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Everything posted by Slade
I would have to say that each Gundam has its own uniqueness to it I love Wing Zero...the wings are awesome and the twin buster rifle is powerful.....but in close combat....I wouldnt want to rely only on a beam saber I think that Nu Gundam is the best looking one of the best looking gundams out there...plus it has both long and short range abilites....I saw one thought that was deckout out though....it looked way better than the movie version....I think it was the custom version of it....but it rocked. :animesmil Ex-S Gundam, is totally awesome I think the best. I looks big and powerful. It gun is awesome aswell. This is by far my favorite gundam -Non-Gundams- Tallgeese 3 owns everyone one...its has short range ability and its huge beam cannon can do as much damage as wing Zero....all it would need would be that system that wing zero has. Kamperfer- this is an awesome mobile suit...it literally tore though the federations suits like nothing it was quick and fast....but so was its end :( ...if only it was made out of gundanium....it would have lasted -Add ons- the best add ons are on the freedom gundam.....and on the gundam from 0080 stardust memory when the gundam gets into that huge carrier and takeson everyone with its missiles ,grenade launchers and huge beam cannon. :cool:
I missed last weeks episode again....so what happened? :animesmil :animeswea hopefully I dont miss it today :animedepr
Havok: Are these silk pants Mustang:try leather havok: you tease meh, couldnt think of anything.....that whole tiny mini-skirts is too much :animesmil
I like either one, but eac hone has its weakpoints too. I like dubs if there good like Cowboy bebop or like trigun. However some dubs like Naruto arent that good. I just dont like the voice for Naruto, I think they could have done better. An d as for sub there fine if they dont mess up the texts....for those of you who have seen Tekkaman blade, you know what I mean :animesmil
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Slade replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Im not sure if its been mentioned yet, but new episodes of Naruto will be airing again on Cartoon network in two weeks I believe. -
Anime Mobile Suit Gundam---Minovsky Particles
Slade replied to Admiral Zabi's topic in Otaku Central
yup. That pretty much sums up why we shouldnt. We woudnt have a need for them anyways. However I think it would be fun to see one , it doesnt neccessarily have to be armed or anything. And think with something that big. At lot of things could be built faster.Although sooner of later the government will get its hand on the idea and use it as a weapon of mass destruction. Nothing in this world is ever safe. :animedepr -
[quote name='Flame_Alchemist]Well there's some speculation towards this, some people think [spoiler'] Archer shot him when he confronted him while others think Riza Hawkeye shot through Archers body, accidentally hitting Roy. In my opinion it's the first one, otherwise what would be the point in Archer turning up?[/spoiler][/quote] I got the second impression when I first saw it , but was hoping that it was the first choice though, considering that she was feeling bad about it. I cant help but notice that Riza Hawkeye looks extremely beautiful with her hair down :o
yeah I get that empty feeling inside too. I hate it when a good anime ends. I jsut feel like there was some much more that could have been shown or done to prolong the ending, but I suppose when that happens then you start to get those episodes that are fillers and no one ever likes those :( When ever I see a good ending it puts me in a melancholy state but I can always pop in a action anime and have that lift up my spirits :animesmil * pops in Nadesico* yeah!......wait no, JOE!
