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Everything posted by Hinata
OOC: I still don't have power but thank goodness for a power generator... Will beable to post more once I get to a facility capable of allowing me time tp really POST! [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] She olucked a few pieces of chicken out of the container and placed them in her mouth. Studying Van as he continued to eat. Her eyes caught his for a moment as she slowly chewed the food in her mouth and she finally placed the fork down and swallowed the remaining bits of food. "What's on your mind Van?" She said her arms crossed on the table leaning over a bit looking at him. He placed down his fork and took a sip of his drink. Then wiped his mouth. "Nothing really. Why something eating you?" He looked at her carefully. She sat back and revealed the bottle she held in her pockets. "This is eating me." She made sure the name was clearly visible to him. "When did you start taking this. Well more so WHY!?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkOrchid] She placed her finger over his mouth before he spoke. "Good to see you, too, OLD MAN." She laughed heartfully her hair, still damp, hanging around her face. "Um but if you're really trying to impress me. Go get washed up." She wiped the some of the gel away from his face and showed him the amount she was able to retrieve with one finger. "Then we'll talk, I got a bunch of questions for you and we need to check you out again." She stood up and let the male SEAL's help Van out. "Thanks guys for cleaning him," she said acknowledging them. Then lightly touched Van's shouldes as she began to depart from them. "And please escort him to the ed Bay when you're done. "Yes ma'am." One acknowledged back towards her. She left them and headed to her room, not too far from the Medical Bay and quickly dressed. She threw on a loose fitting shirt and tight dark pants. Her hair she finished drying and brushed it down so that it was tucked neatly behind her ears. She threw on a pair of black boots and moved into the Medical Bay turning on the equipment and waited for Van's arrival. "SHIT! Allen," she moved straigway to the Comm and got him provately on the speaker. "Allen?" She spoke quietly. " What's up Trini," he replied after a few minutes of silence. "Van just woke up, they're gonna transport him here shortly. I'll be in debriefing as soon as he checks out okay."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Hey everyone. this is just a notice that I will be away for a few days to maybe a week tops. As many may know I live in Florida and if you keep an eye on the news you know that our state is being threatened by a hurricane. And how its directed, my area may be affected as well. But if its not as expected. I'll be back shortly to continue this adventure.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] She woke up and immediately threw up the green gel that had accumulated in her mouth and throat. Her body shivering uncontrollably as she began to wake up. Her eyes searched the pod around her trying to refocus. Her hands felt around the small enclosure the doors opened and she stepped out slowly and cleaned her eyes getting a better look around. She heard Allen speak to the rest, but she did not see who else was awakened. She only stood in her place her body adjusting. After a moment of just standing she moved off to the shower and removed the bra and tight boy cut shorts she had wore in the pod. The clothes felt as if they had gotten a size smaller as they were close to impossible to remove. The gel had sunken into the clothes making them stick to her body. After finally removing them she jumped under the stream of hot water and allowed it to flow over her head face and body, relaxing before scubbing her body clean. She washed her hair and in felt that it was shorter than usual.[I] Damn I cut it.[/I] She giggled to herself and continued to wash making sure that every strand and dried blod of gel was removed from her body. She finished wrapped the towel tightly around her body and moved back into the room. Her hair wet was blotted and left dangling where it lay after she tossed it around. She stepped back into the main are to see Avlen leave the room and looked around. Van still lay in the pod, lucky the gel had drained but she needed to get him out of there and his airway cleared. She signaled to a few of the seals. Who moved over to her immediatelt and helped Van out of the pod and onto a levi cart. As he laid on the cart she cleared his mouth and nose with the emergency suction kits placed in a compartment of each pod. She looked on over him seeing if he'd show any signs of consciousness. "Okay Van, wake up." She looked at him seeing if he'd begin to breath. Hopefully his mind would pick up the fact he was out of the pod and signal him to breath. 20 seconds... no chest movement and his lips began to turn blue. She lheld her face close to his and felt no air on her skin. SHIT! She felt for a pulse. It was there luckily. She held his had back and placed her mouth over his giving him one good breath. As she did this Van coughed and she turned his face to the side and he spit up more of the gel, and began to breathe slowly once again. She left him on his side, and covered him up. She looked over him once again remembering he was still covered with gel. " Um, anyone wanna help me clean him up?"[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] She hated this part of the mission. Trusting her life completely to the whims of a machine. Not that technology had its uses. But to step into a pod. Let it surround youyr body in a slime like material and then just lay there. She reallt didn't like. But she had no choice. After Allen and Gabriella had left she quickly finished undressing and looked on Van once more. The process didn't take long and soon Avlen had prepped and stepped in. She followed suit nodding to Avlen before Avlen's face was covered. Trini got in and laid back. Happy that she was going to rest, but then again nervous of what might pop up in her sleep. But she had to chance it. The stasis pod closed and she was covered quickly, but she ignored the warm fluid covering her and soon found herself thinking back on old family memories. Her mom, dad, sisters and brothers. She wondered how they'd take the news she left on yet another mission. Hopefully they got the news. She mailed the letter late for a reason. She didn't want them to stop her. She couldn't let them control her. No matter how much she knew they worried. Before anything else could interrupt her mind she fell into a deep sleep.