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Everything posted by Hinata

  1. HE HE Sorry about that DW. I went ahead and reposted this okay But this time I swear I swear I have a picture. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]ame: Tricia Roberts Age: I'm 24...right? Appearance: Stands 5'10. Use pic for features and such. Has a small mark on her right cheek that looks like a scar.(P.S.- Don't mind the words it was the best pic of her that I could find... He he) Personality: Easy-going laid back person. Looks like she's coming off as mean to those who don't know her( due to the serious looking face) But once you get to know her, you'll be surpirsed by the type of person she is. Listens to a variety of music and such, but is a person who will rarely let out secrets. Must fully trust a person before she blabs out her deepest feeling. Your Past: Born in Queens, NY. Where being smart was a one way ticket out of the place. Did exceptionally well in school and rarely got into trouble. She was the eldest of four and so had to be the leader of the pack and lead by example. Thats all her life is, she set as an example for her family and closest friends. She went on to school in California where she recieved a full scholarship to UCLA. Returned home after graduation now lives in Brooklyn. Love Life: Is currently seeing a few people on an occasional date or to. Has not yet decided which person she would like to stay with. (Choosing between a man or a woman..hard decision.) Occupation: Full-time nurse. Is studying to go further in her career. Information: As a child she thought the mark was a scar from an accidnet she had been in. But a few years later after really studying her baby pictures she learned she was born with the mark. She soon didn't pay attention to it, but to this day people ask her about the mark. Usually conseals mark under makeup when she goes to work as to not shock the patients in the hospital. Off work she shows it off wiht no problem. Stays alone and works 4 12 hr days at the local hospital. Usually in the Labor and Delivery Department. Other times she spends at home or out with her male-friend or female-friend[/COLOR][/SIZE].
  2. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] No voices were heard. Only a scream and the muttering of I love you from Satell. She didn't need to here the gunshot or be beside Ruben to know he had killed himself, but he did. She didn't worry though cause her thoguhts were interrupted by Van. He resufed to die and she heard it loud and clear. The grenade went off, shots went of and they began to fun for it. They were almost there, but they were blocked. Van threw one more grnade, a flash grenade. She moved back against the wall as he through it. Screams were heard after if went off and Van cried out, "GO, GO, GO!!" All four of them were off as many of the bugs still yelled from obvious pain. Others, not as effected by the grenade came up from behind and tried to attack the group. Van fired first as he led the group through. The gun's rounds going off quickly. Sam backed Van up, their guns firing simultaneously. Allen and Trini backed them up getting the random bugs that just wouldn't stay down. Two of them watching each side. "Hurry up and lets get through, the effects from the flas grenade are beginning to wear off." Van screamed still looking forward picking off a few more bugs. They seemed to be about 10 feet from the pods as bugs from behind the group seemed to come after the group. Trini turned around, and began to fire as many began to move up the hallway behind the group. "C'mon, lets get out of here," Sam quickly turned the girl around and they kept moving on their way. They both turned around occasionally picking off a few that got too close. "We're here," Van quickly opened the door to the pod room and they began to enter, Allen giving them cover fire as Sam and Trini went in. Van continued to fire at the bugs as they moved in closer giving Allen the chance to enter. He stepped in backwards keeping the cover fire and grapping the door to close it. Thuds and screams were heard as the bugs ran into and began to hit at the door. Sam and Allen were armed looking at the door as Trini and Van locked the latch and stood back. Trini was more than a bit shook up after that and looked back at the door, gun now in hand. Hoping that this was the end.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1][B] Naruto, Naruto, Naruto!!! A show that I can finally post about since I've seen the first 4 episodes and I'm going to see more very soon. Whoo Hoo! But so far the show is awesome and I love the graphics, but that Naruto has some crazy problems. Especially the [spoiler] Sexy no Jutsu techinque in which he turns into a naked and very cute woman[/spoiler] HA HA!!! I wish I could do that. Hehe... but so far I am loving the show and the story line is going good so far. I like it visually as well. Its easy to watch and I adore it!! I WANT MORE NARUTO!!! [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Agent Sign-up: Name: Leonna "Leo" Leminx Year made: 2088 Number: XY09228 Weapons: Uses old fasion weaponery mostly, such as kitanas and sais.. Will use a gun, if need be. Rank: Government and Warrior Armour: Wears full body armor with plating over her chest, back and legs. The unexpsed areas are covered in a rubber/latex type material that may be changed in color. Description: See picture.. Stands at 6'. Eyes are hazel.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Ignore the words around the picture....^_^
