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About random-fox

  • Birthday 02/10/1990

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    wish i'd one

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  1. my mum died when i was 12... (im 16 now) how i felt then was simply shock n more shock, cos it was an accident (of sorts but i don wanna talk bout it) it came suddenly. i cried a lot at first. occasionally i still do now. its hard growing up without a mum, it just leaves a void in you that you cant ever get rid of. time'll pass, n i'll have friends n boyfriends n get married n have children or even get a stepmum etc but its just not the same. my mum was the one who brought me into this world after all, its hard without her.
  2. watching, definitely, cos watching action is more thrilling than seeing it stagnant on paper!
  3. uh.. i've some questions on soul society. all souls that go to soul society are ppl that've died in the real world, right? then how come some shinigami "born" into nobility? like byakuya n yoruichi. shibata for example, ended up in rukongai after he arrived in soul society, n was accepted into a family. even rukia was adopted into the kuchiki noble family, not "born". n i thought it was funny that there're only japanese souls in soul society. what about the souls of ppl of other races? the only foreign looking soul in soul society seems to be tousen kaname. :D any ideas?
  4. haha~ when i was little once i came down with chicken pox. my grandma took care of me but she was iliterate so she (mis)fed me medication that was supposed to be applied on the skin. x_x i would just barf about taking a dose. it was nightmarish =_+
  5. i see i see. thanks for replying ppl! ^_^ but sigh, wat a pity. i'd enjoyed reading the articles.
  6. ah! *jumps around n gets madly excited* i love hikaru no go!! i started playing go before i started reading it but after reading it i loved go like never before :D woots so happy someone made a thread bout hikaru no go. play go with me!!! pm me or smt ^_^
  7. xD funny topic. sex ed in my school started wayyy to late to be useful (at 16 -_-) i learnt most of the process from crappy romance novels (you'd be surprised how infomative they can be) n prevention n std stuff from my biology textbook ha! besides, sex ed is crap. they just tell you to do abstinance. -_-
  8. where has all the articles on myotaku gone??? sorry if there's been another thread like these or smt similar. i just wanna know... cos one fine day i logged onto otaku n poof! all the articles were gone n i was like???
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