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] " I haven't had a laugh like that in a while." Trini said their laughter soon subsiding and her head beginning to ache a bit more than usual. She collapsed in a chair and held her temple for a moment, feeling the effects from her concussion finally come upon her. She studied Avlen's face for a while gathering a little bit of her personality from her face. She kept looking and only a small smile creeped on her face, thinking on how she had misjudged her. "So Avlen, I hear people see you as the anti-social one?" Avlen's mood shortly changed as she blinked so did her facial expression. "Don't take any offense dear," Trini tried to make up for the comment, sitting straight up in her seat, "I'm not judging you, just trying to see you take on the matter." Avlen's voice began to rumble in her throat, starting to make up a few words to say, but soon the intercom cracked on. Ana's voice was heard calling for help. "Shit what is it now?" Trini stood up and walked to the door. Avlen stayed seated. "I'll be along," her voice rang momentarily as the doors hissed opened and Trini stepped partway through. "Okay," Trini responded, knowing her question had hit a sore bone in Avlen body. "About my question, I just asked cause... it reminded me of how I used to be. Feels good to have someone you can relate to a lil, you know?" Trini passed out the doors and on down the hall where she heard the next anouncement by Allen. She sighed inwardly to herself, hoping that Ana's alarm was a false one. She moved quickly to the gel tanks. She moved along and the path towards them, her head spinning and thinking on a few things. Her headache slowly worsened, but she was happy that she'll be asleep soon, that way when she wakes up it'll be gone and the physical signs of the concussion diminished, hopefully gone. As she moved down the hallway she heard both Allen and Ana's voice. She turned back to look at them and saw a levi bed between them. She stood still in the hallway looking at them catch up to her. "What happened Allen? Did you and Sam have another fight?" She smiled gently, but Allens demeanor said something more serious. "Its Van," he stopped the bed allowing her to look at him. Trini's eyes scanned his body climbing to his face. She then looked at Ana and Allen. "What happened to him?" She checked for a pulse and his breathing, both present and looked at his pupils as Ana related the story. Trinis could only stand stunned as Ana told her he was in a coma. "And we found this also," Trini looked at the small vial in Allen's hand. She took it and examened the name. " It was in his pocket, Trini. Maybe you can explain." The three of them continued to walk, but at a slower pace. She kept looking at the name and size of the vial, trying to figure why he would use it. "Well it's a pain killer, shuts down specific neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Very strong medicine, more so for those who are close to death and want a med to ease them as they pass on." She continued with her explaination of the drug, known as Neurosin, and its usual side effects and extreme instances of if a user overdoses,i.e., respiratory depression and lessened stimulatory response, but never a coma. She worried if Van had mixed drugs causing a very toxic side effect, but only two other drugs were likely to cause it and they were found in medicines that weren't on the ship at this time. She pocketed the drug and kept moving with Ana and Allen on to the gel pods. "But why would he take something like that?" Ana vocalizing the thoughts Trini was going through in her head. "I can only speculate he was in pain." Her eyes glancing back to his face. "Only he really knows." [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Trini laughed looking at Avlen as she laid on the floor, and then knelt down closer to take a look at her. Before she could say any else they both looked as they heard another door his open and shut. Trini, whose vision had not yet fully cleared couldn't see them well and only turned back to Alven as the two began moving down the hall. Trini turned her head back at once to Alven and looked at her as she laid on the ground. "So what's it look like?" Trini asked. "What?!" Alven face focused back on Trini's. "You said you were 'enjoying the view', so tell me how it looks." Alven pondered her thoughs for a moment and tried to sit up. But she found herself getting dizzy as she moved. "Thought you hit your head. C'mon lets get you to your office." Trini, not in the best of shape helped Alven to her feet, Trini now suppresing the feels of her concussion stood easily and helped her walk into the office where alven sat behind her desk, and Trini took a seat infront. Resting her head on the back of the chair. "So how'd ya fall?" Trini asked, her thoughts coming out calmly as she gave her self a chance to relax and rest, before Allen called them once again. She wasn't too much on details but she had to make sure Alven was okay before she left her, but Trini didn't feel like being alone either.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Trini held her head down, and sighed to herself.She couldn't really say anything to Sam, Allen or Van, so she took the time to jst think. What could she say? What could she do? It happened and know she knows whats going on. She stood up after a few moments and walked over to Sam, she looked at him as he stared back tears in his eyes. She smiled at hi and nodded her head. "I forgive you Sam." She held his hands for a moment and let them go. She glanced over to Van who caught her gaze and held it.She moved over to him and noted the blame he was holding in them. She didn't know how to react. But at the same time she noted another look one she could not yet describe. It made her feel comfort and yet nervous as he continued to look and then stand. Before she could say a word he held out his arms. She joined him in the seemingly friendly embrace. She didn't know how long they stood there in each others arms but all she could do while she was there was thank him. Van remainded silent. He just held her. Soon their embrace broke and Trini went past Allen and touched him on the shoulder. "It okay Allen." Nothing else would come from her mouth and she began to move out of the med bay. This was just the start of it, and she knew it. Now the real trouble began. She moved on through the doors and they hissed clsed behind her. She stood there for a moment stunned and then began to look around for Ana. She had to thank her too. She moved quietly through the halls, her mind leaving behind what had happened, focusing in what was to come.