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Everything posted by Breathe

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif] Ryan stared at the door as he turned to Don. "Do ya wanna go first?" Don looked at the door and shook his head. Ryan blinked and turned to the door again. He gribbed his gun tightly as he appraoched the door.They needed to light the lab alittle bit better. That Dr. must have like the dark. He moved up and touched the door when the dead rised. He backed off as they looked at him. "There we go, a deader is here." He fired at the dead as the impact blew them back down on the ground. He pulled out his katana and swiftly cut the first one up in half. The parts disappeared as he glanced at the last one. "He's mine." He attacked, slicing the head right off the zombie as it too disappeared into the ground. "They know we're here." Said Don as he scanned the area closely. Ryan, though knew something was up. Was he stalling time? They might have teleported out of the time zone already. "Let's go." He switched his katana with his gun as he pushed the door open.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif] Ryan hit the old tree hard with his fist as him and Don had been searching for hours. "stupid little kids and their hid and go seek games." Don looked up into the sky at the stars and glanced back down at Ryan. "Agent Ryan, we should get back to headquaters and discuss this with chief." Ryan stared coldly at Don from aside. "What?! I ain't going back with no kids in my hands. He'll give this job to Jin." He began to walk south when a transmission came from Don's watch. "Ryan. We've been ordered by the chief to head out to Dr. mount's lab, seems we have movement inside." Ryan stopped and looked back at Don. Could the brats made a time jump back to the future? If they did, he didn't want Jin at the site. "Alright, let's jet out." Present Time Ryan's face was totally red as the looks of Jin stood before him. His long silver hair stood out at night time. "What the hell you doin' here??!!" "What do you think? Elementals and Deaders come back once and a while. I go in and sweep them out." He looked at Don and turned away. "What's this? Need a partner? Can't do your job by yourself?" Ryan reached for his katana, but was stopped by Don's hand. "I'll give ya a chance. You can go inside first. After about half an hour, I'm coming in." He walked away as him and Don stood infront of the lab. Ruyan swiched hands and pulled out his gun. "Son of a bitch. I'll go in first. Follow." [/FONT] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Time Control: The beginning[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Ryan ran after the two boys on the roof in the middle of the night. This was crazy, why was he had to handle brats? He pulled out his gun from his jacket as they approached the edge. ?Alright, you crazy Demi-devils. Your under arrest by Time Control.? Ryan paused, that didn?t sound right. ?Okay, Okay let me say that again. Your?.? The boys jumped over the edge. ?Son of a *****.? He looked down the edge to see the car crash as the boys ran off to the sidewalk. He underestimated the boys. ?Come back, you!!? He ducked as a line of flames boomed overhead. He totally forgot that they where elementals. He bounced back up and ran to the other side for the fire excape. ?Chief better pay me extra for this!? He jumped down and ran down the ally. The people at the corner where confused about the crash and the boys. He scanned through to see them dash through another alleyway. ?Son of a *****! Give me a break!? He followed them as he smiled. Dead end. He pointed the gun at them as they slowly turned to him. ?We just want to see our mommy.? Said the blonde-hair one. ?Don?t give me that ****. I have been having a bad day. Just get on the ground.? The black-haired one raised his hands as wind in the area picked up. Clouds gathered through the night as lightning appeared. Grunts echoed as Figures appeared behind him. The living dead. ?They said Elementals! Not Deaders!? He pulled away his stare of the boys and fired at the dead, no effect. ?Fine, time to kick some ***!? He reached back and pulled out his katana as he thrust through the first zombie. He sliced and diced the rest easily as they began to sink into the ground. Rain began to pour over him as he slowly put away his sword and turned around. The boys where gone. ?Son of a *****!!!? Next Morning ?You can?t catch two little boys?!!? The chief pounded his fist on his giant desk. Ryan rolled his eyes as he took a seat. ?You never said one of them was a Deader!? ?It doesn?t matter! There boys!!? ?One almost burned me!? ?There 8 year old boys!? Ryan grinded his teeth as the chief backed off. Silenced filled the room as both of them cooled off. ?Listen, do you want Jin to take this case.? ?Hell no! Not that jackass.? ?Then I suggest you get going. Them boys are heading back in time. Dark ages.? ?Oh boy. My favorite.? ?Don?t give me crap. You have 3 days. Go.? Ryan