  5. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Ethan seemed like a cool and level headed person from their brief introduction. They moved on into the barracks more getting a look at everything around them. Seeing that their converation had stagnated she began to speak to him once more. "How long heave you been hunting Artifacts?" She asked over the slight hum now building in the room. A few more people had entered and more instuments had been tested. He looked around as well and answered, "A little while now. How about you?" "A few years," she answered briefly before getting more in-depth. "...been picking up where my father left off." She held her head down briefly then she cleared him from her thoughts. "But I've been having fun while I was doing it. I even became better than he was." "You sound kinda cocky.." he replied. She looked at him and couldn't help but smirk a bit remembering the tone in her voice as she explained herself to him. "Well, that is a little necessary at times, but if I wasn't one of the best, then why am I here? I don't think they would choose a cocky no nothing... My record show my strenght; All missions successful and I 've only lost 3 men in my few years of doing this, but losing them was a lost to the group as well. And due to an error I couldn't change. Such as a random attack or expolosive miscalculation." Ethan listend to the woman explain herself intently seeing how serious she took this offer. "Okay okay, you don't have to explain it all to me. I think I get the point. You're good at what you do." She nodded in agreement and looked around once more seeing an older gentlman sitting in the corner by himself. "I wonder who he is," she said looking his way Ethan looking there as well. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] This is an entirely OOC post. It will be deleted when I am able to post... also if you respond please PM me with the information unless you post behind it... OKAY thank you. I am getting a little bit lost in regards to who is where and so fort so it someone would please help me out with that and tell me what is going on I would really appreciate it... Remember I wish to know who is where and jwhat we are trying to do at that place. All I know is that Toshi, Riv and Veil are off somewhere... I'm more concerned about the other characters who I am with.. Please help!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Hinata


    [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Tr'shiel took note of everyone who was there swimming and just kinda sat in the background not wanting to break any consentration. She just sat there reading a book greatful to be out of a crazy first day of school. She saw James and a girl called Ceris standing about after James run. She would have congradulated him but didn't. She sat where she was still reading. Looking at everyone else who was swimming knowing that she wouldn't be a part of the group. It may have been her culture dfference that stopped her ,but then she realized she was just as American as the others and got off her butt. The book was stuffed into her bag and she started to moved down the sepps slowly so that she wouldn't slip( Her shoes weren't the right type to wear.) She approcached both of them slowly and yelled lightly to James. Trying not to disturb the Coach. "Good job James," she spoke straightening her bag. " So you gonna join the team?" He looked at her for a moment before speaking to her. "I'm not sure yet, but you know you hurt me when you ran into me this morning." He started to rub his arm and looked at Tr'shiel. "Well I thought a strong person like you could handle a little bump like that." James stared at her awkwardly getting a little annpyed with her presence. "But I apologize for hurting you." Tr'shiels accent had slowed her speech for a while knowing she couldnt talk as fast as she usually did. She looked at Ceris and said hello to her as well realizing how rude she was being. "Hi, Ceris right," she strecthed out her hand hoping Ceris would accept it. "My name's Tr'shiel, nice to meet you." Ceris replied by reaching her hand out to the girl and nodded," Nice to meet you to..." The conversation was left there for a moment before Tr'shiel tried to liven things up a bit. "You were great out there too" she said softly "Thanks, but how about you, are you going to try out?" "I don't think I can swim that well either. So I think I'll stay on the side lines."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by satan665 [/i] [B]Yeah this is a little crude, but If you only have sex after marriage, how are you going to be any good at it? Sex and marriage are only tied together because christianity veiws sex as a sin. Its fun, we have lots of different contraceptives and you should be able to experiment a little. I still think sex is very meaningful, but it should be fun and not too serious. Especially after the first time with a person. [/B][/QUOTE] Now this quote goes into my funny file.. I must say.. Not that you don't make your point. You do that quiet well but Sex is something that you and your mate can grow in together. Its somewhat like riding a bike.. You get better as you go along. Now why would you start having sex anyways how do you know you're good at it the first time... Um you don't You do and you learn. That applies the same for married people. If you didn't have sex before marriage then you can learn together. That how it was form my boyfriend and I... I didn't know about sex but as he and I began to make love more and more we got to know each other. What he likes what I like you know that sort of thing. And the same goes for Christians. Just because they start later doesn't mean they don't find ways to enjoy sex and see what their mate does or doesnt like. Believe me, I know a married Christian couple and they enjoy the act of love-making just as we enjoy sex. Sex itself it not the sin, its sex before marriage. Sex is seen as a way that man and women (are able to consumate themselves as being one.) Thats the difference. Sex yes is to be enjoyed but when you are married( by biblical standards) But if you choose to experiment. Do so safely.....
