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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. Hinata

    Two Worlds

    OOC: I see you like Hindu Forklore Raiha!!! Nice pictue of Kahli!! OOPS OH Im not spamming...Heres my post!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Luisa Rosario Dominquez Age: 19 Fraternity: Corvus Rank: Member Powers: Shapeshifter Personal Desciption: About 5'10 with hazel eyes and dark hair. Athletic looking and loves to wear vibrant colors. Bio: Born in South America Luisa's past is still blurry to her but she does now she can shapeshft and does know who her leader is. Since the age of 15 she could hear a voice in her head. Calling her talking to her the voice of a woman. Maybe not too much older than her but still this voice had an impact on Luisa's life. This person although they never met, showed Luisa bits of her past and introduced her to her powers. With this new found power Luisa used it to make herself beatiful and changfed her persoanlity to make it fall in line with whatever role she had. She was a true chameleon. But she felt somewhere deep inside her that her powers were not meant for trivial things a deeper, darker power that was only being revealed to her!!!!!
  2. LOVE HINA AGAIN HUH....Sounds interesting and a must see from what you all are saying. But Skye there are 14 volues to Love Hina. And by the end of this year I will have them all... and I'm so happy about it. I may even spoil the ending of LOVE HINA!!!! Nah I would never do that. But you say Love Hina Again is only 3 eps right! Seems kinda shory as if it wasn;t as popular or just something to copy off it in a way!! OH WELL I might as well give it a chance!!!!
  3. Hinata


    A tall thin woman stood in a small village on the other side of the country staring at the blood covering the ground. She looked around and noticed the bodues that fell at the feet of herself and many other men. A smile came over her face. Dynicia: This feels so good. Not caring about the blood on her boots and on her sword she happily walks over the bodies of men women and childern. She walks to a man who looks to be in charge of the warriors. As she nears him she looks and the blood on her sword and licks the smooth edge of it tasting the blood of its victims. ???Must you alwyas do that. Dynicia: Now you know I must. A smirk appears on her face as he continues to stare into her dark eyes. ???So cruel, so deadly, and so very malice. Dynicia: Now why do you speak so highly of me? She stops right next to him facing in the opposite direction, and plants a small kiss on his cheek. Dynicia: You know that flattery makes me blush. Still no movement from the man next to her she wipes her blade clean and the small smidgen of blood off her lips. She turns to the man waiting for him to reurn the eye contact. ???: Yes!? Dynicia: I'm waiting for you oders sir! After all you are the leader. The man takes her hand as faces her looking once again into her eyes. ???: No, we are the leader! You and I shall rule this world, and once we conquer it. Our childern will follow in our footsteps. The man kisses Dynicia's hand and walks off not letting go of it. Hand in hand they walk down a small corridor of troops leaving the small town in ashes. And bodies left everywhere to tell passing travelers their story!!!
