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Everything posted by Slade

  1. I often make up my own story and then when I watch an anime I impliment anything that Ive seen in the anime thats cool into my story that I even act out at times when I'm bored :animesmil :animeshy: I agree with shadowofdaeth, when it ends I sometimes wonder on what would happen next...if they were to bring in a sequel how could they implement it so that it would run smooth
  2. I think a fusion between Sango and the Major (GITS) would be a great combo...sangos body with a touch or Major booty and her mind would be sweet, and that eyeshadow is hot too :animenose I havent really noticed any anime booty out there...or anything I could say was actually big booty. Comepared to how big they draw breast...there is rarely ever a character with a big rear :animeblus ....not even the Major(GITS) which I think has a nice behind has a big rear :animeshy: ....I think more of the emphasis goes to the breast. And no I dont even think Faye has a big kaboos :animesmil .....really does any anime character have a big rear!?....There are plenty of big big breast ladies out there but any of them have a big kaboos worth mentioning?
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger]Just a note: I added spoiler tags to your post. 1. I enjoyed it. There were some weaker portions (such as the [spoiler]zombie[/spoiler] episode), but when Champloo got good, it was [i]really[/i] good. I can see myself separately revisiting all of the multi-episode stories at some point in the future. That said, I still have discs 5 through 7 sitting in a pile; I'm waiting until I slip into the mood to re-watch the rest of the show. 2. I would have liked to see a follow-up on Mugen and Jin's [spoiler]romantic interests--namely, the ninja lady and the prostitute whose name I've unfortunately forgotten.[/spoiler] Or, barring that, a bit of [spoiler]Jin/Fuu, although later parts of the show seemed to point in the opposite direction.[/spoiler] To be honest, though, any pairing involving the main characters would be fine by me (including a threesome!). Jin/Fuu, Mugen/Fuu, Jin/Mugen (I read an awesome doujin about the latter the other day)... it's all good. 3. No, but it was significantly less [spoiler]painful.[/spoiler] 4. Nothing really, although some of the stuff that [spoiler]Jin and Mugen survived[/spoiler] was a bit too incredible. 5. [spoiler]Definitely Jin.[/spoiler] 6. Spike. He could have carried Cowboy Bebop on his own, and he's certainly the "hero" of the show. But I wouldn't call Mugen the hero of Champloo. The three main characters are balanced fairly equally, and singling out Mugen as the most prominent of them is questionable at best. If anyone deserves top billing, it's probably Fuu, and that doesn't make sense either. 7. If you read the insert for volume 7, there's an interview or something with Shinichiro Watanabe in which he mentioned how glad he was that [spoiler]all of the characters managed to survive. It seems that he was determined to not kill any of them off.[/spoiler] This was his way of defying the traditional principles of [spoiler]Bushido--and of samurai-based entertainment[/spoiler]--which is probably as good a reason as any. 8. Yep... friendship, plus the whole idea of "it's more about the journey than the destination." ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I happen to agree with dagger on most of these counts however for 5: it would be Mugen :D ......although in the last episode [spoiler]Jins hair looked awesome[COLOR=Black]when he appeared right in front of the samurai guy to fight him, after he had fallen into the water....letting his hair fall down to his shoulders[/spoiler][/COLOR]. 6: I think mugen could have been the main character...but yeah its too hard to say and too hard to single out the rest.....especially Jin....Mugen and Jin form to heads of a coin ;) Guess our debate of Mugen vs Jin will never end! :D ...I wont allow Jin to win ;)
  4. [quote name='safetyjedigirl']my favorite anime badguy is james from pokemon, he's my favorite because he's hilarious and he's just the best. :animesmil :catgirl: :cool:[/quote] LMAO.....although sad to say, yeah james is definately a favorite :animeblus I would have to say Vicious because he carries a sword around instead of a gun and yet still kicks butt with it. Vincent would be next since he has cool moves like spike. And his black out fit looks rather sweet :cool:
  5. You dont have to create big robots like Gundams to create what Zabi is talking about, you could just create a smaller versions of it, I think I would like to wield Gundam weapons for myself :animesmil
  6. Im like cloud (FF7) I guess...a bit confused about some stuff but when you need to count on me to get the job done Im your man :cool:
  7. Mine is a teknoman sig I found this picture somewhere in google :animeswea :animeshy: then my friend added my name to it :animesmil
  8. They still are showing inuyasha jsut not on Saturdays ;) , its on tuesdays now and new episodes. :animesmil by the way anyone else like the new ending song.....I love it, its so addicting to hear :o :animeswea
  9. This sounds all nice on paper but one thing is to say something can be done and the next is to do it ;) . Fundings this would take quite a lot to fund plus the man power and how long would it take to actually make a sample? :animestun
