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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. For now I can only remebr two of them For Lionheart you need to have Squalls Ultimate Wepon which is Lionheart. FF VIII For Blitz Ace you need to Preform 80 successfull Overdirves..Tidus FFX Can someone help with the other two!! But I still have a question... What are the names of the three attacks for the three Magus Sisters Along with the names?
  2. OOc: Sorry for my first post taking so long..But my info is in the recruitment section and I won;t immediatly jump into battle!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=teal]After being in a coma for 2 months now. Serena wakes up and looks at the world again with a great sigh of relief. Luckily she kept her memory but her body was still a bit weak from her snooze. Man: You're very lucky not everyone would've survived a fall like that. Soon Serena rembered everything. As she flying off home. On her dragon, a winglie attacked her. Unable to defend herself from the attack she fell over 100 feet and landed into a thick bunch of branches and dirt. Although it cushioned her fall she did wind up with a broken arm and a bunch of bruises to boot. She was running from the winglies and was one of the few humans who had ever survived the attack!! Then a flash came into mind. Ragnarok..her dragon... Serena: Ragnarok, have you seen him? Man: Who is that. Serena: My dragon, he's still kinda young but I was flying on him. Do you know if they took him or not!!! Man: I 'm not sure! I didn't witness the situation, but ther os one thing I must ask you. Does he like sheep? Serena: Yes he loves them. Man: Well we've had a few disappear ove the last few weeks and he may be responsible!! Serena; If he is I will reay you, but as of now I have no money to do so and I must find him quickly and return home but believe I will return the great hospitality and the damage my friend has done!!! But I must be on my way!! Serena without eating gathered the few items the villager had found and let quickly!! Almost sunset she set off into the forest calling for her dragon but was soon forced to get something to eat!!! [I] Ragnarok I hope you're okay[/I][/COLOR]
  3. Hinata

    New Age

    [COLOR=blue] Although I know that many of you are very young..I didn't want to discredit your variety in music and I wondered how many others like New Age music? I just got into it myself and I find myself loving artists such ad Adiemus, Enya and Enigma! Although I've been listening to it on anf off for a few years. I find my myself bring drawn back to that type of music and anything in a way ambient in nature!!! So tell me if you like it and which artists you like..and if you can tell me about a few others please do!!![/COLOR]
  4. Right now I'm into the music from bothe FF8 and FF-10. Especially the theme from Mt Gagazet. It has a great asain influence and the beat is very mellow and solom but very relxaing on top of that! Also one of the best songe is Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts. Especially the Japanese version. They picked a great song for the opening theme to that game!!!
  5. [COLOR=blue] Whether or not it is a passing phase. That doesnt matter tight now. Its hear now. So all I can say is enjoy it while you can. And that goes for all things no matter what anyones says. The difference is it that anime can have a greater affect and therefore probably dwindle off more slowly or even influence a new movement of animation. That is yet to be seen. But hey No matter what I'm gonna be a true fan of anime and I will support it in anyway possible. The real question is are you? Will you stick around with anime long after others say aww its okay or they dont really care about it!!! If you are then you are a true OTAKU!!!!!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I thought Hotohori and Nuriko were a perfect couple, even though they were both guys. I never really could see Nuriko as a guy anyway...he was so feminine and beautiful. I thought it was so sweet that Hotohori married a woman who looked just like Nuriko (of course, how could they find someone that the beauty compared? Haha...) But yeah... And I like Usagi and Mamoru as well. What relationship is made better by all the drama? It can't be perfect ALL the time.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well if you really think about it QA They were pretty hot to both be men.. I mean dang...they look better than me and I'm all woman I mean the just put the hair down and have on a dress and boom...Two fine looking women...I mean men!! But of one of them was truly a woman then they would definetly be a great couple!!!
  7. I just love and I mean love the opening for Blue Seed,OOps I almost forgot Voices from Macross Plus!!! and also a bunch of the endings for many of the anime series, such as Heart of Sword(Rurouni Kenshin), Fukai Mori(InuYahsa), The Real Folk Blues(Cowboy Bebop) and Hiro No Tsuki(Outlaw Star.) Althoug I still dont know all the words I still try to sing them from time to time and now speking of the I need to go look up the translations!!! BYE
  8. *Fans QA to see if she is still alive. Well I feel you on trying to by the DVD sweety...but I persoanlly am gonna finsh up with the manga first..Then I'll go back and buy the DVDs!! But to bignate dawg..Yes you are missing out on much of the series from not reading the manga... So yes go buy the manga, read the manga, do what you must to see what it is truly about I suggest it to everyone!! Also my character is Naru. She's just so ruthless at times. Especially when she hits Kietaro and sends him flying. Or is tha Motoko that Im thinking about... Well they both do it so I think I like them both!!!!