Anime Mobile Suit Gundam---Minovsky Particles
Slade replied to Admiral Zabi's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=gundampali23]1.this is all very interesting but do u think and believe our world is ready for that kind of technology.Earth isnt know for quietly cooping with each other. This is the question i have for all of u. Is the world ready for gundams or even gundam weapons?[/QUOTE] No. It isnt, the world couldnt even handle small weapons like a hand gun. Now we have depleated our earth of its own environment, and soon the green it has will slowly fade away and our beautiful sky, well whats left of it will be polited with all the technology we do have and yet still cant stop the polution. Nope we are not ready at all.....but hey if we continue like this we will be force to live in space colonies and then we will be ready for Gundams :cool: . Ofcourse thats lights years away from now ;) -
[quote name='Stafal-chan']yeah hojo annoys me to kno end and his ancestor is jsut as bad...actually hojo just seems really gay too me...nyahah...umm yeah inuyasha and kagome really just needa get together >_< it's driving me crazy.... yeah i think they should show reruns too hahaha wanna kno what i did (hahaha i'm such a dork) you see i tape all my episdoes right so i have this extra tape that's now my junktape and i have the ending theme songs taped i have My will the first one, Fukai Mori the sesshomaru one, and the 3rd one, Dearest ^_^ haha and i'll sit there and listen to them ^_^ actually i have a bunch of other songs and some video game previews off of cinematech.[/quote] oh your so lucky....I used to record episodes too, i have all of Cowboybebop and Trigun...well except for the first episodes....mine starts off with the July episode :animesmil I saw inuyasha last night...darn cant believe I missed it last week. OK now Hojo is getting me annoyed :animeangr he cant do a thing and gets in the way all the time.[spoiler]That guy with the blades is cool, too bad he thinks he was betrayed, although I think she did for his own good.[/spoiler], hey have you noticed that the wind scar is starting to suck. Not only does it not look strong,but it doesnt have the same effect like it use to :animeangr .I think he also over uses it too much.
Anime Where is the best place to buy anime?
Slade replied to animeloyalist91's topic in Otaku Central
I get my anime at a hobby shop....mainly anime but there are other stuff there to its called Toy Mandala. If they dont have an anime there they could probably order it for me. They have games and even contests either with video games or card games. :animesmil -
[quote name='Stafal-chan']haha this weeks was a continuation of last weeks with that Akitoki Hojo dude geez i hate Hojo present and past he's soo annoying....it's just b/c they're always tryin to get kagome (although ^_^ that's a partial reason nyahah) and that weird dude who looks like the evil moth demon from the fisrt movie if you saw it ^_^ and heyy i peeked accidentaly...^_^ well sorta....[/quote] oh ok now I remeber, does it still continue on this week or have they helped him out :animedepr . He annoyed me abit with his bad luck. Gee are you mad that some one is making a move on Kagome and Inuyasha isnt yet? :p :animestun .Yes I think I did see that movie when they aired it on cartoon network :animesmil. They should reruns on saturday.....I decided to watch them so I could hear that ending theme song....yeah lame I know, but for me anime music puts me in a great mood or lifts up my spirits, I think what got me into anime was the music :animesmil :animeblus with out music it would be a bit boring, wouldnt you agree. Thats why I really liked the sesshoumaru ending song because it went so well with the theme....I really dont know what the singer was saying but I bet it went along with the mood :o .
[QUOTE=Stafal-chan]Nyahah yeah i kno watcha mean i realized that the other day..it was kinda like they changed the soundtrakcs they play during the anime ^_^ haha yeah umm i spoiled the ending accidently wheni read a spoiler tag nyahah liek they say curiosity killed the cat :catgirl: but the anime ending is different then the manga..since the manga isn't frikken over!!! arrgghh...it's liek 47 books long that's soo crazy!!! sometimes in Inuyasha i get really sick of those pointless episodes liek the ones where they don't get a shard and they kill so random demon who didn't matter...InuYasha's gotten too soft...llike for maybe 3 weeks they showed nothing but pointless episdoes that didn't advance the plot and wasted time!...but i'm still a big fan....i'm just starting to get a little irritated with the gay episodes...especially the ones about Shippo where he trys to act all tough....i kinda wish Shippo would go away....he's on my nerves[/QUOTE] oh you peeked :animesmil , perhaps I should too :animeswea , I did that once with the s-cryed thread and I spoiled the ending for myself ,which was funny since I missed the ending and had to wait to see it again. :animedepr .Yeah some inuyasha episodes shouldnt be there. I love the Sesshoumaru episodes they usually have some thing good to know, Im especially intrigued by Rin(sp) I wonder what Sesshomaru is up to with her. Oh I missed this weeks episode of Inuyasha due to everyone wanting to watch the season finale of the shield on FX. :mad: though it was a good one. ;) ....Im just mad because I didn t get to hear the ending theme song....it puts me in a great mood :animesmil
