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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. Seems complicated...LOL...but I'm in.... Name:Leanna Smith Age:21 Delta Name: Yuriko Matsura Delta Age: 17 Team Name:Sigma Fi Omega Class: Black Mage Player Rank: 3 Weapon: Staff Personality: Many see her as being mean and possibly even snobby, but deep down she is an all around type of person. She really likes everyone and is easy to get along with. That is unless you tick her off when you release the not so good side from her. Picture:[URL=http://evanescentcloud.250free.com/fureisia.bmp]Leanna[/URL]
  2. OOC: Can anyone help me pick up with this party. GinnyLyn I dont wanna throw it o you so I'm gonna try to PM the other 3 who are with me(since they haven't been posting) so we can keep this party's momentum going. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] As Rinoa and the others walked down Gagazet, they soon found out that snow and cold wind was the least of their worries. They ran into a bunch of creaturs. Some flew some loooked like giant wolves and one was like a giant bear. She didn't know the names yet but Tiuds said their names and knew what the big one was called. Behemoth, ans he was a kinda nasty one. Not only did Rinoa had so sommon a Gaurdian Force, but Tidus had to go into his best mode which he called Overdrive. Vivi had to cast fire magic...a lot and well Zell he fought as hard as he could. Zell still had a few magic tricks to use...but he saved them till late in the battle. After the figthts they kept running into on the mountain the gang sure was happy to get off it. In the small canyon everyone gathered their energy while Rinoa and Zell cast a few Cura spells to make sure everyones was fine. After Tidus caught his breath he looked over to Rinoa annd walked up to her eyes burning with many questions. "Um, are you a summoner?" "No, I'm not, you know Kilmahri asked me the same thing!" "Well what was that creature that you called out?" Remembering the Behemoth fight, she played into her mind which GF she called. "Oh, that was Ifrit, he's our fire Gaurdian Force,GF!" "Well he looks different then the Infit Yuna can summon, but she calls them aeons, and why did you make him disappear right after he attacked?" "We don't control them. They just come. Do their attack and go. They are like helpers, they dont stay and fight in our steed. They do that for you?" "Yeah, but Yuna's the only one who can, um I mean [I]could[/I] do that," Tidus' voice lowered as he looked off. "You like her don't you," Rinoa picked up on the tone quickly. "Well, Yes, I do, but can we not talk about that today. We gotta get to the Calm Lands. We'll camp there for the night. We arent far now but still with the amount of fiend activity going on, we'll need the rest." Everyone nodded in agreement. Following Tidus through the Canyon. [/COLOR]
  3. Yuna's left eye is blue and her right eye is green. What's peculiar about it it that[SPOILER] That is shows she's half-al bhed, but it doesnt contain a spiral like Rikku's eyes![/SPOILER] Was that what u were looking for!!! Question time.... Name the items/GF's/Abilitieou can get from these... Elvoret (boss FVIII) Ultima Weapon (FF VIII) Omega Weapon (FF X) Midgar Zolom (FFVII) Anemone (FF IX)
  4. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] "Well....how about I make my decision after a delicious breakfast." Aya thought about how good dinner was last night and hope that Kensuke's cooking was just as good in the morning. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you but Kensuke doesn't like to do breakfast." Aya's mouth dropped down to the floor. Her thoughts of delicious morning delicacies were being stolen away from her by an evil clan of winged monkeys. In her thoughts she ran after them hoping that one item would miraculously fall from one of the monkey's palms and land in her lap. "Earth to Aya," Nariko waved her hands in frontof the daydreaming girls face. "Geesh, you just got up and you're dazing out already. I know what it is, you're thinking about Kensuke." Aya heard those words and were snapped immediately from the daydream. "Why I'd never in a million years-" "Yeah right. Like you weren't dreaming about him last night," Ayay looked puzzled at Nariko's implications. "I heard you talking in your sleep all last night." "No I didn't, besides I don't even talk in my sleep." Aya through a pillow in Nariko's direction but it missed her. After Nariko threw a pillow back and hit Aya on the head the two girls laughed and got dressed. As Aya' played her memories of last night in her head. She only wished that thoughts of Kensuke did haunt her. Instead Aya lived yesterday's ordeak through her head all ove again. Her body surging. Her brothers wounds. Her family trying to kill her and ever her own father right there holding her down. Then that voice. That lady's voice, who was she. As Aya looked back she saw flashes of a dark haired woman come into her head but no face was shown. Only her hair. Aya headed out of the room and went into the kitchen where she saw Ms M, Nariko and Kensuke. "Hello Aya," the funny faced woman said. "Hi, Ms M. Good Morning Kensuke," she managed to spit out hello to him. "Hey," he replied not looking up from the table. As Aya sat to the table and at a few pieces of fruit the question was asked to her again. "So are you gonna go with me to the village or not?" Aya looked ove at Kensuke, seeing him look up real quick and back down to his food she replied,"Sure, let go!!" [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=teal] Serena