  4. A lone figure behind the camera nods her head at the emoending battle. She watches intensly as the Proder holds a rolled up script and the atcors hold their weapons wondering who will attack first. Patientl waiting they all stand there. No one makes a move.The study each other takes each others posture. Producer: You stand good. DW: You do to, but can we move soon because my legs are getting stiff. Producer: Im not gonna move till you move. DW: No you move first. Producer: No you!! DW. You! The two argue back..........and..........forth.....*announcer falls asleep at poduim bored outta his wits end.* Soon the annoncer falls to the floor. *THUD* All the warriour and Producer look to see the annoucer on the ground. Who was now knocked unconcious. Nataniamon: Now who will read the script now you idoits. George: I could. Kinetix kicks George. Who lays on the ground with a mortal wound. DM: You cant read the script your dead. George sits up and argues his point. George: Why can't I? Seeing that in this story I can no longer particiapte due to the nature of my physical body( in the film) I should be dead. But in real life I'm not. And the annoucer is a real life person so that means Since I'm dead here and alive in real life that- Nataniamon: Will you shut up!!! DW let him be the annoucer before I kill him in real life. Kinetix: I wanted to be the announcer. George: You can't besides you're only burnt crispy in the story not dead. [B]Throughtout this whole arguement. The lone shadowed figure sat in his chair. Although his presence was felt no one knew exactly who this person was. Will this person identity be revealed? Will our heroes ever fight the Producer? FIND OUT IN OUR NEXT ADVENTURE!!![/B]
  5. Hey GinnyLyn...ride it all you want I'm enjoying this alot!!!! Okay in the first Seymore fight...Tidus and Yuna have the Talk Trigger Command and it raises Tidus Streghts and Yunas Magic Defense In the second...It is Auron(Stregnth) Yuna(Magic Def) and Tidus(Magic Def). In the Thrid it is Yuna(Strength) Kimahri(Magic Def.) and Tidus(strenght) The forth if I remember right no one has the trigger command!!! Its been a little while and I have not returned to this game so right now I must go to it and see how correct I am!!!! If Im not GinnyLyn then You have gotten me but believe you me its only temporary and I will be back!!!!!
  6. Here We GO!! 1. Sinspawn Ammes- Zanarkand 2. sinspawn Echuilles- Right after the sin fight on the way to Kilika, In the Water! 3. Sinspawn Geneaux- stairway outside the Kilika Temple 4. Sinspawn Gui x2- Crusaders HQ at Mushroom Rock 5. Sinspawn Genais- During the fight with Sin. Its Sin protector in one of the battles. It that good for you Sage or am I missing somthing!!! If not here my question How many times must you fight Seymore and what is the name of each of his forms or what he fights with and where do you confrot these forms at? I hope its not too confusing let me know that way I can simplify it!!!
  7. [COLOR=teal] Serena sat with Ragnarok at the dragoons base as he slept. Luckily Zo got there in time to heal him and yet she was still in a pridicament. She had to tell them, tell them all what she truly was. Although she knew that she could become one easily she knew that they thought she was aldeay one. Sleep my friend, Serena said as she got up and letf the dragon's resting spot. She walked to the kitchen and found Zo contemplating what to eat. You look as I did a few days ago! Startled and surprised someone had come in behind her Zo came back from her daydream and begn to make her food. What was that again, Zo replied. I said you looked as I did a few days ago, Serena started to explainhersituation while Zo continued to cook. You see Zo, I just woke up from a coma and I have been wandering looking for my dragon so that I may return home. Where is your home? Only a few more days away, due west of here. You see I must return to my family and- What, what is it? 'm not sure if I can return, I hope that the town hasn't been detroyed and I hope that my family can except me? What do you mean except you? You see the clothes I wear. They cover my back and- Your wings yeah.. I see that!! Well thats just it- I- Don't have them. Her voice stared off strong and then began to fade. You what? I don't have them. I'm not a dragoon, I'm human. Well all dragoons are in some way. They are human before they get the dragons stone and become a- as Zo continued to spoeak Serena held her head down shying awa from Zo's words. You mean to say you hevn't taken a dragon's stone yet. That's right. Well what about your friend. How did you come across him. As Zo sat down Serena began to explain how she met Ragnarok, raised him and how her family ugred her to kill him so that she make take his stone and transform. The story wasn't too long and she and Zo spent most of the morning talking. As her story wound up they could hear all the comotion outside as the troops got ready for a possible attack. Zo, Serena said as she sttod up, You must help me to tell the others before they rely on me too heavily and want me to do more than I can. Please you must. Zo stood up and looked carefully at Serena, unsure of what to tell her.[/COLOR]
