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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Ah, well, you know how it is. You date someone for about three years, have her cheat on you for a whole year and then try to commit suicide because you won't come back to her then you can come and talk to me about long term relationships. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue] Dang you went through all that...or are you just relaying stories of your friends or something....well if you have had that happpen then I really commend your strength....[/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I would have had Vegita finally kill that stupid Gokou! And then .... i dunno.... that would have done it for me... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] :laugh::laugh: Oh my goodness Transtic you are a trip.. I can't believe you said that....but hey that's you opinion you go ahead and ride with it boy.... But me I would like to see Vegeta and Gokou just fighting in the last ep..and then have it end... That way you know Vegeta gets his wish to fight Gokou, but you don't know who wins....[/COLOR]
  3. I'm in too Name: Ce Ce Age: 19 Side: Trainers Pokemon: Gyrados
  4. [COLOR=royalblue] Okay what is this all for.. If it's suppose to be the shortest battle ever...it should be like this.... Ash: I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle.....well actually I don't.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=royalblue] I know it's been a while since anyone heard of this system but I wanna know... How many of you remember the [B][U]ORIGINAL NINTENDO[/U][/B]....if you do and you had it or if it's till stuck in your closet with dirty underwear...which game was you're favorite.. I just used to love all the Mario Brother games...but the game that is still suck in my head today....[B]DUCK HUNT[/B][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=royalblue] I totattly agree with the names thqt the ppl have mentioned but there is one that I haven't checked out that ppl say rox.... AKIRA....if I see it before you ...believe me I will tell you how it trns out...but I bet it rox..also definetly check out Cowboy Bebop, even Blue Seed, Macross (Plus)...whateva you see that appeals to you...[/COLOR]
  7. Hinata


    [COLOR=royalblue] Ok I got a cnace to glance at it yesterday but I dodn;t see the whole ep so I have no clue as to what it is.... So pls tell me ppl. I wann know how it's going so far so that way I'll be able to tell if it's worth watching[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=royalblue] Personally I like the Gundam Wing Series the best and I just love Duo and Trowa...oh they are soo cute...well all of them are cute but that blonde kid *forgets name* kind of diturbs me at times...and that Raleena..she gets on my nerves..... I hope I spelled the names right[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=royalblue] Most of you know how DBZ/GT is gonna end but if you were the writer how would you end DBZ/GT....would this story ever end...would Gokuo go away forever would Vegeta be the best forever...would the world never end fights wth ppl who want to destory it (basically would you know when to end it...[I] For God's sake I hope so[/I]) But seriously I just wanna know what would you change about DBZ ,if there is anything, or what would you have liked to have seen done?[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Yeah that kid just turned 16 in August so I doubt that he was watching it when he wasn't even 1 year old... 1 year olds rarely watch TV and certainly rarely watch DragonBall, no matter what country you live in. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL...oh my goodness...you guys are really gettin on that dude but it's so funny...But anyways you all are making a point about him...so I must do this....* Puts head in hand an luaghs till she falls out of seat* But back to the subject..... I've been watching DB for a few years now....and I becames addicted to it because it was a cartoon that appealed to me....once I saw it I couldn't let go....I think it was Gokou *sighs* :love: or Yamcha *sighs* :love:....or Napa *sighs* :love: or Vegeta *spits with digust at first but as DBZ continues into Buu Saga she falls madly in love b/c of his looks..and the she sighs* :love:
  11. [COLOR=royalblue] A good steady relationship \is all good and well as long as you know you can hold out and only be w/ that person. Me I kinda go back and forth...right now I'm in a steady relationship but its a long distance one. So about know I wish I could break it off to be friends and just casually see ppl and see if there is anyone out there who may have to qualities I'm looking *shrugs* I guess I'm just in a predicament that is gonna take some time for me to think about so how about I ask you all....... Like I said I'm in a steady but long distance relationship...For now he's in the US Army and stationed up in Washington DC. I'm in Orlando going to college... I barely talk to him but I still love him...But now(well actually for a few weeks.) I've been feeling the need to leave him so I can start seeing other ppl. I want to see other ppl and I have been but I don't wanna feel as though I'm cheating on him and also being unfair to both him and myself....so what should I do?[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=royalblue] Well while you all talk about shows..there is one toy in particular that I remember [SIZE=3] Teddy Rumpskin[/SIZE] Oh my goodness that toy was a trip..but he was still kinda awesome....but you all know you all taking it back for the movies though but there was one that I didn't see [SIZE=3]An American Tail[/SIZE] Now that was a movie.....