'll give you the first shot. Xaru smiled at the girl. Xaru: Very cocky I see, but it ends here. He ran to the girl and puched her in the chest. She was sent flying into a building and she gasped for air. Xaru: Don't tell me you're gone already. Serena rose from the rubble and regained her balance. After a few moments she spoke. Serena: Of course not, you have to do better thatn that. Xaru came again quickly after Seren. She dodged him quickly and threw a dagger at him. Xaru saw it coming and bent back. Xaru: Not bad, but not good enough. Xaru again came after Serena who was luckily dodging his phyical attacks for now. She hadn't really tried to attack and didn't know how to catch him off guard. Xaru: C'mon and fight little girl. Serena stood still and Xaru came after her again and kicked, She jumped over the kicked and landed behind him hitting him in the back. Xaru only stumpbled a few feet and turned quickly to the girl. Xaru: She finally lands a punch. Now I stop being gentle. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred] The music within the club, moved to the tempo of Michelle's heartbeat. She held her kitana blade down. Shwoing the no owhter weapons were at her disposal. Michelle: Who knew the chance would come up so quickly. Alex: I guess fate has her way, doesn't she. The two of them sized each other up within the nightclub while it seemed to more fights were ready to be started. It looked like Clyde had been finished but by a mere mortal. She was shocked. But she didnt not let that bother her. Her true competition was here and she wanted to finish him first. Michelle: So Alex,why are you so anxious to die? If you would've killed me the first time this wouldn't be happening now. Alex: Just shut up and fight, that story will be told on your death bed. Michelle: Hmph! We'll see. With the kitana within its sheath she ran at Akex ready to attack him. Taking out his gun, he shot one bullet in Michelle's direction. She jumped to dogde it and landed behind him. Michelle: So I see you gotta use guns now old man. What happened to using our hands. Alex turned quickly ready to punch Michelle. Who just stod behind him. She hadn't attacked him yet, but was more in a state of taunting. As he turned Michelle hit the gun out of his hand and he swung hitting her in the side. She stammered back and held her side. Michelle: Well at least you still hve your stregnth. Alex: I have a lot more than that. [/COLOR]
  16. OOC: Of course I want the soundtrack....and I cant wait to see the chibi cartoon. ^^ [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] "Don't try to struggle Ms. Mikage. It no use." The men coninued their hold on Aya as they headed fot the door. Aya tried her hardest to break free from the two men but thie hold was relentless. She kicked, screamed, anf tried to not move. Soon the men got tired of fighting with her and one of them picked her up. "You're coming whether you like it or not." They were outside now and a small crowd seemed to gather wondering what was going on. They moved closer to a black car. Standing beside it was Ryu. "You, you bastard. You'll regret what you're doing! I cant believe you work for my family. Do you know what they're gonna do to me?" Her screams seemed to fall on deaf ears as Ryu continued to stand there and the crownd only looked on. "LET HER GO!" Aya saw Nariko come beind her and kick the man who was holding her. The man lost his balance and dropped Aya and fell right next to her. The other man saw this and turned back to Nariko ready to attack. Nariko stood ready and attacked the man. Aya looked on in surprise as Nariko went line for line with this man. After a few more moments the other man got up and grabbed Aya. "Take care of her, I'll get Ms Mikage-" The man was cut off and again fell to the ground. Ryu had hit him in the back of the head and her fell unconscious. Aya looked up at Ryu and he took her hand and ran. "C'mon!" Aya was dragged by Ryu and loooked back to Nariko. Nariko almost got pinned by the man but soon her coworkers and many crowd members helped her out. She soon lost Nariko in the blur of all the bodies helping her out. "Where are you taking me? Let me go!" Aya said as Ryu continued to run with the girl behind him. "Can't you hear me?" Ryu still didn't answer. "I said let go." Aya snatched her hand from Ryu who turned around to see her standing a few feet behind him. "Aya, there is no time to explain, we must get away from here. Please let's go." "No, I will not go." With no other alternative, Ryu took Aya and picked her up. "Will you put me down?" Aya began to struggle with Ryu but he didn't not let her go. The people walking along the street looked at them carefully but didn't interfere. Most of them giggled, thinking they were having a lover quarrel. After a few more blocks of walking, Aya gave up on her yelling and soon she was placed down on the ground. She loooked around and realized where she was. "Why am I back at Nariko's neighborhood?" She looked at Ryu who just stood there watching her. "Please listen to me. Yes I do work for your family, but I want you not to go out. Please stay here or leave Japan immediately." "I cannot leavce, what about my brother, where is my brother Aki?" "He's fine, but-" "Aya, is that you?" Aya looked to see Kensuke coming towards her about 50 meters away. " Is he trying to hurt you?" "N-" Aya tried to speak but Ryu disrupted her. "It looks like I must take my leave. UNtil next time Ms. Mikage." He took her hand and kissed it. Soon he walked away and soon sped up to a run. "Bye!" "Are you okay?" Kensuke startled Aya, and was right behind her. "Did he hurt you?" "No, he didn't." "Listen, Aya, I'm sorry if I've been mean lately, but please believe me when I say sorry." Kensuke put his arm around Aya and walked her back to the house. Aya was about to speak but Kensuke didn't let her interrupt. "From now on both Nariko and I will look after you, we'll both make sure your family never tries to hurt you again." "Thanks," Aya said, "That really means alot." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=blue] As everyone sat around the fire. The weater seemed to turn very dreary. Tidus: Looks like rain is coming. The all trired to find shelter and remembered the Al Bhed trading post was close by. They packed quickly and headed west to the post. It was about a mile away and they were ableto make out a bit of light in the distance from the post. The winds began to pick up and Rinoa looked as the cloud became black and cloudy. Rinoa: Uh, Tidus... Tidus: Yes Rinoa, what's up? Rinoa: Look at the sky, do sorms get this bad around here. Tidus looked up as did everyone else. The sky seemed to darken in only on area, but the rest was clear. As they continued to look on the cloud seemed to form into a sphere. Whirling and coming together. Lighting crackled into and from the shere. Zell: Man, what the hell is going on here. Vivi: I don't know but I sure don't like it. As Tidus examined the situation he remebered how the weather was on the day everyone came to Spira. Tidus: Everyone stay put till its finished- All: WHAT- Zell: Man we need to get out of here now. Tidus: Now it could be a portal. It might get us closer to Luca. We need to see where it goes. Everyone stayed still looking at the cloud continue to form above them. The wind continued to blow but soon began to die down. Rinoa: Tidus, if you're wrong about this- Tidus: Rinoa, don't even say it. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred] As Clyde laid on the ground Michelle looked down from the building laughing. She had been following Clyde for the majority of the day after she spotted Alex. Seeing him still broguth a chiol to her but she couldn't let that stop her from returning the wound she recieved. Returning to the present she jumped down to Clyde. Michelle: Tsk, tsk,tsk. Man it always seems you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. What's going on with you. Clyde looked up at Michelle who was wearing a black leather body suit and 3 inch heeled boots. Clyde: Do you get joy out of this, half-blood. Michelle: Well looking on is good. But I'd prefer to do it myself. C'mon get up. Clyde reluctanly took her hand. Clyde:Why are you following me? Michelle: This is my job for now. My punishment of sorts. Ever since Alistair got the job from the counsel to slay the vamp slayers. I've been made to be the look out of sorts. So I have to make sure you don't start any trouble. Clyde: Tell the damned counsel I don't need a babysitter. Michelle: Well I wish I could but inmy present state I wish not to lay my eyes on them. Its just a disgrace that I'm forced to do a boring job. Clyde: Well then my dear. Looks like we're on the same boat. But for now I]m going after those two. Wanna join me? Michelle: Well although I truly hate you. I'm always up for fun.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa looked at Zell. She never seen this side to him before but she knew that he was always one to back you up if you needed help. She got up and went over to him and sat down. Not really looking at him she seemed to stare back and forth into the sky. "Go ahead Rinoa, I'm listening." She continued to look at the sky again. After a few moments of silence she finally began to speak. "Its's it beautiful?" "What are you talking about the dream?" "No silly, the sky. I mean look at the stars and how clear it is.It reminds me of how I used to star gaze at home. But know things are just so different." "How so?" "I mean look at it, you don't recognize anything, it's just like your a stranger to this world. And we are. Nothinghere is familiar, well with the exception of you." Zell laughed quickly but then thought about the comment. "Are you talking about me?" "It's nothing bad, trust me, not for you anyways, but I mean thats what's been happening in my dreams. I see Squall, but he becomes different. He tries to hurt me. I had another dream where Squall pushed me over a balcony and just smiled, he didn't try to help. He changed on me Zell, as if I no longer knew him, as if I was a stanger to him, as if I was....nothing." Zell looked at Rinoa's face, he was how she became scared. He knew Rinoa was strong and he never seen her like this before. He just continued to hear her out, not interferring with her thoughts at all. "But tonight, I saw why he was different, it wasn't actually Squall, but the person took is image and she tried to kill me. don't know who she is and why she wants me dead." Rinoa didn't realize it but everyone else was also awakened by her talking and overheard the majority of the conversation. "Well," Tidus started." You won't have to worry about that. We know you and you don't have to be scared." "Yeah,"Vivi stood up and walked over to Rinoa. "We're friends now, and friends help each other out. Just like you looked out for me tonight. I'm gonna look otu for you. NO one will dare try to hurt any of us." Rinoa's temperment changed a little and she stood up to hug Vivi. "Thank you," she said," and I mean all of you. You just don't know how much that means." [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa scoffed at Zell's remarks. "Well thats what you get? Next time you'll hear people when they call you." She looked Zell square in the eyes as the fire still crackled hard. Luckily it hadn't gone out just yet and she sat there staring at the flames. She laid back down and just tried to think pleasent thoughs as she drifted back off to sleep. She stared at the night sky and heard the cries and howls of distant fiends. It seems the fire kept them at bay for the time being and she was greatful for that. But she still knew that it was going to be a very, very long night. She dozed in and out for what seemed like and eternity until she felt herself being awakened yet again. "What do you want," she said sleepily. "C'mon Rinoa, wake up and let's go!" The voice sounded familar and she opened he eyes. It was Squall. She looked at him qucikly and hugged him very hard. "How did you get here..when..." the questions soon flew out the window and she found her lips locked with his. "You don't know how much I missed you, she said pulling away from him and being embraced by him once more." "Well I'm happy to." "As she looked at him again something was different. His eyes, they weren't his, they glowed red, the same red that she saw right after she went through the worm hole in Balamb. "Who are you," she said worried backing away. "I- I am your fate." The voice had changed now, It was a womans voice, but she still kept Squall's body. "Now...DIE!" The person came at her once more as she screamed out trying to flee. "Let me go," she mangaged to get out. "Rinoa," the voice called out to her, and she grabbed her and kept repeating her name...."Rinoa." A few minutes later the voice changed and sounded liek Zell. Feeling herself being shaked she slowly woke up. "Wake up girl, you were having a bad dream. C'mon wake up." [/COLOR]