  9. OOC: Sorry that I had disappeared for a moment people..heh heh... family business you know how it gets..but I'm back!!! [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini along with Allen and Sam went to the Armoury quickly. As they met in the hallway she looked around for Tex. She walked quickly holding the Kit in her hand and her waepos on her person and grapped Sam's arm, turning to face him a minute. "Where's Tex?" Her question seemed to go unanswered but Sam's body seemed to tell the answer. His arm lightly tensed under the touch of her hand. And the name seemed to make a shiver crawl up his back. Seeing his inital reaction all she could do was turn and continue to walk in silence. The three of them kept moving quickly but the last words she said to Tex replayed in her head vidily "...You have something ready to bloom Tex, now you go for it." 'Sam,' her heart went out for him and she fought hard to hold back the tears that were building up in her body. She was breathing hard anticipating the tears and pain burning inside of her. Her head was starting to hang low when she felt Sam's hand touch her back. She looked at him for a moment and smiled lightly, one tear falling to her cheek before turning back to the hall and rushing on towards Van.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Hinata

    Jim Carrey!

    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] Well Jim Carrey is an okay comedian in my eyes when on screen but I'd personally like to see him doing stand up. He's more so silly on screen, if silly is the right word, Im not sure if it is... But anyways out of all the Jim Carrey movies that have come out so far. I think I's have to pick Ace Ventura 1 & 2 personally. I guess it was beacause he was still new to doing his own movies or what.. I cant realy tell but I enjoyed him more at the start of his career![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=green][SIZE=1] Tr'shiel continued to eat a bit then saw Line occassionally glance up at her. Tr'shiel looked back and began to feel her face for food. "What is there something on my lip or something, there sren't any crumbs?" "No, no," Line said laughing,"there's nothing on you're face." "Then what is it?" Tr'shiel went back to eating more of her food. Still looking at Line." Line's faced had changed a moment, trying to determine if this was the best time to discuss Tr'shiel's past or what not. Probably thinking it may offend her. "It's nothing really," Line spoke before nibbling on another piece of her food. "Anyone ever tell you you're a rotten liar," Tr'shiel asked trying to be funny with her comment. She gave Line a little laugh seeing the girl was ready her body language. "Well then why don't you tall me what I'm thining, you seem to be able to read people well. Line said looking straight into the girls eyes. "You wanna know about me, how I got here where I'm from and all the other stuff. No problem, I was waitng for the perfect time and I guess it can't get any better than this." Tr'shiel put her fork down and took a small sip of water from her cup. Well like I said earlier, I grew up in Linore, the small town near the coast. My parent were great, they always loved me as if I wasnt different. You know cuz of my skin, but then everyone treated me kindly because of who I grew up to be. A nice young lady." "But where are you from." Line asked. "I wish I knew, that's why I came here hoping that a library of some sorts could help. But then I met you guys and I can't wait to go with you all." "What are you gonna do if you come with us Tr'shiel?" She took note to the word if, it was only because she showed no signs of agression towards the group. "Whatever I must, I'll fight, but I am really a healer of sorts and I prefer now to hirt people." "What type of healer are you..." "I'm not sure what to call it.. but when the time is right you'll see what I can do." She sat comfortably in her seat once more and began to finish her meal. "Any more question," chewing a small mouthful of food, "don't hesitate to ask..just come to me okay...."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I swear there was some sort of trailer released for this movie. It didn't show anything really, but I remember something with the character standing there while text went by. I could me imagining it. [/B][/QUOTE] I saw a small snippet from the movie I'd say a few weeks ago on ET( Entertainment tonight) But no trailer as of yet. HOpefully this movie will be good and show us a few more skills that MR. Hugh Jackman has. But even if it isn't good. I'll still give him his props for trying out a different role.. HEHE Besides who could just pass up a handsome man such as him. Lord know I wouldn't be able to!
