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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=royalblue]I would agree with you Lotus but roshi is a MAN....he's been training for a hundred some odd years and never had woman to really call his own...So he's very lonely and his only release it so be a pervert...He justs want to have a little rendevous with a woman...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=royalblue]Basically Altron said it..b/c Gohan hadn't been fighting since Gokou left b/c of chi chi making him study for school and all...But at the same time Vegeta was still training so basically Gohan got thrown in the dirt.....[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=royalblue]okay ppl I know you my be over seas or what not but I know you have something some what ike we have in the US it's called *69...it's when you can trace the # of the last person who called...so tell you friend if he has it and the person calls again...to use *69...that way he can have that persons # and that way your friends parents can call the pranksters parents and tell them off... YOU GOT ME!!![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=royalblue]CWB that's exactly what you are...But anyways I wanna thank you all for speaking your opinion... I see many other choose to look but not speak...so come on everyone I want you to speak your minds...ause if you complain about it but don't speak it...what's that gonna accomplish...You have to stand and complain if you want to change it....[/COLOR] So even if it's just one line say it!!!!
  5. [COLOR=royalblue]All I could do is LMAO...oh my goodness this is so funny but I saw a site with all the script to all Monty Python movies so check it out [url]http://www.montypython.net/grailmm.php3[/url] I just had a fun time looking at this stuff..you will to if you're bored.[/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zenmonkey [/i] [B]uhm one quick question, can you clear up exactly what the difference between the edited and unedited versions are?? like the hercule example and others please . . . i dunno, i guess i am just kinda disappointed that they are only putting 3 or 4 episodes on each dvd, which that capability you think they could load them up . . . oh well. thanks and hi board! [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue] :wigout: :eek: :eek: Oooh be happy I saw this before Sephiroth, Transtic Nerve or anybody else saw this...they would have gone one forever and ever :babble: :babble: about what the difference is...But I'll break it down for you ok...... #1 As you stated Hercule is in the edited for subbed or originals he's called Mr. Satan :devil:... #2 You know that in the edited DBZ when Goku falls into HFIL (big giants with the white shirts), in the subbed or edited it's actually called HELL. #3 The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is the edited name whil subbed is The Room of Spirit and Time. #4 Names you know like the Supreme Kia(aka Shin)...In the subbed he's Kaioshin.. as well as ither peoples name( but that's too many to get into.) There are many other things such as language and graphics (such as mooning or so) that they don't show.... I hope that's good enough for you!!! and to everyone else who wants to add info or correct something...PLEASE DO!!![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=royalblue]You now I've wondered that too....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: oh well I guess we'll never find out...but personally I would have loved to see an ep. about that...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=royalblue]:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: You know what this sux. For the first tine in a month I had to miss this Japanese ep. of DBZ and I mised the best ep. yet....:laugh: :laugh: I can't beleive roshi grabbed a boob... I missed that....:rolleyes: Oh well...I guess I'll have to catch that Thursday night then...;) :D [/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jbirdleslie [/i] [B]I was not sayin not true to you. i don't think that they are makin a dbz movie:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue] OH THAT'S MY BAD:whoops: I believe that i should apologize....*mumbles under breath* I'm sorry*:butthead:....J/K for real though zi am sorry about that...[/COLOR] Note that was sarcasm I was displayin for the most part of this message.
  10. [COLOR=royalblue]No doubt the all-time fav MJ video is Scream:D Besides Janet is in it:tasty: ....Seriously all of Mj's work was pretty tight but I just csn't believe he came back after so long....But even if the music isn't so good and least he can still dance...and @Transtic...what trendy Amecian scum music are you talking about here? *rolls up sleeves and get ready to defend American music everywhere....but then changes her mind*..Well you're right on some instances....like Brittany Spears..........[B]THE POOR GIRL JUST CAN'T SING[/B][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I am obbsesed with bladed and pointy weapons! Is anyone else here? Anyways, what is your fave sword that exists? I wanna get one from the net...but my mother won't let me :demon: I also want a katana sword...maybe a flail too...and some gauntlets...etc.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] I personally want a bunch of collectors weapons. I just bought my first sword a few months ago..But I really wanna buy a Katana, and even a staights edged sword. Double/one sided it doesn't matter to me I love them all and I wanna get them so bad...Shoot I even pair or sais. So lets just say I just about love all Asian weaponry.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=royalblue] Well whatever happens I just hope it sll get settled and that you don't have to worry about anything like that untill you are truly ready to deal with it...But tell me how things work out ok..Just PM me[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=royalblue]*stuck in deep though about this question and asks self...'Am I shy"* Welllll, I'm not, there I sadi it are you happy? J/K I'm going through a loud stage today but I am not shy unless I am totally and utterly alone* shies off in to a corner while a group of strangers dance* That's about it.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=royalblue] Why do you suppose we have some many words that mean the same thing. *scrathes head and thinks for a long time*. I seriously don't know.... I personally feel they should cut it down like they did in 1984...*looks around*:nervous: "be careful big brother is watching us"....*snaps back to reality*..but not to that extreme point.