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Everything posted by Hinata
[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1] The meeting ended with no complaints on Trini's mind, but she knew rest and fun was going to be the last things on her mind. She stood in the hallway and waited, she wanted to speak with Allen and Van for a moment but they stayed inside the room speaking with Lilia. She stayed put a little longer before she began pacing and her mind racing with the thought. She heard it. The monster but even lower she heard a biwildered Sam. She couldn;t leave her teammate like that, but she knew she couldn't visit him alone either. She'd wait...she's have to wait... "DAMNIT!" She yelled hitting the wall not too far from the meeting room. She kept her hand there for a moment , ignoring the pain and feeling the helplessness once again gather in her soul. A helplessness she had hope she left far behind. She kept the hand there turning the helplessness into anger, something she had did many times before and she found it to be an easy way out instaed of hating herself. She removed her fist from the wall revealing four spots of blood where her knuckles connected with the wall. She turned back to the room and walked in disturbing the conversation between the three people still located in the room. She sat beside Allen and tried her best to remain cool. "I need to find all of Sam's correspondence immediately?" "What do you want em for Trini, I've already looked over them, there's nothing but him speaking of what's been going on to him within the books." "I need to find them Allen, I don't want to sit here for 48 hours doin nothing, I need to see if there is something in there that I can use to-" "To what?" "I heard him Allen." Allen's eyes stared blankly at her. "Heard who-" "Sam, he was speaking to me, lightly enough but I heard him." "When, did you just go to see him? Is he-" "No," she started, " when the monster came out, I heard two voices, the monsters as well as Sam's he's still in there Allen, we have to try to speak with him."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue] My nickane's aren't stupid thaey are just stupid ripoffs of my names which make em idiotic... Okay my real name is Enjoli but I've had some people call me Enjie for short...thn there was Angelique, Angelia, and many many more that would get to lot of you mixed up so I'll leave those alone... The only nickname I did adopt is Angie... But my baby name was Pooh....And my ex names me Tigger!!! He he its an inside thing so I dont think that was relevant!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Cyan] I could just take the easy way out and say... I want all of em and leave it alone but I think that wouldn't be fair But lets see if I can think of good explanations for the ones I list below.... [B]GTO[/B]- well I have the first 5 volumes on DVD so now I think it only proper to finish it off.. besides it's a hilarious show and who doesn't like Onizuka...Hes fine!!! [B]Fushigi Yug[/B]i- I've read some of the manga and I've absolutely loved it and I must say I wish to see what they have out there on it that way I can also brag about the anime too. There are a few others I see in the same category as FY... lets see.... [B]Ceres, Chobits and Love Hina [/B]I think is all... Okay on to more.... [B]Hellsing[/B]- a bit weird at first but then I got caught up in the whats going to happen next.. So that is what I'll be looking at soon.. I hope [B]Inuyasha[/B]- like the 50+ eps I've seen so far so now I must see more!!! [B] Naruto[/B]- liked the 40 eps I've seen so far.. now I must watch the rest and hopefully by it for myself soon!! [B]NG Evangelion[/B]- Have the 1st DVD.. Liked it... want to see how the whole series turnes out. Also wish to see the movies that follow the series. [B]Escaflowne[/B]- I haven't seen it but it has peaked my interests from the few things I've read. Hopefully my intuition is right. And I've seen the following but I own none of them one day, one day I will have my wish list!!! [B] Akira Ghost in the Shell Armitage(all of em) Macross (all of em) Vampire Hunter(both of em) Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Outlaw Star Cowboy Bepop [/B] and there are some more that slip my mind at the moment... So Im sorry if my list came up being too short!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1] "Ahhh, Jo'lianna," a slightly older looking woman walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "Mistress, how I've missed you." Jo'lianna hugged her back, remembering how Lo'rianna always watched carefully over her. She didn't want to let her go and lavished the brief memory in her head almost crying when she hugged her. "Now my dear," she said backing away and smiling, " I know you haven't come for sentimental reasons so shall we talk." Jo'lianna nodded as a group of servants left the two to speak alone. She followed the Ex- Priestess to a table close by where tea and small treats were served up for the two to enjoy. Lo'rianna kept a smile on her face trying to see through the dismal exterior of Jo'lianna but the actions were to no avail. She could only sense despair and confusion, but many were established to her by the body language that she exhibited. "Mistress," she started not sure how to start the conversation. " I have been troubled?" "By what..." she poured herself a cup of tea and offered some to Jo'lianna as well. Jolianna refused. " I saw the Goddess-" "Sharess?!" Lo'rianna almost dropped her cup as she looked into Jo'lianna's face. "Wh- what did she tell you?" "She told me nothing, I- I only saw." She stopped for a moment as the visions popped back into her head. "There was blood, and bodies and just mass war amoung our people." "Do you mean our clan?" "No," Jo'lianna answered." I mean our people. All clans of the drow we were fighting and all I saw was blood. At the end was when I heard the voice of the Goddess. She told me these things may come to pass but yet I cannot get them out of my head." She got up and turned to the window. " I tried to block them out but then I only think of the past which brings up more pain for me to endure. I mean how can I...how shall I handle this? Who can I tell?" She turned back to Lo'rianna her voice slightly rising in volume. " The elders may as well call me blasphemous and may kick me out. They will surely just take it as a hallucination." Lo'rianna looked on as Jo'lianna looked only more confused not sure of how to reply to the younger woman. " I knew you'd understand me and I hope- I hope coming to you will help me. Can you?" Lo'rianna looked on unable to answer her just yet. She held her head down and stared into the cup of tea. "I...don't know..."