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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=teal] Name: Rosario Dumas Age:32 Langueage: English, French and Russian (Does speak spanish occasioanlly, just to get by!) Country: France Descption: Rosario is a Latin and White mix. Her skin looks ver light but there is a hint of a brown undertones that she through. She has long brown hair. She usually keeps her hair up and dresses very casual on a day to day basis. At night a whole new look is put into affect. She may wear anything from the ordinary to the extravagent. It all depends on her mood. Bio: Born to a French diplomat, Rosario knows what;s its like to play politics but when it came to family she had to be thr gouhest. Being the olny girl and the oldest Rosario had to fight for and against her brothers. She never let a fight alone but when things seemed to tough instead of using her fists she used her head. Bith physical and mental chanllanges appeal to this young lady. While growing up she studied only one martial art, Karate to help her mostly with self defense as well as patience. As a young girl she always rushed into fight but as she got older and practiced Karate more she learned how to channel her impatience in order to annoy her enemy and become more dilomatic. Never one to be out of sports she joined her High School wrestling team as well as Student Council. In colege she studied Bio Chemistry and Technology. When she was 26 she gained her Masters in Bio-Chem and had been recruited as a French opperative. She has been there since doing mostly small jobs but now along with partner in Moscow( although mostly by herself) she will be entrusted with a mission to stop a Nuclear disaster from happening. At this point in time Rosario is single. Although not involved with men for too long she has an insatiable desire for a man's touch even if only for one night!!! [/COLOR]
  2. Hinata

    A Piece of Mind

    OOC: Yeah hey erinzyger.. I'll PM you.... ------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=teal] Leya stepped off the bus heading for class. And eyed her book cautiously, she was kinda curious to who else had received the note. But she heard no one speak of it! As she went into class she though of the best ways to get a response from it, ASK!! She saw a few freinds and asked them about the letter. None of them received it. Then she saw a few more people, not sure if she was crazy or not many of them turned away but a few were actually curious about the note and they also read it. As she went on throught most of her classes doing that. At the end of her second class she went to the Student Union to get lunch. She didn;t feel like being bothered with other people at that time so she left anf went outside to eat by herself. As she found a bench to sit on she looked around, she saw a few friends and waved as they passed by. Before she knew it one of her friends came up to her. Leya: What's up Syd. Sydney: Nothing much chica. You say you got a crazy letter today right. Leya: Yeah but I dont wanna talk about it. Its too exhausting to think about now. Sydney: Well I think I now a few people who were talking about it but they're on High School. They had put up an email and it was sent to so many people already. Can you believe that? Leya: Can you send the email to me? Sydney: Consider it done. I knew you would ask so I did it for you. But I gotta go sweety see ya!! Leya: Bye Sydney and thnks a lot! Leya watched Sydney go to the Student Union and she hurried to finish her lunch. Hopefully someone else with this note could help her out a little!!![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=teal] Serena saw the little skirmish between Bast and Nolth. Before more could be done she stepped towrds the two to stop them from fighting each other. Serena: We have much better things to do than to be going at each others necks. Nolth: Who are you to speak woman? Serena: That is none of your damn business but no matter we have all been called to go on this adventure. Not just you. So don't act to mighty. Besides I have put away a few of your kind with ease so stop the threats. Nolth stepped away from Bast and turned his anger to Serena. He faced her and stood there for a moment gazing at her. Serena: But how can I kill one such as you. I have to much reverence for you sir for I remember what you had done for me long ago. Nolth looked at her questioning what she was talking about. Serena: Maybe this will bring back your memory. Serena took off her cloak and turned her back to Nolth. She lifted her shirt up and showed him a long scar running down her back diagonally. Serena: You saved me from having more of these and possibly being dead. I believe its been 30 years. You may not remember. You saved me from a small raid and they had took me captive. *scoffs* They were one of rhte few people who had done so. *she lowered her shirt and dawned her cloak again.* You luckily stummbled upon their camo and saw what they were trying to do. You killed them all and untied me but left me there to again fend for myself. I didn;t really concentrate on the face but your smell remains. It was you!!! Serena backed up taking Bast with her. Nolth: That means nothing now, but you *poining at Bast,* this had better never happen again!!!!! [/COLOR]
