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YAY!!!!! Thank you Annie. Thank You!! Okay people here ya go! My post...finally! [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Magenta] Name:Fate Age: Unknown Speices: Neither Gender: Female Appearance:Look below.... Weapons/Abilities: Threads of Destiny- These threads, witnessed only by her(until recently) are the threads of the life that she chooses for all those who are born into existence. These threads control everybody and they may, by her wanting, be changed. These threads though are not very reliable as a source of power for an entities' will may also change the path or outcome. The Ending Blade- Each thread lenght is detemined at birth. Once a being comes into existence their thread is cut. This blade is what determines the length of life. The amount of tampering or manipulation as Fate sees it. The blade has never been used as a weapon for defense but for only a few but once a being is touched by these blades their existence ends and they are then left in the hands of Death. She does not kill for she does not hold that power. Bio: She has no memory of her early life for that part of her has no place in her head. She knows no age, life or death. She is a true immortal who only works with a select few but only from a distance. Besides that she has no one in her life who matters. Not even the daughter that she had, by whoever. She shouldn't have had her, but as her thread was made and cut she realized that her daughter would be the next one. But she had to see her childs intentions before it was made hers, if she could handle it, if she could see it. If she could be just like her mother. As the child was born, Fate was unable to pull herself from her what she enjoyed, the manipulation of lives and the power of making herself feel good from their success, failure, life, death, whatever they were 'woven' into. Her child demanded too much, too much time attention care, nurturing, which she herslef had no idea on how to perform. That is when the child was sent away. Fate was free of the child, whom she had named, Avarice, but she still looked upo the child to see if her fate would follow the path set to her. But she also looked over the sons of Lucifer as well and thats when the plan developed. She knew Lucifer would not make Lucas the ruler of Hell, his will would not allow it, no matter how much she pulled at the threads, Lucifer's will was stronger. After Marcus' rise to the throne she approached Lucas with the agreement. He of course accepted it. She became happy but Marcus hated what his brother was doing and came to her asking for a deal. She accepted his terms and turned him into an angel. The being that he should have been at birth but she did not allow that to happen. But the devil in him has not completely disappeared and only errupts once he thinks about stopping Lucas. One factor she did not think about. All the threads she controls become more woven and entangled she loses power not only of the angels and demons but also of herself and also become confused. Her past once a lost piece of her soon resurfaces and she, alone, is lost within herself. Will she have to act in this fight that she started? How can she mend the entangled threads? Will she have to fight? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] In her head, voices were heard, they were faint but still audible. She didn't understand it or know why but she had to get to them. But how, she couldn't explain it and decided not to even bother to return home. Things were different now and they were never going to be the same. She didn't even call home. She didn't wish to explain an already complicated situation to her parents. At least not until she figured out what was really going on in her life. She shuff;ed in her purse and picked out her check wallet. Over 700 was in her bank account thanks to receiving her tax return on time and she knew that would last her for a while. She was heading out of Miami going north on I-95 and was moving down the road as quickly as possible without getting a ticket. Only the voices were present getting louder as she was heading in the right direction. [I] I'm not sure who you are, but I'm on my way...[/I] she thought to herself hoping that he or she or they could hear her thoughts. [I] Where are you and what the hell is going on?[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] "I told you.." Alex turned around quick to see the older woman once again beside her. "Don't scare me like that," she said closing the door and leaning on her car for a moment. "Okay okay, I have these powers now what am I supposed to do. Keep them a secret, go save many people or what?" She held her head down for a moment, letting out a long sigh, realizing the extent of damage this could do to not only her but her family. How would she be able to hide this from them? Could she hide it? "Don't worry there are others?" Her head shot up with that answer her eyes dead locked on the woman. "More what? People like me?" The lady nodded in affirmation. "They will try to contact you soon. You should be able to sense them if you concentrate hard enough. But do not worry they will be making themselves known soon enough." With those last words the lady disappeared. Alex knew that this only could be the beginning of her new life. [I] More like her.[/I] She smiled and hurried into her car, not wishing to draw too much attention to herslf on this cold night. Little did she know Ricardo was watching her the whole time. He was furious with the outcome of the meeting they had had, and he wasnt going to let her get away from him that easily.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] "I told you.." Alex turned around quick to see the older woman once again beside her. "Don't scare me like that," she said closing the door and leaning on her car for a moment. "Okay okay, I have these powers now what am I supposed to do. Keep them a secret, go save many people or what?" She held her head down for a moment, letting out a long sigh, realizing the extent of damage this could do to not only her but her family. How would she be able to hide this from them? Could she hide it? "Don't worry there are others?"