turned to leave when Chief stopped him. ?If you can?t do this, I?ll get Jin on the case.? ?Don?t worry. There?ll be in your office in a day.? He gave a short salute and left. Dark ages Ryan sliently moved through the trees as he looked out for any signs of the boys. The searching took hours as he gave up and found a trail nearby. It was getting dark as the forest began to come alive. One sound got to him. it was a quiet whisper. He snatched his gun from his jacket as he moved around. It could be one of the natives. "Over here." He flashed behind him as a tall figure wearing a clock stood before him. Just by looking at him he knew what he was. "Shit, a Deader." He fired, but the shots where blocked by a mystical barrier. It was one of the Deader's power. Able to use the living dead's power around him to make him stronger. He put away his gun and grabbed his katana. "Asshole, your going back with me!" "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to give you a warning. The elementals and deaders are getting stronger. Pretty soon every last one of them will be under our control and we will destroy the time the Dr. was in. The people that helped the Dr. If the Time Control gets in our way. We will take them out." "Enough talk." Ryan charged him, only to see him vanish. "Son of a Bitch!!" OOC: okay, here we go. Elementals/Deaders can start in any time period they want, just post the time above your post. Time Controllers, which are only like two. can hunt down a deader/elemental on a mission. Soon, everyone will meet up in one time period. I will try to figure that out. Starwind, you will need to come the dark ages to meet up with Ryan so the Time Controllers are together in the first place. Okay, have fun.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Name: Ryan Clark age: 21 gender: Male Side: Time Control weapons/abilities: Nothing very special. Always carries his katana behind his back. One handgun in his jacket for long range. He's though not harmless without weapons. He can fight hand-to-hand. class: Human Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a36/angelxofxthexashes/Anime/?action=view¤t=Really_hot_guy_edit_1.jpg]pic[/URL] personality: If you haven't hadn't guessed yet. He is very short-tempered and can get cocky at some times. He has sort of 'bad luck' during a case. He has never caught a elemental or deader before. The chief gets pretty pissed, but always seems to give him another chance. He hates to see his hated rival, Jin get the congrats all the time. He tries to beat him by trying to capture a elemental/deader, but never suceeds. bio: [edit] [alright this is everyone that has made it] 1.Breathe (Ryan Clark) 2.Achillies (Kain Savage) 3.Starwind (Donatello Charton) 4.Raze_3103 (Gin Ichimaru) only if you finish your sign-up 5.Kuroshin13 (Alma) (note: this does not mean sign-ups are closed. Sign-ups will still be up. I will though start the RP tonight.) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1] [CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed] [U] Time Control: The beginning[/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Gray] Ryan ran after the two boys on the roof in the middle of the night. This was crazy, why was he had to handle brats? He pulled out his gun from his jacket as they approached the edge. ?Alright, you crazy Demi-devils. Your under arrest by Time Control.? Ryan paused, that didn?t sound right. ?Okay, Okay let me say that again. Your?.? The boys jumped over the edge. ?Son of a *****.? He looked down the edge to see the car crash as the boys ran off to the sidewalk. He underestimated the boys. ?Come back, you!!? He ducked as a line of flames boomed overhead. He totally forgot that they where elementals. He bounced back up and ran to the other side for the fire excape. ?Chief better pay me extra for this!? He jumped down and ran down the ally. The people at the corner where confused about the crash and the boys. He scanned through to see them dash through another alleyway. ?Son of a *****! Give me a break!? He followed them as he smiled. Dead end. He pointed the gun at them as they slowly turned to him. ?We just want to see our mommy.? Said the blonde-hair one. ?Don?t give me that ****. I have been having a bad day. Just get on the ground.? The black-haired one raised his hands as wind in the area picked up. Clouds gathered through the night as lightning appeared. Grunts echoed as Figures appeared behind him. The living dead. ?They said Elementals! Not Deaders!? He pulled away his stare of the boys and fired at the dead, no effect. ?Fine, time to kick some ***!? He reached back and pulled out his katana as he thrust through the first zombie. He sliced and diced the rest easily as they began to sink into the ground. Rain began to pour over him as he slowly put away his sword and turned around. The boys where gone. ?Son of a *****!!!? [U][I]Next Morning[/I][/U] ?You can?t catch two little boys?!!? The chief pounded his fist on his giant desk. Ryan rolled his eyes as he