  4. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] As Luisa saw Luyii's new form her mouth dropped to the floor. Luisa and Talayeh: Oh my goodness!! Luisa:*bewildered* That's- Thats incredible. Luyii: Do you think you can copy my form Luisa. Luisa stared at Luyii and then Talayeh. She kept looking at Talayeh and then again back to Luyii. Luisa: You talking to me? Talayeh: I don't think she was talking to me dear. Now if she asked me to brun something that would be a different story. Luisa smiles at Talayeh who began to snicker at her own comment. Luisa stands up and concentrates hard on the imagine that she must replicate. Luyii: Now you need to relax. Forcing yourself to do it will only make it harder. Luisa calmed down and breathed slowly looking again at the image. As she noted the body and relaxed she imagined herself looking in a mirror. In her mind, a mirror appeared in front of her, the image was rut in front of her and she imagined that was her. She had taken her place, she had become Luyii. Luyii: Thats the way, relax..... A gasp escaped from Talayeh, as she stared on in amazement of what was happening before her. Talayeh:You're doing it Luisa! Luyii: Shhhh-! Dont speak too loudly for she must not wonder from that thought. Luisa saw herself as Luyii copying her form her muscularity and everything. Her height increased and her arms grew out. As she felt she was finished she opened her eys and looked around her. She noticed Luyii and Talayeh looking at her with joy in their eyes. Luisa: So how do I look? Talayeh and Luyii clapped. Luyii: Wonderful! A perfect mirror image, but there's still one problem. Luisa: What's that? Talayeh: Your voice sweety. Your hispanic accent is still very strong. Luyii: It looks like we have to teach you how to mimic people's voices now!!! [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=purple] U have trieds to look at this trailer and nothing comes up for it.. Does anyone know where there is a different trailer at that I can possibly see! But either way I am anticpating its arrival no matter if I cant see it!!! [/COLOR]
  6. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] As Luisa, Luyii and Talayeh lounged at Luyii's house many thing raced through her head. Thoughts that she couldn't explain came up, but she played them down as if nothing was happening. Before she could take it anymore she sat up to ask Luyii a question, but Talayeh beat her to it. Talayeh: Luyii, how many more of us are there out there. Luyii: There were seven in all but I have only sensed about 5 of us. Either the other two are not yet awakened or they have yet been born. I just cannot sense them yet. Luisa's thoughts raced raced within her head as she thought out how many more there were. (Not that Luisa was slow she just lingers on some thoughts more than others.) Luisa: Do you know who the other two are? Luyii: I can feel them but I will not know until they are closer. Luisa: And what is tyhis darkness I sense in myself, or is it just me? Talayeh: I feel that way, too. I feel angry at some and when I do it seems a type of evil comes out of me. Luisa and Luyii heard as Talayeh explained a few incidents in which she almost froze a man and then about how she scared the homeless out of their wits with fire. Talayeh: ...Its just a fury that needs to get out. Luyii sat close to the girls who moved in closer as if about to huddle together for a seance. Luyii: Since you two are still relatively new to all this I will show you as much as I can about our past but the rest is up to you to be discovered. I do not wish for the truth to frighten you but I rather it to trickle in and turn you to your old ways..... [/COLOR] To Raiha and terra if it seems that Ive gone too far and may have made your chareacter different than what you expected of some sorts please let me know so that I may adjust this posting!! THANKX
  7. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    [COLOR=teal] Luisa stood there as Luyii's fingered were on her face. As the woman talked Luisa began to close her eyes and place her voice. As her eyes closed Luisa's mind began to awaken, taking in the voice. As soon as she placed it Luisa's head went on her shoulder. Luisa: I have been hearing you know for many years. You knew all along who I was didn't you? Luyii: I have but I'm sorry I couldn't come find you sooner. It was not the right time. Luisa: Why now, what has changed? Luyii: Our past is calling, don't you see it. Dont you feel it. There is something inside that must get out and we must find the others in order for it all to come together. Luisa stood there and thought for a moment. As her thoughts began to play in her head the scenery around her began to change. She was no longer in the city, she was back home back in Colombia looking at her old town. As she looked on she heard Luyii's voice again. Luyii: We are going to need you. So don't be scared. We will be together in this. Luisa watched as Luyiis figure came into this vision. Luyii: Now will you come. Luyii held out her hand to Luisa. Luisa looked upon this woman and knew that all would be fine. Luisa took her hand. Luisa: I will follow you to the ends of the earth. LETS GO!!! [/COLOR]
  8. Hinata

    A Piece of Mind

    OOC: Just signed up.... As Leya read her letter she couldn;t really figure out what it was saying to her. It seemed kind of cryptic in a way and yet Leya didn't really pay attention to it. She folded it up and put it on her dresser. As she dressed for school she felts as if something was burning in her mind. She turned around and went for the letter again. She sat on her bed and read it once more as it to see something that she hadn't seen when she previously read it. When she finished reading it she just placed it in her book and put the book in her bag. She finished dressing and headed out of her apartment. [I] ANOTHER DAY OF COLLEGE WHAT GREATNESS[/I] She headed downstairs and walked down the street to the nearest bus stop, although life was busy as usual things seemed to slow down as her thoughs agan returned to that letter. "Peace of Mind," Leya thought out loud. "As if that's ever possible."