  21. OOC: I agree if there is anyone you know who would like to play aling go for it...but for now I'm gonna post as Kensuke okay!!! --------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Kensuke satyed at the table for many minutes after Aya and Nariko left. He wondered ihe should go on as help to Nariko. But then he stayed there,[I] Should I go, maybe I can really talk to Aya. Like she'll ever talk to me. Besides she's just..just not my type.[/I] as he reasoned with himself Ms M just looked on in amazment. She soon was face to face with Kensuke and scared him to death. "Don't you know about the 3 feet rule?" He questioned her quickly grabbing his heart as if he was about to die. "You thinking of her aren't you?" Mrs. M's question was blunt. She looked at him waiting for an answer. Kenskue stood up quickly and dropped off his dish to the sink. "Who are you talking about?" "Dont play coy, you like her don't you?" "Are you talking about Aya?" "BINGO, you are not the weakest link!" "Please, as if I could ever..." The words were trailed off by his thinking and he went on to wash is plate and left the house. He couldn't stay around Mrs M. She would definetly try to poke her nose in his life. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Aya sat at one of the booths looking outside the restaraunt windo as she looked at the passer-bys. As she looked on she saw a few friends, but luckily no family. As her thougts turned to them she began to think about her brother once again. [I]Aki, I hope you can hear me.. I miss you![/I] As she continued to stare out the window a very handsome man looked back at her. Just then her thoughts went back to the day before her birhtday. She was sitting on the overpass rail and was talking to her brother and a few of their close friends. Somehow, probably due to her clumsiness she fell over the rail and was almost hit by a car. He had been there to catch her and basically saved her. She stood there stunned by the powers this man must possess and even thought he could be a guardian angel. He was so very cute. Light blonde hair that went to the shoulders. And just a vision of perfection to her eyes. She kept looking at him, when she realized that he had come in and sat opposite of her. "So how are you today?" "I'm fine, I dont think I ever got a chance to thank you!" "That's no problem, but I must ask you one favor, can you please do this for me?" She looked at this man, she didn't even know him but yet the look told her he could be trusted. "First tell me your name?" "Call me, Ryu!" "Well Ryu, I am..." " I know who you are. I overheard your borhter, Aya right." "Yeah thats right." She was tunned but soon remember what he asked." So what is this favor?" "I want you to leave here now!" "I can't do that." Realising time was up, he stood up," Well, suit yourself. But don't say I didn;t warn you. Aya Mikage!" With those words he walked out of the door and continued down the street. [I] How does he know my last name?[/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Michelle stood outside as day had finally broke. Although the sun didnt bother her, she was just used to the dimlighted nights. She stepped outta her apartment building and walked down the street. She replayed the thought in her mind of the night before. [I] She saw Clyde walk into the club obviously upset by and encounter and saw him sit by himself off in a corner. She grapped her a drink, alcohol this time, and walked over to him. He turned to her and just said "go away, I don't feel like being bothered with another half-breed tonight." She knew what happened but being the person she was let him be alone, but not before saying a slick remark to get him roused again. "Don't get your feathers ruffled because the blue-haired girl humiliated you." [/I] Michelle laughed at how she got his goose yet again. She always loved to do that to Clyde, jusbecause of the pure contempt he had to her her kind. She just put that thought behind her know as she walked down the street. Seeing a few choice meals to choose from, she though about having a little 'Cuban cuisine' for her meal. She knew just how to lure him in to. She'd just seduce the poor man and he'd come a following. And then.... Her thoughts were sidetracked by the figure she hadn't seen in about 4 years. Her scar above her breast became very painful and knew he was the one who dealt her this blow. Knowing she could not acknowledge him, she hoped to pass by him without him noticing. She wanted revenge but not at the expense of her losing her cool in public. As he came closer, he seemed to do exactly what she was doing, hunting. Knowing that he'd sense what she was she just kept going past him and only glances were exchanged. He smiled as he passed her bet kept his eyes forward," Nice to see you, again?" "You too, Alex!" They kept on their paths and she knew that soon the day would come for them to finally settle thier battle![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Rikku needs to have.....[SPOILER] 30 Wings Of Discovery[/SPOILER] in order to have the Break HP Limit Ability! If correct then heres my next question? Name the use of each of these items all from FFX? Thats means tell what it does when in use by a character...... Three Stars... Gold Hourglass... Chocobo Feather... Al Bhed Potion...