ran down the street hollering for everyone to get outta her way while Ragnarok trailed right behind her growling to make sure no one mistook his motives. "Oh heavens," what's happened to Hoshi. Serena could no longer sense the power from the curse of Thor which had been strongly thrown out just a few mintues ago. She headed for the center of the town hoping that luck would show her the right way. Nothing! "Damn," she looked around trying to find or sense any sign of Xaru's presense. Frustrated that she could do nothing she turned to a building and hit it. Breaking a few knuckles in the precess. "Now what was that for?" Ragnarok's voice jumped into her head quickly. She walked over to him and fell on his side. "I'm no good Ragnarok, I can't do anything right. I mean Xaru was right there in front of me and he so easily got away." Tears ran down her cheek as she began to get more and more upset with herself. "If only I weren't-" "Now you shut up right now," Ragnarok's voice hissed at her and she felt his chest lightly growl with anger. She got up from Ragnarok and looked at him. "You may not be a dragoon, but you have the heart and the will to fight. You keep that within you. Now lets go we cant just stay here hoping that Xaru might pass by." She looked at the intesntiy in his eyes as she nodded in agreement. "Get on." She jumped on Ragnarok's back and he rose into the air sweeping dirt around the small town's center and causing a few women to yell. As she got higher into the sky she noticed a small group of winglies approaching he city. "Hurry we must find Hiei and Zo. We must stop these winglies approaching us. It looks like their attack was much sooner than anticpated." They flew close to the roof tops scanning the crowds for a sign of Hiei or Zo.[/COLOR]
  6. OOC: Whoo hoo Logan's back.....but before I give you a welcome home kiss you are a guy right? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue] As Rinoa woke up she could hear chatter all around her. Everyone including Kilmahri were sitting down just enjoy a few pleasantries. "Well if Queen sleepy head isn't up," Zell laughed as everyone else followed suit. "Aww bite me Zell," Rinoa said sticking her tongue out to him. " I had a good sleep and most of alll a very encouraging conversation." Rinoa turned to Kilmahri who looked at her deeply and nodded his head at her. She got up and went to make a plate of food when Tidus started talking about hobbies. "So there's this game called blitzball. Oh man you've all got to see and we all play in this giant sphere of water." "Blitzball, an underwater sport. What so do you mean you all are able to like stay under water for more thatn a few minutes at a time," Zidane interjected. "Yeah, isn't everybody." "Um, no!" Everybody relpied in sync not a space between a response. " So what do you guys do?" Tidus studied them closely, waiting for the first response. "Well, I'm not sure about Vivi and Zidane," Zelll started, "but we (refering to himself and Rinoa) play a type of card game.But there are so many rules that can change the way its played, way too complicated to explain, but I'll try to show you sometime." "Well we play a card game too. Wanna see some of the cards," Vivi pulled out three cards with different creatures on it and one with a city. "Whoa, what place it that!" "That's the city of Alexandria," Zidane answered quickly. "It doesn't really look like that anymore but hopefully its people will rebuild it to its former glory." Everyone became silent for a moment before Tidus jumped up and yelled. Vivi scared jumped as well as everyone quickly turned there face to look at Tidus quickly. "Man, what is your problem," Zell yelled. "I'm here talking bout blitzball and I should be in Luca participating in the tournement their having right now. What great luck." "Is there a way we can make it to Luca in time for you to play?" Rinoa stood up quickly and walked over to him. "I'm sure there are some people who can help you out if yu can reach them." "Well we could just walk to Luca. Who knows Auron and company may be there by now and might be traveling towards us. But there is no one to call. Cid and his airship are probably halfway around the world." "Kilmahri think its best to travel. Walk to Luca." "Yeah let do that. I would love to see all of Spira," Rinoa replied. Vivi and Zidane nodded as well agreeing with Rinoa. "I'm cool with it. Will we get to fight is the real question though?" "Yeah, there are a few wicked fiends along the way." "Well its settled let's go." Everyone chatted as they made plans on when to leave but Vivi turned to see Kilmahri not saying a word. "Kilmahri will you not go with us." "Kilmahri belong here. This no longer Kilmahri's journey, it yours." "Oh, well it would have been great to have you along though." Kilmahri nodded agreeing with Vivi. "Oh well, so much for tearless goodbyes now huh," Tidus said. "But we must leave, we wanna have a good start before nightfall." With that said everyone said thier goodbyes to Kilmahri and walked out of his cave. Although it was still cold outside, they were able to withstand it this time and hurried down the mountain slope. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=teal] Serena rode into Gnarwood on Ragnarok. Althoguh many folks didn'tcare about the dragon. A few stray eyes were looking off into their direction. She looked down at Zo. "Um, Zo," Zo looked up to her walking beside the two. "Do you think these people see Ragnarok as a threat. I mean I'm getting a bunch of stares over here." "Well Serena I don't think people see many dragons around here andymore. Most of them are gone and he may be one of the last ones left, especially in this region." Before Serena could reply, many children came up to them but styed about five feet away from Ragnarok. "Is he YOUR dragon?" One small boy asked. "Serena got down and wlked over to them."Yes he is. Would you like to feel his skin, away from the front of course." "Yeah, that would be nice,." "Well come with me, he hasn't eaten in a long time and may try to bite you it you go near him." Serena saw the look in the boy's eys when she said that. "Oh, I'm sorry I was just playing with you sweety see watch. Stay here I'll show you how harmless he is." She left the boy and went back up to Ragnarok laying on his snout. She looked at him in his eys and spoke to him. "Now you be a nice one and let these kids come over and feel your skin okay. I don't think they've ever seen a dragon and I wanto to lighten the mood here." Ragnarok shook his head yeah and laid down in front of Serena who stood there by his mouth the whole time. "Okay, you can come and rub his side." The boy was nevrous at first, but he slowly walked up to Ragnarok watching the dragon making sure no sudden movemts were apparent. He got close enough to strecth his arm and used his fingetips to feel the dragons scaly skin. " Whoa," he stepped closer and let his palm run down Ragnarok's side. Seeing all this Serena remebered her childhood and how she acted when Ragnarok was first born. Always peeting him and not letting him out of her sight. Seeing that many more children were coming up she turned to Hoshi, Zo and Hiei. "You all go on and find Ryden. I'll stay here for now and keep a lookout for anything strange. Besides, I just love kids." The three of them nodded their heads and walked off into the city. Knowing that the kids were now confident with being around Ragnarok she stood there for a few more moments eyes the people walking in the streets, hoping that one would look very familiar. [I] XARU! Where are you hiding?" [/I][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] The three of them sat down to eat. Aya looked at the table amazed by the food in front of her. The sukiyaki, was in the center of the table with steam stilll rising from it. Mochi was also present but Aya thought to pass up on that treat. Also there were small bowls of rice, but as Aya counted she wondered what was going on. "Um, Nariko, I only see three of us here, but there are four bowls of rice. Is there someone who I haven't met yet?" Before Nariko had an answer a short stubby woman with one of those funny faces came into the door. "Hey Nariko, Kensuke, Hmmm,something smells-," the older woman looked down at Aya. "Oh I didn't know we were having company. Kensuke is this your girlfriend." Kensuke almost choked on a sip of water that he had taken and spit it out over his shoulders. "*coughs* No-No Ms. M, it's not like that, I don't even know her." "You don't know here, is she a prostitue that you hired to be your girlfriend." Aya mouth dropped to the floor and Kensuke looked between the two of them. "Well Kensuke, aren't you going to explain to this old hag, who I am!" "Old hag, I'll show you old hag!" Electriciy seemed to be passed between Aya and Mrs M. Before anything else could be said betwwen the two Nariko stood up and explained to Ms. M. "Oh, I'm sorry Ms M. This is my friend Aya, she'll be staying here for a littl while, There are a few things going on in her life and she just needs a little help to get by." Ms. M. looked at Aya, whose glare had now focused on Kensuke instead who held his head down with embarrasment. Ms M. saw the fire coming from Aya's body and went over to here to apologize. "Aya, is it?" Aya'a head turned quickly to the funny faced old woman. "I'm sorry that I said so many harsh words to you. Its just that I see Kensuke as a son." Aya shook her hear acknowledging she understood. "Oh, I'm just so rude, I didn't even introduce myself." She said quickly trying to change the whole moood. "My name is Ms. Yui Motosawa, but you can call me Ms. M." Aya saw how sincere Ms M was and smiled at the woman. With that Ms M took her place at the table. All of them showed gratitude to Kensuke for preparing such a delicious meal and they all began to eat. Halfway through the meal Aya looked over at Kensuke who has said virtually nothing. But she occasionally saw him glancing at her. Aya was still mad at him. She couldn't believe how he hadn't stood up for her and how Nariko was the one to do it. She wallowed in that feeling for the rest of the meal but tried her best to ignore him. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=teal] Serena looked over the scene on the ground below. Hoshi and Hiei defeated the two winglies. But yet as Hoshi left she could see that something was wrong. She was about to go down to Hosi when she then saw her running to Ryden. The two talked quickly and Ryden ran off into the direction they wer heading earlier. Seeing him flee so quickly she had to see what was going on. "Down Ragnarok," she said. The dragon descended quickly and landed in front of Hoshi. "What's going on?" She asked Hoshi who was still a little winded from the battle. "Xaru, may be attacking Gnarwoood. We must hurry behind Ryden." She puffed out the words as quickly as possible. Hiei and Zo came from behind them quickly as the grouped together real quick. "What is Ryden going to do," Hiei asked Hoshi. "I think he may try to challenge Xaru again, all by himself." "We must get there quickly. He cant possibly do all that on his own" Zo said shocked by the idea the Ryden would actually do JUST that. "He will try though," Hoshi's few words stuck into everyones heads as they paused for a few moments stunned by the possible effect of Ryden challenge can have. Without another word spoken, Serena grabbed Hoshi's hand and looked at her. "Well we must be sure to be right beside him." She looked at everyone. "So what do you say, lets not allow Ryden to fight alone." The others nodded in agreement. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] Aya quickly changed out of her wet clothe, hoping the the warmth would go away quickly. But still a sharp cold pain still hit her in her heart. She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror seeing the marks and bruises on her arms and neat her throat. The memories of the day popped back into her head as she could see her family blank expressions and the look of her bloodied brother. [I]AKI![/I] Her thoughts went to him immediatly. She replayed the moment the mummified hand was shown to her. The yells escaping his chest. The screams rising from her own. Then that power. The voice, the feeling of someoe trying to emerge.[I] Who was that?[/I] She wondered. As she continued to look on in the mirror her thoughts were interrupted by a load knock on the bathroom down. "Aya?!" A sigh of relief left Aya's mouth, it was Nariko. "Are you okay in there Aya, You finding everything alright in there." "Yeah, everything is fine Nariko....I'm doing just fine," the words were lies. Aya knew that she could never live through this. Through the fact her family wanted her dead and that they would now go to every lenght to find her. " Well the cocoa is almost ready. When you're finished come on in the living room. And oh yeah I hope your hungry, too. My brother is fixing a great dinner. I'm sure you'll enjoy his cooking." Nariko walked down the hall and back to the kitchen. [I]Great,[/I] Aya thought to herself. [I]Now I have two people to hear my story. They'll probaly think I'm nuts![/I] She turned and grabbed her wet clothes and opend the door. As she walked closer to the kitchen. Various smells were wafting in the air.[I] Sukiyaki,[/I] her stomach churned as the smell played with her senses. She rounded the corner to the kitchen trying to forget the smell lurging he more quickly. "Nariko, can you tell me where I can-,"her voice was cut off seeing that Nariko was no longer inthe kitchen. In front of her stood a young man who turned quickly when he heard he voice. He was about 6' and very trim. Har short black hair pulled back by a white head band, and a blue kitchen apron. "Oh, Im sorry she smiled, Umm I'm looking for Nariko but maybe you can help me. Maybe you can tell me where the clothes drier is." He pointed off in th opposite direction of where she was looking. "Right down the hall." Although very cute his words were kinda rough." Nariko is proably there too." "Umm thanks," she managed to say, wondering what she had done to upset him. He turned quickly back to the stove. As she turned away she remembered that she hadn't introduced herself. "Um, excuse me." He didn't turn around. " Nevermind." Seeing that he was completely ignoring her words she went down the hall to the laundry room. [I] Some men...I swear!![/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=teal] Name: Michelle Sloan Allaiance: Evil Race: Daywalker Sex: Female Age: 27 Desc: 6', 180 lbs. Very atlethic and toned. Caramel colored skin and platinum hair(dyed of course) Very short. Wheres whatever she feels like. But mosly can be seem in black leather pants with tught animal print tops. Bio: Michelle was born to a mother she never knew and a father who didn't understand her. After 3 years of being around this estranged kid he turned her over to the system. After 5 years of being around foster families she ran away. There was a hunger within her she couldn't shake and she had killed a few homeless people just to survive. At the age of ten she was attacked by an older female vamp. This female saw what Michelle truly was and turned her over to the vampire consel. They decided to train her and use her as a weapon but let her stay amoung humans. They taught her how to control this hunger but the cravings still came from time to time and she..had to feed. Although her alligiance was with the consel, she at times was known to also fight against vampires. "Friendly battles" she called them. They still kept her on but was ever so watchful of her activities. Soon her new assiagnment was to find...and kill Blade. She couldnt do it after so many countless times of being near him close up. She didn't know many daywalkers and found any excuse tokeep him alive. She wanted to wait for the time when she knew she could defeat him. To help her in suceeding the counsel sent her on the trail of other daywalkers. A few she killed and others where just too experienced for her. One was a man named Alex, he left her almost dead after one confrontation but she was luckily spared, just once. She hopes that they may cross paths again so that they can finish their duel. [/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitri I hope that you dont mind that I am here and now challenging you....If so and you wish to not have any link to my character then please let me know and I will edit this immediately....Since we are both the same race but in different sides of the track I though it cool to have a friendly competeion....I'll also PM you to make sure you are okay with it!!!