  9. Hinata

    A Piece of Mind

    [COLOR=teal] Name: Leya Larson Age:18 Gander: Female Description: 5'10" 180lbs, built very nicely, Dark hair with auburn streaks that goes just below the neck. Dark brown eyes. Likes to wear and dark colors and a pair of baggy jeans with white K-Swiss. Bio: Born to a family where she was the only child. Leya never had real playmates to grow up with. With no broter or sisters to watch her back Leya had to learn things on her own and mostly kept to herself. Although never really a sociable person period, things became worse after her mother took ill and was in the hospital for over 6 months. During that 6 months time Aleya saw how bad her home life really was, her father eventually became a alcoholic and he often tried to beat her, suceeding a few times. After 3 months of abuse Leya relised tha she didn't have to return home and ran away staying with freinds who helped her to finish school. Her mother made it out of the hospital fine but Leys's ties with home were cut. She couldn't face her family after what had happened and to this day cannot get close to anyone, especially men![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=teal] As Serena walked away from the small battle scene. The rain outside had began to pour one more time. After seeing that Hoshi and Zo were fine and getting word of their soon departure Serena headed to Ragnarok to get her things together. When she reached the door Serena turned to Hoshi. "I thank you for your valiant fight." Hoshi looked up at Serena who had paused for just moment. "well, your wel-." Serena interupted,"But that one was not your fight." Her eyes gazed at Hoshi with tears filling them slowly. "Whether I'm human or dragoon I have a right to fight." Serena's head turned to her father whp was now in the room. "I'm not a little girl, one whose too puny to fend for herself, that's why I left home, to prove just that. You all believed I could do nothing without a drago spirit. Well I have one father and Ragnarok is tht spirit, but he is also my friend and I will not see him perish jsut yet. He and I will continue to fight together and if the time is right. He will give his spirit to me willing after death." Serena's father started to move closer to his daughter, as he began to speak. Serena interjected not allowing any words to come out. "Ryden, sir, when do we leave, again?" Her gaze shifted to Ryden who was now more confused than ever. "Um in about 3 hours." "Thank you," Serena said those words and left the cafeteria. As she walked down to the tent where Ragnarok was she realized who the real person was to blame in this matter, [I]XARU!!![/I][/COLOR]
  11. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    I As Luisa sat at the table eating dinner she barely heard the conversation between her parents but was able to clue in at just the right moment to respond. The voice had been calling Luisa for a few years now but things never got this intense. The presence of the person seemed to be moving closer to Luisa, she could hear the voice more clearly, replaying the last words she had heard. [I]...I will be coming.[/I] As Luisa finished dinner she cleaned up and left the house. Luisa: Mama, be back soon. Mom: Okay, no vuelve tarde. (Dont return late.) Luisa: I won't!!! Although they had been living in New York for 2 years now her mother still refuses to speak English at home. Luisa luckily was able to speak fluently and so is able to blend in. As she closed the door behind her she headed to her friends house. She bumped into a lot of people, mostly fellow who wanted to flirt or speak to her. She ignored them all and concentrated on the voice. Not yet sure of what this person holds Luisa walked hoping to see this person on the street.
