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[COLOR=blue]Now if you live in the U.S. then you should know the whole sex scandal he's going through...but in spite of tht his new album Chocolate Factory has been selling very well and its a damn good album too. (just bought it an I love it) So if you have anycomments about the album or R. kelly in general. Speak your mind here!!!![/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shaun [/i] [B]This is sort of an odd topic, but... Are you a late bloomer? Are you growing, and going thru personality phases later than anyone else? I know I am. I'm 21, and I just [i]now[/i] had a growth spurt. Over the last year, I've gotten 2 inches taller, and gained 15 pounds of muscular weight. How weird is this? Feel free to share all. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry I didn't have that problem at all...But I wish I was late bloomer... I'd still be thin and beautiful right now and I'd have perky little..... Sorry getting to in-depth there!!!!!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Yeah, you're exactly right. Generally the people who commit cannibibalism are damn sick. It doesn't justify their position, but it also doesn't make it wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah Generally people are sik...But some aren't.... If you do some looking you find that in South America. Some Native Tribes Cannabalize their dead. By doing so they belive that they're taking in the 'elders wisdom and knowledge' Some cultures see it as a great privilage to eat their dead and it is their tradition. So I guess it depends on where you come from!!!
[COLOR=orange] Drommau began his workout with ease but couldn't figure out how to make things up the Zhil. Myres: Earth to Dro. Yo man, I'm gonna leave you here if you don't get off the bench. We go an hour and a half before we go to the fights tonight anf I wanna look good. Besides if you don't pull Zhil tonight I'll be the next man who might have her on m arm. Drommau: Whoa man why you gonna do all that, besides don't even see her like that. Myres: Then you won't mind then will you. Drommau: No...but I don't think she'll go for you My. Besides you're to preppy. Myres: What?! Why I oughtta...... Before he could get out another word Drommua headed out of the room. Myres: Yo man wait for me.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Shiro tried to explain all the hysteria that had happened why Serene went to get Raiden but nothing prepared them for what they were truly going to go through!!! Shiro: Now please Raiden. You have to fight it's the only way you'll test your fate. Besides with you and your fathe togehter. They shall be no stopping us. So what do yu say are you still in??? Serene looked over at Raiden who held his head down nt ant to answer at this point in time. Serene: well what ever he decides I shall fight. This my be the only way that I can learn my past and what really happened. Raiden still hadn't answered and so Shiro turned to him. Shiro: Now my boy...will you help us as well. Before Raiden could answer a shower of fire and bullets came streaming from above. Everyone looked up and to their surprise Nemisis was still alive, and he had help. Nemesis: Now don't tell me you'd thought I'd be that easy to defeat. Shiro: What?! How could you? Nemesis: Thanks to my master I can do anything..and that includes defeating you all. Serene: Raiden please help us. I know if Shiro didn't hurt him that you may be the only one who can defeat him. Please fight with us. Nemesis: Yes fight with them Raiden. I want to be the one who kills you fairly. Well either way you'll die but I don;t want it to be to easy![/COLOR]
Anime GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) Has anyone seen this?
Hinata replied to Domon's topic in Otaku Central
I can see where you're coming from with that...but you guys I picked up the Feb. edition of Amimeria and geuss who's on it...None other than ONIZUKA....with his fine self...and they have a great article about the story...Check it out!!!!! I just loved all the pictures of him!!!! -
[COLOR=royalblue]Okay kiddies...behave now... But I have to agrre with all of you. I think that CN's intro to Eva during Giant Robot Week was awesome. (Hey although I now have tha 1st DVD...) its just showing that CN's opening its eyes to the reality of better amines that DBZ!!! That's all no more no less. Now if they can continue with that...that'll be even better and hopefully Adult Swin will begin to incorporate more animes...But I really want there to be and ALL-day amine, on CN!!! Even if they have the shows chooped up...it may get people mre interested in buying the VHS's or DVD's for themselves..... Hhhm....now if they do make and all day anime... I wonder what they'll name it!!!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]As Drommau sat in the garage a familar face pulled up and saw him sitting there. Myres got out of the car looking at his freind being a pitiful as can be. Myres: I know you're not sitting here thinking about Zhil still. Dang man I told you to not worry about her, she can handle herself. Drommau: I know, I know, but I bet she hates me right about now. Besides I don't think she'll ever forgive me. Myres: Well then that's her loss besides I heard another fight was happening near the beach tonight. Maybe we can catch her there.Then you'll be able to tell her sorry and how much you love her and--- Myres starts hugging himself and kissing the air to make fun of Drommau. Drommau get a piece of paper and hits Myres in the head. Myres drops is arms and laughs at Drommau who soon stands uo and walks over to the car. Drommau: Do you really think she'll come tonight, besides she may not want to see me. Myres: If she fights don't jump in. Let her get beat up if she chooses. One day she'll come to her senses!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at Zhil's house Cheda goes upstairs to inform her of the fight on the beach. Cheda: So are we going or what? Zhil: Of course we are. Besides I gotta regain my honor from last night. Cheda: Don't you think you should hold off for a day or two. You know that eye doesn't look to hot. Besides, you do look kind ugly. Zhil get a hand-full of clothes and throws them at Cheda. Cheda runs outta the room and heads downstairs. Yelling the whole way. Cheda: YOU STILL NEED TO FINISH EATING AND WASHING DISHES!!!!!![/COLOR]
I wanted Frenchi to win this competion. She was absolutely wonderful...But they found out in her resume...She told them what happened...and that's how she was kicked out!!! It was on Entertainment Tonight a few weeks ago!!!
