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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Trini went over to the machine and typed in the sequences of scan Van wanted her to perform on this man. Trini had only seen John once since they all arrived on the ship and he looked more disheveled than she. She knew he must've been through a lot and her inner thoughts sympathized with him greatly, but at the same time envied him. Wishing that this was her first experience like that. Wishing she didn't have the memories that effect her life so much. "So what is this you're doing?" He asked sitting on the scanning table as her fingertips entered the final keystrokes on the board. He gave her time to finish as she pulled away and scanned his torso, regaining her thoughts before answering. "I'm doing a scan of your brain. All the areas, looking for any anomolies in the brain tissue or surrounding structures that may explain why you have these blackouts." He nodded quickly. "Okay now before you lay down I need you to remove and metallic objects on your upper body. That way they don't interfere with the scans." He complied and laid on bed. Trini straightened him up on the bed before she moved away from him. She hit a button on the board and the machine began to move around resetting itself before it began the scan. "Lay completely still this will only take...a short... amount....of time." She said as John looked at the ceiling as the scanner moved over his head quickly. As she finished her dragged out sentence the machine moved quickly over Johns head, The buzz from it moving through the room and then instarly gone as the machine moved back to its original positioning and stopping. "Okay," Trini said. "You'r all done, for now." "What do you mean for now?" He said sitting up and staring blankly at the lady. "Well this was sort of a test run. Hopefully if the machine worked properly and there's no error than you're done. But seeing that this machine has never been used by me before I just like to make sure that its working properly." He continued to look on. "But it seemed good the scan should come out fine with no need to repeat." "When will I get the results, um-" "Trini." she interjected. "Trini, yeah, I'll be sure to remember that." She nodded and stood up. "Van will look over them first. When he sees you he'll tell you more okay?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Trini looked at Gabrielle's hands. One being poorly wrapped as the other still bleeding a little wrapping it as Gabrielle sat there. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO WAIT?!" Gabrielles eyes shot daggers towards Trini who not only ignored the looks but stepped into the room the door closing behind her. "Like I really give a damn about what you say..."Trini moved in front of MacQuire and knelt down looking over her hands. Gabrielle was only hushed by the brief show of command that Trini showed. "Besides you need to get these thing bandaged right or its gonna wind up looking like this." Trini showed Gabrielle the cuts on her forearm. The four marks going about running parallel to one another each about 3 inches long. The cuts were puss filled and reddened. "How the hell.." Gabrielle's mouth formed the words as Trini moved her arm down quickly and looked over Gabrielle's hands, interrupting her question. "Now I gotta dress these the right way." Trini said sighing. Trini unwrapped the bandages and saw the cuts there slowly healing but she grabbed the peroxide anyway and poured a little over each of of teammates hand. The fluid bubbling up as it touched the lacerated peices of flesh. Trini quickly wiped the remaining fluid away and wrapped Gabrielle's hand. Before standing up she grabbed the bottle of peroxide. She groaned as she rose her adrenaline rush from the moment wearing down and her torn body reminding her once again in how much of a compromise she was actually in. She stood and moved to the side finding a empty spot on Gabrielles bed and sitting now beginning to tend her own arm. Gabrielle watched in silence as the Medic removed the yell congealed substance from the wound before pouring the peroxide down her arm. "So how did that happen?" Gabrielle finally asked. Standing up and moving to a corner removing her towel and dressing as Trini continued to clean and then slowly dress her arm. "It was the night the ship crashed.. after the meeting." Trini started her other arm slowly but firmly wrapping the bandage up her arm covering the wounds. "I went back to the med bay and fell asleep and had the weirdest dream." Trini stopped for a moment rembering in detail what her dream encompassed. She remembered seeing her own eyes in that dream. They were hate-filled and cruel. A side of her that she hoped would never exist. She snapped out of her daze quickly and returned to wrapping the wound realizing she paused midway. "When I awoke. My arm was on the desk." She looked at Gabrielle who had just finished dressing and was now turned towards Trini. "The desk was covered in my blood. That's when I saw them." Gabrielle sat on the bed. "So did something on the desk or maybe in the desk cut you?" She asked kind of knowing that didn't seem right but hoping for a moment that's just what it was. Trini shook her head and finished wrapping the bandage. "It was a warning." She said. Her eyes glossing over for a moment but then snapping back to their original state. " I don't know why. But that's what I think, but I don't care you know. I've ran from warnings all my life and I've only stood up to them once before. I guess it's time for history to repeat itself." Gabrielle wasn't sure what Trini was hitting on with that comment but looked on as Trini forced a light smile on her face. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] Gabriel could only hang his head down hearing the unfortunate events of the girls past. He regarded them as he always did. he remained quiet and sulken but not to the point of sadness. Sadness to him was a waste of energy and a waste of time. There was no need for sadness seeing that his own existence had been plagued by murders, many of which he perpetrated by his own two hands. Also the burden of killing one of God's own creatures his brothers and sisters in essence drove him wild. His mind raced back to the many meeting with Lucifer. He smiled thinking of the earlier days when they lead Heaven's armies side by side. Micheal. Even Alex. He wiped his face and sat back up the story of Kotoku's life now finished and laid back in the chair. His wings felt uncomfortable in the chair and between his bidy and for an instance he smiled and became jealous. "Now I see why you were eager for a human body Alex?" "How so Gab?" He cocked his head sideways looking at the semi-reclined angel. "It's too damned uncomfortable leaning back in this chair with wings?" He looked up at the ceiling and cracked a heartfilled laugh. Alex did the same not concentrating on the fact his friend cursed but more so intrigued by his candidness and the actual fact that he had been tainted byt the humans he so dearly admired. "You know what Alex." He watched his friend. "I think that's the first time I've ever cursed." Gab and Alex laughed even harder a few tears pooling in Gabriel's eyes. He sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees and quickly looked up at the figure of the young girl who looked at them curiously from by the stairs. Gabriel cleared his throat. And Alex looked over to see her standing there. "Oh, Kotoku you're up?" He rised quickly and moved over to the girls side. Gabriel moving out of the way allowing the girl to sit down. She looked at him with a slight curiousness more so about his facial features that carried no real gender. "Here sit down. Are you okay Kotoku?" She snapped her head back to him." Yes, I'm fine." She looked back at Gabriel. "I'm sorry if I interrupted your conversation but there was such an uproar that it woke me." Gabriel stepped forward. "Then I must apologize," he replied extending his hand. " I'm Gabriel an old friend of Alex." "Oh!" she extended her hand in return. "I'm...." "I know he has spoken highly of you," He took her hand in his and shook it for a moment feeling the same sensation that Alex had also felt when he met this girl. :They shook hands for a few moments before he dropped his hand to his side. She must have felt it too. She looked at both of them slightly confused. And Alex knew it was time. "Where shall we start dear buddy?" Gabriel touched Alex's shoulder. Alex knew it was time. Not only to present his people, but also himself. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Trini leaned against the wall next to Gabrielle's door hoping that the wound she encurred would not become infected. Trini knew the young lady would take care of it but also knew she was too stubborn and tight-lipped to say anything about it. She moved down the hallway a lilttle more smootly now having the caffeine infiltrate her system and the so-called rest move through her. But the pain... [I]Ooohhh GOD![/I] she thought, the pain was still there. But she kept moving. Her only thought on what available supplies there were in their make way medical facility. She moved along in relative silence down the short hallway and made a quicky turn to the room they first arrived in and walked inside confidently still slightly limping. She began to rummage. Her rib and eg intermediately setting of a sensation of pain is she moved the wrong way or too quick but more so to just nag the hell out of her. She growled in the distaste of being like this but just gritted her teeth and kept searching. [I]Where is it?[/I] Her eyes glazing the desktops her hands searing the piles of paper and cans and left over trash from the make shift cafeteria desk. She moved over to the next are a stab in her ler reminded her to slow down. [I]Come On, Trini....[/I]She kept looking and opened a set of drawers. "BINGO!" She said out loud finding a case of gauze and aintibiotic ointment. She searched another set of cabinents and found left over pain meds that she knew weren't strong enough for an ant bite pain but thought it would have to do. She tossed the things on the nearest bed and kept searching. She found a small sewing kit and a lighter. "Make shift sutures." She siad out loud. "Check." And kept moving. She soon found Peroxide, Alcohol, more qauze, tape, and a few more items that everyday people wouldn't dream of having. She grabbed a few of the more prominent items and moved back to MacQuire's room and knocked on to door to receive no answer. She didn't wait to knock again but moved into the unlocked room and deposited the gauze, tape, antibiotic ointment and peroxide on the bed. She found a sheet of paper and left her a note. [I]If it needs to be sowed come to my room. TRINI[/I] With that she exited the room and moved back to the med room gathering the rest of her supplies before moving to her room. Now ready to work on her own wounds. She threw the times on her bed, greatful of the time she now had to herself. She personally didn't want Van to see this. She took off her shirt and looked at her arm. The three sratches on her arm were barely scabbed over now and seemed to be oozing over again. The wound she thought had closed up. She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and was very tempted to pour it over the wound. She shivered thinking of the burning experience , she knew she would feel in a moment and decided better against it and got back up. Luckily she had on a sleeves while shirt that was dirty and spotted from the dirt and blood that was on her body. She got up again but not before bracing her ribs and grunting in pain as she moved. She grabbed the bottle of pain pills and moved out, back to Gabrielle's room to retrieve the peroxide. She knocked when she got there, but quickly barged in ignoring Gabrielles request for her to wait. She only gulped as she saw her crew member wrapped in a towel with a wicked looking wound on her. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] Garbiel yelled into the sky, probably cathing a few clances ad he stood on the rooftop. It had been one of many towns he checked recently looking for Marcus. He only felt traces of the Angels power as he swooped quickly over the city. He also felt a power that was familiar but thought it was just his imagination playing with him. He felt it a few more times along with Marcus' and only shook his head. [I]It cannot be you my old friend.[/I] He kept flying trying to catch up with the power but to no avail. He glanced over the streets once again and soon stopped seing a young man lay beside a building. The face was new but as the kid opened his eyes the force within them felt familiar. Gabriel's heart almost stopped and his hands reached for the kid. [I]Is it....[/I] He drew the hands back as the kid rose and looked at his surrounding. He was obviously happy to be back but as he moved he stopped as well and looked around. "It is you." Gabriel whispered and dropped into an alley way. The young man kept looking around feeling Gabriel's power but he was unable to tell if they were good or evil. Gabriel soon stepped from out of the alleyway and the kid immediately looked over to him. His eyes locked on Gabriels face and nodding as he acknowledged the angel. "Alex!" Gabriel smiled and moved over to Alex very slowly keeping the young man;s attention and watchin for any stray traffic. "Alex!" They finally were faced to face Gabriel only a few feet from his old friend. "Hello old friend," Alex responded reaching out a hand. "Hello yourself," Gabriel took the hand in his own giving him a firm shake then wraooing a quick arm around the young man patting him ont the back then pulling him away getting a closer look at him. "Goodness," Gabriel started his features softening dramatically as he gazed over Alex. "How long has it been?" Gabriels face broke a wide grin as he looked over Alex again. Happy to see his old friend present. " I didn't think I'd see your face ever again." Gabriel continues. Alex only grinning and shocked at how Garbeils calm and gentle nature had yet left this tough angels spirit. "It is good to see you again Gabriel."He said clasping Gabriel's shoulder. "Please let us go inside and chat for old time's sake." Gabriel nodded and smiled still. "Yes let's." He removed his hands away from Alex and walked behind him as they entered the house. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] She dressed herself quickly as she heard another set of footsteps move down the hallway after the male spoke. She wondered who it wa as she and Van only exchanged brief glances towards one another as she dressed. "Give me you hand." Van stood up quickly as Trini finished tying her boots. She was rather happy that these survived the crash of she would have been S.O.L. She took Van's hand and stood up. He wrapped his arm around her waist immediately giving her the extra support as if sensing that a the stabbing pain would hit her as soon as he did it. She could only hold on to him. Gripping a much of his shirt as she could and wanting to punch to closest wall hoping it would be an outlet for the torture her body was going through. Van could only look on sympathetic to her her feeling and oly being there for her. Unable to do any more. She suddenly went for completely vunerable to laughing as she slowly straightened herself up. Readying heself to take a step. "What's so funny?" Van asked, pussled byt the quick change in mood. "Just thinking about something...." "Like that tells me alot." He twisted his lips from the vague