  12. Kinetix burns and burns and burns...and who should happen to appear....Scooby Doo and Shaggy. Shaggy: Hey Scoob it looks like their having a roast here man. Let eat. Scooby licks his lips and agrees. Scooby Do: Reah, rets reat. As Scoob wait for the right temperatue of Kinetix's body, Nataniamon, stands there looking at the narrator with a vile look on her face. Nataniamon: What are they doing here? Narrator: Are you talking to me again.' Nataniamon steps closer to the narrators podium. Nataniamon: You are the only one here. Why do you keep asking that supid question. Narrator: Well I'm doing you a favor here. Remember I'm George the guy you killed off earlier in this show and I'm trying my best to make this show a success. George the narrator begins to cry. Narrator: It seems everytime I try to do something good you always come down on me...WELL THATS IT..*throwns down script* I quit. Kinetix:*stops rolling* Look what you did. Scooby and Shaggy see that their future meal is now a man burnt very bady. Both: EEEWWWWW!!! Shaggy: I don't think I wanna eat anymore buddy, my stomach, doesn't fell right. SD: Re reither. Shaggy: So what are we gonna do, scooby ol buddy ole pal. As Scoob and Shaggy hol their own conversation Nataniamon draws her weapon and approaches them. Nataniamon: Since you were the guys who started all this commotion why don't you go read tyhe script. Shaggy looks at Scooby. Shaggy: Whaddya say Scoob. SD:*nods head* Ruh HUH!!! (voice of Shaggy..) It seems that are heroes are in trouble again...(scooby) Reah rouble...(shaggy) And they stand around looking for a way out.(SD) Reah rand rey rind a rew ray rout. Nataniamon: Ro-kay I mean okay you two are defiently fired. All you have to do, Shaggy is speak this last line. Shaggy: Like Okay man, (Voice of Shaggy) Like, Nataniamon goes off into the cave with the other to find George, the olde narrator in hopes that he will accept his apology and come back! WILL HE RETURN...The answers lies in the next episode. P.S Until Goerge is found again, Carrot Top will take over as narrator.
  13. "Why hello sis," Marie said, "I see you still prefer these fools over your own kind." Before Zo could reply Serena interjected, "Your kind, you mean animals, heartless cruel beings with no sense of pity. Zo is nothing like that." "A bit fiesty there, aren't we," Marie said. "So Zo, you gonna let this human speak for you." "HUMAN!!" The look of enjoyment disappeared from Hiei's face as he learned that Serena was a human. He was so enjoying the small cat arguement. "Why hadn't I figures it out earlier." "Cause I didn't want you to." Serena said. Now if you two don't mind I have a few words to speak to young winglie." Serena slowly stepped away from Zo and Hiei but quickly stopped in her tracks. "Zo, no matter the outcome of this I know you had no part in this and I in no way condemn, please realize how I feel but I must do something. Please say you understand." As Serena waited for Zo's reply a small rumble of thunder rolled in the background. The setting of music for a small battle about to take place.
  14. [COLOR=teal] Serna sat near her father while evryone else listened to the horrific story of how everyone in her family was slain. Her older cousins left right before the winglies attacked and luckily weren't found or harmed so far. Her mother and her brothers were all gone. Now only she and her father lay the main ones alive. Tears of hurt streamed down her eyes as ths story seemed to pla longer and longer in her head. As pain keep getting stronger a sense of hate and anger began to replace ir. Her hatered of the winglies. What had her family done to deserve death. As she began to ponder that thoughts of her being harmed by the winglies. Also the attack on Ragnarok. As it began to filter through her bidy Serena screamed and stormed out of the cafeteria. Zo seeing her friend very hurt followed her. Zo: Its gonna be okay Serena!! Serena held her head down and replied. Serena: I WANT THEM ALL DEAD!!!![/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry so short Im rushed but I'll be back to make it longer okay!!!
  15. Okay now I think I definetly know that one there GinnyLyn!! Music Sheres is 71.... Movie Sheres is 50.. I may have to edit that in just a little while so give me about another hours to really figure out the answers so Ginnylyn don't tell me cause I'll be back with the correct answer real soon!!!!! I just changed it you were correct GinnyLyn forgive my incompetence I'm very sorry about 10 lashes will do!!!