  8. Whoo hoo anothe Final Fantasy adventure!!! I hope I get in!!! Name: Rinoa Heartilly Age: 17 Height: 5'3 1/2" Weapon: Blaster Edge Bio: A young lady who is free-hearted and honest with everyone. Although General Caraways daughter, the Gen. of the Galbadian army. She fights along with friends from her small foret town of Timber. To help with thier efforts she seeks out the help of SeeD. Though seeking the independecne of Timber, her and a Seed Cadet, Squall Leonhart find out much more than an evil leader is causing the problems within their world. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Teahouse/4023/rinoa04.jpg[/IMG]
  9. OOC; I relive the night in my post. I hope that you werent ready for morning!!!!! I hope I dont mess the storyline's progression up....PM me if I should edit it!!!! [COLOR=teal] As Fenris circled the town over and over the tune kep playing and stopping throughout the night. She was still uneasy about the whole thing. As she stood outside the tarven again, she noticed many people and others enter. She noticed a few elves, one whose face was familiar and yet quiet distance and a few more whom she had never noticed before. Also one who resembled a drow, but she didn't want to speculate. After sitting outside she heard a quick silence overcome the whole tavern while everything went back to normal. Lookin up she noticed one light on in one of thr eooms and decided to see if a better look could be obtained. Not wanting to be noticed she climbed on the house across from the tavern and saw a few figures moving abut. The elves and yes it was a drow. She wondered how such a group could be called together. She decided to keep a watch on them and soon the light in the room was out. She sat on the roof still in search of her flute player as well as who all had gathered. Although her sense of smell comes and goes. At one point a familiar scent returned to her. [I] Home, home, why do I think of you now. It has been years...[/I] As her thoughts of home filled in her the tune once again filled the air. [I] So close....[/I] As she looked around she noticed who was playing. She looked back at the window and noticed a lady playing the flute. The tune that had attracted her there. The tune that wouldn't escaped her head. Fenris stared into the window as the lady played. and knew that tomorrow she must find out who this lady is and why is this tune calling her. [/COLOR]
  10. OOC: Little Serenity..thanks for including me in your post but you put Sakura instaed of Serena!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=teal] With her dragon wounded but still able to fly Serena folloed Hiei and Ryden. Not knowing exactly who they were still, she trusted them. Since rescuing these people she felt as if she belonged. As they continued to fly Serena felt the warmth of Ragnarok's blood floowing doen his back and on her legs. Terriefied at the sight she yells to the two dragoons hoping they may help. Serena: WE MUST HURRY- Her cries were cut short. For Hoshi was now running from the battle scene as if a ghost has showed itself to her. [I]What has happened[/I] Seeing one of the men flying back towrds her, Serena didn't know what to do. Ragnarok couldn't hold on much longer. Although the wound was small it had went deep and if the dragon was to survie he would need rest. Serena: Please hurry- she thought to herself for she knew that soon they would run outta time. [/COLOR]
  11. Q(by ang3l5rul3):In FFVIII name the five place where you can find a UFO and name the object it is carrying with it.(fifth time is a fight and it dosn't have an item) A:Winhill Bluffs- near Winhill Mandy Beach- near Timber Kashkabald Desert- near Cactaur island Heath Peninsula- an island near Trabia Grandidi Forest- north of Esthar If I remebr right you only encounter the alien ship you dont fight it until you the last spot north of Esthar. And then you send it back to Balamb where the Garden was. There you can give it 5 elixirs and get the PuPu card. Or fight it and get an Accelerator. I don't remember it having an item for the four other spots!!!! AM I RIGHT?? OR DID I FORGET! If so heres my question....... Sticking to FFVIII: Who holds the following rare cards?( Note: You may have to deafet a certain creautur in order to get a couple of cards!!!!!) Angelo Quezacotl Diablos Alexander Zell Squall
  12. [COLOR=blue] Shhhhh!!! The both of you. Will you finally shut up now? Hoshi: Huh who said that? ???Well if you calm down I will come out but you can't keep going on argueing you may bring the gaurds back here?! Hiei: Show yourself! Out of the corner of the wall a young girl came into veiw. She stood in front of the cell trying to see how she could break them out. ???: It looks like this break is gonna be alot tougher than I anticipated! Hiei: Who are you? the lady looked at the male dragoon and noticed his face immediately. ??? You're the one from the forest. You were fighting two winglies right and your wings-!!! Hiei: How do you know this? Hoshi: Yeah tell us who you are! ??? Oops, I am so sorry. My name is Serena and you questions will all be answered later but first we must get you outta here and save the other! Hoshi: Please, hurry we must save Ryden! Serena: Calm down!! Ragnarok, come now! The dragon followed his masters comand and came to the cell. Serena: Now I need all yur might and power to help us break down these bars okay! You two stand back. We should have you out here real soon!!!![/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=teal] Sitting at a village pub a lone woman figure sits near a table listening to a tune that seems to grow stronger everynight. [I]It is here...I feel it.