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Ningen Hunter

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  1. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Yeah, though I love to see the fight scenes, the reenactments, and complete explantations tend to get a little annoying at points.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] They really do get annoying. I think that's why most people default to the manga. To get away from fillers and flashbacks.
  2. [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know. They left it a quite a cliffhanger. I wonder whats gonna happen next. I can't wait to see Ichigo. Wonder what's going on with everyone else too.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE=Hayabusa]Bah, I didn't want to post until 232 came out, but I'm bored and haven't had much to talk about here lately. (no offense people) In chapter 231, it was pretty interesting to see [spoiler]Ichigo in his mask[/spoiler], but it was also a teaser because they only showed him do 1 little thing. (probably because I'm not interested in the other fights at the moment.) [spoiler]It sort of seem like with all the arrancar's that are on Earth now, and with Ulquiorra MIA. It seem like he (Ulquiorra) is after Inoue. (I'm just going by when Aizen seemed interested in her.)[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
  3. [QUOTE=CloudsOnly189][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I totally agree with you, ominous-aura. I could have seen an FMA episode a million times, but I won't stop laughing or crying because I really love the show. Also, Fruits Basket, D N Angel and Hayao Miyazaki's films because all of them are so addicting and I also like the music to these animes as well[/COLOR][/SIZE].[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Green]LOL i agree. I can watch FMA so many times its scary! I am in love with the DVD's. I can read the manga over and over. It's so funny. I still laugh at Fullmetal VS Flame and still cry at Parting Ways -Words of Farewell in America- :animecry: Witch Hunter Robin I can watch a lot too. Don't know why. I still get pissed at the end cause they haven't come out with the second season yet. :animeangr There are some others but I can't remember them right now.... Oh yeah Cardcaptor Sakura too! Not that I see it anywhere now.[/COLOR]
  4. Honestly I wish I had never seen paranoia agent or fooly cooly. I could have done without EVER seeing those show. i just couldnt get with them.
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I have to say best female is Hawkeye. She has skills, is strong, loyal to the end, and takes care of Mustang. Come on she works for a playboy! Give her some credit! She makes her own way in a world ruled by men but she's doing it for the person she swore to protect. She is Mustangs greatest supporter besides the now late Maes Hughes. -why did they kill him? he didn't deserve to die!- Anyways FMA is probably the most fun and strangely addicting anime I have ever seen. I absolutely love it! I have the manga, mostly for comparison and drawing ideas and I own the DVDs. I can watch FMA over and over cause with each episode we get new revelations about past events and then we have to go back and watch it again just so I can say I get it now. Flame VS Fulllmetal is probably the funniest episode I have seen though 37 is really close behind. Things are really starting to heat up now. Especially with Rose coming back into the picture and Scar with his plans. Does anyone out there like Archer? I don't at all. Especially since at the end he shoots at Hawkeye and tries to kill Mustang.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray]Favorite FF character? My fav. games are FFX, FFVII, and FFVII. for my fav. character though. man i can't choose cause I like a lot of them. Quistis cause she's cool. She is my fav. I keep her in every battle if I can. She's also my strongest beside Squall. Squall cause he's well Squall. Auron who totally rocks! They got rid of him... they suck. Rikku well how could you not like her? She's the comic relief! Tidus is the funniest though. I love when he was first going into the farplane. LOL that was funny. Yuffie cause she's a thief even though it was a pain getting my materia back. Aeris cause she is completely and totally selfless and she as my best healer. ;_; why did she have to die! Vincent is cool too. The vampire badass thing just gets me. [/COLOR]
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