statement. She grin widened. "Right about now I still wish you had that Neurotin on you." He was a little shocked by the blunt phrase but then could only shake his head. "Can't believe you'd bring that up." He exhaled as she began to move. "You know what..." She kept moving and the doors opened as they neared it together. "I can't believe I did either." She held her head down a little and moved itno the hall, using the nearest wall for a little support. "I'm sorry if that hurt." She said and moved slowly along Van by her side. "I'm not thinking before I speak." Van glanced around a little bit before she continued. Her face not grimicing as much as it did earlier when she was walking about. "I think this place is changing me a bit. With the accident and all. I must be acting out you know." She looked at him and they held each others eyes for a moment. The scent of coffee invading their sense of smell. She sniffed the air hoping more was left over. But her stomach growled angerily. "I see that thing is getting a mind of its own too." Van cracked a smile and Trini did too. "Well," her sotmach growled once more. " This is one thing I know I can't control. So your just out of luck when it comes to that." The two of them went along their way Trinis stomachcontinuing its gugles as they neared the Mess Hall. The sounds of voices soon breaking though as well. The two of them entered and looked around everyone was present, plus one that Trini had yet met. They returned the glance as well as Trini slowly made her way to the coffee pot. " Don't hog it all you guys." She said grabbing the pot while between Allen and Vivian. Van had a seat Just looking around the room. Vivian looked up and stiffened a little whikle next to Trini. Trini looked at her as she finished pouring her cup. "You okay Vivian?" Vivian's attention was brought back to Trini. "Yeah," she responded quickly. "Just a lil tired I guess." A forced smile crossed her face. Trini only nodded in return before grabbing a seat. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him there for a moment. Their lips only locked for a few seconds as she broke the contact and laid her head on his shoulders. "You okay?" She asked quietly. Her eyes closing as her senses reveled in the contact. His touch, his arms perfectly content around her waist. His thumbs lightly rubbing the uncovered skin between her shirt and panties. She took in his smell. His words interrupting her sensations. "No need to worry about me." His voice was somewhat shaky. She couldn't tell why but only listened on, her ears tuned in with his breathing pattern. Her body unconsciously now moving in sync with him. He took in a few more breathes before speaking again. "How was you nap?" "Okay." She answered, hoping he couldn't note the apprehension in her voice. Her mind flashing Keith's face. She seemed to hold on to Van tighter. Not wanting to lose this moment. After a few moments she realised the compramising position she was in. Van was on his knees in front of her her legs parted as they hold each other. She smiled a little bit as a shiver ran up her back. Van saw the smile and she soon giggled looking at his face. "What's so funny?" He asked looking at her. She took in a breathe. "Just thinking about the situation." Van looked at her, puzzled. "I mean look at us." She started again. "You are in the perfect position to just have you way with me." She rotated her hips a bit towards Van. Her sense of touch and pleasure no way bound by the temporary physical handicap she was now in. "And I'm in too much pain to really enjoy it." Van laughed at her comment. Seeing a side of Trini that he never knew existed. She could only smile. Trying to contain a laugh, that didn't stay restrained for long. She was in pain as it started and cried out a little before forcing herself to stop. Van laughs soon died down as well. The silence between them growing as they held each others gazes. They kissed again, their mouths hungry for one another. Her hands soon began moving up and down his back. She began to ignore the pain trying to bury itself in her mind but their brief moment was again interrupted. "BRIEFING IN THE CAFETERIA." It ws an unrecognizable male voice. He must have been just yelling to between the adjacent rooms, because it remained quiet after those words were spoken. Trini cursed herself for having their moment ruined once again, before she kissed Van lightly on the lips and reaching for her pants at his side, a hand holding side as she moved. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo] Gabriel stayed around the half-way house/ mini base for the rest of that evening while the angels there readied the message relayed it and moved out. Many of the were eager to see Gabriel looking towards him studying his face. He spent most of the time staring into a fireplace not noticing the many scars or other injuries that the angels had. But he did know of them. He heard their names spoken and remembered the many stories of their torture, their fighting and the wa they were beaten. Their wills upheld them and their fellow angels rescued them. A few faces he remembered healing as their body was covered with blood and sweat. He not the best of healers did help, many times he sought revenge. He peered into the fire and looked as the blazes and embers played with one another. The heat fanning the embers up and away the flames moving in a chaos he didn't wish to understand. The crackling of the wood didn't bother him. It sort of sang to him. The energy wihin the wood being given off to provide him with warmth. "Gabriel.." He snapped out of his daze and looked at the angel talking to him. "The move is underway. We are also leaving this base behind so please, let us leave." Gabriel nodded his understanding and left witht the last of the angels. "We are moving to the other coast sir. Here is our location." The angel handed him a small scroll and Gabriel pocketed it. "We are the first to move. The other bases will follow suit in a day or two. Please come to us when u need that information. Also..." The angel went on with the info as Gabriel nodded and showed his understanding. His mind quickly assimlating it into his memory but not really examining the revelance. After he was finished the two of them shook hands and Gabriel walked along the roadway. The others in an attempt to look more human took their cars and left. The last of the cars disappeared and he kept walking. His senses taking in the nature and clear air of the open area. Tall trees surrounded him and the sea, only a few miles away beckoned him. The sun was hidden behind clouds and the wind began to blow harder. He got a bounding start and his wings opened quickly shooting him into the sky. He began to fly again and began a new search. He needed to find Marcus. He had to pass on the information of the bases being changed. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] [I]Wake up Trini,[/I] she began to toss and turn in the bed, feeling her body wreathing underneath his strikes. He stood above her his hands hitting grabbing at whatever flesh it could. [I]WAKE UP![/I] She knew it was a dream but she couldn't tear herself away he pulled at her hair, he slapped her, blood began to run from her mouth. He dropped her head and she pulled herself into the fetal position. He began to yell. She could only cry. Her tears and sobs crowding her senses drowning out the things he was saying. Soon he stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him and locking the door. She woke up with a startle and looked around her room. The pain she was feeling came back suddenly reminding her of the earlier situation. The crash, the ship. She heard a cackle, and could only shiver before laying back in the bed. Her past. The one thing she tried so hard to escape was coming back to her. Her began to remember the other times. The Bladerunner mission she saw him along with tonight. And then earlier, before their shiip had crashed she saw replayed events. She cursed herself for coming back. But knew she couldn't leave. The things going on had drawn her in too deeply and the people she had shared a close bond with were also here. She smiled thinking about the times they joked together. Tears crowded her vision. She wiped them away promising not to become emotional and felt the scar on her forearm. She looked at the four long slashes in her skin and touched them lightly. Her head went back to how she got them and her fingers rubbed over the slashes. A shiver went up her back as she continued to stare at the dimmly lighted ceiling. Another light cackle was heard but she knew it was all in her head. She felt the force invade her thoughts searching for a weakness. [I][B]You want to see him again don't you. [/B][/I] The voice, her own spoke out to her. "No, I don't. It's over. I'm done with him." She closed her eyes hoping that her inner being wouldn't respond. [B][I]Yes you do,[/I][/B] She felt herself smile and them a weird smirk came upon her face. Trini's eyes closed slowly and opened again. Her voice began to change. [I][B]Don't worry about it.[/B][/I] The voice began to deepen.[I][B] I know you want to see him. [/B][/I] Trini shook her head and listened on. [B][I] I know you do. Because Trini....[/I][/B] The voice deepened and became very familar. She felt a light hand touch her face, but saw no one around. She began to breath deep as his face came into view. [B][I]I want to see you, too.[/I][/B] His face was very close to hers and his eyes were looking dead into hers. His lips pressed on hers quickly, as she closed her eyes. She reached up and tried to push him away but opened her eyes and felt no one there. She looked around the room and saw no one. Van wasn't there and she was in bed. She felt her ribs and chest ache as the turned in bed. She soon sat up the pain that was such a trouble earlier now dulled by the rest she had recieved. She didn't know how long she had rested and just sat there. Her feet planted on the floor her eyes straining to catch the objects within the dimly lit room. She touched her lips. The sensation of blood rushing there made her aware of it. She felt a slight uneasiness and wondered if she had really been dreaming about him or if he was really there. [I]Keith[/I] She moved her hand away from her mouth and hang her head down. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Gabriel moved down the street quickly hearing one of his own fall into submission before the feet of the fallen. He didn't make it in time seeing only a gathering crowd of onlookers complaining of a skirmish between two men and a teenage boy. "Maybe he stole something from them." One of the on lookers spoke but Gabriel new it was something more fundamental, and much more serious. He moved into an alleyway quickly and he fkew off without a warning. Not weary of any straggling passerbyer or other eyes that saw him move in magnificent form. The nearest Angel lair wasn't too far from him about a two hour fly if he stayed near the surface but that was too much time. He knew that if that newly converted really knew of the Angel Lair that it would be in no time that the information was discovered and used against the others who were fighting this battle along with him. He flew up into the sky. His wings beating furiously His eyes pointed dead ahead moving high into the sky. Skimming the highest layers of the atmosphere and then coming down with a fast swoosh. He was freefalling again his wings pressed close as he shot back down to the earth. THERE! He said to himself and moved in the directions of distance mountains. He spread his wings allowing them to catch the lowere winds and slow his decent. He landed quickly and moved to the entrance not taking his time to present himself. But the guard new of him and allowed him in. Everyone in the room looked at him and one angel rose, seeing Gabriel's face. The angel held out his hand for Gabriel to shake who just took it and left his hand there. "One has just fallen,"he spoke solemnly. "They may now the location of the main base. They need to be warned and moved."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. Hello all... I just wanted to say that if I am wanted in Kill Adam on a future basis I will be here. I will keep up with the thread as usual and try to be on "target" and time when it is time for me to post. See you all later.
  12. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Allen's speech was a brief as always leaving Trini's mind to wander. Her body had loss the sense of pain but when she shuffled in place, all the memories returned with astounding renewal. "Ahhh....Shit." Trini gripped the sheets on Allen's now empty bed and Van and Gabrielle stared at her. Van moving to support her. Geneefee seeing them uncomfortable showed them all a more better accomidating room. Gabrielle was placed in an empt crew room and Trini was placed arcoss the hall. Van was shown a room but shose to enter Trini's quarters more so concerned with her physicall well being than rest. As the door closed behind them He moved her quickly to the bed his streght fuly regenerated. She had almost forgotten what was going on with him and was shocked momentarily. He helped her out of her pants. Van studied the bruises on her legs and the black and blue spot on her swollen ankle. He toucched it as well before moving to a nearby sink. He wet it and walked back to her placing the cool garment on her ankle. "Looks like a bad sprain." He said wrapping her ankle he face tensing as he did so. "Still feels like hell," she said as he stared into her eyes. "You know your mouth is coming up with all these foul words...." She leaned in and kissed him quickly, her reaction to the pain ignored until after she broke the kiss. Her arms went instictively around his neck and he kissed her back. She laif her head on his shoulder and and she began to cry once again. This time not due to the pain. She thought of all her friends she had just lost. Feeling terrible for them. Thier faces popping up in her mind. Van unhooked her from him and moved into bed with her. He laid down and moved her with him. Knowing the pain must be taking its toll. He decided it was the best way to make her relax. She laid in his arms. Her back to him his arms around her torso hugging her trying to comfort her as she cried. Her tears didn't relent. They kept swelling into her eyes. The pain all but stabbing into her as she wailed out, but soon they subided her body and mind exhausted. There in Van's arms she fell asleep. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Gabriel smiled as he came upon the Fallen one. And seeing her face made him once again think of home. But that temper... [I]TK TSK TSK,[/I] He thought as he kept moving the torrents letting up. Lucifer had always been the hot headed one. Her attitude and body langueage reflecting her feelings. What a body she had. He shook his head with the naughty thoughts that tried to barge in and opened his eyes looking at the sky. [I]Now I see why Adam had a hard time resiting Eve's temptation.[/I] The female body was a mess he thought. The curves that could send any of the male species haywire. He thought of her before she turned against God. A lovely sight among the female angels. May of them adoring her beauty as she was one of the first to be female oriented. He was made male. Kucjy on his part for he was meant to be a warrior of God. A fighter where a strong looking body could help feter enemies. Well most of them. Lucifer was the real exception. She was a tough and strong as any other angel he had know, and her intellilect made her desirable. Maybe the piece that really caused such ellure about her. He let is memories of her go now. For nothing could change the fact she was his enemy but he had to admit one thing as she turned away from him and walked a sepreate path...... He called out as she left.."You still look good Lucifer...." the other words triled off into his own head never making it past his lips.