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]OOC: I'm backtracking here a lil bit. To the immediate time after I woke up in the medical bay. IC: As the lights were dimmed, she adjusted to her eyes to everyone around her. Her vision was slightly blurry due to where Sam had hit her but she just gave herself time to relax and laid there as everyone looked over her. "How ya feeling now? Everything okay?" Van asked, bringing out a small pinpoint light checking her pupils making sure she didn't suffer a worse fate than thought. The light stunned her for a moment and she blinked to bring back her focus. "Yeah," she said, trying to move," just my vision's a lil blurry." Ana helped her sit up on the side of the medical bed and she was able to look around and saw Sam's figure coming into focus. She turned to Allen who was moving beside her. "How's Sam doing?" "Let's just say he had a rude awakening." Allen said touching her shoulder. And moving away from her. She felt her head pound and lifted her hand to the spot where she was hit. "It'll be sore for a lil bit and you have a few cracked ribs. But we'll take care of that later." Van also placed his hands on her shoulder and began to walk away. Leaving only Ana at her side. "You okay sitting here." Ana asked. Trini nodded and sighed then looked over to Sam, Allen and Van. "If you would Ana, can you leave me with these three alone for a moment?" She looked around to see a few others in the room as well." Can u all leave for a moment.?" She asked loooking at the ones near the bay doors and saw them nod. They turned quickly and left the area Ana saw the serious look on Trinis face as she began to move herself off the uncomfortable metal table. "Here, lemme help." "I got it, Ana." Trini said reassuringly and moved a few steps over to a chair by a table. That Ana brought around for her to sit in. "You need to slow down." Van said. "Well you know what they say 'Doctor.' Docs and nurses make the worse patients." She smiled and took a seat. "Thanks Ana." The woman left Trini's side and began to move out of the medical bay. The doors hissed and closed as Ana left, leaving Trini to sit with her three friends. They all sat there in relative silence before Trini sighed. "What's up Trini?" She looked up. Their faces now clear to her. Allen was straight faced as ever, Van was still somehwat worred and Sam., he was mixed between a frightened kid and a busload of concern. Before she could reply he burst out. "I'm so sorry Trini. I didn't-" "How long has this been going on?" She purposely interrupted his apology and looked at all three of them. No one answered right away. Allen stepped forward and answered. "Since we got home, Sam has been having these terrible visions of Tex and-" "Why didn't you tell me?" her eyes were piercing all of them. Van most of all, her commrade, father figure, it began to hurt most of all seeing his face amoungst the three of them because he was the one she had grown closest to. Not even he gave her a warning. "I mean I was there with you guys and you didn't tell me a word. Why?" [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] Trini coulld hear a bit of the sounds around her. Footsteps pounding on the walkway. Yells ringing off the wall but nothing awaked her. Her senses fell dead again..... An unknown amount of time lapsed again before her hearing came back again. She heard Sam's crying. [I] SAM![/I] Her mind raced with what had happened but she couldn't open her eyes just yet. She played it in her head trying to remember what is was that set her him off. "Allen! What did you do to him?" she heard a feminine voice ring through her ears. "I woke him up." Allen replied cooly. Trini felt a hand touch her and she slowly opened her eyes only to close them again and move her arm in response. "TRINI?!" "She's waking up?" she heard Van's voice and he also came over to her looking down on her at the table. "Take it easy Trini. You're okay." Allen also came beside her and she opened her eyes again slowly. "The light," she got out, her voice barely registering to their ears. "What's wrong Trini? She began to speak again, swallowing as her hand finally reached over to cover her eyes. "That damned light." A smirk appeared on her face. "Turn it out or something." [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] She sat with him in relative silence. His screams continue to come out with breaks of tears in between. [I]What's going on Sam?[/I] Its all she could think about as she held the grown man in her arms her face hugged against his head as he began to quiet himself. She stayed with him for a bit longer until he silenced himself completely before she spoke a word. And as she spoke the words only could tremble out of her. Unsure of what exactly to say to Sam. "Are you okay, Sam?" She looked down to him. And he blinked rapidly his face still wet with tears but his eyes seemed bright, and happy. "Yes, I am right now." He continued to look at her. "Well I mean what happened. Are you hurt of something?" Against her intuitition she stayed close to him as he dried his face, recounting the events to him. Seeing him on the floor whaling like a kid. "I'm sorry I worried you," he helped her up from the floor she accepted his hand and stood. "Well next time if something wrong you should speak to some one. YOu know Van Allen and I are always around to help you." She turned away for a moment walking over to her papers and remembering suddenly why she came here. Before she could turn around she felt him right behind her his hands