OOC: Arigatou.. James..heheh after not being here for a while I needed that lil history lesson. But with the spotlight on me I hope I can really do this post well. Anyways here it goes! Sorry it took so long didn't really know how to open this so I did my best! ENJOY!!! [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=royalblue] 24 hours before mission..... "Hey Ann, come here." The thin looking woman came out from behind the beaded curtain, into the living area of her boss, Kana Watanabe. Kana wasn't there that evening but she was still allowed access to his home for routine surveillance as well as pleasing the company who came by. Tonight though was all about business though as her latest victim sat unknowingly in the area becoming more and more intoxicated as his plump figure sat on the sofa. His name, Kenneth Stevens, an American buyer, who stood all but in the way of Mr. Watanabe's purchase of an over-sea business. He, Kenneth, was the right hand man, of the man who owned the business, and also a hard bargainer for the company. He looked to be in his forty but much too bald and much too fat to be any true threat, but he still had his wits about him. Wits that were now being drowned away with every sip of the drink he was consuming. "Yes, Mr. Stevens?" She asked politely as she walked in the room wearing only a black bra and thong. Her black hair was now to her shoulders, but it was all to impress the company. In her hands was a tray with many h'or derves some of them expensive sushi left by Kana others especially made by Ann. ?Come and sit next to me sexy,? he patted the seat next to him and she came willingly to him placing the tray down in front of him, placing her buttock right in front of his face. ?Are you trying to tell me something by doing that,? he said rubbing his hand up and down her thigh and buttocks. She turned towards him and smiled before sitting next to him. ?Maybe,? she said and grabbed two pieces of sushi. She moved her legs unto him and kissed him. Then slowly withdrew her lips, ?Here try this.? She places a piece of the fish into his waiting mouth. ?Hmm? she heard as he began to chew. Instantaneously his body began to convulse and shake. Ann stood up and walked into the kitchen and retrieved the camera as Kenneth sat on the sofa his eyes widening as he knew that he was being killed. ?Smile for Mr. Kana Watanabe.? She snapped the picture as Kenneth eyes rolled to the back of his head and he laid motionlessly on the sofa. She went straight into the bedroom and called her people. ?It?s done send in the crew?..?[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] There were plenty ?party- favors? the next day, she was thanked and thanked again by Mr. Watanabe by the wonderful job she had provided. Even her co-workers were impressed. [I] Poison[/I] That was the kicker, but it would also help when they did an autopsy on Mr. Stevens. They wouldn?t be able to find it, but luckily the piece of sushi she fed him was puffer fish which was at times known to kill a person. ?Aw, Ann,? Mr. Watanabe came up to her with a big gleaming smile on his face. ? I am happy with your work and you have progressed well.? [I] Yeah if you consider 5 years progress.[/I] Her head filled with anger but the smile on her face remained. ?That is why I have a new assignment for you.? He said placing his hand on her back and walking her into a private room, already filled with other important men she had worked for. ?And what will it be this time Mr. Watanabe, the janitor that refuses to clean.? He smiled with her comment, playing it off as another of her jokes. But she was serious?seriously sick of the mediocre killings of stupid and weak men and women. She was ready for a change but wasn?t going to put up with the ******** Kana kept sending her. ?I wish it was that simple Ann,? he replied closing the door behind her. ?Here?s his profile,? another man slid a stack of papers in front of Ann, she flipped through it obviously unimpressed. ?And what?s he about?? She closed the file just as quickly as she opened it. ?That you must find out on your own?..?[/COLOR][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] ?That?s where he is staying right,? she asked checking her disguise in the mirror. She had to cut her hair once more but this time it was vital. She was to impersonate one of the maids and had to cut her hair to accommodate the look. ?Yes,? Kai answered, ?Room 544.? He took her wrist as she adjusted her hair once more. ?Be careful Ann, he?s not as easy as you think.? ?Thanks for the concern,? she said looking a bit spiteful of his comment, ? I?ll be alright.? She snatched away her hand from him and left the car, he drove off a few seconds later and she went to the employee?s entrance of the hotel. She said hello to many of the employees, many of them falling for the act. Others just shocked by the resemblance and thinking she was new. Who cares it worked. She found a cleaning cart and went on to the floor. With her weapons easily hidden under the uniform she went straight to the room and hoped he would be there. She wanted to end this quickly. She had to. She didn?t need to waste time with this guy. And that she didn?t. [I] Room 544[/I] A smile came on her face as she read the number on the door. She knocked lightly,? Housekeeping.? She said in Japanese trying her hardest to keep up the façade. She heard no reply and entered the room. She moved the cart into the door way and looked around the room for a moment. [I] Damnit he?s not here?[/I] Before she could turn to walk out of the room, she was hit hard on the head.[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue] She looked around, complete darkness surrounded her. She hadn?t been bound but could still sense she was somehow not alone. [I] A match was lit.[/I] She turned around quickly and saw a lone figure standing in dime light. ?Here to kill me huh,? He said flicking on switch revealing a medium sized and yet empty room. ?Well here?s your chance.? From behind him a female quickly entered the room and through Ann?s says towards her. The abruptly turning out once again to leave. ?H-how did you?? ?Are you here to talk or kill?? Ann smirked at the comment and raised herself slowly from the ground and walked a few step to her weapons. [I] Just what I wanted?