took a seat. ?You never said one of them was a Deader!? ?It doesn?t matter! There boys!!? ?One almost burned me!? ?There 8 year old boys!? Ryan grinded his teeth as the chief backed off. Silenced filled the room as both of them cooled off. ?Listen, do you want Jin to take this case.? ?Hell no! Not that jackass.? ?Then I suggest you get going. Them boys are heading back in time. Dark ages.? ?Oh boy. My favorite.? ?Don?t give me crap. You have 3 days. Go.? Ryan turned to leave when Chief stopped him. ?If you can?t do this, I?ll get Jin on the case.? ?Don?t worry. There?ll be in your office in a day.? He gave a short salute and left. Okay, here it is. There are two sides of people. One is the Time Control, sort of police. The other is an Elemental or a Deader (same side). A Doctor named, Mount that wanted to make the perfect Time controller. He grabbed people form other times and fused them with gems that gave them the ability to form water, fire, wind, etc. Dr. Mount then took only a handful of the rest and made them the ability to call up the dead or use the dead?s energy for fighting enhancement. Though when his creations woke, they still had there memories, though very faint memories. They killed Dr. Mount and used Time teleporters to travel back or forward into time to search for what the Dr. Stole from them. Most of them would destroy the cities and kill people to look for their past. Time Control had no idea about the Dr. and thought the attacks where just corrupted people destroying the Time basis. Now today, there are more and more of elementals and Deaders running through the Time streams and it is up to the Time Control to put an end to this. But is their more to the story then this? Of course! [U] [I]Extra info[/I][/U] Elementals- controls only one element. Anything, fire, metal, wind, etc. Deaders- can awake the dead and use them as slaves. They can also gather power from the dead and use their power for fighting on there own. [U][I]Sign-ups[/I][/U] Name: age: gender: Side: weapons/abilities: class: only if you join the elementals/Deaders. You either pick a elemental or Deader. Appearance: personality: bio:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Name: Roy age: 17 gender: male personality: Wishes to explore the world and see what it really is. He doesn't allow his anger to overcome him alot, not saying that it never happens. He follows life and goes with the flow. He knows if something has ot be done, fate will guide him through it. apperance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a374/gaarakunsgirl/Anime%20Boys/?action=view¤t=Red_Leather.jpg]pic[/URL] weapons/abilities: carries just a normal long sword. its light, so easy to control for lightning swift attacks. Bio: [edit] Character Snippet: [edit][/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif] "Shen, you must run! I can hold him off." Hoi got down in a fighter's stance as Shen stood in shock. That was first time h'd ever see the Hermit sweat. Though Shen stood his ground as he turned to the unknown puppet. He could feel courage build up inside him. "I have had enough of all this!!" Light from his necklace grew as the hermit and the others stood in awe. He could feel his hair lift straight up as wind picked up. "Shen! NO!!" Roared Hoi as he tried to block the hellish winds. "Your'll destroy us all!!" A sudden crack as everyone looked down. The cliff edge was cracking around them. "Everyone! Get back!" Roared Sage as everyone began to retreat back, but it happened instantly. The group fell down the dark edge and into darkness. "Susie!!" Light flashed as the white light made a basket around the travelers. They floated effertlessly down to the street. That's when Shen blacked out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DimGray] [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif] The mighty vessel, [I]Passion[/I] rode through the midnight sea. The light form the blue star above them made where they didn?t need any light from the boats. One of the sailors had just climbed to the deck for some fresh air when he stopped in shock at what he was looking at. Not very far ahead, water began to make some soft of twister. It was a minor twister, but it was continuing to grow. ?Captain! Captain!!? Now, the whole ship began to look over at the odd twist of water. Captain Colt, walked at the edge of the deck to inspect the irregular phenomenon. He studied the twister as he turned his attention to the Blue star above. ?Get Lord Sieg to see this.? He motioned the sailors to do so as he continuing to study the water. Lord Sieg walked in his bright white clock to the deck. His clock shadowed his whole face as all of the sailors where afraid from the Mystic. He stood by the Captain?s side and made a short gasp. ?I?ll take this from here, Captain. I suggest you and your men back away.? The sea captain grunted as he waved his men back. Inside the shadows of the clock came a small smile. ?I finally found you.? He lifted his arms straight into the air as