[QUOTE=silver_blade]Cowboy Bebop has the best ending that I have seen in anime. Even though it is over 8 years old it is still as good as the first time I saw it.[spoiler]When Spike dies--I know it is debatable but I still say he died-- after killing Vicious, he just calmly walks away and says ''Bang.'' That is my favorite death scene out of all the anime I have seen.[/spoiler] The song that is played after that,"Blue",is one of my favorites, and it fits the scene well. If I leave the TV on and that song plays when I am asleep,it wakes me up.[spoiler] The star that fell at the very end representing Spike is one of the simplest but most poignant scenes I have seen. I also like the part in ep.24 "Hard Luck Woman" where Faye lies down on the door step of her former home made. That made me tear up the first time I saw it. Ed and Ein leaving made me sad,too.[/spoiler] There might not be any point in the spoilers since they have had it on Adult Swim for 6 years now. If you haven't seen Cowboy Bebop, then you should definitely watch. It's still just as awesome now as it was when it first came on.[/QUOTE] why ,why did you remind me :animecry: ;) yes the ending of cowboy bebop was the most memorable scene that not only I but others aswell can say, "man that was awesome.... and sad" hardluck women was sad too. I like the 5th episode when[spoiler] vicious and spike meet up at the cathedral and face off[/spoiler] thats awesome I think if anyone has seen tekkaman blade that the ending episode is very sad and what happens at the end. Also when tekkaman gets the[spoiler] super tekkaman blade upgrade that was an awesome episode[/spoiler] Since the Macross sage was one of my first if not thee first I would have to say the final episode[spoiler]when rick finds lisa and in the background the city is burnig and the SDF! is pretty much gone, and he starts telling her everything . Also the episode in which Roy folker dies, ricks brother.[/spoiler]
[quote name='Ramen_Mido']I highly recomend Cromartie High School. Its very funny. Tthe animation seems low budget but its about comedy not good looks. Give it a try.[/quote] I second the motion, this anime is hilirious not only the anime but the manga as well. though I think you should see the anime instead. :animesmil each episode is about 15 minutes long. so its not long or anything ;)
yes that would make a bit of sense. I noticed also they didnt play a certain melody of Inuyasha, in the begining episodes they would play a certain melody alot.....and I mean alot.....but after awhile they stopped playing it just recently I heard it again....it brought back so many fond memories of Inuyasha. That melody and the sesshoumaru ending could really make you feel sad, they were awesome when you hear the melody and then the song right after teh episode ended. :( I think thats why people dont like Inuyasha sometimes because its too mussy or has too much drama :animesmil , and then when it doesnt it has too much action :animestun Everynow and then I want to speed up the story, but if they throw some other obsticles here and there I dont mind, though I hear alot that I may be disappointed in the ending, I hope not. :(
[quote name='Stafal-chan']you know compared to how long they keep some of their theme songs the first ending theme song, My Will ( i love that one too i woudl say the 1st are my all time favs! ^_^) they only played it till book seven (i dunno how many episodes that is :animeswea ) which compared to some of the others it was really short. like Fukai Mori (that's the second one with Sessho-maru) that one was a roudn for a while (which i was happy about^_^) Yeah the first 3 were good ^_^ i hated the 4th Every Heart but that's b/c the person who sings it BoA is korean...and i heard the korean version...and also it just really didn't fit InuYasha...yeah i don't really like the newer ones...sometimes i'll be sitting there watching the credits and listening to the songs and i'll be liek...wahhh i really wish Fukai Mori was still playing...[/quote] yes I know what you mean. I dont know why but the music can though my whole mood on an anime way off.....I didnt get that same feeling with inuyasha that I got when I heard the ending themes songs....the first two ending themes songs gave it that love story theme to it...the rest though....jsut didnt do it for me and when I would watch it I didnt feel that love story vibe. This last one though it is a bit of a tecno mix....its way better then the recent ones.....yeah the sesshomaru song was nice. Dont know why they changed it though. :animecry:
Saw the the last episode....it was fantastic! question though....it left a lot open for a sequel however I havent seen the movie yet so I wonder in the movie does it close up the FMA chapter? or is there a chance of a sequel?
