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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. [COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Arial] Carlos could only keep digging, occasionally wiping the sweat from his brow as the all began to dig away from where they started. The hole was getting a bit wider but not too deep, they were beginning to set a perimeter for the dig site. Luckly that were on flat land because to dig in the dunes. Would have been like walking into death. He remembered his papa talking about the dunes. [I]Mi hijo, lemme tell you something bout the dunes. Yeah they look nice and innocent, but one wrong step and *whish* a land slide. The sand, moves just like water, and many people can get buried, just by one person's wrong step. That's why I like to look at it as the 'Mar seco de la muerte.' You see the dunes are like the waves of an ocean that don't move but just one thing, and it'll crash down on you sweeping you away and killing you....[/I] "Ey, Carlos," he heard Alez voice from behind him. "Eh, wassup," he turned around once again wiping sweat from his forehead. "Your turn man, go get a drink, take five. You haven't stopped since we started and you still got your 'date' with Ody tonight." Carlos took off his shirt now drecnhed with sweat and threw it at Alex, who immediately began to laugh. "You are one crazy person you know that." He said to Alex. "Whoo-" Alex started up again. " Don't forget to shower before you go too. You gotta strong scent on ya." Carlos and the others also had a laugh as Carlos began to move to QA. "Aye, Consunse," he began, " We have any more of those salt tabs?" "Yep," she got two out and tossed them his way. He immediately took them down and drank a nice amount of water before collapsing on the ground. "You got anyway of making me think its the Artic too." He chuckled blocking the sun out of his eyes. She chuckled a little as well. "Sorry pal, I'm not God."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=arial] The liqour although stinking Calros body to hell was not effecting his way of work. He was used to it about 3 drinks before bed and one in the morning. Thats all he needed, kuckily no more becasue in this heat it would be the last of hiim. He managed to dow as much water as he could before leaving camp and was still unpacking as Odysessus and Lorn had thei little tuffle in the sand. He was tempted to walk to, "Queen Almighty" AKA Consunse, and say," I got five on [I]tu novio[/I]," hut he held his breath and only chuckled to himself as they continued to fight. But he did like QA's style. Sassy but not too bitchy with a voice of dominance that reigned over all. Seeing her look over the fight made him wonder how great she really was in bed. He shook the thoughts from his head and finished with unlopading as the wrestlers finished their fight. [I]"Ay Dios Mio,"[/I] he yawned out, half due to him being tired, the rest due to the heat. He strecthed just a little showing the trail of hair on his lower stomach, he was tempted to wear no shirt at all but not even the sunscreen he was wearing would keep him burn free on a day like this. But at least the sleeveless, white cotton shirt showed off his well bronzed and toned arms. He gave out a quick cheer after Lorns small speech and began to open the trunk looking for his usual items. "Where should we start, gente?" He called looking directly at Lorn. Who was now getting flicked off by the beautiful QA.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] Carlos took another swig of the drink as Odysessus kept coughing tryng to still down the strong drink. "Take it easy [I]hombre[/I]," Carlos started finishing off the last of the liquor in his glass and setting the cup on the gound. "The drink's got a kick, you gotta take the first one in and absorb it before you go for more. Not like thos old American moveis where u see guys take hit after hit after hit. You know enjoy it, then once you get used to it.. YOu go back for more and it won't bite as much." Carlos laughed for a minute pouring himself another cup. "It kinda reminds me of [I]mis mujeres[/I]. They always were worse at the begininning." Odysessus looked at Carlos for a moment and only smirked to the comment. But didn't pan into it much seeing that his lady friend was only a few tents away. He insted lifted his drink to Carlos once more who also chipped into the toast. [I]"Saludo!"[/I] Carlos said his hispanic accent coming on very thick. They bothed down their drinks in one gulp and they sat back just gathering thoughts for a few minutes. Carlos spoke first. "[I]Que pasa hombre?[/I] Why you not sleep with that beatiful woman of yours?" He looked at Odysessu for just a minute to ask that question and then looked back at his laptop, sitting next to him on his cot. " I could ask you the same thing, seeing that we have only a few hourst till sunrise and then off to Sector Seventeen." He looked back at Carlos who was now deep into the work on the screen. "Ah, you know me [I]hombre[/I], WORK! WORK! WORK!" he scoffed a little under his breath as he ran his hands through his now too long dark hair that was needing a cut soon. "[I]Verdad,[/I]" he started again blowong out one long breathe as he begn the sentence. "My freaking equipment is driving me nuts. SEE!" He turned the screen towards Odysessus who saw the anaysis of the system popping into the window. " I mean alls working find.. Everything connected and stuff but the damned thing just won't give me the feedback." He grabbed his hair briefly beginning to get upset once more. "I mean yeah everywhere I've gone has had its trouble, but never like this. You know the usual, the shortages of a false alarm but I mean no readout whatsoever its like something is blocking the signal from my equipment, and thats something we can't afford. Not on an expedition like this." Odysessus just looked on as Carlos got his anger out the way and didn't interupt. "Have you tried the backups?" He asked looking curiously as Carlos still ran analysis. "More than once man, and they are all giving me the ame thing... NO READOUT WHATSOEVER!" Carlos' temper flared momentarily anhd he snapped the laptop closed and tossed it to his side. "I can't take any more of this tonight man, he started and leaned back a lil against the cot." Wanna 'nother?" he spoke picking up the bottle again and poring himself and Odysessus another drink.