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Crimson River

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Everything posted by Crimson River

  1. [font=Verdana][size=2]I finally saw the remake for House of Wax over the weekend. It was ok, but not really scary. It's not really a video, but this link will lead you to a creepy video I found recently. I personally don't think it's all that scary, but it can make you kind of paranoid if you watch it at 1 or 2 in the morning with all of your lights off. [url="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/rubberjohnny.html"]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/rubberjohnny.html[/url][/size][/font]
  2. The Devil's Rejects is pretty good in my opinion. If lots of blood and abuse of women isn't for you, then this movie and the original (House of 1000 Corpses) aren't for you. [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] The only scary movies to really have an effect on me were Jeepers Creepers, remake for Dawn of the Dead, the Japanese aka original version for The Grudge (I think it's called Ju-On), and Infection. If you like Bruce Campbell and really funny oldie B-horror movies, see Bruce Campbell's Man With The Screaming Brain. Bruce directs and stars in it. Some really good horror/comedies I have seen recently are Satan's Little Helper (dumb people in scary movies are the best! but the part before the killer goes to the party is absolutely creepy! just the expressions of the family will send chills down your spine), Dead And Breakfast, and Shaun of the Dead. If your a werewolf freak like me, then you might like Werewolf Hunter: The Legend of Romasanta. [font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed. In the future, please use the edit button if you would like to say more after you have submitted the post.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  3. Tokyo Pop. It's the company I have the most mangas from. That, and I Luv Halloween is from them. I love that manga right now! If you haven't heard of it, that's because it's still pretty new. The second book hasn't even come out yet!
  4. I Luv Halloween The group is getting nothing but Choco-Willies candy at every house they stop at. They are getting sick of it. Random kid: "Oooh! Are those Choco-Willies?" Mush: "You mock our pain?!" (slapping random kid in the face) (Random kid runs away) Li'l Bith: You mock our pain?" Finch: "What?" Mush: "Not too William Shatner" Pig-Pig: "Yeah. Shatner" Mush: "SHUT UP, YOU!" (as he slaps Pig-Pig in the face) Pig-Pig: (while rubbing his face) "Hey! They was saying--" Mush: "They ain't you" There are way more lines than this in I Luv Halloween, but I would probably run out of room if I tried to post them all...eventually. This is one of my favorite parts though.:D
  5. I would have to say either I Luv Halloween or Get Backers. I Luv Halloween is funny...just in a sick, twisted sort of way at the same time. Get Backers is funny, just because of the situations Ginji and Ban get into when they start losing business.
  6. The first manga I ever read was Gunparade March. I have only recently discovered the wonders of manga. I now have about...seven I think. I have book #2 of Gunparade March, Tokyo Tribes, The Ring, Get Backers, Warcraft, and I Luv Halloween.
  7. I'm new here and still trying to figure out the site. My question is, why can't you use a profile pic larger than 100x100 pixels? I wanted to use one that I have, but it's 108x118 pixels! Not sure how to shrink it. So I find a 100x100 pic. I click on Save Changes, and get this message: There has been an error in the upload. Please ensure that the file has been correctly selected and that the upload has taken place successfully. Can I use this pic? What's wrong with it? Or is it the site? If it helps, these are the URLs of the pics in question. [url="http://www.honestgamers.com/images/games/2/P/14733/artwork.jpg"]http://www.honestgamers.com/images/games/2/P/14733/artwork.jpg[/url] and [url="http://www.ragewars.net/avatars/werewolf.jpg"]http://www.ragewars.net/avatars/werewolf.jpg[/url]. Plz help!:animecry:
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