[/I] She tries not to bring too much attention to herself. But many eyes look on some with whispers some with taunts. But no one yet has coe her way. She drinks and eats on as the tune continues to play and burn her blood. [I]Who is calling me..by the gods I wish this would stop.[/I] No sooner had she spoke those words did the flute stop playing and her mind was in a blur. Woman: What-! The woman realised what had just happened. Now I will never find out the source of that blasted music. Angry at herself she hits the table sending her plate hurling to the ground. Man: My, my little lady have we got a temper. Looking at the man who came upon him she stood up to him and kept a michevious look in her eye. Woman: (snicker) What are you gonna do about it. Calm me down. Looking at the stature of the woman the man backed away and left the woman alone. At that time the lady went to the bar and payed her bill and left the tavern. Woman: Now where did that music come from? Trying to remember the direction the lady continued off into the town hoping that the player of the tune would soon start again. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=teal] Seeing that the entry door was also their only way of escape Serena had no choice but to go out that way. Walking to the door to make sure the path was open. Serena and Ragnarok quietly walked back through the corridors to the entrance of the building. Coming back to the same intersection where she heard the woman she could agin hear voices talking about a fight. [I]Its the same woman...we must help her Ragnarok. I cannot stand to leave a person behind and besides who knows she may be able to help us in return. [/I] The dragon's big yellow eyes stared at Serena as if he was reading every single though. Agreeing with Serena the dragon nodded his head and they continued down the corridor towards the prisoner's cell!!!![/COLOR]
  15. Okay everyone here has just let the door open...And I thnk you very much. You guys are the greatest. But arroding to a few friends in the gaming department FFX-2 should be realsed around Mid-Nov. Right in time for the Christmas holiday so everrone get your pennies wrapped and saved. *And please note that game release dates asre subject to change!!!!!*
  16. Koala...we have yet had that relieved to us...But I can give you a few hints to who it may be!!! The answer is outta these women so far!!!! [SPOILER] Naru, Mutsumi and possibly his baby sis...Kanako.[/SPOILER] When a definite comes I'll let you know!!!
  17. [COLOR=blue] [I]Looking for a rare and valuable pet. Come on in here and well show you many thing that you're eyes wont believe. The price of these pets. JUst come and test our pets fisrt then a price will be reached. If you like them, pay and remember the contract if you break any rules then we cannot be held responsible for what happens....[/I] Man: Thanks Mr. I bet my grandchildren will love this. Store Owner: Remember what the contract states.... Man: Yes..Don't get him wet. Dont expose him to bright light and no eating after midnight!!! Store Owner: Yes thats correct. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy him...... The man walks of happily with his pet as another enters the store. Store Owner: How may I help you????[/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is where you come in. All I need from you is: Name: Age: Occupation: Bio: You also need to have 2 character. One is a hnter of some sorts and details about the hnter will be explained later on in the thread!!! As you can tell I am: Name: Mistress Rei Age: 25 Occupation: Pet Shop Owner Bio: Born to a small family, this exotic pet shop has been passed down in her family for many years. Only dealing with the extremely rare animals they have had a small group of buyers who only want the best and rarest pet! As a child she saw how these pets were found and grew quite fond of the business abd knew one day she was going to take it over! And here she is today!!!!! #2 Name: Mr. Dracio Age: 30 Occupation: Hunter Bio: As a sercet watch gaurd over these pets he only helps out in extreme situations. Nothing else can really be said about him for his past is just a mystery. Has been helpig Mistress Rei out for many years and loves to hunt down the rare pats for hopeful future sells. Can't wait to see you join on.... P.S. This adventure is not only kind of paranormal but at times may get have a little gore in it. If you have a vivid imagination about what and how a creature could tear a human body to shreds then joun. We'll need to hear everything you have to sy about it!!!! [/COLOR]
  18. Hinata

    New Age

    Yeah I feel all of you on that one...but if you really like it get some Adiemus!!! They are jus and awesome group and they kinda sound like fols singers or an ancient chorale at times!!!!