[/I] She let out a deep breathe and charged at the man. It was her target but she knew killing him would be well worth the trouble?. Five minutes?.that?s all she had lasted? and that number replayed in her head over and over again. She rose slowly from the floor after what seemed hours laying in her own blood. Her arm, her back, her abdomen, her face. He hadn?t been nice in the fight and showed how much he did now of the assignment. He taunted her. Made fun of her. ?You?re only a pawn my dear Ann?.He knew you wouldn?t win?..? She was not only hurt physically but her pride had been scarred as well. A pawn. She?d make him pay? The note on her door was short sweet and to the point. She hadn?t yet gone to be bandaged up but did a half-assed job herself. ?You failed?. Show your face again and you?ll be dead?.Kai? She hit her door hard and walked into the small apartment Mr. Watanabe had set up for her. It was cleared out. All her things gone. He was quick to get her out of the organization. ?DAMN HIM!? She yelled and turned to walk out the door. It had only been 6 hours and he had already packed her away. She had nothing. She had nothing, [I] A PAWN[/I] As he had put it. ?Hey you!? Ann?s head moved quickly to the door where a dark haired woman was standing, the same one who threw her the sais. Her eyes widened but was a bit curious with the visit. ?Here to finish me off?? Ann asked taking one of her sais from behind her back. ?If you don?t accept this offer from Adam then the answer to that is yes.? The dark haired woman, later identified as Lelia took the letter from out of her pocket and threw it onto the floor. ?Get it, read it, you have one minute to decide.? Obviously angered at the threat Ann moved to pick up the letter. It was plain and concise. [CENTER] Ann, You lasted longer than I thought. That impressed me. Join my organization or your life as you know it, is over. Adam [/CENTER] ?Ten seconds dearie.? Lelia said. It only took her one more second to answer, ?I?ll go.? Lelia smirked at Ann and then turned her back. ?C?mon then ?Switch.? We gotta go get you cleaned up and back on the streets.? Ann slowly followed the woman still a bit weary and yet confused by this new ?organization? she was a part of. She didn?t voice her concerns, she just went along with it. But she was wondering about Lelia?s comment. ?Back on the streets for what?? She moved down the stairs still a few paces behind Lelia, her weapon back behind her. Lelia smiled. ?He?s wants you to kill your old boss, and anyone else who stands in the way of you accomplishing that.? Ann?s eyes opened wide with the comment, but she liked the idea already. Revenge on those who doubted her. The ones who set her up to fail. The ones who took everything she had away from her. She laughed a bit causing Lelia to turn around. ?Don?t want to do it?? She said quickly turning around and putting a gun to the woman?s head. Ann kept laughing for a bit and then moved the gun out of her face. She moved down one more step keeping her eyes glued onto Lelia?s. Her laughing began to subside. ?You have no idea? hw wonderful that sounds. When can I start?? [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] "I'm here Ricardo. What do you want?" She pushed slowly by the man as he opened the door to let her in. She really didn't want to come especially after seeing the things she could now do. She wanted to go and explore her powers more. See the extent she can make them weild to her command. "Well nice to see you to," he replied. Closing the door and offering her a seat and a bit to drink if she wanted it. She took a sit but no drink, at this point alcohol was the last thing she needed. She wanted to stay clearminded when Ricardo started talking his usual BS to her. "Okay, so how have you been?" He asked sipping a bit of wine and sitting down on the sofa next to her. She got more comfortable but irritated as well, hoping this wasn't a sorry attempt for him to make up. She shot that down quickly though. "I've been fine since I found out you're a cheating dog." Ricardo almost spat out his wine but was able to maintain his composure. "Still the fireball aren't we Alex?" "Always," she said smiling a bit. "But what do you want Ricardo, if this is a sorry attempt to say sorry then Im sorry I'll be going." She stood up and headed towards the door. "Wait a minute," he said jumping in her way and stopping her from moving out of the apartment. "Well then speak," she said more agressive this time feeling her blood begin to heat up. "Okay, okay, I'll admit it." He started backing slowly away from the woman. " I wanted to see you because I feel bad about what I did to you. I am sorry Alex and I want you to be with me again." "Why would I do that Ricardo?" She looked at him blankly expecting a reply from him. He held his head down and did not answer. "Like I though, there is no reason for me to come back," she side stepped him and reached for the door. "Don't leave Alex," he said grabbing her arm. "Ricardo let go of me," she answered trying to pull away from him, but he did not let go. "You can't leave me Alex, not after all we've been through." His voice changed a little bit and Alex began to get a bit nervous as she tried to remove her hand from his grip. "Ricardo let me go." She pleaded again. Trying to make her way to the door. "No Alex you won't leave me again." He moved her away from the door and pushed her back to the chair. "Now you will stay there until I say leave." Alex a bit nervous of the situation stays on the sofa as Ricardo once again sits near her. "See baby, I only want you here with me." His voice changed back to normal but Alex was beginning to get upset. "Now will you think about us getting back together?" He placed his hand on Alex lower thigh and felt how warm she had become, he quickly pulled his hand back. "Ow Alex, you are hot, are you okay baby, do you need to go to the hospital?" "No, I'm fine," she began to grow angry with him as he sat next to her. "But touch me like that again and I will hurt you. Now I am leaving and you won't stop me." She stood up once again but her grabbed her, his hands pulled back quickly sensing the heat had moved into her hands. "Damn," he yelled. What is going on with you. Not only was his hand feeling burned but the room was beginning to grow much warmer. "Are you doing this?" He asked her fanning himself as a few sweat beads form on his forehead. "What if I am?"She asked smuggly. "Now Im leaving Ricardo, come after me again and I swear it'll get alot hotter." She rushed for the door. leaving Ricardo looking stupid within the room. She quickly ran down the stairs and outside into the cool night air. While she walked to her car it began to rain. Bits of steam began to come off her body as her temperature and temper began to cool. She know knew another extent to how her body could work. She smiled and unlocked her car.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