  24. [COLOR=blue]Rinoa heard Vivi's call and woke up. She kicked everyone lighty tryint to get them to help. "C'mon guys, Vivi needs our help." Zidane awoke too hearing the cry and so did Tidus, Zell was just in too deep of a sleep to e awoken and she left him behind by the fire. They ran to Viv who was now tryig to fight off the large black lizard creautre. "That's an Anaconduar, be careful he can turn you to stone." Tidus said. "Well help me out before-" Vivi was stopped in the middle of his sentence and everyine looked on in horror as they saw him being turned to stone. "No, Vivi," Zidane yelled. "Hurry go use a soft on him before its too late, Rinoa and I will distract then fiend." Tidus said quickly while he and Rinoa ran over to the fiend who now came after them. Zidane scambled to Vivi and threw the potion on him. Whithin a few minutes he was back to his normal self. "What happened to me," Vivi asked. "I'll tell you later for now we gotta go help Rinoa and Tidus." They ran back over to the two who were handling the monster quite well. Rinoa's Shooting Star helped to subdue the creature while Tidus moved in for a kill. As the pyreflies rose from the creture the two of them slapped hands then walked over to Zidaen and Vivi. "Vivi," Tidus asked. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks alot for helping me!" "Don't worry about it!" "Yeah besides I know you'll do the same for us." Rinoa said knelling down to him. Now all I gotta do is show you not to be scared of the GF's." She headed back to the camp and kicked Zell in the butt. He still didn't move. "Gosh I swear, he is the heaviest sleeper I know." [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=teal] Serena flew over the city still looking back time and again as she noticed the winglie troop getting closer. As she looked around for any signs she noticed spears rising and then falling to the ground. "HIEI!," she screamed, she turned Ragnarok in that dieraction and began to decline to the rooftops. "Land right there Ragnarok,"she steered the dragon to a big roof top only near the place where the arrows landed. "We don't want to be seen just yet. Besdes Xaru may have a small group of winglies near him." As they landed she quickly jumped off the dragon and ran to the edge looking over the roof down to the sceen below. The people were scattered and running away. Many trying to escaped the buildings close to where the fighting was. A few looked down from windows, hoping to be safe there. As she looked around she not only saw Hoshi's body laying unconscious, but also Hiei's. Zo stood very close to Hie, trying to revitalize him while Hoshi just lay there. She saw a column of black smoke arising while Ryden floated in mid-air only about 50 feet away from the smoke. She saw no winglies in the area and jumped down from the roof, and ran to Zo. "What's happened," she asked quickly. "He overused his power. I have to heal him quickly." Zo replied looking back over Hiei and concentrating on healing him. "What about Hoshi can you do the same for her?" " I don't know but I will try. Please bring her to me." Without another word spoken Serena sought a path to Hoshi who was on the other side of the smoke column. She looked for a way to go around and spotted a small path to do so. she began to run over to the cleared area when before her a figure walked out of the smoke laughing. "Xaru!" "Hiei, is that you." Xaru's voice said playfully."Now you didn't think that would work did you? Well, it may have been good to give me a few sratches but I hope you didn't think that would stop me." Serena stood there maybe 20 feet from the figure who was still approaching her. "You have the wrong person Xaru, but if it's a fight you want...." "No!" Ryden landed in front of her. "You go rescue Hoshi, NOW!!!" [/COLOR]
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