  9. [COLOR=royalblue] Name: Fenris Irine Age: 200 Race: Half human/wolven mix (Hunter's race) Eye color: Greyish/green Mix Hair Color: White flows to righ above the waist Strengths: Speed/agility, Earth, Water and Curative magic. A wide variety of fighting ad hunting techniques. Weaknesses: Wind Fire and Electricity magic Abilities: Transformation: Between wolven(looks somewhat like a werewolf but not as hairy) and human form only. Spells:Chaos(works best in mountainous areas.) Eruption Decription: About 6'4" and very athletic looking. Wears tight pants and long robe like shirts to cover her frame as to not turn people on to her race. Also has silver metal gloves to cover her hands, which she mostly wears when she is fighting. Keeps hair up as much as possible. Bio: Born within an hunter's clan, she was taken from her family at a young age to be trained by the elders for her clan. For over a hunderd years she not only learned many fighting techniques but also much curative magic and learned to expliot the herbs to the land in order to heal herself as well. Around the age of fifty she began to incorprate earth and water magic in with her training. She is not considered a Earth or water mage though although if she trained for about 20 more years she could become that great. When she turned 120, she was released into the wilderness where she had to fend for herself using the skills she was trained with and wasnt allowed to return to her home for 15 years. She has to become independents and in order to survive she not only lived off the earth but became a mercenary. Working for nobles as well as armies she had to track her pray and at sometimes kill them. Although not very proud of the fact, she is happy that she was able to travel and see the world. After 15 years of being a mercenary/ bounty hunter, she returned home, only to stay for a short while for she missed the outside world. Ever since she has been a traveler and at times still takes up as a mercenary for whoever has the right price. Lone by nature she finds it hard to interact with many people, burt she has been known to connect with those she sense are in a way like herself. At times she can be very sarcastic and at times mean but it is only due to the cold nature that she has been forced to live for so many years Equipment: Long bow and a quiver of arrows(hand made.) A set of small double edge swords and carries on her back. Also a small stock of curative herbs. [/COLOR]
  10. OOC; After a year for being in a come sweetreyes finaaly awakens and starts life anew..... OKAY also wheres the map that we have been promised I dont want to wonder off and go to the wrong place!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gaea knowing that what Hydraia spake was true knew that soon the fairies would have to move on and explore the world for themselves. But who was this angel, why had he come to them, was it a trick and illusion or just a hoax to rouse a few fairies. Gaea not wanting to stay within Hydraia's cavern let without worrying about the water. Like her sister Gaea enjoyed the water but not so much as Hydraia. The rain now only sprinkling trickled down Gaea's green skin as she slowly flew through the water and on to the far side of the forest. As she approched the edge of the forest she noticed not only a vast plain land but a beautiful mountain range close by as well. As she looked on she knew that this great big world had so much more to offer to her than just a forest. She moved closer to the plains and soon just flew out and landed on the ground. She dug her hands into the earth and felt the difference. The poison although not known how was only affecting the forest. She knew then that the poisoning was intentional but did not know how to proceed. Gaea quickly got up and returned to the forest. Knowing her sisters where safe for the time being Gaea knew that it would be beast for them to stay here for now. She had to go off and find out who was poisoning the forest. As she returned home she packed a few of her belongings and also a disguise top keep her body covered as she knew that her kind were always sought after for the profits of man. She returned to Brushfires and Hydraia's lair and left them both notes letting them know which way she was going. Not wanting to alarm her sisters she told them that she would return within the week and soon after she flew off again towards the plains. After saying goodbye to the forest Gaea slowly flew over the plains not wanting to attract unwanted attention to herself. After aout a mile out she turned once again to look at the forest. [I][COLOR=green]Goodbye again home. But I will reutrn to you and hopefully with many answers so that you may be saved......[/I][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ceruleanneko [/i] [B]I'd have to say... watching Jerry Springer w/ Nuriko and Hotohori on it would sure be funny... also I'd have to say my least fav. couple in Relena and Heero. She's an annoying psycho* and never gives up on Heero, ...for proof, go to the Heero is not toast website [/B][/QUOTE] LOL..Yeah Hotohori and Nuriko would be a bad couple...They're both guys!!!! LOL But me personally Id have to say..........is Serena and Darrien...Yeah they do look cute together but there is just way too much drama!!!!!
  12. Athough I didnt know it at the time..My first anime was Voltron, followed by DBZ and Ronin warriors...but they were years apart. I used to watch Voltron when I was about 6 and it was like 88' so I didnt know it was anime it was just a normal cartoon to me!! But as I got older I really got into others and soon just fell in love with them!!!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char [/i] [B]no....Mutsumi is not from Parakalese Island.She is from Okinawa.Nyamo is from Parakalese Island. *knows way too much on Love Hina* [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah thats right. I got em mixed up a little bit but I just knew that Mutsumi wasn't from Hinata like the others.. Oh and QA I hope you see this soon But I got VOL.12 for the MAnga and I just love it..Only two more to go and I'll be done with the series!!! YEA!!! But to the The Boy!! Theres is nudity in the manga but they dont show details of the girls frame...Its just the curvature they have none of that other stuff!! But I think some of it causes a riot..Once you see what happens to Keitaro anyways!!!!!!