TY vicky...heheh I forgot.. its wont happen again and that info is changed! [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] Before Alex got too far the lady used a lighter and wilded it to wrap around Alex. Seeing th flame approach her and move around her Alex became extremely nervous but yet felt no heat. She turned to the woman and saw her hand going in a cirular motion. "What are you doing?" Alex said but soon she began to play with the flame also. She was able to play with it and did not get burned. "How -how is this happening?" "You have the power of fire, you cannot be harmed by it. It is your element, your power your life energy." "My what-" "Try it." The lady said stopping the flame in front of Alex. "Send it back to me.Just think it and do it, you'll see you're just like me." Alex was skeptical of the lady but tried it anyway. Placing the flame in her hand she began to concentrate on it. Little by little it moved but then the flame soon sped towards the lady. "Oh my goodness," The flame stopped in front of the now smiling lday. "Don't worry child, it cannot hurt me. See you are like me but you are still new to this power." "How can I control it? Will you help me?" The lady extinguished the flame and then tossed Alex the lighter. "Use this to help, and do not concentrate too hard on the flame, It is an extension of you and you need not to force it or it will get out of control." The lady turned around to leave Alex. "Where are you going will you not help me?" She turned back to Alex, but her body began to darken as though she was now becoming a shadow. "This is where it ends for me, there are others he will explain, Kevin Kilin. Find him!" With that the lady disappeared and Alex was left alone once again on the street. Her phone soon began to ring and she looked at the time. "Helo," she answered. "Did you forget or you didn't want to come?" She glanced at her watch, it was already 10 minutes after the appointed time. "Perdoneme." She said. " I was running a little late and I'll be right over, I just had a bit of trouble with my car." "Twenty minutes Alex." He started. " I mean it, BE HERE!!"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid] The spring evening in Miami reminded Alex of when she went to visit her cousins in New York. They never really believed her storied of how cool it got in Florida until they came down. She laughed at them for a week straight when they only had shorts and t shorts to wear for their visit. SHe never allowed them to live it down. She stared at her watch as she let the memory roll into the back of her brain. [I]Six- thirty.[/I] She moved her hand back to her side and walked slowly to her car about a block away. SHe couldn't help but hate herself for agreeing to meet with him. "That jerk," she exhaled as kept moving. Now stuffing her hands in her pocket. She shook her head as their memories began to play in her head. As she kept mumbling to herself she hadn't noticed the leg that was strecthed out and which over she almost tripped. "Hey!" she said stumbling and regaining her footing to turn around and see an older woman sitting on the ground. "Would you watch that, you almost tripped me!" The older woman looked up at Alex. She eyes seemed to have an bright amber color that filled Alexs eyes with wonder. "Who are you?" Alex asked looking on at the lady. "You..you are the one I seek. You, Aries." "I am an Aries yes, but I don't know you lady." The older woman smiled once more and then stood up. "Yes, I understand I may be mistaken," she smiled and then walked over to Alex. She no longer looked as homly as she did before but a sort of regalness embraced her. "I am sorry to have tripped you," she continued then looked at Alex's leg. "May I check it?" Alex found a bench nearby and she sat down. Alex although a bit chilled still wore her shorts. "I cannot believe you aren't cold in this weather my child?" The lady felt Alex's leg and soon withdrew her hand. "My child you are burning up. Do you not feel it?" Alex looked into the woman's eyes, "Actually no, and I personally do not wish to speak about it." She got up and soon began to walk away. The lady smiled. "Stop, for I know why you are that way." "Yeah and I'm the pope," Alex said and then turned away to go on to her car.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1] "ALEX! VEN ACA!(Alex! COME HERE!) The young hispanic woman heard her name and walked to the front of the resteraunt. She was wearing a pair of capri khakis and a white sleeveless shirt that ony made her look young than what she was. " Que pasa, mama?(Was up mom?) She asked going to her mom, who was standing behind the cash register taking money from a young hispanic male who eyes were directly cast on Alex. "Ay dios mio, mama!(On my God, mom!)," she cried as soon as she saw the young man. His name was Ricardo and he was not only an aquaintance but and ex boyfriend as well. One that her mother always liked. She could remember her mother saying to her. [I]Why did you leave Ricardo. He's such a fine young man, and he loved you alot you know. I mean he's in school, and he's going to become an accountant. I mean who wouldn't want a man like that.[/I] Alex knew after a while that she didn't want a man like that. Besides him being a nice rich and handsome young man, he was also, stubborn, insecure and had no passion when it came to making love. She turned away still raising a bit of a fuss as Ricardo came around and grabbed her arm. "Escuchame, Alex.(Listen to me Alex.)" "What do you want Ricardo?" She said gently pulling her arm back from his grip and stepping from behind the counter. She tried to walk away rom him and ignore him but he kept making a pest of himself. "Please stop and listen to me," he said once more this time with a bit more urgency. "Why should I listen! Huh?" She asked flaring her arms up then they automatically rested on her hips. "After that stunt you pulled I have nothing else to say to you." He knew exactly what that stunt was and didn't tryied to had the fact that he cheated in her. That was the reason for their break up, his infidelity. "Yes, Alex, I know that you don't want to speak with me, but I would appreciate a moment of your time." She thought about it for a moment and then gave in. She realized how weak she looked ut this was the only person who had eer gotten her to that point. Looking at it now, she still hated herself for becoming that way. "Okay when?" she asked. Giving out a sign as she crossed her arms. "Tonight please, my place at 7:30."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Vicky, I don't have that much time for a sign up right now but this afternoon I will give you one. Here's a partial one for right now..... Name: Alexandra Martine Age: 21 Sign:Aries - Mars Element: Fire Special Powers: Due to here use of the fire element, Alex's body temperature is higher than a normal persons, but with this ability she can use her body to warm up the air surrounding here and therfore can also warm her surrounding enviroment making it as warm or as hot as she likes. She also has the ability to withstand these very hot temperatures as well. Also she has the ability to control flames though she cannot make them. She relies on her trusty lighter, or Kevin for that. Description:[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16939 [/IMG] Personality: She's overconfident and a bit cocky at times. Doesn't take too much of anything from people and can blow off at any moment.