  16. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa tried hard to regain her composure after meeting the strange two characters. Not sure of their whole deal she found out that Zidane was a warrior of sorts, while Vivi was a mage. They both seemed kindhearted and innocent so she decided to help them on their quest. But a though burnede in Rinoa's heart as well as her brain, SQUALL. Where was he? Vivi: So where are you from again. Zidane: Definetly not here, I mean look at her she looks as puzzled and confused as I fell. Rinoa still kinda dazed out at the whole situation just stared at the sea hoping that a familar face would just walk up to her and help her past this confusion. Vivi: Hello Rinoa, right. Are you okay? Rinoa snapped outta her daze by VIvi's questions and hand gestures finally concentrated on their situation again. Rinoa: Yeah I'm fine. I think!!! Zidane:Well dont feel bad I think we all feel that way. Rinoa: So what are we gonna do? The three sat there thinking for a moment and then Vivi remembered their previus intentions. Vivi: We saw a trio heading in that direction. Vivi pointed to a small town not too far from where they laid. Vivi: I hope that they can help us in anyway of tell us exactly where we are. Zidane: Yeah so are you ready to go, who knows it could be your companions Looking for you. With that though Rinoa jumped up and brushed herself off. Rinoa: So what are we waiting for. Lets go!!!! So the duo is now a trio. A trio of new friends looking for answers and hopefully a bit of fun!!!!![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=teal] Serena looked down as the man approached her. father: Do you not hear me talking to you ? where have you been? Serena: I've been away dealing witha few things on my won. I was on my way home when I got attacked and put into a coma and.... Befroe she could finish her explanation her father came up to her and hugged her tightly. A tear rolled down his eyes as Serena was sad and yet happy to see him and hug him once more. Tears of joy came streaming from her eyes. Father: My daughter I have missed you so? I am just so happy to see you Serena stoos ther in his amrs for a moment still crying and then she stood back and looked at him Serena: Where is- Her dad looked down knowing who she was talking about. Father: They killed her, and everyone else is gone to. They attacked us all withough warning our family had to time to react and all the dragoons in our village are dead. I am the only one still alive and yet I cannot do anything. I have been long too old to fight. As her father continued on with the story she began to cry again. As she heard everything come to her again she turned away from her father and sat down at a chair. Zo stepped to her friend but was held back by Hoshi who knew that her father must be the one to comfort her. Zo: She needs me beside her. Hoshi: Not yet Zo. She must hear everything first. [/COLOR]
  18. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    Luisa stared off into the city. Nothing today seemed to really grab her attention to draw her out. She kept lookign around. Cars were whirling bym horns hinking an people chattering on thier cell phones. She looked on as many of them looked like bucs that she wish she could crush and put them out of their misery. She smiled thinking of ways to make life worse to a few of her close enemies. As she continued to thnk, Luisa heard a knocj at the door. Lady: Luisa, estas aqui. (Luisa, are you here) It was her mother. Luisa: Si mama, que pasa. (Yes mom, whats happening?) Mom: Nada, tu estas silencio, es todo bein? (Noothing, you are quiet, is everything well) Luisa: Si mama. Estoy veniendo a comer en un momento! (Yes mom. I am coming to eat in a moment.) Luisa trned back to see the sunset just in time and she heard her mother footsteps go downstairs. She thought about her childhood as she saw the light dwindle in the outside world. She's again though about everything. She turned away from the window as the sun gave its last light and she headed for the door. As she began to open the door she heard a voice some into her head again. The tounge was unknown to Luisa but yet she was able to understand and was able to speak back. Voice: Luisa, it is I. I hope you are ready I am coming for you soon. The day is still uncertain but I wil be coming. Luisa: I hear you and I understand, I will be waiting my lady!! Just as soon as the voice came it had again gone. Luisa stepped back to the door and turned the handle. Luisa (to self): I cannot wait to see you!!!!