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial] [I] ****, ****, ****![/I] The same thing for two days.. nothing different. The same thing and yet no changes in whats been happening. He looked over ever inch every detail. Hery wire, everything and still the same.. NO READING! "DAMNIT!" He yelled into the desrt, everyon else looking his way, luckily he was just out of everyon'es eyesight but they knew he was pissed. He let out a small rumble in his chest, folded the laptop and walked back to the camp. "Hey man what's the matter?" Odysessus and Lorn looked at him first, their eyes boring into him as he passed them by. "Nothing I can't handle man. Ya'll just go back to...." He stopped in his tracks and looked at em more closely... he saw her... there in only her underwear letting it all out for the world to see. He shook his head momentarily thinking the desert was begining to play trick on him. "Ya'll go back to talking." He finished his sentecne and moved on to the Supply Tent, hoping his extra Security items were in place. He found them quickly and sighed. [I]Here we go yet again.[/I] He took the box of equipment back outside and saw his co workers there again. He almost dropped the box this time truly seeing that she was naked and could only shake his head and laugh to himself as he passed by them heading to his original spot. [I]Now that witch has some balls[/I] He laughed to himself now outta earshot of his coworkers. His mind now wondering back to the project that lay before him. The desert, although beginning to show signs of cooling was not yet to the point to cool Carlos down, he was just plain pissed and it showed. Something in the system was fouling up and it didn't please him. Tomorrow they map again but he needed to be prepared like now. He knew he needed to be one up on these people. Shoot he knew that all too well. Those years with his [I] papa[/I] did him right. When the least was expected, thats where many things came from. And he knew that planning ahead was the best way to keep things protected. But luckily for them the team was alone in the vastness of the dunes and surrounding ocean of seering sun and sands. But he always knew that one day competition would come and he wanted to be ready. He began to do relays on the second set of hardware.... He had to get the security system up and ready. No delays, just work.. all night if need be. [I]Por favor, Valgame dios[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=seagreen][FONT=Arial] Name: Carlos Santiago Age: 27 Gender: Male Speciality:Minute Excavation, Security Bio: Carlos at a young age enjoyed the digging and the retrival of small artifacts. He even assisted his father much of the time. They never did many of the digs that unearthed large trowths of items but, he didn't care. He enjoyed taking the time to uncover one object at a time. Having his eyes enjoy each item as another layer or dirt was removed and bringing the item into better focus, until once again they are the whole object, or even pieces of an object. When Carlos turned 16 though. He became very tired of seeing his and his fathers accompliments being stolen away from them by thiefs or other acherologists who managed to get into the site before them. Having seen much security items he began experimenting with many of them making perimeter devices for not only their camp but also their dig sites. He also had on hand, weapons ( not to complicated) for their protection but more so dealt with equiment setup.He became ruthless and tougher over the years and well known for the techniques he used. No wonder he's been contacted to join this team as well... Picture to be added later! [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]She had been eying the guy at the benh for the last 20 minutes as he sat there seemingly interested in whatever he was playing with. She knew his face from work, but she wasn't quite sure if he was going to be one of the ones she worked with. She stood, in relative silence, no thoughts running threw her head, just existing, for those 20 minutes. 