  10. I was a bit shocked when I saw Nadesico,its starts off with them fighting aliens, but [COLOR=Black]I couldnt believe that the aliens were actually [spoiler]humans that had come from jupiter[/spoiler] due to, well Im not going to say anymore[/COLOR] :animesmil [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Slade, I added spoiler tags to your post. Please be sure to use these in the future to hide plot elements from those who may not be as caught up in the series as you are. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  11. It would have to be Cowboy bebop....its nice and classy I love blue! I also like the Macross music from Robotech......its a classic :( Right now though...Im really liking the ending theme of Inuyasha...doens anyone who likes Inuyasha agree...its better than the resent ones...not the first two but almost as good :D
  12. I love Robotech...since it came out....the macross saga is my favorite series...Southern Cross is nice and so is " do you remember love" Roy Folker.......is one of my favorites....the original Skull Leader :cool:
  13. I would pick samurai but I dont want to be bound by any rules or tradition........I think I would be a warrior....with a warrior I can be anything.....I could dress like a samuria or wield a katana...I could dress like a knight or a ninja....I could be many things.... So my character would have have armor like a knight but lightly ....nothing to heavy and not so much....he would carry a long Katana and have daggers on the side...and little knives hidden in his gaunlets and boots....he would be sneaky like a ninja.....meaning he would use the shadows to lurk....hair color would be white...
  14. I was very young when I started drawing I didnt start darwing manga though....I drew more of a comic book still....american comic books that is.Then I went on to do structure drawing like buildings and what not. Now I draw anime....I started anime when I was 10 or 9 probably....I started with easy things like Dragonball Z stuff....and then moved on to drawing females and drawing my own type of characters......I must admitt though....as good as I am its hard for me to create my own type of pose for my character.....Im not very good with perspective of the anatomy yet....meaning when I draw my character from scratch it comes out wrong ....and the character is all disproportioned and the anatomy doesnt feel right....so I raid my moms girly magazines and get poses from there :o .....Im trying to take an art class to help this....I had one when I was in school but it was more on structure than on this type of art..... :animesigh
  15. Anime eyes can be drawn in many ways.....which way would you prefer? is up to you. Are you trying to replicate a character from an anime or are you creating a whole new character. remember when drawing your expressing your own self in that drawing so there really isnt a wrong way to draw your eyes....uniqueness is whats important.....new techniques and styles are always being accepted and used.
  16. Are you ok with drawing hair though.....because the way you draw the hair and however you have that hair arranged will determine how the ribbon,scrunchy,flowers, etc. will come out or how much of it is seen....try sketching your drawing first with light marks nothing dark until you know thats where you want your lines to go ;)
  17. When I took the Otaku test or what not to see how hard core I was about anime in the Newtype magazine it seems that you do have to watch them in japanese to be "uber" hard core anime fan,but that doesnt mean you cant do both.....I generally do both when I can....I watch it dubbed and then japanese. ;)
  18. [quote name='Grave Yard']You can get the box set of Outlaw Star for $50-$60. Its a great action series with gunplay and space ship fightin action. I also recomend Getbackers its an action and comedy with really great fight scenes. Everyone bascily has some power or specialty. They are both great series that you should pick up.[/quote] I agree with this one if you like to laugh then pick up an anime called Cromorty(sp) High school, its pretty fun...or check out the manga first to see if thats the humor you like ;) Last Exile- thats a nice anime to get
  19. I feel I connect alot with a lot of anime characters . Spike from cowboybebop, I feel liek him all the time, laid back and dont care what happens next, what happens happens.I pratice and work out my martial arts.i have my own secrets and a love that I havent found again :animecry: With Vash and Nick...its hard....I feel like vash were at times I think there are other ways to resolve problems and that no one has to get hurt or that everyone is happy..but thats only half of the tiem and only after I do the Nick style and do it the only way I think it will insure the best results for the people who are good,..but then theres that sympathy for the bad that even though there bad or wrong there still people and then I feel like Hiko from Rurouni Kenshin......I am arrogant, wise, and think Im the best at whatever I think I m the best at ;) In the end Im more like Spike than anything.....so Ill you space cowboys around later :cool:
  20. The major from Ghost in the Shell...shes smart and hot...cant complain :o Ryoko was hot too from Tenchi :animenose
  21. Kaoru: you think your prettier than me with that hair of yours!!! Kenshin: *thinking* turn that blade around pleeeease!!!...oh my god are those split-ends on her hair!