  19. [COLOR=teal] Not sure of exactly what was going on in this city Serena had herself in a predidimant that she was unable to get out of. Her best hope was to just go through undetected and hopefully as quickly as possible. Sticking close to buidings she saw many winglies and dragoons whom she couldn't distinguish and she still wondered about that gentlman she saw. The injured one. As the fighting seemed to escalate and then die down she could only wonder where Ragnarok was. As she continued to walk through the city she saw a group of winglies talking amounsgt themselves. Winglie 1: You heard of the dragon they just caught. #2: Yeah he's a strong one too and yet still so young. #3 Are they gonna kill him and take his stone. #2 Not sure yet the commanders have yet decided his fate... As the winglies continued to talk Serena realized that they were speaking of Ragnarok. She knew that she had to get him as soon as possible and escape this city. But how she had no idea of where Ragnarok was held or how many were keeping watch over them. Soon another winglie came to the group and interupted the conversation. Commander: There seems to be trouble at the prison. We must go there quickly. All: Yes sir. Seeing this as her only chance to possibly finding her dragoon Serena ran off behind them. Not worrying about anything else she knew f she let her eyes off them that there was no sure way that she would ever find her friend again. Keeping a small distance between the winglies and herself she came upon the main building where the winglies landed. Before trying to to inside she decided to look around first to make sure Ragnarok wasn't held outside. Before Serena could move towards the prison a strange wave of lighting fell to the earth missing her by only a few feet. [I]How strange,[/I] she thought to herself and quickly moved closer to the building. Inside she heard many voices and yet no one was keeping watch at the door. As she slowly made her way inside she could hear a womans voice as she cursed herself. But didn't pay any attention to it. Going in the opposite direction Serena heard growls from behind a wall and knew immediately that she fond Ragnarok. As she opened the door she encounterd one winglie keeping watch over her dragon. Winglie: What are you doing here? Who are you- Serena lunged at the winglie and pushed her to the ground. Luckily this winglie wasn't ver strong and after a few punches she knocked the poor winglie out cold. Ignoring any other things Serena ran to her dragon who was only held down bya a few chains. She hugged him and petted him, letting him know that now everything was going to be alright. As she reutrned to the winglie she removed the keys and went back to her dragon unlocking the chains around his feet and neck. Serena:Free at last, but now how are we going to get you outta here!!!![/COLOR]
  20. ANSWER: Matt McKenzie who voices Auron in FFX ten also voice Maj. Elliot in Final Fantasy: The Spirts Within!!!!!! Question: In Final Fantasy VIII there are cetratin places where you can find the Queen of Cards. Which cities are they and where at in each city can you find her? QUESTION IS NOW EDITED AND OPENED FOR ANYONE TO ANSWER!!!! P.S Thanks Ginny Lyn it took me a little while to find the answer!!!