7:30... she glanced at her wach and decided it was time to walk over to him. She what was going on.He also stopped with his computer work and held up a pistol. It was pointing at a car moving slowly in his general direction. She was moving hin from his right. She stopped in her tracks about 50 feet from the guy. She didn't want to disturb him just in case she was at the wrong area. She stopped for a moment, and she saw the man and his gun swing quickly for her. She held her hands out as his eyes shifted between her and the car. "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE?" he said rashly his gun aimed dirctly at her forhead. "From PC here for a meeting. I think that's all you need to know. But what about you?" "Same, been waiting here for 2 hours though. You know that car." he stated still holding his gun on her and moved with her as she moved. She knew he didn't trust her just yet, so she kept her hands in the open, in front of her person. "No," she answered simply. "BUt.. the license plate on the fron does have one of the PC tags." Sh kept moving towrds him until she was about 15 feet away. He no longer saw a threat from he but the car that also stopped and kept its distance. She also looked towards, the lights were still on and no one yet emerged from the car. "Wonder how much longer you'll be kept waiting holding that gun?" her tone very much sarcastic, as he still held out the gun. He ignored her tone yet still answered the question. "As long as needed."[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Lime] She stepped into the building. The late afternnon sun leaving its late bit of warmth on her as she stepped inside the building. The cool air on her arms and legs made her wish she had worn something longer but she'd only be in and out had to pass by her desk for her pocket PC. She flashed her badge to the security officer who was ready to stop her upon entering the building. He immediately backed off and she went her way down the long corridor to the elevators. Her skin getting cool as whe went. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the light in the building and she saw no one around. She stood against the wall as she waited for the elevator to take her downstairs. Her mind when to her new assignment. What was going on and who this new leader of hers was. The elevator light blinked and the bell rung she stepped on to it and it began to take her to one of the lower levels. She stood in silence as it went down and she exited and moved quickly into the large work area. The labs were here and she could see everyone around her hard at work. A few people waved her way. Others stayed attentive to their work. Some were schocked to see her in so little. A sleeveless low cut shirt and a pair of shorts. Her body wasn't built but she still looked good with her petite size. Her long hair black silver-streaked her hitting her shoulders as her skin showed and even tanned complexion. She reached her desk and found her pocket PC ad well as her laptop. She usually left it ther but decided to take it with her this time. This meeting was sure to be a quick one but she needed to type some things later and didnt want to return to the office. "Working with Curry huh?" The guys voice startled her and she turned quickly. "Oh hey Tom," she answered catching her breathe. "Yes I guess thats his name I already forgot it. Its in my brief in my car." "Well either way have fun. Don't get to wild outside the lab, you know how ur dad gets." "Sweety," she answered him,"... I'm a grown woman. He can worry all he wants, he should just be glad Im working. But if you'll excuse me I need to go." With that she turned away and began back to the elveators. "Alright Analee. See ya."[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Cyan] "Um, hello," Liliana said walking into the small building. "Ah yes, how may I...." the mans voice trailed of anf gulped as he saw the large woman open the door."... help you?" "Um yes, actually," she said. Still standing in the door way. "Um you see, I need a place to stay for the night..." she looked to Leko. "Calm down okay." The man behind the desk looked over as well trying to see who she was talking to. "As I was saying," his eyes snapped back up to her. " I need a place to say and I have a few friends with me but Im not sure how you take to their kind." "What do you mean by their kind? What are they?" He asked his eyes growing in concern. "Leko...Timi come here." She turned and wathed as the animals entered the building right in front of her. Timi flew in and turned around and landed on her shoukder. Leko stopped right in front of her and sat at her feet. "These are my pets.. and I hope that you can accomadate them as well." She started. "This is Leko, my cheetah, she saidpointing down," and Timi, my falcon. They are both traded and well behiave..and since Leko here is scared of alot of people he won't be out here in the lobby to scare anyone." The owner looked at the group once more before extending her a welcome smile and a friendly 'WELCOME.' "Your rooms on the first floor and near the back of the hotel. That way if your friends wish to go run about they can enter and leave that way." "Thank you," she answered. Turning to go towards her room. "That was easier than I though," Leko said. "Just gotta know how to talk to em." she replied back. The little room wasn't the best in the world but id sufficed for her short stay and give Leko and Timi a little time to rest as well. She dropped her bag and headed back out the door. "Where are you off too so quickly," Leko asked, his amber green eyes shining at her. "Shopping. Let's go. Im not going alone."