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Everything posted by dan37

  1. Well this thread is kinda a plug for my own site but I'd like feedback on some of my pictures. Basically I drew all of these with the flash paint program on my site..using just the mouse and no fill tool which was quite a challenge. The first one is a sketch of Link from Zelda using a shading style I used regularly about 10 years ago. I quite like the styling of it, let me know what you think...feel free to rate it if you want: [URL=http://www.ratemydoodle.com/?m=1&cat=1&doodle=2578][COLOR=Blue]Link Sketch[/COLOR][/URL] The 2nd is a dragon anime type girl that reminds of Mink from Dragon Half. I was a bit lazy with this one and didn't bother with the shading but anyways: [URL=http://www.ratemydoodle.com/?m=1&cat=1&doodle=2545][COLOR=Blue]Dragon Gir[/COLOR]l[/URL] My best drawings aren't actually anime pics but were created from photos of famous people. I'll show them anyway: [URL=http://www.ratemydoodle.com/?m=1&cat=1&doodle=2342][COLOR=Blue]Oprah Winfrey[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://www.ratemydoodle.com/?m=1&cat=1&doodle=2297][COLOR=Blue]Ronaldinho[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://www.ratemydoodle.com/?m=1&cat=1&doodle=2391]J[COLOR=Blue]essica Bie[/COLOR]l[/URL] All constructive criticism is welcome, let me know which shading style you like best and how I could improve on it if possible. Cheers :animesmil
  2. 3 days until its released on dvd & I am completely bursting to see it. They didn't show the film in the cinema here so I've had to wait. If its anywhere near as good as spirited away it'll be great.
  3. Dragon Half, firstly because damaramu is a legend & secondly I would have the ability to go all chibi-like & mad at will, which i'm sure i could find a use for...
  4. Naru has been pwned: [IMG]http://members.tripod.com/holmesmp/s-mappy4.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Apparently I spent 8 days solid of gaming in the multiplayer mode of Perfect Dark on the N64..according to the stats. :animeswea
  6. dan37


    Man now there's a game, played a demo on the dreamcast & was mad to buy it. Couldn't find it anywhere. Dreamcast was some console come to think of it..
  7. DBGT, don't even need to explain why, previous posts have explained why that show is so terrible.
  8. First got into it when i saw DBZ Namek Saga on Cartoon Network, then came the likes of evangelion, flcl, shadow skill, dragon half, ah my goddess, onegai teacher...DBZ GT nearly ended my interest in anime until Love Hina came along & saved the day.
  9. I'd like to be a Red Panda Demon just to be different. Maybe a sloth or otter demon....something comical anyway.
  10. Hi I'm Dan from Ireland, 22 year old male & new to these forums. Just finished a 4 year bachelor's degree in software engineering & have absolutely no idea what career I want....not particularly interested in programming to be honest (or working for that matter). I'm currently messing about with a couple of websites while unemployed. I drive a 95' toyota carina diesel, used to be no.1 in the world at the hang-on mini game in shenmue, a former irish yugi-oh champion, interested in anime (naturally), art, video games, football, 3d modelling etc. Can't think of anything else :animeswea
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