  19. [COLOR=blue] Rinoa sat outside the Garden as Zell wnet to train and Squall went to sleep. Knowing that she had embarassed Squall enough shr decided to let him rest for the day. As she looked out over the entrance to the Garden she noticed a dark cloud moving in quickly from the Fire Cavern. Rinoa(thinking): Its just overactive today. That must be smoke. Rinoa turned away looking over the plains as the dark cloud move qucikly towards the her. As she continued to look on she noticed it form into a ball and come closer and closer to her. Rinoa quickly got up and trid to head back to the inside of the Garden, The gate was locked. Rinoa got scared as the cloud began to lower itself to the ground and swoop towards her. She turned to the gate shaking it and kicking it. Rinoa(screaming): NO!!!! SQUALL, ZELL ANDYONE PLEASE OPEN THE GATES!!!! The gates remained locked as the ball was now within fifty feet of her. Turning to the ball she realized she was trapped and couldn't get away from it. She put her eyes up to protect her face. RINOA:NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!! A darkness surrounded Rinoa as if she was now sleeping and couldn;t sense anything in the outside world. As she was taken into a dream-like state she saw her memories played back to her. Zell, Selphie, mom,dad, everyone important in her life was shown to her. As her dream continued she saw Squall standing on the Carden balcony. She walked up to him and hugged him. Words were exchanged between them but she couldn not hear them. Squall picked her up and sat her on the balcony's ledge. Squall looked into her dark eyes and Rinoa for the first time fet an emotion she never thought possible from the man she loved, fear. Ber dream went from good to bad quickly ad she was pushed by Squall over the balcny's ledge. Luckily she grabbed the ledge and stayed ther looking up at Squall. He toook her hand as if trying to help her. She stayed there for only a few seconds as she saw his eyes turn completely black and he let go pf her hand letting her fall to the ground below. It seemed as she was falling forever and she heard him laugh a terrible and evil laugh. Rinoa quickly woke up. Her eyes were blined by the sun and she covered them quickly letting her eyes adjust. She heard waves and soon steps in the sand. It seemed two people had seen her and the foootsteps came closer. ???: Are you okay? Rinoa saw the face of a strange little back man with yellow eyes. Rinoa: Monster, get away from me. She looked around and saw a boy with a tale. Rinoa: AWWWW! A monkey boy!! Squall, Zell where are you?! MB: Who are you calling Monkey boy my name is Zidane. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=teal] As Serena sat back and looked at the converstaions between everyone she was approaded by everyone. Luckily since she met Elsyan firs she knew that they would have no problems getting along. She met a few more who were hard to figure out but they would not become a problem in the future. As she stared at Eve Serena wanted to approach the flute player but didn't want to impose on such a person. When everyone started to ponder the question Serena became confused and wondered if she had such a right to vote. Finally after a few more moments. And a small skirmish between Bast ann Elsyan she finally walked up towards Eve. Serena: Excuse me? Eve: Yes how may I hlpe you Serena? Have you come up with an answer? Serena: Well no- I'm sorry I haven't but I must speak with you! Eve became qcurious as Serena's face gt a puzzled look on it. Everyone esle was looking on as Serena and Eve spoke. Serena also seeing everyones curious faces tried he hardest to ignore them all. Serena: My dear lady! why have I been called. How was I able to hear your flute. Is it a curse. Please tell me!!! Eve looked and the slight fear and confusement in Serena's eyes. She wondered exaclt how to talk to Serena. Seeing that there was no way to beat around the bush she came out with it. Eve: You, just like the others, were chosen. I am seeking help to stop my- Eve paused for a moment before going on to explain her story but Serena interupted. Serena:- I know your son. I have heard you speak of it but why my help. Eve: FATE!!! Now are you ready to decide? Serena not sure if she should decide or not waited a moment before answering. She looked at everyone else who hadn;t yet made up their mind. Serena: Well seeing that I don't know what decision you need please give me a quick explanation. Eve quickly boke it down to all those who weren't present earlier that mornng with the decsion placed before them. Evryone kept a straight face as Eve quickly and almost happily laid the plan before them. Serena was intrigued by this quest and thanked Eve for the explanation. Then she quickly turned to eve again and made her choice. Serena: I won't speak for anyone else but me. Although but are dangerous places and we will have a tough fight.. I'd prefer to go against demons rather then gods. For the gods hold our fate in their hands. Everyone stared as Serena continued her ratonale behind her choice. Serena:Also I can much better see myself killing ugly vile creature more so than, hopefully, majestic and beautiful angels and gods. Besides I have a few old enemies I wish to see ONE MORE TIME!!!!!! [/COLOR]
  21. I guess I'll be a minor General..Since no one else wishes to get killed off I guess I'll take that spot!! Since Im a Youma I think there will be multiple me's so there for as the story progresses I'll introduec each charecter with a descption and a biop okay!!! I dont want to waste time hear!!! SEE YA ON THE BATTLE FIELD!!!!!!