[COLOR=skyblue] You say you feel helpless in the situation...all you gotta do is be there for your friend. I was 14 and pregnant and I had my baby. She five and gorgoeous and we all adore her. Yes is was hard because I couldn't live my life the same but you're not the one in controll of the situation. If you truly want to help you friend, be there for her, whatever she may decide to do, you just stand by her. Don't leave your friend behind because that'll be the worse thing you could do. Who knows you may be her backbone and her only true friend, if you step away that'll damage her more so that having that baby!!!![/COLOR] [QUOTE]However, if she wants an abortion, her parents have every right to tell her no. She should pay the consequences of her actions. I'm sorry, but you just don't get to do something stupid then take the easy way out. It's Cause and Effect. [/QUOTE] Sere you have a point, but depending on what state laws are...she can have an abortion w/o parental consent. And yes its cause and effect, but there are plenty of people who aren't payint the true effects for their actions now and others are going behind them thinking the same way....That's how I got caught up. Do I regret it..sometimes, but that's just the way life works. But I wouldn't want to give my little girl up for nothing. I'm dealing with the situation and I'll continue to do so. Your values are strong Sere... I hope you stick to em.
Anime What makes an Anime Charachter a Good Charachter
Hinata replied to tabmow's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DARKUNKNOWN2002 [/i] [B]u obviously dident banish yourself 4 long enough [/B][/QUOTE] That was very mean, but I think I know where tabmow is taking this question? To me the personality makes the character and the events that make the character. These 'drawings' are made to be like real humans and therefore are trying to show human emotion. And the animators are able to relay those feeling on paper, and make the character. The outrageos faces anime characted make are kinda overboard, but if we humans could make your emotions as animate as the characters, we'd do just that, and it'll probably look like the animated characters in differnent shows. Take for example Sailor moon. Everyone knows the various expressions she makes, when I feel the same way as her, may face is kinda making the same emotion seen. AM I CONFUSING EVEREYONE!!!!!! I think I'll stop now!!!! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B] Also, it should be noted tha Paikuhan was probably slightly stronger than Gokou during the match. It was Gokou's ability to sense a flaw in his opponent's fighting technique that allowed him to "win." [/B][/QUOTE] Well according to the Grand Kia, didn't both of them loose, beacuse they touched the ceiling. Although I now it was a ploy by the Grand Kia I just thought it necessary to make sure. But Goku did win.... But did the series say for how long Goku trained before the Tourney. It looked to me that right after he came to other world that they went straight to the Tourney in order to try and fight! I thought that the Tourney came right after Cell's defeat and that Goku trained for several years after it!