  12. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa woke up a few hours befor the sunset and noticed the fire still burning brightly beside her. She looked around her to see everyone still sleeping. All except Kilmahri, she looked around to find him but he was nowhere in the warm cave. She got up and took the thick blanket covering her along with her and went outside. It seemed she caught the calmness of My Gagazet cause just the crips cold air grapped her senses snapping her back to reality. She looked around and saw how beautiful the snow looked at night and stood in awe looking at the clear night sky. She saw bright start that twinkled and imagined they each and evryone of them could be picked off a dack canvas and placed in her pocket. "Beautiful, is it not." Rinoa turned to see the quiet Ronso looking down at her. "This Kilmahri fav'rite time. No wind, no clouds, just the white mountain and the sky." Rinoa listened to the Ronso talked. She enjoyed hearing his voice. Although his appearance was scary his nature seemed to soothe her as she listened to him talk about the great Mountain. She heard how his people were massacred leaving only a few Ronso's left within all of Spira. How he now vowed to protect his hoemland the best he could. She could hear his determination. "You seem like so much has happened to you and yet you prefer to be alone," she relpied looking up at the Ronso. "Kilmarhi not alone. My people are with me, with Mt. gagazet, they never leave. I feel them in my heart and hear thier memories within these mountain peaks. Kilmahri never alone." Rinoa shed a single tear for the Ronso and felt it freeze upon her cheek. As she looked up one more time to the sky she saw clouds again starting to move in and the wind began to pick up. " Come Rinoa, let us return." Kilmahri jumped from the rock in front of Rinoa and walked behind her as she entered the cave. "You know, Rinoa remind Kilmahri of Ms. Yuna. Both have same spirit, same ways. Are you a Summoner?" "No Kilmahri I'm not, I used to be possessed by a sorceress and her powers may still lie within me but I'm no summoner." " You have their spirit. Would you give life to protect others around you?" "Yes, without a doubt." "To me you still a summoner, in spirit. You have good heart, please be carfuel on your journey." "Thank you Kilmahri, thank you alot." She went back over to the fire leaveing the Ronso alone to himself once again. She lay there looking into the flames hoping that thier dance would put her back to sleep hoping her dreams would reveal to her where her lost love was at. [/COLOR]
  13. As much as I fell in love with this series I am saddened to say that I have yet to seen it completly through to its entirety Yes, yes I know what kind of fan am I. But still I must say that I love it to the fullest and yes Gene Starwind is a fine one[ but a close second in my book...ONIZUKA I LOVE YOU. :love: ] Ooops sorry about that. But back to Outlaw Star. I was just a great series and I never did see the ending to the space race. Some please tell me how did it end. And as foward ad the Wrestlinh episode...Didn't you think that Gene looked absoultey adorable as a woman though, I just thought it too be to funny....:babble:
  14. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] Luisa sat up, aroused from a gorey scene to a part that made her more confused than before. She looked at the clock. "2:30, great," she huffed to herself. "Another night of sleepless dreams." She got off the blanket she placed on the floor and walked to Luyii's kitchen. She reached for a clean glass and removed the water pitcher. Poured herself a glass and returned it in a quick motion. She walked over to the window sill, glass in hand and sat, once again overlooking the city. Still rustling with nightlife Luisa drowned it out and went back to the words she mutter earlier. [I] I think I no longer exist.. I am now a ghost.[/I] She remembered them as if they were burned in her memory for ages and looked over at Talayeh sleeping on the sofa. The dream caught her attention again. She remeber these visions and returned to them once again. She saw a group of figures with her in what seemed to be a battle on a different planet. The city around them was in rubbles and massive armies were on both sides. Next to her, in the front ranks of one army, was that group. Two of the faces were visible. The first was Luyii's image she imitated earlier the other, another female. Luisa assumed this was Talayeh's former self. A very pretty female with long flowing silver hair. Luisa saw strandes in her hair as well. They were also silver. She the two were side by side along with Luyii and a few other whose face she wasn't yet abe to see. As she looked on to Talayeh's counterpart. She heard the woman speak. The dialect although foreign was understandable. [I] We have lived side by side and sister and today we will die side by side. If nothing else is said between us anymore. Remember this. I love you.[/I] The dream ends there. No more words were exchanged between the two and Luisa wasn't able to go back to sleep. But she still pondered the thought.[B][I] Talayeh is..... my...sister.[/I][/B][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa warmed herself by a small fire while Zell, Vivi and Zidane followed suit. SHe noticed Kilmahri hold Tidus back, keeping him away from disobeying Auron. The Ronso was quiet, but still his presence was comanding. She noted that from his vigilant stnace keeping the engertic teen at bay. "C'mon Kilmahri you have kept me here long enough. Im really cold. Please let me get by the fire," Tidus saided almost sounding like a little kid pleading for candy. The Ronso shook his head. And looked down at the teen. "This is punishment...Auron would do the same." "Well he's not here so let me through." Tidus tried to push his way throguh Kilmahri but the gentle giant[well at least compared to Rinoa] Hed his arm out holding Tidus at bay. "This isn't fair." He still wrestled trying to break free but Kilmahri stayed his ground. As everyone looked at the scene played before them they all burst out into laughter. Vivi most of all seemd very tickled by the whole thing. Vivi jumped up quickly and walked over to Kilmahri tapping his leg. " Excuse me, Mr Kil-mar-ee." He pronounced unsure of himself." Could you please let him come by the fire now. I think he's learned his lesson and besides I think we'll all be getting an earful from Mr. Auron when he comes." The Ronso towered