around her waist hugging her and smelling her hair. "I've missed you so much," he said his face nuzzling her neck. "Um, Sam." "You don't seem to understand I think about you every night I see you, but not like this." "W-what are you talking about Sam?" Her voice began to tremble as she felt him tighten his body against hers. "Ever since you left me I haven't been able to let you go Tex." Trini's eyes widened as that name repeated countless times in her head. She tried to move away from him but his grip wouldn't loosen. "Sam, let me go..." He wouldnt respond his hands still around her waist. "SAM!" Trini yelled as she tried to move his arms but they remainde there. "Let me go Sam!" Panic began to course through her as she began to sruggle for him to relase her. "Why are you doing this Tex? I just want you to be here with me." "But I'm not Tex-" she began move more "DON' T SAY THAT! I KNOW YOU ARE!" He swung her arond held her wrists and looked deep into her face. What she saw was no longer the Sam she knew, only hurt and pain and anger filled his eyes. "I'm not Sam." Tears began to swell her eyes as he drew her closer. She only had one choice. She went straight for the family jewels. He bent down releasing her and she turned for the hyradlic doors. "TEX!" he yelled and began to move after her. She made it to the doors that began to open quickly but he was already upon her, quickly renewed from that blow and threw Trini into the wall across from the cockpit. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Trini could only look at him frightened and in pain. She looked around ignoring him looking for something to help her. She saw it. Only an armspan away. The intercom. She shoved Sam away from her and turned back to hit it. "HHHEELLLPPP!" The blood currling scream echoed into the speaker and then, nothing. Only blackness surrounded her as she felt her body fall to the floor.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2] Hmm time for the silliness to begin... [I]Take one... ACTION![/I] She stayed at the desk shuffling the forms in hand and stacked them together as the crew dispersed to their work areas. She sat back down in her seat and places her hands on her forehead only thinking for a few minutes. She heard Allen and Van talkingfor a few seconds and sat up straightaway and held the papers in her hand. She stands up silently and begins to head out of the door when she realizes she didnt see Allens name in the stack. She turned back to the two of them, and walked over to them interrupting their conversation. *Trips over wires in the middle of the floor and falls into Van's arms. As she falls Van goes on with his lne.* "What's up Trini?" He catches her and holds her lifting her up... "Obviously not me..." Laughs are heard in the background by the crew and actors. [I] CUT![/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I] ACTION[/I] "Are you trying to skip out on your physical Allen? Cus if you are..." "Trini! Calm down!" Trini turned her eyes back to Van. It was the first time he had ever raised his voice and she was pretty well surprised to see it happen. But she took it the wrong way still and attacked him with her heating temper. "Why are you covering for him?" She started. "He's the captain of this ship and he needs his papers here or he needs to get checked out, like NOW!" Van just looked as Trini spoke her point and burned herself out talking to the both of them. "You know what? I don't why I waste my breath on stubborn men. Never listen to woman anyways."She began to turn away from them both, and walked towards the door. "You better find those papers or my hand's gonna go straight up your ***." Allen and Van start laughing incoherently as Trini steps back and covers her mouth. "That wasn't for this scene was it." She begins to laugh again as Van and Allen walk up to her and put their hands around her. "I'm sorry guys!" "CUT!" [/SIZE][/COLOR] Very corny.. but it happens!
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] With their last words spoken, Trini left the room and heaed to the other areas of the ship tracking down the few others whose papers hadn't been turned into her. "Tremming, Marcus." She looked at her list, he was another. She didn't know much about him. Like the other 'freshies', she had so dubbed them, he was someone she would try to keep close tabs on but wasn't going to be too motherly. She soon saw thats how she was reacting to Allen and Van, although they both were older than her. She hugged the papers in her hands as her shoes echoed down the hall. No other noises were heard as of yet, she only felt chills up her spine as their sounds filled their heads. Those creatures. The blood, some it hers, some Van's. Other patches belonging to Allen, some spots belong to Satell. Satell. She had almost forgot about her. Her sacrifice. It allowed Trini to stand here today. But not only her but Tex. Trini stood next to the wall tears beginning to fill her eyes. She threw her head back and felt her lip quiver. "DAMNIT!" The word echoed off the walls and down the hallway and her arm hit the wall. She pushed herself up and dried the tears that began to form. [I] I swore myself I wouldn't do this not now, not ever.[/I] She grabbed the papres tigher and began to speed down sending her thoughts else where. Her search. She moved swiftly down the halls looking for Marcus' work station. She got there quickly her mind undetered and her face, probably looking wrecked but she didn't care. The hydralic door opened with a his and she stepped inside the dark room. "Marcus Tremming?" She stood as the door remained open behind her. Her body blocking the door from closing. No answer. "Shit." she muttered under her breath and moved on. "Now I gotta go search for him." She grabbed her paper and looked down. Sam was the last one left. [I] I know where he is, may as well get him now....[/I] She moved away from the science lab on to the cockpit.