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Everything posted by orbindo

  1. orbindo

    American Idiot

    Well, guess i'll jump in. Yes, American Idiot was a great album. It was such a success that the band went on a world tour, that finished up in Australia this past month, named the American Idiot World Tour. As you can guess from the name the entire tour was dedicated to the album. Also, to expand on what ive just said and add some conversation, i heard that the band wrote the album so that people could easily sing along to it (thus making American Idiot great concert material). what do you guys think of that?
  2. [COLOR=Red]Can someone make me a banner with vash on it? add. text- Dr.Insomnia (put it anywhere) pose- possibly with Vash holding his gun, if youd be so kind Dont have anything for youse to go off of, sorry.[/COLOR]
  3. Hey I'm optimistic too, but i never let it get in the way of my worldview. This place aint perfect, but i never let that bother me! and i guess i should add that my optimism is more of a syndrome than a mood. : D But there is perfectly good reason for citizens to carry firearms, you just have to look at the crimes and crime rates everywhere: up, up, up, im sorry to say.
  4. All this falls back on is the license giving process. If someone can take the test (to learn how to shoot), have a clean background check (no thefts and I've even heard of some cases here in TX where they wouldnt give you a gun if you had a few road tickets), and are an upstanding and honest citizen, then i dont wee why not. And remember that this all falls upon human choice and free will. You dont have to carry a gun if you dont want to!
  5. [COLOR=Red]Oh, right here. but, the thing is, well, I SUCK! :animesigh seriously, the nearest DDR arcade machine is in the next town. I got the PS2 versions, but didnt spring for a hardpad, so i cant really practice. Plus i use the controller alot (heh heh heh). And I'll go to a tournament whenever i feel like a little public humilitation. But as far as favorite songs go- (cant remember some artists, and too lazy to go look :animeswea ) Spin the disk (DDRmax2) (heard this in a flash on the net once!) Healing Vision (DDRmax) Karkumei (DDRmax2) Max 300 (DDRmax) Tsugaru (DDRmax2) The whistle song-DJ Alligator Project (DDRmax2) Heaven-DJ Sammy (DDRmax2) (gotta remember this DJ, we have the same name!) Ghosts (10th planet remix) (DDRmax2) Jam and marmalade (think this one was in both) eh, and there are lots more, but i dont wanna take up too much space![/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=Grace][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]orbindo, you are totally getting off subject here. On top of that you disobeyed the rules and double posted, I really do suggest you delete one of those two posts, or spams. And to set the record straight Buddah's name was Siddartha Guatama. And you can't just shut down a thread in call it a day and decide to resume the whole thing on a later date. You three have just taken the thread that CHW has created and twisted it into something of your own. It really makes me upset since the idea was a good one, and the beginning of the debate was really fun. It is a bummer you guys had to spoil it. I think that this thread has served its purpose. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] Well i am terribly sorry, i didnt know i couldnt double post. you have 100 appologies from the deepest parts of my heart and i will delete some. but rest assured theyre not spams, i dont even know exactly what it is, besides the fact that its bad Thank you for the Buddah insight. And well, i didnt shut down the thread, by all means, everyone keep posting. i just meant that me and the other 2 stop arguing. and in a way i didnt start all of the religion bashing, they did, honestly. ok lame excuse and i did start all of this. after finishing typing this i will send a heartfelt sorry pm to CHW. I cant appologize enough and hope that i havent offended anyone on a level that is not religious. Live long and prosper -Orbindo
  7. Buddahs name was something along the lines of Sidarma Gud-something and his followers turned him into something he wasnt. He didnt claim to be a god, just claimed to be a knowledgeable being. over the yrs as people followed his teaching they changed him into a god somewhere. big oops on them
  8. [QUOTE=The Newfie] Even Christmas has been proven rediculous - it supposedly took place in December, but December is the rainy season in the area where Jesus was supposedly born...Exactly where is this proof of Jesus' existence? The Bible doesn't count, as it in itself has no proof whatsoever to back it... The Bible is, if you actually read it in depth, such a rediculous tome that I often find myself crusing it's pages in search of a good laugh[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]OK then, one thing at a time. Hey, smart one, christmas is misplaced because they had different calendars back then. Any well learned christian or catholic can tell you that Jesus was born in the summer. Dunno when or why december was accepted as the month of Jesus' birth, but you should look it up. There has been things such as eyewitness accounts of nonfollowers of Jesus, artifacts found of biblical significance, actual kings accounts, and the list goes on. and let me tell you how i believe. There was a renown scholar (i cant recall his name, but he wasnt catholic) that said that true belief doesnt stem off of science and evidence. to believe is to not see. to truly believe, it has to be unproven or else its not worth your belief. What do i believe? That we were all created by a supernormal being and he watches everyone of us 24/7, he had his son concieved and born of a virgin, that that man had the powers of God himself, that he was resurrected after 3 days of being dead, that there even is a heaven?Yes. i do believe that. In the scientific world this borders on complete lunacy. in a way i believe because it is absurd. and what happens if what i believe isn't tru? what do i have to lose? there's nothing special on this earth for me, i wouldnt mind leaving it. but i would like to hold on to something while im here.[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=renayiiq] to orbindo: I don't think anyone can see him, in the literal sense. And your god hates me. My God and my Goddess, they love me.... Your god never played a part in that.... When I believed in him, he let bad things happen to me.... Actually, man didn't start evil, if you remember. It was women. With the help of a handy little serpent. The bible is the most cited book because it was one of the first piece of literature to be mass produced...Did you know that your ancestors were probably told "convert or die?" [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]ok well, so many things to contradict. here goes- Can you see your god and goddess? God never played a part in your healing because you didnt let him. Believe it or not he gave us free will because he really wanted his creation to love him. If you dont ask him for help he wont. Bad things happen to people because if they havent turned to Him (God) then the Devil will assault the said person till they turn to him. It's all a part of the devils ploy, and you fell right into it. why did bad things stop happening, because the devil knows he has you and doesnt want to mess with you anymore. he goes to the next athiest or person who doesnt believe in God. It was both man and women who created evil and sin because Adam could've not taken a bite of the apple. And yes the snake was the devil, hes been at it since the beginning. About the bible, dont you think that if that was the case, then we would stop looking at it after awhile. Even today the bible is the most cited work of history and such. And i dont remember early catholics telling people convert or die. when was it and who? keep posting, this is getting good[/COLOR]
