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Everything posted by orbindo

  1. [COLOR=Red]My s/n came to me in a split second during my first time... playing Halo at by buddies. :rolleyes: I was making my profile and made the name up. The nickname, as i have found, is really original and i use it everywhere.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]ALRIGHT ALREADY! geez i shoulda wraped this up after jakehammarens post. the title's intentionally meant to scoop up all the moshers and such on boards, not in relation to the Green Day concert. and this is a sitewide notification, I can handle green day bein bashed (i do it to at times), but touch system of a down, and youve made a new enemy.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red]16 here, seems to be alot of us, eh? Joined recently (past yr., call me a n00b and your dead) joined to waste time, but found some meaningful things. don't really know anyone here. and no one really knows me, so HEY EVERYONE! WERE EQUAL![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Red]Alright people, need a little help here. Heard somewhere that Green Day was going on tour with my chemical romance. Gimme some info! or if it already happened and im living in the past, tell me so i can quickly get over my embarassment. Also, is annyone going to any concerts or tours in the new year? Who, Where, and When![/COLOR]
  5. orbindo


    [quote name='RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms'] Each attack was immediately halted by some really crazy security. I know that at least one of the people who did it was sent to jail.[/font][/quote] [COLOR=Red]Yes i thought so, and i did say stupid, but very possible. the possibility of this comes from the ability of not attacking the hosts themselves, but taking the personal information blatantly and easily displayed and using it for whatever. and you cant tell me that all the hosts dont have a full list of users lying around somewhere. Trust me, i know 2 hackers that could do this, but wouldnt for the soul reason of possibly getting arrested. and they are all very good people also, i guess. tho once again to be able to do this youd need the fastest internet connection known to man, a heck of alot of memory (were talkin tetrabytes here), a fake identity, and some beffed up security youreself. oh well. Disclaimer: I dont, wont, and cant do this stuff.[/COLOR]
  6. orbindo


    [COLOR=Red]Has anyone thought of how many users there are? i don't know the exact number, but i do know that, this being a fad and all, there are lots of users. Most of them with their full names and email addresses all out for viewing of the public and all of them linked by the support databases. think about this for awhile. if i were to be a mean soul (which im not) and target all the host computers in myspace, i could infect all users with a virus of any magnetude in seconds. especially if i sent it through an email disguised as one from the head honchos over there, thus making sure itd be open. yes, very stupid, but very possible. :animestun you may say that even being on otaku boards is the same thing, well it isnt. anyone wanting to infect or hack computers would hit places like myspace now simply because it is a big fad now and thered be lots of people. please remember that im only dreaming this scenario up and would never do, and can not do any such thing. its just a useful way of me sayin, i dont like it.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red]One Liner! "I'm Athiest guys, swear to God." somethin for stale moments.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Red]Sorry to break it to you man, but Master Chief just lacks style. I don't mean being able to defeat hordes of enemies at one time, any game character can do that. I'm talkin about serious style. Which Dante has the most of.[/COLOR] :cool:
  9. Yeah, a katana would be nice, but it really wouldn't change much. admit it. and yes, Dante does rule. He's my gaming idol. :animesmil
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