[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo] Hello Adam, I'm not sure if you've gotten all the Moderators that you want for the Fan Art Section but I would gladly like to fill one of those positions. I've been on OB for a while now and although I don't post alot. I come here almost daily. I think thats what you like for your mods to do and I can promise that if Im not heare daily I will definetly be on for 3-4 days a week at least. If you say yes I will be sure to follow the guidelines you set out, and if you don't like th job that I perfor(if I am chose) then I will gladly accept your desicion if you decide to remove me from that post! THANKS![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Lime] "What's goin on?" She didn't answer. "Young lady I know you hear me?" No answer still, she was packing a small bag quickly and has no reason od permission to explain. All that went through her hea was the email that she had received earlier that day. "Analee, stop what you are doin and answer me." She let out a long breath and turned to answer her questioner. If was her mother, A pale excuse of a woman with dark hari and brilliant blue eyes. Well actually thier brilliance had been waning over the last 5 years or so. But in times of emotions their original sparkle always came back. "Now," she said, "Where are you going?" "Work." she replied curtly and went once again for her bag and threw it on her shoulders. "Now mom if you please, I can't explain but I have to go." Her mome's eyes shined again once more. "No you will not go, I mean damnit everytime I want to spend time with you, you have to run off to work. When..when is this going to end?" "Look, mom." she said sighing before she continued. " I have to go okay. Please understand." With that last note she headed for the door, no explanation, no simpathy, nothing. Her mom on the other hand was looking disappointed at usual and only stood in the doorway, looking after her as she left. [I]Damnit, MOM!/[I] She said to herself. And quickly turned around and hugged her mom. "I'll call you later, now I really have to go." She once again headed out the door quicker this time and went for her car. The small vehicle was perfect for her as she headed back to her office for a few things and then on to meet this..Curry. She had never met him in person but had heard of him a few times. Her new assignment leader. She couldn't wait to see what this was all about.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Cyan]She gave many stares.. and recieved many back as she and her companions approached the outskirts of town. For a moment she though it may have been because of Leko and then she realized it may also be because of her clothing. An almost non existent top and the mid thigh skirt like bottom she had. Seeing that she wasn't in the comfort of nature she retrieved a short cloak and covere herself up. Leko looked at her impatiently, he wanted to get somewhere where the stares of those around him wouldn't bug him. "Hurry Liliana," his eyes moving to the small group of people around him. "They are begining to stare. "Let them," she answered back. She didn't care about the 10 or so people looking on her. She was more concerned with other things. She picked up her bag and retrieved Timi who at once came to her shoulder. He was ready to rest as well and she hurried for the nearest shop in town for assistance. But she couldn't leave Leko to his own devices outside, nor let him in the shop. Ahh the dilemmia of being able to speak to animals.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Cyan] The village was a longer distance than she had predicted but it was still goof exercise for her and her friends. Halfway there Timi perched pm Liliana's shoulder, which signaled her chance to now walk. "Tired are we?" She asked the falcon as he strected his wings before resing them into their normal position. "Yes and a lil thirtsy." He said waiting for Liliana to give him a bit of water. He happily took a few sips from her hand. The rest she rubbed on her face to keep her awake and cleanse the sweat beads that formed about her face. Leko, as she saw was also thirtsy and she gave him some water also. "So why are we headed to this village again?" Leko said he weariness of too many humans now coming out of his mouth. "To gather supplies and get a deserved amount of rest. Which I will be greatful fo." She Kept moving alowing th echeetah to catch up after taking his water. "Besides with me there you have no worries of the people there." "I only hope...." his sentence trailing of slightly. They moved quickly once again as the sun's powers began to wane. As its descent to the horizon became more eminent. Only about 30 minutes from their target. Timi once again took off as they began to come along a path leading to the village. In the distance a few homes and lagrer buildings came into view. "Looks like a nice town.. and quiet too." Timi said before moving ahead of them and higher into the sky. Taking his time to obverse the place. He seemed please as he sreeched and circled in the sky. "Hurry up u slow pokes... let's get there." Liliana could only smile as they neared the town. She was ready to rest. She needed it.[/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Cyan] The cheetah returned quickly after hurriedly scurriong after small mammals and filling his belly. Both Liliana and Timi just waited. Relxing in the shade of the tree. Feeling and hearing the breeze whiso around them both. "Ready," she asked both of them as she quickly stood up and Timi knowing which direction to travel lifted off the brance quickly and headed into the direction of the town, which he had spotted earlier. "This way," he noted before letting out a loud screech and moving into the wind. Liliana and Leko chased after him intently not letting the mere speed of the falcon alter their step. She was quite used to the running and was greatful of the little bit of exercise it provided for her. But Leko. With a full stomach tried his best to keep up trotting along side Liliana. "Where are we going again?" he asked still keeping a trot along side the young woan. "To a nearby village. I need a few items and I hope they can provide them. But we need to keep you calm as you have already experienced a little bit of a thrill from seeing many humans. "No worries," he said his eyes dazzling in the sunlight. " I will behave...like the big cat I am." Timi about 30 years ahead of him let out another screech allowing them to keep a focus on where they are headed. She kept jogging. Her body giving off beads of sweat making her body clisten in the afternoon sun.