[I] Too bad I have to defeat you....[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Gabriel landed on the rooftop the rain pouring on him as well. He was going to find Marcus but thought better if he let the angel be alone for now. They could talk later. Gabriel strecthed his wings out once more before letting them tuck themselves against his back. They seemed to shrink and become absored into his skin but he knew it was an illusion. He disliked being in human presence at times. Having to be like one of them Having to look like one of them or cause one heck of a panic if he were to reveal himself. A dark jacket seemed to materialize on his shoulders and his sword lay well hidden underneath it. Also illusions, this was how he was able to change his body image at times. He loved the trick. He walked to the edge of the roof looking down into a alley way about 50 ft below and jumped down flipping and then squatting as he landed to absord the shock. It didn't really hurt him, but he used this each time to see if his body had begun to become adapt to living on Earth for so long. As of yet no change. He stood up slowly and his dark eyes pointed at the alleyway's exit and he began to move. The streets were crowed even for a rainy day. People moving with their umbrellas or just running hoping that a downpour wouldn't insue before they reached their destinations. Gabriel just walked. His head held up and the water soaking his shoulder lenght dark locks. A strand invading his face. The woman passing on the street looked on in awe. So did some of the men. All of them wondering if he was man, woman, both.... He laughed at the thought and his voice made the gender association for the people no easier. His voice was heartful and fullfilling, somewhat sensual, but not very deep for people to make up thier minds. He kept moving, not giving much more thoughts to humans and their delight in his loooks. He kept moving and looked around not noticing the young lady in front of him and bumped into her. "HEY!" She yelled looking back at him. He stepped back and held his hands up."I'm sorry I wasn't...." She smirked a little and then glanced at his face, a sincere look crossed his face. "..I wasn't paying attention. A-are you okay?" He looked at her face. She looked very young but her figure said something else. Her long red hair flwoing underneath her umbrella. He kept looking into her eyes, hoping for a reply. "Yes I'm fine." "Good," he started his voice cheering up. He sounded as if he was flirting. Was he? He held out his hand to her. "Again sorry about that, my name is Gabriel. Yours?" "Heaven," she shook his hand back and then quickly let go. "Now if you excuse me... I need to go." She broke eye contact with him and kept moving down the sidewalk. He moved as well watching her for a bit as she disappeared into the crowd. His pace slowed as the downpour began. He kept walking, seeing once again remembering her face. "Heaven." He grinned and quickened his pace. The sidewalks becoming deserted as people began to seek shelter. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] Trini slid off her bed slowly, ignoring the pain that was beginning to make itself more apparent with every movement. Her side felt as is someone stuck a knife in them ans was slowly twisting the blade making her realize the excuriating pain every time she moved. Everyone had gone to help Allen at the time and she was appreciative of it, she didn't want anyone to stop her. She glanced over her body seeing what had really happened, her legs and arms had many bruises and her ankle.... "Damn," she felt it as she put her weight on it. It was either sprained or something in there was torn. She hoped to God that is was the less serious of the two. She shook the thought from her mind and just used the bed as support to help her get closer to Allen's bed. She walked slowly limping a bit and moving to the bed next to hers. Van saw her moving towards them as Allen sat up and drank the water. He looked very well shaken and she had to listen in. Van stepped towards her seeing her limp and reached for her, wanting to help. She was one bed away from Allen, Van and the others. She shook her head. She glanced to his leg and he knew what she was saying. She didn't want him to risk showing what was happening with his body and he moved back, allowing her to move. She switched her hand to the Allen's bed and leaned there for a little while regaining her composure and trying her best to ease the pain. An etended exhale was released as she stood there for a moment Van placing his hand on her shoulder and rubbing it. She stood there trying to gain relief waiting to hear Allen's plan. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial] Gabriel stayed in place for a while, just hovering over the spot where he had slain a once fellow companion. He remembered her face. That lovely face she had, but a stern tempermant laid below. He smiled thinking about the past but knew that is could no longer be that way again. He smiled seeing all their faces, each Fallen Angel he slew. But his soon smile was replaced with a frown but no tears. He remembered their tempermant. Thier wicked deed and how they had turned and betrayed him. Lucifer most of all. By standards they were very close. Working together to serve God and his purpose, but soon a new emotion lingererd in Lucifer's heart. Jealousy, first of the humans and then to God. Gabriel when asked to join knew his reply immediately. He could never betray his God. Not because of attention failure, not because a mortal being another creation came into the picture. Gabriel laughed at the notion. He knew that these creatures, not who looked like God, only less powerful were there for one too. To worship their Lord, something that Gabriel and his fellow angels had done since day one. Soon Lucifer and her followers began to attack many, sparing none as they sought to take over heaven. Gabriel and the strongest fighters he knew fought back no second guessing. Staying in place the wole time Gabriel remembered the fight so well. It happed an eternity ago but it only seemd like yesterday. He saw how ruthless the fallen had became. They killed they brothers, their sisters, destroyed so much. Maybe thats why the vortex came. A way to get rid of all the fighting and give them all a chance to cool their heels. Gabriel faced skyward moving upward into the atmosphere as her had done many times before. He kept moving hoping, wanting to see something. Anything beyond the blus sky that kept him entrapped here. He moved quickly his wings beating against the gravity and hittins his body wit wind with such verocity that some of the clothing began to fall away. Being worn by the angels fast ascent. He broke through and the temp dropped quickly. Luckily it never affected him He was used to it by now. He looked around as the blue was now black. A void. The suns rays were bright but not blinding and he stared into the light seeing the flames at work. He looked around seeing only faint trickles of the stars light that had made it this far. He kept looking hoping for one ray of heavens light before he just released his hope and fell back into the atmosphere. He passed through it easily. The burning temperatures not laying one trace on his skin. His wings curved in closely to him as he plummeted. He kept falling, counting the seconds in his head. He kept falling. Down down down. His eyes closed until the lst moment when he was only 10 feet from the ocean surface and out his wings. They were formindable when let out showing how great a specimen he was. He glided. The wind gently playing with him and he pumped his wings allowing him to skim over the ocean surface. His wings tips and fingers skimming the top of the water. Her soon pumped them harder lifting him into the air climbing higher. His destination..He would just see when he got there. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] [I]It had only took her and Van a few minutes to get comfortable with each others bodies. Light kisses here and there. His hands on her. Her hands on him. Her skin felt so hot, that the cool wall of the shower not only shocked her but excited her. She felt herself melding with him. Her moans growing as they continued. Only a few more minutes, she reassured herself. Hoping that no one would enter and catch them in such a revealing manner. Thier behavior made it seem like high school all over again and she smiled as she looked into his eyes. She kissed him once more and she felt herself nearing the edge. She said his name in a pleading manner, her body begging for release..... The alarm blared through the room, shocking both Trini and Van seperating them.[/I] "What's that..." "Sh*t, Van screamed grabbing Trini's arm." Let's go it's something with..." Before Van had a chance to finish Allen came over the intercom. They through on what they could hearing the announcement and moved into the halls. They moved in unison, and heard Allen's second announcement. "This doesn't sound good at all." Trini said as her and Van moved to the pods their clothes and hair still wet from the showers. It took them less than thirty seconds to get to the pods. They saw Allen and he acknowledged them with only a nod as he looked out for the rest of the crew, making sure they all made it in time. Van set up is pod while Trini did the same, he looked at her briefly and she hurriedly kissed him on the lips before she jumped into the pod. "See you later." She spoke entering the pod and hitting the button. The fluid filled in quickly and she could only close her eyes, and let it surround her. The only thing on her mind now was just hoping that they all made it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- She felt nothing, she saw nothing. She only slept. She wasn't sure how long it had been. She heard voices first and felt her sense begin to wake up from being in that gel. She rolled over and began to open her eyes. Slowly at first, the light around her a little too bright for her liking. As they opened and focused on the room she new it to be unfamilar and began to turn in bed once more looing around and letting her eyes focus. Trini tried to sit up and felt a sharp pain in her side. "Ouch," she said and exhaled harshly as she sat up. "NO! No.." Trini heard an unfamilar voice and turned her head to the source immediately. "What..where am I?" Trini spoke but the pain in her side stopped her from speaking to much. It felt like a bruised rib, but she let the pain go on, holding her side to help it some. "Please, lay back down." Trini looked at the woman noteing her features and somewhat ignoring her comment. "Can you tell me..." "The ship went down, all of you are okay, just banged up some." "I see.."Trini said trying to laugh and stopped feeling that pain once more in her side. She grunted the last of her sentence. "And feel it." She exhaled lightly and took in another breathe. Feeling the pain die down just a little. "Please rest Ms.." "Angelos." She answered quickly. "Trini Angelos." "Yes, Trini. Please rest." Trini nodded and laid back down in bed, but unable to go back to sleep, she stayed looking around the room her eyes glancing over everyone else in bed. She wanted so bad to get up and help. But she figured the young lad would be very insistent that she didn't and make her get back into bed. Soon her memories took her away. THinking of any and everything to keep her mind occupied. She yawned and slowly as she kept thinking of things, she fell back off to sleep. [/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Name: Gabriel Race: Angel (Please note that even though he is an angel Gabriel does not act so innocent all the time. Being on Earth and vanquishng his enemy's has brought out som um-angel like qualities..Must purify himself in order to return to heaven.) Sex: Androgynous looking. So take ur pick. Age: Unknown but looks to be in late 20- early 30's. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.zonkarts.com/images/blango/Androgynous%20I.jpg[/IMG] Preferred weapon: Judgement- a broad sword often fought with two hands. Gabriel's strength allows this sword to be used one handed but only for a short amount of time. Looks like obsidian with a silvery metal tyoe hilt. Powers: Mimic- Used originally for humans when Gabriel watched over them, now uses it to disquise himself temporarily more so becoming any non human object,even non aninimate bjects. Giving Gab an element of surprise for ambushing . Deception- Used for humans and weak fallen angels. Sort of a mind game used to play that one's fears and esentially works him into becoming crazy or defeat. For humans the spell can be reversed. On fallen angels he prefers to watch them endure more of this 'torture.' "A Step closer to Heaven"- Can only be used during battle when Gabriel is close to being drained. The obsidian metal in the sword opens a portal like device protecting Gabriel for a short amount of time.Showing Gabriel the things he longs for the most and regenerating his powers and spirit. Background: Gabriel admired God. The way he made things, the power he had to command the smallest simplest form to obey His command and create such beauty never before seen. This power that God had was greatly admired by God that Gabriel would over see the Master's work for as long as he could. Often standing close by not to miss a part of the show. For as long as remembered, Gabriel served God faithfully and swore to protect and serve him for as long as possible. Gabriel's heart pure was very much admired amoungst the angels, never used the popularity. Gabriel only shyed off some comment, telling the others to just believe in themselves and they could also become as great. Even when man came along, Gabriel only reveled in the fact that it was a new creation, very complex and much like angels. He was delighted to view these creatures, much like the form of God, but with no power. The only possessed the knowledge of faith. A faith that could strenghten them. Or if rejected destroy them. Much like the loss of faith had destoyed Lucifer. At times Gabriel felt sorry for the former servant. Looking down on Lucifer as she was thrown from Heaven. Tears fell, but the pity was soon replaced by hatred. For Lucifer now turned on her former master, and as such became an enemy to Gabriel. From them on they fought. Gabriel to protect God's creations and Heaven, and Lucifer to take it all. In a battle Gabriel, Lucifer and others were spread upon the Earth, seperated from the thing they really wanted. Heaven. But Gabriel's focus remained at hand. Seeking fallen angels, Gabriel hopes to one day stop Lucifer and return to Heaven, but now only one thing can make this come true. The key..who now Gabriel must find before Lucifer does....