if to touch the blue star. Black aura began to surround him as his clock brushed off his head. ?The great warriors locked the demon king for too long. I summon the great spirits to release the Demon King, Valkurm!? The winds picked up tremulously as the captain and his sailors where pushed away by the might. Sieg?s black aura left his body and filled the sky with darkness. The twister was out of control as it was bigger then the vessel itself. Then Sieg fell to his knees as the black sky disappeared. The twister slowly went back down. Though a figure stood, floating in the sky. The sailors stood in awe at the figure as Sieg started to chuckle. ?Men, your in the presence of the Demon king himself, Valkurm.? Sieg stopped his laughing as he gripped his throat and was levitating into the air. ?You are the one that released me from my prison?? His voice was rough, as if he hadn?t used it for hundreds of years. The Demon king blinked as Sieg let out short breaths. ?Yes...I am.? ?I thank you, but I have no use of you.? Instantly, a sword formed into Valkurm?s hand. He began to pull back when Sieg drew out a golden necklace. ?This is the necklace of Ameria. A very old object.? Valkurm seemed to show emotion as he stammered at the sight of it. ?Ameria....What do you want with it? Give it here!? ?I want power and I want it from you. You swear allegiance to me and I will give you this and much more.? The Demon King thought for a moment and then nodded slowly. ?Excellent. Your first objective.? He looked around, then spotted the vessel behind him. ?Is to destroy that ship and everyone on it.? Valkurm held out his hand as a green black torpedoed down at the ship. The ship exploded at that instant as Sieg grin at the power. He had found the first half of the greatest power in Lunar, now it was time to find the last half. One step closer to be ruler of this, not just the world but the entire Universe. ?Come Demon King. We have much more work to be done.? He grind his teeth as he nodded. Roy let of a breath of relief as he fell on top of a rock near the trail. He had probably been walking for hours through the hot sun on the trail. ?Oh Roy! You can?t stop here!? He looked up to see Lion, the winged cat like creature land on his shoulder. ?We need to get tp walking, or we?ll never reach to capital.? ?Easy for you to say, you don?t walk. You could just fly there with ease.? Lion huffed as he smiled. Roy and Lion where heading towards the capital, Narnma where his grandma lived. Him and Lion where coming back from a trip into the mountains. ?Come on, Roy. Let?s go already!? Lion whined as Roy sighed. ?Alright, let?s go.? The great capital was now bruning in flames. Roy stood staring in shock as the flames where brewing. ?Grand-ma.? ?Hey, here?s another one!? Two bandits, dressed in black garments, pulled out there short swords against Roy. ?Roy, watch out!? Roared Lion as Roy refocused and drew his sword. The first bandit attack, but was cut off half way by a thrust into the heart by Roy. He shift away form the bandit to the next one, slashing away at his throat. The bandits laid in a pool of blood as Roy stood in the middle of it. ?Let?s go Roy! We have to go!? Roy went back to reality as he ran into the dark forest from behind him. Roy stared at the camp fire as Lion laid across the from him. ?They never believed that evil had returned. That the Mystic Sieg and the Demon king would ever come over here in this small part.? Whispered Roy as Lion looked up. ?They thought it would never affect us. What does this Mystic want with us?? ?He wants power and the people to bow to him.? Lion exclaimed as Roy nudged closer to the fire. ?I will never forget him for want he did.? Roy?s hand trembled in anger as he continued. ?Only if I was stronger, I could make a difference and save Lunar. But I will not make that an excuse to get revenge. I will find him and kill Sieg.? Silence filled around them. ?There was said that when evil returned, that the Blue Star will send someone that will destroy the evil and save the land once again. Once that someone would arrive, so would her followers. Once when evil spread the land, a Dragonmaster came and fought against evil.? Roy had heard of these legends before. ?Yeah, Alex and Dyne. Though the armor and the great sword was destroyed when defeating the evil. Then, no more Dragonmaster.? ?What would happen if I told you they weren?t?? ?I would say your crazy.? ?The Dragon armor is locked away in the Dragon shrines, while the sword is sealed in Vyse City.? She floated into the air, eye level to Roy. ?We first though must travel to the Blue Star and find the one to save Lunar. Then will find a way to make you the 3rd Dragonmaster.? Everything seemed alittle too quick, but Roy was determined to get ride of Sieg and the Demon King, Valkurm. He gave a short nod, then ended with a smile. ?Alright, Let?s rest and We?ll start are new adventure tomorrow.? They fell asleep, unaware of what this journey will do to Roy and the rest of Lunar. Extra