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=Orange][FONT=Arial] Trini could only laugh hear Allen's voice tell her and Van to leave the Medical Bay equipment alone. Van also laughed hearing the news himself. "Always has to spoil our fun doenst he," she asked Van who was in the process of continuing the set up of the med bay. So far everything had been great. The equipment, the intrusments, some she thought she'd never see in her life. But all the same awesome. She was returning some equipment to the cabinets when Van sat down and finally answered. "That's Allen for you. He never changes." "That's very true,"she replied, closing the cabinet and walking over to Van finding the nearest chair. "So are you ready. Less than 10 hours and we're gone." "I think so," she let out a long sigh and sat back looking at the ceiliong of the med bay. Its bright lights momentarily blinding her before her eyes adjusted. "I just hope that Sam transports okay. Seeing the condition he is in." "Well," Van said adjusting himself in the chair,"...[/FONT]that we will have to see. But lets get outta here, We do need our rest. It's Captain's orders." Trini laughed a bit and walked out in front of Van as he called for the emercany lights to be left on. They moved towards the crew cabins and split off to her room. "Sleep well Trini," he called out to her. "You too."[/COLOR]
  15. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Cyan] The loud screech broke Liliana's mid-day nap. It was Timi, her falcon friend that she found only a few years ago. He landed beside her and lightly srcatched her with its talons.. ''Hey Timi,'' she spoke to him. Lightly ruffling the feathers behind his neck. "Is all going okay?" She slowly removed her hands and sat up. Yawning ans strecthing as she began to sit up. ''Yes,'' he answered her moving back a little bit allowing her to rise. Leko the cheetah she also bonded to began to rise and looked at Liliana intenly as she sat against the large tree she decided to nap under. A rustle of feathers startled all of them for a moment. [I]Nothing but a small animal no doubt.[/I] She shrugged to herself and gave out another loud yawn. "You really should get more sleep," Timi commented before taking off again and landing in a branch about 20 feet over her. "Also there's a village in the distance. Lets go there.' "How far is it," she asked him. "About 3 hrs journey by foot," he said. Spreading hie wings a lil before alongin them to rest once more. '"I'm hungry," Leko replied. Getting up and heading into the bush. "Hurry we leave soon."[/COLOR][/FONT] Had to stop mid post will add more leter!
  16. Coolness, a new adventure.. Must join! And when u see that is u don't mind I'd also like to have two characters. I like being on the side of good and evil! HEHE! But here is my good chara. if you allow I will edit and add a bad chara! Name:Analee Tremen Gender:Female Race:Half Alien and Human Age: 26 Alliance:Phoenix Collective Skills: Very tact when it comes to the technology whe uses. Has been intergated in the operations of building dome of the machinery and weapons. Also knows about and believes in magical forms that have been seen to her by her mother. Can only use low-level fire magic, for the time being. Her concentration on technology and her fathers awareness has kept her from studying too much magic. Tools: Pocket PC for not taking and jotting down many orders. She then trancscibes them to her laptop that she usually keeps at the office. Has an excellent memory. Carries a small pistol for her protection as well as a kitana. More so for practice. But is very deadly when she has to use it. Description: Stands at 5'10 with long dark hair with silver streaks. Her eyes are blue with a silver tinge in it. Her skin color is very light brown with small darker lesions on the neck and upperback. Thin and lightly built. Biography: Born in a lab. Analee was an expermint to see how well the human and Juia alien genes would form. Although she was not formed in utero, her mother and father still became very attached to the child as it devoloped. As predicted, she took human form and had Juia characteristics. She also had their brain power and at a very young age breezed through the school system. She rarely kept friends and is not very sociable. Since the age of 10. She worked with her father day and night on many experieints he ranand many technologiacl advancements he developed for the PC. At 15 she was working for PC. But thanks to her mom she was able to learn a few human emotions and gained sensiblility. Her mom also enrolled her in martial arts for disciple and body training. She was so small as a kid and different looking that she needed to be able to protect herself. Not only that but she learned about magic. Something her father lept a strict leash on. But luckily she was able to become a firestarter and lept the secret to herself. To this day she still holds that secret and rarely uses the magic. Now at 26, She still looks like a teenager. Also another Juia trait, they age 2 times slower than humans. She works graciously along with PC. But a threat is growing and she is ther to protect it.