Anime Mobile Suit Gundam---Minovsky Particles
Slade replied to Admiral Zabi's topic in Otaku Central
Still what you have found or should I say researched is fasanating, I mean if money wasnt the issue, which it is all the time, you could theoritically make this right? how much time would something like this take though? Yes, I know you werent actually implying that someone make a gundam like some members thought but instead proving that we have the technology to built some of that awesome weaponry. However do you think it could be possible to built a gundam with the technology that we have now? Probably wont be made up of Gundanium but of titanium alloy, like the Tallguise. :cool: -
Ive always had slade, going on 14 years now :animesigh I think I first heard it on teknoman the english dub of tekkaman blade slade was d-boy. For me Slade was a strong name, and it wasnt too long or short. It didnt sound like a name of a person nor something I just came up with out of nowhere. Its more like a representation of my alter ego or persona I guess.....when ever I watch anime or role play anime I use slade as my character.....slade is my anime self. :animesmil
Samurai all the way! samurai's are fast and strong....the only thing that can stop them is a barrage of bullets! Pirates have guns :mad: , but Rachael is right, though they only have one shot and one gun at times.....reloading that gun after a miss would take to long and it would have to be a precise shot if not the samurai or ninja would take him down... :animesmil I love ninjas too though....there the steathier version of a samuria.....they can make a shurikin out of a spork :animesmil *looks at picture of Ninjas* arent ninjas suppose to stay in shadows , as if they dont exist.......now I know who you are.....excellent ....this was all to easy Mwahahaha...*thanks Tatsubei* there down fall is your doing :animesmil :cool:
[quote name='Stafal-chan']The ending theme song :Come?? right? ^_^ it's kinda techno... but yeah i like it^_^ my favorite song is Fukai Mori though ^_^[/quote] Yes I think thats the one. Yeah some also said it sounded techno, but you have to admit they were able to play it off right, plus the later songs didnt do a thing for me....only the first two songs caught my heart :o ......I like the Kagomi one and the Sesshoumaru one, Im assuming Fukai Mori is one of them though right? ever since they stopped playing those ending theme songs the songs have been a bit lame in my opinion but this new one is stuck in my head now and I love it. :animesmil
[quote name='thezerosystem']I've never really thought about it before... But lately I've found myself really identifying with the character Envy from Full Metal Alchemist. I'm not sure I should really say why...I have the feeling this thread isn't meant to be trajic. :animeswea[/quote] Same here for other reasons though.....not tragic....and dont worry its clear to see what you mean :( ;) I mean for me FMA relates to my life because even though the odds are against me and evrything that can go wrong does go wrong I never give up, even when I think I have reached my goal and it turns out to be a disaster (like the philosopher stone) I find other ways to full fill my goal.
Cowboy Bebop as soon as I saw it I couldnt let go.....I saw an episode here and ther but not fully. I was more channel surfing, finally one day I saw the whole episode and I couldnt wait to see the rest. I think it was not only the music that captured my interests ( like Venus Waltz,episode 5,Jets old girlfriend episode, Cowboy funk, Hardluck women, last episode) but also the theme and feelings it brought out in its viewers.
"I doubt anyone will noticed...yes...nope no one will be able to tell......that this is a fake beard.." :animesmil