I for one am not upset at all towards the reactions that the Muslims have shown. In my opinion, the Danish newspaper was very foolish to release these cartoons to the public. If they wanted to use the cartoons as a poster-child for freedom of the press, it would have been better to release it on the internet. I believe that those of you who believe the Muslims should "get over it", apprently do not understand Muslims very well. The Muslims are a people who are not used to the things that we non-Muslims deal with every day, such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press. As has been stated earlier, religion occupies a great deal of the Muslims' lifestyle, due to their theorcratic(?) goverment. Which is the main reason why they are taking this issue as hard as they are. We must remember that Muslims are people, and people differ from one another, therefore, one Muslim might have found this cartoon absolutely hilarious, while another might have found it absolutely horrific, as most Muslims already have. It is not good for we, an open-minded liberal people to judge the Muslims by our liberal standards. I am not not completely condoning the Muslims actions, however, at least I understand and [I]sympathize[/I] with how they feel and the actions they are taking.