  22. Click on the things below to see my art :animesmil I seen tons of little pictures of this so I decided to draw this, its Faye, its all done in ink and some markers [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/d128/slade92/myfaye.jpg[/url] this is just a silly drawing [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/d128/slade92/dontpeek.jpg[/url] this is of teknoman, and no I didnt forget to fill in his eye, its the glare from the light [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/d128/slade92/teknoman.jpg[/url] this someone else drew before as a fan art, so I recreated it,so I did draw this but the actuall look of this art is of someone else's so Im not taking his/her credit ;) [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/d128/slade92/faye.jpg[/url] this is a mobile suit from the gundam episodes,its not a gundam though [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/d128/slade92/gundam.jpg[/url] let me know if you like my drawing :o ;)
  23. Ayame: pull my finger Tohru: I told you not to give me the finger! I hope tohru is the one in in white :o :(
  24. Slade


    [quote name='Grave Yard']You really didnt like them? I thoguht they were great all thoguh I wish they had yoused Kazumas alter from the manga instead. I love Kazumas alter in the manga. Also did they ever explain what SCRYED is in the show? I know they did in the manga but I think the show left it out.[/quote] Yeah..I didnt really like the way the suit looked...I liked it when he got the up grade...but then the whole body thing didnt look right....I think Cougars whole transformation looked sweet....Ryuhou'a looked nice the first time I saw it but then something about it the second time didnt come out with the same feeling :animestun I saw some of the manga..I did like those suits they were nice :animesmil I havent read them though...I take it the stories are totally different. can you explain what Scry-ed means?like Vorborten asked?
  25. [QUOTE=CloudsOnly189][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] Like in one episode, Mustang was just about to fight Scar, but Riza tripped him and shot in his place. After Scar had left, Mustang said, "Why did you trip me?!" and Riza replies, "Because, Sir, you're USELESS in the rain." And Mustang went all depressed and said, "U...useless?!" LOL!! I thought that was so funny!! My favorite episodes have got to be episode 13, Fullmetal V.S. Flame, because I totally liked the whole show! The fight against Mustang and Ed, when Huges showed his little daughter's picture, when Mustang had an idea that when he becomes boss, all girls will wear mini-skirts and when Riza taught Black Hyate that he shouldn't use the bathroom inside. XDXD That part was so funny!!! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I love FMA..especially all of thoughs parts you mentioned.Fullmetal vs Flame...Hilirious :D ..." so how you going to beat him Ed"........"I told ya Al..a fist to his face!"...LOL..that was funny or when there fighting and Mustang gets Ed to reveal himself among the crowd and Mustang lights up the entire crowd sending them all flying up into the air. I miss Hughes :( [COLOR=Black]He was such a great character...I cant believe they killed him off[/COLOR] I kind of liked Greed he was the only one that didnt really want Fullmetal dead[COLOR=Black]Too bad Ed had to kill him[/COLOR] :( Armstrong is so funny especially the episode when the boys get put back together after the event with Scar....he fights them and tosses them around then they gang up on him and send him flying .....with his stars! :D :D XDXD
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