(take it literally too) She's easier to get along with once you've known her for a while and most people just get used to her or ignore her. Either way she doesn't really care. Biography: Born in Miami Fl, this full blooded Latina give a whole new meaning to the word hot! She was the only child to a middle class family but had many cousins to hang out with and go party with. Since the age of 10 she really gained her hot personality with her talk and sassiness of a grown woman but alwyas respected older person in her families and those who knew her and she them. Besides that everyone had the right to get dissed or told off by this young woman. She had no respect for those who didn't respect her first. After so much trouble with peers due to her nature she decided to learn how to fight in order to protect herself as she gotten older. As a teen people noticed that she was a bit hotter and I mean hot as in her temperature, but they never really allowed it to phase her. Soon her parents noticed it too when on the coldest day of the year she decided to wear shorts to school. Her body temperature was stated at 110 F and many of the doctors she saw after wards wondered how she was able to survise when the hottest a person can be was 108 and that was able to kill a person. They watched her for many months but she lived as normal and soon she was sought after b the scientific community for study. She and her family absolutely refused, but her life never went on as normal. Now as a 23 yar old woman she still possesses that nature of hers and she has not slowed down yet. BUt little does she know, her true powers are about to reveal themselves! Others:
Nudity... Been there done that seen it in just about any place imaginable. It doesn't bother me at all male or female. I've more so seen nudity though in the mangas though especially from Love Hina and some or the Yu Watase series, but it's just something that allows the story to go on. For exaple, Love Hina manga, I'd say at least once a volume you see someone partially naked and what happens usually Keitaro(the only guy living in Hinata House) happened to stumble across the naked female. And what do you think escalates from that...WHAMP!!!! Usually he ends up in some tree or hurt because of his clumsiness. So for general viewing I have no problem with it. But if anyone hear chooses to go beyond those boundaries, just be sure you really know what you're watching so you don't come out dumbfounded from seeing something you didn't expect. And I actually think that goes for many movies that are shown anywhere, and it doesn't have to be the sexuality within it just the subject matter period! Oops sorry got off track.But most nudity I've seen in anime has been minimal and it is for a reason. So if I see a flas of this or a flash of that no biggie.
Sign Up Killing Time {R: Violence, Language, Blood, Gore}
Hinata replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] Name: Alexis Brown Age: 26 Gender: Female Position: Meidal Assistant Apperance: Stands at about 5'10 inches with n slithgly athletic body. Hair is dark and very short. Skin is caramel colored and has hazel colored eyes. The way she dresses doesn't suit to her perfession for she dresses to keep the confidence or the patients she works on. Laid back type of person but very cocky for a female anyways. Bio: Before starting work 4 years ago on the Vector Space Station she worked amoung inner city resdents in a make chift clinich that was set uo by a doctor looking only to help the most dire patients. Not only from that had she learned to protect herself from the violence many people held but gained confidence maybe a little too much confidence. For years she has studied martial arts and weapons use and was known to be carrying some sort of weapon at all time. She even made make shift weapons if need be. Now she helps those on the Space Station just as she did back in her own home. She has that same attitude and has been known to take down a guy or too if her got to rough with her. Doesn't carry a weapon as much anymorw but soon regretted leaving them in the dock with many of her other personal items as soon as the aliens came on board. Only a few had slipped into the mediacl bay killing on person of the staff and two patients before she found a pair of scissors and stabbed the very small alien. Luckily it wasn't too large or she would've definetly been in trouble. She know is held up in the medical bay trying hard to reach help to remove two patients as well as a few of her coworkers![/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Arial] Those three little words held much power over Jo'lianna. Her teacher, her guider, the one she vowed to serve many years ago didn;t know. "What," she answered the lady looking at her her eyes wide open and her pupils fully dialiated. Her hands trembled slightly as she looked down at them and grasped her hands together. She realized this sensation. A feeling she had not encounter since her days of being trained. Fear, She couldn't let this emotion take control and turned back once more away from Lo'rianna. "Mistress," she said to Lo'rianna her voice holding a slight tremble. "How can this be?" She turned back once more to look her teacherin the eyes, but noting showed through. Lo'rianna's own delf doubt began to encircle her and Jo'lianna sensed it all too much. Somehow with all the images and such going through her mind, Lo'rianna still found a way to speak for the young woman. " I can no longer help you my child." Not wishing to hear those words Jo'lianna turned her back and tried her hardest to conceal her tears. "I wish there was something that I could say for these words but there is not." Lo'rianna stood up and headed towards Jo'lianna, "But may these ramblings from a worn out woman help you."She placed her hand on Jo'lianna's shoulders, who still kept her face from the woman. " You ,Jo'lianna, not I , were entrusted with this vision from the Goddess. Whether they are what is to come or not, is for you to find out. Do what you must but you must stop this from happening." Lo'rianna removed a package from her robe. " I knew sooner or later someone was going to need this and luckily it won't be me." Jo'lianna turned to see what it was but it was covered in a white lacey material. "What is it?" "Open it once you return to your quarters, and open it alone. WIthin it you'll find the instructions and then you will understand. I cannot say more, now go before many whispers enter the heads of others and fall into the elders hands." Jo'lianna only nodded and took the small package from Lo'rianna's hands and placed it within her robe. She soon dapped the tears frm her eyes and hugged the older woman. " I love you,[/FONT][/COLOR] mistress." Jo'lianna said. "And I you my child."