  21. Hinata


    [COLOR=teal] Name: Dynicia Age: 25 Weapon: 2 Double edged silver kitanas. Bio: Born in a small town Dynicia was the daughter of the village chief and in a way shunned by her father in order for he brothers to surpass her and move on. Although the eldset child, she was not allowed to have any say in the family desicions and aspired to make her father and brothers pay. Since the age of 10 Dynicia sought control and power through fighting and in such began a sercet training regimen with one of the village outsides...A warrior women who was also shunned. For years she learned hand to hand combat as well as fighting with a kitana and in secret began as strong if not stronger than her brothers. When Dynicia turned 23 years old she met a young man, Terras and they became partners both seeking domination. Running away from home. Probably not missed by her family she returned after 2 months of being missing. Along with Terras they killed her family and burnt the village to the ground. Sweet success at last. But tht was not the end of their quest for power. Now this evil duo seek to rule all of the world with no one in site to stop them. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=blue] Serena now closer to home new that she would first have to pass one of the major cities in the area before reaching her home. But before she exited the forest she noticed 3 firgures moving amoungst the trees. A small battle insued as tree figures moved quickly amoung the trees and one lay there for a hours. The figure lying there seemed to be a dragoon. See his body lay there lifeless she didnt know whether to run and help or to leave him be. Not wanting to be discovered she left the man there to rest as she stayed hidden among the trees. After lying there the man was able to rise and rode off towards the city and Serena's home. Noticing the direction she was frozen in fear wondering what was going on. [I]They are near my home..... My family, friends....my town...what is going on....[/I] Hoping that all was okay, she had no choice but to continue off after the dragoon. But who was he is he good or bad and what exaclty was going on????[/COLOR]
  23. I beleive it is determined by the way that you attack the lOST Number!!! Cant remember if Im right or not...But here's my question just in case I am correct In FF9, There is an optioanl boss fight in one of the Chocobo Areas. In which area does this occur and what is the name of the Boss?? If I am wrong than completely ignore my qustion unless you really want to answer it?
  24. As Gaea continued her journey through the plains she was able to sense the difference between this land and her home. Although not as comfortable out in the open she still enjoyed feeling the new brushes and plants and touched every single one of them feeling new environments that she was only able to see as she spent her whole life behind that forest. [COLOR=green][I] If only Brushfire and Hydraia were here. Burshfire would love this not alot of rain...[/I][/COLOR] she chuckled to herself as she turned back once again to see the forest which looked so very small now that she had almost reached the base of the mountains. Still about a day away from the nearest town Gaea decied to settle in amonsht the few trees she saw. There she was able to dig her feet into the earth and talk to the surrounding trees. She spoke of her childhood and heard their stories as well. They mostly spoke of the weather or fires that had happened why they were still growing but they were happy to have someone new to talk to. Within the trees branches were birds and smaller animals who she also spoke with! Still alone for the company of her sisters, Gaea felt a new sense of calm as she now had new friends to keep her comapny!
  25. [COLOR=blue] As Serena began her evening hunt she began to worry about Ragnarok. SHe had raised him ever since he was a baby. Although not worried about becoming a dragoon Sernea knew that if he died that she would have the chance to take his crystal. But did she have the heart to do it! As she looked through the forest she found many berries and roots to eat on but no meat. She sat down and ate her food quickly and drank the little bit of water she had left!!! Ragnarok.... T Too tired to get up but too reluctant to sleep in the forest she again rose to her feet and began to trek on. She knew that there was a slim chance of her finding him so she had to hurry home. All of her other family were dragoons, she was the only human left. Her other family had either found dead dragons or killed them in order to take their crystals. She had no such luck until the day she found Ragnarok's egg. SHe tiredlessly cared for it until one day it hatched. Her family ranted in a rage when she said she couldnt kill him. But soon realized why. Serena was like a mother to Ragnarok and as he grew they became friends. She couldnt kill him, so they became partners and they always fought togehter. All of her memories played through her mind as she walked through the forest. Her mom and dad. She hoped they were fine. But she would have to make her way slowly to their city. Little did Serena know was that she was strolling into the middle of a battle!!!!![/COLOR]
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