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Masked Princess

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  1. my first was rurouni kenshin or maybe it was inuyasha. na it was my first choice.i watched every day on cartoonect work after school until it was canceled
  2. [quote name='meka2003']Name an anime that you can watch over and over again and not get tired of[/quote] i can watch naruto,inuyasha,flame of recca, fma for 5000 and not get tired of it. thats how goo they are
  3. I need help with an idea for a story but this is all i got:about a girl who is suppose to be queen of her nation but dosn't know it until she is told she is adopted and now has to save her nation or the evil guy will destroy it.i don't know what eles to write about and it getting me mad :animeangr :animesmil :animeswea
  4. I just started watching it and im already up to ep.16 and i learned that that the person who created naruto got his ideas from this anime and its really good too :animeswea Is it obivious that i am new? :animesmil
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