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] As everyone began to leave Trini sat stunned in her seat for a moment and came back to reality. Her mind switched to collecting paperwork and she stood quickly and called out to everyone. "Your medical papers please," she called only a few were out of range of her voice but the other came back searching their briefcases and bags for their medical forms. She thanked each of them individually as they quickly dropped the papers on the desk in front of her, or handed them to her personally. She stayed at the desk shuffling the forms in hand and stacked them together as the crew dispersed to their work areas. She sat back down in her seat and places her hands on her forehead only thinking for a few minutes. She heard Allen and Van talkingfor a few seconds and sat up straightaway and held the papers in her hand. She stands up silently and begins to head out of the door when she realizes she didnt see Allens name in the stack. She turned back to the two of them, and walked over to them interrupting their conversation. "What's up Trini?" Van said noticing her first. Allen turned around to her slowly as her eyes looked up to him. "Um Allen, your papers, where are they?" He looked to Van, who looked back and spoke up first. "I have them Trini." Van spoke. She turned her eyes back to Van who stayed straigt faced and glanced back over to Allen. "Well why didn't I see them in the medical bay when you placed yours on my desk?" Allen clears his throat, drawing Trini's attention back to him. "Are you trying to skip out on your physical Allen? Cus if you are..." "Trini! Calm down!" Trini turned her eyes back to Van. It was the first time he had ever raised his voice and she was pretty well surprised to see it happen. But she took it the wrong way still and attacked him with her heating temper. "Why are you covering for him?" She started. "He's the captain of this ship and he needs his papers here or he needs to get checked out, like NOW!" Van just looked as Trini spoke her point and burned herself out talking to the both of them. "You know what? I don't why I waste my breath on stubborn men. Never listen to woman anyways."She began to turn away from them both her thoughts still flaring in her head." Just don't say nuthin when you away from here and some serious bug plagues you ass." She just kept mumbling as she left the mess hall, sensing her moms thoughs coming into her head. As she kept moving she could only begin to laugh at herself, seeing her moms nagging characterisitics begin to peak. She almost turned back to go apologize but felt it best saved for later. She needed to do a few other things first. She walked down the hallway and headed for the first person who forgot to hand in their medical papers. "Communications." she read on the door and tried to move to through the door. "Locked, how?" She punched in her code and was able to access Avlen's office area and heard a noise coming from the back. "AVLEN!" Trini walked further into the room and back to the shower area. As she passed the office she noticed many papers scattered about which looked like notes written in various languages. One lookes like Spanish but as she read a few more words she found it out to be Latin and just moved passed the papers and into the shower room. The noise in the back stopped but Trini continued through looking behind her to make sure Alven hadn't stepped into the office behind Trini. She turned around to find Alven standing looking dead on at Trini. "I'm sorry," Trini said giggling. "I just came for your medical-" she looked down over Alven's wet body noticing the scars on her breasts and cross over her chest then turned around quickly offering her a lil privacy. "Um, I'll be out here." She headed out the of the shower room quickly.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Trini looked over to Allen as Van cam back to reality. His mind slipping off somewhere. She had never seen him do that before and placed her hand there as concern for him. "You okay," she whispered to him. His eyes briefly locked on hers. He only nodded and turned back to Allen who now stood up once again ready to speak. She knew what was coming up. A mission briefing, the last thing she wanted to hear, because nothing he said was going to prepare them for what they were going to see. Death. Monsters. Ghosts. Whatever wanted to pop out.. popped out. She only held her head down for a brief moment and shook her head grabbing the cup of coffee in front of her before taking the rest of it down in one gulp. It stung her mouth a bit but she held the pain back. She only looked on as Allen walked over to a control panel, her arms now folded across her chest. A large screen came down in front of him. And he stood off to the side, beginning the mission briefing.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] As Van sat down, Trini looked over in his direction, he was only a few seats away but she didn't want to speak out loud bringing Allen's attention to here. 'What was that about?' she mouthed to Van. Who only shrugged his shoulders as he sat. She guessed, she wasn't the only one who had heard Allen's bluntness. She could only close her eyes for a moment and take a deep breathe as Allen paused in his introductions for a moment, taking a sip of his drink. "Now to the rest of the crew. Stand up introduce yourselves and lets be on with it." She opened her eyes to see no one standing to introduce themselves. She took the lead. [I]Get it over and done with.[/I] She rolled her head on her shoulders, hearing the crackle of a few bones then stood up. "Trini Angelos." she waved and looked at everyone making sure they saw her face from whatever angle they were sitting in the mess hall. "I'm the medical assistant working with Dr. Ambrose, so...uh.. if you have any problems just come see one of us." She stopped mid sentence and was ready to site down when the rest of what she needed to say popped back in her head. "Oh yeah, if you have your medical forms ready and filled out I'll take those. If not then be prepared for a thorough.. and I mean thorough... physical." She took her seat only smiling to herself as the word thorough rolled off her tongue. Not that she really like poking and proding, but the reaction of a man with his pants down to his ankles, and her with a lubed glove,always gives her a bit of a smile.