  17. [COLOR=Cyan][FONT=Arial] Name: Liliana Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Stands at 5 6'0. Brown colored skin and looks very much like an amazon. Has long black hair wore in braids with large wooden beads at the end. Has hazel colored eyes. Powers:Animal Bonding and Healing Persona:More so of a loner and keeps to herself. Will flirt at times but is very defensive on a man who comes on too strongly. Biography: Raised in a country far away, where her kind are dark-skinned and rely on the land, Liliana has always kept to herself. As the middle chile in a group of 13. She has always kept to herself. Her parents believed it was due to her being born under a new moon. But it was that as the outcast she grew to be able to bond more so with nature and some animals more than the people in her family. At the age of 5 she found an abandoned cheetah cub who she immediately took care of. She found herself soon able to talk to the animal. Her parents didnt understand and sent her to the chief elder and his counsel. After a long session. They saw the gift within Liliana and sent her to extend her touch with nature. For over ten years she traveld amoung different villages learning medicial uses for many herb in the countries and being an animal lover she found it easy to help animals as well as humans. At the age of 17 she found an adult falcon with a broken wing, who immediately became her next companion. Not wishing to stop her knowledge of healing she kept traveling. HShe left her homelands and crossed the sea where, she seeks more knowledge and has gained so much, but who knows what she'll find when she meets the Glimmer Child! Family:All in another country! Too many brothers and sisters to think about Bonds: Leko: A cheetah who she has as her companion. Timi: A falcon. also a messenger for her... No other animal needed at this time![/FONT][/COLOR] Thanks for the info I have changed my post accordingly.. HEHEH
  18. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I] A lone figure stood in the midst of a small crowd of loyal servants he had gathered. They stood chattereng amounst themselves chatting about new houses new woman, and more importantly Anthonys new changes. Anthony also stod among them dressed in drag and comfostably flirting with a few of the men. The hooded person in the center just shook his head.' What kind of world is this,' he asked himself once again looking at the 40 men around him.[/I] 'You men," his voice boomed. They all stood to attention and looked at him. Only Anthony was one who seemed displeased by the introduction, held one hand on his hip and glared at the robed figure. "And lady," he corrected himself and cleared his throat. Athony stood now at attention and smiling. "You know today that I have called you g-, you all forth to reveal our plan." He turned around and began to direct his attnetion at the rest of the group. "Tonite you all will leave and kidnap the Princess of Domking. This.." Snickers and giggles were heard among the men in the room. Even Anthony had began to giggle under his breath. " Um, Mr. Villian, sir," A puny little man in the front raised his hand. "What is the name of the kindgom again." "DOMKING!" With that and uproar of laughter shooted throughout the building leaving the figure in the middle scratching his head wondering what was so funny. HE tried to go on with the plan, but the laughs still continued. He wondered if they understood him and hoped the plan would be a sucess. As the giggls stopped so did the instructions for the plan. "Okay men, and lady," he said pointing at Anthony." Are there and questions?" Only one raised his hand." Yes you go boy." "What are we doing again?" 'Oh great I have to repeat myself once again.'[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. Name: Just call me the villian! Character: Villian Gender: Unknown.. is assumed that its a him! Facts: Is around 25 years or age. Wear disquises for whatever reasons! Had many men under him for prtection.. and because he has money! Has been alone fo r the last 5 years of his life. Wishes to rule the world. Pther aspects of this character will be known as the time comes!
  20. *Note for those who have never seen this before. This is an advernture that only Myself or the lovely Raiha may post in...Please read as we enjoy comments( sent to us by PM of course) Also if you are wishing for a bit of backgound on this story you will find it here![URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36619]Story Start! The first battle...[/URL] A previous battle I had with Raiha. Yes a story now stems from it, but I think it'll work.. Also Raiha you may rember it.. but just in case u wish to glance over it! Its here for you to do so!* [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial]Rena lay motionless from the kiss Rena planted on her lips. Although she felt the pressure on her lip from the teeth dug into it she didn't really feel any pain. Her head spun many ideas around as her body just went lip. She wasn't sure how to react from that she just lay. Her eyes once wide open began to close slowly as she really sensed the predicament she was in. She remembed them tussling around then...to this. A slight chill of pleasure ran up her back. She could only keep thinking. She couldn't pull away from Rena, she couldn't escape she just lay. As she began to relax a bit more she felt more waves roll up her back. Her eyes once again opening to the creature on top of her. She looked at Rena. Rena looked back at her. Rena slightly pulled at Trini's lip. The mermaid fliched a little as more blood escaped from it. Landing in the hybrid as well as her mouth. Trni wimpered a bit feeling a bit of pain but also a bit of pleasure. Her mind no longer functioned just her body. Trini moved her hand a bit and moved it to Rena's. She took it in her own and placed one of the cat's claw over her chest. She dug it into her skin allowing a bit of blood to spill out. The mermaid's head began to get some control again and remebered that Rena now could definetly defeat her. The one move could either change it to bith of their pleasure, or to Trini's demise. Her life now laid in Rena's hands. Before Rena could make a desicion on what to do with the creautre, a loud screaching noise is heard within the forest. She raises off the mermaids body and looks around. Trini although shaken also stands wiping the blood from her mouth immediately remembering that sound. "They've found me," she said out loud and grapped Rena's hand. "Come we must go." The panther woman stood her ground. "Who is that, why are they here?" she asked looking in the direction of the noise. "I will answer later we must go though now!" Trini said trying to move Rena. Unwavered to leave her home because of unwelcome invaders, Rena moves quickly to the trees and heads quickly yet cautiously towards the small group. Trini with no other choice followed Rena on the ground. Treading lightly as to not warn them of her presence. Rena had no idea what was going on![/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid] The light slowly crept into her room. From the windows slots, down onto the floor and onto her face! She saw the liught's progression as she watched the window. Waiting and seeing hoping the nothing would come through. Her eyes showed her weainess and concern. And the light that always uplifted her, now blinded her eyes. She grabbed the sheer blanket off her bed and walked into her meditation room where Sharess's statue once again looked down on the young priestess. Before se knew what hit her a sweep of emotion overcame Jo'lianna. First the tears, then the yelling. She couldn't stop herself from allowing her emothins to build up in her, not like this. Yet this time they took much control over her. She was about to throw something before she felt someone come behind her and just hold her. "My Priestess!" It was the servant girl. "Don't don't do it please," the young lady was also crying herself, taking on art of the emotion that she was feeloing herself. Jo'lianna just stood ther, her head hung low, the hair drooping over her face.She not only felt regressed to the childlike state she felt she out grew but very much embarrased. Her emotions overcame her snse of duty, she had to subside them. Her tears were slowly going away and her eyes began to dry. Her heart slowed its beat and her breating was going to its regular pattern. "I'm sorry .." Jo'lianna said. Turning to hold the young lady as well. For the amount of time this girl had been with her, she felt the bond that she and Lo'rianna had once shared. "I'm sorry to have scared you. Please stop your tears." The girl wept more. Jo'lianna knowing there will soon be a time where she cannot cry, let the girl continue. [/COLOR][/FONT] P.S. Will post more here THANK YOU!