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow] Name: Alex " Alexandra" Porter Gender: Female (looks like a twenty year old man) Age: 25 Occupation:Ammunition Specialist P.S. If I am allowed to join this cuthroat crew of scally-wags no one knows that I am a female. They just think I a young man. I will show my characters true nature once we're on the high seas so no one say they know what I am yet okay!!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Orange] Before Allen and Van had made their way to the lobby. The three women present were already starting up a bit of racket with the amount of small talk they made to get by with the minutes that seemed to pass very slowly. "Okay Trini," Helena started," We told you about us now it's your turn." The older lady thought back for a moment and was actually not as ready as she thought to answer it. "Hmmm, where she I start?" She pondered the question a bit longer as both Lilia and Helena sipped their bevereages. "Well lets see, I've been a medical assistant for over 20 years now, I've lived in New York, Boston, parts of Florida, Calirnia, but most of my life was spet in New York. I was working there when I met a man that would cha my life in more ways than one." "Yes I heard about that," Lilia nodded noting the story that was given to her by a subordinant befroe she left for this mission." "YEah well, I wish it never happened," Trini said looking into her cup. "Well if I were in the same situation I' do the same." Helena looked between the two women before finally saying, "It sounds like you two are holding a secret, tell me." Trini sighed and answered up," Well it's not the kind of secret that can actually be kept hidden, before this happened I was already alone then when it did happened I lost the only family I came to love and that was his." She looked down and took another sip of her coffee wishing now that is was something much stronger. " It was before I went on the first mission, Two years to be exact but for the longest time he began to change, he became more possessive and began to push me or sometimes slap me." "And you stayed around for that?" Helena asked a voice of hatred coming through. "Well that's what I was doing that night, I was going to leave him, I had my own place and evreything, I just had to get the last of my things from the apartment and go. I wish I didn't see him ther that night though. He slowly saw my things disappear and soon got the hint. I had the last box ready and by the door where I was leaving a note saying bye I don't want to see him again, you know all that ********." She smiled a bit and took another sip of her coffee before beginning again." Well he came home saw the box and me by the table leaving him a note. Basically to say he was pissed off and threatened me. What I didn't know was that he had a gun under his shirt. He began to yell, I stayed calm and tried to by pass him. He of course didn't let me go by him so easily and I still tried to go. Soon I felt it against my side. As I looked down I saw the weapon and stepped back. He held it right at me saying the same words they do in movies.' I won't let you be with anyone else I kill you beore that happenes, blah blah blah,' I heard it many times before he went to that extent but I realy believed him with the weapon To my luck he put it down went I went beside the sofa and he came at me once again trying to hit me. Thats where we struggled, I lucklyily broke free got the gun and shot him. End of story." Trini's nature seemed nonchalant to the exprience now. It now longer ate at her as it had done so many times but this time the stripes she recived for the deed no longer seemed to matter. Helena seemed to want more but was unable to get more from her, thats when Van pooped in the door. Trini gave him a hug and he said his hellos to Helena and Lilia. "Had fun with us old men Helena?" He said grapping a cup of tea. "I''ve had better," she responded right before Allen and Nathan came into the door. He explained the reason for meeting and soon they were off. She couldn't wait to see the ship hoping that is was just as beautiful as the Bladerunner had been.[/COLOR]
Hmm do I use slang... I think I use it kinda often but not to the point of over use unles Im just teed off... What do I use though!!! [B]Sup cat [/B]or [B]'Ey dad[/B]- Pasiccaly its just my way of say hello to a male friend of mine. [B]Let me be real wit you[/B] Basiic way of saying let;s dtop BSing and let me get to the point. [B]STUUPID[/B] Just my way of calling a person silly...May be used interchangably with [B]OFF THE CHAIN (OTC for short)[/B] [B]Naaw Dude, listen! [/B] My way of 'hold up, saying let me explain." [B]Jesus Juice[/B] What Micheal Jackson knows as wine has now been taken by me!! It still stands for wine or any other alcholic beverage! [B]Diablo[/B] Spanish for Devil.. I mean it was a way of saying D*** I think thats all fr now.. see ya!!!