  14. I know that it is going that way because no one else is wanting to progress the storyline!!! So if I have done that!! Im verysorry but I was just trying to keep this adventure going...SHOOT ME FOR CARING!!!!
  15. [COLOR=blue] I'll try this out...but are we allowed to choose sides or are we all humans!!! Well I trhink I'll be human and just follow along with you all!!! Name: Serena Fenrir Age: 21 Element: Wind Weapon: Dagger Spells: Torrent: A strong force of wind that comes and leaves suddenly. Twister: A whirlwind the can only attack a small group of enemies. Lifting them into the sky and then dropping them to the ground Aero: A small force of wind that can reflect attacks so that they cause less harm to its protector Another spell to come later!!![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=blue] For some resaon this movie did not capture me as I though it would untill about midway through. It had a few twists and turns that I couldn't understand and that I am still going back trying to get! The music though was awesome, it brought out expressions that most mucis nowadays couldn't and even though the look of the city is futuristic. If you notice the attitude, clothing style and actions. It seems that is was set in the 1940's. So the music fits it great!!![/COLOR]
  17. The two sisters stood there still waiting for a reply. As Hydraia grew tired she decided to turn away from the angel. [COLOR=blue]Sister when he speaks come get me. I will no longer hold this waterfall open and wait no him. Good-bye![/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson] My name is Darvyn! And I come for your help. All details cannot be given now but I will return soon. Bye!! [/COLOR] Before either sister could reply. The waterfall had closed and the angel flew off. Just as quick as he came he left again. Both Hydraia and Gaea stood perplexed by the situation they were now in. Brushfire still in the room heard how quiet it had became and came out to make sure eveything was still okay with her sisters!! [COLOR=red] What happened? WHy are you standing there with those dumb expressions?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]It seems that we are being summoned for help. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure how he found us but there is something very strange about the whole situation. And I dont think its all good!!![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]Calm down sister.[/COLOR] Gaea said as she owered her sisters hand with the fireball ever do slowly dimming out. [COLOR=green] I'm sorry sir for my sister's temper but she is the most hot-headed of us three, literally.[/COLOR] Gaea smiled as Brushfire grimaced a but behind her siters back. The stranger stood a distance away from the three sisters and didn't yet talk. Hydraia realising the strangers uneasieness tried to coax him into talking. [COLOR=blue]Can you please tell us why you are here. We have nothing of any value and we are just keepers of this forest. So please tell us your business.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]I guess he's mute-[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Brushfire hush-[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Yeas that is very rude and besides we do not wish to frighten the poor man....angel whatever he is...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Well when he is ready to talk come and get me. [/COLOR] Brushfire headed to the back of Hydraia's house. The other's stayed up front while they stared at this creature. Not sure of what he was the just stood in awe of his being. Hoping that very soon he would speak.....
  19. [COLOR=indigo] Depending on where you are Lunarlani you might be able to find the anime DVD's in Best Buy they seem to have a goodn selscetion.... Of if you're onlde and have a credit card go to this website and buy em there...[URL=www.discountamineDVDs.com]Discount Anime DVDS[/URL] I believe its the right one.. If not just look up this name and you'll get there!!!!
  20. With the words that Brushfire spoke, a horrible chill ran down Gaea's back. As Brushfire continued on to find their sister Hydraia, Gaea paused and turned around. [COLOR=green]Brushfire please go on ahead and find Hydraia, I am sensing something, and I must confer with the trees. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]But what about the--[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Don't worry they will still protect you. They will also guide you as well. Just follow thier trail of branches making a path through the rain. Stay on that and there you will find her. I will soon follow.[/COLOR] Doing as her sister asked Brushfire relunctanly continued down the trail. Gaea kept watch over her sister until she no longer saw her bright red trail. Gaea no longer protected by the trees stood in the middle of the downpoar and felt the rain drops upon her body. They ran from the crown of her head and foolowed the curves of her body till they touched her feet. As in a kind of trance Gaea planted her feet in the ground mimiking her friends as soon relaxed her whole body. Soon her body was in a deep meditation. Flashes of pain ran though her as she could sense the trees slowly dying. [I][COLOR=green] Poison, my trees they are being poisoned.[/COLOR][/I] More images of dead animals and fish soon flashed trough her head.[COLOR=green][I] Our forest someone is killing our forest.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=green] NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!![/COLOR] Gaea uprooted herself and flew off after her sisters. Delirious with all the pain she felt from the Earth she knew that they must find a way to help their home or everything within this beautiful forest would be dead!!!!!