over vivi and looked down on him looking in to is bright yellow eyes. Although no face there to show his expressions, Vivi's eyes seemd to channal a strong sense of humbleness and yet strength in one look. Kilmahri let his arm down and Tidus ran quickly to the fire. He hoped to warm his body quickly but shivers ran down his body as everyone else looked over at him and laughed. Kilmahri though stood still and watched as Vivi returned to his seat. He was next to Tidus when he saw the Ronso looking on at them. As Rinoa looked over to vivi she glanced over in Kilmahri's direction. "Please Kilmahri, come join us sir." Rino spoke breaking the silence between both the Ronso and the mage. She noticed how both of them seemed so much alike despite the obvious outward appearance. Both so quiet, so gentle, and kind and yet a kind or strenght resinated from them both. The Ronso sat hear Vivi as he began to speak about himself and yet in turn ask the quiet Ronso many questions. Everyone soon joined in and they all spent a warmed filled night on the cold peaks of Mt. Gagazet enjoying each others company. [/COLOR]
  16. OOC: ginnyLyn if this is what you werent lookig for let me know so that I may edit things!! [COLOR=blue] As Rinoa stood on the mountain her thoughts went to a beach scene hoping that it would make her all warm again but the thoughts failed. "Were are we," Vivi cried as he looked around seeing the large lion like humaniod look at him. "What are you," Zell creied as he his behind Tidus. "Kilmahri, is that you?" Tidus exclaimed. "Yes, but who are these people with you, where are Yuna and the others," he said solomnly. "Oh Yuna and Rikku are off journeying all of Spira for now Auron-" he thought for a moment and slapped his forehead, then returned to his previous statement. "Auron is going to kill me when he finds out what happened." Kilmarhi stared at him for a moment and then looked at the rest of the group. All of them shivering in the cold air surrounding there bodies. As he studied them he turned around. "Follow me, there is a place you can warm up and rest near by." The group needed no other words, they all followed the Ronso quickly. As they continued to walk away Rinoa turned back to the spot where the warp hole lay hoping that by some miracle it would return.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa looked off in the distance as she saw Yuffie pin Tidus to the tree. She sure didn't want to get on her bad side, she thought as Yuffie went on her way cartwheeling again. She smiled to her se;f as she tought about the carefree way that Selphie used to act at times then walked closer to Tidus. "Are you okay," she asked him. "Yeah I think I'll be fine," he started, "but my prides something else." She giggled a little as she continued to look at the slighty dazed look on his face. " I guess you've never had a person of that nature[refering to females] do that to you have you." "Well no I haven't, although Lulu was the type of person who would try it. But she would mostly just speak harshly." "Well you'd better get used to it. Yuffie won't let you forget her." "And how about you," he said looking at her curiously. "Well I think I'm a little more reserved than Yuffie," she replied. She looked around as she saw Yuffie and Sephiroth head back to the sea. "Um, where are Zell and the others." "Oh, they're off in the woods. Wanna come, I'm headed back that way right now. We're investigating the warp hole." "Warp hole, didn't I overhear Auron-" "Shhhhh, yeah but still," He paused for a moment. " You wanna come take a look at it." Knowing that she probably suffer Aurons wrath as sell she decided to go along with it. She followed Tidus into the woods and headed towards her freinds. [/COLOR]
  18. If you wish to play a particular character please PM me or erinzyger. This is really ment for us too and you may read to your hearts content. If any comments arise please come to us.Thanks!! Please Note: Graphic content may be within these posts!!!!! [I][SIZE=1] Over 1000 years ago, celestial maidens often frequented Earth and enjoyed its splender. But one was not able to return. Her name Ceres. She lost her robes and was forced into a marraige by a human man, a Mikage who had taken her robes. Not only was marriage envolved but she bore his kids although she didn't want to. She lived her life there on Earth but never found her robes, due to that she killed him and she in turn was killed by his family members. For many generations, every child in the Mikage family was given a test at the age of 16 to decide their fate. Oftern left to the women, these girls were given a mummifed hand to look at which may have unleashed the powers left dormant in them. If this power was reveiled the girls were killed so that the family may survive. In 2000, twins, a boy and girl, Aki and Aya Mikage, were given this test. Aki suffered weird wounds as Aya had a weird power come out of her body and radiate to her family there watching. With that, her grandfather ordered her dead and her brother family heir. Luckily Aya escaped but only to now have her family chase after her to kill her. [/SIZE][/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] "Aki, Aki, no....what's happening to my brother." As Aya looked on in horror as her brother;s body was tortured by an invisible force. " Why are you doing this to him, to me." Aya's body heated as she felt angry with what her family had shown them. As she continued to look on she felt as if a being was within her trying to release itself. [I] What is this that I'm feeling.