  22. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Her sleeping was hindered very much that evening. As if she wanted to fall asleep. Most of the night she slept there praying and meditating hoping that some sign would show from Sharess. None did, but many noises came into her ears surrounding her sense of smell with a pundgent odor that would not leave. A smell she had never had before, but as the electrical impulses shot into her brain only one explanation showed itself. [I] EVIL![/I] She did not stir though for whatever presence had made its way so far into the tower must have known to watch her as well. She stayed completely calm and in her meditative state until the creature and its scent moved on. As she got waled to her bed, she heard noises outside, many noises, some which sparked her courosity. But not only that an alarm was somehow rung lower, close to the guards, and a smal force of men arranged themselves to find the enemy. She was able to see a few of their shadows below, but nothing else stirred her sight. As she looked around more she thought she saw a quick flicker of light out of the corner of her eye. But as she turned to see it. The object was no longer there. She quickly withdrew into her room and closed the window. And stood there, waiting for something to come in. [I] Maybe that was the thing that killed Lo'rianna...[/I] Her brain kept ideas moving into her head. [I] Maybe its here to kill me... or the elders.. maybe us all.[/I] [I] VAIJAIN?![/I] Her eyes grew big and the vision swarmed back into her head. Not only was her clan at risk. All of the drow clans were set to die by this new evil. She rushed into her room to find the orb. It was still covered but still needed time before it could be used again. "In the morning.." she whispered to herself. "I will do this in the morning..." She placed the object back where it was and lay on the bed beside it. She lay there hoping her eyes would close. But no sleep came to her as the morning light flickered into her room. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. I was busy there Corey... but alas I guess u couldn't wait a other day for lil ole me to get myself right for this. Oh well I guess I can do that now then! HAHAHAHAHA! [COLOR=Orange][FONT=Arial Black][I] Trini was stil in awe seeing the medical room stocked with things she had only imagined using. Well not that she actualy had time to imagine things like tha anymore. As she thought about the room that would hold Sam her mind went immediately to how he once was ans she and Allen left the room. He started the conversation but wasn;t paying in particular attention to her body or facial expressions.[/I] "So whad' ya think of it?" He smiled snapping her out of her very brieft lapse in thougth. "Oh," she replied looking back at him and smiling." It's great, I mean who would've imagined a ship like this." "Yeah it's freaking awesome," he replied looking briefly at her then motioning his head to the Med Bay doors. "But what about your lil "assistant" in there. How do you think you'll work with him." She shrugged her shoulders letting out a sigh as she tried to collect her though. Feeling her neck tightening she rolled her head around on her shoulders and then placed her hands on her shoulders trying to relaes the bit of tension that seemd to grow within it. "I'm not sure about it yet. I mean it seems that it'll be great to have a holograhic database come to you in a time of need. But-" he cut her off mid sentence knowing exactly where she was headed. " It's nothing like the real thing." She took her hands off her shoulders and and clasped them in front of her. "Yeah.. I mean I love the adrenaline rush you get when in an emergency situation. But Im not sure how m going to be able to work with this." Allen seemed ready to butt in but she hurried and finished her sentence before he could speak. "But," she said, placing her hand up stopping him from speaking," I'll do it. This isn't for me, or you, or Van or anyone else on this ship Allan, we're doing this for Sam. He needs us and I know I must do it.... for him.".[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial] [I]Not now...why...[/I] Nothing else was going into Jo'lianna's head at this time. The words of her, mother, so to speak were all that was being pushed through her tears and the condolensces of her servant. Nothing was helping her get past it and nothing really would. She dismissed her servant and lay in her room in silence. Only embers from the fireplace sparked up and popped occasionally and relative silence was heard throughout her room. In the hallways running back and forth was heard as voices were going by quickly. As whimpers and sobs moved more slowy past her door. She almost fell asleep just listening to the fire pop and the voices, but jumped up quickly remembering the box. She jumped out of bed and ran to the statue of Sharess. The humming had ceased and as she reached for the cloak she could feel that the box had closed, leaving it safe for her to look at. She removed it from the statue an placed it in a special spot close to her bed. She would have to use it soon, but was unsure as to when or if she really wanted to go through that trouble once more. She could leave, leave and visit the clan, but she did not know as to which clan Vajain belonged. But she couldn't just pop in again without warning. Jo'lianna had obviously upset the leader as she could feel the anger from her eyes. But she'd have to risk it unless there was a simpler way to find her. But that would take a little bit of time.