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Trini remained by Van, the two of them whispering together, as Allen, about 10 feet in front of them looked around the interior of the ship as they were passing through. "I'm surprised he didn't get an attitude with you?" Trini started partially leaning over to Van. "What do you mean?" He looked back at her eyes wide. "Well you remember the first mission don't you? Trini started, her voice still low, Allen speaking over her but not taking her attention. "Well remember how I was late and he made a smart comment about it." "Yeah who could forget," Van replied smirking. Trini shoved him a lil bit and they both smiled at the comment. The tour of the new ship still going on. The two of them took a brief silence as they looked from side to side. They had seen the cargo bay, mess hall, the crew quarters, all of them looked accomodating, slightly biggger than the last ones, and they were now headed to the bridge and hopefully the med bay. ""When are we gonna get there?" Trini mumbled under her breath. Van nodded in agreement, hoping that the two of them would get a look around the medical bay before they departed. "Trini! Van!" Allen called back to them as they finished up their conversation. The two of them moved up to the front of the group with him. "There you two go, through those double doors, the rest of us are going ahead." Allen finished getting ready to leave with the rest of the group. "Have fun, you have 20 minutes." [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] Trini stood back from the group seeing who Allen was walking back with and kept her eyes on him as they walked back. He wasn't the same, or maybe it was just her instincts going haywire and nerves creeping up on her. Who knew? As she continued to think to herself, both Sam and Allen made their way towards them. "Look who finally showed up?" Allen said smirking towards Sam. "Yeah I see him," Trini answered back now looking at Sam. "Damn man you look like shit!" "Whoa, a bit fiesty there now aren't we?" Sam commented back glancing at her and then gazing over to the group. His eyes seeming to be searching for someone in particular. "Well one of us women as to get on you guy's ass every once and a while, and since I knew you the longest, I guess I'll take the reigns." Allen only smiled. Trini did too. But Sam didn't seem to keen on the comment and maybe was ignoring her. Still glancing over at the rest of the group. Trini also turned around seeing what Sam was interested in. "Oh, my bad man, go on over and say hey to 'em." Trini moved outta Sam's way and he touched her lightly on the shoulders. "Good seein ya again Trin'. We'll catch up later." Trini's sensation from that touch was mixed. She felt hot ith excitement and cold with fear at the same time. Only one other had that effect. She began to think about him but quickly snapped back to answer Sam. "Yeah," she answered her voice dying down as he walked away. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] "I hate my life." She heard her say and moved from the group as Allen kept talking with the rest of the crew. She was useless in this part, they wanted to talk to him not her. So she backed to to be only a few inches beside the lady. " Life can't be that bad," Trini started. "Besides wait till you get to know the real him." The young woman just looked at Trini for a moment her eyes penetrating her. "Oh Im sorry if I interrupted a private conversation, just wanted to introduce myself, my name's Trini Angelos. I'll be the medical assistant." She finally relaxed a lil bit," Avl Arboreal, Communications." Their conversation stopped there for a moment befroe Avl picked it up again. "You were on the previous mission, right?" Trini looked back over at her before turning her head glancing at the gropu still surrounding Allen. "Yes I was." Although the warm air circulated around Trini a cold shiver still came up her spine. "So what are we in for?" Trini exhaled still looking over the group now, not at them. "I.... have no idea." [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] The drive back to base was quicker than expected. Luckily she didnt make that comment to the men driving her for fear she's piss em off. She smiles to herself as they look on her leaving the car and into her small military sanctioned home on the base. She moves up to the steps and unlocks the door and sees the men still waiting. "Guess this means you're taking me to the hangar, too?" She says slicked mouth. and opens the door. The men waiting by the car just look on not answering her question. "Well then, she continued you may as well step inside for a moment. My items are upstairs and it may take me about 20 minutes to get them together. So you may wanna be a little confortable inside, unless you like 90 degree weather." She moves inside the men only thanking her as they cross the threshold two of them standing by the door, the third looking around momentarily before he moves net to his companions. "There's water for you in there if you like." She pointed to the kitchen. Then moved upstairs. Her room was spotless and on the bed laid only the clothes she was gonna change into. Her bags were packed and lay ready by the bedroom door. She plopped on the bed and looked around her room. She began to daydream before quickly snapping herself out of it and jumping off the bed and changingher clothes. Off went the jeans and pull over halter... on went the khaki pants suit, with a light blue button down sleevles shirt. The jacket she through to the side realizing she's trying to hard to impress the locals. She threw it to the side and put on some stocking socks and low heeled shoes. She turned and looked at the room then grabbed her two bags and jetted downstairs. "Lets go guys," she said, letting them walk out ahead of her. Leaving only her memories in the small house.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2] [I]Trini....[/I] As she hears her name she continues to run. Down the unending, barely lit, doorless hallway.[I]Don't run babe....Please![/I] His voice is soft but uncaring, cold and harsh. She's in a delerium trying to escape as his voice closes in on her. She keeps running, tears beging to stream from her eyes. The sound of his breathe right behind her. His warm breathe on the back of her neck. She turns around and there he is. His eyes blood read and unreadable. No emotion nuthing, he reaches ot for her hand. She tried to pull back but is frozen, his mangled rotten hand reaching for her. [I]Finally Trini.. we're together again....