[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The full moon's light never made it through that night. The night they needed it the most. The two of them sat together in the tree, they dared not lay a foot on the ground, for they were everywhere, scouring the forests for weary and ignorant travelers. Their breathing became shallow as the creatures moved amongst the trees, but the two did not let their stance falter. A loud rumble was heard two feet down followed by a single yellow eye looking around in the dark, its large mouth opening for a second as it roared out into the darkness and began to keep moving. Even the demons stood still when it came around, they certainly not wanting to become part of its meal. In the distance a second roar was heard. A reply to the first roar. A small shrug came from the first person knowing this was the sign of trouble for their travels. Mating season, he thought as he leaned back and relaxed against the tree. The second figure did the same , but she kept looking towards the sky hoping that one stream of moonlight would show through and give her some hope of about how much longer they?d have to endure the dragons rampaging through the forest. Luckily it was at night that they were active, leaving the world of men alone during the day.[/COLOR][COLOR=Silver] Far away from the roars and creepers in the white- blanketed forests, a young lady tosses in her sleep. She?s a mystery to herself and her people. She knows nothing of her true self. And she wasn?t supposed to either until that fateful night she overheard her father talking to his advisor. That meeting playing in her dreams once again this evening?.. And what of the princess sire? The small pointy nose man looked up at his king. A roust and commanding man. What do you mean? He looked down his eyes burrowing into those of his servants The man held back a gulp and regained his voice. She is not your kin? what shall we do? The people are declaring you to name an heir. The king rose his voice booming. She is my daughter? I found her and rescued her when they wanted to kill her? She IS my heir.... The servants meek voice spoke once again. B-but sire.. there is? something strange about her? her white hair her golden eyes?. You know the rumors sire? Yes?. I know.. but I feel it is safer she knows nothing about it. I hope that never comes to past. As long as she is here she will be my heir. Her dream flipped to another scene of suffering and pain, her people, her kingdom was burning. In the midst she stood unharmed along with another. His eyes just like hers. His face just like hers, he was strange yet familiar and the longer she looked at him the longer she knew, they were meant to be together. She sat up with a jolt looking around and scampering to her window. Her breather soon subsided as she saw her home as it always had been. She walked away from the window and found her chair sitting and holding herself wondering what it all means. Her father? the boy? she kept looking onto the dark room before she broke down and cried. I am not his daughter. The words stung her more as the escaped her lips and she continued to sit their crying, hoping somehow she?d become so exhausted that she?d sleep. Sleep without dreams. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]In the distant hills, a young man looks at the moon, his eyes glowing yellow as the rays from the white object reflect the blinding yellow that color his iris. He still searches for her, the one who invades his thoughts, another just like him. He knew who she was but had no idea that she was still alive, his sister. They had been separated as kids and their people slain, and so he wandered believing he was the last of their kind. But soon he felt her. Felt the power within her break way, and he went out to find her. Hoping to catch her before she got too out of control. [/COLOR][/FONT] This is the intro into my first major RPG. I am more so looking for opinions and thoughts. But first a lil background for you more so wantng to know locale and such. This takes place in a mythical setting of ancient Japan. Where many mythical creatures such as dragons and demons exist. Maybe a few elemental faries and such, but not to an extreme overboard. The characters have grown in these lands. A lavish yet much larger and more dangerous enviorment than the Japan we are more so used to thinking about. Basically if you think of Inuyasha's landscaping and architecture, just see it as bigger. Hehe! Um, I will post more info as I come closer to posting the sign ups.. and if u have any suggestions or questions please tell me!
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial] Name:Trini Angelos Age:31 Appearance: Trini stand at 5'8 inches tall with a small feminine frame, with a good amount of curves, which she usually covers up. Her eyes are dark brown and easily convey each emotion she shows, her hair is shoulder lenght and dark brown. Her usual ensemble consists of pants and long shirts, but may soon make a drastic change. If she can be bare footed she prefers it, but will wear heavy boots as she moving around the station. Bio: Born to a middle class Hispanic family, on the outskirts of Atlanta, GA.Trini has always been the one to care for the family. It was the foundation of the family that gave her her start. The large sized family, endured the family dinners and large get togethers that made her gain the insight on how to love and care for others. The traditional family dinners, became more so mandatory, but very enjoyable, as eveyone got together to brag about many things and give them many laughs while the rest of the world was wrapped up in their own problems. Her [I]abuela[/I] grandmother, was who Trini got her spirit, as the matriarch of the family, Trini learned from her abuela and gained much insight on love and the gift of caring, one of the many gifts she turned over to the bright eyed girl. As a teenager, Trini kept her abuela's spirit within her and kept along her path, eventually getting her into Medical School. She breezed through the courses by 25, and immediately began work. Opening up her eyes to the stars above. Around this time she had also fallen in love, they loved each other dearly but Trini's spirit couldn't reassure him of her faitfulness and caused a jealous spat which ended with her taken his life. She cried that night, reliving that night, and past beatings to the police officers and her family. And almost five years had past before she took the Bladerunner mission, one which her family believed she wouldn't take. A mission they wouldn't want her to take. Trini had gone from caring for them, to being the one they became so overly protecting of, so she took the mission, seeing it as a chance to get away and make them realize that the old Trini was still in there. Unknowingly to her, the mission was catastrophy filled and danger inviting, but because of it, Trini not only gained horror filled nights but a piece of her she had lost before it. Now she's back in it. Hoping this time to destroy the things that came through, and as of now hoping to keep this newest relationship. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] The blood from her arm had messed up her shirt and had begun to stick to her skin some of it in congealed clumps, others pieces completely dried to her skin. She wiped off what she could and cleaned up the med bay before leaving. It wouldnt be too long before she and the others would arrive at Deimos. And she still had a bit to do. She cursed herself and moved out of the bay, locking it so that some people won't be tempted to investigate and made her way to her room. The door opened quickly and grapped a pair of pants, a plain shirt, and the proper undergarments. She looked at the bra and panties for a moment laughing at the fact that one of her friends had brought before she left. They were the ones who managed to keep her up on the trends of what a woman should and should wear, and God knows she long forgot about that factor of life. She bundled the clothes and with a swift turn turned back to the door and exited quickly. She moved down the hallway quietly and saw Van's door. She was tempted to knock when she remembered the blood on her shirt. She kept moving along and came to the showers. The doors slid open and she stepped inside humming softly for a moment ignoring many of her surroundings, she put her clothes down and got undressed keeping on only her underwear and bra as she entered the stalls. She heard a shower going in the background but took no heed in who it could be and finished undressing as the steam bellowed out of the room where all the stalls were located. The only thing she disliked were no doors on the stalls but she wasn't worried at least this person was in the stall. She entered the room and saw a figure through the steam. The body seemed to lean against the wall soaking up the comfort from the hot water. She moved to a spout turned it on allowing the water to heat up. "I hope you didn't take all the hot water." The figure pushed up from the wall slowly and turned his head slowly towards Trini, who had just stepped into her own stall. "Don't worry I can share." She heard Van's voice. And stepped back out thinking her ears were playing a trick or she was dreaming again and saw him standing there a bright smile on his face. She smiled back and turned off her shower and went to join him. "Nice of you to share," she stepped in and let the water wash over her and her head. Not noticing Van's eyes graze over her body. She opened her eyes after wetting her hair and looked at him his eyes penetrating hers once more and she was swept into them again. She moved in and kissed him quickly her body surrounded in his arms. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] Trini whistled to herself as she left the briefing, very nonchalant about how things were starting up. She didin't know whether to be nervous, relaxed or stone-faced serious so she just allowed her mind to go blank for a moment. [I]Ahh, an empty mind.[/I] She continued to think but as soon as her mind spoke those words, many thoughts seemed to interrupt her brain. Her childhood, adolescence and young adult hood more so than anything. Memories that made her smile some, some that made her feel ashamed, and many more that wanted to make her cry, but she was strong enough to hold the tears back. Her feet though kept moving her, as though already predestined to take those steps. The path was walked with no problems. She didn't trip as she looked up at the ceilng from time to time. Or closed her eyes for a moment in time. But they just kept moving. Driven by some inner power. She thought she was headed to her room but woundup in front of the medical bay doors, where they opened as she approached them. Soon her focus came back to the present as she looked around the sparkling clean yet empty room. Soon soft echoes were heard in her head, followed by a loud scream that made her flinch, that yell, it was Satell's and then before her she saw herself Van and Satell, the memries of the last mission playing in front of her. Very vividly as if she was standing outside her body. None noticed but then she saw herself. Her eyes gleaming back brilliantly at her. A wicked smile crossing her face as she stood up. Van and Satell soon broke back into darkness and Trini was faced only with herself. She saw her face, or better yet what was her face becoming disfigured followed by the rest of her body. Soon the mass of flesh and blood was staring at Trini dead on with fiery red eyes and shiny sharp white teeth. A weird noise ruptured from its body and it attacked. She sank diwn ti the grund covering her face in fear her arm scratched by its claws and then only a cackling followed by silence. Trini lifted her head from her desk and looked around the room. The medical bay was empty only she remainded there, startled from her sleep by the dream. She kept looking until she felt a strong sting emulate from her left arm. She looked down and saw blood trickling from five long marks. She touched them just to see if they were real and saw the blood tranfer to her fingers. She even placed the fingers to her mouth, tasting her own blood and remembered what happened in her dream. She looked around again and the cackling softly echoed in her head. "It begins now." She rose from her desk and moved slowly in the med bay, now tending to her arm.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] She held her head down for a few more moments and sighed in and out, giving up on thinking. [I]Waste of time.[/I] She shrugged and got up slowly, groaning a but, feeling as if she was much older than she was. "Growing old's a bitch." She strecthed and yawned loudly before moving back down the corridor of the ship, her footsteps clanging louding as she advanced down the hallway. She was about to bypass the mess hall and go straight for the Medical Bay when she remembered the briefing that ws supposed to take place soon. She turned on her heel and headed back to the the Mess Hall hoping Allen and Van were still there. She smiled as she entered seeing Allen taking her place in the bowl of food and Van glancing sideways at him. "How sweet," She laughed starling the both of them. "You know there's some Spagetti and Meatballs in there as well, and I'll be happy to provide the music, you know. A Lady and the Tramp type scenario." Allen frowned and looked dead at her. "As long as I get to be the Tramp, cause I look horrible in a dress." She smiled again and glanced at Van real quick. He looked back at her smiling. "So," she started, snapping back to attention, "When you gonna start this briefing Captain." "Damn, let's get going, I guess my stomach got in the way of really starting this mission." "Ahh" she waved it off." All's forgiven."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Trini and Van heard Allen as he entered the room seeing the both of them embracing each other. They parted from each other slowly, Van the first to break eye contact and look over at Allen. Allen: Did I disturb something? Trini stood silent for a moment and then turned to Allen. Trini: No. She exhaled deeply and looked back over at Van momentarily before returning her eyes to Allen. Trini: I was just about to go. As she parted from Van he took her hand in his, she looked up at him.Her eyes half pleading and half gleaming. His espression wanting her to stay. She looked at him longer and did something unexpected. She stepped towards him and kissed him lightly on the lips savoring the feel of his lips against her for another moment before backing away. Trini: (whispering) I'll be back. She gave him a sincere smile and walked away from him. She left Van and Allen alone in the room and walked down the halfway down the hall and leaned up against the wall. She soon felt confused. Her thoughts mixing in her head incoherently. She didnt know what to do. What feeling she really had for him. Soon her thought began to focus on the past. Her other relationship. Remembering how it started, how he had felt when he kissed her. Some similarities to Van and still some differences. Then the time came into play. It had almost been 5 years since she felt a man's touch. Purley physical buut there were different, they dellved deeper than anyone elses. A chill ran up her back. Physical pleasure. It popped in her head and she cursed herself. Inner Voice: So what are you gonna do Trini? What ARE YOU.... gonna do?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Sorry I had to be the one to delay the process of the story. But yopu know how unpredicatble weather can be. I just got power back on Sep. 14th and I will continue to follow the story for when I come into play. Again sorry about that. And I will be sure to be more vigilant of when my part comes up again. P.S. Just pray that FL doesnt get hit by any more hurricanes. Ohh shoot. hehe I forgot. Ivan's already pounding the panhandle... Best of luck to those in Ivan's path.
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