Info the story takes place in a medievil type setting, the Goddess Althena gave up her powers, many years before the original game title takes place, to be with the Human she fell in love with, Dragon Master Dyne. [U]Lunar 1[/U] The Dragon Master, After collecting all the artifacts from the 4 great dragons (white, blue, black, red) a man had the ability to control the dragons, thus the title Dragon Master....Dyne had achived this to save the planet...fast forward many years. To young Alex, Alex had always dreamed of one day being a Dragon Master just like Dyne. Alex and his friends take an adventure to find a dragons diamond in a cave just north of their small town. What they don't know is their adventure turns into the adventure of a lifetime. While this is going on, the evil Magic Emperor is kidnapping young girls who have a gift for singing. He kidnaps Alex's love Luna. Which finally sparked the adventure. Along his quest to become the Dragon Master Alex meets up with, a young apprentice mage who later becomes the leader of a Magical city, a priestest of a fallen religion, a drunk, and a femal mage. The group finds out that love can cross even through the bounds of time. The story ends with Alex and the others defeating Magic Emperor Ghaleon and the realization that Luna is indeed the reincarnation of Althena on earth...... [U]Lunar 2[/U] Young Hiro much like young Alex many years before him dreamed of becoming a Dragon Master just like Dragon Master Ghaleon(no not a mistype the evil Magic Emperor is now the dragonmaster and serving Althena) finds a young girl from the Silver Star, he takes the girl to the Temple of Althena where the duo discovers the goddess isn't all she claims to be. The Emperor strikes Hiro.....for the sake of time I'm going to fast forward. Hiro meets with similar characters except with a Gender swap. The group once again finds that love conqueros everything, and the love shared by the Dragon Master Hiro, and the Goddess Althena once again saves the planet.... Lunar X is going to be taken place 500 years after Lunar 2. Where the land is once agin under evil by a Mystic by the named of Sieg. His powers reach beyond any magician in the world. He seeks though more power and to rule not only the world, but the whole Universe. He had found the great Demon King, Valkurm. Now he searches the land for the a power thats even greater then Sieg and Valkurm's power combined! NOw, Roy and abunch of other warriors will team up and try to save the Universe from the Sieg and his plans for ultimate power. [I](Note: To start the RP, I need someone to play the next Recarnation of Athlena. Someone that is fairly good at writing and must be ready for an very important role. Better the Sign-up for her, the better chance in.)[/I] [U]Sign-ups[/U] Name: age: gender: personality: apperance: weapons/abilities: Bio: Character Snippet: any questions, PM me. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif] The old hermit stared at their camp fire insid the dark, mysteries cave. Shen did everything to stay warm as he looked over the mountain they had just recently pasted. "Old man, What's that black cloud over them mountains?" It seemed to have formed after they had just past the mountain. Hoi turned from his stare at the camp fire to exmine the dark cloud. He shook his head as he got up to pack his belongings. "We must leave, it is power of the witch. She had found targets and is trying to control them. We must leave before her new minions hunt us down at night." Shen nodded and got up to, but thought for a moment. The hermit saw this hesitation by him. "Hurry and pack. We must flee from his mountain range by early dawn." "I don't feel right leaving inncocent people into the hands of that wicked witch. Not after what she did to Susie and Jack." "I have to do something." "Nonesense, you are much more important then the anyone else right now." "Because I have this necklace, sorry but I'm not going to run away." He glanced down and began to run as the old man echoed out his name. Shen bounced to the snowy ground as he was looking down at the action. It seems a group of travelers where battling the black smoke off. "I guess they didn't need my help after all." He started to back away when he stopped. Behind the group, unaware of her presents stood his past. "S-susie??" He could barely speak as she stoke there with no emotion shown on her face. The group seemed to not to notice her. She then went out of her trance as her eyes seemed to grow. Images of Jack bruend his skull as he roared at the group. "Get away!!" The group looked up, but it was too late. A massive shock wave seemed to have cut thorugh the groups core. It seemed that everyone was blown from either the right or the left. Shen instantly dropped down to conforted his sister. He stood there, amazed just to see her once again. "S-susie?" Tears began to flow down his face as she stood there. "Silver Burst!" Echoed through the mountain cliff as his dead sister looked up and dodged to arial attack by the hermit. She gave one look at Shen then dropped from the cliff behind her into darkness. Rage overtook him as he charged after the old man. With one swift movement, he took Shen down to the ground as always. "Why did you do it?! She was my sister!!" He cried as he couldn't hold his tears. "You need to grow up and face destiny. She is no more, but a fossil. Your real sister is in the after-life. She would have killed you to get that aeon. That is a free ticket for the world's greatest power for the witch. The nect time you meet her, I might not be around to do anything." He let go of Shen as He laid in the blacket of snow. He let himself cry as The hermit began to check out for what remains of the mysteries group.