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Arial] Jo'lianna's walk back to her room was in silence. Only the playback of her visit played again an again in the womans mind as her hands tightly grasped the present she had received. "I hope that this works," Jo'lianna whispered to herself as she threw down her robe and placed the present in front of Sharess' statue. She turned quickly to leave the alter for a moment and shooed all her servants out, even her helper and then locked the door behind them as they left. Through the door she called out to the guards. "Let no on enter." she stated. They looked at the door qestioning what was going on. They could not see her face through the tightly woven 4 by 4 window allowed for her to call out to them whenever she needed to. "Why not Priestess? What is going on?" "I am very tired if you must no and I still have much to do this evening. I want no disturbances and if I absolutely must be bothered please knock." Without any more she left the door and returned to the alter where the box had already began to open on its own. Jo'lianna knew she must'nt disturb the opening process for it was a door to communicate with other tribes of the Drow. But this box only allowed for communication with one group at a time. Placing the box in front of the statue allows it to seek out the ones who need the information the most. Who this tribe was, not even Jo'lianna knew but she knew that she must ready herself. Drawing the small amount of water she cleaned herself as she chanted silently in the tub. She stayed in the tub chanting till a humming sound was heard in the room where the statue and box were. It was time. Not drying herself she went slowly into the room, still chanting and onli looking at the statue of Sharess. A stange light glew upon the statue and knelt down ever keeping her eyes upon Sharess. A cold wind blew through the room and the cndles flicked out as Jo'lianna kept chanting and ignored the cool air against her wet body. The wind continued to blow as the humming grew louder and the statue of Sharess shaked. And then.....silence. The humming quieted itself and the glow from it disappeared. "It's complete," Jo'lianna closed her eyes and soon saw herself in a totally different place. It was her aura, it had been transported, to some place that she had not yet seen. The room was empty with only two people near what appeared to be a throne. The figure standing was female and the one kneeling was male, but he was not Drow. She approached quietly not fearful of the situation cause she knew at this time she was untouchable. "Who rules this clan?" Jo'lianna asked breaking the silence between the two figures. Both of them looked towards the voice and saw her figure. No face was seen, only the curves that her body possessed and the long flowing hari that reached her waist. "Who are you?" The woman asked approaching Jo'lianna. The male figure also stood looking Jo'lianna over repeatedly. He stood silent but ready to move showing that he was not afraid to attack. Jo'lianna smirked, and walked another step to the woman. " It is you I presume. And you sir have no need to attack. I'm not here to hurt anyone." She said raising her hands in defense." I am only a messenger." "Then speak," he growled. Bearing his teeth. Jo'lianna nodded her head in complience and then turned back her attention to the lady. "It is for you my lady, though I do not know your name." "Vajain," she stated bluntly. "and what message do you have for me?" "You clan is being attacked isn't it?" Jo'lianna asked seeing the impatience grow inside of her. "Yes, but how do you-" "Sharess! She revealed it to me. But the threat is more than what you think. There are some, not of our kind who are also on the rampage to destory you, but it will not end there. They must be stopped..." Before Jo'lianna could finish the statement the sounds of knocks came at her door. She heard them in her trance but didn't not break to connection just yet. "How must they be stopped..." Vajain yelled. "Tell ME!" "I am not sure but I wish to help... I will return I promise." With that she broke the connection and quickly covered the box with a robe. As the door pounded she hurriedly found a gown and covered herself. "Priestess, come open the door quickly." It was not the sound of the guards. It was her assisstant. "What what is it my child." "Please open the door I will tell you once I am inside." Jo'lianna opened the door and let the child enter the room. The young one seemed to be very much out of breath and her face flushed. "Now what is it.. I was quite busy, mind you...." "Lo'rianna is dead!" She said quickly. " Lo'rianna.... is no longer with us."[/FONT][/COLOR]
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