  21. [COLOR=green] Brushfire, wake up![/COLOR] Startling her sister Gaea laughed as Brushfire's body glowed intensly and then dimmed down to normal. [COLOR=red]Sister, why must you always disturb me when I'm sleeping. Go pick on Hydraia.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]And lose the chance to pick on my younger sister, why? You know that I enjoy it and half the time it brings you joy as well. But today something is different. And sister I do feel it too. Trouble is coming and we must now, more thatn ever be more cautious. Come we must go meet with Hydraia. There is no time to waste.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]But Gaea, you know I don't want to go out in the rain.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Dont worry my leafy friends will protect you.[/COLOR] As Brushfire and Gaea left the sanctuary of Brushfire's lair. Both sisters knew that hard times would soon be upon them. They hovered over the water on the forest floor, shelters by the trees who moved their branches to cover the sisters. [COLOR=red]Do you think we will have to leave our home, sister.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green] Brushfire, I do not know. But this will finally give us a chance to leave and find out who we truly are as well. [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]You still think about our parents don't you?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Yes everyday.[/COLOR] The sisters continued on the walk drawing closer to Hydraia. As Hydraia turned to look at her sisters. They were all able to tell what was on each others mind.
  22. [COLOR=blue]WHOA....:eek: :eek: :eek: Are you all sure we can talk about this sort of stuff here I mean OMG.. To all of you who are having premarital sex...YOU ARE GOING TO :devil:... Sike cause if it were true Id be joing alot of people.Back to the subject at hand though. Hhmmm seeing how I am the type of person who likes SEX. I dont like to 'fake it' when Im with a guy. I personally may do it occassionaly just to let him 'get his' and the go..cause after that I'll never talk to him again. I just can't please a guy continuously by making noice while he does nothing to please me in return. Excuse me if Im wrong but that is a part of what sex is about is it not. If Im too blunt or too obscene please let me know and I'll lighten up this conversation a bit. But to those who see it as a stepping stone in your relationship..more power to you as long as you're not using sex to keep the relationship going. Dont use sex as an axcuse to stay with a horrible person. But one more note on the faking it situation...If you are not pleased with what your mate is doing...Let them know after the first time, to continue to suffer and lie to them is wrong and you should let them know. P.S. Also if I may say so.... if any of you guys out there can fake it...I wanna know how..seriously..you dont have to say it on here...but you can PM me...KAY!!![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Hmmmm life in other words.... Well seing that we on earth have only scanned about 1/10th of your universe I seem to think that there may be a few billion other species or humaniod creatures out ther. Who knows Earth may have been colonized by an alien race and our people brought here a long time ago....hey it can happen. But seeing that there is a large possiblity of another race of beings out there. How do you think they may react to us...or we to them. Seeing that we are a people who shoot first and think later do you think we could ever accept the fact that ther are others out there? Would we see them as a threat or a chance to explore the furthest reaches of our universe. Or would we try to use their technilogical advances as a chance to further ourselves and then turn it arouns and use it against them? Seeung how I would love to go to outer space and see each and every galaxy, I would hate to see what we as humans would do with that power? Which would be the next in our evolution to get run over or used..... But sorry to get all scientific.... I do personally believe that their our others out there and not only are we searching for them but they are searching for us. And who knows a few may already have come and been amoung us....... :eek: REMEMBER AREA 51...REMEMBER ROSWELL!!!!!![/COLOR]
  24. Koala...in order to get a sense of what QA and I are talking about it may be wise of you to go and buy the Love Hina manga as well.. From what I have seen the DVD seems to stray from the storyline of the manga and therefore different characters are introduced. Like I've seen that one DVD introduces Koala Su's bro...in the Manga he is only talked about never shown..so far that is. Kietaro...besides the few cameos of his friends and Sato.) is the main male in that storyline of the manga....So please, please, please, please, please...Buy the manga and read the difference for yourself!!!!!!!!!
  25. [COLOR=green] The elemental fairy, Gaea. Age: 136 Speciality: Controls the element...Earth Bio: I am a part of a trio of elemental fairies that have been designated power over earth, fire and water. Given the privilege by my parents I took control of the element of earth and have so trained myself to use it wisely. My sisters Hydraia and Brushfire control water and fire respectively and we together are a highly unstoppable team. Apart we are still skilled artisans but we lack the strenght of each other. Growing up we were left alone to hone our skills and look after each other. We learned each others weaknesses and used then to make each other stronger. After so many years we decided to find our parents but were halted and have now joined a quest to help a young warrior. Where this adventure may lead us, we dont know.........[/COLOR]
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