* Voice of Fievel sister**singing* Some where out there Beneath the pale moon light But also who rembers 3-2-1 Contact...it was on the same channel as Sesame Street..at least in the US it was?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=royalblue] I bet many of you say it's stupidity but she didn't know what she was getting herself into shich makes things a bit different. Therefore it is not stupidity but ignorance...which isn't an excuse either so don't think that I'm saying that. Ignorance and stupidity are both equal...but they can be taken in differnt context. So I say the smoking girlie was being a bit of both[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=royalblue]Outta all the series of Gundam which is your fav character...and to ask has anybody seen the whole series of Gundam Wing... I haven't been able to catch it all? [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=royalblue]Hey there ppl.... I know that all of you like DB/Z/GT but I was wondering how long have you been watching it....So tell me how [U]you became addicted to DBZ and when?[/U][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=royalblue]I haven't read the book...but mystical stories and movies are interesting to me...SO I am gonna check out the movie whan it comes out...and if it's good then I might read the books.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=royalblue]Parents are parents and they're gonna fight no matter what...All you can really do is tell them how it affects you and if they must agrue ask them to do it somewhere wher you can't hear them..but seriously try not to get too invovled b/c then they may want you to take sides...and sweety that can be a very dangerous thing to do...SO stay outta that path.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=royalblue]Well luckily I'm in college and the only way you can tell the differnce in classes is if the person tells you.."Oh I'm rich" or "Oh I'm poor" Me personally zI'm a middle class person and I kind of hate it..Well for school anyways...but that's about it.... and as forward as saying Low class shouldn't be with High class...That's for you to decide but you can't help who you love and wheter they are rich or poor you'll love them[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]how my parents wouldn't let me watch scooby doo, pee-wee's playhouse, the count on sesamee street, masters of the universe, & a slew of other things b/c they were "evil"...[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] Oh my goodness I haven't heard of Masters of the universe in a long time...do you remember She-Ra or what about your toys...man I get upset at times b/c the kids today got some awesome toys to play with...Try to compare Big Wheels with Power Wheels..... But seriously the most memorable things are Thundercats * Voice of Liono "Ho"* and Voltron..that was the ish back in the day[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]you know what makes no sense? on the i-channel, dbz is in japanese, but the commercials are in english. *in south park johnny cochrane voice* now that does not make SENSE. [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue] :laugh: You know that's right but I don't truly understand it... I think it's just a way to make the ppl, who are from another country, realize that they are stil in America...shoot if they really wanna do that then I feel that they should sub all the shows...but you know I don't really wanna touch on that right now.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=royalblue]My fav eps are just a little too much for me to explain but I'll give you one.... my episode is when Goten shows Gohan :love: that he's a Super Saiya-jin also. :laugh: :laugh: He just pops to it...No trouble at all. And then the part when he kicks Chi-Chi :eek: :eek: oh my goodness did I ever laugh so hard.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=royalblue]Well I saw an awesome Music Vid with Vegeta set to Limp Bizkit's "My Way." Very, very awesome. I just wish I could find it again :bawl: :bawl:... I believe it was through Kazaam...or something of that nature...Oh yeah if you do know the name...if I spelled it incorrectly let me know so I can get it again plz. Thanx[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=royalblue]PPL if you can draw be happy. Becuz I can't do nothin at all. I can only sing...which is why I try to learn the theme song to all my fav anime shows...although I don't undertsand them at all I still love them...oops sorry to get off track there but to DBZM_Brolly and Cecil. You go ahead...soon you two are gonna be awesome[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=royalblue]Do you know how are that's gonna be... I can barely find music that I want period. But you trying to get a certain eps. mucis is even worse. But no matter I hope that you find it though. So good luck.[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Ermm, try... CN, well for dubs that is. I channel for japanese ones... but you don't have the I channel do you?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: [COLOR=royalblue]I have the I channel but the funny thing is, I just have some rinky-dink college cable and I got it...oh yeah now I know why...*think out loud* since there are students from other countries hear that's why we have the I channel...so it sux for you who don't have it...but don't feel too bad..thats probably the only show I watch since there is nothing else on there that I understand.[/COLOR]
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