{/I] She grabbed her body as a surge of power was released into the room around her. Her family looked on in surprise and wonder as Aya's body seemed to glow and as Aki sustained more injuries. Whispers filled the air. What had seemed to take an iternity seemed over in a matter of minutes. The invisble force stopped torturing Aki and Aya was calm. She looked around at her family who just stared at her and she saw tears fill her mothers eyes. She turned to her brother after a few more minutes of studying everyones face. She saw him covered with blood but still alive. " Aki," she touched his hand and began to cry. "Don't touch him." A deep voice called from the end of the room. "You no longer have any right to be near him." Sano, Kai, take him to the room upstairs and get the nurse to come and wrap his wounds." Aya looked as the two servants took Aki away. They quickly left out of a side door and left Aya there to deal with her family. She looked as everyones face became angry with her. She turned to her grandfather who stared intently at her. " Why have you taken Aik away from me. He's my brother." " Not any longer Aya." As soon as he spoke the men of her family rushed her and pinned her to the ground. " Your brother is the only heir to this family now. And you...must...die." "Noo," Aya yelled as she was held pn the floor by her uncles and even her wn father." Why are you doing this, I have done nothing wrong to you." No answers were given. She just stayed ther pinned down as her grnandfather left the room. She continued to struggle hoping to be released from them soon and her yelss continued to fill the room. Her eldest uncle walked over to her as she saw a long blade being withdrew from behind his back. She saw her dad hold on to her as she flailed around on the floor, no ones grip slacked. " Dad, why are you doing this. Let me go." As her uncle came closer her yells continued to go unnoticed. As she got even more worried and scared, she felt that power once again awaken within her. Before she could do anyhing the force raditated out of her body and sent all of her family member flying away from her body. she was free, she got up and looked around seeing that she has be set free and ran from the Mikage house. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa and the others looked at how quickly Yuffie slayed the beast and so smoothly went into flirting witrh Sephiroth again. Rinoa: Dang she's good- Zell: Excuse me? Rinoa: Oh sorry talking to myself. Rinoa giggled shyly and went up to Auron. He stood there arm in his jacket as usual and she politely spoke to him. Rinoa: Excuse me, Mr Auron- Auron: Just call me Auron. Rinoa: Okay Auron, since you and him(glancing to Tidus) seem to know this area well. What could be the best possible place to get answers for what we're going through. Auron stood there quiet for a moment. He didn't know quite wht to say just yet. So he stood solomnly by the tree. Auron: No immediate answer can be made up. But we can try the temples of Yevon. They may provide some clue to what is happening but nothing can be said for sure. Rinoa sighed after a few moments realizing thats all she could get from him now and she took it. She turned from Auron and walked back towards Zell and plopped on the ground. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=blue]Seeing Zell arrive so quickly at first startled Rinoa and the others. Everyone quickly drew their weapons and stood glaring at Zell. He just stood there next to Rinoa who aided in his defense. Rinoa: Dont worry guys he's a friend he won't hurt us. Everyone quickly lowered their weapons as Rinoa turned to her friend checking behind him to see if Squall was there. Zell: Who are you looking for? Rinoa held her head down dissappointed that he wasnt there. Rinoa: He's not here- Zell wondered for a moment who she was talking about, then it popped into his head. Zell: Hey don't you worry about him. You know how Squall is, he never gives up and he always survives. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=teal] " So you wish to see me fight, huh Hiei?" Serena said as he got done with his comments to Ryden. "Is that it?" "Yeah thats right," Hie said. Apparently aware of an attack from Serena. "Okay then thats no problem. I can do that for you," Serena took off her pack and put it down over next to Ragnarok. The dragon sensing what she was doing talked to her with his thoughts. " You dont't have to prove your worth to anybody Serena." "This time I do," she replied looking into the dragons eyes. "You ready," she called out to him as he stood there waiting for her to attack. " Oh Hiei, no weapons right now, so relax, I want you to notice a few things about me befroe I can show you what I can do." Serena turned in a circle palms facing up looking dead at Hiei while she turned. "Do you see it" " What the hell are you talking about, anf what does this have to do with anything." " Just wait you imapatient man you'll see." Serena turned her back to Hiei and un buttoned her shirt. You see before I met you all I got into a small skirmish witha group of winglies. They were inexperienced but their leaders got me and punished me for fighting with them. This is what I recieved as I fought them back too." Serena showed him the scrs on her back from when she fought them."Luckily I got away but a few weeks later they found me. As I tried to escape them once again they knocked me off Ragnarok and I fell unconscience in a small village. I was in a coma foe about two weeks." SHe put her shirt back down and faced him. "And what does that have to do with anything," he replied scornfully. " Oh nothing really, I just wanted you to know what type of person you were getting ready to fight." Without a nother word spoken Serena withdrew her sword and charged at Hiei, but also had a small dagger hidden in her hand. Hiei seeing the obvious sword attack decided to dogde it instead of fighting her. [I] Bingo,[/I] Serena though as she threw the dagger at him. Not seeing the dagger Hiei got scrathed by it. He landed on his feet and grabbed his arm. Serena stood about 10 feet away and had stopped only a few feet from where Hiei originally stood. She held her back to him. "You witch!! You cut me!? Serena turned to him and then smiled. " I may not be the strongest here Hiei but I was able to anticipate your move. I've seen you fight a few times and I've studied your pattern. Thats what I do I strategize." She walked up to Hiei who was still obviously angry at her. She tore of a piece of her pants and made a small tunic to wrp Hiei's arm. "You see Hiei, I understand you." Hiei looked down on her as she tied the tunic with ust the right abount of pressure and she continued talking never looking up at him. "I know how you feel. For years I was treated as if I was too delicate because I didn't have a dragons spirit in order to become a dragoon. My family treated me as if I couldnt fight but their words hurt me. And beacause of them I tried harder and foaght longer do that. So I could be seen as one of them. But they never gave me then chance. So I left to prove that I could survive without them. Now look at me.!!" She took her hands off the tunic but still stood ther next to Hiei, "Now I'm one of you, although still not a dragoon, but you've given me a chance to be a warrior." She looked up at him, tears filled her eyes but she held them back. She stepped back from Hiei and continued to look at him. " So what do you say. How about we start over. This time I won't be so sassy and you try not to be so rude. And we'll work togehter and always have one anothers back. Deal?!" She stepped back on more time and held her hand out for Hiei to shake it. " What do you say Hiei?"