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Everything posted by Slade

  1. Thats not a fare fight....is it?......well it depends how you match them up but I guess it would be like Hug monster said vash Vs spike and cloud vs squall....well spike would have a tough time hitting vash....but then spike would then switch to hand to hand fighting..he would then deliver a good combo to vash knocking him out.....cloud and squall would be duking it out with there blades cloud would see that this is going on too long both are great with their weapons and he would pull out his move the omni slash....squall bearly surviving the on slaught pulls out his lion heart move and whoops cloud(omni slash has more hits then lion heart but before you use the lion heart you get aleast 6-8hits before starting it making it stronger than the omni slash :( )...cloud struggling to get up...while this happens squall summons Eded....cloud with little of his life left summons Knights of the Round..finihsing Squall :( ..and Eden...........out of nowhere vash gets up and pulls out his gun that transforms..blasting away spike......luckly cloud had a barrier set up...so...now its those two fighting each other.........who will win?Vash or Cloud?..find out in the next episode :D :mad: :cool:
  2. What I think is attractive in a girl? Eyes:green hair:doesnt matter Height/weight:doesnt matter..I once dated this girl who was an inch or two taller than me...and Im 5'10 :animeblus :D Cup size: a "B" or some where close to that...nothing too big ;) Favorite part of a girl's body: I would have to say the Legs and feet....she definatley has to have nice legs :o :animeblus ;) I would like a girl who is interested in Anime(duh),games, and drawing....oh crud..that would be the perfect girl.....Ive been told never to hold people with such high expectations.... ;) :D
  3. I got into anime when I saw Robotech:macross saga...then I saw Teknoman(tekkaman blade) which became my all time favorite anime and I also saw sailor moon...this was way back before cartoon network had even started Toonami or anime at that point...which later split into Toonami and adult swim ;) :cool:
  4. I love Hiko....hes better than Kenshin is...thats why they didnt have him shown so much in the anime they didnt want him to steal the spot light ;) Shishio..only beat them so quickly because he had all of his fighters tire out Kenshin so by the time he fought Kenshin he would be too slow to really cause any damage...shishio is still a cool character
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