[COLOR=Orange] She stood in the small office for a bit looking at the cameras that were showing Sam in the cell. His whole body seemed deformed and he was beyond recognition. [I] What have they done to you Sam[/I] Her eyes were held to the ground as tears began to swell up. As she felt a tear drop from her eyes she heard the men speak to one another. "Look at his eyes man, their planted right on us." Trini looke up immediatley as Sam's eyes concentrated on the exact spot where the camera was situated. She dired her eyes and also focused on him for aminute seeing a devious smile come across his face. "He's giving me the creeps, switch the camera to another one." "Wait-" Trini said holding out her hand, over the console, trying to hold Sam's glare just a bit longer. She soon heard a faint whisper in her ear. IT wasn't the voice she wanted but the evilness that was dwelling within Sam. She blinked and shook her head. She soon removed her hand from the console and allowed the men to change the camera angle. Sam's body though stayed in the same place. She no longer took notice and headed promptly away from that place. She soon remember that Lilia would be coming for the files now in her possession and moved quickly back to her quarters to get them in order. She soon got to her room when a knoc was heard at her door. She immediately got the files and moved to the door. "Here ya go-" "Are these the files you wish to be delivered to Ms Lilia?" The young man asked holding his hands out. "Yes they are," he took the files from her and turned away. "Thank you," she closed the door behind him and went back to her bed, she laid there looking at the ceiling for a bit before she scrambled for one of his diaries reading its contents!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=1] Lady M. I'm not sure if you'd remember a person like me but I do remember speaking with you a few times and enjoying the brief conversations we had. I hope that all is good and I hope all is well. If not do know that I have respected you as a person since day one and if you need someone to talk to(on any level you deem necessary) I am here. I'm a little older than the rest (21) but you are still my peer and who knows I may be able to understand what you're going through. I hope I am wrong but just from seeing that first note it seems that there is a lot on your plate at this point in time and for some weird reason I feel there is a lot of burden upon you. If I am wrong then just blame it on me being sleepy and a bit stressed. If not then please let me know so that I don't feel like I'm a ranting mad woman. (PLEASE!) But I will tell you somethng for sure. You know you have the people here on OB to be with you whenever you need it and i just hope that one day I will be able to do the same for you. Take Care Be Safe and Be Well!!! P.S. If I remember a while ago you came on and said u were expecting..please PM me so that I may clarify and recollect my memory![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1] Trini walked back from the personal holding closet signing out Sam's files. Although Allen didn't say now there was no yes answer given either. She took it upon herself to take advantage of that fact and began to sort through Sam's correspondence and diaries. Many of the books she flipped through had unrecognizable writings, the majority jumbled all over the page in an unorganized manner. She put those books and letters in a seperate pile and grabbed one book, dated about 10 years ago. She left her quarters and began to move down the hall heading towards the long corridor in which Sam was being held. The cell his was in was a 15 by 15 room with padding to help cushion some of the harm he tried to inflict upon himself. Sometimes it helped oter times he still managed. As she moved down it slowly, she remembered the earlier event involving the spider-like creature that managed to break free. Luckily the mess from the incident was gone and nothing shown through. Footsteps coming towards her managed to break her concentration as she looked up to see Lilia. The young woman's professionalism and confidence shined as she moved down the hall. She looked down into the book and flipped through the pages and then quietly closed the book when Lilia was within arms reach. "Hey Lilia," Trini asked holding the book behind her for just a moment. "Yes," Lilia stopped and her eyes were kind of perturbed showing the Trini must have disrupted her train of thought. She quickly apologized for the hinderance and got to the point. " There is some paperwork I'd like for you to look at, much of it in a foriegn language. I think you may be able to help me translate it." She stopped speaking for a moment as the silence of the hallway ran in her ears for a few seconds. " That is if you aren't busy with some other aspect of the mission? Besides I'd really prefer your help." Lilia looked into Trini's eyes for a moment searching the thoughts moving in her head. "I'll see what I can do for you....I'll come and get it when I have a chance." "Thanks, Lilia, I really appreciate it." "No problem," she turned quickly her mind quickly going back to the board once again continuing the flow of information. Trini kept heading towards the door hopeing that some how she would be able to hear Sam once more. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1] Well well well a loyal topic about the Passtion...which I am sorry that I have not yet soon but tha effect shall hopefully be rectified either on Friday or Satureday...He he Then here I will post a critical review fof what I thought of the movies. Can't wait to see if I agree with you guys... But I just wished to bring up a reasonable disscusion about the pretenses of the movie. Through much debate by Jewish around the country many have been absolutely appauled by the movie, stating it supports Anti- Semist view( PLEASE Forgive me if I misspelled that). Now forgive me if Im wrong but in the Bible it states that the Jews rejected Jesus Christ when he presented himself as the Sn of God. Then they turn around to judge him and send him to be crucified. Now I havent seen the movie so I can't say that I've gained that view. But I'll ask those who saw it... Did you come out having a prejudice against the Jewish community?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Dan Rugh] Preston and I were just talking on AIM about how Naruto makes us cry sometimes. :laugh: I cried 2 different times in the 50 episodes I've seen. One was [spoiler] the whole incident with Haku and Zabuza dying. That was definitely the saddest part in the show so far.