  13. Hinata


    [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Tr' shiel tried her hardest to stay away in her language arts class. It was just her getting used to the slightly differentime schedule and she knew the next few days would kinda hard. 'Just one good nights sleep,' she thought listening to her teach just blah, blah, blah her way through the class. Un her mind the teacher sounded like the once from Charlie Brown and soon gave out a small giggle to herself as she heard the, honking of Charlies Brown'd teacher. That little thought helped her to keep her mind a bit occupied. Well just enough to Get out her drawing pencil and do little doodles around her notes. She didn't particulaylr like English and sa was happy when the class ended for that day. But then remembered she be right back in it tomorrow. She began to look at her schedule once she got into the hall, she was a bit blown away with the activity of the school. None of the schools back home were as large or had a large student population, but she did attend a private school so that may be the main difference. She ignored the people around her and glanced back her schedule making her way past her locker. She glanced at one of the people who lived in the house with her but couldn't remember who she was, she just remembered the face and kept goin.... 'Hmm what class is next... [STRIKE] Lanquage Arts[/STRIKE] (done with that for the day) Math Science Lunch Chorus Phys Ed. Computer Tech. She was looking forward to the rest of the day but kinda shittered at P.E. she was never really to god at sport but figrures. She better start somewhaere!!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Kietaro could only sit and wait in the living area after being totally embarassed in front of a group of cute girl, his aunt, and some guy he had yet met. His aunt also got dressed and came down to sit with him. "Kietaro, I'm sorry bout that." "You didn't recognize me at all, and you know I gotta wear glasses so I didn't know who you were at all." "I said I was sorr, but I guessed you were just anther trouble maker, ever since this became a girls dorm, things have gotte a bit crazy." "A girl's dorm," he stood up quickly, and looked the place over once again. The beloved Hinata house a dorm for girls. "Wh-when did this happen." "Over two years ago when you were flunking your Tokyo U exams." She said with a little smirk on her face. Aunt Hakura had always been a littla harsh on her nephew , but he just knew to roll with the punches. "Well at least I am trying to be a Tokyo U student." The group of people stumbled out of the kitchen trying thei best to overhear the conversation. "Tokyo U," one of the girls said, " You go to Tokyo U, that's the school I'm trying for myself." "Well yeah, but-" "Whoa," everyone rushed out asking him how the Univerity was and things. Especialy the young lady trying out for the exams herself. "Wait wait wait," he tried to blurt in but no one allowed him to speak. His Aunt over looking everything saw the trouble he was going to be in when the truth did come out but she just sat there. After a few minutes of listening to their ramble, she inturrepted them all. "Will ALL OF YOU, Please Shut Up....." everyone looked over to her as she stood. "Keitaro, I wished to tell you of your new job, now that you're here. YOu're the landlord. Take care of Hinata House... I'm going out for a bit." She quietly walked away leaving Keitaro there once more startled. "LANDLORD...of Hinata House!!!!!" [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] Anime movies that are a must have..well at leat for me anyways. 1. Akira 2. Ghost in the Shell 3. Amritage 4. All Macross I mean all of em are pretty good... 5. Princess Mononoke 6. Spirited away (which i own and love) 7. Vamphire Hunter D + VHD:Bloodlust And there may be many more Im not naming cause I havent seen yet.. When I come arcoss one.. I will be sure to let you know...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. Hinata


    [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1] Tr'shiel enter her room before the bus left that morning to take the group to school. She had some more clothes to drop off as well as some of her books. Luckily she had a little time before the bus acmme and she didn't have to run too far to get to where she needed to go. As she looked around her room once more she saw the bed close by had some new items on them. "I must have a roomie now," she started looking at the items there. She quickly grapped up her main books and left the room. Using her powers to close the door behind her. She rushed to the end of hallway and down the stairs. The house was becoming full and she had to slow down some as she got ready to exit the house. She arrived at school on time, thanks to the bus, and walked slowly to the door. She mostly saw the folks she stayed with and spoke to them. The others she had yet met and she didn't talk to. She was happy they decided to place her in her appropriate