  22. [COLOR=blue] Seeing Zell and Irvine back in action was a blast for Rinoa. She still missed Quitis and Selphie though. Selphie's spunky attitude and Quistis cool-headedness always kept her encourage. She walked a few steps behind the guys as the proceede to leave the Garden. She turned around and looked back at the gates. [I]The first place I met you...[/I] Her first meeting with Squall. He had just became a SeeD that night and he looked all so lonely standing by himself. The dance...aww the dance. Although, his two left feet took over at first, he soon caught up and was very graceful. Ivrine: Hello! Eart to Rinoa. Irvine waved his hands in front of her face. Zell: What are you thinking about there. Ultemicia hasn't taken control of you again has she. Rinoa: No she hasn't taken over my body again, and will you get your hands outta my face. Irvine laughed real quick and she turned to the three men now just staring at her. Rinoa: I was just remembering things. Squall: Things like what- Rinoa: Just everything. These last few months have been some of the toughest and yet we made it through. I'm just happy to see we can join together again to make these times peaceful again. Squall walked towards Rinoa. Squall: Well I'm happy to...Especially having you by my side. Rinoa smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Rinoa[I]whispering into Squalls ear.[/I]: You can show me how happy you are later on. Squall's mouth dropped to the floor as Rinoa walked away bubblily as ever. She turned around and smiled at Squall who stood there with a red face. Rinoa: So you coming or not. We got Flams to find. Squall lifted his chin from the ground and walked up to the group. Zell: Yo man, what did she say to you....[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Logan if you wanna get bad... I'll show you bad!!! NAd that was just the tip of the iceberg...but I'll keep it PG13!!!! ROTFLMAO :rotflmao:
  23. [COLOR=teal] Seeing that the young looking elven figure fell to the ground Serena quickly ran to help. But the girl quickly disposed of any competition. Still seeing her holding her wounded arm close to her body. She still helped to back the girl up. Serena: Are you okay...well I shouldn't have to ask for you seem fine. Elsyan: Well my arms hurt for now but I should be fine. As Elsyan rose to the ground another ogre can up behind her hoping to finish off the job he started. Serena closed he eyes and muttered a few magic words to herself. The ground under her and Elsyan's feet began to shake as the ogre stood still wondering what was causing this. Serena done with the words, opened her eyes and called to Elsyan. Serena: Hold on!! Elsyan stood up trying to keep her balance as a crack formed in the ground under the ogres feet. The crack gree wide and the ogre fell into the pit that developed. As soon as the ogre fell into the pit. he crack began to come together again and the earth was soon calm. Elsyan: What just happened? Serena: I had to make sure that menacing creaure doesn't come back again! Serena smiled a bit and stood next to Elsyan making sure that they had each others back. Elsyan: Well should we help the others. Looking around their saw the other handling themselves quite well. Serena: Let's not spoil their fun!!!!![/COLOR]
  24. Yes from what I rember that was correct she was the one sho said it for you know who.....but who gets Kietaro in the end will be the answer we are really waiting for!!!!
  25. [COLOR=teal] Serena fell asleep that night listening to the tume and how it made her think of hoe. Se dreamed quietly about her childhood and how she enyoed playing adn then the training all the work she had done. Now but now stuck in her head, why was she following this tune? She could be hunting of getting money why had she wasted her time. Her dreams, though, were soon interrupted by a screams for the villagers. She peaked over the roof and saw about a dozen ogres and two ogres that just didn't look normal. [I] What the hell...[/I] She continued to look at the group as they made they're way in front of the end. Although not ale to hear every word fully she did hear..Kill them all. Serena's temperatur rose. [I] I have not come this far to be stopped now. I cannot let them die, not without seeing why I was called. [/I] Serena(Yelling): I will not let you kill them!!! She jumped from the roof and knew there was little chance of beating the new types of Ogres but she at least try. She saw how easy he removed the arrow and was soon surronded by 3 ogres. Nighogre: What is your part in this girl. We have no need to kill you so back away or die. Serena: I will not. I have been summoned and I will not leave until I find out why. Nightogre: Well in that case...KILL HER. The three ogres attacke Serena while the other ran inside after the rest of the group. A lone figure, from what Serena could tell while engaed in battle stood his ground at the window staring intently at the nightogre. Nightogre: Come down if you dare! It would be a shame to not take you in kicking and screaming.[/COLOR]
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