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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=blue][I]Serene ran from the scene and spotted Shiro and a fmilar white haired man running towards her. [/I] Serene: Shiro, have you seen Raiden? Shiro: No I haven't I thought he was inside the building. Serene: No I heard glass break and a man's scream. It sounded like Raiden. I must go check. [I] the white haired man looked at Shiro and began to spoke. ???: Shiro, we must go on, we must stop Deus at whatever cost possible. Shiro: Indeed Dante. Serene: Dante...The great Dante. Its an honor to be in your presence. Dante: No need, but please go find Raiden and meet us back at the top of this building. You seem to be a person of great power and we'll nees whatever help necessary. Serene: Sure thing. Now you go and confront Deus, I'll be back with your son very soon. Serene left Dante and Shiro running to the front of the building. As she stood outside the building she saw a blck sky filled with smoke. And a weird glow coming from the top of the building. [B]DEUS!!![/B]She thought. Shaking her head she remembered she need to find Raiden. Looking close to the building she noticed a damaged car and ran over to see Raidens body laying there almost lifeless. [/I] Serene: Raiden, wake up please!! We must fight. [I She continued to call Raiden but he seemed not to move. Within her she knew if he doesn't wake soon the world may soon be gone!!![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue]Stick with success. The name s great and simple. Those who aren't true OTAKU's will never understand. Besides I love it... So leave it as it is...PLEASE!!![/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]This will be a shock to many lol but I don't find two lesbians getting it on at all arousing. Many times in pornography, those two girls you see getting it on are not "lesbians"... in many cases they are doing it plainly for the money, and let me tell you, any straight person would do the same for the amount of money they get paid. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with TN. ANd in a way I would do that too, If I were pad millions to sleep with a girl I would that ould be my job. And Maybe..just maybe there are a few men who might do that, but most men I find are comfortable with gay men...as long as they don't hit on them. And n some cases women think the same way. You could also pt in in a situtation of a fantasy. I could tell my bf that I'd want to have a threesome with another male, he'd be appauled but if he'd turn around and say the same, but with a femle, he'd want me to be cool with it. I may have gotten off point but you may catch my drift. All I want to say is if you can accept 2 women together, you should be abe to accept 2 men. Although personally feel all signs of affection (besides a quick kiss or hug) should be kept behind closed doors!!
  4. [COLOR=blue] I may be late but can still a that I love Mystique. Although she's basically weak she can morph and infiltrate places, that makes her the perfect spy!!!! That's my opinion!!![/COLOR] Oh okay, I'll say something else. I love Rogue too She's just cool, and sassy. Not only that But wolverine is tight too!!!
  5. Hinata


    You know Vegeta Rocker...You need to put in a request as a moderator!!! You look for old threads, I just make sure the same 2 arent one the same page, if it is I'll just reply...But if I don't see it then I assume there hasn't been one....But for those who want to reply PLEASE DO...that is until the true Moderators come and close it down!!!!
  6. Well no that the auditions are done, has anyone seen it lately. Well you may know by now but Frenchie is now gone due to the fact that she posed topless on some site!!!! And everyone else, except 2 other people..(In my opinion) SUCK!!! Yes this year AI is not doing so well! And who shall we blame. I'd say " THE PEOPLE WH TRIED OUT!" BTW...Simon kicks butt and s truthful!!!