[COLOR=blue] It seems that CN has decided to give us a little peek at hthis series and I just bought the fist Vol. But how is starts up confuses me a bit. And I need this question answered, just to make sure. Is there something else before NG: Evangelion, or it this the true begining of the whole NG series?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Serene staring in disbelief that Raiden closed the door in her face kicked it in. Raiden turned to see her come through the door and towards him, but she stops and looks around. Serene: Don't worry about me? I'm just looking for a weapon. Raiden: Why? Serene: I've got an idea, why don't I put you outta your misery now. That way your dad won't have to see his son looking like a baby. Raiden: What? Serene: You so badly want to be outta you father shadow right? Raiden: Yes, but I don't care. Serene: Well you should, you shouldn't have to live in anyones shadow, but you just hanging around here will change nothing. You're running Raiden, and if you keep running you'll run forever. And believe me what Dues did to you earlier will be nothing compaired to what he'll do later. When Deus finds you he will kill you. Raiden: Yeah and if I figh him he'll kill me? Serene: How do you know, because a stupid dream. Dreams are visions of what may happen, they are also our desires. I dream everynight that I'll have my revenge, but if I don't go to make it a reality how can I be truly happy. So you dream Dues is gonna kill you while you're running away. How do you know if he'll kill you when you fight. You're confronting him- As Serene went on to explain herself Raiden no longer looked at her. Half of the words he blocked out of his mind. He didn't want to hear it. Raiden: Will you just shut up!!! Leave me alone, I'm getting away from him and there's nothing you can do about it. As Raiden turned to walk upstairs. Serene mumbled a few words under her breath and hit Raiden across the back of the head knocking him unconcious again. Serene looked over Raiden and hoped he understood. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Eliza till on board, looked up to see Goliath and the others go towards the battle. Eliza: What are they up to now? Xanatos: Let them handle it. We need to stay here for now. Xanatos turned away to see Puck still holding Alexander and chanting. Seeing the seriousness of the battle and the way Puck was holding his baby he ushered everyone inside. Puck knowing the serious implications of having the baby here, went inside hoping Oberon was no where near their location. Puck: We must not leave the ship yet. Xanatos: But why? Either way we'll be in danger. Its best to leave while it still dark that way the Gargoyles can protect us. Puck: We still must wait, Oberon has eyes everywhere and at this present time I'm concerned more for Alexander thatn for any of you. Eliza in disbelief of the whole situation sat down. Eliza: Are we really back in Scotland 944AD? Xanatos: Who knows for certain. It could all be an illusion Fay:This is no illusion, some one brought us here for good measure. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]Still Murder... is WRONG.... no matter what the resons are [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] Well lets see I don't think I could eat another human being period. I have a hard time looking at the animals we kill and just to see myself cutting and eating their flesh send a chill down my back. But you say murder is wrong..Well this is the def. To kill (another human) unlawfully. To kill brutally or inhumanly. Well if we are a desert island and we have to kill them to eat, why can't I kill you. Now I'm not commitng murder. I din't do it against the law...(THERE ARE NO LAWS PRESENT.) And we no longer have moral so we aren't human any more...So that throws the other part of the def. out of the windo. So therefore it's now to KILL... And if you put it in that sense we kill animals all the time for food and contrary to popular belief...we are animals...we just have more upper-brain controls which therefore bring in morals and ethics and emotions. So why couldn't I kill another human being for food...... -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just a thought...I personally....don't think I could do it!!!![/COLOR] [QUOTE]Would we? You wouldn't be able to contemplate things like this. You have to look at the good aspects as well, like literature, the arts ect... [/QUOTE] After seeing this and seeing TN's view I agree...We would be better because we'd want nothing more than to survive and want to live life to the fullest extent possible, yeah it'll be anly a fe decades of life but this world would be better off. We, humans with our contemplative abilities have in a way ruined our world. There's hate that cirulates day in and out. Our world has places that we can barely live in because we've polluted it or made it that way. If we were like monkeys we wouldn't waste resources or be able to overpopulate an area, etc. We'd be controlled by nature just like the animals. Although we'd lose literature and art. Our world just may be a little better to live in!!!!
[COLOR=orange] Now dark Ebonine and Rubio sit and eat discussing a plan to capture the old man. Rubio: The man was strong but we have to figure out all that he can do. Ebonine: Well he seems to be great at illusions and may also have a great advantage with magic. We may have to fight more and gain abilityies with magic. But I'm not sure how to do that. Rubio: Well while we're travelling we will come upon strong creatures. Maybe fighting them will help us a little bit. Ebonine: How's that they're animals. What can animals show me? Rubio: :rolleyes: Well priestess, what form was the man when you came upon him. Ebonine: He was a- Rubio: Exactly, an animal..and you must assume that he can continue to form into different ones. We must learn the movement of animals and that may give us an edge. Ebonine: Okay...now I get you but won't our little weapons need to be upgraded. Rubio: I'm already ahead of you. While we travel from city to city we'll be able to get better weapons. Ebonine: Okay.....That's a great idea. *yawns* Well I think we need to get an early start. We've wasted too much time here and the old man may be very far away. Do you think he'll lead us to the scroll. Rubio: We'll have to see when we find him!!! Rubio and Ebonine settle for the evening. While Ebonine lays there all that can be thought of were the words of the old man.[B] "Now return to your temple, priestess. You and your mistress will not receive this scroll; your cause isn't righteous!" [/B] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Certain behaviors and actions are appropriate in a given situation--proscriptive norms. They preclude you from doing things like reading a newspaper during class--or dropping a bean burrito bombshell in public. Urinating or going "poo" are both bodily functions. But, depending on where you do them--they can be repulsive. There's always a time and a place for everything. That is why people would laugh at or be disgusted by a teacher if they allowed a stream of urine to run down their leg while teaching a lesson. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] Yes I understand that completely but I meant the place to be behind closed doors, in your house with your mate, such as a live-in b/f or g/f and up.... You know you use the same bed and bathroom, what's wrong with farting around each other.... AT TIMES!!!! Yeah I agree some people do it at improper times but it's still apart of your bodily functions, and if yo're living with each other you're gonna have to take the good with the smelly...(if you know what I mean)[/COLOR]
Well I hope the best comes out for you and your baby and I give you my support...Also if you want to talk PM me... I have a five year old girl so I've been through all that...and I'm only 20....!!! Yes I started young!!! But I'll always be hear if you wanna talk!!!!