  11. Ohh this is sure getting heated eh? fun fun never had a religeous fight online before [color=#ff6600]This level of post quality is not acceptable here. If you are not going to add something constructive to the discussion, do not post. -Lore[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=renayiiq] He screwed me over, thanks. I think I can live without believing in a god that allows incest, but condemns people for being homosexual and bisexual. Who says that your god even exists?...Power is corrupt...What defines evil? Have a nice day, while you twist the words of your "good" book. [/QUOTE] Time to repay Dale's favor. First of all you seem to have had something bad happen to you awhile back and as you believe that you couldnt see God so you blamed him for everything because it seemed easiest, nice. How can you say power is corrupt when the only "power" youve seen has come from man, who started evil in the first place. and for your information the bible is the most cited history book in the world. and there's more proof that Jesus walked the earth than Shakespeare even lived. so theres more ways to prove that the bible speaks truth, and if it speaks of a God, then there should be one.
  13. Yeah, i think citizens should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on their person, but like Dale says, with a high ammount of caution to who is being given a permit. My father being a police officer and a member of our cities swat team, i know what he has to deal with in that area. A good background check in license giving settles most problems, but there are those that manage to get there hands on dangerous weapons (stupid black market). I do live in texas and the automatic weapons ban was lifted awhile back so now we can have some power in our hands, and still the fact is that the license process is still as rigerous as ever. evern though the ban was lifted i still feel safe.
  14. Ah, 2006 is HERE Whats the first thing you did or are going to do? me, i dont know yet. think ill go roll a few houses. then sit back and sleep for a day.
  15. Ah, sparkin controversy for the new year. Yall know that i said anything i could to get you guys on my case? oh well, HAPPY NEW YR EVERYONE!
  16. [COLOR=Red]I listen to Rock, not the new, but the OLD! The beginings of rock and roll- Aerosmith, Kiss, Led Zeplin, Metallica, AC/DC yeah, all the bands who have members old enough to efficiently be grandparents almost. And then theres the new stuff- SoaD, my chemical romance, green day(aiming towards american idiot), coheed and cambria, new foung glory, motion city soundtrack, Linkin Park, dunno where the red hot chili peppers fall in so i put them here, Techno- blame this on Dance Dance Revolution, not alot, and no specifics really.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Red]Here goes nothin'- 1. Perfect situation- Weezer 2. Lying from you- Linkin Park 3. B.Y.O.B- System of a Down 4. Everything is alright- Motion City Soundtrack 5. Blood red summer- Coheed and Cambria 6. Clint Eastwood- Gorillaz 7. Revolution- POD 8. American Idiot- Green Day 9. Barney theme song (i thought i had deleted that, oops) 10.My friends over you- New Found Glory Schweet. and now i am deleting the barney theme song and going to strangle my little cousin.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Red]This thread doesnt seem like its heading in the controversial direction. (time for me to wreck the place) I am a hardcore Christian(bet some of you just groaned), so i can honestly say that outlawing same sex marriages is a smart move. It is in the bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were full of gays and lesbians. Guess what happened to them, both obliterated (or so it says). Eh, but i know that there are different beliefs and religions out there, not trying to insult anyone or anything like that, just sayin what i believe. and its funny to say that government and church should be separated when it was on the morals of the Catholic faith that this country was built on in the first place. Same as trying to take God out of the pledge. One quick thing tho. There is no possible way for someone to be BORN a gay or a lesbian. Its been proven scientifically to be imposible. so dont believe that for an instant. I heard some guy try to use that dodge and looked it up. and i really dont think it hinders the ability to be a parent or adoption (truthful thought), but that doesnt mean i think its ok (personal beliefs). NOW its a controversy.[/COLOR]
  19. Don't even know if i can ask this, but if i can't the site mods'll take care of it. you guys do a good job. What turns you on? simple question, any takers? Me, girls who has a great body of course, but not necessarily that. someone who can look past the faults of others and see the good in people. corny,right? ok your turn.
  20. And mostly, if you notice, its guys who do the hardcore moshing. also the music itself usually creates an atmosphere where you just wanna mosh. anyone else want to explain theirselves?
  21. Well, i guess i can really say, FINALLY. but still this thing's still open for concert goers and notification.
  22. [COLOR=Red]I'd have a katana, name it "Hyoujin" (sharp in japanese), and with it I could... It would give me psychic powers, yeah. sweeet. Backup would have to be 2 pistols, about the same calibur and make as Alucard's second pistol in the manga series. Names would be "Devil" and "Angel", would be posessed, yes kinda like Dante's pistols (props Raya).[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Red]I aspire to become a doctor/surgeon, and i am an insomniac. so there you go.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Red]SOAD rules, case closed. A7x rocks, but doesnt rule. Mr.jack is alright, but chick'n stu is more random than any song i've ever heard from them. well, cigaro maybe, but thats all.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Red]What is the deal with everyone going against everything i put down here? :mad: OK just post if your gonna tell about any concerts or tours. and any more band bashing and i'll take it to your band.[/COLOR]
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