  7. [COLOR=blue]As the DBZ series goes through its normal repeats, I wnted to take time and reflect. So far who do you think has been the better enemy, Buu or Cell. I personally loved Cell. Not only was he cruel but he had charisma about himself. He was very dignified and cocky, if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong Buu is the toughest by far, but he doesn't have the same spark that Cell had, and on top of the Cell's theme music was better. If you think I'm wrong the tell me why, Who do you think is better and say WHY....as well. Okay I'm looking for multiple words. And if you think they both sucked say which DBZ enemy was the best, and WHY! Can't wait to see your reponses...and yes this topic is limited to the DBZ series only!!!! [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=blue][I]As Serene's battle with her old clan had started she knew that she must not give up. No mattwer what it took, the fate of the world depened on her beating these two, once "old friends" of hers. [/I] Serene: So this is what it has come to. Boldock:*panting hard* Yes we have orders from Aruis...and the PRIDE OF OUR PEOPLE. [I]As he finished his sentence, he and Trev lunged for Serene. She easily avoided Boldock's attack but was cut by Trev as he rushed by. She gripped her arm and looked at the blood flowing down to the ground. Trev laughing steps closer to her but is then hit with a knive hidden under her jacket. The knive struck him in the center of his chest hitting his heart. Trev fell to the ground.[/I] Trev: How..could...you? A... little girl. Serene: I'm no longer a little girl Trev which you have forgotten. Your pride was you unoing and now for your brother. [I]As Trev's breathing ceased and his eyes closed Serene moved in on Boldock who was roaring, angry at Serene who just killed his brother.[/I] Boldock: You shall pay for that. [I]Serene now standing over Trev's body bent down and grasped the knife from his chest. [/I] Serene: Don't worry you'll follow the same path as he did. Boldock: You little winch you shall die. [I]As Serene stood ready they heard a noise from behind the doors which the Wolfens had been keeping guard over. Serene ran to the door but noticed a strange glowing light coming from behind. Soon her blood began to chill as she knew something horribly evil was hidden behind it. [/I] Serene: Raiden! [I]Having let her guard down, Boldock attacked from behind. She turned around quickly enough and was able to catch Bolvock in the arm. Having cut him she sung around, away from the door and punched him. She knocked Boldock to the ground and put the knife to his throat.[/I] Serene: Looking down on you I have pity. Now I'll let you live with the fact that you'll never be able to defeat me, and that your brother died by MY hands. Your people will never be able to catch me, and since you're going back in shame, tell my brother the same will happen to him. [I]She turned away and ran down the hall, knowing Raiden was no longer in the room she ran bck outside hoping to catch a better look of wht ws happenng inside.[/I][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue] A few nights ago I saw the 20/20 special on MJ. and I have to say that HE IS NOT A MAN.....Michael is nothing but a big kid...and I'm sure others have seen that...He's a boy in a mans body and that's why he's with those young men. In a way he may see them as friends but he truly needs HELP!!!! Now I may seem harsh but he's a young man who's in the closet about his sexuality and since he didn't have a normal childhood his obsessions are now coming out. I guess he wanted to hang around boys his own age but since his fame didn't allow it, and he's doing it now, and if I'm the only one who thinks this so be it, but I believe he's homosexual, and he won't admit it!!! Truth be told, he just needs help!!!![/COLOR]
  10. Hinata


    [COLOR=darkblue]First the UK and now Russia is invading with their own girl group... and I'm not saying its bad.. in fact I really like em. Has anyone else heard of them and how do you like them?[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=blue] Sinc DB is long I was wondering about how long we have to go until Picoolo comes into the picture. So far Tein and Chiao-tzu(SP???) have been introduced, but about how many more eps. do we have!!![/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]I read like a sampler i got from Waldenbooks, OMG! This is super hilliarious, i mean i know he's a punk from the streets but dear lord! The way he goes off at his students is funny! I practically fell out of my seat reading it. So i definetly have to buy the magna and DVD of it. [/B][/QUOTE] I'll say this, if you loved the sample of it from Waldenbooks then you'll def. love the anime, I just bought Vol.2 and it's been a blast so far!! No tru complaints as of now, buts as for the Manga, I haven't read it yet!! But I'll proably check it out soon!!!