[/I] She wakes up, eyes wide under the whirl of the the hair dryer. She's breathing hard and sweating. "Girl.... get up. Lemme get u from under this hood and out the door." Her hairdresser a round sweet woman takes the hood from over her head turning it off and leads her to the chair where she quickly finishes Trini's hair style. "Okay girl, then new you is on its way." "Hehe. Thanks Angela." Trini smiles as she stands up from the chair," I owe you big for squeezing me in like this." "No you don't," Angela smiles back," its just 50 dollars you owe me." Trini retrieves the money from her bag and hands it to Angela," Okay girl." She hugs the round woman and giggles feeling the money go back into her pants pocket as Angela's hands go around her back for a hug.They let go of one another and Trini moves to the door. "And don't let it be over a year when I see you again." "It won't." Trini says solemnly leaving the salon and down the street. She moves slowly not paying any attention to the men now only a few feet in front of her. "Ms. Angelos?" Trini looks up at the men, startled from her thoughts. " Shit! I forgot I told ya'll where I was." The men ignore her comment and proceed with why they came. "Ms Angelos, your orders. Please come with us back to base and you can read them on the way." Trini nods and moves to the vehicle, where one other guard waits with the door open. She moves into the back seat and the door is closed beside her and the men also get itno the car.It moves steadily down the road as she is handed the envelope. She eyes the envelope, running a finger along the top of the sealed letter before opening it. [I] What the hell....[/I] She reached in her pocket twirling out her nail file and quickly rips the top of the envelop. She takes the peper out and unfolds it. [CENTER][I][B][U] HANGER THIRTEEN 1400 HOURS[/U][/B][/I][/CENTER] She exhales slowly and looks at the ceiling of the car. "Only to hours Trini.....TWWWOOO HOURS." "Ms Angelos, you say something." Trini moves her head to the gentle man asking her the question. "Just thinking out loud."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid] [b]Name:[/b] Trini Angelos [b]Age:[/b]31 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Specialty:[/b] Medical Assistant [b]Bio:[/b] Born to a middle class family, on the outskirts of Atlanta, GA. Trini has always been the one to care for the family. It was the gift of her heart and her caring that got her into Medical School. Got her out in less than 5 years. Got her working on many space stations and got her in a bad relationship, and on the mission that changed her life within the course of 30 years of her life. She looks back at it now today and can only laugh. Laugh at her smarts, laugh at the wits she used to problem solve and laugh at how stupid she was for being with him. [I] 'Damn him,'[/I] Her **** up.... Only a week ago did she and three other survivors return from a mission to survey and recover the Event Horizon. A ship that had been disappearing and reappearing around Jupiter over the last 60 years. A ship that was inhabited by something. Something that only gave Trini nightmares on her sleep back to Earth and vivid memories of his face for the last week. But nevermind him. The only thing that Trini's laughing about now is how her week home is now looking to be another dark time of misery pain and death. Another mission. She didn't know whether to yell, cry, laugh, go crazy. All she could do was shrug her shoulders and leave the room. Leaving Allen, Sam and Van to wonder if whe was going to really come. 2AM: ALLEL CHUBBS' RESIDENCE * Phone rings multiple times before a male voice picks up* Allen: Hello A feminine laugh is heard through the phone before the syllables escape her mouth. Trini: When do we leave? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] Carlos kept looking around.. One hand on his gun the other hand reaching for smaller artifacts here and there. There were many of the huge spiders still lurking around but luckily tarantulas were a very docile species of spider, and not all that poisonous. Although their bite can be painful. [I]Ouch,[/I] Carlos said under his breathe as he rembered his first and last, or so he hoped, tarantula bite. "What's wrong Carlos, scared of a few spiders," Consunse said sneaking behind him. "If you haven't been bitten by one, don't talk to me." He said matter of factly. He hated his weakness being pointed out. But more so a weakness that one can't attest to. "Hmm," Consunse replied, her answer not as straight out as usual. "So have or haven't you?" He turned around to her asking.Odyssesus looking at both of them, interested in this piece of information as well. "Once," She replied, "I've learned to respect them since then. That's why I'm so comfortable around them." Carlos nodded. "Well I respect them as well. But I'm not that comfortable around them." He turned on his heel and kept walking around in the area. All three of them within 10 feet of each other. "So what species?" Consunse asked. Now holding another tarantula that crawled up her leg. She quickly placed it on a passing branch as the team kept moving. "More than I can name," he said jokingly, looking at an expression of disbelief on Cansunse's face. "No really, so far I've been bitten 10 times by a spider. 3 times by snakes. 4 scorpion stings and um.... stung by a jellyfish, nasty little thing I tell you, should show u the scars on my leg from that one." "Consunse you'd better stay away from him. He sounds danger prone." Odysessus laughed and turned around. Carlos took a small cloth from his pocket balled it up and tossed it at Odysessus who jumped as it touched him. Odyssesus let of another round of yells as the black cloth landed on his head. He quickly held it up balled it up and threw it back at Carlos missing him. Carlos and Consunse let of another round of laughs as Odyssesus huffed moving in front of them. As their laughs died down Carlos kept looking around finding more artifacts than he can carry. "Damn," he heard Odysessus comment after about 10 more minutes of searching. He was looking at the wall of the ravine. "What's up man?" Carlos asked, moving behind Consunse who had almost reached Odysessus. "Look at this, is this like a giant sheild or something." He said looking as a peice of dark metal laying in the wall of the small ravine they had traveled into. The metal was still about 30 feet away but it did look myserious. "Can we get closer to it?" Consunse asked, looking towards it as a tangle mass of debris and brush laid in their path. "Lets see!" Carlos said, reaching at the side of his pack picking up his large mashetti. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] The three of them kept moving in the night. Many stars shining over head with a half moon beginning to rise. Carlos lloked up ocassionally and noticed how different the sky looked. He took out about to lite it when he just stuck it behind his ear. Remembering Consunse's words from a bit earlier "You ever take the time to look at the stars?" He sighed out asquickly as both Ody and Consunse looked at him. "Where the hel.l did that come from?" Odyssesus asked. "Damn a man can't be methodical and shi.t! Want one?" He offered both Odyssesus and Consunse a cigarette both of them taking oneand hiding it somewhere as he continued to talk. " I mean its just everywhere I seem to go it makes me feel like Im not home, I mean on the same planet." " It's the drink talking," Odyssesus commented. "It is not!" Carlos interjected defending himself. Hearing both Consunse and Ody laugh at him. He took up QA'a mode of conversation and stuck him middle finger up at both of them still continuing his talk. "But for real, I mean I been all over the world, but when Im not where I grew up, it don't feel right." The other two were quiet for a moment. Both seemed to be silently agreeing with his comment. Their eyes glancing up at the sky as well. "About how much farther Odysessus?" Consunse asked breaking the silence. "Not too much further," he replied. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] Carlos savored in the coolness of the night, slowly inhaling the smoke from his cigarette before dropping the hand to the side and looking over Odysessus' compass exhaling the smoke at the same time. "You ain't getting us lost there are you map man?" Carlos said jokingly as inhaled the cigarette once more the end of it burning a brilliant yellowh- orange clolr. "Of course not, but don't worry I'm not like most men, I'll ask for directions." Odyssesus snarled back snapping the compass close and moving in the same direction. Carlos seeing that Odyssesus was still a lil up tight about earlier finally handed Ody one of his cigarettes. "This is the only one you get, and don't let your woman here about it either." Odyssesus took it and quickly lit it up. His relief coming across him as the two of them wlked under the slowly darkening sky. "And man don't sweat it.." "What are you talking about Carlos," Odysessus said exhaling the smoke and looking at Carlos. "With Alex," he stared. " I mean I can't believe he flat out killed those people like that." He inhaled his cigarette once more and began to speak as he exhaled the smoke. "He's just lucky you're the one who got on his as.s I would've likely killed the sick fuc.k" Carlos said it easily, not blinking or chaning his thoughts. "Well then I'm luckily I kicked his butt before you then too," Odyssesus said. "Why's that?" "Cause I would not have been able to kick his as.s if you would've gotten your hands on him." Carlos laughed with that comment and shook his head. "That's a very true fact," Carlos continued laughing. "Just next time lemme get in one good kick. After that I promise not to kill him." [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] 'A camp full of sexually frustrated people.' He began to think tryng to relax in the shade of his tent after a long hot day of digging and laughing. He was more so reflecting on seeing Consunse almost naked, and the flirtateous conversation between Alex and her earlier that day. He was beginning to wonder if he, Lorn and Valence were the only sane ones on the mission, but he could only smirk to himself as the day began to wind down. "Arrrgh," he screamed lightly and sat up. He was tired but the bed was not about to give him the comfort of sleep. Both the matress and pillow were too hard and for good purposes. To keep him up whenever needed. Only alcohol gave him the comfort he needed before bed and helped him to make believe the mattress was he nice soft bed back at home. He sat up and picked up each boot, carefully shaking each of them out, wary that night predators loves to rest themselves in the shoes. "Damned scorpions," he muttered to himself as he shook out one boot spoting one of the predators earlier that week. His continuous shaking revealed nothing and he placed the boot one. "One down one to go." The next boot revealed the same nothing. Lucky for him, he had a teammate a few years back not so lucky. But noy only was the sting bad due to the animals poisn, but the area they were digging in had been irradiated many years back and many of the animals still keep the poison on their system. The guy hadn't died, but the pain and the treatment brought the guy so close he retired from digging ever again, and now wears a prosthesis. He stood up and headed out the tent, the sun still blinding as it heads to the horizon. No one was outside and in the distance he swore he heard Alex cursing into the wind. "What in the hell is that man doing?" He said to himself and began to head towards him but remembered about Ody and his departure. He hurried by his tent and saw the bag outside assuming that he was ready as well. "Yo Ody," He said opening the curtain to his tent but then quikly steping right back outside deciding the sun's light was better on the eyes than what he just saw. "Oh shi.t. you guys I'm sorry." He could only laugh and keep his eyes closed, constant curse words entering into his head, but just as much as he was cursing himself he wish he could see more. Neither of the two in the tent answered to him bursting in and he just continued to speak. "Um Odyssesus, Im heading out to check on Alex, he seems to be in a bit of a mix but I'l be back in about 30. Have fun." He quickly began to move away from the tent and began to move in Alex's direction. His head still moving back to what just happened. He could only smile to himself and keep laghing.[/FONT][/COLOR]