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=royalblue] I know many people don't liked dubbed versions of anime but why do you suppose they do that..They say it's to protect the youth but I feel it's just a way to ruin other peoples entertainmet..I understand that some things on TV may be to violent or offensive(language-wise) but then those who don't like it shouldn't watch it.... For examples: Change HELL in DBZ to HFIL...or calling Mr. Satan, Hercule, and even the Room of Spirit and Time to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.. But this isn't only happening in cartoons...it happened on one of my fav shows...WWF Raw is War and Smackdown...Why did they have to tak out the word A@@, or G@&D$MMIT..but on other programs I watch they allow men to used the word B!TCH.. I feel if you're gonna censor stupid things like that...then censor all of it....or even none at all.... That's how I feel...[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] and also the one who won the cell games! AND the one who won the tenkaiichi boudakai in the buu saga.... I have a feeling that they might even dub the name gotenks differently, like umm, super fused goten and trunks! heh.... and what about that ascended saiyan crap, haven't they heard of ussj?! and when son gohan went ssj2, they were like, "he ascended to the next level!", my god, what morons.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] Yeah that's true.. I do hat the way they change names and *bleep* but that's the way the cookie crumbles over hear in America...People love to censor things but hey if they wanna watch stuff that may have some..*speaks sarcastically and in a smart azz tone*Non-postive words...then they shouldn't look at TV at all..They should go and make their own movies....That kind if reminds me....Ooopps I'm about to start a new topic so I'll drop it here.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=royalblue] Well sorry you feel that way but that's how I feel. CGi is ok fro some movies but I don't think It would look so good for DBZ esp. since I'm so used to it as a cartoon.. I guess I won't be able to adapt but hey I'm not gonna lie...No matter if it was live action, CGI or cartoon... I'll still go and see it.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=royalblue]Okay we're here arguing over how many eps there are for what reason...*slaps head*..Duh of course were gonna have to wait a few more months for the end of the Buu Saga...and then know what...while we're waiting for that time to come...We're gonna have to watch DBZ all over again...*scratches head* or at least from the Freiza saga...but you know what..I'm not gonna complain..*mumbles under breath* "damn CN"...cause I'm a happy DBZ fan..*mumbles again* "they need to hurry with the ending"...and I'll wait till the very end..just so I can see all the eps.[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]subbed of course, you didn't think I would prefer the dubs, did you.... I mean for gods sake.... hyperbolic time chamber? surely its room of spirit and time Hercule? they mock the great Mr Satan! HFIL? home for infinate losers, is hell, why the hell they changed it? little kids weren't exactly going to point and shout "eeeee! hell!" and cower to their parents anyway, thats all I got to say about that.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] :laugh: :laugh: Do you realuze how totally funny this is... i just saw it and could do nothing but laugh..and yeah you would mention Mr. Satan...but I'm not hatin'..*speaks sarcastically*....after all he is the World Martial Arts Champion....[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]I come up with a lot of stupid questions. I think it would be good to post them here, let's see how you all respond!!!! My first question: Most of us have been to Mcdonalds right? Then tell me what in the heck is Grimace????????:naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]you know what...I'm not even sure and I work there...but I believe that Grimace is a monster but friendly...some what like Barnie but not a dinosaur..... But I have a question too? I'm not sure if everyone has a Red Lobster where they stay....but if you do..Can anyone tell me what happened to the little comic they used to give you with theri kids meals? I go there so often and I don't see them anymore. They were so cool[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I'll celebrate any holiday you want me too! I'm not Christian or Jewish but damn... if you want me to celebrate Hanaka (sp?) then I'll do it :) [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Well fisrt of all I'm happy to hear such good respnses and on top of that....Transtic...you are crazy...but I like how you said it...and you go ahead and celebrate all those holidays.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]the things around me created a hell in my mind.... and i live there now... It is a nightmarish scene... Some of my nightmares coem straight out of horror books... [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue] Come on now stop the BS..don't be so down...please don't make me start singing... I warn you know if you post another sad thought I will sing "Don't Worry be Happy"...Ok Trust me.... I have the words right now... [B]*starts warm-ups in an off key* :drunk: *hiccups* Sorry I got *hiccups* a little overboard. But I will do it okay[/B][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Capt. Stephanos [/i] [B][COLOR=orange] It's another [/COLOR] [SIZE=4] [COLOR=limegreen] WORD OF THE DAY [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=dark-blue] [i]BORBORYGMUS [/i] Rumbling in the guts. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]LOL...that's a good one..but how do you pronouce it.....but what did you think of my word:love: *sighs* it's good isn't it.[/COLOR]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]Hmm... Lemme think... If I had kids, one of these names would be their name... Boys: Adrian [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]Cool that's my bf's name..and my cousins name.-->but she's a girl and it spelled Adrianne:drunk: does that count...lol[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]i dont celebrate any holidays... there's no reason to anymore... Let the others be happy... lol...[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue] It seems so depressing...don't worry though I'll celebrate all the holidays you don't for you:D that is,;) if you let me..lol :laugh: [/COLOR] *:mrt: --> I pity da fool dat don't celebrate holidays..*
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