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DimGray]Name: Shinji Ikari Age:15 Country: Japan Languages:Japanese, English Race: Human Describtion: [URL=http://www.shishogun.de/hoshi%20no%20anime/nge/shinji03.jpg]PIC[/URL] personality:His personality can best be described as: quiet, gentle, kind, passive, and introverted. However due to the influences of those around him, he has become more sociable, and interacts better with others as the series goes on. The pain of separation and loneliness, however, is still evident in his actions and feelings. Rank: Exclusive Pilot of EVA-01 - 3rd child Bio: Shinji is the 3rd child, according to the Marduk Report. He is the pilot of EVA Unit 01, which is the Test-Type model. He has been separated from his father for 10 years, and he does not get along with him well even after he becomes involved with the NERV program. He was witness to his own mother's death/disappearance during an EVA-Synchronization Test when he was still a small child. Called back to his father, he is ordered to become the Pilot of EVA Unit 01, but he hates to pilot them, mostly out of his own sense of self-pity for what he is doing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=DimGray]Shen rubbed his ribs together to keep warm as he followed the hermit deeper into the mountains. The weather was now getting severe and he was having some issues keeping up with the old man. ?Hoi, we got to find shelter soon.? He yelled as the old man stopped. He seemed to be frozen, but he sharply turned his head tot he left. ?We?re not alone.? He whispered as Shen looked up. He studied the area and found nothing. ?What are you talking about?? Shen heard a sizzling sound comming instantly as he dropped down. A huge bolder barely missed as it landed near him. Shen glanced up to see a very large man with a giant gut standing on the cliff. ?What the hell man?!? Roared Shen as that shot could have killed him. The hermit though stand calmly. ?He doesn?t understand, he is dead.? ?What do you mean? He?s right there!? ?It seems the witch has already found us. We must eliminate him before more come.? Shen nodded as the ground shook when the dead man fell to there level. Shen charged right away, ready to attack. He started with multiple combos of punches and ended his assault with a side-kick to the gut. Impacts of his fists and his mighty kick where shown on the man, but he seemed to be in no pain. Then in a split second, the puppet reformed his old body as he looked new again. ?That?s impossible!! How did he?!? Shen turned to Hoi, who still looked calmly at the situation. ?He is already dead, he can not be destroyed or killed. Immortal.? Shen jaw nearly flopped as he heard the word ?immortal. Shen turned back to his foe as he got ready again. ?I?ll send you to hell once again buddy!? He pulled back his fist, but was stopped by the beast-like power of the man. ?Give me the aeon...? He said as Shen was forced to his knees by the submission to his arm. He began to loose control of his right arm as Shen tried all his might to reverse it. ?Here?s an answer.? Shen immediately pulled back his leg and tripped to massive man to the snowy ground. Shen flexed his arm around to get the numbness out and looked at the soon to be dead man again. ?Silver Burst!? A voice rang out from behind him as a beam of phantom-color consume the puppet and turned him into black dust. Shen glimpsed back to Hoi, who?s hand had steam coming from the palm. ?Magic?? Shen whispered as The hermit put the hand in his robe. ?Come, we must push ahead, she is on our tails.? Shen was dumbfounded by the hermit?s knowledge and powers. Is he really human? Is he a necromancer? ?Shen, he must head out!? Shen nodded as they pressed on there trail. ?Elma, your brother is stronger then I thought. My minion can not handle a easy task. Find your brother and get the aeon.? Said the wicked voice from the shadows. Susie was her former life name, now it was Elma. She didn?t have to respond, but started to walk [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray] Shen drove his foot in the cold winter snow. Shen and the Hermit, Hoi have been traveling through the mountain range towards the north for a whole day. The conditions only gotten worse as Shen dug another