[/spoiler]. And the other one was [spoiler]when Lee was fighting Gaara and couldn't beat him. I think it's the flashbacks that did it for me. Showing Lee training so much in flashbacks and then being beaten to the point that the medical team said he could never fight again was horrible.[/spoiler] I'm so bad at descriptions sometimes. Anyone else cry during Naruto? How embarassing. lol[/QUOTE][COLOR=Magenta] Sorry to go back to this particualr post but...CWWN (Crying while watching Naruto) is a serious thing as I have coe to realize...I was trying to post something yesterday and I couldn;t okay I think now is the perfect place to write this. ( February 24, 2004) [I][COLOR=DarkOrchid] Crying while watching Naruto(CWWN).... A horibble yet heart warming affliction which has not yet heppened to me. Hopefully I won't have to cry while watching this because I think that U will just become a ranting, feelbe form of myself.[/COLOR][/I] Yes yes, yes I said it. I'll admit that but I found myself breaking down and tearing up at seeing...*sniff snniff* the fight between * sniff sniff* [spoiler] Gaara :bawl: and Lee San....[/spoiler] :bawl: I'm sorry *wipes tears* I didn't know I could get so emotional over a fuzzy eyebrowed person like him....but I did and I hate it very much that what happened happened...*Naruto rock music plays in background* But along with that sadness comes a blaze of hope Naruto-kun...Sakuke-kun... they will make the bad man pay...They will.... come out on top *music ends* [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=1] Hmm. Another FY dicussion. Well I for one am happy you brought it back up seeing thatin 2002 I wasn't really into manga. Oh well I can't and won't regret it now. I just think I'll post something about what I have particularly enjoyed about this manga. No, I have not yet seen the anime and I know that I must but I will wait for the right time for that to happen. But althought the themes of this manga may be a lil more on the mature side it does seem to posess a few themes that a person's life is always inflicted by. The number one thing being Friendship. The friendship between Miaka and Yui was seen as somewhat of a cool friendship. That is until Jealosy and Envy finally poke thier little heads into the scenario. Both were jealous of each other and when that blatant fact hit me in the face I began to feel sorry for both of them. I mean Miaka, seen as a dumb person by some standards is becoming the stronger of the to. Yui, for whom I am beginning to feel sorry for is more feeble than she has let on to in the earlier volumes of the manga. Not only that she became jealous and envious of Miaka's relationship with Tamahome (aww what a cutie) and tries her hardest to keep her seperated. But I think that is what truly tied me to this manga. The storyline of it. And I can't wait to read the rest for I truly wonder how will Miaka's friendship with Yui and her relationship with Tamahome suceed. What do you out there think?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] The future of anime. I always wondered about that. But no matter what whetehr anime styles spread worldwide...Asia particuallry Japan wll always stand out and be one ahead of the competition. Anime representd their culture the way society has and influence on their life, especially their artistic side. Yeah other countries bay try to duplicate it bu there will only be one original and the original will always stand out. I do hope that more CG is incorporated but not to the point of being over redundant and all thier anime become CG. I think when it crosses that line it;'ll lose the main atrraction. The artisits tru ability with the pen and paper. Thats what I think I like most about anime is the way an artist is able to draw and I actually think that with many cartoons, except for some of the newer ones that look like crap. Sorry off topic. But I truly can't wait to see the advances of anime. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1] 1. Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong? 2. Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows? 3. Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] 1. I don't think that downloading anime is wrong. I don't profit off it I just get a chance to see what's out there. Getting a chance to see and anime just gets me more pumped about buying it in the future. Now those who profit off anothers work are those I do not agree with. Basically called BOOTLEGGERS. These are peple who just copy and sell highly publicized pieces for their own profit, not giving any percentage to those who have actually worked their butts off to make their masterpiece. Now if you're one of the few who do that...SHAME ON YOU!!! 2. I don't think I'd buy more DVD's if I didn;t download the shows. I'm broke and just seeing an anime on the shelf may appeal to me. But once I get a peek at what's inside(via Downloading), that makes me more determined to go and purchase it. So far I have seen a few more animes thatn I would have thought of and I want it more than ever to own them for myself so that I may watch them over and over and over again. 3. I think they may but I have not been fully opened to that just yet. But on a business level they may see that these other companies are showing the fansubs and therefor will follow or think of following the same tactics. That is of course just an unresearched opinion.[/COLOR]
Anime GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka) Has anyone seen this?
Hinata replied to Domon's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Shadow Wolf][font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue][b]Um, it seems to me that Mr. Onizuka from GTO and Spike from Cowboy Bebop sound alike. Do they have the same voice actors? It's driving me crazy...:worried:[/b][/color'][/font][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] To answer that for you..YES its the same American voice actor...I love this guy he's awesome. But as for Japan..YOU DON'T LIKE THE ANIME!!! What's not to like? I mean I owe 5 DVD volumes and I've been reading the manga. I think they did an excellent job of portraying Onizuka in the anime. And the facial expression. The facial expressions make it all work while. I personally enjoy his expressions, the sexy faces :love2: :faint: to the crazy faces :rotflmao: all the same. But I guess I can survie seeing that comment. I'll be good and not go :flaming: on you for that. But I wish to know a deeper meaning than besides the faces.[/COLOR]