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About Demitri

  • Birthday 03/03/1985

Profile Information

  • Biography
    i love anything that deals with anime and Japnese culture
  • Occupation
    looking for one

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New Member (1/6)



  1. there are two songs that i thought were really crazy, one was from Guyver and the other song was from OUTLAW STAR which i really liked.
  2. Has any one seen or heard about the New Guyver seriers that's out I'd really like to know if it's availble in the States yet or is it just being shown in Japan now I'd really like to know if anyone has info about it.
  3. i maybe wrong but the guy who created the fighting styles said that they were from China and i know i don't have ear wax build up :animeangr
  4. has any of the main characters died in SC i heared that [spoiler]Jin was killed[/spoiler]
  5. My name is Demitri, i'm a 20 year old male who lives in Harlem, New York and i'm very bored right now. I love Anime and i hope i can got to Japan so that my creative mide can be used for something good. i love games, light eyed GIRLS, cooking and drawing. i haven't really been online and i'm just catching up on how to talk to people online. :animesigh :p
  6. if you don't mide colud someone or some [U]LADY :animeswea :animeblus :animeshy: be my buddy
  7. My favorite color is Blue/Navy Blue so I'd be a navy demon. I'd be riped with a bone colored skull plate, have sky blue eye's and i'd always lurk in the dark and have the power to appear where ever shodows are, and i would have a short fuse :animeangr
  8. These are the two animes that made me fall in love with Anime :D :D :D :D
  9. Does anyone know where i can get some more Guyver tapes i need to finsh my collection :animecry:
  10. I really don't think Avatar is an Anime because it's based on chinese culture. Some guy that he based the fighting and story on chinese culture and as far as i know ANIME is based on JAPANESE culture :animestun :p
  11. can someone tell me if Blue Gender has com back to Adult swim :animenose
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