grade after much testing. She could have been placed in eight but the staff thought it better for 7th so that she may become totally adapted to the new system. She checked her scheduleand walked to her first class. Not anaware of who just was about to bump into... It was James one of her housmates. She hadn't gotten use to him just yeat and only spoke to him occassionally. "Look where you're goin-" he looked down at her and moved aside. "Better watch your step Tr'shiel," he said. "Dont wanna bump into anyone worse than me." "Wow, you care, I didn't even know," her accent was strong from her hispanic influence but that was the first time she ahd cme at James so snappy, a bit rushed and not wanting to be late. He turned away from her and began to walk away as nonchalantly as ever. "See if I ever help ya out again." he said trying to be just as short with her. "Don't worry I'll be okay." She kept walking down the hallway and enter the language arts class right before the beel rang. James possibly going to his. --------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Squall I hope you don't mind that I bumped into your character B4 class so please make note of it. If its too much trouble let me know...TY!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] Well, well, well just my conversation. But I dont wish to repeat most of the things htat my good buddy Charles had said so I'll just reffer back to his words and clarify.. You know what forget it, I'll just simplify things. Things you should do before having sex. 1. See if he or she is really worth you giving up your virginity to. If the guy/ girl and starts flirting with you off the bat and huggin all over you like ya'll been dating for ages. She/he ai't the one. Its best for you to find a man/ woman who respects your wishes and your body. If he. she says when your ready let me know. He has some points. 2. Make sure the person isn't under 16( for those of you over 18) or over 18( for those of you under 16). Why?... if that person means that much to you then you should be willing to wait to the right age ( by legal standing) before you have sex. If a grown up wished to get with a young person, then your desperate for the 'goods' and you can find anyone your own age to act stupid with. Also if you wish to see the person you' supposedly care for ' or yourself go to jail...then be my guest... 3. Have your partner tested even if he or she says there a virgin. You never know what a person is carrying and plus its kinda scary to think you may have contracted a disease. Believe me Ive had friends go through that...and its nothing nice. Plus if you feel you old enough to have sex. Get yourself checked out anyways(esp for the ladies, excuse me young women.) It just shows much more respect for yourself to get checked out and at least see what options of protection are out there. 4. Take a look at your life. Are you really ready to have a child, or get an STI or have to worry about will he she like me the next day. That is something that shouldnt even have to cross your mind. And also look at what you recieve from your parent. Do you wish to see their smiles turn into frowns..your money for that brand new car you want go to a car seat, crib, hospital bills dipaers, etc for the baby you can have or treatment for a disease you can catch... And as you see I used the word CAN!!! Yes you can have sex, Yes you can get pregnant, and yes you can get a disease one that may even take you life. Or worse get a cray man or woman that may want to hurt you. And the number one thing to do after having sex: [B] Take responsiblities for you actions[/B]... I did. I was 14 when I decided to have sex and gave birth to a little girl a month before my 15th birthday...Yes guys and girls 14 years 11 mts. Now, lord knows I didnt need a child at that time but I had no choice but to 'lay in the bed I made'. And dont think that it cant happen to you because its your first time of because you use protection.. The guy with whom I slept wore a condom and oops 9 mths later I got my gift.. YAY!!!! SEX... I dont care what anyone thinks is a power thing. No mater how meaningless or meaningful it may be to you. But it can affect you life, the life of your partner and a life or someone you dont even now but may be on the way. So please please please think it through...... Be smart and use the right head when you think..... [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. Hinata

    Mr. Bean

    [COLOR=blue] Mr bean, Mr. Bean.... Oh that guy. Yes hes awesome I love him...I mean he was stupid but still great. I'd have to say my fav episode was when...[SPOILER] He got stuck in the parking gagare and couldn't get out because he had no ticket. And so what he did was sit in front of the gate that lets cars in and wait for a car....So he waited...and then a car comes...the gate gets ready to go up...he turns on his car lights seeing the car come and goes for it...MAkes the car back up so he could get out... Or what about the episode in which he makes his own sandwich. Has all his materials on him and crushed the pepper with a shoe....OMG it was great[/SPOILER] Sorry if I sound crazy I was laughing while thinking all that suff.. but I saw the movie and can't wait to see Johnny Englisk..HEHE!!![/COLOR]