[COLOR=blue] I bet you'r wondering what in the world I meant..I'm getting to it....But I gotta say why I wanted to bring this to my fellow Otaku members...... A few nights ago I was eating dinner with a co-worker, during this time I burped and said 'cuse me. He proceeded to say that there was no need to excuse myself and then said that he didn't trust women who didn't burp or fart in front of him.... Now I was shocked to hear this, most men don't want to hear a women fart at all. And most women thnk that its absolutely repulsive, but why is that? Its a part of our normal bodily actions, if you donb't fart or burp or poo then somethings wrong with you...literally. So I jut had to ask are any of you afraid to fart in front of you mate? Or do you not like when people fart? Or are you like me...although it may stink....It's better out than in!!!!! :fart: :laugh: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Serene doing as she was told lept to the ground and landed hard. Serene: I'll never do that agian But realizeing that pain needed to be furthest from her mind she looked around for Raiden. Not seeing which directon he went into she let her senses take over. After sensing him she ran towards him hoping he hadn't gotten to far off. After running a few blocks and seeing the distruction around her she hoped the same images were playying through his head. As she continued she noticed a mysterious person following her. As she turned around tosee who was following her she noticed no one and continued on her flight for Raiden. A few blocks down Raiden stood in front of hs house looking up at it. Serene at the end of his block noticed Raiden in the same state as before. She ran to Raiden. Serene: Aren't you supposed to be able to heal. Raiden: Yes but its not happening now. I may finally be outta this fight. Serene: I think not, if your gonna die it'll be side by side with me, Shiro and your father. Raiden: If you don't get away from me.....I told you I don't wanna go. Serene: Why? What is inside you that you can not want to be with your father? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Luckily I've never seen an accident occur like that right before my eyes and I must say that I'm greatful...[B]BUT....[/B] There have been a lot of close calls, especially including me. Let's see!!! #1: An older couple ran over a matress in the middle of the high way and spun outta control and almost hit my moms car, luckily they didn't and my mom was quick t move outta the way, and they didnt hit anyone else. #2: On a trip upstate our van was ran off the road, not too far from an overpass.(We were on top) #3 A traffic light on a 6 lane road went out My grandfather was trying to cross and in the meantime a car was coming towards us. I had to yell at him to slow down and luckily the car passed by us, but within only a few inches, and kept going( they were travelling perpendicular to us.) So I would have def. had some damage!!! But see I'm kinda ucky, but the scary thing is when is that luck gonna give out on me!!!! [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Don't mind the title...>_____< Anywho, what's the stupidest ever fight you got into? I can remember when I was in 4th grade I got into a fight with my best friend because of a headlice check, and we started insulting each other, and then it turned into a slapping fight then time-out. [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]That's very funny, but havent been in a fight like that... I don't really think I've been in that many fights period, but sweety Ive seen alot. One fight I saw was between two drunks, and it was raining. They were just fighting over who did what, you know how drunkards can get sometimes. If you've seen a fght like that then you know what I mean!!!![/COLOR]
Elisa Maza, the beautiful Detective Which Gargoyles character are you? brought to you by Quizilla [COLOR=orange]This is me....YEAH!! Oh yeah, when are we gonna start playin!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][I]As Cheda finished cooking breakfast she was relieved to see that Zhil didn't get completely pummeled by her oppenent from the other night. Although Cheda enjoyed fighting she always seemed to know when Zhil was in over her head.[/I] Zhil: Good morning Cheda. Hhhmmmm, smells good. Cheda: Well you know me I always love to cook, and you lazy pants what's taking you so long to get ready, don't tell me you've forgotten. Zhil:*speaking with food in her mouth* No I haven't forgotten, I just like to take my time and get ready. [I] Cheda sat down with her plate of food and continued her convesation with Zhil.[/I] Cheda: No you forgot, I swear tht fighting sure gets you messed up. And thanks to Drommau, you're just fine. [I]Zhil stood up enraged by the fact that Cheda mentioned that name. The name of the stupid boy that helped her. She ran upstaris leaving a half-eaten brekfast on the table.[/I] Cheda: Hey what did I say? Come back here and finish eating!!!![/COLOR]