  13. If you kinda want em cheap check out DiscountAnimeDVDs.com!!!
  14. [COLOR=skyblue][I]Serene walked into the building, looking aroung every corner, making sure it was safe to continue. As she kept going she heard noises but nothing seemed to come her way, as if trying to distract her from where she really needs to go. [/I] Voice 1:Where are you going girl? Voice 2; Turn back now and nothing'll happen! Voice 1: Yes turn back! Serene: Shut up, unless you plan to reveal yourself, just shut up. [I]Serene walked further down a dark hall hoping it lead to where they had Raiden captured. As she came closer the voices began to grow louder.[/I] Voice 2: You're very persistent but I cannot allow to come any further. [I]From the direction of the voice an arrow shot missing Serene by just a few hairs. [/I] Serene: You missed. Voice 2: That was just a warning, next time you won't be so lucky. Serene: You sure bout that. [I]As soon as she finished her sentence another arrow flew at her but she was able to move in the nick of time[/I] Voice 2: How were you able to do that? You ducked it, how could you see it? Serene: I'll show you. [I] Serene held a light close to her eyes showing a bright green reflection in the direction of the voice.[/I] Voice 1: It seems that we have a half-breed amoungst us. Voice 2: Well then you know exactly where we are then? Serene: Yes I do but I just wanted to make you feel better. Voice 1: Well then in that case let's just go ahead and get rid of her. [I] Both beings reveiled themselves in light to Serene who stood about 15 feet away from Serene. Both of them were Wolfen. They both looked familar and she soon realized that this was her clan. Within her mind she knew that they had found her.[/I] Voice 1: Well lookie here bro, its none other that Serene. Voice 2: Serene, you mean the little pest we took in and help make. Yeah its her, well it'll be a pleasure to take her down, she'll be a prize to our people. Serene: Boldock and Trev just shut up. Besides you're not gonna take me down. Boldock( V1): Ha! Don't make us laugh, you haven't even fully developed yet. Serene: You'll see exactly what I'm capable of.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue][I]Ebonine looked at Rubio hoping to catch him in a lie, but his face seemed to be straight as an arrow. She couldn't find one flaw, not even in his eyes, to pin him. [/I] Ebonine: Well....as of now nothing. But believe me I'll be watching you and holding you to your word. I may be a lady, but my duties as a priestess will not allow me to fail this mission. Neither you nor the old man will stand in my way. [I]Rubio stood back holding his hands up as if he's surrending. Ebonine smiled, thinking she had Rubio figured out.[/I] Ebonine: So where shall we start. I've found no clues yet in this city, and as you can kind of see I don't truly know my way around. Rubio: Yeah you're a fish out of water. Ebonine: What-!! Rubio: I didn't mean to offend you, but I can tell, because of your duties, that you don't go out as much. But don't worry, luckiy you have me now, I'll help you get along, but now it's about dinner time. Shall we, go eat, there we'll discuss our true plan in tracking and capturing the old coot! Ebonine: Yes! That'll be great!!! [I]As they walked to the local inn, not a word was exchanged between them. HE was truly the first person outside the temple she had met and didn't know how to talk with him. Soon she broke the ice.[/I] Ebonine: So tell me about this town. Rubio: Like what. Ebonine: I don't know, remember I'm a fih outta water!!! Rubio: Yeah, I remember now. [I] Rubio began to tell her a little about the City of Arches. Ebonine listened, as she continued to hear the story, she knew that this was going to be a very long journey.[/I] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=blue][I] The chaos around Serene seemed to go on forever. Bodies were dropping everywhere but she knew she could not give up. [/I] Serene: Brev, for what you and my father did I can never forgive you. But now I cannopr fight you. Do not worry though I will find you again and when I do believe me, You'll wish I've never been born. Ta-Ta!!! [I]Within a flas Serens lept over her brothers head and went in search of Shiro. [/I] Serene: Damnit Shiro where are you. I fear that the city will fall and yet I do not sense Raiden's presence. [I]As she ran around dodging bullets and demon slashes she came upon Shiro sho wasn't in good shape. Before her very eyes Shiro was down and almost defeated.[/I] Serene: SHIRO!!!!! [I] She ran over to him quickly, as she tried to lift him up, his rival came ever closer.[/I] Bovelk: Hahahahaha! You'd betyter step away girl before I do to you what I did to him. Serene: I doubt that. [I]Serene knowing she couldn't leave a challenge decided to fight him. She lowered Shiro to the ground and whispered into his ear.[B]'throw this at him when I get him to trun away from you. He won't be dead but we have to leave this battle unfinished, we must find the Son of Dante. He's the only one who can help us now!!!!![/B]Serene, turned to her opponent and got ready for battle. As she began to charge at her enemy only one thought ran through her mind [B]'Please let ths work.