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1] Trini saw the expression come upon Allen's face and had no reason to disagree with the feeling. She saw the woman as well and her chin dropped to the table like a man fawning over a lady. She had to shake her head and remind herself of the events many years ago. A slight chill came over her and she stood up quickly and approached Allen. "Hey Trini," Van stopped her and introduced her to the young lady." Meet Lilia. She's our new Communications specialist." "Hello," Trini spoke as she extended her hand to the young lady. "I'm the Medical Assistant, Trini Angelos." "Nice to meet you Trini," the young lady said also extending her hand. The two of them gave each other slight reasuuring smiles before Trini began to get a horrible headache. She began to bend down slightly as she let go of Lilia's hand. "Are you okay Trini," Van said stepping closer to her, seeing what was going on. "I'm getting this really bad headache, like I used to get back then..." "Back when," Allen said also stepping forward to the slouching woman." When...." "When we were on....the ship....." The pain got slightly worse," After Satell.... healed me...." She panted a bit the pain hitting her like a woman in labor." It's.... Sam.....he's let one get out......."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] She lay back in the hot water, her tensions seemingly going away but, beneath the surface, her mind was still racing. She wondered why would a war start here. At this time, she didn't know. Her occasional movement in the water showed how stressed she was getting. She laid back a bit, and looked out the window that lay open. The night sky showed nicely through as the moon beamed at an angle into the window. The stars though barely showed through the light. She sat waiting, waiting for a sign. Something new. But it never came. She sighed and once again turned turned her head. This time staring at the ceiling. She stood up sharply and hit the water. A small growl escaping her mouth, as she hit the water. She was snapping, and with no one to blame for it, she rose out of the water and grabbed a small gown to cover her. She was about to exit when she heard a noise from down below. Laughter. Something she hadn't heard in so long. She almost couldn't place the sound and smiled when she heard it again. She walked to the window and looked outside. As she looked down, about 3 stories, she saw a group of kids playing in the courtyard that lay in the center of the Orn'Baelen house. From what she could gather from the adults supervising them, they had been summoned by the elders, their purpose, unknown. She smiled again at them as some ran in circles chasing one another and a few picked up moon lillies that lay scattered about the green. Seeing that reminded her of her family and instead of bringing on joy it began to bring more pain. She shut the window and walked back into her room. No one was present. She sat there, almost dry and completely at a loss of emotion. She wanted to just go, but then she remembered one thing from her teacher. She sat up quickly remembering the Ex- priestess was not to far from her. She got up and got dressed in a long blue gown, followed by the dark cape she always wears. She stepped out of her room and her assistant was summoned. "What is it Priestess?" the girl asked. "Take me to Lo'rianna. I must speak with her she right now is one of the few I can confide in." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] She paced in her room, her anxiety only rising higher and higher. Who could she trust, was there anyone to trust. [I] AAAAHHHH[/I] The scream only filled her head and soon her assisstant in the nest room came running in to the Priestess. "What is it, is everything okay?" The girls intrusion shocked the Priestess and she was startled beyond belief. "Oh my goodness child, don't scare me like that," she sat down a tried her hardest to catch her breath. But the chance to sit didn't change her feeling. It still felt as if she was pacing, her heart racing, the pupils of her eyes becoming more dialated. Before she realized it her senses had risen not realizing th amount of power her anxiety was putting out. She cold hear, everyone everything, their conversations were muttled at first but soon as she picked up on seperate people. She could hear them clearly, in one part of the very large building, the elders were still meeting. Their conversation was slowly becoming clearer sut it was cut of by a movement of her assistant. "Priestess, do you hear me?" The priestess was startled and looked warily at her assistant. "Please go, now, she said turning away from the young girl and moving into her bathroom, hoping a hot bath would relax her and ease her tensions.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "We're here sweetheart," the taxi driver said as he pulled up to a corner. Trini looked out the window some more as she continued to look for the shop she wanted ot hit up. Everything else in LA looked kinda boring so she knew it wasn't going to be long before she made her way to new Madison. She looked at her shop and then back to the man to get her credit card. "Thanks, um I gotta favor to ask." The man looked back eyes opened wide seeing a bit of disappointment in the ledies eyes. "What time do you want me to come back and get ya?" She glanced at her watch. [I] 7:30[/I] "Two hours. Then I wish to go to New Madison." "No problem then I'll just go ahead and take my break now, and I'll even be here 15 minutes early." A grin came across his face. Seeing how much he was flirting she touched him lightly on the shoulders before getting out. "Thanks." She quickly left the cab and saw the shop. On the window it said [I] Sassy Cutz[/I] Luckily they were open till 10 and they allowed walk ins. She went in quickly and asked for a shampoo and cut. She looked at her long locks one last time. Knowing this was the last time she'd get to do this. [I] What could it hurt. [/I] A chair was open ans she placed her head in the capable ands of the beautician. "So honey how short do you want it?" She asked, wrapping a drape over her and escorting her to the wash bowl. Trini stared at her locks in the mirror one last time before she sat down. "How short do you think it could go and still make me look good?" The lady laughed a bit and sat Trini down. "I got one style that will work great for you." [B]ONE HOUR FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER....[/B] "Oooh wee sweety, you got dolled up just for me." The taxi driver said ushering Trini into the car. She only smiled feeling a little self- conscience about herself, she hadn't seen the cut yet and she was kind of afraid to, she was waiting for the right time. She wanted to see how her 'family ' would react. "Thanks, now can we get going?" "Sure, sure," he said stumbling into the car and heading on his way, "New Madison right?" "Yes sir," she said looking at the lights of LA. She wispered to herself and only hoped they liked it. [I] Guys I hope I didn't go too far.[/I] [B]ONE HOUR LATER[/B] "Well Missy, I have enjoyed your company, may your business, and PLEASURE, go well." Trini only smiled once more, and glanced at her watch, [I] 10:20[/I] and payed the taxi driver well. "Thank you... for taking good care of me." She walked out of the cab and up to the building. A guard stood watch and lead her to the others. Allen, Van and a buch of people were there, She didn't see their faces yet but already a smart remark was coming out of Allen's mouth. "Late again..." he turned around to see her standing there hardling recognizing the woman, "....Trini." "I'm happy to see you too Allen," she said touching him on the shoulder and smiling at Van. "You too, Van." She found a seat and only grinned. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] [I] Thank you for flying with us on US Air. THe current time is 7:00 pm Pacific Time, the temp in the high 40's so I hoped you have a jacket. Enjoy L. A. and I hope you fly with us again.[/I] Trini barely heard the majority of the announcement as the people on board shuffled out of their seats and grabbed the bags. She on the other didn't need to. The only holding a small bag with her shades, wallet and music player. She stood quickly and walked off the plane as soon as it was time to go. She moved down the corricor and rememebered how much she hated a large crowd. Many were too rude or too kind or just too something that she didn't like. She walked calmy down the airport terminal jacket in hand, tight blue jeans on a a pair of kick ass black boots. She was happy she got herself done over before she left. This may be the last time. Her shirt was a little tight but luckily she was still built and barey looked her ripe age of..... She smiled, thinking of the times many people complemented her on her skin and this and that. But she didn't seem to impressed by the games the young men played. She sighed a bit and soon fund herself at the bagage claim. She saw her suitcase and headed out to the taxi station. Befroe her she saw plenty of ready taxi drivers and wlked over to a slightly older bald man she stood next to his cab. "Where to lady?" "Downtown L.A. please." "No problem." He took her bag and placed it in the bacseat behind him. She sat next to it and watched him quickly entered the car. He started the meter and moved out into traffic quickly She tried to start a conversation. "So you hear on business or pleasure?" He asked smiling looking back at her briefly in the mirror at her. "Not that its any of your business, but I'm here for both, just here for the night to shop a little, then Im gone." "To where?" "Well that right now isn't important she." Looking at him briefly in the rear view mirror. " Oh and please keep your eyes on the road, you may hit the car in front of you." The man looked at the road again and quickly applied the brake. The car stopped a bit before proceeding on down the street. She only smiled as he moved alongand stared out the window. She saw many well known places and some new ones that just came out. She was happy to see it one last time. She put her ear buds in once more and enjoyed the rest of the ride, listening to the upbeat yet laid back tunes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] OOC: Now this post in may confused people so if any questions arise, hit me up. This post contains a vision that has not yet come to pass and this vision [B]may not[/B] come to pass, so don't assume that. Thank You! IC: [I] He saw me...[/I] Those were the only words that passed through her head later that evening after he had left. They had only talked briefly. He even persuaded her to not punish the one whom had let him enter. She looked at herself once more and then walked away from the mirror wiping the thoughts of lust from her head. [I] He wasn't even a drow.[/I] She thought for a moment and began to go over the thoughts of the elders requests. She was much relieved to see that many of the little ones were excelling and those that the elders thought were not up to par were sent away. Not thrown out of the colony but more to live their lives as they did before. Like always they were sworn to secrecy or be put to death. She shivered at the thought and then beckoned her assistant. The girl looked a bit down but the priestess was able to understand and held the girls chin up. "You have no need to be ashamed of what happened. Remember you still have a lot more to learn." A faint smile appeared over the girls face and they both turned to the statue of Sharess began their meditation session. Jo'lianna knelt first as the young girl covered her with a thin and almost transparent garment. The girl then lit the candles and started the inscense. Jo'lianna was already gone by the time the assistant knelt not too far behind her and also began her own meditation. Jo'lianna's spirit seemed to move quickly away as she got depper into though seperating her soul further from her physical self. As she went further along she heard voices in the distance, calling her. [I] Jo'lianna....come.....[/I] Her spirit moved closer to the voices and soon found herself surrounded in a white void. [I] Jo'lianna.....[/I] She looked to the voice and slowly saw a shape take form in front of her. The body looking very familar. "Goddess?!" Jolianna threw face down to her knees quickly humbling herself in front of Sharess' form. [I] Jo'lianna, please listen... and look.[/I] As instructed she raised her eyes and Sharess was gone. Before her though colors and shapes began to form in front of her. Some into the building of her town some into the surrounding enviroment. The words though came quickly and into her head. Her eyes were filled with images of weapons gleaming in the sunlight and blood stained in the halls of many of the clans. With that she was shaken from the vision, her assistant picking the lady up from the floor. "Mistress, mistress. What is it?" "What happened," Jo'lianna asked,trying to recoup herself from the menally exhausting event. "You moaned and then you fainted," she stared," I was roused from my meditation and saw you there laying on the ground. "What did you see?" Jo'lianna dared not answer and only looked at tha statue of the Goddess. She ignored the assistant's question and only remembered the last words of Sharess. [I]"This....may come to pass.