[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa seeing everyone showed off giggled to herself. They remeinded her so much of Zell when he was challenged by Seifer. Squall had told her many times about how Zell would be all worked up and upset. She sat down on the ground and looked on as everyone seemed to be sizing each other up wondering who was going to be next to pull their skills out of their hat. She glanced around and studied everyones face. Although Zidane seemed anxious to show off his sword skills he stayed back. I guees his stature made him scared or the sure skill of his two companinons just made him shy away from competetion. She shrugged her shoulders and looked on. She turned to Viv who stood between Zidane and herself. He looked on in amazement as if he never seen such valiant and show-offy people. Like he was still a kid in so many ways.She couldn't help but to look at him. Although his face couldnt be seen his eyes seemed to say it all. Sano on the other hand couldn't be read at all. He just stood there looking on at them. He seemed too dignified or something. See got bored at hearing them all talk and stood up. "Well everyone," she said trying to draw everyones attention. Luckily it worked. "I understand the friendly competetion going on here but where is this gonna lead us?" Everyone seemed puzzled by what she was saying. "I mean dont you think we need to find out why we may be here. I know that I'm not the only one who wished to know." [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=teal] Serena stepped into her tent as her friend Ragnarok looked at her and then rested his head again. "Well, hello to you too," Serena said as she went over to pack her belongings. "You know you were wrong for that," Serena heard her friend talk to her, although he couldn't speak she was in a way able to feel his thoughts. They had been connected like that for so many years now but she never told anyone. "You know that she was just looking out for you." "Yeah I know," Serena turned to the dragon and walked up to him leaning her body against his side. "But for so many years I've trained and I've fought trying to prove my worth. I don't need anyone to protect me. I just want them to trust me." "Yeah I know and believe me they do trust you, but as freinds you look out for them and they look out for you, just like we do." With those word Serena got off Ragnarok and continued to pack. She knew what he had said was in fact true and she felt those words burn into her for many minutes. She left the tent again and went to find Hoshi. She came up to Hiei who just smiled as she went by. "If you're looking for your conrades their in Hoshi's tent. Go that way!" Hiei pointed his left hand towards the northwest of the cafeteria. " Now be good and make up so we can kick some real butt. Not that I'll need your help." "Well either way we must fight together and I'll have to look past your horrible attitude. But realize this, I may be a sweet little human, but my attiutude can change in a hurry so don't make me get all B*&%$y on you!!" [/COLOR]
  24. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] Luisa went to Luyii's room door and knocked. Luyii: Come in, but enter at your own risk. Luisa stepped in the door and looked around, she never saw a more perfect room and it truly did fit into Luyii's personality. Luisa: Dang, nice room, ever thought about interior decorating? Luyii smirked but got stopped the meaningless chit chat. Luyii: What is it that you want Luisa? Luisa: I know that we shouldn't rush things but I truly feel what Talayeh is saying. It's hard for both of us to truly understand all of this. Luyii But her legs on the side of the bed and stood up. Her nightgown was of excellent taste and Luisa had no choice but to admire it. Realising that she was staring Luisa's eyes quickly refocused on Luyii's face. Luyii: You like I got it from Victoria Secret, Spring Catalouge 2002. Luisa blushed dut Luyii quickly got back on track. Luyii: I know that you both are wondering about everything and so am I. But we need time to rest and think. We must gather as much of our pasts as possible and hopefully they will be shown in our dreams tonight. So go now, get some rest. Luisa knew there were more questions to ask but she stayed obedient and quickly left the room. Luisa: Good night, Luyii. Luyii: Good night! She closed Luyii's door behind her and went back into the livingroom where Talayeh was left alone. She went near Talayeh grabbing her tea cup and went to sit next to her. Luisa: Are you okay? Talayeh: Yeah I'm fine but I just- Luisa turned to Talayeh and nodded her head anticipating the words ready to leave her mouth. Luisa: I know I think we both do, but luckily we have each other to lean on. Talayeh: Yeah that's a good way to look at it. Luisa continued to sip her tea as things got quiet for a moment. Talayeh: So what do you think it all means. Luisa:What, what Luyii said... She pondered that thought for a minute and answered again. Luisa: I think it means I no longer exist. I am now a ghost! [/COLOR]
  25. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] As Luisa sipped her tea she got comfortable on the seat. Although she hadn't bundled up yet she just relaxed. She then got up and ran to the phone. Talayeh: What's wrong? Luisa: I gotta call home my mom doesn't know I'm out. Luyii walked in the living room hearing the commotion. She noticed Luisa by the phone getting ready to make a call. Luisa: I'm sorry Luyii I should've asked first. Is it fine with you if I use your phone. Luyii: That's no problem but if it is to call your family there is something I must tell you first. Luisa sat down as the words but a bit of a chill down her back. Luisa: What's wrong, is my family alright? Luyii: Oh yeah their fine but, you're not! Luisa: What do you mean? Luyii: How do you expect to find out who you truly are hanging on to your family. You cannot go back to them. So I had to make you-- Luisa knew the words about to come out of Luyii's mouth. Luisa: I understand. Thank you for being honest with me. Luisa returned to her tea, not truly phased by the words Luyii spoke. [/COLOR]
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