everywhere i go people talk about anime like inuyasha,battle vixons and dnangel.
but what about [B]negima[/B]...what just because its not a finished manga means its no good? :animecry:
its the best one i have seen in a while, im mean i like battle vixons and dnangel oh and fruits basket...cant forget that one. :animeswea
so come one and come all tell me what you think of negima so far.
(ps if your just starting to read it there are 11 books out in canada...im not sure about the states but if there are more there than tell me because im dying to get book 12 :animestun[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]It's been a little while, but others have read this, enjoyed it and then posted about it. So with that being said I've merged your thread with the existing one on this manga. Next time be sure to take a peek at the directory before creating a new thread. ;) ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='shibatku']There are 26 eps. The manga is the shiznizzle. I'm in the middle of affording to buy all the manga. I like how they have those extras at the end. I think it's funny how all the girls like him and he could totally mess w/ all of them. Then again that's what makes it really funny. Like when the headmaster's granddaughter tried to get him to kiss her to get a card. That was pretty funny.[/quote]
there are only 26 episodes...ill have to look for them if there is only that many....oh crap class...g2g!
oh and nobody answered my question how many books are there in the usa?
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]I merged your two posts together. [B]terjak[/B], please do not double post. If you need to add something just use the edit button located in the lower right hand corner of your post. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]