  19. Death bug that is an excellent thing to say and I mostly do that myself. But when i find myself unable to change the channel those are the most annoying songs... But there are some older songs that get on my nevres ae s well... Does anyone remember Good Vibration by MArky MArk..... Haha I used to love that song but the words just make me laugh Mark W. rapping.. OMG that was great. Or how about Snow...Informer....blah blah blah.. I like your boom boom down...HAHA I could baerly understand him but the beat was tight!!! HEHE
  20. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] Trini heard Van, his voice bringing a peace into the pain she had been feeling. The pain that dropped her to her knees. She looked up hearing his voice project into the deck of the ship. "..... It's my mission." Van said, his voice having a calming effect over her. Tex was kneeling besides Trini at the time and was helping her back to her feet. She looked into his eyes and heard the difference, but did not interfere with their conversation. "Your mission?" Allen asked looking at the screen for a moment paused in his thoughts. Then he spoke back into the comm. "Van she's headed towards the Loading Bay. I don't know what your doing but if your helping her then get there fast." "Will do sir," Van anwered sharply cutting off the conversation. "No, no..." Trini seemed to sound mad for a minute and ran out of Tex arms going to the comm, "Van what are you doing?" She heard no reponse and turned around looking at the others. Tear slowly filling her eyes. A hand touched her shoulder. Allen spoke softly to her, feeling the same pain as her, "He's doing what he must Trini." She held back the tears slightly and looked up. "Well, he's not gonna do it alone." She moved quickly from Allen's side and began to leave the deck. Tex stepped in her way, and saw the pure determination in Trini's eyes. "This isn't your battle, stay here." Tex said touching her shoulder once more. "This is so my battle, its everyone's battle," she started harshly wishing to get to the point quickly. "Tex, I should have already been dead, and in my eyes, I amN now I'm not gonna stand to the side while someone I've grown to care for and another who just saved my life, gets hurt or worse dies. If this thing wants the ship then its gonna have to get me, too. You have something ready to bloom Tex, she said softly looking at Sam, now you go for it." With the last remark she stomped off the deck slowly moving to the Loading Bay. "Trini," she heard Sam's voice and turned back. "If you're gonna go take this," he handed her a switch blade knife. "What is this for," she asked. "Just in case things get messing," he said looking at her while standing nex to Tex and Allen," besides we don't want you putting another hole in the ship." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Family Guy is hardly a rip-off of The Simpsons. I don't know [i]where[/i] you're all getting that impression. The only characters between both shows who are similar are Homer and Peter. Lois actually finds half of Peter's antics funny, while Marge does nothing but nag Homer. Lisa comes off as an unpopular super-genius, while Meg is just unpopular without being all that smart. Bart is a rebel who gets low grades because he simply refuses to study, while Chris is just an idiot. Maggie and Stewie are [i]nothing[/i] alike. Brian is more human than Snowball & Santa's Little Helper will ever be (also more drunk). Homer doesn't have any perverted friends like Quagmire. Lois has a job (teaching piano lessons) and Marge doesn't. Just because both shows are about disfunctional families with idiotic dads, that doesn't mean one is a rip-off of the other. That's like saying That 70s Show is a rip-off of Happy Days. The basics of the show are similar, but they're pretty different when you actually pay attention. [/B][/QUOTE] :rotflmao:[COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] Awesome synopsis of the story man I mean just seeing that made me laugh although I know you were being as serious. And I must agree. Yeah the Simpsons and Family Guy can be family directed. They both have some adult themes, but Family Guy a bit more tha the Simpsons. But they are both still good. I absolutely love them both and I can really choose. Giving that I forget to look at the simpsons, I catch the Family Guy do to it being on after I get off work...HEHE [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=crimson][SIZE=1] HAHAHA... Sorry I had to laugh about your most annoying songs....and thats for everyone. But on to me know. the most annoying song(s) out as this time are.... Where is the love, the song is good but its playyed to much. *well what song on the radio isn't annoying* Milkshake, the beat is cool but the song doesn't make any sense. And so it drive me nuts... Uh, there are other songs I dont like but I'm so annoyed with the to that I can't name them... Will be back to name more....