foot into he snow. He must have been out of his mind leaving the city so soon. "Hoi, why didn?t we just drive a car?" He turned to the man, who was having no trouble with the snow. "The puppet master has many eyes Shen, we must stay out of human contact for a while." Shen just shook his head in disbelieve. Ever since he was a kid, he knew magic wasn?t real. Now this guy said a witch can control people? Insane. They traveled through the snow as it only got worse. Through the traveling, Shen had his mind set on Susie, his sister. He missed her dearly as he couldn't shake off the pain of her leaving him. Maybe, just maybe with the aeons he could bring Susie back. Is it possible? "It is not possible to resurrect the dead, my boy." Hoi said as Shen gasped. "There is no power on earth to bring her back the way she was before." "But the witch did. Why can't it be done?" "She is a puppet with no soul. When her duty is filled, she will fall apart." "Which is?" "To kill the person with the aeon. You." Shen stopped as the hermit walked past him. "Come, the weather is getting worse by the second." [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DimGray]alright, i will start this RP now in the adventure square. though sign ups are not closed, yet. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DimGray]lets see, i was thinking of north america, maybe canada because of its open land or around Asia. I would maybe say Asia for its mountains, it would go better with the story. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DimGray] Weclome to the underground thread of [I]Genesis Road. [/I] Any questions or suggestions you may ask here. Don't think of this RP as a horse back riding kind of place. This is around the timeline of 2010. Nothing really has changed. There is alot of mountains and plains in the area as winter is approaching. I will also post on who is accepted and who is not. [U]Genesis Road characters[/U] 1. Breathe (Shen) 2. Lilt- (Vala Tripp) 3. Rurouni922 (Suzu) nothing serious, but plz put alittle bit more info. thanks. 4. Sakurasuka (Sakua Watsuki) 5. Achilles (Sage Rashna) 6. Starwind (Sano Hegura) when we get around 7 or 8, then i'll start the RP right away![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DimGray]name: Shen Tohan gender: male age: 16 personality: Likes to think to himself abunch. Shen is like a leave, he goes where the wind blows him to. He makes decisions if nobody else will. He is more of a follower then a leader, but after two deaths to dearest people inhis life, he will start needing to act like a leader to face his greatest fears. appearance: [URL=http://ps.vgf.com/previews/bouncer/sion_i.jpg]PIC[/URL] weapons/abilities: He has learned various martial arts styles. He figured that learning so many, he could mix them up and keep his enemy off guard. bio: Shen Tohan, unlike other brothers hangs out with his sister alot. Susie and Jack are very close people in his life thorugh the years. They would shop, eat, and party around the city. Till one night Shen and Jack was just coming out of a midnight party when they herad a crush. Susie had just fell down the apartment they where partying. Shen heart was torn abart that night. HIs whole heart was destroyed to see his life friend, Jack found dead. reason: Shen travels with the Hermit to find the aeons and destroy them before the world gets ahold of them. He is mainly traveling to safe his sister from the famous puppet master. character snippet: [opinional][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Shen stared at the casket as it gently floated down the grave. His eyes full of tears as he allowed them to take their path down his face. He was surrounded by family members and close friends of his life. Shen had never felt such sorrow in his 16 years of life. This would be the last time he would see his sister ever again...... Or so he thought. [I] That night[/I] Shen sat quietly in front of Jack, who was drinking down his 5th can of coke. He was only 17, which he figure he could get sober over the coke. ?You know something? You where a good brother to Susie before she died.? He said as he took a long gulp of the coke. Shen bowed his head and forced himself this time, not to cry. ?I should have stopped her....? He whispered as Jack slammed his drink done. ?Nonsense! She was mentally ill. She though she could cure herself by jumping off a building!? Normally if somebody said that to Shen, he would have beaten-him half to death, but Jack was like a brother to him. As he glanced down, he saw the necklace that his sister gave to him just a week ago. That made him want to cry more. ?I think I?ll be going back home.? He whispered as he grabbed his stuff. ?Alright, take it easy tonight. Say them prayers.? Shen waved and left the shop as that night would change his live......Forever. [I]2 hours later[/I] Jack wobbled up the steps of his apartment. His mother was working the late swift tonight. He stopped at the 3rd flow and wiggled his fingers to get his keys