[/I] The word 'may' standing out in her head. She couldn't react to this yet and only kept the vision in her head. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] The noises around her were quieted as she sat on a plane. A few babies cried, mothers hushing them, men chattering amoungst their loved ones... friends...whoever they had came along with. She payed only minute details to them all. She grapped a bag and pulled out a small drawing, one of the few habits she had pcked up once coming back to Earth and relived a few moments of her life. Hoping that a new sense of freedom would once again overcome her. [I] Not likely...[/I] She stuffed it back in her bag and felt around some more, she found the small item and placed a set of Earbuds in place, the steady stream of a saxophone and guitar moving into her ears stimulating her brain, sending her away. A few songs later she was disturbed by a tap on the shoulder. She looked at the person briefly and turned the music down to a level in which she could still hear it and listen to the person as well. It was the flight attendant. "Anything for you ma'am," the young lady asked. Her short blond hair and pale blues eyes briefly caught Trini's attention before her eyes wandered to the cart. "Just a soda please....um...Coke," She was handed the drink and the young lady moved on. Her voice briefly squeaked in her ear before she turned the earbuds up once again. Before the music took its affect of her once more she glanced at the watch, and let out a sigh. [I] Two more hours...[/I] SHe decided to land in LA and then make her way up to New Madison. She loved to take her time, ut knew she couldn't be late. Her face presented a brief smile as she remembered Chubb's comment the first time they met. The smile soon faded and she began to put the memories behind her once again. This was the last chance to relax before a new paranoia set in. The paranoia from a new ship, new crewmates...but this only tipped the iceburg. She new that this may be her chance to see home and she wanted only to think of that. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=orange]I see that Naru is like the only other person that read the whole Series of the Original Love Hina..(which I absolutaly love...) And I must say that I can't to read Love Hina again as well is the new series if it does exist and I shall eagerly await the day that happens. And Naru, you ma have a bit more info on Love Hina due to you're viewing of the epsisodes and own some DVD's...he he... But I... I sweetreyes, OTAKU, own all 14 manga volumes of Love Hina...YAY!!!!! He he so I can read them over and over and over again and relive the whole story of Kietaro, Naru, Kitsune, Koalla Su, Shinobi, and Motoko...Aw I just love reading about[spoiler] Shin's first date. wasn't that the cutest story.....oh no...what about Kietaro's orientation day at Tokyo U. Or what about the deal with Motoko and the crazy sister she has. I just lover thier fighting style don't you!!! [/spoiler] [/COLOR][/SIZE] P.S. NAru Im not at all being rude about the things you own for lover Hina, I actually wish I had more that what I do, but I had to bras a lil bit about what I own....HE HE
[QUOTE]Hmmm... I'm not quite sure how one can get younger over the course of fifteen years (excluding Mr. Ambrose of course) but you've puled it off Ms. Reyes. By my calculations, you're about 45. Not 29. *slaps his wrist* Oh dear me, I've revealed a secret.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1]All I can say is that you are not right for that one at all......I mean how dare you reveal my true age I am a woman and we never do that....Besides you should've seen the comment that says Im 29 for at least the 10th time... That should've given you the hint Im either 39 or older but I mean you just had to go ahead and put it on out there like that. But regarding this I may be over 40 but I still look younger heh.. SO next time don't try to hate on me because you've gone over the hill..... LOL...But for real when are we gonna start this thing up???[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] She waited within her chambers for what seemed like the longest time ever. One by on the little ones exited the chambers, many of them shedding tesrs of joy some of them crying very hard for they had not been deemed ready by the counsel. Jo'lianna could sense each of them going in and coming out and often felt sad for the one's who would now be sent home. But her tears were masked by an incredible feeling of relief, they would not have to endure the years of solitude as she was doing now. [I] What am I talking about,[I] she shook her head as her breian began to think negative thought towards her clan. She loved the clan and most of all she loved the Goddess. She quickly threw off the robe knowing that anyone could walk in and see her but that didn't bug her her thoguths toward the Goddess were what bugged her and she needed to purify them now. She kept on the white gon that open in the front. Its showed the midline of her chest to her abdomen but the see through material barely left anything for the imagination. [I] Sharess, I beg forgiveness in this time of doubt. I doubt myself.... I doubt my clan....... but most of all I feel...That I am doubting you. [/I] Her thoughts burned into the statue of the Godess that stood infront of her, hoping that somehow Sharess could remove this impure notitions from her head, she continued to pray. [I] For a long time I have served you faitfully but my life I feel is in solitude and for nothing. I feel I make no difference in the eyes of Orn'Baelen. I feel for the life of the next one to bear the weight of the things I did not accomplish, I do not wish such harships upon them. I think that none other has had these thoughts toward you for they were stronger than me. More prepared and better knowlegdeable of you. I hope the light of your teaching will shine down on me once more and show me the error in my ways I hope the words reach you and brun within your heart. I pray forgiveness and guidance.[/I] She stayed knelt in front of the statue as another knock came followed by a person. "Priestess!" She looked up to see a face she had not seen before a face of a man. She quickly rose and ran behind the curtain finding something to cover herself with. "May I ask what you want and who you are, don't you know it is forbidden for men to see me or I them?" "Yes I do but I was assured that you were covered, so I entered.." "Well sent in the one who said that for they must be reprimanded." she answered coldy, but then it hit her, the voice. He was the one whom she had heard earlier, the one she did not know. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Ceres....*huggles Megumi* I love this series. Along with FY I'd say its a favorite. But so far I only have the manga and I AM LOVING IT!!! Can't wait till the next volume is released. But so far the storyline is kinda complex but I am getting along with it easily but still hate the fact of the love 5some thingy going on.. you know who's all involved with that so I'd not name names at this point in time... But the character design is great and the anime is something I'll watch later... Im not too psyhed about that yet. But one day!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] The chamber was as large as alwyas and had an ominous effect over Jo'lianna. From the day she stepped through the doors her life changed. She was cast into their life teachings. She fell in love with Sharess but missed her family dearly. Many times she thought of them when she visited this place. [I]Mother![/I] "Priestess," spoke the chief of the counsel. "What news do you bare forth?" She knelt in front of them and stayed on her knees allowing the garment surrounding her to hide all compliments of her body. Her hood hang low and her arms crossed although she was still covered by the robe. "Leaders of the clan, you summoned me the training of the little ones. Yes?" Her voice was light and sultry but still commanded a great deal of respect, no one dared degrade her and knew her words to be serious. "That is correct priestess, we wish to view the potential." spoke another, his voice showing his youth, but he still was a bit older than her. "Their potential, as you speak of, has still some work, but my best is the young one to my left. She so far is dominant amoung the other. Her mind strong where others are weak. She has my favor, as of now," she stopped speaking leaving the counsel to talk amoungst themselves. "Priestess, may we view her potential for ourselves," spoke one voice she had not heard. She quickly searched his mind and saw something brief from him. "May she please be excused and the doors closed while I make my desicion." The counsel agreed and the priestess stood. "May I ask who the new one is," her mind flickered with thoughts of the breif moments she found within him. "We knew you would wonder when he spoke, but he is not an elder, he is a priest who has now come to stay amoung us. His name, Ren'No Traf. He has come to study the word of Sharess." "Welcome sir and I hope you enjoy the life under the guidance of our Goddess." "Thank you," he answered briefly. "But I see you gentleman wish to test the little ones. You may starting with the one afore mentioned. You will see her expertise and I shall not remain in the room for fear of tainting with the proceedings. Now if you gentle man excuse me, I shall let you begin." "Thank you priestess, we shall summon you later to tell you of our findings." She bowed to the men once more and turned around to leave them. On her way out her servant came in hoping not to disappoint the Priestess. [I] Don't worry little one, you'll do fine.[/I] With those words transferred to the girl, she walked in head high and confident, but the Priestess felt his eyes on her, the eyes or Ren'No. [/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: KOTR I hope you don't mind that I inrtoduced our characters...
[COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] The streets of Cairo were busy that day as she looked around, grabbig a few things to eat and a bunch of water to drink. She was preparing for her departure that night and had to be ready for moving. Many of the men looked on in wonder as her body glistened of through the short sleeve shirt and mid thigh shorts showed her off. Her face was shaded by a hat and many of the people just regarded her as a tourist. Some had seen her face many times before and greeted her with friendly smiles and offerings of nuts, jewelry and clothing. She rejected the cloths and jewelry but gladly enjoyed her pickings of the food. She even visited the shop of an old friend. "Aw," he said as he saw her walk through the door,"Aureka'an, how good to see you again." She walked to the old man and hugged him heartfully. She let her go and looked at her as she reched for a small package in the bag she wore. "It is good to see you too, Kalen," she started, handing him the gift." From home, you know your grandkids miss you." He took the package from her sat it on the table beside him and asked her to sit. "I know and I miss them too," he started," but enough of me where are you headed." The crowds outside were noisy as she looked out of the window for a moment, she saw the streets of the bazaar. "Well I'm not sure if that is in your best interest right now, I left home unexpectedly and father...." she paused for a moment the held her head down but face Kalen"...he may come for me. He knows how much love to come here and visit and so I don't even want to put you in that. So please, please don't tell him." She took his hand and looked at him in the eye. He stood her up and hugged her once more. "My sweet niece, you need to stop that," he said. "Soon my uncle, soon but I'll be leaving Cairo tonight." She released the subject and him as well holding back tears that were trying to build up. Meet me at the beach at 10pm please, that way you can take these cloths I don't wanna get them wet." With that she left his house and continued to search the streets of Cairo, preparing herself for the swim to Greece. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] All I can say... Is that it's good to be home!!! [B] Name:[/B] Trini Angelos [B] Age:[/B] An older woman never reveals such tidbits.... I'm 29 for at least the tenth time though... Hey it may be more.. He he [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Speciality:[/B] Medical Assistant [B]Short Bio:[/B]The Event Horizon, for almost three years of after getting off that ship Trini stilll had nightmares. Seeing Keith and then almost being killed. She releived them daily, but in the mist of the nightmares, Satells face shown through. The one who saved her. The one who seemed like a sister, a true friend. Soon the dreams stopped and she got on with life as a medical assisstant. She was married for about 4 years but they seperated due to reasons unknown to her friends. Unbeknowst to her, while Sam had the things coming out of his neck, Trini was getting headaches. Not the normal type you take Advil for but these made her breakdown in public due to the intesne pain, and voices, though only whispering were once again making themselves heard. Soon she realizes why, after visiting Sam and seeing his hardships and hearing about the portal opening where the Event Horizon had exploded she knew it was from the other dimension. Her dreams came back but she knew jthat she had to go on this mission. One to clear her head of this miserable thoughts and two, to help Sam, Allen and Van. Her family once again. [B]Personality:[/B] Not as shy and reversed as before, she has gained a vioce and knows how to use it. She's more expressive of her feelings. But most of all she's still and easy person to get along with and very protective of those she cares for. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] "Jo'lianna," an older drow covered from head to toe. Walked up the the priestess as she meditated. "Jo'lianna, you have been summoned by the elders, they wish you hear your progress with the new ones." The summoner spoke those words then left to wait outside the room. Once alone Jo'lianna stood up, her shapely, naked body shining in full radience. Without any hesitance an assistant came from around the corner and placed a large gown onto Jo'lianna's body. She also placed over it a long dark cape with a hood. Covering her mitresses face. This assistant was one of the few who had ever seen the priestess like this and may possibly be one of the last. She never spoke to Jolianna directly, there was no need for speaking. Mind to mind thoughts was a part of the young ones training and she was progressing excellently. She was one of the more talented ones and she knew that if this continued she would be the next in line. The young women was alredy dressed but the hood did not go on her head. Only the priestess could not show off her face or any other features at that. She had to remain celibant until her services were over, as being the priestess. She had seen many a man, but once she became a priestess her eyes were not allowed to view men and they were not allowed to see her. She walked slowly down to the chamber of the elders ready to give her report. The assistant walked in front of her, Her eyes straight ahead, her posture perfect and around her head lay a band witht the symbol of the house of Orn'Baelen. Seeing the girl briefly reminded Jo'lianna of her younger days, but the vision was quickly dismisses as she walked to the door of the Elder's Chambers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Leonna walked quickly to the meeting room, hoping that her brother was there. The guards looked at her wantonly and let her pass looking over her body as she entered the room. She sees him sitting at his table a few men standing round him as they figure out their plans for drilling and setting up bases. They don't see the coming enemies as a threat and have continued to mine as well as colonate the rest of the Earth, spreading out to Europe and Asia. At this time she is barely dresses wearing onyl a bathing suit top and her waist wrapped by a towel. Leon turns hearing the door open behind him. He looks her up and down seeing her bronze tone and vuloptous boady as do many of the other men she sees at the table. Her while hair is wet though following the mornins swim she just had interrupted. "Ah, Leo, how lovely to see you today," he stands to greet her and she kneels to him and stands. He steps forward and grabs her around the waist speaking loudly," What may I do for you today?" "Um Leon, I need to speak to you in private, we have had a situation." The men at the table began to mumble to themselves hearing the news. Leon turned to them demanding the silence and soon ushered them out. "Go. Now," he said. They quickly followed his command and left the room, leaving papers on the desk. Leon took his hands from off Leonna's waist and grbbed her shoulders, he moved his head towards hers and kissed her firmly on the lips. Although he was technically her brother, she knew the attraction between them both was too strong. He quickly released her lipds and went to a chair and sat down. "What do you need to say?" His demeanour changed quickly and she stood there in front of him his eyes watching her intensely and coldly. "We have had a situation with one of the mining ships. Its off the Atlantic Coastline and has seemed to have a computer malfunction." "And.." he started sounding cocky. " We have malfunctions occasionally. Get it online immedately and bring it to port." "Sir, that's already been worked on and the ship is on its way back, ut thats not what concerns me." "Speak up, then," I haven't got all day. "There are unconfirmed reports that a vessel of some kind, not one of ours was in the vicinity of the ship when it malfunctioned." "Was it our own." "That's what we don't know sir, and the captain of the ship isn't sure it what they saw was real, or just a glitch signalling the malfunction." He pounded his hand on the arm rest and stood up. "WELL FIND OUT!" Seeing the anger infuriate him she looked down and the raised her eyes to him once more," Shall we have our troops on alert." "No," he said," I want a quiet investigation before we send troop." She kneeled to him once more and then got up." Yes sir," she turned around and began to walk out of the room. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Name: Selene Age: 900 Species: Vampire Side: Its her and Michael all the way Descriptions: I gotta pic.... Rank: Warrior Bio: At a very young age she though her family was killed by Lycans. She was found by a vampire, Viktor and turned to him as a father. He raised her and took her under his wing. He also gave her a way to hunt the Lycans, she began a Death Dealer, and elite Lycan assassin for the Vampires. 150 years ago, she became intangled in the middle of the Lycan- Vampire war by falling inlove with a human turned Lycan. This caused much trouble amoung her and her house and she soon was seen as being a rebel. To prove herself righ, she resurrected Viktor but was only further entagled in the war when she helped to keep Michael alive and bite him as well. He became an immortal, a Lycan and a Vampire. In the process she found it it was the vampire, Viktor who in fact killed her family. She killed him and ran off with Michael now his protector and lover as he is to her. They are on the run from the Vampire Marcos who is determined to see them vanquished before his reign end. Which is only a little time away..... OOC: Inuyasha7271.. I like the signup but the bio is lacking. I need a bit more from you before I can make you a member of Selene and Michael's team... Also you need to change that you've found us.. You have to search for us in this RPG and prove to us you are worthy of our trust. If you need an example to go by look at how Raiha has hers set up, but be sure to change your appropiately and keep it original.... Also the time this RPG is set in is around 2150. Techonlogy is a bit more advanced but not to the point that levitating cars have been made. We have a few robots around and stuff like that... but its not too high tech!!!