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] I can't believe you just said that...Well actually that disgust was short lived. I mean you definetly have the right to you opinion. Surely you do but I neve seen the movie in the 'eye' if I may say so, but I still think the movie is great. I mean the story wasn't too boring and the manuerisms of Johnny Depp surely amused me the whole way through. The action was like any other movie, I think, and the effects were pretty darn good for what they had to do. Even if it is redundant to you. I mean to be able to morph a person from flesh to skeleton and back to flesh takes a great deal of work so I must give my congrats to the effects specialist for that. But I love the movie. Johnny Depp was cute and so was Orlando Bloom. And that's all I gotta say about that...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=orange][SIZE=1] "Kietaro looked at the lady more soundly, now that she wasn't accusing him of being a pervert. He still stood only in a towel, and about this time it wasn't hanging on to well. As he stepped closer to the lady, they both had a good look at one another and Kietaro let go of the towel he was just holding up... "Aunt Haruka!" " Kietaro!" They both said each others name at the same time and his towel dropped leaving him exposed for all to see. "Um, excuse me," Kietaro looked over the other other person in the room who was pointing her finger down to the floor. "Shyt," he crieds grabbing the towel and running to get his clothes. The others in the room laughed a bit some a bit shocked with the whole package he was showing off.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. Hinata

    The Dark

    [COLOR=seagreen][SIZE=1] Tr'shiel nodded off for a quick nap after brekfast. Seeing that she was possibly going into a war. Although some saw her as a weakness as this point, little did they know of her true inner strength. She woke up quickly just thinking of the main reason why she came here. "What is everything okay," Line asked loooking seeing Tr'shiel jump up startled. "I need to go do something, I'll be right back." She threw on some shoes and jetted out the door. "Don't take..." the door closed behind Tr' shiel," ....too long." Outside the door Tr'sheil found the closest guard. "Excuse me sir." "Yes what do you need?" He looked down at her seeing a bit of concern in her eyes. "Um...is there a library about I must look something up before I go." "Yes ma'am there is but it's the king's study as well. And only his scholars are allowed in without his permission, you must request to go." "Oh, okay. " She said about to give up, she looked up once again at the gaurd. "Can I request a meeting with the king them before I go?" "Come with me," the gaurd turned sharply around and lead her down the hallway again into a large open room. In this room many books were found, and she knew it was the king's study. "Stay right here please. She stood at the entrance as the gaurd went in and came back out only a few moments later. "He will see you now." "Aaaw Ms. Tr'shiel how may I help you?" She bowed in his presence and stood a few fee away from him talking. "Yes, sir, um...I was wondering when we return from our mission if I...may use your study so that I may do some research, I have come a long way and I am in search of many answers." She spoke more comfortably as the king showed interest. "Well I can consider that, But what is it that you seek," "I wish to find out where I am from?" "Do you have any clues?" he asked. "Only the legends I have heard from once I was a child. Some would say from a people across the sea, others say a group from the south. I would like to make sure." "Aw, is there anything else that would help aid you?" She thought for a moment, sitting on the ground in front of him and digging in her small bag. She pulled out a piece of material and a small piece of parchment. She handed them both to the king. "Only this parchment and cloth. The cloth itself is foreign to this region an the parchment bears a mark that I had on my body since I was found, like a birthmark of sorts." The king felt the material and handed it back to Tr'shiel. He studied the parchemnt for a moment and placed it on the desk in front of him. "Well seeing that this is a concern of yours I will appoint some one to look up the information you seek. Besides if the people you seek exist we have have some allies in the upcoming evil." Ts'shiel stood up and smiled at the king, once again bowing," Thank you sir, now if you'd excuse me." She turned around with a nod from the king and left the room. As she passed the guard she spoke quickly to him, "Thank you." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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