in his pocket. He bust right through the door, laughing as he fell onto the cold floor. There was no lights on at all as he looked into the living room. There in the shadows stood a figure. ?Ma? Is that you? I?m too old to play games with ya.? He yelled as he forced himself up. Light peered from the window behind the window as Jack?s eyes widen. There covered in blood and dirt from head to toe was someone that he had just saw R.I.P. ?....S-u-s-I-e?!! How is it.....possible.? He said as there was no reply from her. The room was quiet as he just stared in shock. Finally she spoke. ?I?m..... Cold.? She whispered, her voice seemed to change since the last time he saw her. He stumbled out of his trance. ?Okay, Here have my jacket.? He walked to her and flopped over his jacket on her. Her head was completely down. ?What?s wrong?? He said as that was the last words he would say. He glanced up, only one eye could be seen as her hair was covering her face. Though he could see a evil, wicked grin over her face. That was the last thing he could remember. [I] The Next day[/I] Shen jogged up the stairs as it was Saturday, the day he and Jack go to the movies. He reached the door and knocked. The door swayed open as Shen peeped in. He open the door fully as he stood in horror. The room was covered in blood. On the floors, walls, and on the ceiling. There in the middle laid Jack, lifeless. His body seemed small, as if all the blood was forced out. ?NOOOOO!!!!!!? He screamed as he fainted into darkness. Shen opened his eyes slowly, to be staring at the full moon. He sat up quicky, still shaking about what he had just saw. Shen got up and looked around. He was on top of the mountain over Raine city. ?Finally you wake. You faint and sleep for 10 hours.? Shen turned right away to find a old hermit behind him. ?Who?? He was lost in words. ?Who are you?? The old anchorite smiled as he sat on the ground cross-legged. ?I?m just an old man and nothing more. Though, it just seems you have seen death.....Twice.? Shen flashed backed into time, but shook the poor memories away. ?My friend....Jack.? ?Is dead. Though his death is strange, for he died from someone who was already dead.? The old man was speaking nonsense. ?What the hell you talkin? about?? ?Your sister....? That impacted Shen greatly as the man continued. ?She was resurrected somehow and is now a puppet.? Shen exploded in anger as he rushed and took a cut at the hermit. He dodged with inhuman speed and kicked Shen to the ground. ?You?re a liar!! She?s dead!!? The old man straddled him and stared dead in the eyes of Shen. ?You are right, she is dead. Though her body is now controlled by a very powerful puppet master. If you want your sister to R.I.P., I suggest you go search for the puppet master.? Shen scrambled out between his legs and jumped back up. ?What does the master want with my sister?? The old man grinned as he flipped to face him. ?The necklace around you. That is pure aeon. A stone that has so much power, that little thing right there can eliminate the whole land. Think what a whole bolder size can do? Think what a whole city size can destroy? It seems the enchantress has saw this necklace around you one time and heard of your sister. She took control, to get closer to you and try to blow your mind away. Though she is not the only one wanting that kind of stone, the government is after it too. They have special teams to hunt for the stone. Even people with great knowledge search for its power.? He stopped to take a breather. ?What should I do?? Shen whispered as the old man looked up. ?The way you act, fight, and dress. I say you look like a bouncer. You seem to have also learn styles of fighting.? ?Yeah? Answer my question.? ?I have been throughout the world and trust me, there is no such place as that has the stone around your neck. Though it enhances the word, the world. I know a dangerous road to a portal that lends to a land full of aeons. I am reaching 80 and my body is not what it use to be. Join me and together w will destroy the aeons and end this before the witch and the government, or anybody else finds it.? The night became quiet after he was finished. Shen stared at the moon, thinking of only his sister. ?Alright....I?ll go with you and make sure my sister rests in peace once again.? This will be a dangerous RP. Full of mystical and gut-blowing action with romance on the way. This road is a difficult on for the witches henchmen are lethal as she still has her trump card, Susie. The government with there technically and special teams will stop at nothing to get the aeons. You will decide wether Shen can send peace in his sister and to the world or perish to the likes of evil. Sign-ups name: gender: age: personality: appearance: [pic would be great] weapons/abilities: [anything you want] bio: reason: [are you a traveler that joins Shen? Are you a friend of his? Jacks? Wanting revenge?? character snippet: [opinional][/FONT][/COLOR]
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