[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue]Thank you Chris for allowing me to get back on my absurd sleeping regimen once again!!! You have allowed my life to reurn to noraml with that bit of information you just rendered unto us!!!! YEAH INUYASHA'S RETURNING!!!!![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]GinnyLyn if you want to give her up I'll take her, but I can also take on Elisa as well. I see you don't have too many ppl signed up for it and I can bear a few of the characters if you want me to. But Let me know. You can keep Demona and I'll take Elisa and also I'll take Fox, but PM me and let me know okay. SO it's either Fox and Elisa. OR Elisa and Demona!!!! Give me your opinion.....after that time I'll post for both!!!![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=blue] Name: Myia Reyes Alias: Aurora Age: 25 Nationality: Hispanic Power: Has Mystic's powers, can take on the looks of any other human being or human-like object. Also is very agile and nible making it easier to perform acrobatic feats. The agility which came in the earlier years of her life, prompted he to also take a few martial arts so that she could very easily protect her small frame. History: Born in Columbia, her family formally moved to the US when she was 7. At that age she enjoyed gymnastics as well as martial arts,(which her brothers also participated in.) She enjoyed her life like any child would and continued to stay with her 'sports' until the age 12. At this age she was striken with a skin deformity which made her look very out of the ordinary, at certain times of the month. At one point her skin would look very cyanotic (bluish in color) but then return to her normal color. To help her through this time Myia kept up the only things she enjoyed in life(gymnatics and martial arts.) Able to keep the differnce hiddne for a few years life seemed to be going on fine. But things seemed to take a turn for the worse. At 14, Myia was being home schooled by her mother and wasn't allowed to go outside, not even to her practices. Her whole appreance seemed to change. At this time, her skin was snake like and blue all day long. Her parents bared with the change but no doctor around was able to help her. To try to keep her hopes up Myia practiced at night so that no one could see how hideous she had become. After a few years of this routine Myia finally sat down and gave up. While looking through magazines she never thought that she looked like the beautiful models she had seen. Within a few moments she stood up and looked in the mirror and saw that her body changed, but she was WHITE!!! She ran downstairs to her mom, who fainted when her daughter returned to the look that had been kept by her for years. Her mom assuming it was a dream asked Myia to repeat the activities she did that day to see if an answer could be found. 'Gracias,dios...' her mom said as she knew how her daughter could finally be normal. Taking out her old pictures, Myia was able to tranform into her mother, but it could only last for a short time at first. After a few more months Myia was able to finally go on with her life and eventually left home. But no sooner did she leave was she on the run to save her own life, the Prime Sentinels were able to find her to whatever city she moved to. Staying on the run she met up with a few others like her and a able to survive with them.....(this is where the true story begins) Desciption: Can vary...but she usaually stays in her true form. About 6' and 165lbs. Well built, but not overly muscular. Hair is reddish brown and eyes are yellow, skin is blue and snake-like. Personality: Can differ but is usually ver cold towards people out of fear and also hate. Can be nice, if you are in return. Can get along with other mutants but is also very waery of them at times.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][I]As Serene watched over Shiro fighting she was relieved that her vision was wrong. The wolven where not there to capture her, but were after much worse. Along with a giant army they were rampageing through the city. In her mind she only thought of help. [B]All the others who were available to help Raiden where are they now. [/B] Her anger filled but she could no longer look down upon the battle. [/I] Serene: Shiro!! [I]Shiro glanced up at the familiar women as she jumped from the building.[/I] Shiro: Stay back woman! This is my fight. [I]Shiro paused for a minute and then lunged at Bolvelk again. [/I] Shiro: Die!!! [I] Not wanting to interfere with his fight, Serene turned around but was frozen in her tracks by a familiar face.[/I] ???: Surprised are you, Serene? Serene: I know the face but not the name, but then your name wasn't worth remembering!! ???: Such cruel words especially from family. Now could you say something like that. Besides what would your mother think. Serene: My mother is dead, and thanks to you I wasn't there with her. ???: Yes, thanks should be given to me and our clan, because without us you'd be running around with no sense of what you truly are. Now please dear sister, let's not fight. Come take my hand, father is waiting. Serene: What do you mean 'sister' and 'father'. You know I don't know him. ???: Well let me explain. I'm Brev and we took you from your mother because we knew of what father did. That's why you weren't there when she died, he demanded we take you from her...and not only that, we killed her before you could get back to her. We hoped it'll sned you back to us, guess we were wrong. [I]Serene who could do nothing but stand there and get angry, also tried to keep tears from falling from her eyes.[/I] Serene: You bastards!!! I'll never come back with you. [I] She stammered back and withdrew her weapons[/I] Brev: Sorry to say this dear sis, but I'd hate to kill you. But you leave me no other choice........ [/COLOR]
  21. I see that you're too fast. I would've signed up as Demona but you're too quick.... Oh well I guess I'll have to play somehting else....or are you still letting people sign up!!!! Please let me know!!!!