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Jo'lianna Orn'Baelen [B]Age:[/B] 3010 [B]Species:[/B] Drow [B]Rank:[/B]Priestess [B]Clan:[/B] Orn'Baelen [B]Appearance:[/B]Well use the picture below to get the shap of the lady... She stand at about 5'9 and her skin is actually is greay in nature. Not brown....he he [B]Bio:[/B] Jo'lianna has been priestesss since the age of 2500 years being a mature age as thought by their clan. At this point in her life she must get ready to choose her successor and be ready to step down at the age of 4000. Choosing is a teadious process in which other young drow must prove they are ready. Not only must theye have an extensive history they must also be pure of heart and virgins. She has yet beared a child or had sex and she will not be able to do so until she steps down as priestess. But that is now. Her past is a bit sketchy to her and most of it she wishes not to relive. At the age of 200 she was brought to the elders of the clan to show her gift. She at such a young had had the power of foresight and the elders immediately demanded she stay within the temple to begin her training. The youngest ever broughten in for training. Since day was her body was tested and stressed and she given no special consideration. Soon her youth became her advantage and she was tougher than many others on the same path as she. Since she could not offically enter the training of the priestess untill she was 1500 she served amoung the priestesses of times past and became a lesser oracle to the elders. When she did begin to train she was still treated as an equal amoung others and she was once again tested and shaped into the priestess she is today. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=crimson] Well for all those who are willing to give this a chance. Read on and see if you will enjoy it. Oh yeah?I forgot [B][U] This RPG is rated R for the possibility of the following things?. GORE, BLOOD AND VIOLENCE, STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL SITUATIONS AND OTHER ADULT THEMES?.[/B][/U] If you don?t like this then don?t sign up. I you don?t want to read this don?t sign up. And if you don?t like the movie and wish to see this thread fail, (I think you get the point.) Now, to the intro. ENJOY!!! ?Why haven?t you found them?? A tall dark haired, older looking man steps from the shadows. He?s wearing a dark red shirt covered by a black tight fitting jacket and black pants. He points at all the members in the group, his nails long and pointed his fingers frail looking. One his finger he wears a black diamond. (The ring of their house.) His eyes are a pale blue, piercing all the other who dare look him in the eye. Many of them hold their eyes to the ground, not wanting to be in his way. ?It?s been one hundred and forty-nine years since the true immortal came into our mist and you??His eyes glare on the group as his fangs begin to show his true anger. His voice also grows louder. ?YOU HAVE NOTHING!!!? ?Marcos sir.? One lone voice from the middle of the group speaks up. The guy glares toward the voice. ?You dare interrupt me,? he said looking at a blond haired, blue eyes man now alone as the others around him back away. ?I am indeed sorry sir,? he kneeled down and raised his head to Marcos beginning to explain himself. ?But we have a new ally that has rose from the shadows and they have a few clues as to where, the one we call Michael may be.? ?And who is this ally.? Marcos asked, returning to his seat. ?The Lycans sir, now led by the one called Raze.? The gentleman continued to kneel, looking at Marcos earnestly. ?Those hideous beasts,? Marcos scoffed upon hearing that name but allowed the man to continue. ?Yes, those creatures though, have also been searing for Michael and his companion, one of our kin, Selene.? ?Selene, Selene,? he mumbled,? That treacherous winch, she shall pay for her betrayal to this house and our clan.? ?All in due time sir, but the other vampire houses have a plan to set up a temporary treaty until we find Michael and Selene.? Marcos huffs briefly angered by the path the other houses have chosen to take. ?We will join as well,? he sighed softly, ?But we only have a short time till my rule here is over. And I refuse to leave this job undone, in the incompetent hands of not only you Lucius,? he looks directly at the blonde ma, ?or in the hands of the Lycans. Meet with them immediately we have to find those two?? [/COLOR][COLOR=indigo] A pale full moon shined down on a single house in the center of the wilderness. Nothing was heard except for a faint noise from the wings of passing night birds. The cabin lay silent, no one seen moving within it. A lone window laid opens facing the moon and inside the window lay a single bed. Two figures moved lightly in the area their bodies lay covered by a blanket. A young, dark-haired woman laid her hand on the man?s chest, right below her hand. He began to touch the girls head and play with the strands of head on his head. ?What are you thinking about,? he asked looking towards the girl. She signed and then stayed quiet for a bit longer, not too quick to respond. ?Selene ?!? ?How long has it been Michael?? She asked her voice seeming oblivious to the surrounding mood of intimacy. ?Too long? I think it?s been one hundred and fifty years.? Her eyes widened and changed from brown to a pale shade of blue. She sat straight up and got up, her pale body glowing in the moonlight. She walked from the window and got to her clothes quickly getting dressed. ?What, what?s wrong?? He asked sitting up and also getting dressed. ?We have to leave her immediately, the ending of his reign begins we must keep moving or they will find us.? ?Who?what,? he went over to her and grabbed her keeping her still. ?Marcos, he?s going to find us if we don?t go and he will try his hardest to kill us. [/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue] This is where our adventure starts. The beginning of the end. What roles to play?. LYCANS: werewolves, once servants to the noble vampires. They?re weakness silver. They served them by night and protected him by day, when they are most venerable. Over 100, years ago one of their kind was tortured and his love killed. A war started leaving the Lycans to bear the most deaths. VAMPIRES: The immortals that ruled over the Lycans. They?re weakness UV light and sunlight. They have held the upper hand in the war and have yet to relieve the Lycans of their punishment. NOW- these two will join to stomp out a seemingly invincible threat. Which side will you