The Devil's Rejects is pretty good in my opinion. If lots of blood and abuse of women isn't for you, then this movie and the original (House of 1000 Corpses) aren't for you.
The only scary movies to really have an effect on me were Jeepers Creepers, remake for Dawn of the Dead, the Japanese aka original version for The Grudge (I think it's called Ju-On), and Infection. If you like Bruce Campbell and really funny oldie B-horror movies, see Bruce Campbell's Man With The Screaming Brain. Bruce directs and stars in it. Some really good horror/comedies I have seen recently are Satan's Little Helper (dumb people in scary movies are the best! but the part before the killer goes to the party is absolutely creepy! just the expressions of the family will send chills down your spine), Dead And Breakfast, and Shaun of the Dead. If your a werewolf freak like me, then you might like Werewolf Hunter: The Legend of Romasanta.
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