  22. [COLOR=teal][I]Looking back on the events of the day Serene couldn't help but look on as Dante returned home. She noted which way he went and noted his smell. Thinking to herself,[B]" This was just the beginning son of Dante, are you truly ready. Let's see." [/B]As the others began to depart, Serene followed the path that Raiden took home, and dtopped right in front of his home. She looked up and saw him in the window but decided to keep going.[B] I'll return later. I must witness him at his full potential, and only then shall I pledge my loyalty to him. He may be great help in gaining my vengence....Mother I shall avenge you.....Father, wherever you are I'll find you. [/B] She kept walking past Raidens house and made her way to the corner of the road. She jumped onto the building and looked far into the horizon. Although nothing but building could be seen for miles around, a new feeling cme upon her, one she felt many years ago when she was taken from her mother. [/I] Serene: Oh no the Wolfen, they're coming for me!!![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]OOC: :eek: TOO MUCH INFO...BRAIN...OVERLOAD...*** SWEETREYES DOA... Just Kidding... :D ----------------------------------------------------------- [I]As Ebonine played through her mind of the recent events, nothing but outrage seemed to manifest itself in her heart. *thinking* [B]How could such and old man hold such power. And why does he refuse my priestess' cause, are we not righteous. Of course we are, but what did he mean.[/B] Ebonine contiued to think about this problem, but saw a familar face walk past her. [/I] Ebonine:*whispering* The relic hunter. [I]She got her things and followed him closely hoping that he'll again go after the old man. As she walked only a few paces behind the man, he suddenly stopped and turned to face her.[/I] Relic Hunter: I see it is you again priestess. Are you following me? [I] Ebonine now face to face with him held her ground and nodded her headed, making sure not to take her eyes off him. [/I] Ebonine: You caused me to lose track of the old man n the first place. And it's imperative that I find him. Even if it takes my whole life. R.H.: Well it looks like you would've lst even if I didn't show up, so I actually helped you. Ebonine: :mad: How dare you? [I] As she was about to put this man in her place she remembered her cause and calmed down.[/I] Well no matter about that, I'm still following you whether you like it or not.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]For myself, I try not to be with anyone that is 5 years max, either way. Too young makes me feel antiquated, too old makes me feel like an immature baby. My parents have a 20 year age difference between them and it works. Go figure. One of my managers is about to marry his girlfriend, who is 16 years his senior. Another one has a girlfriend who is just about to turn of age--and he's 8 years older than her (ok, that one bothers me a little, and him being a GM and all...*shudders*). [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] WHOO-HOO. You know we have the same thoughts on that, but I'm 20 now and I still won't date anyone 25 or over. I just depends on what the person is comfortable with. You know we may not like it or others may think it's wrong to date someone over a certain age, but we should accept a GROWN...and I emphasize grown persons right to date anyone...AND WHEN I SAY THIS....[U]Both of the persons must be over 18.....[/U] In the words of Aaliyah... "Age ain't nothin but a number."
  25. Let's see what can I say about GTO... I just love this, both the Manga and the anime. I just bout GTO Vol. 1 on DVD and I must say...it is hilarious, but the story line is good, too. ANd yes I have to agree the story lines are just about exact!!! Man it's awesome. But yes Onizuka is somewhat of a perv, but at least he can befriend his students as well. And since he isn't too much older than them he can deal out as much damage as they deal to him. But now I gotta go get Vol 2-whatever...BYE!!!
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