join? But who is their threat, two people (as of now.) A hybrid vampire/ Lycan. (Michael) With the strength to destroy anyone who gets in his path. None of their weaknesses all of their strength. An ex- vampire assassin. (Selene) The One who made Michael the hybrid he is today and his lover... (To let you know this is my character?he he) Characters you can play?.Michael, Marcos, Lucius, Raze or any vampire or werewolf of your making?. Where to sign up?. RIGHT HERE!!! Name: Age: (Between 200 and 3000 please.) Species: (Vampire or Lycan?P.S. Michael is the only hybrid no question. Humans may be accepted but I will have to extensively think about that. ) Side: (Vamps with vamps, Lycans with Lycans?maybe one or two may be allowed to join Selene and Michael, but you must have a very good background with that. Descriptions: (Speaks for itself?pics are nice, but not a must.) Rank: (Leader, warrior, diplomat.) Bio: (Speaks for self) As I said I am Selene?The others are up for the takings? and if there is re than one who wish to be one of the other main characters, I suggest you make two sign ups(one for the main character, the other for a lesser character) because you may not cut it for that position... THANK YOU AND ENJOY? Any questions... Please PM ME!!!! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b][size=1] Charles[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Semjaza Azazel[/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Queen Asuka[/size] [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Charles[/size] [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Dragon Warrior, [/size] [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Poison Tongue[/size] [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years:[/b] [size=1]Adam[/size] [b]Best Newbie:[/b] [size=1] Terra[/size] [b]Best Oldie:[/b] [size=1] Sephiroth[/size] [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member:[/b] [size=1] Poison Tongue[/size] [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Baron Samedi[/size] [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] [size=1] Dayday[/size] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Kill Adam[/size] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Charles can I be a mod for?? [/size] [b][u]Random Awards[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall):[/b] [size=1]Semjaza Azazel[/size] [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b] [size=1] Charles[/size] [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] [size=1] Drix D?Zanith[/size] [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] [size=1]Queen Asuka/Piromunkie, [/size] [b]Best Looking Otaku:[/b] [size=1]Juuthena[/size] [b]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b] [size=1]OtakuBoards? League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen[/size] [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] [size=1] Charles[/size] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] [size=1]Mitch[/size] [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Mitch[/size] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Annie[/size] [b]Brawler of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Raiha[/size] [b]RPG of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Black Horizon[/size] [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social Member:[/b] [size=1]Japan_86[/size] [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] [size=1]Dragon Warrior[/size] [b][u]Otaku Anime[/b][/u] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Shy[/size] [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]AzureWolf.[/size] [b]Dragonball Guru of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Burori[/size] [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Leh (Three-way tie for second)[/size] [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Domon[/size] [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Solo Tremaine, [/size] [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/b] [size=1]Dagger IX1[/size] [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Shimaru[/size] [b]Nintendo ?Mario? Award:[/b] [size=1]Desbreko[/size] [b]Sony Award:[/b] [size=1] Charles[/size] [b]X-Box Award:[/b] [size=1] James[/size] [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] [size=1] DeathKnight[/size] [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] [size=1]James[/size] [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] [size=1] Queen Asuka[/size] [b]Best Spriter:[/b] [size=1] Alexander[/size] [b][u]Series Otaku[/b][/u] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1]Desbreko, [/size] [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] [size=1] Desbreko[/size] [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] [size=1]Lady Katana[size] [b]The Triforce Award:[/b] [size=1]Desbreko[/size] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] *steps up to mircophone. Gets out a piece of paper and looks at Annie sitting alone at a table only a few feet away from her.* *clears throat* Umm... Annie, I'm not really sure what can be said to a person such as yourself. Especially since we met in an awkward way. * looks back down at paper and realizes these words aren't what;s burning in her heart, she crumbles paper and tosses it away, removes glasses* Do YOU remember when we met? Well I had only see you in action on a few threads on OB and I noticed your signature. I remember it having an opening for a Lesbian Lover and seeing the type of person you were, I applied for the postition. Imagine how happy I was when you accepted, he he. But I guess since that day I got to know you a lot better and became to see you not only as an OB friend, but kinda like a real life friend. I mean you were cool and crazy as hell. Kinda like many of the friends I really have; which probably made me bug you as much as I did. *shrugs shoulders* Who knows? But Annie, I will truly miss you. I'll miss the adventures, the chats, the... 3 way meeting (LOL), and the many laughs that not only you and I shared, But the ones we had as a group. And don't think you've escaped the APB( I still got an extra tube) :excited: . Now I want you to go out there and be your best, stay sweet, stay sexy and be sure you come back to us. You will be remembered and I will be celebrating the day I talk to you once more... Watch it'll be posted here on OB... ;) *walks over to Annie and gives her a kiss on the cheek...slowly turns away* Until that day, Dear Sweet Annsie. I love you and Take Care of yourself. :smooch: Yours Truly, sweetreyes...aka Angie!!!! P.S. Keep my red thongs safe.. I want them back when you return!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]